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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1961, p. 3

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&imRzuiiRT .1e . zo~AhtOR 1ECNDINSAEMN BW AVLE NTROPG 0 I % ILONG AUT pointed fromn the terv ung Educatlon at Parties Marriea In Peterborough LOG rnette Club tand Mchmrs. . e eeeuig sEs Mr. and Mms. Len. Stephen te huch ipremencom ii ~ru m Eda Note - The North- ;ment was given. Then the wvarting nmore cf the saine son, Enfield, were Sundav vý c k was taken for a fse" * enhieerdlrco- umberland Durham T.D. group broke into buzz sessions next year for thernselves-as 'tors of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr chjld. Lunch wvas servdadtn h aa ln aels Asun eevdawl-e s htqetoscudbwi sfrawe uine Master Bruce Goble spent Fr Do a social tinie enjoyed. 2 onsi h attnw served praise from a New developed for later discussion. T.heseFsie Chats" were i Sunday with his grandparents, r uig Bliz M.adMs a utri nes n foteawy York City publication re-: ReasserînbLing. the entire group held by th1e Northumberland- iMr. and Mrs. F. Partner. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caruhr elmc bte n eIne eently. The followiflg arti- :held a two-ho-ur conversation Durharn TE Association in Mr. and Mrs. W. Vivian and The regular Bowmanville and Mr. Doug Kemp atne aeaysoîc ites eie appeared ln "Channels" I on varied aspects of the TE: Port- Hope. Courtice, Black-',fmlTrnwr udyKntemeigwshl n h pl rwr Produced by the National iprogram. Evaluation of the.stock, Miiibrook, Campbell-, famly, r oe, wreSanday KiWenete meetin as he8ld on h nApTeoroerls cne-G.PR supper guests of Mr.oand Mrs. Wesnesday, Januathe8,arnicipnntn;Toronto BasthWennesd Codoung. Ont and Welfare Servies._ Robt. Cameron. The R. Cam- the form of a pot-luck sup- day.Exeseghisbdfryn Alhuhi sese te Coupl evening visitors cf Mr. and Evelyn Werry, King Street'recovery to Mr. ArchieTh p-yuhersa take seriously the need to pro-, asa t chiew an Co pl Mrs. T. Barrett. East. son who iS a patientinWscaeteibtsaswlasir- 'vide as much trainin.g as pos- Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil, Each month the members tr Hospital, Toronto, olwrbdfryu oae-yul~ lunte leadershn - it isn't Re e v M n ifts ing visitors of Mr. and Mrs.' on pwt nie oag-îga y prto.o1 blyaduatatv.Wh nec ry te rnake the exerc:se H. Murphy. ment their luncheon fund in i Several from here cle eg hog nte ersfe. connryt a-eteeerIeH Mr .ection with the conven- pay their respects teofi n? eov o e oewiii a poÏderous affair. O 4chAnnvesa AVueclssase.tonýO i 4 t n i e s r Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Brian 1 tion this summer. The supper tended the funeral of r .bfr nte nnhge y Cad tueuaosies of atîon en and Jackie, Ajax, were Satur-1 was one forni of raising money! E. Billett, Hampton.Thfisstpialasheh'- Canada held a sertes cf "fire- ~~~day visiters cf Mr. and Mrs.ifor the fund. Mr. and Mrs. W riet u neynhv ae tt~ this tail, providing its volîn-.Mtrs, T.W. Jacklrn's 40'th and mauve &hrysanthemumsý Miss S. Gibson and Mr. N. nihndfrt ieprsdn were Saturday supperget-goeyurduisan k teer leadership with an edu-Âvedng anniversary was held1was received frein Mrs. JaCk-' avs er Strdy uperJ and Wits preside o fM.adMs JcbofrteNra ln ti od. cational experience - and an a' their home in Star City, lin's bro'h1er Roy H.llîer, hîs guets f Mr. H Williams an h eeig erearyDeor-Whitby, te celebrat r.amny akgaate opportunity to socaIize at tle, Sask, on Tbu~rsday, Dec. 2.2nd.1 v' te and ffamily cf Saskatoon.M.adMs e ihr i h eel edtemntsHr ri' itdy sanie tume. 0f Te 60 iietn- Forty relatives and friends at-A rnawbe of lovely individuali Mdr.oand SatunFirdA I e-:1 anydewcorreodncemanute ebCagsbrh bers of the Northumberland- iterded. For the occasion Mrs. igifts x as aise receîied ing visorasa r ad rseJvn-ancialreport nevandgiveb Durham Tuber co -iz ac klnwrnabcmnggw AmGng Vie guests were Mr., IvnTrno n udy'Gay tt.KnteJn tienpin ErctveCoial c ~esatn. t osg fadMr o rgto i supper guests cf Mr. and Mrs. [McMullen as chairman of the J but five pariicipated in in ross. ra1e a4t ý'.-ose home in Starý N. Schtiratoff, Oshawa. ýSunshiiie cemmittee present J N UR work-social se5ssOný. Arrangements for the tea Cî1% M'r. and Mrs. Jacll*n Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker and: cd a baby gift te Jean Colla- Seven coffee and dessert wvere made by tie honoi'edi"were married !xi 1920. Tlie' Garry were Sunday supper! cutt. ferent parts of the counties. Sid Statham). The three-tier-i ciated. Mr, and Mrs. Jaci lin 1us5c r n r.L Some discussion was held C E ê R I1 E S L Vartis wee arange ta îf- cupies daghte Bela (Ms.ReWebb, MrNeattrsotlff. Ten guests v.ere învited te ed tvedding cake %vas made hy m"adre tiieir home on the for-Wb, eca1e regarding the convention this eah faý t isusth! r, oyJcki ad rttly ers 6miessutiMr. and Mrs. G. Kovacsý summer and conce r ni ng ORLON SA cah fai e îcusth Ms fo jcli ndprtil'n-e'shrf~ta 1 ilss,~ vistted Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spring projects. But the meet- changing TB pictu.rp Kits cf decorated by 'Mrs. W. B. Da 0*o Str Cty and moved te eladfmlEmro n a lms oal eo background m aterial %ere pre- son. Serviteurs w ere M rs, Sta-; he r present Io, ton:0 mîit Sunda . 'ted to fial lns f o h each get-together. in addition, i Roy Jacklin and Mrs. C. Rolles.1 -have one daughter, two sons rad Ms Rbr ee A miscellaneous shower wasý March cf Dumes which is be- AlCir Gilt froa te failywere ., rBrycelreLarkeof, held at 'lhe home cf Mr. and,ý ing sponsored by the club. iSzs6t letreandslay t o =aph- a tsfror th family wee' and tnnStandJamesenUaiteo lea ndpotrstestnutaeblteehoe aleann car hchairi te ta t1pctrd boewremaridinStcJms'Uftorrs GtdhBaerFrdamv- Atenacefontemetig: Reg.298 $2.98.t $.9 f9 further thtnking. I ad atri-lgh.Prsettin dstit.Te cornmunity joinsl Church, Peterborough, on Thursday, December 29, ening when about 35 friends, was 90.4 percent. Following Cern Clearing - ~ a Following dessert and cof-loi a inantal lam.p was made 'n extenciing congratulations 1960, at 7 p.m. The bride is the former Shirley Mae and neighbours gathered in the business meeting a social'________ tee, a short talk on the history1 o& behiaif of the gathering by and best v.ishef, Milis, daughter cf the late Harold C. W. Milis and hand M hrnwyedM.horwsspn ngae n oftevlnayTE move- 2rs. L. H. Broechel, and a Ed's Note - No doubt the&r lt Vr iasegynrdake te Mfrs. John Vaneyk. When contests.GIL'W N E C AT ravfreds in Ditýat e eI ilsBige.D.Lrestesno Rev.1 ail the gifts had been epenedGIL Toanyhi ril e n rse no A. E. and Mrs. Larke cf Peterborough. by the happy couple each re- the above which appeared ini -Photo by Martin plied thanking everyone. The B V'TM Sizes fo ayt r-en ~IILftIAAAAIthe Melfort Journal recently. rmI dr fthe evening wasl B SLJ JILNE LL G E TY E U E -.______spent in cards and dancing. Ai LL C delietous lunch brought thei The regular monthly mrcet-: pleasant evening te a close. ing of Base Line No. 3 Mis- LJ07 ~~~~>I sien Band was heId Wednes-iCTO A G I Qunt day afternoon, January 1t, IW SHlsELIZABETH VILLE, eDRESSES ONE On Wednesday evening the W edd ngsOn Thursday evening we parents and teachers of Base' W e di gsheld cur aninual cengregation- Lîne Ne. 3 met at the home Sizes 4 to 10 lE e .M eigai meeting. Rev.. Wright was cf Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Met-i Selection of Cora TSI SBO E, chaîrman and Mr. Vernon Pea- caîf. Following a discussion, Reg. 3.98 - 4.9 ITHTEC 1The Bav cf Quinte Confer- cock was secretary. Reports period a social tume was spent. e.ence Woman's Asocainc were given from the Church, The Base Line No. 3 "Good ýERN L N RC the United Church of Canada . Sunday school, W. A., and Nihbu" Club held their leld an e-<ecutve meeting on '-YugPoes Mstfth egur$ II 1Tanéuar' lOF0h, in Holloway ounficers weerMeostedoferheregular monthly meeting ati 29 4V~~~~~~~ofcrswr r lctdfr the home of the president,l ____________ ____________ MA IUD DM JMI Street United Church Room:., another year. Lunch was serv- Mrs. Sam Battams, on Wed- 1 IBelleville. President Mrs. G. ed at the close cf the meeting. nesday afterneon. Election cf' E. Dobbs p'-esicled. LARKE- MILLS Jkillen, Harwood and Trenton. Mr. Jackson Peacock cf Ka- officers teck place. The execu- Mrs. E. D1. Cornish cf Osh- ICrsmstes one The bride, who attended En- puskasing motored dewn lastl tive for 1961 is: Mrs. Sam mi ~uua~ mm~ ~ service, Ti .ýe text wvas takený and candelabra formed a Yule-I Bowmanville High Sc-hoel, gra-, Powell back with hlm for aBarnes, se'y.-treas.; Mrs. hJ.J d S o p a-ea. ndtidtd thetorshiiChristasJtr es p ita:skle Pulc choanween dtckMsMryBtaspsintMs CIVE HER THIS 1_1M Il Corinthians, Chapteridestigi t ae'Ui- duated as a nurse from Peter-1 few weeks stay with them. Turkovich, convenor cf thel 15 KING ST. E. SEAUTIUL NEW 5, Verse l17. She spoke cf the c d Church, Peterborough, on' borough Civic Hospital in 1958~ Mr. and Mrs. Don Powell, flower fund committee It walsMA329 BATFLNW opportunitiýýs presented in th~e Thursday, December 29, 190 and presently is employed1 and Bonny have moved into decided te hold a sale cf home 1____________________________ Nc'v,. Year and with each neva .mwe hilyMcwîth V.O.N. cf the York Town-. haîf of Mr. W. Beatty's house,I baking at the next meeting.,----* shulday. Ecrt w paeir Har idaC.W. ilîs ofath late si Branch. Dr. Larke, who until they have built a place The hostess had arranged sev-_____________________________ shud vr' ith pae forj Verola . MilsBgly and Dr.e graduated frem Peterborough on the farm where the house eral contests which were much fergiveness. guidance and for1 IeaMlsBel n D.Cc il e gia te Institute and was burned out last moth.ý enjoyed. A delicieus lunch cfrt - kindness, under- oetPerByeLke Queen's University in medi- Mrs. H. Quantrili andSuz- was served and a social haîf DIAMON nding and peseverace.I ere unîted in marriage. The cine, is on the staff cf St. anne Thickson spent a whileheur soon came te an end. Tehsadspooa hth Se closed wt verses 22 teo groom is the son cf Bey. A. E.1 Michael's Hospital, Toronto. at the Achievement Day ati Mrs. Roy VanCamp spent take two weeks off to(olih DU E IM rom t"ce 4tii chapter cf and Mrs. Larke cf Peterbor-' Orono on Saturday. 'twsIusa n saa u ustIigwt h boys a 1 uheIlsians ýmd prayer. ;u0h "Clothesclosets Up To Date"fMr.Sm nodngtin te sympath fo sl 25-c'~~~~~ Repen.s were received from The groom's father, Rev. A. MELTON - OLIVER Many splendid articles on dis-ofMsSa nwe.gti lte 9 ~ i Pcesbytery oresidents and Con-! E. Larke, xvas the cfficiating Yellow and gold 'mums play were an indication cf the Miss Grace Barnes was theihis wife when lie I1 ntd ference offticers. Because of1 clergyman for the double-ring ibeautifully decorated Black- good work donc by cur 4-H, guest of Miss Joy Wicks, Osh- "AhI1 do lswo work, w or OUR ' the' new w'ý,omen's organization~ ceremony. Mrs. Murray Man-sok nte CcSau- clubs. awa, on Saturday. -lieahse Ihve' which wl be undertaken i, tego' itesn day, Decemiber 17, 1960, when MissDna ndRt Mrs. K.-C. Hopkins returnedhad a vacation in iyer iJannary Mi62, a motion was' Th or y heh rd" ' oyc Wanda Oliver, Mercer, Toronto, were e t er home on Saturday after', SPECIA unanrooiqý, aproved"that befoe theceremnyb "foceagtherofeMreandny,. "Tl eo MarlynkencfbeMc.hoandalMrs.forarverfor Atheinweekend. r Confeen- officers cf theLord's Prayer" during the ser- daughter nd homechecpue dosahr shudcry vc fHl omno hïýR. Oliver, Nestieton, became snayes eeholdas chucch ben spiate o eea dsnewe, eh I cary n f HlyComunonwhchthe bride cf Frank Melton srvcsveeaecastsai wes.sone,"deahreta ____ until the end cf 1961". followed the nuptial vows, and 1 Mr. Melton is the son cf Mr., Our supecintendent Mr. M. vcto? Theéan0ai cqCon-"0 Perfect Love" during theadMr.JmsW.Mlc, White conducted the Sunday Th.0 erne anviii meeting RfCno n Ms ae .melnAhl joking aside it was' e fernc wllbe held on Mavyînn fth eitr Burketon. Bey. Phiiip RmriSehool. Most of the teachers ln g hnwm lst nd 2d inWhity Unted. Th brie, wo wa gîvn Backsockpecfrmed t hwere there. In the Bible cîass ~ln g hnwmnhdt THE AIR i hurc~. 21 CnterSths e mriagd b e r broth gier, dcoue-ring ce emony. ework like herses te kee hi is nd'h in"VityUitbedespaer. Chiaester Milis o Ens- a panel discussion was held. Salem W. A.held their.famiy's clething dean u 1ýVitb. he peaerwil b!Mr Chstr MllsofEnns-Mcs. MeAllister, Mr. and Mrs. January meeting at the home what a different story tI3 a thw o klewoeafll begt The bride, given n marriagej V. Peacock, spoke on thap cf Mcs. Leslie Wclsh. Presi- day with the mode dr $1650legt gwncf ieednyon YvrBlubîd iaon Rng Is r1s. K. R. Rose cffthe Do-killen, woc a fual lenth b h corof the past, the church dent Mrs. W. Craîg opened the cleaner on the scene. Nwa Yc>u Blubirt Diaon ing i inhon Couincii cf the United i gown cf pure white Italian, y er fatherof wored ayf1 gurated lales n m~ huchcfCaadpeau de soie, the skirt sweep _ilace o ver white satin, and th f t e present and the church meeting wtth the theme hymn the homemaker has t oi suredfreeagaist Iss. r da- i -_______ inc back inte a graceful ca-îln lee odc a t e of the future, respectively. Itl followed by the Lord's prayer. pick up hier 'phonetehv le thedral train. The fitted bodicC ihaV-hpdnckieet-ws ey interesting subject.1 Mrs. E. Tivist and hec group garments picked up andmd dLsi ageforoneyer. sined em ria Hor'ita wa fahinedwit a orrai îiewith Vsiler sequins.Ote'Durîîg church services Dr.1 were in charge cf meeting. spotlessly clean. O0 w og oroneeklAsind a fsined and full- ýlen: b ide'sile*seuns TeMartin from Perrytown church< . number is isted belw( e certificaste oceOMPanies evOry Ie oilH sià sheath sîeves. Sh -engreth j baurora only jewellery was kseeo Pae" anexe- Bible reading and devotion- orcneine ring. 1 ro' itcfasnl ta la bocealis stoned neck- lent sermon enjoyed by aîî. a eegve yMs Smyu'oneine Weekly Repor cured penftofd ne adýlace with matching earrîngs. On Tuesday afternoon WC 1 Buttery. Mrs. Art Hamilton Report Hec shoulder length veil cf had our short course under the and Mrs.Percy Werry, Ty'rone, r NOTHERS'N R H0!IE For fine \eekt cf Jan. 16-22':ngr-i ei ei rn 1 nylon illusion tulle feil fro' direction f issMenni o gave a vecy interesting and inclusiv e. crcwn cf pearls and chine- ia seed pend crown and îs enisnChormativUnion. als ouean JN O PN Ad...............51sones, and she carcied a white ca e ikrse uruddToconte. The course was "Cat- jifraiedaou n M N A I3 H OP En iisso4 maBble cresed by a-auve or-bv white 'munis over a white lcf Garden Hilli attended, as Avery favored with a vocal Discharge- -- 58 clnsae fte d. Bible. which was the gift cf! aottet ebr solo. Readings were given by JEWELLERY and GIFI SHOP 1 jceeain. - -iBtyBa o fWib h ro.IMissMelnnis told ail the! Mrs. H. Barrie and Mrs. T. EMer asratins.......29y, 'The nintren cf henour, Mrs.1 reasons wlhy'we shouîd be Wolok 29 KING s'r. I ~ MA 3-574v 1 Emrgency treatments - 13 Wamtrnf honor, and theý George Allison, cf Burketon. Icaceful when planninfe - Traresrpotwsge KIG .MA Vistig eus -4 p.m. and biemiswr îe wore a street length gOwn cf1 ceptionser uprsnteshinablnccf224 ____ 7 t 8:0 pm. cassnte3f trbidc Ms pn ntevrtaftawtlIprpre ods toc fac at1head Mrs.nW. Crai rs.S utr________________________________ he Imnperial Roomi of the Eni-' the register. suiandMrsU'.GereAisn Sweet U~ I pres Hotel Peteroceughl Mc. eorge.laisdnMBurke'eorge LJ - lus - ýprssHoel Pteboouh Mr Gore llso, ure-Burket on. also held a miscel-,b ~A V AA D~ ICecil Milis cf Mapie Grove, Melton, Claremnont. and Mc. and. groom te-be. Th eywFEE 7eeve n ay dcess with. Calvin McKee, Bucketon, w ___ OF I CNAIE ,,,f R ID A Y ,p M A R C Hcontrasting embroidered flow-! the ushiers. 'eive ro rinsofelyuskeful -ers in shndes of bIne, blue i The reception wns held at gifndtshoafw ndaf.ukeo Iflowercd bat, black accessories Blackstock Becreation Center adOhaa 8:00 PJ'!. t ass, h ro' mte db hebiesmthri ,MAL COL M T HE M IL KMA N - - - Iby GL N RECA R ,lchose bege lace with mess'gcay-whîte sheath. Sewr green and beige accessocies, a black leathered bat. Assist- 01T APCE Wr4 ~ D fULIC ETIL ~ 1A WA J1 OS' 1and corsage of yeliow tea ing was the groom's mother i -iE VTMN, IEA- N WMSTERNS Z1W'*TCH 1(A K'O 5TA OT j ..~~~~.* Ail E ~~~~~roses. who chose a royal blue jersey,' Nr .rML< RTEN.IS~iS NT.? CEYVJG H OS FUN FOR A LL FREE PRIZES Dr. Nieholas Beichert cf' sheath with matehing at1 rV IK PUN.I' LOO . ER Toronto, in full dcess, piped Beth wore corsages cf pink' ,.t~T N BRSIG IIIthe bridai party froni the carnations. chucch te wiing cars. He' For the wedding trip tal&Vrt%4. REFESH ENT SEVEDaise pîocd the bride and groom Buffalo and Niagara Falls the' BIERESME TS ERte their table at the reception ! bride chose a beige twc-pîecel~ ,i* anid afterward as they left foc' suit, a beige feathcced bat, and ' hp! 1 ;!their honeymoon te points un a brcwn clutch coat.. the Niagara district. . Thte beautiful four tîered - The bride's travelling en- wedcing cake was made byý FREE A DM I SIO Ni.1 emole was a deep violet Eng. the bride's mether, Mrs. Earl Si sh wocl stroller suit and'Oliver, and iced by Mcs. . iinter white bat wîth black Kemp. .u~ W. H. BROWN 15 CELEBRATING HIS 2Ist YEAR 1! ccsore nd mauve orchidý Guests attended frorn Shel- i corsage. They wîll reside at; burne, Oshawa, Bethany, Port i AS LOCL CASEDEALERWcstchestec Towers, Apt. 511,- Peccy, Sunderland, Lindsay, Ml a ASLOA CS DALR1l1 21 Lascelles Blvd., Tocante 7. Janetville, Burketon, Steuff o Pop Dlvr _____ - ~ . ~Toronto, Kmcsto, Peterbor- stock.ani Phone MA 3-5444 G LE U RA M DA IKY9IigS-W A&ý. ough, Whitby,. Oshawa, Ennis-' The bride attended Black-I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO TRUMMA'r. JAN. 26th. 1961 PAGE TIMU

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