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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1961, p. 2

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VAI TWO T1!E CANADIM4 STATESMAN._SWAVILONTARIO 'TlRDY TN Ob f i:Board Defeats Move -To Reopen Location Clarke High School .-At the meeting of thelset up as !ollows: Finance, 'DranCounty District Hlghlchairman, rdLetFbE -&hoo Board held ln Orono on IHeyland, DFre Lyceore ,Wednesday evening, January 1W. E. Tranmer, and Reginald -lhJohn T. McCreery, Port iFallis; Managemnent, chairmar, -Bpwas named chairman for A. H. Strike Caries Tamblyn, the comlng year. The new R. Fallis; R. Richardson, Bruce Vice-Chairman is C a r 1los Tink, and E. Creighton; Prop- 'Wablyn, Orono. The meet- erty, co-chairman L. A. Parker lng wau held in Orono Hlgh and W. C. Keyes, Irwin Col- ~~chooLwill, Clare Allia, and Dr. J. W. r -Commttees for 1961 were Wright; Transportation, chair- TOWU 0F DGWNANVJLLE NOTICE Nexi Council meeting wiII ho held on TUESDAY, FEB. 7th . B.RYNOLDSI CLERK. M He's DOJNG IT NOW through a 'T-D' home Simprovement boan We'd like ot me an opportunist. The man you see in this picture is taking advantage of the slack season in the building trades, to re-model his kitchen * with a "TF-D" HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN - 'A- '- HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN, especially at this time of year, Is downright good business. It provides you with the necessary funds to increase the value of your home at a time xvhen workmen and S materials are readily available. A Home Improvement Loan is good business from another angle too. You can borrow at low interest rates and remarkably easy re-payment terms. Visit your local Toronto-Dominion Manager soon. He'll be glad to * furnish you with complete details and to show you how easily a -r-D" HJOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN can be arranged. Drop in and see hlm soon. iYou'll really appreciate our kind of "-interested" service. PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFTERENCE AT 'iRo NTO-DOMINION vue BANK rTHA? LOOK* AHUAO L B.. UtaE Maxua'ix, Bawwtanvi1I]e Branch san Brown, ±sever] Barbara Brown, DE Debbie Schwass, Schwass, Shirley Alexis Bremner ai Woodward. The gir' Coron ation and schools. A Mothers' Aux' 'O fficers nadian Legion mànBruc Tin, P.Lycett,1 Dr. J. W. Wright, and Carrolîl Tin,. in staff Building committees for eachl High School in the area wereA formed. Each consists of alI A tC ai the local members of the Dur, ham County High School Board. They are as follows: Two new memI Ceurtice, Clare Allin, chair- <Jim) Laverty, R. mnan, Bruce Tink, Forbes Hey- manville, and Chai Sland, and L. A. Parker. Clarke, son, Orono, were eFred Lycett, chairxnan, Irwir the meeting of Br. 5t Colwill, Carlos Tamblyn and the Canadian Leg:( r, Claire Allun. Port Hope ad- T hursday evening ýd dition, W. E. Tranmer, chair- gion Hall. Presidez n, man, Carrol Nichols, W. C. dle conducted thE , Keyes, W. E. Tranmer E. The Coleur Part: !e Creighton and R. Richardson. posed of Comradeý )Millbrook, Reginald Fallis, han, Ernie Perfec ýr chairman, and Dr. J. W. geant-atArms Jirn 1Wright. A vote to dona T. It was with very deep re- proceeds the Legi rgret that the board accepteci ing team receivedv t .he resignation of L. W. Club Bowling 1 Dippeli, who has been Princi. held recently. to th pal of Bowmanville High ville District Brai School since 1929. This year Canadian Red C. he is Supervising Principal of was unanimously Bewmanville High School and The meeting a]s of Courtice High School. His unanimously t o d resignation will bie effective of a recently pub] at the end of June. entitled "Service"t Over 30 classes have tassed manville Public L through Bowmanville High also one ta the B School wvhile Mr. Dippell head- High Sehool Lit cd its staff. Mr. Dippeil has a special ability in imparting knowledge, and bis advice basI been invaluable to many pupils. He will long be re- To serve the n membered by bis numerous rapidly growing students, it was pointed out. A a nc-w Brownie Pac meeting of the Management formed at Kedron Committee of the Board will Pack, Oshawa, mee 'be held before its February nesday nights afte: meeting when it will present the Sunday Schoc a report regarding a new the church. The1 principal. is Mrs. Peter Hugl The board lnstructed the Tawnie Owl is Mr secretary, Walter Reynolds, to Nally. write teail parents of non. Six of the Brai i resident students, and inform spent a year in the them that after June, 1961, no0 and a few months: students will be accepted un- waiting for the nE less the fees are paid. This be formed. Thes. information will also be sent n Glover, Dori by letter to alI nearby Hg School Boards. Kihnara Carr, Gai2 .Wendy Hitchens. An exchange o! Industrial Chatten. New Bro Arts teachers between Bow- see »ihtep manville and Australia waslitrdwt h book contains a history of the Canadian Legion since its in- ception. The new officers cf Branch 178 for 1961 were installed in an impressive ceremony by District Deputy James Firth. They are President J. Wood- ward, Ist Vice-President, W. Ross McKnight, 2nd Vice-Pre- sident, Edward (Ted) Shee- han, Secretary Ron Richards, Treasurer, C. L. (Jack) Rice, Sergeant - et - Arms Jack Knight, Chaplain John Liv- ing, Sr., and Service Officer W. Ross McKnight. The following members cf the Executive, Glen Virtue, Ernie Perfect, Douglas Wal- ton, Peter Bathgate and Bill Bates, were aIse installed by District Deputy Firth. At an early meeting Alex Mairs, Keith Ferguson and James Firth îvill aise be installed as members of the Executive. KEDRON needs of a community, ack bas been m. The 25th ets on Wed- tr school in Dol room at Brown Owl ghes and the Irs. Jim Mc- ownies have ie 20th pack, in the l3th, ew pack te se girls are nna Glover, il McNally, and Carol -wnies reg- ack are Su- rley Brown, ebbie Boyd, Charlene Stin s o n, mnd Norma irîs are from Kedron, xiliary has discussed, and is under con- sideration. It was announced that the Millbrook High School opened for classes on January 3rd, and the building is nearly compieted. A report stated that con- struction o! the Courtice High School is progressing vieil, and the roof will be on by the middle o! January. It is now partiaily heaecd and work wiii be able te go forvierd al winter. Sketch plans for the addition te Port Hope High School, and for the Clarke High School, have been approved by the local committees. The Durham County District High School Board wiul hoid a special meet- ing todey, Thursdey, January 19th, in Port Hope, te consider the plans. If they are apprev- cd by the board, it will auther- ize the preparetion of work- ing plans. The location o! the nevi High Sehool for Clarke wes again discussed. The site is on the east side of No. 115 High- wey, about bal! way betwccn Dcan's Corners and Trickev's Corners. The building wiil be set back about 200 feet from the road. A motion te reopen the location question vies de- feated 9 te 2 with three ab- stentions. BURKETON been !ormed o! wbich the pre- sîdent is Mrs. Jack Carr, the Secretary, Mrs. N ormna n Woodward, and the Treasurer, Mrs. James Bremner. Until the pack is well started, the Mothers plan te nieet in the church on the fourth Monday evening o! each month. On Tbursday evening the Choir held a Social Heur a!ter the regular practice period. Mrs. Ross Lee served a del- icious lunch. A short business meeting wvas held te choose officers for the new year. The new Presîdent is Mr. Grant Spencer; the Treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Hancock; The Music Committee, Mrs. Donald Gib- son, Miss Caroline Spencer, Miss Karen Pascoe and Mr. Bill Rosnak; The Gown Cern- mittee, Mrs. George Mitchell and Mr. Ted Collis. It was agreed that the Choir should set some o! the money in their treasury aside in a Fund which would event- ualy be used te purchase a chime attachment for the or- gan. The Mothers' Auxiliary o! the Cubs and Scouts met on Monday night at the church, with Mrs. Harry Rose presid- ing. The meeting opened with the Lerd's Prayer. It vies de- cided thet the Auxiliery should meet the third Mon- day e! every second month. The next meeting wiii be on March 20tb. This newiy formn- ed group is interested in thc support o! all Mothers who have Scouts or Cubs in the 21st Troop. Mrs. Vincent Ward volun- teered te act as treasurer, since Mrs. Alian Wilbur was forced te withdrew because o! hcr husband's illness. Much of the business part o! the meeting was devoted te plans for the turkey supper the mothers wiil serve et the first Father and Son Ban- quet on February 28th. The meeting closed with re- freshmeats served by Mrs. Harry Rose and Mrs. J. El- liott. The W.A. Is planning a meeting o! speciel interest for Wedncsday, February îst. Mrs. C. V. Thomas, o! Taun- ton Rd. wiul speak about her experiences when she and ber husband iived in South Amer- ica. She will show some ex- amples o! South Amercien crafts. The meeting wiul be in the church hall. on Sundey Mr. and Mrs. Biii Rosnak, Patti, Cathy and Sympatby is extended te Jimmy, viere gucsts et a Mr. Samis and femiiy in the birthdey party given by Mr. pessing o! Mrs. Semis at En- and Mrs. Ken Palmer cf Bow- field. manvilie ln honour o! Mrs. Glad te report that Mrs. E. Nellie Palnmer, Oshawia. The Bryan bas returned home party vas a compiete surprise from Port Perry bospital te Mrs. Palmer, viho thought feeling improved. she vas oniy going out for Congratulet i o n s te Mr. a Sunday afternoon drive. Bruce Ashton being elected Mr. Ailan Wilbur, viho was as the new Warden of the Uni- takcn te the Oshawa Generel ted Counties. Hospital lest Sunday evening Mrs. A. Carter spent Tues- with a coronary attack, is day with relatives in Tor- making satisfactory progress, ento. and hopes te be home la Mr. Lorne Dean bas return- about two weeks' time. ed home from visiting rela- Miss Olive Luke o! Tor- tives la Saskatchewan. onte, vas a weekend guest Glad to report that Mrs cof Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. E. McLaughiin is feeling much Mrs. Walter Bryan vas able improved and is spending the te leave the hospitel this xinter months vith Mrs. E. week, and spent a few days Murphy la Tyrone. viith her son, Mr. Orvîlle Our church was feiriy vieil Greer, before returning te her ettended on Sunday morning home et Burketon. Mr. Crawford delivered a fine The-Cubs o! the 2lst Pack message. The flowers la the church were in memory cf O IU R Mr. amisand family. O IU R Miss L. E. Knight spent the weekend in Toronto with re. GORDON E. OSBORNE, B.A. latives. ueasevcsfrtele Mrs. Ross Raby, Oshawa; uea evcsfrtelt Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubba; Gordon E. Osborne who dîed and Janice, Trenton; rd at the Nora Frances-Henderson Slingerland, Oshawa were Hospital, Hamilton, on Tues- Sunday guests of Mr. and day, Jaauary lOtb, 1961, were Mrs. B. Hubbard. conducted by Rev. Harold Don't forget our Special Stainton at Ebenezer United Youth Service on Sunday . Church on Thursday, January morning et 11:15 a.m. Sunday l2th. School will be at 10:30 a.m. Mr. Osborne who was bora Mr. Thomas Trick bas been et Courtice, vas a teacher et confined te bcd for a while Nobel, Cameron Falls end the We hope bis condition wiii Bowrnanville District, prier te soon be improved. movîng te, Hamilton la 1947. Mrs. Jack Sinclair is spend-'1 Hi appointment as principal ing a few deys with frieads lo! Onteora Scheol, Hamilton, and relatives in Orillia. foilowed the annexation e! The C.G.I.T. viii meet eti Barton Townsbip in wbich hie the church hall et 7 p.m. on, served as Secretary-Treasurer Tuesday evening, January ànd Supervising Principal of 31st. the School Board. During Miss Shirley Gilbank is lan Vorld War Tva, he served Memnorial hospital, Bowman- with the Defense Industries et ville, where she vilI undergo Ajax. surgery. We hope bier con- In Hamnilton he was a char- dition wiul soon be lmproved. ter member, eider, and trustes Plans have been made teo! St. Andrew's United Cburch; bold another social evening'! and a member o! The Scettish et the home o! Mr. and Mrs.' Rite, Murton Lodge o! Perfec- George Allison on Wednesday tien anrd Corinthien Lodge evening, Februery lst at 8 A.F.&A.M. p.m. A cordial invitation is 'He Is survived by bis wife extended te aIll the fermer Helen Wilkins, a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lar- daughter Linda, his parents mer attended a chicken pie Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Os- supper on ber birtbdey, Fni- borne, and a brother Harold day evening, et the home o! ro! Courtice. ber daugbter Mr. and Mrs. Palibearers were W aite r Edward McMabon and fam-1 Rundle, Murray Osborne, Wil. iiy, Blackstock, and aise cdce- fred Browa, Harry Gay, Glen bratrxi their 3th wedding an- Pickcll and Harry Worden. niversary. Congratulations Mr. Interment teck place in Eb-1 anci Mrs, Larmaer i enezer Church Cemetery. nbers, D. C. R.R. 3, Bow- irles F. Wil- !initiated at ýanch 178 cf don held last gla the Le- ent Ed Run- ýe Initiation. ty was cern- es Art Shee- ýct and Ser- nWoodward. iate $75, the lion's winn- nt the Inter- Teurnamnent the Bowman- înch cf the 'ross Society rcarried. lse decided moate a copy lished book te the Bow- .ibrary, and 3owmanville brary. The tboroughly enjoyed th e Ir skating party on Saturday a!- ternoon at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Powell, Col- umbus. The temperature was low, but with bright sunshine and ne wind, the skating was Ideal, and the boys warmed themselves ln the house with hot chocolate and cookies afterwards. The new rink at Kedron Public School will go inte eperation this week. This pro- ject bas been sponsoed by the Communîty Centre for the use of the school children as well as the community. Through a quirk ia the heatlng, the ternperature in the choir loft of the church rose to 86 on Sunday, in mark- ed contrast te the outside temperature. At the suggest- ion of the minister, Rev. Ron- ald Love, the choir members moved down te the first row o! seats in the auditorium for the sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bish- op, Toronto, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bishop. Mrs. Derek Barnett on Sat- urday attended the funeral cf Mr. A. E. Billett at Hampton United Church. Mr. N. Groat, R.R. 1, Osh- awa, bas been a patient in Oshawa General Hospit al, this week. Janice Selleck entertained a group o! hcr school friends; at a party on Wednesday. Miss Sybil Langmaid wvas a Saturday dinner guest at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Everctt Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Mc- Kee and Danny were enter- taincd on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Reeves and Donna. NE WTON VILLE à., enings are helping the corn- midttee te pay for the recent improvements te the hall. Watching TV Friday even- lng we were surprised to sec several o! our local residents taking part on Mart Kenny Country Style program. W. I. Meeting The regular meeting of the Newtonville Women's Institutel was held Wednesday after- noon, January lBth, with Mrs. S. Rowe as hostess, and an at- tendance cf 18. Mrs. C. Brown, president, opened the meeting with the Institute Ode, Lord's prayer and Mary Stewart Collect. She then called on Mrs. M. Samis for the minutes, financial re- port, and correspondence. Af- ter some discusion, it was de- cided te hold a bake sale in February. Plans for the card party in the hall that evening were completed. Mrs. Milligan, convenor for Canadian Industries, presented ber programme. Mrs. H. Or- maiston gave a reading con- cerning the dangers te health o! some food additives, and sprays. Mrs. C. Burley presented an account of the Industries o! our own Township o! Clarke, 100 years ago, 50 years ago xvhen Newtonville had fivet blacksmlths, and the present. The wood products factories of Newcastle employ the largest number. There are aise the Christmnas tree, and tobacco In- dustries, feed and fruit grow- crs co-operatîve, garages, and1 auto wreckers, poultry raising, cernent block making, graveil, and crushed stone centres. Orone bas a printing office, and there is aise the Portý' Hope telephone company. The roll caîl was "A time- saving device." During the social heur the hostess and group served refreshments, and Miss O. Johnston received the "lucky cup" prize. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman visited at F. Tamblyn's, Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. Laddie, New Jersey, attended the funeral o! Mrs. Milton Samis and were overnight visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis and family. Master Glen Farrow spent, the weekend with his cousiný Darlene Bowen of Newcastle.! Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.1 Perey Greenfield of Bowman-ý ville were Sunday visitorsý with Mr. Andrew Reichrath. Miss Marilyn Stapleton ofý Bowmanville was a weekendý guest ivith Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Gilmer.1 Several local members ac- companied the Bowmanvillei members of the Odd Fellowsl Lodge when they took theirj annual bus trip Saturday night te attend a hockey match at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reader of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane were weekend visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore of Hamilton.1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit-. taker, Kenneth, Carol andý Lynne of Toronto spent Sun-1 day with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. The Community Hall com-1 mittee had a very successful I dance Saturday evening. The! next card party wiUl be heldý in February. These social e- Whother the weather ho, Modal illutrat.d: Carvair 700 4-Daor Sedan A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Anfy weather le Crvair weather This is a car designed and buit to handie the extremes of Cana- da's climate and weather condi- tions. Designed to keep you snug as a bug in February - cool as a cucumber in July. Buit to out- stay a cold snap - to shrug off a heat-wave. But driving's believing! Slide behind the wheel of a Corvair and you'll see how it handies Canadian weather conditions. ALL-WEATHER PERFORMANCE: Corvair starts with lively cockiness. The engine is im- pervious to freezing rain or summer heat - can't freeze up - won't ice up - can't bell over! ALL-WEATHER TRACTION: Corvair digs in and gees through winter's snow and slush, spring's mud and sum- mer's sand. The rear-engine design gives it perfect balance fer ail road conditions. ALL-WEATHER ROOMINESS:s Holds six - with overcoats. Sedans and coupes have lots of storage space behind the rear seat and in their 12%y larger trunk. ALL-WEATHER COMFORT: Iii summer you appreciate the splendid ventilation, plus the fact that engine heat is behind you. And in winter, a hot air heater blankets you in warmth. ALL-WEATHER THRIFT: New e' gine air-flow control speed warrn-up - ailows it to get tr its gas-saving ways even faste than before. And, of cours, Corvair needs no0 pwer brae.- or steering, water punlp, ireeze or even water!1 Try it for size! Try it for pricel You'il see Corvair lits you and your budget ini every wayl Whitewail tres optional et xtra cm Lakewood 700 4-Doaci Sta ion Wagon Mi ROY W. NICHOLS 13W NMEOLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET - CORVAIR COURTIcL PHIONE MA 3-3353 AND ENVOY (British Buit) CARS CHEVROLET TRUCKS PIIONE MA 3 1 9 - i ?Jour 3)orc/i £ig/it cShine FOI MOTHERS' MARCH 0F DIMES Monda y, ian. 3 Oth SPONSORED BY BOWMANVILLE KINETTE CLUB BLITZ HOUR - 7:00 TO 8:00 P.M. Ail funds collected during this one-hour blitz will be turned over te the rehabilitation for poliomyelitics and the orthopaedically disabled. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tay1l Mr. and Mrs. Elnier Lee vislt4 cd with the Hartman's nt En- terprise. Miss Elaine Davey, Tyrone, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe. Mr. and rs. Floyd Lloyd, Linda and Chris, visited Mr. L. Yakley's, Goodwood, also Mr. Frank Simms, Mrs. Lloyd's father who is in Peterborough hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oke and familv visited with the B. Lawv1or's, Frenchmnan's Bay. No NE y4 AVAILABLE FOR NqORTGAGES HALPH S. JOIES Barrister and Soio. 1130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-0246 11 MU" 1 BANK 1

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