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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jan 1961, p. 7

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1 lémtmov-'v VAw **#st. ls"R E AAINSAEMN OMNILE NAI AESVN~~A U (Social & Çersonali Phone MA 3-3303 Mis. William Spry is visit-1 her business affairs until she Ing friends i Rochester N. Y.i bas fully recuperated. Mrs. G. Watkins, Toronto,I An honarary fellowship i spent a fcw days last week~ the Royal College o! Physi- wtih Mr. and Mrs. Thamas cians and Surgeons o! Canada Rayez. was conferred Friday night on' Mr. jad Mrs. C. W. Varcoe,Gavernar-General Vanier atl RosenUlh, Ont., were weekend !Ottawa. A similar fellowship 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. was granted Col. R. S. Mc- B3lack and family. I Latighliii, Chairman o! the1 Mi-s. Robert Gihi o! the Royal Board o! General Mators Lim-q Theatre returned home îast td Oshawa, ini recognition Monday after recent knee sur- o! bis contribution ta Canadian gery in Oshawa Hospital. mduramCont lu o Ti Miss Carol Yellowlees, Osh-Donta mes onityCluanuaTry awa, and Miss Donna Yellow- 26) atsto815p..Gut (speakr lees, Enniskillen, spent t h ew e, 6Mi :1 .m.Gdon Deemkere weekend wlth their grand- wwilh r.Godovie aneta moterMrs N.C. ellwles.on the Better Business Bureau Mi's. Ruth Angus, Toronto, o! which he is a sta!! member. was a weekend visitor with This is a very important or-i her sister and brotber-in-law, ganization which tries its best Mr. and Mis. Ron Hawthorne ta keep citizens !rom being and Barney, Liberty Street, victimized by unscrupulous North. 1 promoters. Weekend visitors wth Rev.I The Home and School Execu- and Mis. A. W. Harding andI tive met wit'h the teachers at Miss Vivian Bunner were Mr. Central School on Wednesday, and Mrs. Paul Symans, Robert, January 18. Mrs. Ralph Aines Janet and Tcddy o! St. Cath- presided and plans for the exines, Ontario. February meeting were dis- Mrs. Irene Oxland who bas, cussed. It was accepted that been with ber mother, Mrs. Miss Phylhis Bainbridge would Martba Halîman, King Street be invited ta address the Apri] « West, for the past two wceks meeting. The meeting con- will return to ber home in cluded with Mrs. W. Cobban Toronto on Friday. outlining ber plans as con- Recent visitors with Mr. and venor o! a projcct ta assisi M&s. Percy Hayward were Worid Re!ugee Year. Miss G. Forsyth, Osbawa, Miss Memorial Hospital, Bowman- Margaret Pollock, Mrs. A. J. ville, is not the only hospital Gay, Courtice, and Mr. and in Ontario filled bcyond ca- Mis. Raye West and family of pacity with patients bedded Orono.1 down in corridors. Last wcek's Miss Mary Alldread, Miss, Fergus News-Record reports Claire Rector, Miss Julia Ma- their local Graves Memorial nez and Miss Olga Fuicher I Community Hospital well over Taranto General Hospital, were' its quota o! patients " dscatter- weekend guests o! Miss AI,- cd everywhere: in the corri- dread's parents, Mr. and Mrs dor in the chronic wing, one D. R. Alldread, Ontario Street: in the waiting room o! the x- ray departinent and anc girl Miss Linda Anne Cohwell, in a bcd outside the nursery". daughtcr o! Mr. and Mrs. E.T Colwelh. Horsey St., was homne rinity Evening Auxiliary fracouple of days last week. held its January meeting in Linda Is an a!! iliating nurse sie Sna colro.P at the Sick Chihdren's Hospi- sdnt Mrs. S. McMurter was tal, Toronto, for the next tbree in the chair. Mrs. E. Thamp- xnonths. son took charge o! the Worship Service assisted by Mrs. G. Guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Gor- MeMurter and Mrs. M. Rabb,. don C. Martin on Sunday were Rcv. Wm. K. Houslander in- Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin, stalled the new officers for Tommy and Donnie, Newcastle, 1961 and the various secre- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bingham taries gave their annual re- and Coileen, Toronto, and Miss ports. Mrs. C. Ives, Bowrnan- D)oris Martin, O.L.C. Wbitby, ville, and Mrs. A. Crawle, when they celebrated the Oshawa, spoke te the ladies birthdlays o!f Donnie, Colleen explaining the new arganiza- and grandpa. tion for "The United Church Her many frienda and busi- Womnen" to begin in January, ne acquaintances bore wiîî 1962. be nï-yta learn that Mrs. M. Last Saturday, January 21, rlin is again a patient in several junior members a! o, unt S5mai Hospital, Toronto, Bowmanvilhe Badminton Club where she is recovering fromi journeyed to Peterborough ta a heart attack. Her son Ed conipete in the Central On- Bresli wlllbe asistin w thtario Junor].JamAS*t4*nJ**l'JU SENIOR CITIZENS 0F BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT THE KIWANIS CLUB 0F BOWMANVILLE would 1k. fo provide FREE TRANSPORTATION To the. Church of Your Choice Phone: MA 3-3644 MA 3-2913 MA 3-2312 Before 6 p.n. Friday Trinity Unied Church Mlntster-Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Il arn. - MORING WORSHIP "Divine Providence" 7 p.rn. - EVENING WORSHIP "Is Religion An Escape?" Sunday School 9:45 a.n.-Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 11:20 a.r.-Kindergarten and Primary Baby-sitting Service Congregational Meeting Nonday, January 30 - 8 p.m. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL REHQBOTH CHRISTIAN **4REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Dowrnanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. Minister 10 A.M - SERVICE IN ENGLISII 7:30 P.M. - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday School imrnediately after Sunday mornlng service. Free transportation for those willing but unable to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. "Back To God Hour"" Broadcast C B.Oshawa. ut 3 p.m. every Sunday 1 membýers_ o! th club-would remnember her valuable sug- gestions. ÇBits an( BIG ACREAGE - Counl week that the forests in I: land were now valued ai 5,451 acres, with 4,002i 1,449 in Durham. The foi lands over a wide area si ment took aver the projE them a niost valuable as t t OPEN HOUSE - Career ism to Aeronautical Tec. vision to Interior Design, school students, parents urday. Ryerson Institute will hold its first Open E- ville students who hav r riicIv ly dveloninea pdîi. other swh oare presentiy highl yo fth eman ycour nanient held there. Ini the un- der 15 boys' singles event Bradley Lucas taolc the con- solation round, and the con- solation round of the under 15 boys' doubles was won by Bill Crambie and Garfield Webb. In the saine age group Wayne Iurges eamed with Mary Ann Larocque of Peterborough ta take the consolation mixed doubles. Allan Mott of Belle- ville and Jim Brown won the under 15 boys' doubles afteri a bard fought three-game1 match. Miss Mae N. Burriss o! Ge-i lert i the Highlands of Hali- i burton, where she makes herl home in her "little log cabin estate" since retiring from school teaching several yearsý ago, was a guest o! Dr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James last Wed- nesday. It is over 60 years since she was in Bowmanville when ber father, the late Rev. R. A. Burriss wvas minister of the Discîple's Church here,i: which is now the Town Firel I Hall and also hieuses the Woods' Senate. While in to-wn Missi, Burriss had a pleasant visit reminiscing with Mrs. T. S. Halgate wbo attended that church befare the turn of the century and had fond mem- ories of the Burriss family with their five children. Miss Burriss some time aga was awarded the top award in the Literary Olyrnpic of the Cana- dian Library Council promot- ed by the Toronta Telegram and was in Toronto at this1 time attending a social func- tion which was honoring Mr. W. A. Deacon, recently retired Book Review Editor of the Globe & Mail. In matoring her around tow.n, Miss Burriss was able ta recognize the par- sonage where they lived, the quaint brick bungalow now awned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn at the corner of Beech Ave. and Con- cession St. She left next day ta visit ber sister in Kam- loops, B. C. Koimehn (Contînued from page one) near ta prospective customners as the ones next door." The speaker stated that in her work she hears the likes and dislikWs o! a great number of people in relation ta way they are spoken to over the telephone. She pointed out that many customers neyer visit a place of business ex- cept by telephone. Miss Tay- lor explained that for this reason Bell attempts ta cdu- cate firms in the proper use of the telephone as an essen- tial piece o! equipment. "Is the picture the telephone caller receives o! a business, a friendly one, or is it rather forbidding? The whole basis o! advertising is the creatian of mental impressions. The voice a customer hears on the 3'phone will show whether the .persan answering is interest- .ed in provîding good service, or disinterested." This impression Is Import- ant ta the business firmn con- cerned, Miss Taylor asserted.1 The cahier may be a custamer, or a potential one, she added. "The ringing o! a telephone should not be considered a nuisance for it Is every bit as important to exercise good public relations on a voice ta: voice basis as it is in a face to face one," she emphasized. She gave the opinion that considerable harmn can bel done ta a business by a care- less, or impatient persan, ans- wering the 'phone. There âhould be a smile in a voice answering a tehephane, the' speaker advised. Miss Taylor passed along a few tips ta companies seek- ing ta improve their tele- phone - customer relations. She urged that the 'phone be answered pramptly, and the answerer speak clearly and directly into the mouth- piece while holding it about an inch from. his mouth. The caller should be given indiv- idual attention, she added. ,Instali 0f ficers ýAt Legion Auxiliary On Monday evening in the, auxiiiary for the year are: Legion Hall the officers and Past 1-resident Flore nc e executive of the Bowvraniville!Knight, President Millie Bat- Ladies Auxiliary to the Can-los, Ist Vice-President Audrey adian Legion for 1961 werelBate, 2n d Vice-Presid e n t installed in office. The im- EdyLhe Rundie, Sccretnary pressive installation ceremony Helen Wallis, Treasurer Ruby was conducted by Comrade Palmer and Sergeant-at-Arms Ann Piper, a past prosident. Jean Burton. The office holders in the The executive members for 1961 are Dorothy Richards, Ann Piper, Rose Overy, Rena Bathgate, Jean Firth and Rotary Audrey Fletcher. (Loüntinued from page one) The meetirg voted to make a donation of $50 ta the time has corne for them ta Branch 178 Scholarship Fund. say 'thank you', and to make Past-President Knight and lst it plain that they want to be Vice-President Bate were ap- free of colonialism. The people pointed catering convenors of Africa cannot allow them- for the Burns Supper ta be selves ta be bound by senti- held on January 28th. mental considerations, they 2dVcePsintEte mustassrt herseles. Rundie gave a report on the1 The people there want ta successful weekly Bingos held1 build, and also ta consolidate in the Legion Hall. Otherj their national affairs, Mr. comrnittee reports wvere given Zaney asserted. The new na- by the convenors as follows, tions provide a stirnulating Flower Fund, Comrade Piper, atmosphere in which ta live Canteen, Comrade Georgina and work, and their citizens Carter, Bereavement Com- intend ta do their utmost ta mittee' îst Vice - President be of assistance ta their own Bate. caunties.Comrade Rundle also told! the meeting of the Red Cross' 'Blitz' ta be held on March . 27th. She announced that the Campaign of the Bowman- ville and District Branch of, Sthe Canadian Red Cross So- k ciety will. be held on May 3rd and 4th. The next meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary ta the Can- adian Legian will be held on - .. ~Monday evening, January 30, The members of Branch 178 of the Canadian Legian will meeting. Cuir Diriveir (Continued from page one) Hanna and bis passenger, John Eadie, 110 Central Park North, Oshawa, were rusbed Kenneth N. Morris by the Oshawa City Ambul- They are convinced that it netthOsaaG er is desirable ta experiment, ho Hospital. There Mr. Hanna re- epandmocray are not sure ceivod cmergency treatmentI that eory is the best for a fractured skull, brakenI method of government. "Dem- jaw, fractured collarbone, ocrcy as tsplae bt here scalp and chin lacerations. Ho mcay ha bttpe bat o!hf e. w~as thon transferred ta Tor- People aretnt byorfeqainata Western Hospital. Peooe ae no bon eqal. Mr. Eadie alsa received Saine are more clever than treatinent for scalp and chie others, and sorno have quai- lacerations at the Oshawa ities o! leadership." General Hospital. Ho was re-i Mr. Zaeey proudly spoke O! leased later in the day and' the wonder!ui potentialities returned ta bis homne ta re-I o! Africa. Its people are open cuocrate. Constab'Le Poter ta suggestions but do not Den Hoed, OPP, ievestigatod want ta ho domInated in any the accident. way. This is o! vital import- On Sunday at 7:27 p.m., ance. there was a collision on No. Charles Carter moved a 115 Highway noar the Brent-I vote o! thanks ta Mr. Zaney. weod Motel. The vehicles in-, Thei prosident o! the club, R. volved a car driven by .Wil- P. Rickaby also voîced apprec- liein G. Ling, Newcastle, and iation ta Mr. Zanoy. Ho told a pick-up truckt drivon by Al-' the speaker that mon o! bis: phonsus Ti8lloy, Port Credit.', calibre would heofo great as- There had been two cars in 1 sistance ta the developmont front o! the Tilley truck andl o! thoîr countries. alli wero south bound. As Mr. ý Thero were five special Ling's car neared the truck' guosts at the lunchean meet- lhe applied the brakes and ing. They were Dr. Thomas went inia a skid. Ho was un-, Dustan, Simla, India; Dr. F. able ta avoid hitting the truck. M. Novotny, Bowmanville, Ronald Charles Milligan, who was born in Austria; Ed- Port Credit, a passonger in win Dennie, Boxvmanville,' Mr. Tilley's truck was injur- who came ta Canada fromn cd. Ho received fractured, Scotland, Fritz Marti, a prom- rih*s and col' arboee injuries. mnent local nurseryrnan, wvho A! ter ernergency treatmeet at was harn in Switzerland, and iMernorial Hospital, Bowman-' Dr. David Gluskor, Whitby. ville, ho was transferrod ta, Dr. Glusker spent mnany years St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto. in South America. Other vis- ConStable L. R. James, OPP, itors at the luncheon meeting ievestigated the accident. were W. Laney, Toronto, and' A car driven by Wayne' George Shocombe, Oshawa. Lamne Fielder, Charles Street South, Oshawa, was extensiv- ely damaged in an accident on Sunday on No. 2 Highway! et the Saline Road. I  -,ec es Mr. Fielder wvas rvn' est when a wheeh o! bis car tie Conci wa tod ist went of! the road. His car ýtie Coueilwas old ast went inta a skid and struck Durham and Northumber- a telephone polo breaking it Lt $242,087. Total area is off. Mr. Fielder was nat in- in Nrthmberandand jurod. Constable Wesley Roi-ý )rests have restored xvaste me, PPinstgtd since the Ontario Govern- jct 37 years ago, making sset. t t1 ýs ranging frorn Journal- chnalogy and fram Tele- will be displayed to high and employers this Sat- e of Technology, Toronto, Fuse. Several Bowman- 'e graduated from this icational institution and .y attending speak very -ses which are available. Kiwanis (Continued froin page one) tenant-Governor, Bihl White, a member o! the Liedsay Ki- wvanis Club, introduced the guost speaker, Gardon Coul- ter, who belangs ta the Ux- bridge Kiwanis Club. Mr. Coulter, who is the chairman o! the Board o! Dir- ectors o! the Uxbridge Hos- pital, spoke on "Prablerns o! Hospitals." Ho stressed the importance of keeping the President; R. McKnight, Ist Vice-President; J. Living, Chaplain; W. Bates, Executive; rear row: R. Richards,, Secretary; G. Virtue, J. Firth, D. Walton, Executive;I J. Rice, Treasurer; E. Perfect, Executive. Absent' wvhen picture taken: E. Sheehan, 2nd Vice-President; K. Ferguson, P. Bathgate, A. Mairs, Executive. comrnunity informed o! ail nigbt, he added. problems, and he also statcd The aim of the hospital is it is vitally important ta in- ta get its patients well s0 that terest the people o! the dis- they can leave and others trict in the hospital's services, corne ini ta ,be treated, the and ta win their support. speaker asserted. There is al- The cost of aperating a bas- ways a waiting list, he re- pital is continuing ta go up, markcd. He talked o! the On- Mr. Coulter pointed out. Ho tario Hospital Services Com- said that 70 per cent o! the mission, and alsa emphasized rnoncy spent is paid ta the the fact that public interest staff. He î'ecommended that is a decided asset ta any bas- it is advisable through good pital. public relations ta sec that Dr. E. D. Hubbard moved the people o! the locality have a vote o! thanks ta Mr. Coul- knowledge o! how their bas- ter for bis informative and pital is operated. interesting address. Plans for It is the responsibility o! the Charter Night o! the Bow- 'the local community ta see manvihle Kiwanis Club ta be that the hospital is run pro- held in Manday evening, Feb- perly, Mr. Coulter stated. Ho ruary 6tb, were discussed. discussed many staff prob- Prior ta the dinner meeting lems, and explained that the Floyd McKinley, chairman o! work o! the hospital goes on the Publicity Committee, pro- 365 days o! the yoar. Staff sîded at a meeting o! this must ho available day and committee. After the L.D.A. Brand - Eeg. 98o Cod Liver Gil Capsules Geriplex Our Great Reformers COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK STA A1E? -FASo Te 0tmchu 0 Gel the Finest Antacid-Laxative YOU CAN BUY'- and SAVE MONEV TOO wlth tht, GIANT. ECONOMY SIZE HLLIPS' 26 ounces MAGNESIA1 ONLY $113 J ALSO AVAILABLI 4 ounlces 12 ounces 33Ç 67Ç GIN PNLLS MOR ME KIDNEVS Reg. size 69c Economy $1.29 BE READY FOR WINTER WAMPùO"LE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound it's Tonic lime. Winter's caughs end colds are just around the corner. Help your family to better health Ihis winter, build up their resistance to colds... give them Wampole Extroct regularly. .. %tort todayl 15 OUNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES -.$2.89 ECONOMY SI ZE f SAVES YOU -70 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor Drugs We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-57921 a a 79c1 2.95, 8.75 Canadian Legion Instalis 1961 Officers 1Mloney.'Savinu SPECIALS! 100's size and 25's size- 5.98 value One-A-Day Vitamins Baoth for 4.49 6 Colgale Dental Cream Reg. 35e ___- 29c Eeg. 65e 55c Reg. 98c -___79c Eeg. 1.19 __ 99c d'Economy" Size - Eeg. 1.95 Halo Sharnpoo - - - - - - 1.29 Helene Curtis - Reg. 99o CremeRBinse - - - - - - - 79c Helene Curtis - 121,2 ounces Clear Shampoo - - - - - 98c Reg. 63e size tube Pepsodent Dental Cream - -49c 3 oz., reg. 2.25 Stopetie agnum Eau-On Deodorant 1.25 Nail File and Comb with 73c size Wildroot Cream-Oil - - - - - 73c VITAMINS Mead's Tri-Vi-Sol ...._____ 1.65, 2.95, 4.25 Frosst Ostoce Drops - 1.45, 2.40, 4.25, 6.00 Horner's Infantol Drops 1.50, 2.30, 4.10 Idamait____-____ 79c, 1.29, 2.39 »aramette Syrup 5.50, 9.85 Scott's Emuisian____________ 1.00, 2.00 Mead's Mulcin_________ 1.95, 1~25, 5.50 I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oji Capsules 100's - 1.15 250'. - 2.29 500'. - 4.29 Ayerst Paramettes _____- 2.00, 3.50, 6.00 Abdal with Minerais 3.95, 5.95 Frosst Beforte Tabiets_ _ _ _- 1.60, 4.25 Vita Diet_____________- 1.95, 4.95 Viterra Plus (Pfizer) - 2.98, 4.80, 6.50 Waterbury's Compound - 1.50 Wampole's Cod Liver Extract - 1.59, 2.89 Idavites - - - - - - 2.50, 6.00 A very impressive ceremany took place Thurs- day, January l2th, 1961, at the Canadian Legian Hall, Queen Street, when J. Firth, Deputy District Com- mander, installed the nexv officers. Pictured above are, lef t to right, front raw: J. Knight, Sgt.-at-Arms; E. Rundle, Immediate Past President; J. Woodward, -444 uz aa*jaillls WiLli. i ffl c it D at m PAGE SEVEN THE CANADMN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Durham County Club Mackenzie. whose efforts hias. Bulletin for its meeting on, tencd the adoption of respon- Thursday, Jan. 26th, contains the following local historical, sible Government. Bath were item from the art opehighly regarded by their, con- Weckly Guide of Dec. lSth, temporaries in Durhamn. 1858: "The veteran Reformer is "Hon. Robert Baldwin was dead. This news will be re- the Architect of the Municipalý ceived with heartfelt sorrow Institutions Act o! 1849. His by the peopie of Canada with- grandfather, Col. Baldwin o! out distinction of Part3y. He the first Regiment of the Dur- was one of the few incorrup- ham Militia and Lieutenant o! tible politicians who have fig. Durham Caunty was Crown ured in the Province. We Patentee o! land in the Town- rnuch fear that after M.Mac- ship of Clarke at Newcastle. ikenzie is gathercd to bis fa- He lived there with part of his thers, the race will be entirel.v large family from 1802-18101 extinct. Robert Baldwin has when he carne ta York, ta live left a name untarnished by a with his eldest son Dr. W. W.ý single act ci political dishon- Baldwin and father ai lion.I1 estv or trîcery. It woffld be' Robert Baldwin. a happy thing for the Counitrv A century bas now passed. wereoaur publie mcii ta ini since thî death of Wm. Lyon' tate his v-irtu-es."__--- 9th or 10th for senior pupili 'H orne 8 School' fth ubi sclîools, if par- Shows Film on miitrdcos diRoý echave heartily endorsedl H um n Gr wththe uise of! is filai for senior ,HumanGpupilsc with the knowlcdge The Home and School As- that information nover hîuit sociation will present the film inyone, but. ignorance can bc "Hurnan Growth" at its mte- dangerous. The film has beeîî ing to be held in Bowmanviile showýn across Canada and the High School next Wednesýday Uited States over a periad of evening, Februarv Bth, start- several vears. Oshawa schaolq ing at eight o'clocek. have acepted its use on a The executive have decidcd regaular basis. This is the firsýt ta show this film in the belief tirne it has been shown ta ii that it is t'he responsibility o! Bowmanville audience. parents ta see that their chul- At the meeting of the Home dren have a socially acceptable and School Association after opportunity ta learn the story the presentation o! the film of hurnan reproduction. ,a panel wih discuss the filmi Mrs. Ralph Arnes, the presi- and there will he a question dent stated yesterday: "We period. Members o! the panel feel that parents will take ad- xvill be Robert Kent, modera- vantage o! the opportunity to tor. Mrs. W. Cobban, R.N, a see and discuss this film at mem-ber of the Home and the meeting. Home and School School executive, Dr. Keith hopes to arrange ta present Slernon, Rev. W. K. Houslan- this film again on February der, and MA .H. Philp, Home Econarnics teacher. meeting there was a meeting o! the Ways and Means Corn- mittee with its chairman, The easiest thing o! ail Is te Harry Locke, presiding. There deceive one's self; for what a was also ',a meeting o! tbe man wishes he generally bez- Charter Night commit t e e.. Mort Columbia, Peterborougb, lieves ta be true.-Demosthen- presided at it. es. maaminTon tour-1 il

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