-~5DAY, ~?AN. 26th, 1981 TEZ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVXLLE, ONAR!O PAGE FIJTEEN have few or no callers.» 'Labour G o started last February. Begin- ning cn Good F'riday each new The Orono News baby br'l'h:ho"' tawa Unemploym given a pair of hand knitteà Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor bweswr presented, Mrs. A t Cou ncil She spoke of the Birthday An1ia eeainfo Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grahamj Mr. Walter Moncrief and day. Party In March, a gala affair, Osanwa-an eeationhe mt Vlsited bis mother, Mrs. Etta! dau ghter, Olive, Fraserville; Mrs. Win. E. Armstrong Is, with Mrs. M. L. Roenigk, Mrs. Oshawa appea le t oth wnet Graham, who is staying with !Mr. and Mrs. Basil Clements wearing a cast on ber arm J. O'Neill, and Mrs. W. M. ning on Bawma ve Town her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Gay- and daugrhters Cathy and as the resuit of faliing at the Ruddell as convenors. taouencîlaon Teday eeni nor, Mr. Gaynor and family, Carol Ann, Peterborough, rink on Saturday evening. The president also told of oftohpesen a brief n e , Feneon Flls spet Sudaywith Mr. and St. Saviour's Congregation- the success of the Marathon district. The delegation was Mr. and Mrs. W. L. King, Mrs. Wm. Robinson. ai meeting was held In the Bridge which ended with a composed of members of the t , eekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey Parish Hall, on Wed., Jan. grand party in April. Mrs. J. Unemployed Workers Union, 8l~. Axbert Garden, and family, Tyrane, were din- l8th, with a fair attendance. O'Neill was convenor and the executive members of Local say. ner guests of Mrs. Chas. The meeting was opened by returna were $304.06. 222, U.A.W., and of the Osha- r. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Wood on Sunday. singing hymn and prayer by "We dlscontinued the Tuck wa and District Labor Council. manville, were dinner Mrs. Thornton Wilson, Mrs. Rector the Rev. D. R. Dewd- ShpInSpeme utae MaclmSihpeidn f t:; of Mrs. Chas. Wood on Earl Grady and Miss J. Arm- ney. Mr. Geo. Morton read Sop i niSetembaerofbtare y- oaCo222,mitres en1ouil day. strong visited Mrs. Raymond the Jfinancial report which wc.Ntiuiethre esaleof baby- ocalt2e2, ars serdrcouni rs. Les Samis, Mrs. Jîm Armstrong i oribugthis sha ed a goad balance on Twear. pne t eepts of te the reasons forta datingp dicton attended the fun- week. haýî, as did the W.A. report eTck Sop a teen$.7.ptf orthe brae t i aotain sup- of Mrs. Milton Samis on Mrs. Les Samis, Mr. and re d by Mrs. H. Murray. T h e MSeptmer erepo$83.27. pa ort fora proam the obain- an. l7th. Mrs. Jim Middleton were Exrvelope Secretary's report cMrs Mason reorted 'cuh gtha e imeie helegr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, Sunday supper guests of Mr. wis given by Mrs. John Mor- corfte resralaor asoutimnthe ineasn ueply Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edgar Mittleton and n.». Election of officers as cd 'chat in May authority was Clifford Pilkey, chairman of' D. G. Hooper on Saturday. family. follows: Rector's Ward e n, given the administrator ta buy the Oshawa and District .Mrs. Evan Quantrili is vis- Mr. and Mrs. Ceccl Robin- Robt. Morton, People's War- a blaed bank refrîgerator with Labour Council, presented the lting bher daughter, Mrs. Wm. son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rab- defi,"- Geo. Morton, Rectors the auxiliary ta underwrite brief ta the Town Council. S. Moffat and fam. near insan atte,-eC àtim--<uA.ra1 of Sidesrht.-n, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. the cost. Christmas corsages Russell MeNeili, sec'y-treas. Gananaque, while Mr. Moffat Mrs. Rupert Byers on Jan. Armour, I.,-'nDle's Sidesmen, wcre provided for the annual of Local 222, told the caunicil la In the hospital. l8th In Bowmanville. Win. Tomlinson, £-ay delegate hospital party. that a mass rally spensored by Mir. and Mrs. Wmn. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat- ta Synod, Geo. Moi.on, Lay "We have undertaken ta the Canadian Labour Congress Pefferlaw, visited ber sister, terton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville delegate to Great Cî2apter, furnish a Day Roam for the wili go to Ottawa on Thurs- Ms. Les Samis. Chatterton, Carol and David Win. Tomlinson, Envrl'ope Chronic Ward in the new day, Fcbruary 2nd, to ask for Mr. W. Norman Porter Is were dinner guests of Dr. and Sccretary, Mrs. John Mari-- -, wing, and are currently in. federai gavernment action apatient in Civic Hospital, Mrs. Keith Taylor and daugh- Auditors, Gea. Mortan, Mrs. 'vt.-tigating whether wc may towards a solution of unem- Ptroog.ter Nancy, Brampton, on Sun- H. Murray. be àlle ta undertake the furn- playment. ishing' urC the Main Lobby H-e urged the Town Cauncili there.".1. ta endorse the brief. He ex- Mrs. Mason- thanked - the plained 'chat 'chis would give G ood Pro ress Rep rtsBrownies for 'heir gifts of foys iýý &dde'd weight, and paln'ced patens, t.Jahn's Anglican ta influence tche ga'vemrment Heard At Hos pifai M eef three layettes and Trinity hardworking men, who are United Church for layettes for unable ta obtain empîcyment necdy babies; also Mrs. Ken at present. I I Te annuai meeting of Mcm- balf ef the board for the cash $386,246, less bad debt adjust- Nicks for six baby blankets, Deputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs, r riai Hospital Association was: donations and other gîfts con- ment cf $2,064, the actual Bowmanville High School scconded by Councillor Glen- heid in the Council Chamber tributed ta the hospital and total revenue was $384,177. Home Economies Class for holme Hughes, moved that the at the Town Hall on Wednes- patients, Dcputy-Reeve Hobbs Expenditures- Sala r i e s donating $67, the C.G.I.T. cf brief be tentatively approved day evening, January 18th. alsa said that the board par- Nursing, $132,778, S p e c i a lf Trinity and St. Paul's United subjeet ta further consider- Deputy-Reeve Ivan H 0 b b S, ticulariy apprcciatcd the fine $46,105, and Gencral $88.418: Churches for Christmas tray ation by council members, and chairman cf the Board cf Dir- work of the Women's Hospital a tot'al of $267,301 for salaries favours, and the Chapel-on- by those members who were ah- ectors of the hospital, prcsid- Auxiliary, and is grateful for plus ail other expenses of the-Hill for $25.. She aIse ex- sent from the meeting. This cd, and there was a large at- the intercst taken by 'che pub- $109,618, a total expenditunpresscd tarecioationsforom othr asclrried ly.ie tendance. lic in the hospital. o f $376,919, leaving a credit enpeary onations f tare n ou snci sloWeiey Ficeutwas Four directors were elected "Our' finances are In excell- balance cf $8,258. Mi'. Hughes mi apemu. nonl bupeerd ar- e r snsbes. ueut cf ta the board for two ycars, lent shape. Oui' Grounds Cern- stated 'hat the standard ward mIn hanron ms. MsnKnNcsadCuel and four were elected for a mittee bas bad a rough year. rates for 1960 were $17.80, and told cf a drive for members Kcith Lathangue wcre also year. Those elected for 'cwo It bas been difficuit ta do th2t tbey arc $19.55 for 1961. being held by the auxiliany. absent. The brie! il bc years were Glenholme Hughes, much with the grounds with Harry V. Cryderman, chair- She extended a weicome 'ce finally considcred at the meet- 1Rex Walters, Harry V. Cryder- construction going on," Depu- man cf the Building Commit- ail ladies intcrestcd in bas- ing cf the Board cf Works on tednforan year tJcrso. wec H-ee also cornendedt tee, stated 'hat plans had corne pital work ta attend a Mcm- January 31st. Jeras Sutt, r.tLeW.nip- ameunt lo work edondb the a long way since his last an- bership Tea ta b bc ld in con- The brie! peinted out that'it J ia. SutM.hrsonLa.W. pBamudngommittdc hoe nual report. He suggcsted junction with the auxiiiary's centains only a few proposais * !idl tA . Other and W i- g f the Property oite'speople look at the construction regular meeting in Trinity toward 'che solution cf 'the dates wcre Alvin Davis and efforts, and saîd that the Pub -am sefoth sevsbwUidCurhunySbolamohpoemcun - H~ry Cllaut. lc Rlaton Comitce adweli the building cf the new on Friday afterneon, Fcbruary ploymcnt. It will bc submitted Th nmnacigcomitc ee ctvetroghu tewinj is gettingr along. 3rd at 2:30 o'clock. ta the provincial and federal was composed cf K. N. Morris, year. "The committcc is happy Mrs. Mason informed the an- governments, whose pelicies who presented its report, J. W.! Deputy-Rccve Hobbs refer- with the progress bcing mad-' nual meeting cf the Memoriai contrai the Canadian ecanomy Braden, and L. W. Dewell . rdt h tde aeb h even ln bad wcathcr." He pre- Hospital Association 'chat the as a whoic. dicted cha the additiond tythea the auxiliaryialysniust The proposais outlincd in the TeeJt elllerafor t ctaiorB-asComte ndsa-ospit ai wiîî be cornplctcd in be of service in any capacity bnief were: 1. Weifare ta un- wee ocCNell apstchi- cd that the Board is now op- December 1961. in the tremendous task that cmpioyed workers consistent man cf the board, Mrs. Bruce erating under the new By- atabdocigeinthwt clh sadrs. 2 iMu'ton, and Dennis Piekard. Laws. The chairman thankozd IHe cxpresscd gratitude for nbas ta o te on ietting e wiortorit nards.of2un uty-eeveHobbs told the Medical staff and ail the the offers rcceived frorn 5ev- for occupation, an d aftcrwards ýcti0ng 'hat 1960 bad been hospital cmployces for their fol r usindrooms, or fo in maintaini.ng thc service of cfaet te heaviest years in work and co-operation during frfr;hn omo o the hospitai ta the whole cer- hree Ho e estated 'hat the work cfex Th moilHstaR. new wing. "We would bec uiyad itit pansion la progrcssing wcli, port for 1960 was presented happy ta have many moreBr k n no and 'hat construction o teby Dpt-ev ob ssc offers, andI expect w r k n It new addition ta tche hospîtal f ollow s: Admissions 2,756, wili have them," Mr'. Cryder- be a w l ba up ta a'chedule. births 445, diseharges 3,126: man said. O n Vveekend He extendcd thanks on be- dcaths 67, stillbirths 6, patient Harry Jose, chairman o! the j days 19,884, average number Building Comrnîttee, teld of He arRe ports WTre ot br ouses cf patients daiiy 54.33, number new fiower beds in thc r rke noo Satur- FINE QUALITY f aiet ai residence 44, grounds. In September whc i".. ' r I ay cvenina Entrance was MNMRETSAN operations 2,345 including 515 work started on the buidngO BgHa arold tMcthe, 27sauthwayo MRESmajor, 1,048 minai', and 782ý a few shrubs were moved, DriveyHfrol c age 7Suh emergencies, outpaticat visits added. Ho pointed eut 'hat B. H. Hutten, President of ive ' Arcn a celiar vBl~ ~ "~ 2,666* next year there will hc muc1the Par t Hope Liborai Associa- wad's ve irn ond rsinga, a U~~UU'~~~~ The minutes of 'che iast an- work ta bc donc whea the'clan announced today 'chatiays vrigtstasn OF STAFFORD nual meeting, and cf a sp ecial grounds wili be revamped and Port Hope Liberals would assoriLmnt cf liquor, and an AROS. meeting held in October, 1960, put la shape. [play hast ta visitors from oth- autornatic Browning pistai were read by Ray Diling, the James Stutt, chairman cf 'che ci'r parts cf Durham County Canadian made 9. m.m., wcre secrctary-trcasurer. Adoption Property Committce, reported on Jaauary 30th. In the first stolen. wIt oi* f the minutes was moved by 'hat rooms la the bospital bad of a series cf public meetings Paul wsasogindn D, Î< eith Jackson, seconded bY been painted when vacancies arranged for tche first part cf Pu Nimigon's borne, 72 Stafod Bos carried. Nwate exterior cf the Nurses' Rosi- Lîberai Associations. Meet- ceilar window. Strangeiy the ~Iuom ro. The chairman cf the Finance dence had been repaiated, be inga xiii be he!d la other intruder, oi' intruders, stole Cornmi'ctee, Glenholme Hughes, said, and addcd 'chat the lower, county contres la Fcbruary nthn apparcn'cly from'chis Monumental Works resentdhi eport as foi- corr-idor cf the hospital hadiand March hesi.hue he third break-in ce- lows: Mernorial Hospital Oper- been repairod and plastercd.1 The Port Hope meeting wili cuirrcd at the nesidence cf 318 Dundas St. E. WhItby atingc Statement for 1960: Re- Ïeadesdb rc oeWlimBres 2Pic Phone Whitby îp'int 32 Keith Jackson, chairman ofbeadrcseet BrcePoeWlimBre ssine32oPrince Mhw 8-52 venue, Inpatent, $52'32,the Public Relations Commit- cf Toronto. Mi'. Powc la Ex- Sre ve' oefo a MOhawk83552 Out-patients, $26.381, ail othor e uri'tbsrprtonecutive Director cf 'che On- taken frorn the nefrigerator revenue, $7,533, a. total cftei mttdhi e'c o aria Liberal Association. Mi' and a daily ncwspapcr wcre the committec's activities i Powc bas had a long ex- taken. 196.veragen eting ne d r- pericace la goverament, hav- Bowmanville Police a r e coverge o meeings and ar-n actce as Executive Sec- xvorkiag on 'che case. They are rangements compicted for ia- r' r a 'he Hnuai making a 'hrough investiga- roar t te onur1l forming the publiecof the Sod- George Prudhomme, Minister 'ion, and it is expcctcd 'chat Turning, last autuma. He eŽx c ie n hiau- thecupts iisonba- p1--d At it h1-Ado bnsaneennca u- uprt de-so b p ton, as Darlington's represen- Mrs. Rundle sta'ccd. Those la Lyle -___ .._____2 tative for 1961. Those foi' the Hampton-Enaiskillen areaGibsea______-1 Clarke and Newcastle for 'chis wha xish ta knit ci' scw may Richards ________.. 1 year have net yet heecaap- contact Mrs. H. Hibben at Co Holnoyd ---------- poiated. Mr. Walters explaîn- 3-2503, not the number which Aeae 'ted 'chat 'chia year four mcm- xvas given inconrec'cly in 'che,.Ena Eteher -----216 bers wei'e to he electcd for two las'c write-up.Ade ikl 9 x-ears, and four for coeyean. Another wvhcclchair bas Ollie Patfîeld -______196 Ves! at last here is an cil re Hereafter eight xill ho elected been purchascd. Mna. R. Spny Jayce Lyle . 195 chai sa deignd s ewal anaually for txvo ycars, he nepor'ced 'hat 4 pairs cf ad- Alyce Hodgson ____ 181 thainmeet eiery eadcfahe added. justable crutches, 2 hcdpans Sadie Buckeal _____ 180 ta ee eer dmad f he The president o! the WcM- and 4 cfi'ax sheets are being Betty Richards ____ 178 professional cutter. Its ighter en's Hospital Auxiliarv, Mr-s. added ta 'che Loan Cuphoard Marlon Gibson _____169 <anly 20 lbs. less attochments), L. C. Mason, nepotcd 'hat 'che supplies. Doris Holroyd ...165 $2 4 1 more versatile, perfectly bal- annual meeting xvas bcld in Acp f'aAlMa,'h wnRyod 6 anced and almost completely October ta coïncide with the s'cary cf 'the Canadien Red Pet Bradd -_____162 free cf vibration so that at Regionai and Provincial As- Cross by MeKeazie Porter Kay Dodds _______154 th end cf the day you feel sociations, se its fiscal year will be presented ta the Bow- Boa Sellers .. 151 WH WO 6"CHANS fresher and more relaxed than was caly nine months. She seîd manville Public Libnany and Jean Lobb --- ___ 146 ______sn 47 forng ndtote ecate u lb ariL afY_ _ 4 three executive meetings wcre rary. Doris Welsh -____142; YOU SA E 30ooheld. The membenship ia 1960 Plans wvere stantcd for tche Marg Cayic.----- 139 on hecot f as47 anul amain or-. sinBetty L aLcke 1371 * . Altbough we have flot been March. Mrs. D. Masden and. Greta Shicis ... - 136 PIONER AWS TD. sa busy making money, other Mrs. R. Spry will be 'che cam- Hilda Simnick -___ 136 (pvtgi eta INERSW Te services have been introduced paigii chairmen. Jean Hai'ness - ____ 132 MUBROON, CAN»AA hich have contibutcd great- Mang McDonald ....____1132 lv ta gaod publie relations for The man who trusts mnen Cozette Neads - 129 the hospital. A Visiting Coni- will make fcwen mistakes than Daisy Bell . _____128 mittee was farmcd in Febru- he who distruats thcm.-Ce- Dorothy Nichoaes - 126 ~ ~ S av orto ~ on ry with Mrs. W. H. Birks,. milla Bensa Cavour. Elsie Richards -___ 126 S. M or on & onTA convenor, an-I Mrs. D. Smith. Love impels good wrks.- Donothy Perfect -.---.-126 N ILLE aNAR .s,*st;in,. Two membcrs visit- Mary Baker Eddy. Bonnie McDonald___ 125 PHONE MA 3-2279 cd the hospital each week.1 The most exhausting 'hing V; Norrish .____125 This bas been popular with In life la b-ing insincere- NeIle McFeetens ____122 __________________________________patients. e3peciail.y 'hose who Anne Morrowý Lindbergh. Iran A-Ilin 121 up Pre., ient Bri Meetir employed wonker enal and provinciz develcping munie' 4. Es'cablishmentc *murn 40-hour w( Ontario. 6. Ontai Wage Actc ta be $1.25 per heur. program la newi crnplaycd work( creascd Canedian Eautomobiles. 9.1 employment Insu fits by 50 per cei empîcyment ben( idunetion o! ni fran 'che general: cf the gavenmen ens an Unemplo3 ance must have erege peid for ou cral revenue fun( r/ tow rn t s a.1 setthe weekend at Kelth1 evening. M Nitainton's. Mn. and Mns. Henry Dart Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ah-iMn. and Mrs. George HButs vlslted Mr. and Mrs. William A .Osbea, Mns. F. B. Giaspeif Dart, Woodvllle, and Mn. and bott, Bunketon, visited et Per-1 vere Sunday guests at Mns Mms. Fred Dent and family, cy Davidson's on Sunday and, Ae casc'.Woodvllle, on Sunday. accompenicd 'cbcm to CbuckMnad Tenry 's, Oshawa, whcre 'chey Miss Peerl Leach, M r . .an Mrs. Fred Cameron were ail supper guests. Douglas Flett and Manie, Sa- visited et Perey Bnyce's, Tor- lina, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur enta, on Sundey. Mn. and Mrs. Gilbert Met-, Youngman and family, Tynone,! Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Fice 'calf and femily, Orona, visit- wxei'e Sunday visitons et Nor- and Douglas spent the weck- cd et Ray Camern's on Wed- man Leach's. end et Fred Dent's, Woodx-ille. nesday evoniag. Mn. and Mrs. Victar Kresi- *Mr. and MrIs. H. Keeler, hucher and femily, Beavertan, Expenience la what en.ibles Messns. J. Lennox and H. Len-j xvre Sunday visitonsras i yau ta recagnize a msae nax, West Hill, Mn. W. Powell, Geissberger's. wben you make it again.-Eari Scanborough, Mn. W. Dant, Mn. and Mrs. Don Prout Wilson. Oshawa, Mr. and Mra. N. Pot- and Dannie, Bawm a n v 111 e, tcen, Tarante, Mi'. and Mns. wene Saturday visitons et Ray FA N S R IE William Dent, Scanborougah, Camcnon's.1 ilq SE VC . wene necent visitons et Henr'y1 Mr. and Mrs. George David-1 DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLEI Dart's. son end Patti, Whitby, were FARM STOCK - Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Down Satunday supper guestsaet Removed Free of Charte and sens, Ebenezer, Mn. and1 Perey Davidson's. Imlmediste 24-11i. Service Mrs. Percy Colas and sons, Mr. and Mrs. S. Maybury, Ask Tour Operator For Oshawa, wcre Friday cvening Scarbarough, Mr. and Mrs. G. ZEiLI A visitons et Percy Davidson's. Francis, s'couffvillc, wene Mon-I 88 VWft6655 Mn. and Mrs. Russell Rob- dax' visitors et Henry Dart's. Licence No. 46-C-60 bins, Bowmaavillc, visited at Mr n.ed Mrs. Leslie Heakin, No Toli Charge Noma Lah'. a ra ton'sCaons, visited et NIck Peconi -Peterborough. Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshava Ray Camcran's on Sunday 1z )SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD Pi'1ODUU'iS IHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. I ntrdduces... Our Salesmen at Cou rtice Showroom Photo shows, le! t te right: John Venning, John Watcson end Ernie MacNeil, who are on duty et aur new Showroom et Courtice. They are trained and well quaiified to essist yeu in your building requirements, whether it be lumber, hardware, paint, tools, electricel supplies, etc. 'REWA Y" Bilt-in Appliances Do Wonderful Things for' YQUR Kitchen GAS ANDJ ELECTRIC IBILT-IN OVENS and RANGES Everything about a PriW,4 Wallchef looks wonderful . . . lt's automatie 'elock-controlled oven with large capaclty for bakilf5 brolllng, roasting and rotisserle cooking. À itematlo 60-min, Minute MiMder, new 140 degrees 16w- temperature regulator. rotissiere and oven llght. Bult-mn Counterchef Range bas Control that let's you dial the heat you need. Lift-out elements for easy cleanlng. Sparkling chrome or stainless steel surfaces that neyer chlp. Model 1328 with satin chrome surface Mode! 1332 with stainless steel surface Mode! 1344 Deluxe, illuminated contre! panel, stainless steel surface ITêfrffwfLL~, "END THEM WITH PREWAY'S BLOWER POWERED TO GIVE YOU - FAST - FAST REMOV'AL 0F ODORS - BRINGS THE BREÂTH-IOF SPRING' * 3 qe43 et~~TO YOUR HOME REMODEL VOUR KITCHEN NOW 54u Ea#C"e~ USE OUR BUDGET PLAN SEE THESE BILT-IN APPLIANCES AT OUR COURTICE SHOWROOM Oshawa Wood Products Main Office and Sbowroou COUMTME - SA 8.1811 AJAX - ZEnith 2-OM0 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS. Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8-1617 BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 TM CANADIM STATESMM. BOWMANVILLE, O"ATtIO :AN. 261h, 1061 -1 e