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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jan 1961, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT - TUSA,,18 Zion (Hope Townsh' i ë Mr. NoC.eelyas S PO0R TOpIC.S By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234 Mrs. R. o:î and Mris. C. Meaeillev atîcxîded a meeting of the Parsonage Conirnittee ?.londav c'.-eiiill,, ela'th Wclcornc Parso!.ý,?, i'rs. R. Gerovx is spending samne timne :hrlte5 a Toronto. ý,i HOCKEY DOUBLE-HEADER TO-NIGHT Bowmanville Midgets and Juveniles will be meeting a couple of top clubs Saturday night, in an exhibition double- header, starting with a Cobourg-Bowmanville Midget clash at 6:30. The Juveniles will tangle witb a highly rated Mariboro Juvenile club at 8:30. On the Marîboro team are four or five top prospects, ln the Leaf organization, wbo are expected ta advance into Gamne Ends 5 -3 the Junior division next season. The Marîboro Juveniles hae a w to e thwmileithoe ison Ichi teony heavnt e atin t a i ceioveAson, hc steo.~ e i c 'o c l Ri > . It should be quite a double-bill as the local teams get' a t P r o 5 Ga a l warmed up for the forth-coming play-offs. -t j t t tt ie usW nO e P ts QUIT PLAYING - INJURED WATCHINGGie JusW nOrP ts Lloyd Stainton must certainly rate as one of the bard-, Bowmaaville J u v e n il1 e s , two periods. Brent Hughes ing ta Alex Wiseman, Grant thwvarted for two periads, fiaally conaectcd for the lacals, Flintof! and Terry Black. luck guys, as far as injuries are concerncd. The popular milk- finally broke oase la the final,1 but while playing a mansot Play was rough, but AI man has had back, wrist and knee injuries, to name just scaring aIl five goals ta post a Peterboro scored agaîn ta Woodlack and Ken Caverly, the ones we can think of. Finally, ast year hie was forced ta 5-3 come-from-behind win over1 make it 3-1. wha became invalvcd la third giveup ocke-plying beauseof is bd kee.Peterboro Petes la a Juvenile, Bawmanville toak over ta period fighits, provcd that they giveup ocky-payig, ecase ! bs bd kce.exhibition clash, last Tuesday' rattlc la four unanswered goals, could take care o! thcmselves. The injury-jinx hit again Sunday afternoon at East night la Peterboro. las they campletcly dominated Huglies cscaped possible ser- York Arena, whea as a spectator, he was bit by a broken Petes led 1 -0 at the end of îthe play. Hughes pickcd up ious inj ury when hie vas struck stick and sustained cuts and a brokeanase. the first and 2-0 at the end af-bis second, with the others go-lia the neck by a slap-shot. Lloyd, one of the Sbamrocks' top supporters, will probably be in attendance at the next borne game, February lst. Here's boping that be bas reached the end of this undesirable ability ta attract injury. i. t i. t i. YOUNG CANADA NIGHT - WED., JAN. 25th Take - Do't send your boy ta the Arena Wednesday night when Bowmaaville's youagest bockey players will be In action. The occasion is Young Canada Night, duriag a week which tbe C.A.H.A. bas designated as Minor Hockey Week la Canada. There is also a strong possibility that the Juveaihes wiIl embark on a play-off route which they hope wili bring themn the Ontario title, on Saturday night. Three games wilh be played Wednesday night, starting, with an Atom cantest at 7 o'clock. At press time tbe opponents wcren't kaown. Port Hope meets the Pec Wees at eight o'clock, and at 9 o'clock Ajax will meet the Bowman- L ville Bantams. Draw tickets are also being sold, with aIl moacy derived from the nigbt being used ta pay for practice time, the zone playoffs la Cobourg, aad we hope - the Provincial r finals in Midland.taPcfhcky Right across Canada, from Atlantic t aiihce Toron to Beats Shamrocks In 7-3 Game At Eaist York Using" the larger ice sur at East Yrk Arena ta advantage, Toronto Macei ians came up wîth ai breaking attack ta handE manville Shamrocks a 7-3 back, Sunday afternoon be a crowd of over 800 Spe tors. The crucial four-point broke an existing dead for first place between two clubs. The Macedai now have 28 points ta 24 the Shamrocks. The evenly played Ladies' N men %vill pay trîbute ta the work being done for Minor Tescn ceueo Hockey. They wvi11 take time to pay tribute ta the mca who Ladies' Major League make passible hockey for boys - the mca wbo arc the undcrway last Monday r vohunteer workers - the managers, coaches, local heague at Liberty Bowl, with secrtaresandthe ohutee reeres. Wthot tesemcateamns posting shutout victi secetaies an th vounter efeees Wihou thse enta take the first week there would be no minar hockey. And if no minor hockey,,j Onie Etcher upset Brock, NO HOCKEY! Ia Ontario, the observance is under the, schedule winners, 3-O, m direction of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. lHayncs claimed a 3-O over Martyn. Ahl other gai O.M.H.A. President Frank Doherty and every member!Ienciedinl 2-1 scores, as of bis executive will be out ta these speciai games every night i edged Patficld, Baker del during Minor Hockey Week. There will be press interviews, cd Duna, Buday won special publicity, radio and television appearances for everyý Brooks and Beauprie dam phase of minor hockey - players, coaches, maanagers nieEcersate h secretaries, referees and individual members of the O.M.H.A.1 seasan of witbarbig72te ý@xQctýy-- thus covering cvery field o! endeavour coanectcd'folowed bv 0111e Patfield with the training o! better Canadian citizens through partici-' Hilda Bî-ock 685 and Nc pation ia Minor Hockey. Al lanail, "Minor Hockey Week la Norris 67 .9. Canada" and especially la Ontario, looks like a big weck for 0111e Patfield's 292 g the youngsters and the mca who work for them. And a' took high single honours,i busyweekfor he oficiis.other higlis going ta busywee fortheoffiial. Brooks 275, Hilda Brock Kcep Canada First . . . Support Minor Hockey. and Kay Beauprie 269. MINOR HOCKEY IS A FAMILY AFFAIR - DON'T SEND' Teaan Standings - TAKE YOUR BOY TO THE ARENA. 1 t t t 1-tt GOODYEAR HOCKEY This Suaday's games are as follows: Hase vs. Office - 1 o'chock. Mats vs. Fan Beits - 2 o'clock. Future games: Jan. 29th-Hose vs. Mats. Office vs. Fan Belts. Feb. 5tb--Hose vs. Fan Beits. Mats vs. Office. Fcb. i2th-Playoffs. Ft t t i t Onie Etcher.. Pcggy Haynes.. Doris Jal ,---- June Baker ---- Bernice Buday Kay Beauprie ------- 0111e Patfield ___ l\Iarg King -......--- Helen Dunîi------ Dot Brooks --. Hilda Brock ---.-------- Lorraine Martyn.------ 1 Averages IL AUL ZiBOWLING* jOnie Etcher----- The Teenage Bowling League was plcased ta have Mr. Hilda Brock Ron Forbes, Executive Director of the Canadian Junior Bowl- Norma 'Morris ------- Iag Council (Ontario Division), pay thcmn a visit on Saturday. Bernice Buciay He spoke briefly ta the bowlers and presented a Triplicate DEaotcrok--------- Club Crest ta Verne Chant for three identical games. This Kay Beauprie ----- is oniy the second such award ta be prcsented la Ontaria. FHelen Corden ------- He also prcscntcd the High Triple Crcst ta Tom Mason for Doris Joli --- ----- bisbolin l th Crisma Jr Mn'sSigle Turnmet.Audrey Osmond ---- hisbolin i th Crisma J. Mn' Sigls Tur ýRuby Woodward -- It was the first visit ta Bowmanviile by a member o! I Audrey Bickel tbe executive. Karen Beauprie-- ________________________________________ Shirley Bickîe --- ______________________________________________ IShirley Davis Shirley Bickell -------- "maibel Lewis ------- MONTEITH, MONTEITHE t We~stiaîce ---- ------ Wilima Bates ---------- .. ]RIEU & CO* ~~~~Dore Mutton,-- ------- \ îýncy Br3, :.ns........----- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Lin Brcînell ---------- .une Baker ------ annouince the admnission to partnersîxip Babe Brýov,,i . ----- 11elen D. nui-------------- in their Oshawa Office of Peggv a ie H-elen Nicholson BURT R. WATERS, C.A. Joyce Alrn'1En 'lelen Piper --- BnJ.W. Monteith, A. Brock Monteith, lernc e T --- F.C.A., M.P. B. Comm., C.A. Sadie Buekal Thelma Forrester---... Gordon W. Riehi, George E. Trethewey, 11arg King- C.A.. R.I.A. C.A. Barb Bathigate---- F.Lihtoo, ur R WtesEna Tennant---- RobertF.Lgtot utRWaes Shirley Greeaham C.A. C.A. Vivian Cowan------- 1 ýConnie Osnmond _________________________________________Lorraine Mry Aa Richards MlMcNulty Lola Wright Marg Perris --- ------ Dot Bond -- - --------- -LIBERTY 2-00 Games 0111e Patfield 292, 239, N' Ma Norris 238, 245, Ena TI nant 209, Audrey BiekelI Doris JolI 20-7, 2Ô9. Ena Etc 204, 224. 201, Joyce Tear 201, Shirleyý Biekle 217, Bernice Buday 227, 248, SI lev Bickcll 236, Vivian Cov 243, Dot Brooks 275, M Perris 207, EniBromeli , Shirley Davis 209, 220, He Duna 242, June Baker ý Vi ,Coole 035, 200, Sadie Bu ISNOW TIRES $12.95 and up wlth Class "A" Trade-in JAMNIESON TIRE Coronation Cafe Team, Snuffy's Boys Lead Basketball League Coronation Cafe and Snuffy's, range in the nigbt-cap, baop- Auto Body registered thei' îng 21 points ta set a nýew re- second wias in as many starts1 cord for mast points la ane ta lcad the Mea's Town Basket-:ý game. Waily Chopowick scor- baIl League. Last Tuesday cd a haîf-dozea for the Coron- aight, Caronatian downed Sur- atian crew. Top scarers foi plus Sales 32-24 and Snuffy's Surplus were Doug Woodlack baacled Stephen Fuels a slim 7, Lloyd Coverly 6 and Don 15-13 setback. Bath lasers are Martin 5. stili loakiag for victary num-1 Surplus Sales led 15-12 ai ber ane. bal!,tme, but werc able to In the low-scoring first pick up anly aine la the gamne, Ken Kelly paced the second bal! agaiast a 20-point Auto Body team with five surge by the winaers. points, while Ray Twist bit Team Standings for four. Bill Nicholson with I' L T Pts. four and Herb Ritter with Coronation Cafe- 2 0 O 4 three points, were tops for the Snuf!y's Auto-B.- 2 0 O 4 Fuels. Surplus Sales 0 2 O O DaanySeto really-found the Stephen Fuels --0O-2 0 O01 Mr. Del. W¾lî-- ,-«s ad- mitted ta the Por! Holpe Hos- pital last Saturda,. -IL,; many friends wish hlmi a speedx- re- turn ta hcalth, and ihomet, Services À&ei-e :eX at Zion Church Sunday. jan. S. at I0 arn., Rex-. Noî maî in ciarge. Communion sc:-x- c-c followced thie re.gular r ie.Mrs. C. Sundav School followed at il a.m. There was a fair at- tendance. Miss Joyce Turpin, part Hope, and Miss Elizabeth Mac- Adin, Ottawa, were visiting Mrs. Haroid Caswell last Sat- urdav - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerom- and David were visiting rela- tives la Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mî-rs. C. 'Meneilley spent Tuesday la Oshaiwa witb relatives. 1;t Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Catl-cli had dinner with Mr. and Mis. Elsw-orth Casweli Monday. m Memorial Arenc BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC SKATING FR!., JAN. 20 8-10 P.M. CrAuITUiix JLfIrA IR 91.# iace period endina 1-1 tie. In Mastters' relay at 15:49. 1 vaiea DOwuIflg aneague terfact,th amok held a However, within 43 secondsm x c wlnLe gu edon- small edge in the play, but Hughes got it back ta end the - f ast- couldn't capitalize, while Scar- second with Toronto îcading The second week jinx bit Hap Palimei --- 6 201 H O C K E Y Bow- cellos drive at 11:36 was of 4-2. Hughes and Comport each most of the bowlers in the Norm O'Rourke-- 6 195 3 set- the gift variety going in the picked up thieir second tallies Mixed League, Friday night Jim Castie----- - 6 194 DOUBLE IIEADER efore short side, which Vanstone ta give the Macedonians a as <,nly ten were over the 600 Duke Brunt ---- 6 194, )ecta- thought he had covered. Dan comrnanding 6-2 bulge. Pres- mark. Arnold Sleep reversed Matt Harrison 6 194 6:30 p.m. Masters tied the score at 14:53 ton complcted the Shamrocks' the procediire, houncing back Hilda Brock 6 19OB UR3M DG T win on passes from Lloyd Hamil- scoringonan pass fron, Cowle from a bad first week t take Bob Glanville 6 11CB U G 1IG T dlock ton and "Buck" Cowle. at 18:25 and Bell faund the high triple honaurs with a 728 Emma Bromeil 6 190 the Scarello hit again early in range with six seconds re- total. Matt Harrison ralled Ken Luxton--- 6 189 Vs. nians the second and Compart made maining in the game. 671, followed by Glen Fry- Gord Wilcox - 6 189' 4 for it 3-1 mid-way through the In the cleanly played con- 667, Hilda Brock with the Cliff Trewin 6 186' O M N IL IG T game. Cowle revived the test Toronto drew five of the ladies' high of 625, Elton jim Cox-------- 6 185 first Shamrock's hopes, cashing in seven minors. Brock-620, Art Spcer- 611, Lau Welsh--- 6 184 Emma Bromell- 610, Jim Kay Luxtan 6 183 -_______ Castie-- 606, Bob Glanville- Mary Wilcox 6 1838:0pm j60,5 and Ken Luxton- 600. Fred Luxton -- -- 6 1818:0pm aj r B w i g Ihighi for the night, wih er ViarOeRuke 6 7 MA RLBORO MAJOR ""A" JUVENILES Icj r B w i gbig games going ta Elton Mary Harrison -_ 6 177: VS. iftenll24 ub odar 2, Bowling Brock--- 274, Arnold Sleep- Aura Trewin 6 176 gte neli4,Ruby Woodard7228272. 260; Matt Harrison- 258, Pat Yeo --6 174 O M N IL JU E L S go 33 hrley Greenham 234, Martyn trounced Bats, -0 234: Jim Cox- 257, Norm Cec Mutton -- 6 1713BDW A VIL JU E L S night HldàaBrc 272, 232, Wilma last Tuesday night ta take over!, O'Rourke- 247, "Duke " Marge Hodgson 6 173 oaes 221, Heln ip er 256, undisputed pos'session of first[ Brunt- 244, Hloward Brom- Ruth Grant- 6 17 21 A MSIN - - Aut,5c tdns 5 tored Kar ,Heen Ppi 21 , place in the Legion League. celi and Bob Gianvlle- 240 Dave Park- 6 171 Booster Ticket Holders - 25c firs Forestr 20, Ky ThlmaSamis, tied for first last week,; and ladies' high of 238 by Vi Murray Grant 3 171 __________________________ vile 26, et estl ae Beauprie edged Perfect 4-3, ta slip a' O'Rourke. Audrey Sleep 6 168 'NAJNAY2n win Maor2, B H elaen 214, Joyce notch inta the runner-up slot. Etcher came up with their Glen Hodgson 6 164 SNAJNAY2n ie a 26, aelLewis d20420, Te wa pointless cellar clubsý second consecutive shutout ta Jim Thompson 6 160 ams24 aeLei20,291met with Taylor winning over take over sale possession of Ferne Bradley 6 159:1 JolMuriel Holroyd 209, Molly Yeo' 5-2, ta move inta faurthi :'::plae, ;zl Sleep re Dore Mutt:n 6 158' FAMILY SKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. overl NncyBryans 203, Dorc Mut-plc,1aneth nyoerud-M gWls --6 15 uned 1 ton 242, Audrey Osmond 211, Eraie Perfect liad abi featcd club with a 7-0 win Bob Mitchell ..._ 6 157:1HLRN' KTN 231. n~~~i-lht, sweeping ail the bion- oe id rc o mv iaLxo --6 141CIDE' KTN ________ ours wîth a 738 triple and aý inta second. On another pair Essie Cox --------6 152! WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25th - 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. new~ 348 single. Pete Dobbins of shutouts Palmer upset Mo- Mary Nowlan 6 152 ripeclose ia the battle for higrh hun ta hold third and Yeo Duaine Palmer 6 151 Children------------------------- Drma IM idge S s triîp le, with a 736 total, folloV_ kept winless Castle ia the cel- Don Bradley6 150 Aut copnigcide 5 699,, iv~ idget ~ cd by Doug Taylor 723, Jack lar, still lookîag for their first Morley Etcher 6 150 Aut copnigcide 5 Ir M'artyn 683, George Elliott points of the yaung season. Ruth Mitchell--- 6 148I ~e s n Ijf 66C, Ross Wright 647, Ross Mc-i Elton Brock's first schedule Mel Wiseman 6 147 wîth ea o s Fis Kni lit. 636 and C. Anderson wînners were sent ta their Doreen Charles - 6 146 E N S A ,J UA Y 21 Dot A crowd of aver 200 turaed 163l1, second straight loss, this time Bill Charles ----- 6 146 WE N S A , A U RY 2 h 2-2ott ac h netnlosing 5-2 ta Spicer. Marion Wiseman 6 140:1u.~ 27 ottowac te aeae Other big singles wcre turn- Teams Standing Beatrice Morgan- 6 134! Bowmanville Midgets add- cd in by Dobbias 333, Taylor w Lpts. Joan Fry------ 3 13W YOUNG CANADA I T Stufil aterlist Of vie-U65. 230; Wright 276, Elliott Etcher - ----- 6 0 14 Shirley Mohun .. 6 132: Starts 6:00 with tims at the Memorial Arena, 272 Bill Bates 262, Ken Davies 5 i 1 Dot Castle 6 131ý Pts. Saturday night. Unfortunatciy: 257' Martyn 247 and Bobl Sep 5 142 9»Helen Park 6a13 3the locals came up with their Stocker with 246 and 228. Ple ee ak6 i0ýGrs 3!- ors effort of the esn Spicer------------- - 3 3 7 Nettie Glanville 6 122Grl'B om alGm 2 oigterfirst game ta Team Standings Yeo ---------------- 3 3 7 Ruby Spîcer -------6 99scon Pt.Mau3 3 7DtThmsn6 7 2- Sofvle5- odspon Martyn 14ý E. Brock--- 2 4 5 Ladies high single- Vi,-TreH ce a e -2the fans. TM - PEW E - BNA 2 1 The visitars ran up a 5-0 Samnis 11 IL H Brock-------- 2 4 5 O'Rourke- 238.ATM - EEWE - ATA mag1bfr omnil Perfect____- 8! Bromel------------ 2 4 4 Men's high single- Glen FryAD ISO 1- iagnbfr omnil Taylor ~5. Castie --_O. .._06 O - 276.ADISO 1 got untracked late in the sec-1Btc s 2i Averages Ladies' high triple- Hilda Aduits - 50e Students 25e 1 ond period. The home team Yeo - _----__ 'EtnBok. ----_6 21 rc-65 played their best hockey la the - --__ 2EtnBck -6 21Brk-25 Children under 14 years - Free .JeNwln - 6 216 Mea's bigh triple- Arnold --othîrd, but were able ta camne Averages 0OniJe Echr o22 lep n up with onîy a single goal. 17p to and including Jan. 1 ,Howard Bromeli 6 208 ___ Payne scored the lone mar- Naine Gamnes Ave.1 Frank Mahun ----- 6 204 241' ker of the first period and P. Dobbins 24 227, Art Spicer ------------ 6 203 233 Deheys and Corner made itG. Eliiott 28d 224î Arnolci Sleep---- 6 203~ à--~a 2283 3-0 with goals at 5:08 andiE. Peî-fcct 1 2 214: ,12n Fry -- ------ 6 202 226 ý 14:53 of the middle session. K. Yeo _----------- - 45 20 222i The visiters fired a pair of J. Martyn ~ 45 207i 213' quick tallies at 19:27 and eight R. -1\icKnirflt _ 45 1. 3ý 203 gin ta 5-0. Bowmanville's R. WVright 45 - 199oo yea 198 first goal went ta Bob SleepID. Taylor -- 42 l 9Bl 197; at the 19:48 mark:, making aIF. Samis 45 197 B w in . 197 total of three goals in 21 sec-; M. Yourth -5 - - 45 197; ns o1Hnokcddt&R tce 42 194ý The Belts rolled up a big __ 194, scoringi with an early marker W ' ates 45 1 93 ý3340 total ta register tbeir1 192 at 2:55 of the final period. H. Bennett 45 191' scond 7-0 win in as many1 192 Jim Flan was tigged ,xwith four J. Gcddes------------ 33 1838 starts, Thursday night, at Lib -R E AM L 19 o h lcls oalo svn'T. Graham - 42 186 ci-ty Bowl. The Belts increas AFOU E AM L 191 minor penalties. R. Perfc'ct ---45 185 , e rla afu onsby 19() The next home gaine will R , I{ayes------- - 42 177 ,whipping the Braves, despite' 190 sec Cobolu- here, Saturday T. fteauprie - ------ 39 177 Ariiold Lobb's lofty 806 triple I ________ 630.Pl.Cilnnors ---- - - 42 176") tr a 199he pis for Arnold 1960 BU ICK 4-D r. H ardtop 187 ni.t, t 630.R (lI 42 176 Afisdthe pias199 game f Tý7! K. J)avies -- - - ---- 33 1721306 and 301.r FuIly power equipped, slightly lover 12,000 miles. Immaculate condition. 1873 P Frecly --- - --2 9 171ý After a four-w.ýay tic for!Grned ieneN.A333 rm P..rnoýn - i g --- 18 171 riiner~-up last week, the Braid-' xaate.LcneN.A333 f'7. R. Joisn 5 168 crs found thcmselvcs ahl aloneý 184 C. Andlerson - 45 167,1behind the leaders, after a 5-2! . i Th ree .-;hutouts were scored',JKîîight ý-- ---- 39 166: %in over the Lead Press. The: 177 lF rcý - Scileî-s, Biekel] Boh1) cIl- ------ 4 jC. Conibines crushied the Office19 8 C E . 2 D oc h Î7- and Buckachl won bath games'R. W--khart __ -- - 42 158 7-0 te move into third, a point AIcniin urned ies o -70 1,74 if rom Gibson, Holrayd and Pa' - N. Mlooney 36 1.53iback of the Braiders. A odto.Girned ies o -70 173, field. Richards and Lyle split J. Living, Sr. 3. 6 1471 The Fan Beits edged the, 17' their points. High score for R. Williamson 21 1,351Tigers 4-3, maviag past the Oe 0OhrM ksadM dl 1 the day weat ta Sadie Buck- W. Wallis 45 129lasers into fifth position, andiOe 0OhrM ksadM dl 171 ad, 243. She also had the H. Gibsan - 36 18 the last place Machine Shop, 11high double of 440. Other 200 1. Faton -30 î05 doxvncd the Comets 4-3. 170ý gares wcre bowled by Joyce R. Elis 30 1211 Fred Smith's 307 game edg-, 169'Lle 238, and Kay Dodds 220.G. Jones--------- 3 1141ed Lobb by a single pin for: PROTECTION FOR YOL'ItCAR THIS WINTER! 168 Team Standings high single bonours. Folow 164ing Lohb were Jack Potts 299,ý M ~ 1671 Teamn Pins Pts. Archie Masters 283, Ted Bag-, U N- A mS P A Selles ...... ... 1067 4acîl 273, 247; KarI Piper 269' Suell----------8447 4 and George Sellers 268. 1645 te ihtilswr al Prevents Rust and Corrosion. -a w 163 Patfield .-.....2666 2: ecc by Bagneli 725, Jack Bond' opeeJb-Ol 162 Richards ............ 2591 1 716, Tommy Graham 667, Cmlt Jb-Ol 61Lyle-------------.......2413 il U Jake" Brown 665, Bill H-Ic 161! Holroyd .......... ..2790 0 royd 665 and Jim Bedford 639.' 161 Gibson ------ . 2219 O The Pctuaias, latent on re- OUR BACK SHOP SPECIALIZES IN: 160 Avragesversing last schedule's stand- 160 i Pa111 e l ~.....a..... - 202 ings, la which they were badly * FRONT END ALIM ENT 'Sade Bekaîl-------189beatea, trouaced the Daisies: 1or RaiBchards.. .......'197-0 ta take a big 14-paint lead * R DA O EAR Betty Rihrd -.....-..185 lan the ladies' loop. Vyvien AD TO E IR G22 aR7nds------164 FOR Rogers was the bace bowler, , KayDodds .......... 163 R~OLY~ta hit 600 with a 622 effort.* B A E D U T RNN ant: Jen ob.......- 16 Brenda Oke's 249 game took 21JenLb ..........-11 high single boaours, followedl*~ u, ~v ,n~n n IA 201,- Doris Holr oyd ...........l8 i f by Vyvien Rogers 238, 215, and FULIJI LUUAFPLU BODY SUUF van Pat raddo, e..........-..- 154' CVEu Joyce Sellick 190. arg Dot ris .................-----Mcn's StandingsWec14 AND SPRAY PAINTING Dora Marlon G .ibso.............. 1489ries_________ 208 - 1Ps I BO_ ~5WL LTD. Featuring AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Time Available for More League Bowling M I Il, 1. - 1 1 "-. -1, - .

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