Çus p ae lisin free enterprise, the speak- A the ork Camps and the Ecu- purtruent cf Lands and o-adtruhacleta Guest Speaker Claims ~er said. "We must have pro- B ET*H A N mnical movement: the bene-lests, Mr. Youngman descie ony raatît.ur ci esap n ita noesspand tur (Intended for last week) 1 Smith assisted In serving uc fits received by the workers his early farming ventr podeistda. attract caia eepn u uc nd those te whom they go.i the Pontypool area wheehM.Yugmnsl i w output and to finance research Kathy Speller celebrated hier , to the guests. 1 olong~i the closing bene- had purchased a f arm 42 er amsm er g n D r g Mn t c u e sand development. Profit giv- seventh birthday last Monday! Mrs. Ralph Preston, Mrs. diction, Mrs. Spencer served ago, after receiving hishor-dvtshsim enreyt sures qulity, an enLadieshe Guelld and foundpehis en-ndmthaandbadiyDonalove.. Theyepasth14iryearsldhave In v est IV lc*re in R esearci, war against disease and suf- were Lînda Neals, Marlene Institute short course "Eut The Ladies' Guild cf St. run down, the good tpsube ra aifcint i v s M o e iR e e r hfering, M.Nra explained. Sih Lyndu Speller, Ge ie held a Garden Hill on, Paul's Anglican Church were1 replaced by blowing sanz n eigln elie.I1k A vote cf thanks ta Mr., Richardson, Joyce Richardson, Tuesday. 1 entertaineci at thehoe f set about to see what coudb otikta illaeDr Normn fo hisinformative Judy Lyn Sisson, Nancy Mor-ý Friends will regret to know Mrs. Robert Sisson for thi of et oreti.A T aA nO t eIn u t ytalk on a subject that is Of ton, Elaine Flett, Norma Smith,! that Mrs. Joseph Whiteside f hprmn lepatdt T a n t e n u t iimportance to everyone was J0 Anne Edmunds and Grace'had the misfortune te fal on meeting an Tuesday nighprenhepaectesondpin.btrtanIfud conest' smeiceat er om anThus-with Mrs. Morgan Bigelow the barren his and cisowa t"sdth spkeinc- ymoveci by Walter Reynolds. Smith. Games andconeiion c thrhm nTus presiding andi leading in pray- rewarded with at least oecuin Pharmuceutical manufact- man cf the International Ser- vances made in the fighit Presiedenti pcka isn e xtwre ene is m ovinicd, S fracturwin Stber righ r.s.frieadinteales Yon an vst@ro urers invest more money in vice committee, announceci against illness during the îast Mrpres mbsappfreciion tle trstkn sCrndi -1 Shei o n t oeSecretai-y Mrs. G. Went- "The conservation fsudedactanebyhepo reseach - eveloment hun tat th speaer nxt wek 20 cars s a rsuit f pha- Mr.Normn forbis slendio-pHoptalPPeterrborough,- erewortheead mnutescf pr-manduaterresorces s onecf grm conenorMrs. homa research - developmet thanaddressheCspercr sincewmov 2ngytesNestae-esurgerf pwas performe Chuanh ia viousinmeetingsanc sgave a wre-ptheomostand aortant preingeandJganinas.ePlhnsmowerempostatt - apiy other industry docs, E. will be Isaac Zany, Ghana. maceutical researth. Antibio- ton. She was also a memberý steel plate put in bier arm. port of the year's work.Teybfr th rltoa anitivlmdeorhem - H. Nor.man, Toronto, tolci the His tcpic will be "Africa To- tics useci today cost more than OdU fNetetnLdishAdaniMs.Hzebronewebs ai uebsc nwditshne samatr fpulccocrn er o oo acndcedtu Priday. Mr. Normn, director filmRYaNestietong thmen's'Institutue.hbe nrcaretakery anITUfreight; aoncoffee'surnsfortthebePariahtaorr mnnyfyears aecohave beenfofththeaforestoinaneariyrsummeha Frid' ayrnefrman recarfIlmsrnakeonaldurin the l oreagfibut teexaainglyuvvn eie irhu-aeta h aainPcii al ie 100 e h aigalw o u IDaceutical (Canada) Limited, aise be sbown. As a resuit cf the unified MRS. MARVIN NESBITT bandi are a sister, Mrs. C. E. Railway Station bere, nioved Wardens cf the Church andi landi, ith lio thouglitcfs- Mr.Jniggaetev- *as the guest speaker at the In i ntroducing the speaker war against disease life ex- Horn (Minerva) of Oshawa, te Peterborough on Monday. $15.130 te the Sunday Scbool ing the soil for future gnr- .n' ot,"olk nn luncheon meeting cf the club James Stutt saîi that Mr. pectancy bas been increased The death occurreci ut Pri- andi a brother, Roy, cf Black- The railway ceased te carry treasurer. Funds bad been tiens," saici Mr. Youngna. dtroae hn aue. helci in the Flying Dutcbman Norman was berri in Toronto, by 23 years, the speaker re- vate Patients' Pavilion, Tor-i stock. She was predeceasedi passengers and express tbro- raised with pot luck suppers, He tolci cf the Ontare Cn r.GenW wrhgv Moter Hotel. but receiveci bis Public and marked. He deait with the onto General Hospital, on Mon-1 by six brothers and two sis- ugh bere in October 1957. As euchre parties andi catering servation Rnd Reforetio"ARcpcfH pnssnte The president, R. P. Rick- High School education in high cost of research, andi day, January 9, 1961, cf Mrs. ters, Fred, Herb, Albert cf of this week the freigbt 5cr- for a banquet. Aoiato o di éby, spoke of the resignatioli Winnipeg where hee bad mov- mnentioneci the millions spent Marvin Nesbitt. Mrs. Nesbitt, Victoria, B.C., Norman, Ar- vice Was also discontinued. It Treasurer Mrs. John Palmer a group of mien who sougtn ots aswnb r.Rs of L. W. Dippeil, as Supervis- ed with bis family at an earîy in the development cf corti- who was in bier 6Mt year, baci thur, Eleanor, Joseph anci is. believeci that the station gave a complete financial re- financial remuneration buDvisn frig Principal cf the Bowman- age. He tolci cf Mr. Norman's sonte, ACTH, other hormones, been in failing health for sev- Bertha (Mrs. Stanley Mal wii1 be offereci for sale in the port, noting a most successfuî were interested li the gi'Ms dio ct hie ville and Courtice H i g ilvres evc it h t penicillin, andi the Salk vac- eral years. She entereci Port colin)., near future. yeur. They haci cleareci $50.013 cultural future cf th!sae.tebsnesssin ln Schccls, wbich bad been ac- Canadian Armored Division, cine. Perry Community Hospital on The remains resteci at the wMrs. dinPeerbospent the ysring Hlnc. t dncs n I 142undxtak<e lnd u-wr aet oc uho ceptci wth rgretbyeterantcf istsudieaatdhefUi- houli reearc ant devh- NUemb- 3Oh ani laeretearch anttdanabker unerl wekend in Pterbrougndth Paish all.eey as udrrtken f apn Shw in Marc. A hor Durham County District High versity cf Manitoba after- opinent stop the resuit woulti Toronto General Hospital on Home, Port Pemry, and service guest of Mr. andi Mrs. Haiiy Plans were matie te bolti a proximately 100 acres vn ore SadihsFrA $chcel Board a few days pre- wards, wbere bie receiveti his be disastrous te medicîne, Mr. December 14, 1960. was helt i n Nestleton Prcsby-' McMahon. progressive euchre party in north cf Port Hope, pr fOcsos ilb edFb vicusly. it will ble effective M.Sc. Degree in 1950. Norman stateci empbatically. The deceased, the former terian Churcb con Thursday, W. M. S. Meeting February. Tweive new prayer Durham County, antid tn-mayltwt isMr c et the enti cf June. He cl;;dmeti that 90 per cent Alida Taylor, was the yeungest Jan. i2th. Rev. E. Herron cf Thec Wome' Missionary bocks wil be erdereti for the ing inte parts cf Hopu niIns orno oeeoo .Tribute was paici by Pre- During Mr. Norman's years cf the drog preducts in use daugbter of the late Anson Nestleton Presbyterian Cburch Society of the United Church church. It was also decided Clarke township asfras itincrgoftedmn sident Rickaby te Mr. Dip- with Ortho Pharmaceutical he today wQet.not known in Taylor andi Matilda Drew. She conducteti the funeral service., helti their meeting oni Tuesday te make new altar frontais Cavan. Ail creek-s in thi rasrto.Ti vi ea f pell's cutstantiing scbolastic ledgeo l aspects cf the195 was boem April 8, 1901, on the Interment was ini St. Jobn's. nig-ht at the borne cf Mrs. fer the church anti a commit., are run inio tfie Ginrsatmonmetn nteUie career, drug industry, Mr. Sautt PPople refer te the bigh Taylor bomestead in the Town- Cemetery, Blackstock. Winnifred Spencer, who pre- tee appointeti te look into river and& enpt.v nto ae hrhbseetfo :0t prti l hadte ave fbeen cf ls- ptdru te ,.ut. ewa l ct of drugs, but according to ship cf Cartwright andi has Palibearers were M e S s r s. sided for the meeting. Mrs. prices and materials. Annual Ontario ut Port HÎope. 4ocokat i h ais teie ththv eno at onedoard cf Direets i Canada xide survey the been a lifetime resident cf the Bill Taylor, Amnoldi Taylor,ý Walter Rowland baci charge cf membership fees were paiti. j At this time the Gaiaak h onrnt r nieit ing benefit te bis students. 196eBor f ietosi average prescription in 1959 township. Fred Trewin, Roy Trewin,l the worship service assisted Foliowing the closing prayer Conservation Authority asated Mr. ickby epresec 1the 0, Mr. Stutt said. a 29,M.Nra tt. She attended Blackstock Lawrence Malcolm andi Neill by Mrs. Mervyn Porteous. by Mrs. Bigelow, luc wsfermeti. Land, totailiigabu' ectryM.Rap Prs hope that Mr. -Dippeil will Public service is the fimst He aIso pointeti out that Can- Public Scbool anti Ontario La- Malcolm. 1 Mrs. Herb. Coppins gave tbe serveti by the hostess, assisted 1,375 acres, was purchse ntoreigeensfrteNe continue te be an active mcm- anti ruling consideration cf adians spend three and a haîf dies' Cellege, Whitby. On No- Evidence cf the esteem and treasurer's report stating $225. by Mrs. John Palmer anti Mrs. 1 Durhiain countv for 'ý5.0erYerfo BorDictrP1s ber cf the Bowmanvilie Ro- the Pharmaceutical Manufac-' times more on liquor, four and vember 16, 1938, sbe marrieti affection in wbich the deceas- hati beexi aised for mission Charles Smith. The next mneet-1 acre. Since the- first treEpln-EhlEmro fesîtn tary Club for many years. turers Association, Mm. Nom- a haîf times as much on tob- Marvin Nesbitt, who survives,' cd was heiti were the many work, whicb was $10,26 over ing will be helti at the home ing was donc on a. bi-dlyeo-ltesc thnsfm th The presîient announceci mani stateti. He discusseti the acco, and seven anti a haitanti resideti en the Nesbitt lovely floral tributes from re- the allocation. Tbis amount ef Mrs. Carl Smith. ing guliy anti bare sant us hlrns i oit tPr that the Club Assembiy will higlh standards ef the industry times more oni amusement! farm. A dutiful and loving latives, neigbbors, f r i le n di s, bas been forwarded te heati- W. I. Meeting lin 1947, the forest bas gonIHp.teWlo aiy n be helti on March 6th. Aise anti the accordance with prin- than tbey do on drugs. d taughter, she cared fer ber Cadmus W.A., Cadmus Church, quarters. Several b all es o f Mm. Eti. Youngman, ncws- ito 7,700 acres throuhu r. ar ye frgfsa that the Oshawa Curling Bon- ciples cf commercial morality Between 1949 anti 1959 thel mother turing the two-year Nestieton Presbyterian Churcb, clothing anti quilts were sent paper columnist, forester anti Manvers, Clarke, Cavanat .rsms Getnawr i spiel wili be on March lst. anti professienal ethîcs. cost cf drugs rose 20.*7 per, iliness prier te bier motber's Nestîcton Women's Institute, for mission womk during the cametaker of Durham County Hope townships. s eevt rma solt The winners cf the heckey He compameti toctors, phar- cent but the cost cf wages death. In 1950 the farm was Cook Real Estate, Markbam, year. Reforestationi anti the west "Last summer a new% akbac nLvrtkEg dtaw conducteti by John macists anti pharmaceutical rose 70.4 pem cent, Mr. Nom- solti anti Mr. anti Mrs. Marvin anti Nestieton Neigbbors. Plans were matie for the part cf the Ganaraska Water-i was openeti at Garden Hi1 at aii Bain were W. David Higgon, manufacturers te a tripoti maxi saiti in sbewîng that the, Nesbitt moved te Nestîcton Flower bearers were Messrs. Werld's Day cf Praver service; shed, known as zone four, was' was originaliy establisheib uc assreib h anti James Stutt. Guests pre- supporting public healtb, anti ise in drug prices wvas cx- witb bis brother Elmer Nes- Ansoxi Taylor, Eaml Tewin, aise te attend the Pesbyterial guest speaker ut the Wonen's1 the Ganamaska Conservto otsusseib r.Hr sent were Robert Brown, N. asserteti that if one ef the ceedingiy little compameti te bitt. George Crezier, John Nesbitt, meeting on January 24. Institute meeting cn Monday Authority as a conseraind WteM.Gen Wnt Richards anti R. Gean, al cf thrce were remeoveti the other the ixcrease in the cost cf ail The late Mrs. Nesbitt was a Grant Brayley, Lavemne Devitt, Mrs. Edigar Beer hati charge nîgbt lut the home of Mrs. Vin- measure in its plan te r:li ot niMs hmsJn Oshawa, anti W. Elliott, Belle- two wculd net be able ta commodities in Canada dur- member cf Cadmus Uniteti Arthum Hylanti, Ross Pbiip, cf the stutiy peieti with the cent Jackson. lanti and avoiti flootiingintenng.MsEoySihex ville. function efficiently. ing the perioti. Cburch anti a faitbful atiherent Loweii Fallis, Les Gibson anti topic "Into Ail The World Te- Speaking with real enthus- amea. Wbeme once acreprseitakteMsJcso Stewart McTavish, chair-. He spoke cf the great ati- Profit is a motivating force cf Nestieton Pre s b y t le r i a n Percy Williamson. gether" anti taiketi mainly cf i asm cf bis work with the De- trickled threugh pasturei foteusofbron. rý The Canadian Statesman Save Money on Fuel This Winter ... See us for Free Estimates on Aluaminuiu Doors and Windows COWAN -~quipment, Co. 134 KING E. - MA 3-5689 MURPHY FURNITURE Store-wide Sale Home Furnishing BEST PRICES EVER 47 KING ST. W. MA 3-3781 LLOYD ELLIS SHOES Buy Now and Save 1 JANUARY CLEARANCE Ail Footwear Drastically Reduced 49 KING ST. W. MA 3-5941 Greeting Cards 27 King W. MA 3-5556 Robson Mo tors -'Ltd.e . Buick1 Vauxhall GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3M321 S» OurFine S.eldon et Ua.d Cars" 160 Church Street WHEEL BALANCING IS ONE 0F OUR SHOP SPECIALTIES Denhertog's Clothing WATCH FOR OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE 43 King St. W. - MA 3-5041 Lander Hardware CIL Paints Enamels Cilux - Super White Phone MA 3-5774 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE #STEPH EN FUELS Famous Reading Anthracite Fuel Oil - Stove Oil Fi up now! Winter Weather Ahead Bowmanville, Ontario MAxket 3-5410 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For Clean Fun and Family Recreation VISIT OUR NEW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Line Rd. MA 3-5663 It's Commng 1.. ANNUAL CASE SHOW Bowmanville Town Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 17th W. H. Brown . 1. Case Dealer PHONE MA 3-5497 NcGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED VOUE ONE STOP HARDWARE SHOP PHONE MA 3-3386 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. WESTERN TIRE& AUTO SUPPLY CO. For the Best lni: EXHIAUST SYSTEM MUFFLER, TAIL PIPES BATTERIES. TIRES. ETC. 85 KING ST. W. MA 3-3134 Let George Do It! Sec Our January BARGAINS Men's and Boys' Wear Footwear GEORGE'S (Formerly Surplus Store) 42 King St. E. MA 3-3211 J. BROUGH DURO WATER PUMPS AND SOFTENERS Plumbing - Heating 011 and Gas Ramers MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE Do You Live In This House? If you are the householder cf this home, cal ut The Canadtian Statesman Office and you will receive FREE a $5.003 cheque good at one of the places cf business shown here. BIONUS MONTHLY PRIZE POLAROID LAND CAMERA 'Yes, you too may win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simaply visit any one of the stores Iisted here for your free coupons. There's nothing to buy, no jingles to write ... simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly. The customner whose name is on the coupon will win a new Polaroid - and so wvill the merchant whose name is on the coupon. Satisfaction ¶ZMBR SHEPPARD & GILL I~I LUMBER LMI COMPANY LIMITED Guaranteed "Everything for Buliders'" For the Fineat ln TV and HI-FI Sales & Service CALL HARRY LOCKE MA 3-2312 NAPLE GROVE TV W. sell Electrohome, Philips and Admirai DO WNAN VILLE SHES & REPAIR Repairs While You Wait Repairs on ail types of Canvas 80 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 3-5073 F. A. KRAMP LTD. HOME FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS 37 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-7071 ROY W. NICHOLS Oldainobile, Chevrolet. Corvair and Envoy (British Built) Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3.3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Dealer lu Shell Productu 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-3231 MARRIS JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 43 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-5463 PHILCO now presents a revolutlonary new COOL CHASSIS TV Beats the Heat, the major cause of ail TV breakdowns! Ex- clusive air-fbo mounting of components on ventiIated base -no parts undemneath, no heat traps - Beats ail TV in per- formance, reliability an d serviceability. COLLISS ELECTERIC MA 3-5901 44 King W. DYKSTRA'S Variety Foods Voortman's Spice COOKIES-- 2 pkgs. 49e Lean, Minced BEEF -- Only 39e lb. Grade A Large EGGS _ only 45e doz. 77 KING W. MA 3-3541 HRIGGON ELECTRIC Sales and Service PHONE MA 3-3305 42 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. SPECIAL G.E. VACUUM CLEANER ]Reg. $88.503 Special $69.88 NEWCASTLE & NEWTONVILLE MERCHANTS P. G. NEWELL Lumber Company We Sell the Finest in Building Materialc NEWCASTLE 3456 LUCKY'S B.A. Lubrication and Towing Service WEiDSHIELD WASHERS INSTALLED Perey S. Luxton, Prop. PHONE 2081 NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO SID LANCASTER TOUR MASSEY-FERGUSON DEALER FOR CENTRAL DURHAM Pick up your FREE Admission Ticket at SID LANCASTER'S te the Canada Farm Show Coinsum, C.N.E. Park, Toronto Jan. 25, 26, 27, 28 NEWCASTLE CLARKE 2703 See Our GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES One week's Free Trial on Automatie Dishwashers Rl. B. RICIKARD Plumbing, Reating and Electrie Newcastle Phone 3938 PAULINE'S SPECIALTY SHOP DRESSES 5.00 Io 10.00 Newcastle Phono 2021 GOODE'IS HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Benjamin Moore Palats and Varnishes Walipaper - Floor Coverings Kitcheu Ware PHONE 3321 CAR VETH MOTORS Ford - Edsel Sales and Service Used Cars - Expert Repairs 24 Hr. O.ML Towing Service NEWCASTLE 3251 N EWCASTLEý GARAGE FOR Dependable Personcûized Service FRANK HOAR, Prop. PHONE 2671 PORTERS GENERAL STORE AND SNACK BAR S AL E Savinga teo 50% End of Lins Clearance NEWTONVILLE 1 PHIONE CLARKE ASUS0 B. . ABERNETHY Glidden 100% Latex Paint SPRED SATIN Also matchig colors ln Spred Lustre 33 KINGi ST. W. MA 3-5431 HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & Gif t Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 BO WNAN VILLE LOCKER'S SPECIAL! Hlome Freezers from $239 up 73 KING ST. W. MA 3-5578 Pontiac Phone MA 3-3388 BOWMANVILL#6KngS.E "' 0F OWMAILLE JANUARY FADRIC SALE Ses Page 5 for Bargains 5 in S. . A -1 A. H. STURROCK and SONS Lid. (SDFuel BOWMANVILLE Arket 3-5516 LADIES# WEAR BOWMANVILLE Bargains Galore at Our JANUAIT C-LEARANCE SALE TRURSDAY. :AN. 26th. 1081 C THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO 96 King St. E 1 à ICing SL L MA 3.54511