-~ __-- .--.-,-~-- i 4THURSDAY, ZTAN. 2E 6th. 1961 THE CANAD!M4 STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLE ONTARIO views- Beginners Bridge 'Bowmanville High School. Bob Stevens, Bob Marjerrison,1 Plans for thp Beginners New members are welcome, Hank Ballantine, Joe Ken-i Bridge class to ue sponsored for information phone, Jean nett, Murray Walker, Bud by the Recreation Department Sheridan, MA 3-3588. Perfect, Jim Richards, Ray' have been completed and the Dancing ClassesCrob. lnnCoseA lessons will get underway on There are still a number of eb t- You can do your part too-! Monday, February 6th, at openings for anyone interest don't send, take your boy toý 8:00 p.m. cd in joining the Recreation the arena, when next he plays.: The class will be under thp Department's Children's Dan- PeWeLau direction of Mr. Gordon Ad- cine Classes. PeWeLau a ~~who has forth Classes are held every Wed- In the first playoff gamei fwyears been instruct- nesday afternoon, and Satur- of the Pee Wee league the ngclasses at the Oshawa d-y mornings at the Lions Hawks defeated the short YW C.A. Community Centre. The Wcd- handed Bears 2-0. George Classes will be held every nesday afternoon class is un- Conner and Phillip MacDon- Monday for ten weeks, at the der the direction of Miss Ire- aid were the goal scorers for Lions Community Centre. The nie Harvey. The Saturday the Hawks. registration fee for this ten morning class is under the In the second playoff game week course will be $7.50. direction of Mrs. Shirley of the morning the Wings If you are interested in Fowler. pulled an upset by defeating joining this class please con- Teen Town the league winning Leafs tact the Recreation Office, at The executive of Teen Town 2-1 Jay Rogers and M. Both- MA 3-3335, as soon as pos- has decidcd to hold an open well (Brian Peters) account- sible. meeting this coming Thurs- ed for the Wings two goals. Dramna Workshop day, January 26th at the John Oyler (Wray Rendell) The next retzular meetinge Lions Community Centre.,, scored the Leafs lone goal. of the Drama Workshop wiîî If you feledyou can asss Paul Huggett and Wray Ren- be held Thursday, February; the executive members in any deli of the Leafs picked up 2nd, 7:45 p.m. sharp in the way please try to attend this the only penalties of the i very important meeting. garne. Minor Hockey In the third Pee Wee game 8 Since this is Minor Hockey of the morning the Canadians Week we would like to take doubled the score on the Bru- 0 this oDportunity to pay fitt- ims handing thern a 4-2 defeat. ing tribute to the men who Joe Hircock (Bill Eby), Ron- devote their time and efforts nie Sirrnpmn, Keith Keatly tIu1,AY s your boy may play hockey. and Bill Eby were thega - ©G~Many could be busy doing getters for the Canadians.« w TîIEWROI.ETOWN house, except for their grcat diff) and Rancly Beauprie -1 ~ OE TWNPRE love of hockey and their in- coulited for the Brains goals.i NON E TIC014PARE tercst in. children. Bantam League FOR ERVCE SC14Following is a list of men au ASOUPS lSCOVERY who coach minor hockey In the first Bantamn game of~ VERYRAM teams in Bowmanville to the morning the Flyers de- them we say THANKS.. . feated the Huskies 7-0. Brian B I i; Don Gi]hooly, John Fowler, Forsey (3), Don McMurter Irwin Beauprie, Cari Devitt, (2). Steven Wright and John Dick Perfect, Bert Johnston, Klarc eetega cr Bob Rogers, Bert Snowden,. ers for the Flyers. Brian For- Jim Murphy, Keith Shackle- sey of the Flycrs collected the ton, John Puk, Doug. Walton, only penalty of the game for D a Ed. Rundle, Jim Crombie, body checking at centre ice. Mike MuroDhy, Stanley Stev- In the second Bantam crame PLUM3ING-HEATING ens, Reg. Wllatts, Bruce Col- the Cubs came up with their 0 - -wel1, Jim Coyle, Grant Mal- first win of the season defeat- PZIoBURNIER DEALER Is ley, Bill Nicholson, Murray ing the Tee Pees 6-4. Bill iq el McKnight, Howie Pollard, Buday (2), John Connors, Don Smith, Geo. Cawker, Jirn Hendlry, Michael Gibbs ORONO 1782 Chas._Cattran, Harold Balson, and Peter' McCullough ac-1 ___________-_ counted for the Cubs six' K IN SM EN goals. Peter Buckler, Davidý Rogers (2), and James Mac- THE NEXT KINSMEN oe Donald were the goal scorers for the Tee Pees. UFEI CA DI GO ~JJA~ iIn the third and final Ban- SUPERCAR INGO 9110 tam game of the morning the Tiger s handed the Lions their FIAFEBRUARY 3rd, 8,30 p.m. sharp first defeat of the season by FRIDAYa 3-2 score. The win assured the league winners title for In Prizes $8 0 ) .(( In Frizes the Tigers. Gcrry Akey (2) and Kerry Dickens accounted .1udingfor the Tigers goals. Casey IncldingDenhertog and George Ball z 2,100.00 SRowball (54 Nos.) > scored for the Lions. Ec fteani picked up a penalty (A Real Bundie of Cash to Wi)Z during the gaine. ~1Afflfll H-La ackmi Atom League $1,00.0 V-Lo Jacpo [ In the first Atorn league ~ $ 0000in eg Gaes heBi~Gae fr M game of the day the Giants I$6~000 in Rpeg. Games The Brnd ew for defeated the lorbers 3-1. $400 1961 C. heVr eT zSandy Brown accounted for 15 s 91 HVRLT ail three of the Giants goals. 15Beautiful or $2,000.00 ln cash Greg Corden scored the Bom- Free(One winner must bers lone tally. Fre Door Prizes take the car). In the second game the In- L __________________dians and Barons played to a __________________________________ 2-2 jie. Ken Tabb (Tîm Tay- lor) and Randy Rodgers 19 PETII EBOROU GHI 1961 for the Indians goals. Michael I T V . C a w k e r ( K i m R o g e r s ) a n d CHEV.N M RIL C N E CHEV. i Kim Rogers (Bill McCul- IqElOBIàL CE TRElough) were the goal scorers for the Barons. Rodney Lang- K IN SM EN 'lais of the Barons picked up More Suvings autÀA&P 24 oz"~ . JAR Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins "&-SAVE 70 A&P PEAS 3 20-z ins 49 C CASE OF 24 TINS $392 - SAVE 520 ~ Regular & Quartera Reg. 2 lbs 53-4AVE I1. MONARCH MARGARINE Regular 47c 1-lb pkgs 95CSAE8 Super-Right Qucsity Meut Features! B E EF ROA STS BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVED OR SJIOULDER MEATY YOUR CHOICE SHORT or YOUR CHOICE ELL TRIMMEDc lb4 O lb 5 PRIME RIB EXTRA SHORT T AItgood, Smoed, SIiced, Rindiest SIDE BACON 1-1b pkg 359c Super Right, Brown 'n Serve. Pork SAUSAGE PATTIES 8-oz pkg 49c Fancy Quality CHICKEN LIVERS lb 49c Lean Meaty, PORK SPARE RIOS lb 47c Sweet Pickied, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS lb 57c Ail PmjceetIn This Ad Guaranteed Thraugti Saturday, January 28th, 1961 Town League Basketball Snuffy's Down Coi Surplus Knock of f Joe Markle scored 12 points, er for the Auto Body was ten in the second haif to lead ,Gord Dudley with hall a doz- Snuffy's Auto Body to a 26-20 en points. win over Coronation Cafe in J n the nightcap, Surplus the first gamne of last Tuesday Sales built up a whopping night's Men's Town League,22-4 lead in the first half and Basketball double-header. matched Stephen Fuels 14 Both clubs had been unde1- point second hall output to feated in two starts, with theý register an easy 36-18 win. win ieaving Snuffys ail alonelFor the Sales, it was their atop the heap. Danny Seto' first victory of the season,! was again the big gun for thel whiie Stephens dropped theirý Coronation club with il points. third straight.i Wally Chopowick and Glen Thç winners wvas well1-dis-, Richards each counted a pair tributed - Blarry Cowling,' of baskets. The other big scor- Lloyd Coverly and__D o ugý for tripping. In the third Atom game the Bisons camne up with their first win of the season de- feating the Rams 3-2 Danny Nowlan accounted for al three of the Bisons goals, withi Bruce Welsh assisting on two1 of them. Don Hutton and1 Brian Blackburn (Jeromne Billett) scored for the Rams. Lions Midget-Juveniie League' In the first Midget-Juven- fie game played ast Satur- day afternoon the Raiders and Maroons played to a 4-4 tic. David O'Rourke (2), Larry Welsh and Keîth Bahl accoun- ted for the Raiders goalýs. Wayne Devitt (David Thomp-1 son), Peter Bothwell, Bobi Willis (Doug Lane), and Brian Bradley were the goal scorers for the Maroons. Týhe Max oons picked up four of the seven penalties handed. David O'Rourke of the Raid- ers was injured when hit in the mouth with a puck. In the second Midget-Juv- enile game the Orphans and Comets played te a 1-1 tic. Rod Taylor accounted for the Orphans lone goal. Bob Me- Manus scored for the Cornets. Only two penalties were hand- ed eut in the gam2 with each team pirking up one. Games Schedule for Saturday, .anuary 28th. Baaitam League 7:00 a.m.- Lions vs Pirates 7:45 a.m.- Huskies vs Cubs 8:35 a.m.- Braves vs Tee Pees Pc. Wee League 9:20 a.m.-Rangers vs Wings 10:20 a.m.-Hawks vs Canad- ians 11:05 a.m.-Lcafs vs Bruins Atom League 11:55 a.m.-Hornets vs Barons 12:40 p.m.-Bombers vs Rams 1:40 p.m.--Indians vs Bisons Lions Mdget-Juvenile League 2:25 p.m.-Comets vs Raiders 3:10 p.m. Maroons vs Gener- als. Girls Broomball In the girls broombaîl gamne played last Monday aftcrnoon the Roses and Violets played te a 1-1 tie. Sharon Burgess scoried for the Roses. Daisy R1eader accounted for the Vio-[- lets tieing goal. The Roses picked up the only 2 penal- tics handed eut In the game The broombaîl game schedul- ed for next Monday, January 3th will be Daisies vs Violets. Choral Society Memnbers of the Choral So- ciety are hard at work pre- paring for their presentation of "Trial By Jury". The lead roles have alI been cast. There still is room for a few more choristers. Presentation wil take place on March 3rd and 4th at the Town Hall. Goodyea r Bowling lÇoodyear H-ockey Hose andJ Local Goalie Stars 9R ecrea lion ckei 87 Douglas Rigg Mats Win Continue Struggle For First Position The Hose dewned the Of- fice 7-2 and the Mats came frm hehind te post a 6-4 win fvr the Fan Belts in Good- ya hockey action, Sunday afternoon.Th results lef t the league-leading Hose three points ahead of the runner-ý up Mats, with two games re- niaining te be played, How- ever, if necessary, the games of January I5th , which wereý cancehled, will be played oni Fchruary l2th. Backed Up by Vince Van- stone's fine goal-tending, the Hose paced by the line ef "Buck" Cowle, 'Cint Ferguson and Sam Thompsen took a 7-2 win in the opener. Cowle set up five goals, while Fer- guson had a hat-trick and two assists and Thompsen scorcd twice and helped on two others. Lloyd Hamilton added a goal anîd a pair of assists with Ron Burgess scoring the final tally. Bob Fairey and Bob Sher- idan were the lamp-lighters for the losers. Ia the nightcap, the last place Fan Beits appeared to be on their way te their se- cond successive shutout, lead- ing 4-1, before the Mats came on with five unanswered goals. Bob Marjerrison, Bill Cros- scy and "Archie" Crosscy scoed to give the Fan Beits a 3-0 lead after ten minutes of play. "Mort" Richards got one back at 14:30, but a min- ute and nine seconds later, "Archie" Cressey got his se- cond and the last-placers ap- peared te be on their way. Legion Bowling In Tucsday night's Legion Bowling, Martyn hung a 5-2 setback on Samis in an early season battle for first place, to move six points in front of the losers. Perfect edged Tay- lor 4-3 te move within a single point of second and in the duel to sce who moved out et the cellar, Bates downed Yeo 5-2. Pete Dobbins came up with a 736 triple to, head the way, other ihigchs going to Doug Taylor 675, Frank Samis 671, Hýarold Bennett 656, Keith Yee 36BiBates 626, andEre Perfect 625. Dobbins and Ross McKnight both rolled 288 games te tic for high single. Steve Nelli- gan wvas close behind at 280, followcd by Ernie Perfect 273, Bennett 267, 225; Bates 266, Taylor 265, Sam!3 238. 227; The Combines, winncrs et Maxie Yourth 238, and Yea) the lirst schedule,, moved into 235, 233. Dobbins aIse had a a tie with the Belts for first' 245 game, place, ast Thursday night.i Team Standings The Combine crew tced off' Ptr. on the Braiders 7-0 while the j lUartyn .........- .... 19 Belts, after a pair of shutoîxti wins, wcre upset 5-2 by the' F. Samis ............... 131 Cornets. E. Perfect ...._........ _... 121 The Braves drotpped a 7-0 D.Ta'es ............ 7 ]oss te the Office, tlieir second, B. Bits....... in a rew, te find themselves in'K. Yco........... .........4 the unfamnihiar spot of the ce-' __________ lar. A 7-0 shutout bv the Tig- ers over the Lead Press, heftLake Shore Clarke the winners deadlocked with are the Office in second place. The Fan Beits and Machine, Mrs. Roy McKay and Mr. Shop each won once and ti4ýd Laveýrne Inglehart, Bronte, the other. but pins gave the: and Mr. and Mrs. Deug Rowe, Fan Bclts a narrow 4-3 de-Newcastle, spent Sunday with cision. ýMr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Ia the ladies' league, thel %Trs. Sam Powell, Miss Der- Daisies rebounded after twoirene Powell and Mr. Floyd straight shutout defeats toj Powell spent Wednesday ev- down the short-handed Pc-I enin.g with Mrs. Eber Crage, tunias 5-2. 1 Bowmanville. Jack Bond came up with a' Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams nift *y 7î2 triple and a 293 spent Thursday evening with single te take ah] the honours, Mr and Mrs. Keith Adams, for the night. John Carter i~~a rolled 719, one better than: Benny King's 718. Other big' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther- triples went ta Bill Shotterj ford and Douglas, Orono, Mr. 691, Ted Bagnell 687, Charlie. and Mrs. Keith Adams andi Vanstone 681. John StaintoniNMiss Karen Mycrs, ýOshawa,l 673, "Jake" Brown 672, andIspent Sunday with Mr. and! Howard Davey 668. rnMrs. W. Adams. Follewing Bond's 293 gam,. aster Douglas Rutherford,1 were Kingr 281, 259, Vanstonel Oron, was a visiter on Satur- 273, Shotter 264, Bagnell and, day with Master Tracy Adams. Bond 261's and Davey 260. 1 Miss Barbara Ann Alldred Peggy Frank had the bestiwas a weekend visitor with for the ladisa wlth a 247 game. Min Marilyn Qumntrill.Oroo. George Heath cut the lead te 4-2 with 17 minutes remain- ing. After ten scoreless min- utes the Mats fired four goals in five and a haîf minutes to pull the game eut of the fire. Goals by John Lunn and G.ary jCooper evened the score, Ted Fairey lut for the winner and Bill Lyle potted the in- surance tally. Fairey also had twe assists. Raye West picked up three assists in the night- cap te go one point in front of Clint Ferguson in the scoring race. Rose Mats Office Fan i Raye C. Fer Ron B Don IV Ted F Team Stanidings w L T 9 2 0 ~7 3 1 2 7 2 3elts -- 1 7 3 Leading Scorers G A West (FB) Il 19 !rguson (H) 14 15 Burgess (H) 15 13 vlasters (O) 18 9 i'airey (IM) 16 Il Bowmanville came from be- hind te earn a 4-4 tie wîth Ce- bourg in a midget exhibition tilt, phayed as the first part of a midget-juvenile double- header, Saturday night at the Memorial Arena. Jim Finn scorcd twice alter Cobourg had taken a 4-2 lead, te make manager Clarence Ok2's pre-game prediction come truc. The midget's man- ager stated that Finn would 1stay out of the penalty box and score two goals. He did just that, while turning in a fine effort. Jon Hancock opened the scoring mid-way through the opening period on a pass froni Doug Nicholîs. Milne tied it up for Cobourg at 13:40 and that's the way it stood until Nîchols comffleted a passing play with Dave Kerr and Hancock at 1:43 of the third stanza. The locals held a ter- >ritorial advantage in the se- cond, but poor shooting kcpt them from, scoring. Lenahan put Cobourg on even tcrms at 3:55 and less than two minutes later Ewart put the visiors in front for the first time. Conners made it 4-2 at the half-way mark, but Finn took over with an un- ),ssisted tally at 12:43 and the )tying marker with three and 3a hall minutes remaining. 1Grant Thompson and Kerr as- 7sisted on the-play. goals to lead the Shamrocks with a hat-trick and a pair of-assists. Playing-coach Ma$. ters was right in step with five assists. The remalning talles were divided amotng Teà Fairey, Jim Olinski, Boèb Marjerrison. Lloyd Hamilton and Bob Fa-iriey. Bo%'manville was wlthout the services of Ray Preston, Ron Pollard and "Hank' Lane. your bank under the National Housing Act for alterations and repairs to the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve- ments. You may borrow up ta $4,000 with up to ten years to repay. These boans are also available to the owners of rentai properties. *WITH A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Loans, backed by the Domin. Ion Government are available from your bank- up to $7,5W0 at five per cent simple interest and up ta ten years ta repay. These loans caver the purchase of ail types of farmn equipment and improvement ta the farm house and farmn buildings. *WITHf A SMALL BUSINESS LOAN Enquire about Government-backed lbans for Impravements ta small business establishments thraugh the chartered banks-up ta $25,00 arnd up to ten years to, repay. zý Why Wait for Spnng. FOR MOICE AND ASSISTANCE, CALL TOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFICR ES8UED BY AUTHORITY OF THE MINISTER OP LABOUR, CANADA -a THE RIGJIT IDEA - AND THE RIGHT PLACE A glance at her bank book and there', a smile of satisfaction and reassurance-the money is there wben she needs it. Like so many others, she bas learned the value of regular saving.. the safety, con. venience and usefulness of a bank account There are millions of Canadians like ber. They maintain 12 million deposit accounts in the chartered banks, 10 million of thern personal savings accounts. But a chartcred bank is mare than the best, place to keep your savings. It's the ont, place offening a full range of banking services. [t's the rigbt place te do all your banking. TH1E CHARTERED BANKS SERVING VOUR COMMUNITY <N y. "'-'"w.-. For Port Hope Squad Bowmanvi 11l e Shamrocks tep was ruined at 1:03 of dominated play completely, te tird period when Wiess H completed a passing play with Friday night in Port Hope1 Boncardo and MeKeen. but it wasn't until the final Cowîe added two more period that they could make -____________ their wide 'margin pay-olf. Bowmanvillite Jack "Red" _____________ Mantie did everything but eat the puck in the first twe per- iods, as his goal-tending ef- forts kept Port Hope in the game. However, it was inevit- able that the Shamrocks would break loose, and they did with seven third period tallies in 13 minutes to take ronation a 9-1 win. Alter a scoreless first per- the disc past Mantle on a pass F u e from Don Masters at 12:50 of Fuelshevcmidd:edsession. Three I Woodlock eaeh scoring eîght minutes later, "Archie" Cros- points, John Lunn six, andsynetd a "Mort" Rich- Don Welsh four. Russ Lai-ie' the relay to make it 2-0 at was top man for the losers, h end of the second. with eight points, while Ted Vince Vanstone's shutout Dadson scored four. Team Standings 30. dge. PNC W. L T. utoPod s Mfidget Coronation CafeI tGo 44 a Surplus Sales, 4t - 1 2 t 2; M WITH A HOME IMFI Stephen ruels, - - 1 - w o r PAGE NMN 1 1 L ËI, PROVEMENT LOAN 1 Ner