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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1961, p. 12

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PAGE TWP!T.VU R tJ J Vr.L Raepayers Het Toronto Lawyer Property Rights The special speaker et the The speal meeting of the Derlington problcm of Ratepayers Association held ing. For rr on Saturday, January i4th, in was none at Hampton was R. M. I. Chitty, ficials tendt Q.C., Toronto. E. R. Lovekin, extrerne, hie Newcastle, a xell known owners by u lawyer, and an associate of etions are ab Mi-. Chitty, was also present. interests. Mi-. Chitty is prominent in He reminé legal cii-des, and is also the ers Associati author of a number of books. tion must bg .During World War 1 he ser- of ail. He u: ved as a Pilot Officer ln the ýta fight the Air Force. He bas been ac- cornmunity tive in tbe Praperty Oxvners didates for Association in Taronto for 25 receptive ta yeers, it w-as stated et the majority, an( meeting. 'lete accordir The right of property is the IMi-. Chitt: fundemental difference bet- i that the cos 'Ween democratic government ishould be b( and comrnunism Mi-. Chitty as- vince. This, serted. Democratie systems childi-eu of4 ensure certain rigbts ta pi-o- opportunities, perty bolders, and under this, lie inforru type of government prapertyj thet local Ra cannot be taken firn its own-1 tions cari k ers without compensation. 1smiller pirv The importance of strong in.Iion associa, and united onganizetions xas, iat iois give e'nphasized by Mi-. Chittv. istrength and He added that an organization' ongarizations, lbas influence on polîticians Chitty renir because it is realized by thein thet the DeI that it represents the mcm- ers Associati bers and their votes. with the Pi-c NqONTEITH, MONT RIEHL & CO@ CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN announce the admission to par ini their Oshawa Office of BURT R. WATERS, C. Hon. J. W. Montelth, Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. Robert F. Lightfoot, C.A. A. Broc] B. Col George Burt R. C.. PORT HOPE LIBERAL ASSI and DURBAN COUNT! LIBERAL ASSOC IAI PUBLIC MEI NONDAYI JANUARY nt 8:30 p.m. TOWN HALL, PORT1 Report of Delegales Io Nalic BRUCE POWE Executtve Director Ontario Liberal GUEST SPEAKER EVERYONE WELCOMI LUNCHI WILL BE SERV B. H. HUTTON Presîdent Port Hope Liberal Association E. R. Pr Durha Liberal GO.@@ regardIess Of FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING LET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES De-Skiddin gigves you 25% mole traCtion, hlcteoSes tire lfe 15%. Drive safely in Pm end slush - your tires need not b. en. FOR HEAVY SNI LET US CUT SI Do owoy with choins - end snow cleots on yow yull pull you through i OnIy' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JAN. 26th, J"a i sociation of Metropolitan Tor-Ir~L , president Mrs. E. Crydermanl EPITAPH onto. -IHIgm.y L3IteeIId in the chair. Aftr r.Chjtys ddrssa iMiss E. MeKague from Bsow- to a dear Aunt-Alida Nesbitt cira ' question per- manville presented sldes ofUnea of Nestieton owas held. Mr. Chitty and Prinlcipal iH re for-31Yut me raica.ofthee inYou set your burden down Mr. Lovekin answered the Ji s eervaigo helf i od luvsv onuris Rio de Janeiro, Buenos.Aires,, ne od luysy Theure s atouhds Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador aildi Only to find a joyous crown Teewsatoogdis-al Panama. We were ail thrilledi And I'm sure a reason "why". cussion of the Darlington L..15to see two or three sldes o l I Townishlp $400 land separa-iL * W e ip p, ~ E eil s etiri n g 1is oisMlîo oisaYour Kindness can never die, ieLn tax, which fhas been res- i missionarv in Bolivia. Miss None will forget your smile, ker discussed the cincled some time aga. It wa LoiW.DpelWh as McKague'is a high school tea- From your happy heart, a sigh- municipal plann- suggested that ail people who JLusW iplwohsce nBw' n a utrs o itewie nayyasteebdbe fetdb hshad an outstanding record aschri omnilan a utesfraltl w l! tayyas hr ax sbould writed to th Dr-Princip al of Bowmanville taugbt several of our students t i, n owo:ta hol riet teDa-HghSholsnc 99,hsfromn here. --By Marion Ford to go to the othr ington Ratepayers A.-socia- High edhol sigine129 tas'nod thheee e- claimed. Property tion. the Durham District High Miss Patricia Davis favoredýejydwt h vrwl iniinginorgni- I ws anonce tht tedeed isresgntio .us with three fine selections orne cup of tea, sandwiches,mu uiigi ra.zi a none htaSchool Board. This year Mr.c b1e to protect their siate of officers will be pre - Dippeil is Supervising Princi- on the accordian. cake and cookies served by set d oth mmbr a tepal of Bowrnanville High Another higiilight of the the hostess and lunch cm ided the Ratepay- next meeting of the Darling- Schooî and of Courtice High evening w-as the presentation mittee. A vote of thanks was io ha rgnsa'on Ratepayers Association for School. o ofeiae n aa ie by the president to ail ALTIG e for the benefit ratification. The president, ziere oM.adM-.whoheiped in program and TRNG rged the members Robert Tremble, resigned re - The board has most regret- Chaere ack or. Mr J0ahnd rrid nwimuso ABOUT OUR SERVIE ýe battles of the 1mitmets, t w tated. S fully accepted Mr. Dippefl's CalsNyo.M.Jhîare nnmul.AENC men, i~va sa. u-,Knox, in an addres_ýzto Mr.i We were present et the' and ta suport can-i gestions regarding nomina- resignation. It il become ef- and Mr-s. Naylor, said our Homne and School meeting election, who are cently because of other coin. fective on June 30th. During cL;uit vi1 ufeRalsshedUnCato cUoTo the wisbes of the1 tiens for the executive of the his 31 years as head of Bow- by thei at ufre. aWe wsh Tedain Jantoary l7th h Wa idwowl ei-ognzto o h oigmanville High Scbool Mr. yterdprue ews usaJay1t. ThesTU ydwowî egi- ra nizationfortahe scom ing hsbenhgye-Mr. and Mrs. Navlor e\-ery guest speaker was Mr. Rus- ýear were asked tobesb- ipe hsteenshighes- success in their future. Mrs. sel Honey of Port Hope. He Rice) ny ais adocte i ted by any resident of Dar- tee d the stuents, their Wesley Yellowlees and Mr. gave a very comprehiensive - )st of education lowing te bsnsao adctd ington. 1prnEatLakasse intead lub akuo the 'Y orne by the pro- Flo h uies i.peetain Liability of Prns we woldesue hmeeting a delicious lunch was Mr. Dippeli graduated from Ou etmeigwl e children corne in contact with woud nsreail Or ex meticywh e equal educationall served. the University of Toronto the law. There are times when s, he' clairned. with the Degree of B.A. in - oileeigFbur 7b parents meet up with such a -nd isauiece ~1920. His studies at the uni- with Mr. and Mrs. Clarenceidifficulty and this worth-, tepayes Assoeca- Neslefln ialion versity had b e e n inter- Vice's grup in charge. jwhile talk may help in solv-! atpyrAsoi. N srupted by World War. Dur- I ing saine problerns. Lunch D ii ia addo- Rcncaer withMran ing this war hie enlisted in . was served to conclude a very e viti ns. domafi-MRs.Bce Hleslip herMr th'le 25th Battery, Royal Can- u-t1~ipleasant evening. LD ,e a d d i t i oa adM.Frn MaclOhadnAtieradsvdI Sunday School w-as hield et EETIC im» I~ ~ ~ a Feeist oa w; M.adMs îlo o orankd aalaofmars. InThe regular monthly meet- i r.Ol 3wr r~n CONTRACTING REPAIRS î, et stad. Mr.a addition. ndtarsbisltonars of ser- ..igo h ..wshl'o The early storrn kept ni nle bsaeMr.' BaIl, Toronto; Mr. Rupert By- vice in France, bie also saw a- 'a, One birthday was hion- ine i er :crs, Boxt'mauiville; Mr. and acinWt b lidEpd-ed.. January l8th. et 2:30 awY.-=1FI rlington Ratepa- MsMelville Bradburn, Sask-,i tion to Archangel. ln this un- p.iHhehm f .M r ess- Thiofstrappy id REFR IEIo-ERVcIC PY Mrs. ~~~~~~ton Henderson, There were' ans.Ti bp 3ug MTOR-AIESLRIC ertys OwnliersA-lh Ine. Li.nd s. Mldertaking lhe fougbit againstI Louis W. Dippell 13 menibers present. The chaiir'mani celehrated bis eîgbth T-ADIO -APPLIANCES ___________ As-vile_______inday the Bolshevik Russians in - idav.SudySho a Mrs. John Werry and Mr. several engagements. the attic. Scice is Mr. Dip- lard. He is activ nMeoinataknb uenwpei-udySeolxa 'FdentPfor 1961,wmMrs. Lloyd conducted by superintenden Frd bip f owanile A pll~ special subject, and eireles, and is a member of George Harness. were Snday vsitorscoinpleting bis Arts - M -,arvin._____________________ Eer I'1'H, esbr itn Cur Elmer and Marvin Nebt n ore et the University of throughout the years bis in- 1 the Bowrnanvi]le Rotary Club., Ted Lennard. Toronto, Mr. Dippeli studied struction has been of bene- BeLa em r of Trinity Thrae metng ened02. Th Doug Davison was -home t the College of Education fit ta bundreds of students. United Church and takes an'pae n ym 0.TeThe frm aero Chlg fr for a year. He started bis ex- During World Xar il, Mr. active interest in church work. scripture verses, St. John fro Waerlo ollge or heceptionaly successful teach- Dippell, who xvas a Reserve Mr. Dippell's wife is aiso 1 -1-1) verse were read by Mrs. ~~TS weekend. ~~ing career at Vaakleek I-igh Officer, served with the Head- 1g Sho ecle.M.haod s ihorer bL es o ý;SMr. and Mrs. Bill Weston School in 1921. This was sit- quarters Company of the Mid-' and Mrs. Dippell have thre Traough esonithvprayer by Mrs.A.NI 0F LVONTIPEAIL and two children of Bowmnan- uated in Vaakleek, Ont., about land Regîment and attaîaed childi-en, two daughters, Peg,' ,Letk Ae.ritSon; vocl due rtniership ville were Sunday guests Of haîf way between Ottawa the rarîk of Major. In 1957, MNs. E. B. Menzies, Clintez, teLitSin"M. Mr.andMrs Cal Elit ad ad Mntralanother large new wing of! Ont., and Marion, Mrs. R. R. i Helen McHolm and Mrs. ANNOUNCES 4 David. Bowrnanville High School xvas, Muirbead. Sudbu ry. Their 1lryBcet.Asotpe iMr. and Mrs. Bruce Free- Mr. Dippell also taught at opened.1 only son, John, graduated read by Mrs. M. Henderson, 1 loe ofPetrborughvisited the High School in Kincardine In 1929 wben Mr. Dippel from Grade 13 last year, and!- entitled 'God, let me be .A. lier father Arthur Hulbert on and later at Renfrew Colleg- first becarne Principal of Bow-, is now working in a charter- aware", concluded the devo- S e~ x ,Iin Sunday. iate before coming ta Bow- manville High School it had 1 ed aceountaat's office in God- tional par t of meeting. e *d& kMonteitb, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- mnanville. He was appointed six teachers and under 200 erich.I The roll caîl by secretaryFO soni were Sunday dianer Princi p a 1 of Bowmanville, students. Now the sehool has Mrs. Dippell is a member Mrs. Ana Harness and ans-FO mm. CA.guests of Mr. and Mrs. Char. High School in MeY 1929. T he i45 teaciiers and 950 students.! of th e B oard of Directors of wered by payîng of fees for E rtee, les Smnith, Blackstock. year Mr. Dippeli startedm*here J sialso i r n r..A. okMsth is e in fteHg preseat bas 38 teaching areasRs rorninent member of of the December meeting were C..F. Irvine (nee Joyce Reid) School was built. two gyrnnasiurrns, and an as- the Wornen's Hospital Auxi]- read and adopted. Mrs. George Waters, and Kari borne ta London During bis first year et sembly hall. iay. Mr. and Mrs. Dippeli, Harness, treasurer, gave the A ~~after a visit with ber mother. owavle ig Sco, Ever since be first carne tea have bath been active mein- annua.l report. Saine "thank Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- while construction of the wing, Bownranville Mr. Dippell lias bers of the Bowrmanville Dcd- you" notes were read and anPrpitrofm uacung land visited Mr. and Mrs. was going on, the temporary bena ieading miember of inton Club for a nuinher of invitation ta join with Can- wooaeo ealtae n Fred Wllan, owmanvlle, Sience oom wa locatd in ithe BomanviletonbrW.MBo-1 onarTueosday,.SManehueTOyWHOM: serviceservic erntrrsisss aving XVilaBowa nvillgMr. uetcec omwa oae1nte omnil irayB-yes 4tb, was accepted, grosrevenueflot excseding afters'ettendin Mrs. Ruert polL.... nWdAs The February meeting will 8250,000 per annum. o CIATIONr' uSrl nd0 Ledp 1LO N.on\VdeAay be held at the borne of Mrs. *,.........~..... !Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCabe, Rev. Ricbardson conducted Harry Beckett on Wed., the Purchane or Improvement of Lotus. the election and installation The annuel Ca ngregationali healh O h e r retiremnt thîis lsth, prograrn ta be arrangedFO WHT .upmnormrvmetf Mrs. Reid Dickey spends of officers of Manvers 'V.A. meeting was beld on Thursday. year. by Mrs. Wm. McHolm andFO H : qpmnorIrve ntf Y the school week cering fo eld at the home of Mrs. nighit w-th Rex erend F. 1. St-rn M I son 'iioved a votei Miss ]Beckett. premlss. !th for hilrenofMr.and1 ougasLogan. Reed presiding and Mrs. Wes- of thanks ta organist Gladys, The president esked for eu@..'".o..'..908. ..". i Mrs. Nelson Cochrane of This writer was one of those ley Huiis as secretary for the Yellowlees, choir leaders; Mrs. ideas for making money as rio 1Shirley, while Mrs. Cochrane attending the Warden's El- evening. Reverend Reed gave Don Taylor and Mrs. Wesley aur bank balance is pretty HOW MUCH: Maximum loan: $25,000. teaches et Port Perry Publie cto on Tuesday in Cobourg. his report for the year 1960,ý Werry, the choir and thle care- poor after so much spent in Revoo.Gead rban l- We were pleased ta see Reeve statîng that there were 161i takers for their services. Mr.ý repairs ta Sunday School. ..... ... Rev.Gerad GrhamIn-Brue Ashton of Cartwright new members received into 1end Mrs. Cecil Pascoe also re- After much discussion it was rand1 Mr. Hoertr o we lr o elected. We do hope that the the church, seven baptîsrns and, exdtak5frkni re- decided ta bave a play as HO LNG Mxmum 10 paymsn r.Ho epresent new Rond Commisinwill tr o eatns. j1 t...el....nt et the annuel meeting of Nes- see fit ta give Manvers saine Wes. Yeilowiees, c h urch1 munion service for severaÉi wth Mrs. Win. McHoIm as ~ **m*~ 301 1tleton Preshyterian church on much needed consideration. treasurer, reported a balancel years. director and Mrs. Frak An WHERE: At any branch of the B ef M. 3111kFriday afternoon when satis- Th ~It wa decide<j ta have a derson and Mrs. Harold Os- factory reports were receiv- Mr. Elgin Budd of Simncoe of $873.49. Te Mi~ssonaryl pborne conveners. Members ed from ail departments. was a business visiter in aur and MaIintenance giviags fori norninating cornmittee draw Upvean The annal meetng of es- vilage onthe weeend. te year ere $35.76 which' a slate of officers ta be pre- i were also asked ta sv n U h r~Some h tleton Ladies Aid was beld .ad Mrs. Andee Lind- is an increase over lest yeer.1 sented et the next congrega- Jcouiots Ca. Gift Cu. ymaof l usndese lsonAt h et the manse on Tuesday af- quist and familY of Newa-Terpr fteCe1eytoe etn.351 and the usuel collection li 130PE1 ternoon. Acknowledgenents ket were Sunday visitors Witb Board reveaied e balance kf During a social haîf bouriconcluded the business ses- ~""B N FlIN R.. xver recive fro Re. Mr th Payes.$212.43 with two inter'rents. i Mrs. Arnot Wotlten conductedý Rudd for the Bible Society Mrs. Alvin Olan and lher The Trustee Board report a contest and lunch was ser- 1 A reading, "Important taI'D 1 ona Ealy donation, from Armagh for mother Mrs. Worr attended show-ed a balance of S1438.09.' ved. I the party line," w'as given by & «44 7&W va"4gg onal B lly ia quiit sent recently and from the funeral of their cousin ln The Three M's group reported Thle final meeting of Saline,1 Mrs. Harold Osborne; "An the Scott Mission for clotb- St. Catherines on Thursday. a, balance of $94.48. Murray Closet Caperettes was held et Ancient Prayer" by Mrs. Mor- ing and food farwarded. be- Mr. and Mrs. Alf Jobnston vice, Sunday sehool treasurer,, the homne of Mrs. R. Eakins. J tan Henderson: reading, "A Bwanville Brancb: JAMES BEL, Manager fore Christmnas. A letter wes plan ta leave for tbeir home told of a balance of $428-21. ýTbe 4-H piedge xvas repeated Happy New Yeer", Mrs. Frank read from Mrs. Fisher in Fior- in Florida on Jan. 3th. Harvey Yellowlees, Sunday e nd folloxved by the minutes Anderson; and two contests Assoiatfnrom ndfol k reme ne s Our local Hockey Teem school superiatendent, report-1. te revious meeting. Rail conducted by Mrs. Harold Os- Oshawa Branch: JAMES McCANSH. Manage Crimfs m e nd a dontinadpae e gmsls ek ed that Sunday senool wes! call, "The record' book coin- borne concluded a very plea- exprssin ofthaks foînTbey broke even on the first heid 38 Suadays iwith an av- ,ee" a nxerdb i etpogan h iph WOocc wS N IHCANADIANS IN IEVERY WALK OF LIPE SINR le"1 Mr.Hri n h Nsit twa games but baven't beard erage atteadance of 83. Four the girls. l'he girls practised B3enedictiouil unison ended S u VED. f orrvng lnch the Nbtme their fate on Saturday. With meînbers bad a perfect atten- the skit for Acbievernent DayI the meeting. ,of r s.rvin nesit t'sunoeoal c hebysar la-dance, Karen, Breada andiwhile sorne worked on un-iTe-oalhfhurws LVEKIof eral. Mri sit u-ng lcatheir he o sgaelan- Janice Yeilow]ees and Shirley i f inished articles. Pet Knox _________________________________________ Mr. isVffreKerbon etville. They are holding a Westlake. There were 28 other then denonstrated how ta rm Conty fra uitn tiscmg dance ta raise much needed merits for attendance. jdeludybg.Abfe 1 Asoaioen week. Mrs. Gilbenk- donated funds. Plan ta attend or give The Aduit Bible Class have vsejydb i h * Asociaion severel more cups and sauc- themn a donation, a balance of ý2.84. Reporting grs ____________ ______________ for the Explorer group xith1 Mrs. Don Taylor rend a' ers and Mrs. Wolfe was thaak- 15 mnembers, Mrs. Bruce Tink i Temperance story et Sundey - i ed for ber donation of Christ- M, ^ flýmam o toid of a balance on band atilSchool, Sunday morning. staeren shwsa ubtan Ao~~eyer'ý FanAvvsR iLes E Yh beMIuEe, r 1dMsJWry:Cnregational Repre-! lest week for a short vacation' PONTYPOOL ScamnoClfamiîy tos, Mrs.Joehnode n Hoar iliison wbo under-, 1960 FORD - $150 Dowi Mrs. George 'Tbresber, Kinig, Mrs. Ross Cryderman; Flower1 went surgery in Bowmanviile' Ou letresideat, Mr.i St. East, attended the 26th1 Committee, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Hospital on Friday is rnakiag 15 L S 15D w Robert Halboran, wili be cele-1 Opening of P a r 11 a m e n t, Pearl Leach.1a tifcorovn95 OL SS $75D w brating bis 90th bi-tbdey in! Queen's Park, Toronto, onl Msi oxîitefr.Do i. and Mirs. James Rider 0W DRIVIN a levdays. This well ioved, Tuesday of this week. Taylor, Mrs. Wýesley Werry, and girls. Port Perry, Mr-. and 15 O TA 10D w 10W DRVIG gn lenanisvey atie ith -s eb craylf Miss Giadys Yellowiees; Mis- M1%rs. Rayrnond Osborne and 15 O TA 10D w ful1 use of all bis feculties. lest week atter an extended sionery and Maintenance Corn-. childi-en, Ebe--nezer Mr-. and 'NOW CLEATS e is known fer and near visit with bier daughter, 1Mi-. nittee, Lloyd Broonie, Ewart Mrs. John Johnston. Mliss Shir- 15 H Y 0D w havi ng conducted e taxi busi-' and Mrs. Byron Vanstone and Leesk, Mrs. Frank Westiako ley Johnston, David and Alvin _ W# con cut mud nes until a few years ega. famiîy, for ber home in Leth- Jr., M'rs. Roy Langrnaid. ! Johaston, Tyroae, were Satur 15 H V-a 0D w Ur present tires thot He is elways able ta litin bridge, Alberta. Mr. McCready1 Christian Education Commit- day evening dinner guests of 15 L S 0D w with aay graup, young or old, returned home earlier this te avvyloleMrsi ri. and Mrs. Francis Johns-195O D .$ 0 wl S@@t.and is e keen sportsmen, foi- rmonth. 1 Wesley Huiis, Mrs. Don Tav. tn lowving ail hockey and base- 400 Hog Pi-oducers meet -1 loi-, Mrs. Bruce Tink; Repre- Fran953estNakeCJr.5who i ~. 50 bail games with great inter- suport MarketingP1 a n - et ta t Bible Society confaned ta, bed ;s wished a193 O TAC n s $ SD w $ . 0 est.Avraret dd e- threaten "Big 7" boycott. eWseIi speedv recaverv by bis many low le is now a member of, Pontypoai: R e e v e R o b t 1 ComînîtteeWslyHis. friends. lE '! Jw Preere Hi r. lnnLi- .1Pj1Y Pe ie Orono I.O.O.F. 436. Hsma ion n eyReeHen-. Mr. Wse il edi n ln a-151C E .$ 5D friends will join in wishing, i- Jakeman attended Counties isi-iigsriecfwrhpmeradDogsBlctck hirn rany happy returas. I ex-!I eouaciî in Cobourg. frteawya.Reir were Sunda.v tee guests of Mr. pect my stay ia St. Josepb's Newtonville: Mi-. G e or ge were given by Mi-s. Roy Lang- and Mrs. Hai-vey Yellowlees FR E E TM T S 1E N AT ,Hospital wili be short enough Stapleton attended the Ontario' meid and Mrs. John Knox ,and fariuiy. that I can help him celebrate Hereford Club Annuel Con-. On behaîf cf the congregation Harold Yellowlees was et this event. vention and b a n q u e t et Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees ex- home fi-rn O.A.C., Guelph, for Tk'TN c e iothers will also be Guelph. piessed thanks to Mi-. and Mi-s. the weekend. BODY AND41 PAINT JOBS M O N celertaon, C i rd ays very ________ Reed for their splendid leader-' Mrs. H. E. Tink is under the son lfodCurtis, Delbert ship and co-operation duriag' doctor's care. Frien-is trust she Boisand yours truly (R., External conditions are the: the past yeai-. Aftei-rei-nîarma son be well agaîn. , g 'J. Pay'ne). : accidents of life, its ' outer -',ears snent in His service, inr. -iy I'H re H y s R s M.3 71 ( ~~ In spite of zero weather aÂ'reppings. The great endur-1 China as missionaries and here ConuiyCub good turnout was present at 'ing realities are love andý at home, we wish for therniBi-adley's Commun itv Club t.he meeting of Pride of Ponty- Iservce-Helen Keller. 'l much happinessanmd good met Friday, January à, with 1-ýý.-com -quul" son

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