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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1961, p. 1

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r j ) anabttrern VOLUME 107 p 16 Pages Duirham County's Great Faînily Journal BOiW--MAÀNVILLE,ON TARIO, TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1961 10e Per Copy NUMBER 4 Former citizen Wzns $5,OOO For the first time, General Mot ors of Canada awarded the mnaxim un, $5,000, to one of their employees recently under their Suggestion Plan. Ross Souch, 28-year-old son of Mrs. Andy Lunneman, 144 Duke St., Bowmanville, was the happy winner shown at Ieft, xith GM President E. H. Walker who mnade the presentation. Ross, who joined the company f ive yeai's ago( after several years on the Bowmanville Post Office staff, suggested changres iii stor- age and distributing procedures for Vauxhali and En-voyo automobiles destine< for sale in Eastern Canada. He had previously wvon the miniimum awvard of 10 under the plan. At least two other present and former Bowmanvillc citizens have won GM Suggestion Awards, Harry L. "Dutch" Osborne, 23 Second St., and Glen R. Fry, 44 Prince St., have received cash awards during the past few years. .Bell Will Eliminate ;Car Driver .Charges on Ail Cails Keeps Going Bowmanville - Oshawa 'After Crash Long distance charges on1 th i cs association. telephone calls between Bow- Be ueof he w dcinig of On Saturday evenîng at .k, manv ille aind Oshaw a will belte lo a a ng area, higher 8:40 o'clock there was an ar- eliminated nhefiof11nonoiercewl riet on 7A Highway about J. W. Lowry. Bell Telephoî e pply n Bown an%,ille. to; two and a half miles east of Smanager for this region, said brigrtscarged here into Blackstock when a bus, -,as Sthis week. ie vihtoe chai ged i struck by a hit and run car. Mr. Lowrv said' that the oth enrssch as 1Oshawa, The driver of the latter w'as plan to elin nate toil charges ih a siniari. mber of tele- later apprehiended and char-' on calîs between the two phones in their local cailing ged. convicted and fined in communities xvas made to areas. Tolt-free calling to) Bowmanville Police Court on keep pace with the ever-wid- Bowmnanville w iii not change Tuesday. ening community of interest telephone rates ini Oshawa. The west bound bus w-as whielh exists between themi. Mr. Lowry pointed out that owned and driven by Sherman, Continuing residential and \vhile teloplioiie rates in Bow-, Nelson, Warsaw, Ont. It was commercial growth in the mativilie wilI be increased, bit by a car headed east dri-' area are the two main factors cu-slomers boerewi. on the yen by \inston Irvine, Port' behind the establishment of average, pay less for their Perry. Mr. Irvine was located' _______ -new cxpanded local scrvice near Blackstock the next dayi tha'î thev dIo nîîw for their, in omnil Mastte' Tow C er Ipresent l'ocal serv-ice plus long Court on Tuesday with failing: dTtown caresonralstot rernain at the scene of an1ý Oshawa. accident. He was convicted Subnis FI is loi rocluci ion of toll-free and fined $50 and costs. calliiig betwen Bownianviile Constable Murray Joynt., and Osliawýa will reqluire the OPP. was the netgig Re ig a io installa t i o i cf additional offi(er. There was approxi - 1-lunclreds of mothei s in Bowr switching eqîîipnwent and the mlately $600 to the Irvine car, dtiîing the one fijour blitz on bobalf Bnwrnanville Tlown C<îiîîcil rearrangemien t of telephone and about $200 darnage te the lipe i careof thelineteCI at, a meeting he]d inflthe 'oeu - " t. Soîe opratrivern- bor ra 11-0 naîg Kîntte cilChabe onSatrdv u -nues will bc, a tected through -ledierc a iiil S i h mb operal ion. The * vmet ec ci] haibercriSatrdaaf-elirnation of the (oonecting, ved in an accident on No. 2 f(if oîîng. eharnîing Bowman\ il le rn lernoon accepted the resigna- accouillt ng and biling costs ýHighway on Monday received pîthi cilv photo. Thev care. front ro tion of R. B. Reynolds. the associatedi x tblnl itnesrosijre.Dnlpan ct oîel akrw ett Town Clerî k It is to ho effect- -ie 0ftle e Msijre.DoadHn oihÛne] b i-'oý, ett i ive~~~~ Frur, Cadllar Avenue. Oshuwa. lccapin Ra Ltan ive Fbruar 24t. Ifoý,e r . or aw tepa s~as westbound on No. 2 HÏigh-_ fIi arpig;Ms a ahn ;S Mr. Rey noldq lias assured sîMilr L o ate antrucd;way when the right front 0 onî ta i wl otil nii this ai-cain recent years wheel of his car went off the Receive $1 ,696.50 Legacy with his present duties ini road on to the shoulder near a replacemnent is se(-urecd. iinwhc toll-tree calling has' ir re îtrduccd cen Osh - TruIE's Road. bee iti cd b rooki' - then skîdded across andJ-lmpin: etwen hit the highway into the ditch . and HBmpon oklnaciteen itand struck a hydro pole. Mr. Hamto andi Bo\,nianville. î'.uîîLîîîuo on page seven) ,1D tiE- ,,mnvll wllbe on the march next Monda2 If of the "Marchi of Dimes" fund. The drive lub who have their organization ail set to cently to finalize plans, withih le above group rioth ets, taking time out [o sit for thit wv: Mlrs. Murray Larmer, lef t, and Mrs. ight: Mrs. Arthur Hooper who is in charge Lue and Mrs. Stan Dunn. sWilI-Head ject Kennef h Morris otary Club Presîdent Hear -Speaker from Ghana On Friday, K. N. Morris xvas elerted president of the Bowmanville Rotary Club by1 Cil Leaking, acclamation for its year sai Plane Land S resident will be elected. The l elections of dirertors for the' next club year wiil be beld1 At Browview at later meetings. rThe determination of the On Saturday at 12:20 pari. new African counitries and of a Tri-Paier aeroplane made a other lands there that wvon in- forceci landing on a section . dependence in recent years te of BrowView Farms about, form their own opinions and three miles east of Boxvnan-, find their own way was stres- ville. Three Toronto district sed by guest speaker Isaac men were aboarci. The owner. Zaney of Ghana at the Bow- and pilot was Ray Waltcrs, manville Rotary Club on Fni-. Ratnburn Road, Isliigton. His day. Mr. Zaney is a student two passengers xvere George ah the University of Toronto. Paîl, Rustie Ro-ad, Toronto, Thc club's International and How'ard Braden, North- Service Committee headed b-v hampton Drive, Islington. Chairman Stewart McTavish,t The trio were returning 10 xvere in charge of the pro- Toronto after a flight to Tren- 1gi-am, Mr. MicTavish intro- ' 4 ton. The pilot was obligeci to, duced the speaker who came land by an oil leakage in the to Canada last autumn from: plane. The aeroplane made Ghana, where he is an Edu- a perfect landlng on part of cationai Officer te take fur-1 BrowView Farmis south of ther study at the College of No. 2 Highway near the Education at the Univ'ersity of old Curve-In Road. The Toronto. fliit to Toronto \vas resumnec Tremendous forces are at at 5:15 pa.after repairs baci work in Africa today. Mr. Kinsmen Club Learns Proper Phone Usage For Better Business ______ - The telephione serves as an - uipoi tant 'dooi-' to a business etaiblishmenit through whichi I-eads Shrine 'cllers forni their opinions about the wvay the firm does -business, Miss Barbara Tay- lor, the guest speaker, Tor- - onto, told the Bow-manville, Kinsmen Club dinner meet îng week. -Miss Taylor. a member of the Public Relations staff of :'the Bell Telephione Company was assisted in her present- ation by three serv-ice repre- -~ i sentatives from the conupanv s * .Oshawa office. Miss Fern IW ick, Miss Joan Buttery. and r "-,w Mrs. Marilyn Bownian. John iLowery. Osha\%-a and idstri ct Manager of the Bell Telephone Company, andi Don Welsh, a menîber of the staff in Osh-j awa, were guests at the duc-i ner meeting. -1 The cltubceclebraicci its " Past Presidents Nght". The o ~ foIlowiina past presidenits, Art' Hooper, Ly Parker. Don Me- Gregor. Jack Lancier aind Dr. Charles Cattran wvere at the Charles L. Warren heaci table. The piesident, For the second tinie silice Don Stuti. presici. the club %vas orgaiîizcd 15 The speaker w-as introclueed years ago, a mnu from tlîîs by Arnold Sleep. Iii hier adl- area will lîcac the Oshîawa dress Miss Taylor offer-eciadi- Shrine Club tbis year. He is vice to the club nîeîbers as Charles L. Warren of Hamp- to the means they might use ton wbho %\as elected presi- te gain maxinmunm benefit for dent recently. 'The other theinselves and their business- p esîdent froîîî lîcre wvas thie es bv ible way' they tise their Late 0. F. Rebisoîl. OnIv five telephones. mne& frein tls dîisrict tîlng -Eefore the teletubotie w-as te jýue Oshjawi Shrinc Club. inveiited custoniers decil with Mur -~arreiu. the e-Xin the stores or btî:ine_ýes near- bý&g con*ractor. is shown est ho them. Now w:;- .- inies photo wearnig bis phonies every business is ast thetIve new. lez of office. i (Continued on page seven) Year (if Africa iii bis opinion,, aîîd lie spoke cf the gýreat hopes. work, andi movement' among its people. "There isý an enermeus urge in Africansi te assert themselves. All are' striving for independence. Now an awakening spirit waits te rise and heur fruit iii an age of iîîdepcodence andi opportîuity for adx-aîicement, hoe stated. Thle contribtutions nmade by western nations te Africa are well reulizecl by the people,' the speaker saici. Through the efforts cf itie West the Afri- cans have become civîlizeci. he added. Witbotît that contact witn the W'est, Africa wotîid stili ttrul,\ be a durk, continent. In refeî-ring to apprecia- tien cf wliat the W'est haci ac-, compisied. lie aiso explain-' cd that Africans believe the (Continueci on page seven) Robert U n nospita i bervices 'l'lie new cara of the 1 A legacy amounting to les L. WarrenDrigS Board of Directors ofMcm-'S1,696.50fo Memorial Hos- and Mrs. Harwold Gibs"s A w cll attenld idînner'Kîwý,aiis Club at the dinnex criai H ospitali s Glenholime pital w'as received from thp Clarke. meeingcf heBox ninvllemeein ~vro hepreîdet.Hughes. lie was electeci by estate of Mrs. Ethel Maudeý Groundis. Harry Jose, chain meetianisofClubw linat thleFredinCown, tJei Du nc' ndacclamation ut the first mie- Col, lamnpton. whn died ona, ReWaerMsCh. Fli inis Dubhma Mod torHthe ar re oaiisce hoearond il,,mor board for 1961 which June 241h. 1960. Mrs. Cole les'L. Warren, W. Mansell \lynDutcevenng. To e Hut Osawa - Wsce. stm o t e ia its -s ld ai the hospital on w-as the w'idow of Howardr Stacéy. Property, Keith Jaclu 0O . -... ~~~~~~~~~~Friday evening. DeputyRev EdrCoesnhamnJ es tut ton pesîen cfth cl ruiu weretu imedatepat van M. Hohbs, the former Committees for the coming' Mrs. Harold Gibson and A4j was the chairman. Thle Ux-ijpresidenit, Cy Powell, Darcy chairmnan, nonuina t e d Mr. erwe appointed as fol M. Thompson. bridge Kiwanis Club was in Bell, Peter Bell and Harold Hughes. lvarFina'ere euyRe qupetadF h chargie of the program. Davidson and Gordon Adair. Jae tt eaevc-lw:Fnne euyRee Eupnn n urnishinUà - emb2î-s, of the Uxbridge Mort Coluobia of the Pter- ,chairInian by acclamiationr. Rex, Hohb s Chirma. D J lland!V. Jam e Stt±.t ex a borough Kiwanis Club also Walters nomiinateci Mr. Sttt KeStitMr.LW.DpeiadvCreraRx al ~. J. I attended. Other guests were for !his office. Suîme matters Kit Jackson.j and Mrs. L. W. Dippeli. Pub S Dan Dudley, Ciiff Evansprang te hsil Building, Harry V. Cryder- lic Relations, Mrs. L. C. Ma@ 'A. H. Sturrocks Hn etiiot h optl manî, chairman Deputy-Reevel son, rhairrnan, Dr. Alan A HakJanzen andi Ian Turner, staIff wvec disctîssed at the orD.HB.Rnl a-1Syvse.A M.Topo Head INevrv ail of Bowmanviile. nuîr-ci iig, and referreci te the, H os,Dr.e.cB.Runle, s har- lveste. MA. M. thomps hIThe immediate past Lieu pi-oper committees for con- r-JsecateMs.Cr-ndW MnelSacey B. Reynolds r- (Contînued on page seven) Isideration.'a. - . -*jq,5 -- Mr. Reynold:5 came to Bow-;:...m iso manviMle in 1958. He xvas ap- C m iso peinteci Town Clerk in Octo- 'Ilhe fîî st mueetinig of the ber cf that year andi assumeci Bow'manville Ccnuetery Corni-' the duties of the position in miç;sio w'us beld in the Town Noviember. Hall iast 'Phutrsday afternoon. Prier te accepting this ap- A. H.Surokw-as elected peintmnit here Mr. Reynolds 1Cliairnian andi Coiincillor Ross! was assistant City Manager cf Stevenus, Vice-Chairman. Woodstock. Ont., for 10 yeaî-s.ý Other members pros e n t Before that tinie he had set-- w-ere His Worship, Mayor x'ed three yeaî-s as a member Wilfrid Carruthers. Pet e r, cf tbe Woodstock Police De- Bathgate. Rev. Haroldi Turner,! partînent. andc Counciltoî- Wesley Fiee. Mr. Reynîolds ,-as born anci Arrangements for the provis- educateci in Toronto. Wlien ion of special plots for iii- he fiîîishes bis duties in Bow- fant burials \vere discusseci. manville he teitatively plans: The~ possibility' of. purchasing' te accept a position with tie' certainî power equipnient for Onîtario Department of High- wcrk ii the eemetery grounds. w-avs. was also considereci. Polaroid Contest Camera Winners These two very happy people were the two winners in the fifth two-j camera di-aw held Mionday afternoon. The name on the coupon was Mrs. Geo.* Fluber, 140 Wharf Road, Bowmanville. Before her marriage, she xvas Lois Branch. When the Editor visited their home on Monday evening te tell them the ' ood ne%\s. thiere wvas great excitement not enly on the part of the mother aîîid father. but aise tleir four chiidren, Linda 15. Wayne 13, Gerald il and Donîaid 'o Thev \were iookincï forwvard te having their photos taken and shown te them iniiust teli seconîds. "Like Gary 'Moore dees on TV". On the back o f thie coupon was thie business stamp of "Lucky's' B.A. station in Neurcastle. Here, Proprietor Perey Luxton Jr. and Mrs. Huber show their new cameras. ~ils anc1 (Acces OUT 0F SEASON -- We are indcbted to Dog Control Officer Archie Hoskin for bringing us a bit of Spring last wveek. Whi]e going about his appointed rounds at the Dog Pound hie found a small but very active caterpillar wiggling its way arouind the place. Caterpil lars, apparently, are flot too plentiful at this time of cear wvhen the thernometers are registering 10 and 15 below zero. BUSY SESSION- There was so much work to be done as the new United Counties Council came into office last week, 1hat the sessions were extended one day over the usual period. Bow- manville received recognition -wîthi Reeve Sidney Little being appointed chairmani of the important Counties Property Committee. Reeve Garnet Rickard of Darlington was chairrnan of the Strik- ing Committee. Deputy-Rceve L'an Hlobbs was elected Commissioner of Bowýmani!;le Registry Office. Clarke's Reeve H. E. Walkcx'-%vas elected to the Counities Road Commission. Hope's Reeve Stewvart Gray also became a member of the road commission. Newcastle's Doutg Cunningham was electedi as auditor of criminal justice and New- cast]e's Murray Paterson hecarne a ricw member on the Durham District Hiigh School Board. WVIN FIRE AWARDS -Cubourg's \'oIunicer de- partment receix'ed top awarcls rcentîx*', in national competition. They have I wo p'n rrna nent members, Chief Ken Baird and Deput.v Bob Fitsgibbons. The brigade was awarded fourth place in the whiole of Canada and first in towns of 10,000 to 24,000 population. COLDEST NIGHT Tuesday was tlhe coldest night of the year. to date, with temperatures dropping to 10 below in townýt and 15 in the rural areas. No reports of any casualties du1.e to the cold have been received. Fortunalelv, the bitter, strong wind which cut right through pedestrians Tuesday afternoon died clown during the ighl, with 'Wednesday being a brighit, cleai' da%-. CHANGE DATE Februai-v Traffie Clinic will be held Monday, Feb. 6th instead of Tuesda-, February 7th as the clinic is exchanging dates with counicil due to the Ma.%or- being unable to be present at the regular timne. NO DECISION - At the meetint,',<if the Orono Telephone Companv last Saturday. no decision was announced concerning rumorcd sale of the company. It is understood that a second session wvi1l be held within a short time to further discuss1 the subject. CHIMNEY FIRE- On Mondav afternoon, with the wind blowing very cold. fîremen were called to a f ire at the home of Robert Childs, Hampton. The chimnev was burning. No damage was reported, but it wvas a chilly: job cleaning out the flues. -rx-Lounclllor nere Wins Mayor'ps Chair A t Nia gara -On -Lake His Worsbip Mayor Gerry R. WooII A nicnhcr of Bowmanville Mason." writcs Mayor WoolL 'l'owî Counc-il in 1950, Gerry "Lawrence xvas Io me the fin. R. Wooll was recently dlec-t- est examplee be ctn of a cd Cnir-f Mugistrate and Lord man filliîg thie office of .Ma, or of tbe Town of Niag- Mayor. guiduîug, directing, aira. Apparently, it w-as a clos- milci, yet fîrm xvhen necese ci' ccntscd cumpaign with itie-s sQ essential te successftil -:' of the electors casting ities s0 eserîtial to suecessfîjl Shi-ir ballots. Mayor Wooll leadershuip cf an electeci body. wvonîhY 137 votes. 1 hope I may corne close te G. R. Wooll camne te Bow- his success in following hif natîvîlle in 19,5(j, buying the ;fine example." Spencer homne on Concessioný Sinre ieaving Bowmanville, Si.. now owned by Mr. and Mr. Woell bas been extremelyP Mrn. Wm. "Bitl' Morrison. btîsy in community as well At îlot time he was Manag- as business affuirs. He baç iog Director Field Aviation heen a counicillor for several Coipany cf O. !aw-a andi a years, a public school truste@ nîmcr o!rr O0,huwa Rotary andci hait-man, president of Clb. 11<-, bis vvife Audrey and the Home & School Ass'n, their Ihîree daughters Lor- scbool superintendent and au raine, Mary Louise and Susan eIder of St. Andrew's Pres- Imoveci bere and very quickly byterian Cburch, president of became an interested and ar- >tbe Rotary Club w'ith 10 yearg r ix-e par-t cf this community.,perfect attendance and probe 'ie wýas elected Iot council by ably the holder of many othe? acclamation atter beîng in offices of lesser prominenc#. town for on' a few months. His business affairs have aisa -i bave pleasant memories' been boomîng. He has held of my service, albeit short- presidencies witb Kaman Ait. lived because of rny business' craft, Avionics Ltd, RotaiV tmove, under Mayor Lawrence l Ltd. and Ardron LtJi -j -- "-J Mothers Will Mardi Next Monday 'Kiwanis Hear Address iMemorial Hos pifai Board m -1 là

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