THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLW ~ S PORTO PlCS.," - N y F'rank Mohun MA 3-7234 > EXCELLENT HOCKEY The fans at Saturday nlght's juvenile exhibition between the Marîboros and Bowmanville were treated to an I xcellent hockey show. Re-united was the forward line of ~rent Hughes, Terry Black and Alex Wisemnan, with this threesome controling the puck every time they hit the ice 'whIi hwas ULLtj1 - vvery ouuier tUrn i iUA finldIj.eioJ. * AI Woodlock was a tremendous operator, checking with authority and leading several rushes that had the crowd cheering îustily. The Manlies, easily the best team the locais have facedi thus for really showed that they knew how te, move the puck, with a big forward named Barfett and defeneeman - Winterstein (brother of the injured Karl) leading the woy. Nelson Yeo and Ken Coverly looked impressive on defence, while Ray Crombie fared pretty weil in his first juvenile appearance, particularly whcn it was agoinst such a fine club. We'd certainiy be remiss If we didn't move a vote of' thanks te, sportsman Jim Coyle, who, vas primarily respons- Ible for getting the Mariboros here for the game. The people who missed the game wili get another chance te scee what promises te, be a top-flight game, this Baturday night wben Toronto Swiss Chalet wili be bore te meet the Bowmanvilhe club. We understond that the Manîboros and Swiss Chalet are leading their respective leagues, and are expected te meet la the City Juvenile Finals. Don't forget-Saturday nlght at 8:30 p.m., with Swiss' Chalet playlng Bowmanvllle in a Juvenile exhibition tilt. t t t t t '"RED"I MANTLE HOLDS THE FORT Bowmanvilie goalie Jack "Red" Mantie, who Is the Port Hope Intermediates' net-minder, turned In a great dispiay cf puck-stopping te hold the Shamrocks at boy for most cf the game, Friday night la Port Hope. The locals f inalhy broke through to take a 9-1 win, but it wasn't "Red's" fouît. The Shamrocks just don't seemi to be able te stop Lindsay. Last Wednesdat nlizht waqn exception as thet N ice Weather for Boating I Ladies' THURSDAY, JAN. 26th, 1081 Major Bowling I --Etcher came up with theiri Karen Beaupnie 173 second shutout in Iwo starts,! Lorraine 'Martyn 173 Monday nigbt ta lead the La- Joyce Lyle -____173 S dies Major loop by a single Emma Bromeil _____173 S point. The pace setters la one, Audrey Bickell .. 172 of thnee shutouts, w-on ovor Bornice Terny 17«1 Patfiehd. The other two saw Marg Pernis _____ î 17 Martyn trounce King and Peggy Haynes 171 Joli dowvn Beoupnie by 3-0 Ruby Woodward j-,_ 10 scores. Norina Gay v .169 * . Haynes edged Dunn 2-1 to Vingie Brown _____163 tie Jol for second, while Bu-.iRota Gouioh ___ 163 day's 2-1 victony oven Baker INancy Bnyans 1 6, left themn in third, two points Moly Mains -.. 167 off tlhe pace. Brooks handed1 Joyce Tonnant ____165 Brook a 2-1 setback, the fi-st Mang King 164 scheduhe inners, sec o n di Thelmo Forrester 163 straight loss. I Dot Bond-----. 163 Lose to Lindsay Team 6-2 day-650, Grace Bhackzbunni-IBtarb Buttonshaw 161 623 and Dot Brooks-608. liicn Nicholson 161 Norma Nonris rolled a big1 Cames 200 and Over Lindsay once more provededge in the opening peniod but, Olinski scoring on passes frorn 280 game te take the hign I Onie Etchen 205, 227, 242, to be a major stumbling block were down 2-0 when the buz- 1 Don Masters and Ron Pohiord.1 single, whihe other higbs went r Greta Luxton 205, Ollie Pot- for Bowmanville Shamrecks, zen sounded on goals by Dart Lindsay copitahized on a cheopl te Lob Wright-260, Stelha field 212, Norma Norris 280, when they downed the Sbom- and Horten. bookin'g penalty te Ar-hieý Brown-253 and Bernice Bu- Doris Joli 202, 220, Ena Etcher rocks 6-2 at the Memoniail: I the second Neol counted Crossey, with Jewell tipping day-248. 26 oc onn 0,Rt Arena, last Wednesday nighit. an earhy goail, tippiag Dart's in Crawfond's drive fnom the' Teamn Standings 1 Geulah 202, Bobo Brown 230, Lindsay, the oniy team te post shot past goolie Vince Van- pont at 16:47. r Onie Etcher-------------- 6 .. Mohlv Mains 229, Bernice Part- a bctter record ogainst Bow- stene, wvbiie standing right on Don Masters eut the score Doris Joli--- ------------ - uci-*06. Murniel Holroyd 211, mpnville, bas defeated the le- the goal crease. Bowmanvihie te 31-2 oariy in the third after~ Peg-gy Haynes --- ---- Marg in 21.GaeBck cals three timos in four games. came bock strong, keepin7 tDk'ng Lloyd Hamilton's goal- iericeflgav-Kibn 2 16,2 , GetBrook 28 The score could easily bave plny in the Lind-ay end for mouth pass. "Bock" Cewvl Lorraine IMantyn _.------ Lob Wright 224, 260, Hildo been much dloser, if the Sham-' most of the next five minutes. carrfed the puck intio the LDad- Jonc Baker ---------- ----- 3 Brookz 227, Marion Slaght rocks bcid been able te finish But it was Lindsay again at sav end te start the play. Mc-, Dot Brook320,BbButnhw 09 their~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ply f rudth e.83,a Dn e lkygolCî ucl3gtta n ok ee un - - .20P5,gyHaynes201, onc Mut-09 When they did apocear te bave wvhen bis backhand bleoper withl the final goal cf the game, lCay Beaupnie------ 2 ton 2-37, Audrcy Osmond 23ý9, a certain goal, Kemp, who from the bloc lino sailed over at 3:33. h-oton fed him theý Hilda Brook -1 îAlice Hodgson 207, Shirley played a steady g3me in the evoryone and fell past Van-'p:lss ïId McGiil beat Vanstone Olhie Patficld ------ ------ 1 Davis 221, Joan Sellers 205, Lindsay cage, usuaily anose te strne inte the net. with a perfect shot te the fan Mang Ring --------- 1Stella Brown 253, Beth Char- the occasion. 1 With Rav Presten and Mc- corner, inside the post. 1Av'erages, tran 213, Vi Coode 202, Deli Dort was tbe leader on tbe Gil lain for rouglaing and Terry Masters wvas in action, Onie Etcher --------2331 Vinson 230, 206, Bernice Bu- attack for the visitons, scoring Spratt sitting eut a bigh-stick- after heiag out most of the Bennice Buday 219! day 211, 248, Norma Gay 200. twice and assisting on twe iag sentence, the Shamnocks seaFon with a shoulder sepora-' Norma Nornîs 212 others. Bovmanville bad an finally connected with Jimtion. Dot Brooks -------2,(8 Olhie Patfield ---- - ------....294 Thrilling Battie Hilda Brook-------203 _____________Ena Etcher----------- ---- 199 Doris Joîl---------U EL9 I Helen Cordon------198 Marib ros tage allyAudrey Osmond 1931 I M a lb r s t&âg , aDore Motton 1911 I Jonc Baker --- 1901 Wihîna Bates 1881 Babe Brown 187: Stella Brown --- 187ý Lindsay crew had little trouble in gaining their third decision Bowmanvîlle Juveniles and ing at 5:57 of the first per- In four starts against the locals. The Shamrocks have lost Toronto Marlboro Juveniles iod, going in a1n ndfrn batlc toa -5 iein the bcst a drive to the corner. Black' only five games ail season. Young Canada took over the Naimed "Miss Boating" for 1961, attractive Ruth gamne of the season at the fcd Hughes a breakaway pass,ý Arena iast night, with the Shamrocks piaying in Trenton~ Jean Kcarsey of Toronto, wvi11 reigrn over the third'Memorial Arena, Saturday but ho ýlost his balance, andi tomorrow night and here next Wednesday against Port Hope. annual Canadian Boat Show to be "held in the Auto- ' night he aist-moving tilt while f algsux hepc No game on TV that night. motive Buildin'g, Exhibition Parkc, Toronto, f SrmbcV thtogasiteThe Malies coaemro acaat Aex t t t t t February 3 to il next. This wvi11 be th2 grcatest ilast cighit minutes to earn the withi a pair of goals in '16 collection of boats, motors and marine produets ever deidlock. seconds te take a 2-1 edge bc- QUIE ASCRIN RCE ssebld ude on rof n Cnaa. her wll e1 In the final period, the~ forec the peniod ended. Mur- QUIT A CORIG RCE ssemledundr on rof i Canda.Thee wil b arival coaches used their top ray, in full flight, just mani- Quie arae hs eveopd I th GodyarHoceynumber of features and attractions including demon- Iinc:3 evcry other shift as the aged to rench Barfett's close- League, among five players, representing ail four clubs, for cruiser wvill be given away to some Auk visitor s tý,atnteptfienalvagnue sicknds ih tho tr ipch the scoring tîtie. Raye West Ieads Clint Fei'gison by a single Equipped with a trim figure, statistics about "Miss, each team went with its b2st just cau ght the inside of the point, while another point back is Ron Burgess and Don in a try for victory. post. At 16:47, Banfett filtered Masters and Ted Fairey are deadlocked three points bchind Boatinig" are 36-23-35. "ike'> Osborne re-united through the defence and eas- Wet.the line of Brent Hughes, iiy hoisted the puck into the Wet Alex Wiseman and Terry rigging as goalie Gary Hoop- t t t tM iN% d Blw lin Lecgue Black, and this three-some er dcirpped to the ico too soon. outplayed anyone they were Hughes fired a pair of se- NO CORNER PINS FALLING Onie Etcher is off te a fiy-!win- 638, Glen Fry- 626, against, while deing ral cf cond period tallies to give Moda x'onigweovrhar afeio i~ tat n heMicdLegu, Hlca rck-61 ad .imperlormers for the Marîboros but Barlett collected his se- Monday birating, eovrerdà1elwbcainýcding the avcrages and hav- Castle-614. wene Barfett with a hat-trickz cond to even the ceunt at Çzeorge elliott, manager of Liberty Bowl, bccause he figcurcd ing ber tcam in firs-t place, Frank 11ohun had marks in and an assist, and Murray three apiece at the end of two &dco4t erns cost him a possible perfect game. WeiI, rmaybe! -,fter thrce weeks of action.1 every freýmc 19 fishion a Ioý'y xvho figured in al cf the seor- pecrieds. Hughes took a pass not perfect but even a chop-off on the last bail would have! -icer lost their initial tçmesinlecf 364i. Mary Wilcox ing with a single marker and from Nels Yeo and fired a Fou crnrswhchwer sard ps ienFriday night in nosting a 5-21 cl the ladies high ith a four assists. partially screened drive at the been a 445 score. Fu onr hc eesae p ee win over Elton Bnock te lead big 315 game and also had n Hughes wvas spectacular In 9:17 mark, thon bagged his strikes and the final 10 pins. This feilow said it was the tho lea gue by 1lhree points. 234 effort. Other highis went his returnn te centre, after second by circling frorn bc- best game he had ever bowled and he wanted recognition, Sleep cdged Mobun 4-3 te te "Han" Paimcr- ý270, 238; playing nearly the entire sea- hind the cage, as the goalie In this column. Weil, here It Is. One thing he didn't want holci the runncr-up' slot and Onie Etcher-268, 266: Mor- s7on on defence. Brent ranped appeared te carry the puck we Palmer stayed in third with i ey Etcher- 261, Jirn Thonip-1 in a pair of markers and as- over the line himseif. erinted was that his previous game was 149. However, w a 5-2 win over Eromoîl. son- 259, Howard Drrei sc nte ohrtre The play started with a thoghtitonl fir o nin te bd ithth god.Affer dropp;ng two strai,ght 258, Fred Luxton- 2.55, 223M, whilio \Wiseman hnd twe goals picture n)assing play from Wise His name? We hate te admit It but we only know his ;htus ateuce pce om ORu'e 5.22 and one assist, and Black add- m-rn te Hughes te Black. Torry ~irt ame wichisFrak.Din'tcach helas oe. 5-2 z.nd got company in the 2411 and Jim Cste- 250. cdite remnaining goal along missed the net but dug the rz- firt arn, hih i Fan. Ddnt atc te aston. --13rpoitceilen ir positionthecasist.woudeof hHioadsan Drockc lest 7-0 te Yco. 1 Teams Standing 1ihtreasss oudoftebad n ____________________________________ Ncrm O'Rourke took high Team wV L Pts. Wiseman opened the sean- passed te Hughes behind the triple honours xith a 734 Etcher ... 8 l19i total, followcd by Frnnk Mo- Sleep -*. 7 2 16 hun-729, Onie Etcler nd Palmer......-- 6- ---fi M e oralA ena Mary Wilcox who tied for'Yeo 6 3 I4 î nrp1 s, "H-ap" Palmer-687, r ice 4 5 q;---.- s a o o ln BOW I~ ANV LLEFred Luxton-662, Cliff Tre- Erock -3 6 Standing End of Third W::kLow Trile-44 F-. Brock ---2 ,Team W L s.Hîgh Team () Castie---------------- 2 7 5,Libe-rty Bowl__ 8 1 8 Covan Equinment - 1264 Canadiin Tire ---- 6 3 6 High Tcamn (3)- j, ~AveragesKamsFunto6 3 6 Cowan Equiprnent 3420 PU Beenage Ave. Cowan Equipment 5 4 5 Low Tcam (1)- * ~ PU LIC B wlingEit ncr9 22Pps C5aRobson Motors __ _ 7884 ~~ Onie Et~-her --~~~ 9 222 Nels. Ishorne Ims. 4 RosnMts ____78 Bowling Frank M'ohun .... 217iJurvL Lovol---5 4 5 Low Tearn (3)- ~I A i~Teenacge Boys- VanstoejNorm '2ourl:e -9 212 Proson Transport 4 5 4ThsSedl SK TI G1 o Nv,1in-- ---- ould 0; Rundie 7 Masor o01,o ola - 211 Landen Hardware.- 4 5 Clarence Oke - .----- 346 Brown 5 Rackham 2. -' Hap Palmner ----- 9 2190 Selby Grant 4 5 4Lanry Pitnar 778 Pts. (-!cr Fr' _9-----!) 2,14 Bow'ville Cleancrs4 5 4 - FR1., JAN. 27 V n o e ~ Çrmî f4Cata' S 4 5 4G orce Joncs - m 80 BrMaon . 12 Air Sneic------ 9 202 Cab ens ea. 3 6 3 Cowan Equinment 1204 8-0PM undie ---------- -------12 .Trn Ccstle _ -----tephen Fuels - 3 6 3 LbryBw __33 P..Gouid --4 1iiici- 3rock 9 197 Robson Motos -- 3 6 3 Robson Mo'ors_ _ 783 ~ Racharn C'lAveTrc.-in and C:eb 500 - . . 2854 Fr-d Lvn'ton --- 9 111 Naine Ganes Ave., Teenage cGirl- Munday ýjat HarriFtDii-- 93 rnie Perfect ---- 9 2,17 Ab Pip-ýr was first bowler SA U D Y J N A Y 21h9L:tn ~EH5C0cashes Ar.iold Slccp----9 192 Li riv Pip2r-------- - 9 this sh',dule te pull off the 9; Paeeden -5 X1.nstone . Ken Luton--------- VIl Dr. Kel7tihSlcmon_- 9 238 l'ut trick. Ah hand thec hich H O K Yri----------is. .Lm cq. - -- ------- 9 1.00rc Rundie 9 23 0sinile game, 121, as well as the H OK Y1,1 ---- --- ------1 bG,,vl( ---- ) ,9 i,.Lý= g--- 9 2-0 hi7h triple score, î63. Muca -----------_---- ,Eninc P1-o ----- 9 17A Osborne 9 2281 Ernie Perfect followed Ab 8:30 p.m ~.- -- - -1 , Vc-h --.9 1Eud \Iýoscs -- - 9-2----xvith a 7G2 triple, Bill West- Co:ri)e - ----- --------------- 9'Gord \Vilc-x.-, 11 ,T-kC ay 9 4 ll:1. d70,D. .B. Rundie VanS CHALET-Van------------------- 9 MeTrg-e T'ocson ----9 179 Bill WC csiie9 2471 r et lmn76 SWISS CHALET Luxtonl ---------------------- 8 Duke B Drunt----- - 9 179 Carl Leslie ___- 9 219 Ln-rry Piper 709 and George of Toronto, Group Leaders J,,ancr ov- Etclicr ' e 7 .akLn 28Pnr74 Beupi 2 Bror 3CrtrKry Luxzton 9 17î7 Pec Dobbins 9 217ý Perfect aise was second te V2; Coombes 3Pret2 Vi O'Rourke 9 172Hank Janzen - 9 2l7,Ab for bigh single with 319,, 2;3Pefct2 Aura Trewin 9 170 Si Trewin -____ 9 215 Frank Blunt it 301. Pts. Cee Mutton 9 163 Elton Brock 9 2 5 B W A IL E U EN ESBurgess 13'Munrav Grant 6 167 Ab Piper- 9 1411 Bill Heanlo was away off Beauprie ~12 Mary Harrison 9 16G Harry Gay --- 9 214 scoln ad bith dnd 0 ADMISSION - Aduits, 50c; Students, 25e Etchcr --il1 Glen Hedosqon - 9 165 Rloss McKnight - 9 213 snl ae uhMDni Booster Ticket Holders - 25e Cooibcs ----- 5 Ferne Bradley 9 16,3 Aif Samelis 9 213 StnM ure10an __________________________________ Perfe2ct 2 L.uth1 Grnnt 9 164 Don Bishop 9 213 Jack Parker 108, SUDY AUR 9~Carter 2 Dave Park 9 164 Bihl Dates____ 9 213 oall n hEquipmeavnt tam1264 SU DY AUR 9ËJunor Girls- Brown 5 Jim Thompson 9 1f)1 Paul Chant. 9 211 inlte amnorn a 1264rile Kitson 0; Oke 5 McDonaid 0; Manie Yeo 6 163,Cecii Mutton 9 211sngeada42trp. FAILY SKATING - 3 la 5 p.m. Osniond 5 Dadson 0. Mor]cy Etcher 9 162 C eorge Piper 9 211 Ailey Chatter ptc;.ýl\ arg Welýh 9 162 Jim Castie ---___ 9 211; Ernie Perfect, winner of the Brown------------5____ i fonPaclhey 9 160 Jack Lander___ 9 210,bigh average in the first CHIILDREN'S SKATING O:inond 15 Bi ~ lil Charles 9 15)8,Franik Mohun - 9 209 sehedule is back on top again FE. st- :3 t 530p.. !e 8Esie Cox 9 156 George Glanville - 9 209 in the second scheduio. Pen- WENSAMcDonald 5 Aid-i Luxton . 9 156)Russ Haliman __ 9 208 fect bas 247 for 9 games with Children------------- 25e Dadcn .- 2 Ruth Mitchell 9 1593 Ron Brock -___ 9 208 Larry Piper holding down Adit ccniayig hlden - - 2c Kitson---------------- o ,'.Lirev Sîcen 9 1,53 Joe Nowhan ___ 9 208 second place with 243. Dr. Adlt acopnyngchlde - - 2eBob Mitchell 9 1,52 Russ Lane ._- 9 207 Kcith Siemon has 2118 for 3rd __________________________________Iligh Triples Mary Nowhan--- 9 1,51 Ken Luxton 9 207 spot. This rian Perfect às Tc enage Bos- J. Rundle Marion \Vi-enn 9 15j1 Clarence Okze 9 206 ncalhy bot and nobody seems WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1sf -658, J. C.,rer-530. Van Du-une Palmer 9 151 Dave McKnight- 9 205 te bc able to s'op him and Tcenage Girs -1.Va.Dore Mutton 9 43Mel Dale 9-0 the way ho is travelling right INTERMEDIATE stone-517, M. Chant-484. Joan Frv ----..... 6 14,3 Jack Munday - 9 205 now ho couid be a double Hligh Doubles Doron Charles -.9 147 Bob Richards - 3 205 winnen. H O K YJno osGA e-1-len Park ---- 9 14r, Frank Samis --- 9 204 Liberty Bowl had their un- Juir os-G Ae- iWireman 9 14.- Morley Vanstone 9 203 beaten string stepped and now H OK 33 . c-tire33,RDot Caýtle 9 143 Russ Oke ---- 9 202 have an 8-1 record for top 8:30 p.i. fichards- 330. !Nettfe Gl'nville - 9 12.9 Frank Lewins 9 202 spot in the team standing. Iligh Singles Bectrice Morcan- 9 123 Ralph Kelly 9 202 Canadian Tire and Kramp's P R HO ETen.g Boy- J. Rundle 9;Shirleêy IIohun 9 12 Ted Bagnol- 9 2U2 Funniture both with 6 points P R HO E-295, , L. Vesna-255, A Rubv Spicer__. 9 l' Pat Yee ---- 9 201 are tied for the runner-up v.Plummer-229, MIN. Charles-- Dot Thompsen 9 99 Biii Heanle ---- 9 200 position. V.27,J. Carter-208, G. Moonre, Glen Hodgson - .4 20 Normi O'Rourke bas replac- flfWUIIZVII ~U MDR V~-208, G nifn20-L Ladies' Iligh Triple- OneRay Fry- 9 200 ed Don Bagneil on the Bow- UWA.8~A V8U~ ~Riicl:bam-202. -,4.~ 4,~ar ilo Features manvihle Cleaners teamn and TDMeSaIeNGirls-sM.5Mon- 724. tsThiffVeek ý'Bob Richards has taken Matt ADMISION e Auits,50c;Studnts,25e da- 234. M. Charit-201. Ladies' lgh Single- Mary High Single- Hrio' 9iin o h Junir Bye-R. eaupie ilcx-35. Ah Piper-- 321'Canadian Tire team. Matt has Children under 12 years of age Free Men'sHh Frank Higb Triple- dîoppcd eut of the second if accompanied by aduit Juniior ('. 1Y - K. Ok-c-Meh'un-26c14. Ab Piper -_____- 763 scheduhe due te heahth reasons. 2C,-, (wins crcst), D. %Vilcox- Me-i's iii-h Triple- Norm Low Single- Matt is expected to retura 166. -, O'jiourke-734. - iBill Hearle ______100 next season. 'inet. Borfett knotted the count Iat 16:33, tipping in Wallace's1 drive from the point, with rant Flintoff off for board- ing. Hooper had just replaced Grant Wright in goai, and. again mode the finst move end %Vas eut o! position for tlhe shot. Coach Osborne bus- tled Wnight back inte the, nets, jost as ho hiad donc afiter! Torento's second goal in the' first. With one hand holding off, a defender, Hughes mode a' groat play te shide the puck' in front te Black as the locais went la front agoin at 1:44 of the final period. Wiseman >' broke up a Marîboro attack te stant the play. Wisoman modle it 5-3 at the 6:16 mark, fiolding a clearing poss offr oa Toronto defenceman at the Bowmanvilhe blue line, and speeding the lengtb cf the ico, before faking the goalie dlowvn and whistling a per- foot shot ta the fan corner. Barfett eut the margîn te ai single goal at 11:56 and Jack-1 son got the tie-breaker from' o pileum, in front cf the net, wvitiî the puck just dribbling lover the lino. Wright made, soveral great soves prier t-) the goal te evidontly lock-up! the goal-tonding chore. Hughes almost pulcd eut a win vhen bis bulhet drive* bit the goal-tender, wbo didn't sec it. The Bowmanville defence canme up witb o fine effort, lied by AI Woodiock who wos a towor cf strength and mode several. cnowd-pleasing rush-' es. Kay Beaunnie 1361 Betty Westhake---- 184 F OR Muriel Holroyd 181 FI-O Vi Ceaie- ---- 1 84 OR' Grace Blackburn 18-1 $E RV 1C. Mabel Lewis------ ------182 Shirley Biekeill 1 J IVE USy Dell Viaon 1Cal 1 Lola Wright 179 Holrrn Dmiia ----------- Barbara Bathgato -- 178 Shirley Biokle --------175 I11NOW TIRES I S 295 and up w~ith Class "A" Trade-in JAMIESION TIRE A.- B. STURROCK & SONS LTD. MA 3-5516 BOWMANVILLE Featuring AUTOMATIC PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Time Available for More League Bowling FOR EXAMPLE.. 1959 EDSEL 4-Dr. Sedan FuIIy power cquipped, custom built radio. Gleaming black and wvhite. Real sharp car. 1960 BUICK 4-Dr. Sedan Automatic, custom hit radio. BlIack and wvhite with red trirn. MANY OTHER IMAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM -.Y,(nnotinceinent... AS 0F NOW PINK T[IHIFT COUPONS1 FOR REGULAR GAS COUPONS, Pink Thrift Coupons wilI be cancelled GAS COUPONS GIVEN Aý MAY BE EXCHANGED TWO FOR ONE. 3d as of M3arch lSth. MEMBER 0F N.A.L. TOWING SERVICE OUR BACK SHOP SPECIALIZES IN: *FRONT END ALIMENT *RADIATOR REPAIRS *BRAKE DRUN TURNING *FULLY EQUIPPED BODY SHOP AND SPRAY PAINTING Robson Motors Ltd. W. J. MeMECHAN, President BUICK - PONTIAC- VAUXHALL CARS - GMC TRUCKS 166 King St. E. MA 3-332 OSHAWA DIRECT LINE RA 5-2712 I p -- - - ~ ~ - .-PAGNE IGHT ..~- 1. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILLE. ONTARIO 1- t. .