THUESDAY JAN. lGh. 1961THE CANADIAN STATES'MAN, BOWIMANVILLE. ONTARIOPAESV2 Guests last week with Mis.1i Harry Smith, Queen Street,i were her sister, Mrs. Jessie Kentner of Acton, and her sisteî-in-law, Mrs. W. S. Stuc- key of Oakville. Her nephew, Mr. Wm. Stuckey, of Guelph, was a Sunday visitor with Mrm. Smith. Mrs. Win. Cobban, Mrs.i Pred Tremeer. Mrs. Roy Lun-: ney, all of Bowmanville, andi Mis. James Hough of Scar- borough, attended the matinee. performance ast Thursday of' Swan Lake liy the Royal Bal- let at the O'Keefe Centre, Toronto. Mr. Birney Williamson, an Old Durham Boy, and his wife the former Minnie MacNeil, of 119 Edwin Ave., Toronto, cele- brated their 55th weddlrsg an- niversary on January lth last at their home. Both are in fairly good health and are able to enjoy life. Their friends and relatives here extend con- gratulations. Last week Misses Ruth Go- heen, Eleanor Heard and Bar- bl! Peterbor- 0 .hTeahrs'Coi11ege re ,Ètee1ent teachers at Vincent Ep. assey School, here. Misses « Eleanor Pickard and Barbara Brown, also of Peterborough Teachers' College, were stu- dent teachers at Lord Elgin Sehool here. Robeit A. Hannah of Bow- rnanvilhe who lu studylng1 Chemical Technology at Ryer-j son Institute of Technology, Toronto, ja particîpating n1 Ryerson',s first open house.4 Students In ahi courses will 1 demonstrate their work to the province's high school stu- dents and prospective employ-1 ers on Saturday, January 28,1 between 1 and 6 The Ted Reeves Aena Com- tnittee were hosts o! the recent Ontario Arenas Association meeting which toc place at the Balmy Beach Canoe Club,1 Toronto. Before the meeting mernbers were taken on an Trinîty Uni Min ister-Rev. Wm. K.. Organist-Mr. Arthur Col Il arn. - MORNING Wi "Deliverance Fr 7 p.m. - EVENING WC Service of "À Place 0 Sundayý 9:45 11:00 a.mi.-Junior, ImS a.n.-Nursery a.r.-Kidergarte Baby-sittlnj A CORDIAL WEI REHOBOTH 4REFORME Scugog Street, Rev. John C. Verl Mini 10 A.M. - SERV 7:30 P.M. - SERI Sunday School b. Sunday mor Free transportation for1 to attend the service before 9 p.m. Si "Back To God' CKLB, Oshawa, at 15 groups were given. âzaff Mrs. J. A. Guan and Mis.A. Hatherly have returned after Ken Maguire. Foreman A of Bowmanville's Rural ITy(lcO held a farewell spending the Christmas Season staff party last we ek at the home cf Mr. and Mârs. Dan Dudley, Orcharci-r in Toronto. Mrs. Gunn was view. Included among the 32 guests vivre local Hydre ý-iaf f mc'mbers and thers with hem daughteî, Mi. and, from Toronto, Oshawa and Cobourg. 'Jî*. and Mr.lgieàIrve in ftle near Mis. V. Lynch (Helen) o!fuuefrFoda heehewil ak terho .Tti phososM.i Rexdale. Mrs. Hatherly % ftr owasiawee hyw sak hi )me hspoo los'r wit he sos nd the .la- Maguire, lef t; J. J. Durand, Line Maintenance Super isor, Toronto, and Rexi tives In Toronto. Congratula-ý Walters, Aiea Manager. _______- tiens and best wishes are in- order, also, for Mis. Gunn *U Iovc(asioi.s pIroptur tînng %vas day o Janubadry 6, 961, hn-IS 1euI1i l 0b3"'ve(l and as a resul. a da nJnay6 91 hnSurpris r arty Hri peor control o iîand she was in Toronto. Many re- , 01V&i is undthe use cf latives, friends and neighboîsr l f n es t eSxma.Ln -ý and othur calied to extend best wislies. u n 2 t I rit 0 c"d icortrol it Delegates from 83 Units andI On Wednesday, Jarîuarv Il, table. Lipîî v a ,,ire etr 198Brache tbougoutOna surprise party int]tefom Followin- a uîi'ioii o ra.nn nte d tario of the Ontario Divsion's of a liuffet supper was held atliMr. R. H. Broadibent cf <ia u M ' 'f 011,îV Womnens Service Committee, the home cf Mr. and 1Mis.1-wa proposed a toast iù 11,r. ' '.' h'. the Canadian Cancer Society, Sidney viorden, R.R. 2, Bowv-land Mrs. Petersolnd mi tt>'t<ug 7 0 pn ,oi are meeting yesterday and to- manville, in honour cf iMr. and wvere presented %wîth a ,x day, Jan. 18-19th, for their Mis. Gerahd A. lleterson, alsotea service by 'Mir. lîti '<iv io '5<v 1961 Wonen's Service Confer- of R.R. 2, EBowianville, on the, cousin, Mi. llowai'l Shi, r of il ' h lI ence at the Lord Simce Ho- occasion of thetu 25th weddling'Uxbridge, on e al < 0 .' mi i11'.'.' tel, Toronto. Mis. W. B. Syer anniverary. prescrit. Tixeir thIrn fs one of the representatives Wlien the arlnîuvecsary couple presented theli with a ' Lrjanl ' i l attending froni the Oshawa, arrived the bride o! 25 years Susan. il lietofic1r Cîi Ontario County Unit, o! w..hich ago was presented with a cor- O Srida-,Jauay l (,î"x' inl o o«IO and t3r' fo Bowmanville lu a Branch. sage of pink carnat ions andiO.Sudaajrc'0ý n11(2fi Ontario'$ Minister of Health. the groom with a boutonnierecîsurprise partyntnrc ' , '.g .'- îti.P Dr. M. B. Dymond addressed by theïr three children. - modialte hami e oi r', îi'iD't hXiclIe.I. the delegates from the hargest The buffet taale was centred .KnehPtr.iiS. "i lx , ,..P"-o worklng army of women vol- with a lîel'y thee-ier î- s D t h iPef..te il( \ lîrdWii.Caýf.lxet unteers in the world aI the versary cake with a silver cup silver iiînîversary coLipin'c ]i'îi( 'i'ix.n luncheon ca Jan.l18th. resting on the toi) tier. White 'mums surîouiided the bases of presented with 25 u-cdi-r,£îc n.,B.har.1h:A3 COngmatuations to Donald the candie holders and the Mr. and Mrs. Petersori huititl i1i'iir(1bxri. M. Bro'wn on his recent pr*o- silver sprinkled candles cast on Saturday, Januacy i1-1,r nrî r Joh;n Criiick-' motion. Kenwood Mils Ltd., a soft glow at each end cf thela month's vacation Flocida;h<î.i'iyii Arnprior, Ont., have announe- jh ln l\r:ize e Bow-raî- ed that Mr. Brown, !ormerly 5v:.* h f ... .. j 'ymil.. f I oon iscf sales representative for blan- IWU ofl1 Kvia. Ws VWiiin!1.. g inis t ouns rni kets In Toronto and ail Wes- *( ~ ir u' lb named Sales Manager o! the A M .,,., blanket and cloth division. He -1 V. jimo'i of fi,, e -sîru'idof '7î. - is the eider son o! Mi. E.H. (Çontinued fî'om page one) (Ccntinued froîn page o>ne) , tf) rif'.r oIindjl cf Brown and brother o! Mrs. W. t tinvestments 4p)r lrni Tie î oc iii di- Braden of Ibis Town. It is Intermediate Course at tue taton,' Ilnith tlimct nev meni- alzo understood that Blain El- same institute. lie was elected teecu cuntry. Heth- r0yiî aln, Camp e liott, !ormraely o! Bowmanville, an Associate cf the Institute ctcy. thevle o nv ."in -teo;lnhi hn i v joined Ibis company a short of HospitalAmnsraosc ht h<mlieo n î'.s-ihsd Sti:trforci Van Ccu time ago and Mmm. Elliott and Great Eritain. amrent T stndp'd n-in i- C; do(,,-î. '. f I5t Wnit their !amily have since moved Fo ac,15,utlagemdeint. e for 1cs1i-,trnn'l iaid~~pis to Arnpriom front Guelph, ont. advaiîtage. o p950,ted <U April, 1956, 11\1. Holden was aadantagt er shwoteu. tý member of the business staff an'o o sottri Thesoe eain o lfe o! Brock Hall Hospital, Lan- Tho3 speaker loin fthi' x'u(i- 0j cashire, England. T[his i ,îneb'vlvrt'.S nn ta serve humanity.-Tolstoi. 2,200 bcd hospitai. He iefIte lts i]051.iiV 1 Our affections are Our life. this institution's staff te ceme cmaiy lconipaiiies, ni o n ir We live by themn. They sup. to Canasda. 1 have more th-in ,.five ur u nîî ll u amh-WlimE-Jin any01ne frmni. liec 1ttAI i.1'nicoijpî-*h' ou warnh-llimE- His first position in ms athher aet'oOf" Of' î 1.ti Cir,Cnîh xvas wih sthe Julius icrturîn-, ,divideis ri " d ti- c i!-, Richardson ifespital, Ivontreal a gi.Thc tcn ,ni' ..'rîieî :i ht1 ' x J where he was Executive Di- vnxie oîeî f "..f i ii'e'x C i if HosptaliiiApri, 157.Rî~~I M. tton on erhali uIl r,' ltiOh. . Housiander, B.A., B.D. H-olden is marîied, but deoes rnemObetS cf ihe i.»i", i' net have any childcen. Kiwanis thauiked Mc ., c i-)Ii uiO g r'11 >liuon, Mua.B., L.R.S.M. I inri oratis, cuî .i n rt- nt - - MNI-rnhers oet' 0i i r ot if To w nl iwestînrouint Ki Ca'.- i i(lcb;! .- akeil bY e i'.itea, rORSRP xt'1.o 'tegue xV t V'.i; fi ~~~ner nmeeting wlere. the na o îtin ro D rnes"S w e s president. C,' Poxe,(i].',Po1li nt' xi e. V'iîonli. rom Darkness Strcud, HarolOdatuioi ' 7 ' 'li cit I j(Centinued from page one)i Sheoparsi, Peter Sc. ORSHIP ICeuncillor Ross Stev e n s Brock W'ells and Alii .' statcd that he urîdersood tnt 1MelBacon, Nx"r Ifs m swtfroin sonne ucatvh aehrneth.v, I' î h Bs 1 Spea!(e r on the sirees is goi intioth adCrahani Terii-ri,!ý , Df Saety"thatcouncu slould know how Safeiy"many catch basins are invol-1 aed.and vhere they ai-e situ-Fa School ated. Heaskerl if the catch, Fm m r basins are the rcsponsihilitv' :reitan Seir of the PUC, or tire lîRoads an ermdit. ndSenor Strects Cîîrnnittxýe. art oduc onJ 1Councilici Ktith IaLan, rn and PrImar7chairman cf the Roadls rnd (ts du0nj1g Str<nets Conuiîtrý,e, stated ti-xatlmodern paslnre and hnlpro- tg Service the eniy way te got risi cf thse grarrn 'e. He stati d h 'i t situation egiir(iiinFg tl'e e ct defin ely payste gc xre cîf iF'. .COME TO ALL basins is to irýtal1 stîxmns nrecrop vih o ij ii re se(r- z, er.He added tire thVee s a A ,g oWv1 orp1hi n_ý_problem cf cost in ttus con- added that p rhîîs it t nectien, but e.plained that ea motant in e. tahuîi n' bleieves thîs problein %vili re hav cîop as il w v1tiî,'-i arn main unlef;s counicil under- pasture. lie urri alfîr j- ~M R ST AN much of storim instillaticn pav mire attentuon to t'hir ~mumork each year. hav pastitre programe, te <lit eaîlieî, te cin, top its'. tiandr CH R H"What point is there in In- keep the weedis uîîder control ' ' Bowmaviflesisting that roof 1ivaer lhe ADu!n i: mr n.s 1 is Le s.i sa ent tb10 Representative, leciin th.1 t ii brugge, B.A., BBD. run down the streets mini cussion cf tire rtt'hiei Mrro.'nawld ! Ister catch baýsins toothe srînitary tirat %were conduîctcddur:r" re ' oc e ia xofr"i ria sewers'" Co'.uicilioi Stevens ya.Tecoampozeîcr î u'î iemîida'tin lnquiîed. projects are designed t 1 r 'oi ric toe P'.c'.'n i Caunciior 'Stevený moved onstrate various pha.,es <x c 'ur» Fr-1r Bl [CE IN NGLISH that the oxîds a'nd Sircots proved crop producioen. ~'î.i cr-ert'-,a IC N NLIRCommittee brin- in a report ilizer tests, yieid triais cf r" 1 s1-iî".a».riar,:('ol- ta ceunicîl as te bots-mzInv varietics and demnonstriii(f hî'"e iKin,, St. East on Jan. . VICE IN DUTCR catch basins are cmpî-ing int forage plots are tire main pro- Ma I i SI>ECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK JANUARY1 Monday through Saturdc I.D.A.1 MILK 0F Pleasantly f lav( laxative tf Save 8c! 16 oz., reg. 45c 37C T. Save il 100Os, reg. 50e 39C I.D.A.BRAN~D HALIBUT LIVER DIL CAPSULES An excellent source of Vitauttins A and D ln easy-to-take form. Save 26c: Save 40e Save 80c' ili 2, 5 0 s 500%s i>-,, .1.t15'2.29 reg. a- t2c 1.89 3.49 ('hildron"s (av'ourite I.DA.. extrai t of malt and cd liver oit IDAMALT )~xehc 'gave 2eS~, 60e 1.11r ýz r ý I1 o.',.. 6120oZ. 9c -n rJ ep. 1.29 reg. 2.99 63c 93c 1.79 CCI) LIVER GIL CAPSULES 10(I's. reg. 98c - Save 19e' JA N UA Il Y SAL 7t9citu Large, Colorftil 1115H CLOTHI Openi %veave for the ltx',t s<'inpizi action. ttuy severâl at this cflnomTicfal price. 214)r 29c 'AB DRUG SALE - Jan. l6th - 2st ]BRAND NAGNESIASttiey oured . I de&Y tor eilidrea. Sa've 16c' 32 oz. reg.7e JJCOTIçILt 459C Ir Lave 21c! ~ PRICE 300's, reg. $1.00 79c SNOVWIHITE FACIAL TISSUES So convenietit for se manytie . . . as disposable handkerchiefs; for baby care, renreving cosmetics, -tviping up spilie-d iquids, etc. 400's (2-ply) - Xj~ x 91,.j ih. Reg. price Z9e bu% JA NUARY SIALE PRICE 27c, 2 F-r 49c "As useful lni your car as ln Sour home" 1.D.A. - Pink, white or yeloiv - R1eg. 2/29c' TOILET TISSUE 2/27c, 6/77c I D-% - "Fitsi-Closs" - 1 pound fin, reg. 59e FLOOR WAX - 45c, 2 Fo- 89c I 1) '. Brand lleavy Grade - 16 and 40 oz. sizes MINERAL DIL 65cl$1.25 53ci $ 1.09 1.1).A. Brand - 100-ft by 12-inch rool. Reg. 32c WAX PAPER -. 29c, 2 For, 55C I.D.A. - Pink< or Creains White - Reg. 229c COLD CREAN SOAP - 2 l'or 25c I.D.A. Brand - Box of 70 - itegularly 19t., PAPER NAPEINS 17c, 2 F-33c 15 ci. Size *Trtivac" VACUUM BOTTLE WeiI iinsîilated Ioi keep contents bot for Itours. Reg. 98c vahie JANUARY7 NYLON STOCKINGS Full fashioned. Not seamless. 51 gauge, 15 denier, Sizes 812ý to Il Reg. 98e pair JA"JLAR f SALE PRICE PLA5STIC RAIN 1RAT In earrylag pouch. Coloured patteras or plain. OnIy Sc NYLON BRISTLE BATH BRUSH Detachable liandie lets you use it two tvayb-as a lîand bruuîh or to scrub yoar back. 88C BOBBY COMB and CURL COMB Bot lfor 8c I.D.A. BRAND) "t il itv" HOT WATER BOTTLE df3iuarantte'd for 2 year., Reg. SI.99 .IANUAIIY SALE 1I'IICE 1.59 E.fferv'esc'ent, SACCHARIN TABLETS 1 9 rain .Sve 11ot- re. 55C 39c Save Z0e i1000'3 ceg. 79c 59C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 4 j THURSDAY, JAN. 19th, 1961 C031PETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE -DRUG STORES' PAGE SEVEN awa, Whitby. Pickerig and cil that the firrn will be hfir-Etchre. The prize wanners Ajax, alzo. ing labor, carpenters andwr arneLaoM 2Xn j nterimrnrcport was suli- tradesnicri. aise purthasing .U..I as s were arnc B eamoMrs . mnitted to Tox%-n Council on material. in Bowin a 'iliea Porter,' Mrs. Stewvart Crago, .Monday evenine liv K. N. m ruch as possible. anvvea" ore runos f rMrs. A. liai-ris and Mrs. Edna Morris, the Inciul-tri3l Coin- Wr a ee~dlAe o Jones. Somne tables of Lost mnissioner, it infornied council Carruthers. MPP, infrmgfl erwr iei ly n that the Town Solicitor bas council that he had receeved;aIsyVVictils thie prize winners wvere Misa reported that c o." en a n t s, a letter from the lion. Leslie~ Joan H-arris. and Keith Cry. m-hereby ]3owbrook lnvest- Rov.ntree, Minister of Trans- ý ms ucsfîEcr emn moents, Ltd.. and Glen Rae port in reply to his request, wA s lt sMcesoia Park ldeli oslucana sr D.liïy formalize their offer to'for consideration of traffieC ubhouse on Tuesday even-. ved. The niemnbers of the s-Il land in the Gleiiotroolk: control lights nt King and C Ind~tral re, ae epetedD~vsin by the Parents Counicil of lunch cornmittee %vere Mrs. lnto ýa bear exoedthi w ek. . CaiiiSruthes co. ite sawa and District Cere- R. Campbell assisted by Mrs. Thelncstral ommssin- atin tld he ownCoucilbrai Palsy School and Clinic. Roy Stainton, M%,rs. Alfred er* s report also stated thtte tht. aMn. owntrtees Icuter The convenors for the event Samelîs, l\rs. John Bothwell, Bownn'v~e tat hewere Mrs. David Clark, Mis Ms. Lavrence Leamian, Mrâ. Asoiaýiîl! iJvelopiiemsaie hlte had t u Tr lAffi Rseand Mrs. Chair-iil -eGrtshorc, ?Mrs. Char- 4t ios e- 1temle ih h rfi lotte Clarke. The proceeds are, ote Carke, Mis. David cen rnýctI- x n Janîiunrry l2th.1 Engineering Branch. and Ia !~coon pb n vlaino ti rpsdfor the school and chinie, both Clark, Mr. and Mrs. David (pub of which do wonderful work' Gray, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ai- flWflnjQ ificcnto jl i iaefor handicapped children. ber't Rose. Indlusirial 1)c~ p n ' e 1 - t s, as soon as possible. Councillori LtLd.l. its oý,u(y' t~ nd its cap- Glenholie Hughes, secondedJ TM door prize was won liy; The new executive for 1961 jinlîzation cbeen agreedibyý Counicillor Ken Nicks, Mr. Norman Brooking. The cf the Pzurents Counciil of the upon. Ilt iscMfl.ý,Cted Ihat th.e nioved that this letter be re- draw for the barbecued chick- Oshawa and Dilý,iiet Cerebrai companv's xoh,,lcxtion for in-Jferred te the Traffie Advis- ej.s was wvon by Albert Rose, j PaIsy Schiool and Clinic is as corporation v iii lie si,>ned hy rv Board. This 'vas carried. and Mrs. David Gray, New- 1 follrows: prosident, D a v i d tl -irvsiooxr 1 ri reotors. and i (O) motion of IDýputJeev ate Grav, Nwcsle st vice- filed' with the Provincial Sec-L- Ivan HoUi-s, secondied by 'Ihere were t6 tables of, pre-idcnt, Mrs. Albert Roese, reta ry, during thie iweck of Councillor Wesley Fiee, aulli- I I nd vice -pr2> iduî-,t, i\rs. Marie Januarv 1 1h" r. Morris ority vwas given to Councillor I pcinted to the Muscumi Board Gartiiore: re orclimi secret- reportd. Kcith l.nthangtîe. chiairmnan of, when it is formed. This let- ary, ' r- Dorecin Luke, Osh- - ---------- the Roads and Streets Com-, ter aise requested that the awa; rusrt.Aiburt Rose. mnittee, and the Works uer ueum building should have corresponding sec rûtary, Mis. intendent, Thomas K.Super: accomdation for permanent Ralph Camnpbcll, directors, CosukUc. art, te attend the 1961 Con- crafts rooins, reading and dis- Irý. Normna 1Harper, Mrs. Johin ventbon of the Ontario Good cussion group, daawr-Alniondi both of Oshz va, and Roacis Association. This con- shopc, and other such enter- Mrr. 'Walter Prowil. R.R. 2. .R eCeiv es vention 'viii be he]d at the 'I3s Royal Vori; Hotel, Toronto, Councillor Nicks, seconded The next benefit event for (Contiinicd firont pape cit) on February 2th, 21st and by Counicillor 0. J. Presson, the Oshiawa andi District Cere- ernment Liquo)r Store ini Bow-: 22nd. moved that the suggestions o!fj1liral Palsy Sehoul and. Clinic nlanx-ille is tex rouI id te liegini A letter fromn the Bo-wman- the Recreation Board be con- 1wi li c a dance te lic held durmg. the v:ehk ofTanuary ville Recreation Department sidered when the -Museum at the Legion Hall, on Friday, l6tlî. a-ked te have a representa- Board is set up, Thi s was, Felirua rY 171Ih, by th e Parente _This letter â,ý>urcd the coutn- tive of this departnîent ap- caîried. Council.