'RSVAY. JAN. 2M.t1". 98 Cordon Agnew, Edilor Phono 3621 Civil Defence's Pur pose Is to Protect Our Peo pie Co-ordinator Telis Lions metr. £Newcastle- C. B. Broad- made by Lieut. Geeral Gra- of basement fallout hleci bent of Brockville, co-ordin-: ham, the present emcinrgency As an example he samd if there ator o! the Eastern Ontarlo : Measures Organization 'vas wvare a nuclear attck on Tor- Arca of the Emergency Mea- !set up. The Province cf On- enta, warning would be given sures Organization, vas thte tarie jolned ln the organiza- lnmcediatciy and people iln guest speaker at the regular tien in 1960 and just recently New-castle would have trne dinner meeting of the Lions the United Counles appoInt- to go ta their shelter and stay Club heid last Thurslay ev-, cd a comnmittee ta set UR R there until the ail cicair signal ening. Following a delicious counties organization Th e 'vas given, in approximatciy dinner served by memnbers eof cet o! the organlzntorm is twa or three days, and it the Evcning Branch o! St. born 75%7 by the Federal Gev- ivould be sale ta corin out George's Woman's Auxiliary, ernnment,, 15% by the province again. Lions, President Harry Jose and the remainlng 10r,, at- conductcd a short busir'ess the municipal level. 'Mr. Breadbent said tc meeting, during which Jim îr rabn andc the counties orgaiization has Porter ilhe local CNR ageà nt theros being crcuedO been set up they will be or- bis trnsfrrthe bv cmusta igtis caen-garizing tlec mumiciralities in ann cmuissi tl ounce the comîniity and he said they Lindsay in the near future. 1 rvV,'vo try ta make peroPle i 'ilI be %vorkimîg throurh the Introduccd by Lion Carll beélicve their is ne use pre- local miunicipal a-dinistraition. Gou]d, the speake~r o! the; parng for survival in nue- The spDeaker said he expccted evening gave a iesume o! lear war, because evcrything that INecagtIe would be de- the activities, or inactivity o!f'vili be destroyed including signated te receive those whe civil defence since its incep- jail hurnan lite. The speaker 1 lcft the target area an dit tien by tle Federai Govcrn -!sa id tests have prove d fthe 1we,-u d be necessary for this ment -in 1948 . Uc said during' air is safe inii moat cases abeut, muni.ipalit, te be prepared te those y-ears civil cefeîtce 'a 0heurs atter a nuclear at- 1 suppl-t sheh Ier, food etc. for- enrried out by the Depirtment tack, outslie tlie fringe areaS. I the evacuces. Community Bowling Results Newcastle- ]Fallowing la' list o! thase roling scores o! maore than 200 ln the various leagues on the Newcastlc Comnmunlty Bowling Lanes last week. Manday, Ladies' League- Ruth Fauter 234, Theresa Langstaff 230, Grace Couchi 230, Dorothy Mercer 220, Bet- ty Major 219, Doreen Neal 211, Carolyn Garrod 210, Marilyn Couch 204, Eleanor Perrin 203. Tuesday, Men's League- (225 and over)- Joe Lewvis "33, Jint Carlisle 269, Earl PBvaii7 257, Doin Parker 251, d!ni Cras,-ýll 247, Bill Lake £45 Albert Peairce 233, Keni Whitney 236, George Kimball 231, Brirî Rowe 229, Deugi Walton 226. Wedniesday, Afternooxi La- dies League--- Irenie Cunning- hani 271, Luth Couch 243, Marilyni Couchi 244, AhI*ee Row.eý 230, Aresta Williins o! Healtix and Welfare. lI niFis v th e Ijoveronient.MCsog 195&. as the restîlt of a report'la recoi imendiîxg the building I tesn ievleo 2,Ja cu!ul ich baseinent fallout theiter, Thursdlay, M-ýixed Li Mr. Broadbeîît hp.ided Out Joe Lewis 2.55, Alice cards tealal present and urg- -,25, Edna West 233, M inist r Ins ailscd them ta mail a card and Fergusen 224. 13ih I Lef ee is214, fRussell A ooklct weuld be recclved 203, Jiine Pitt 201,1 NVew 1WV A O fficers cataining alI lichedetails of! Wliney 200.L building and stocking a faîl- Newcastl- The Womnan's and Corresponding Secretar-' out shelter in ftxe baReînent. FiaMxd L Association cf the United 1 les and the treasu.rer 'vere The booklets which even x p Don Parker 2516, Tra( Church held its first meeting read and accepfed on motiloni;ply the nuTxhcr an'd dirnîcn-erloes 246, Albert e cf the new; year in tne Sunt-, of! Mrs. Fisk and Mrs. Brown. j siens of ftxe material requiredVetJos 4,Mr day Scixool hall on Thtirsda, Tle President, Mrs. G. Rick-1 for tixe building of a sîxcîfer, ney 23î, Bessie Ferguý jaîxuary ltîx. Mrs. Woodi- ard suggcstcd the appoint- are nxailed free froxn Ottawa Alice Pouwc 221, Bill E land opencd flic meeting with' ment e! a visiting commlttc& te aniý-ciie sending in a card. 219, Kent Whitney 217 a 'veIl wordcd message fol- tef visit flie sick in the hes- Mr. Broadbcnt sald the shelter Broc'vii 21" , Kay Kinîl Iosved by prayer by Mrs. Col- I pital and homes. i wou'id hold food and prov- Ben Hoogkamp 214, 'viii and the singin-g ofa'Amtonb rs ikanxd ILions for 2 wceks. Mý.ay -Muiîro 211, Kei hyn.Mrs. Toms caîied for an e Tu 1 umxng u ishlmaddrcss Cuon icha rd5, 21a The scripture lesson taken ening meeting ta be beld o! the speaker urged his listen- Cunnnia i 205, eane frr cs9 e9wsread the association te endeavour snt îte hn soîeeioîh25,Gog front tActs 9: %vhefao9ne'vas;202, Rau Munira*200. by Mrs. Dickinson and Mrs. te get more of the younger. taiksabaout civil defence and_______ WVoodiand gave a lovely taik.1 ladies fa attend. try ta follow eut the imsfruc- 'Mrs. G. Rickard prcsided Mr. Jase announced thel tions that. are given. He sald for fthe business part of thei W.M.S. 'vas holdinîg a quilt- I Civil Defence or the Enier- M P t s mneeting and aftcr tlîanking ing bec on Tiîursday, and in- eency Measures OrganizatIen M ae s Mrs. Woodland fer lier me.,-1 vit -,& the ladies o! this assec- is net creafed ta friglîten Eage,. çailed on the Rcv. E. C. peoleobtn tedt potc dlandte istaî theet-1 lation ta attend. polbtrtxrt rte r.the ncwslate of efficers, cd a sel!f ,rcpared paper. on :Tcwek!Sch o Bo r.Woodland. pk bricfly Christian Citizcnship and the The appreciatlon o! the club S h o o ao the ladies wishing flîcm meeting 'vas closed 'vitix the for his fine address 'vas ex- well during the comning year. Benediction by Mrs. Wood- prescd fa Mr. Broadbent by N-eýwcastle- The N Reports o!fihe Recerdiug laud. Lion Tom Lewis. beriand - Durbani( Couixcil at its sessions Duriug the meeting Lion bourg iast weck ai Harold Gibson reparfed the Murray Paterson o! No Newcastle Scout Troop had as its rnember o! the enjoyed a trip ta Maple Leaf District Higix School i le w castle1 Hockey game ln Toronto, lr aesn thanks te fthe club who spon- Mr Paroa jsored the outlng, Lion Harold member a! the Newca said if 'vas the firat time in- lage Council, will fi cS oca atc!~side Mà\aple Leaf Gardens for c:n:y on the Dsr S o i l n --.àinso a oat of the by.Sehool Board caused The birthdays o! Lions, Allun o! Clarke Town Dr. James Fallas, a menib*r Hugh Stapleten and family in Frank iloar, Frank Rickard ________ o! the staff a! Sick Children's1 Newtonville. and Harold Gibson 'vere bon- Hospital in Torontfo, soit o! Mr. and MIra. T. C. Gatch- ored at thîs meeting, 'vitix Mrs. L. C. Falla andtheli lateecli and children o! Bowman- the fine box benefitting con- ,M ay Ev n te r Dr. Fallas,.lias ebtaiîîed bis ville 'vere Sunday guests with siderably. F.R.C.S. -Dce.grec.Itf being Fed- b ler parents, Mr.- and Mrs.I __________ cral, ftxe Convocation 'vas George Allun. hel din Ottawa, January l9th Mr. Jack Crago attended to 2st, nd r. Flli accin-the houdiceSurerryRe-ILad es ill paîîicd by his 'vife atteîided j union at the Royal York HofelLade the convocationi to receive, i Toronto on Saturdlay.I hi& degrce. He is a nepiiew e!f Croup No. 2 o! the '.Veman' a v sss ylr.Howll lowiîîd ! O- Mssionary Society o! the Un-' o:io. ted Cîxunci met'at the hom'e and familv and Mrs. H. Gil- au on Mouday afternoon. Pro- roi nier of içw-ntanville v;erc Igramscheduies wvre set T Newcaste- The Friendship Sunday guezýts xith _.fr. andi for their thrcec meetings eftulie. Club o! the Unitcd Chxurcix MvrF. C. A. Co,.%an. î year, and supply and fees 'viii be making t*-heir- annual Messrý. Dick Biersteker aîîdvere alsa cleared. Excepting Polio Blitz on behalt o!f the Waher DeVries spent a coupl, for t,>%p memnbers w-ho 'vere Canadian Marcix cf Dintes on o! day-s last week in Deliii. ill. there wvas a lull attend- Mouday evenlug froni 7 ta S. 3ir. and Mrs. George Kiiiiaxc for the xteetingwh Ich is requesteâ titat rea- bail and Joan 'vere Suîid-y 'vas nîuch appreciated by their'dents o!fihe village switch on guèas 'v itix Mr. anîd Mm.I leader. fixir porcix ligixts te Il h ie Newcastle Memorial Arena ADULT SKATING NITE Tuesday, January 31 8 p.ni. FOR ADULTS ONLY 17 Years of Age and Over Admi,-sion 35c or Season's Tickets New~castle Commutnity BOWLING ALLEYS flav e openlngs for teanis and Individuals ln league bowling APPLY TO 31ANAGER OPEN BOWLING Monday and Thursday Wednesday-------- Saturday---- -- -- -- -- 9 to il p.m. 7to il p.nm. 3 to il p.m. ~Compare These Prices No. 1 CREAMEET BUTTER Lb. 18C Lb. 66C 24 oz. Loaf Christie's Brooksids BREAD ~~Phone 17c KEL S EY'S QUALITY KEATS Newcastle 2411 for Free Deliveryr à 207. Bessie Harrison MIabel Powell Dorothy caigue.- icy Em- cce 247, y Dcwd- ison 226, Harrisonl ý7, Betty ,all 217, Slazel an Dean 0, Irene -i?%ccul- Kimbal )n 1to ardMission Band rorthum- Count les is in Ce- ippeinfed ewcastle Durhxam ýlBoard. former astie Vil- 1the va- ict Higi 1by the xence J L!hîp. Local O.B.A. Inter. Team Newcaste- Revival o!flthc eld Lakesixore Intermediate Basexball Lcague wvith a New- castle entry ia the possibiiity for ne:xt sunîmer, according te fthe information that came ieut o! an executive meeting 1o! fthe Newcastle Merchants tBaseball Club held lu the iconimunlty bail on Friday cvening. A meeting of the oId league iand otîxer iîxteresfed parties has becîx caiied at fthe Elm- %vay o!f #he volunteer canvas- 1burst Hofel in Newcastle on sers, vixo are giving frceli Tlursday evening af which o! their fime and cr.ergy te Irv. McCulougix has been ap- ixel,)ixflic fight f0 ata-np eut, peiîted te represeut fixe New- Polie. Your generous coîtri- castle Club. If is understood bution 'viii be apprcciated, that if fixe league is re-or- 1 ixen the canvasser calis at ganized and functions again yeur door. next summer, Newcastle 'viii Members o!fixhe Friexidsxip have a fearnt ntered, ifs firsf Clu wllbe aterng t~'x iIntermediate teaxu lu OBA United Church Sunday Scixoolco eitnlua urbro bail nt 6:45 on 'Moîîday fa years. i pick up their officiai reccipts Present at Frlday's meeting an dto learn fthe area o! thevere Presidexît Tom Waliace,I village they .%ill caver. TIhe I Treasurer C. R. Carveth, Sec- club 'viii 'eleoine vany other 1 rcfary Deug Walton and Earl ladies in fixe vliage 'vixo ,,-.sh1 Foster, mnarager o! hast year's ta VOIuntecer their services. bushi le.ýgue lntermediates. Newc Recreatio Publie Skating Newcastle- Compiaints ef adults, that tixey never have au epperiunity te have a good skate on fixe local arena 'vitix- ouf interferemîce frorn child- ren and teenagcers piaying tagi -i and generally rnakingc a nuis- ance vo! themacives, bas caus- 1cd tixe arena mxanagement te corne up 'vitix a plan for au aduit skating nite. A ncw cex- periment 'viii be fnied on, Tuesday, January 3lst, whien only aduits, 17 ycars of age or aven 'viii be allewed ta ! skate on fthe arena. If this adulf skating nite is successful, fixe arena man- ageirent il plan ether sucix occasions in fthe future 'vixcî fixe aider folk 'viii be able fa enjoy a night of skating 'vitix- eut the usuai interferences. 'Tuesday's attendance 'viii be used as a guide ta !ind eut how mnany aduits linfthe vil- lage and district are really lztenested in public skating. Miner Hockey The Cuba and Rebela cf the Sends $85 To Presbytery Newcastle- Thie regulari meeting affixe Mission Baud 'vas held lunfixe Sunday Scixool1 hall o!flice United Churcix on Mouday, Jauuary l6th, with a gaed attendance. The meeting 'vas opened 'vîihfixe iüssion Band Purpose and business part o!fixhe meeting., Thie ncxv President, Debbie Darling 'vas in charge o!fixhe Hymn.1 Other new members o! fixe Exectîtive are Vice President, Elizabeth Pearce; Secretary, Frances Hoar; Treasurer, M-%ar- gie Zwier. Thie minutes o!fixhe Deceni- ber meeting 'vere read and- fixe rail cail takeu followed by fixe treasurer's aunual re- poart which sho'ved $85.46 had b cen sent te fixe Oshawa Pres- bytery. Thxe new Study Book, IlInt o ai fixe Wonld 'vitix fie Bible" %vas intreduced by. Mrs. Pow-, cil and 'Mrs. Gray read flic story, "Missing Wonds", wbicix told about a boy naxxîed Peter and bis mofixer and fafixer lu Mexico. Tixe worsixip service 'vas: cauducted by Mrs. Powell, dtîing 'viicix fie chiidrcn icarued 3 Bible verses and a new hymun, IGod loves ail Hîs cblidren." M.%rs. Fluto!! anxd Mra. Boîen helped some o! fixe ciildren make a scene, .!ronî fie study book 'viilel otixers put puzzles fegether and played a couple o! gaines. i Thie meeting 'vas adjouriied 'vitx fixe childreu caci reý,eiv- ing a treat and a capy of the' Mission Baud M aga z i ni e. ",Worid Friends.", HAMPTON' '~ e 4le I 'ixe annual Sunday Sciiool' :asti Imeeting 'vas hcid lufixe ncwý ISunday school rooin on Thurs- day evcning, Jan. l9th, at 7:30t n R eport 'vti eleven present. Meeting 41 Repo'vas calied fa order 'vitix La-' verne Clemens lunfixe chair. Newcastle Miner Hec k e y Thie minutes o! last meetingc League pla3-ed a ixard fougixt, 'vere read and approved. Elec-, high scoring game ou Monday tien a! officers wxms held. Thcy! evcîîing January lth 'vhicb are as follows: Superintendent, cndcd lu a score of 7-6 in fav- Mr. Harold Balseîî; Asst. Sup-, our o!fixhe Cuba. erintendent, Mr. Laverne Cle- Geai scoreî's for fthe 'inners mens; Treasurer, Mr. Jack' v'ere Jini Alldread tvho per- i MTacnab; Secretary, R o n n i e farmed fthe hat trick with Luke; Assistants, Barry Cie- tbree counters; Fred Alldread, mens and Miss Louise Ternili. Barry Watt, Rau Geode and Temperance supf., Mrs. D. Glen Rowe with one goal each. Two players scored the sixj goals for the Rebeis, Terry Walton and Peter McCuilough bath performing fixe bat trick, scaring 3 goals unassisted. Ou Tixursday night fixe A i' 3 Newcastle Bantam Ah-Stars bU 3.33 'vere hast ta fixe Bowmanville fer Bantams. The Bowmanville feamn proved fao much for fixe 5IA locals taklng home a 4-1 'vin. Undauntcd by Tixursday's S lama fhe local Bantam Ail- Stars jaurneyed fa Orona on Saturday meruing whiere a real good close game w-as played with the Iccals return- ing home on fthe short end ci a 2-1 score. We Remerve the Rlght to Limlit Quantîties. Garden Fresh, Finis Hcadm Delmonte Drink - 48 oz. tin NE CBBGE2/5Pineapple Grapefruit 29< U.S. No. 1 Grade Cal!fornla's Finei GRAPES, 'st Empror Dole Cruslied, Sliced or Tidbits - 20 oz. tin 2 Lbs. 35c FANCY PINEAPPLE V.S. No. 1 Grade m - - Snow White Heads Chicken Noodie or Tomate Vegetable CALFLW La. 25c IT N S U I FOR' A Salad Favonrite LP O SS U I Green Onions 3 Beh.27c KBBLE OR MEAL ICA DOG FOOD You can win a beautiful SHEARLING LAnE Rà UG FREE! At Each IGA STORE ENTER AT THE MEAT COUNTER! Mlonarch Regular margarine 1-1b. pkgs. 2forf49gC Frozen 40 Fathom Cod Fillets lb. 31c 8 LI. SAC 33 ç 45, Choice New Zealand Lamb LAMBDhl 7 lWhole LAMB LOIN lnkO Roast, Chops or Stew LAMB in the BASKET Presh Frylng Chickcri Cutm LEGS or BREASTS Econoinical and Nutritiou SLICED BEEF LIVER TableRite WIENERS Lb. 29C Lb.- 21C a mLb. 59c 1 iLb. 45C Lb. 45C SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanville IGA Market DO WNANMVLLE aONTAIO Toms' IGA MarketrnwcAks. ,onTaIo LEGS Ibo FEELATotal $2Bonus of Tapes WITH Free $6 Bonus Tape Green Glant Fancy Peas 2 'tins Llquld Mir Detergent 2 Extra Delergent <'S ze MGA Assorted Checolale Candies ~ 111111 Free $2 Bonus Tape IGA Nippv Swlss or Reg. Royal GoId Cheese Suices ~~ IMAC. & CHEESE, CHICKEN or DUTCH LOAF and PICKLE & PIMENTO TableRite SlIeed Cooked Meats "0" Can. No. 1 CookinuOnion 1lb. Cookng Ononsbat Frozen [Birds Eye Peas PAGE 0 . a TIM CANAVIAN STATESUM. 307;1t&xvmtzl ONTARIO eq Hall Misionay Sut, Mss em and the sale of Christmas L. Terril; Cradie RollSut.,ards. they had assisted witIr W hitby Club Hl:Mssoay supt issCong regational M eeting the organ fund and other don.- Mrs. T. Miv. Chant; Music com- nittee, Mrs. K. Caverly, Mrs.! aios hiprenpojc V St r or M Mounitcy and Douglas Heish building of a new cioa# Deel PoetoHrr cý Id a eVa y Ch rhrom ithe church.& Reelis and Jim Widdecombe; H l en n Mrs. Winnifred Spence3 BadmintonSunday Schooi Representa~lTeana ogeationHndroi Ral treasurer of the Sunday Schod tOfiilBoard, Mrs. B. çi. Th nulci ,ý stated collections and dona- Newcastle~ The Wh"ltby lens. Meeting closed with the meeting of the United Church'Charles Weatherxlt. Earl Wea-.' tions of $380.85. with $233.p Badminton Club 'vere guests beniediction. , vas 'veli attended Wednesday, therilt, Edwin Challice, Dennis spent for studv books. attenXr of the local Club in a Round Rcnl pone fies Jan. lith. Rev. George Rich- Challice, Harold White, Georgeý ance pins and'badges and cona Robin Tournament recni ecently ofte A ppotinled officaes ardson was in the chair and Scott, Donald Scott. 1 tributions te mission wark in the communîty hall. th1dl BbeCas r:led a brie! devotional service.! Choir Leader, M~rs. S. L.i and the Ontario Council of re- The oun Roin aa i-1President. Mrs. M. Mountioy ; Secretarv Earl Weatherilt read* Spelier; Organist. Mrs. Clar- ligious education. Earl Wea- Thet aRoud Rorn for ah lst Vice President, Mrs. }Ieim-, the minutes. ence Rowan and Mrs. Reg. Ed- therilt la the superintendeil. Whitby club alter the first Hall:,st ertrMs er ..aea.ceko udassat with Mervvn Porteous as as- roun whch ws 'on y Bi M.Moutjoy; reasre r Tthe Session, gave a report of The reports heard from ail, sistant. Tenchers r Ms Lakeund Ben Dicison. RutBilavMeron ClemTes rMrs.; their carlier meeting and pre-. the groups danoted a year oi!j Preston Neals, Mrs. Crelghton Boatha and e aDcknsnRhd- M. B. Klens n Teachers,isented the foilowing siate ofiprogress and an increase iniCarMs uryWlo' BoahnadPu ihr-Ms .KlesadMr. Haroldt officers, which 'vere duly. church attendance. Rev. Rh Mrs. iucrat ilso Me son wvon over Ed. McKimn and Balson; Social Cornmittee, r.! elected for 1961. ardson stated 116 memberonHb.Cpis s RsDa John Pluister. Clarence Yeo and Mrs. Luther Session Eiders: Henrv NM the church roll . wth 89reids~f1eb oin, Mrs. s cs Da- Following the Round Robin Allun; Cards, Mrs. Fred Payne. Jakeman. clerk; Allan 'Beer,!dent. He commented on thel Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beer anlq the local club served refresh* Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount-' Donald Lowes. M.ervyn Por- 1 growth of the church and ex-1 Mrs. Edgar Beer. ments and a social t! me 'vas Joy attendeci an entertainment.; teous, Harry Prestor.. George! pressed his thanks to the Ss Mrs. S. L. Speller gave 9 enjoyed by bath clubs. Shouldice Surgery, at the1 Waddell, Earl Weatherilt, H. l sien for its co-operation,. as, report of the choir activitie§. Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on L. Challice Clarence Rowan. xvwell as te ail the officials of~ They had sponsored a progrart Saturday even-*ng. Mr. Mount-I Stewards: one year, Carl; the varlous groupa. given by the Peterborough Ijoy also attended the banquet. orteous, Mansel 'Wright, Rossi Mrs. Preston Neals, treasur- 1 Coventry singers, purchased J. C. PorterOn Sunday thcy visited Miss ý Davidson, Ralph Preston, Pres-! er, reported ail accounts paid . new music, newr collars fô'r Rose Mountjoy ond Mr. and! ton Neals; two years, Harold! and a balance on hand in the, choir gowns and contributed I MIrs. L.orenzo Nlountjoy Nes-'1 White, Chiarles Weathenilt, Ar-, general treasury. noting the $100.00 te the organ lund. Re ev s1tletort, thur 'Wright. Crcighitoni Carr;ý proposed budgret for next year Clarence Rowan. reportinif pMr. and Mrs. B. Killens ancithree years, Edgar Beer. Dr. S. A separate fund had been set, for the Cemetery Board which ro otonfamiiy visited relatives ati L. Speller, Charles Preston,' un for the purchase of the nev bas kept the Cemetery in good P o o i nBloomfield on Saturday. Mr. Thomas Jennings. !'electrie organ a year ago and repair, stated a balance où Foster returncd to his home Trustees: Charles Weather.ý this debt of $l,525j.0O'vas now hand o! $1,082.00. Newcastle- James C. Par- alfter spending a couple Of' l't, Vincent Jackson, Weston'paid off. Earl Weathcrilt gave an at. ter, local C.N.R. station agent weeks with the Kiliens. Hutchinson, Mansel Finney, MNrs. Walter Neals gavre acount of the Parsonage Board ince 1956, has received a Clarence Rowan Glenn Pres-l detailed accounit of the Wo- work. Miin expen dit ur e promotion ta the position of Mr. Jas. A. Werry, Ennis- ton. George Neals Murray Wil-liman's Association fi na nc er, through the year had bee]Ï frelght agent for the cempany killen, vlsited Mr.. and Mrs. A., son Addison Scott_ i They hti.as3ssýted with dona- nem, sand points installed 'i in tne town of Linds.3n.. Mr. Pr e.'oIt on Fridai. Scnr11r:v of Cin-grecation.'jirfs Io 1ibe Pirsonage trus-j the welI te provide more wa:" Porter says lie 'vii be going Màr. and Mrs. Johin Cnriiin irî Wcathcrîlt; Tre a s ur e r, teez. the Ponrrd of Steo,,ards,! fer, minor repairs to steps and te Liindsay almtost iimmediat- ,. - M. Prestn Neals; Parsoc)nge the orcpn hno. sent flovvers, some interior decorating. ReVr. eiy, but 'vas not sure of tîhe Mrs. Jint oodlev, T.vrone, on Board Committee, Mrs. 'Man- in cases of bereat-ement and Richardson stated that the emict dlate nt thc tinte fi Saturdayý.% i sel Finney, Earl Weatherilt,ý sunshine boxes to sick and Presbî-tery Board recommcnd- writing. il Mr. tind Mrs. W. Harrison H Ielnry Jakeman and Mrs. Carl; shul -ins, donations te mission, cd scliing the present parson- Whie r. orerexpet ad Kim. Coiborne, arent the, Porteous. Wý.ork. tvith total receipts o! age and building a new one- te e aknguphi nw ~,v eekendwith her par *,tIr.! Cemetery Cornittec: Char-', 1$ll'4.49 and expenses amoeunt- This matter 'viii be dealt with, tes be Linsay i aew dt and Mm. G. Adcock, and unar-, les Weat h ler i 1 t (chairman),? inçg to $895.09. further at a meeting of the Mrs.~~ý, PotrMddyr.M W. Harrison (Sr.) and iWMilliam Rowý,-an, H. L. Challice, 1 Mr. T. Jenning's secretarial entire Manvers Parish Board.., st.Po--r n aylîghou ni ssFnnerThonas Jen- report also showed a year oni Mrs. T. J. Jackson, treasurer their nresciit home in Dow- Perry were Sunday visitors at'nings, Herb. Neals, Weston outstan0.incý programas in re- of thie missionary and main- niavîleuniltIe umerAdeco-k*s. 1-Ittchinson, Clarence Rowan. licious instruction, listing thc& tenance committele, stated that holdas.S3,mpr )thiv ;s cxtended teý Auditors, Ross Davidson and1inew __s1ate of officers for 1961: total receipta for the year had Mrs.- A. E. Billett and the, Glenn Wcntworth; Representa- with Mrs. Carl Porteous as1been $699.75, which had been lir. Porter commcnced bisq fomiiy in the death of hus- tivcs to Presbyteiy Meii's president. iorwarded te headquarters. service -with t he Canhdianlbind ard fath'Žr. The fmnriilCoueilc Ralpl flowan, with M-%rs. Hcrb. Coppins and1 Charles Weatherilt and Viti- atonal Railw,ýays as an as- ýservice vwi held at the cxurcli Creighton Carr as alternate; Mrs. T. J. Jackson outlnd etJcsno h rse sistant operator at Westport 1fn Saiurday afternoon' and Communion Stewardess, Mrs. the work of ithe Women's Mis-1 Board gave detaîls of the pur- in July 1927 and 'vas lro-1tvas very largeiy attenaddlit J.C. Cumimiskey. sionary Society, w~hich had chasing o! a new electric înfra-. mnoted to agent opcrator . i relatives and frieîids who Cub and Scout comnittee sent ý225.00 te Presbytery red radiant heating sx steni fei 1929. Dîring the depression camie ta pay their last respects representatives. Orloe Wright, headquarters. With a mcm the church, nstalled during years o!fihe '30's Mr. Porter t, one who was hîghlv regard- Edgar Beer:, Editor of financial bership of 15 they nad sen, the past two xweeks. This unit was laid off dite to staff re- ed by al. Being o!t a rixendly reports, Mrs. Ross Carr; Mi5- three balles o! clothing and' costs approximately $l,975.00. ductiens, and in 1940 wras indi cheery jispos,,on and a sionary and Maintenance coin. quilts for missions, had held The dedication cci emont 'vill taken on ;agpir. as a Spare hielpRil ncighibor, he will be nîîtte 2drs. T. J. Jackson, 12 meetings during thc year. be held Sunday, January 22, Board and Relle! Agent. Du r- much m issed in our village and Earl VWeatherllt, Donald Lewes, Ross Neals, president o! the at 11:30 a.m. ing the intervcning years hie community; 'also church ac- Mervyn Porteous. Hi-C Club, reportcd 13 mcm- Following the closing prayer hins served fotir ycars at Un- tivities wherc lie tvas faithfui Sextan. George W a d d e' l; bers under the leadership o! by Rev. Richardson, a social- oprtra ûvnnville, nn yerasnt in attendance. Buriai w as it Ushers, William Sheen, cîtair-lMr. and Mrs. Allan Beer. With heur was enjoycd, wxth lunchi opeaf r t Bwmnvile tw lte Hantpton Cemeery nian, Garrcth. Wilson,_Murray revenue from their PA sys-_scrved by Woman's Association. ycars as freight agent at Smith Falls, and four and lonle *.,,. hall years lit Newcastle fol- lewing the retirement o! P.-.. ; F. Hare in 1956. At the time o! writing noebas edeso UYRd Sz appointmcnt bas been an- as Newcastle agent. We xayi G rCi have more ta report on titis, r É4 ,.5- next wcek. r ef u a 1 Whyte's PURE LARD