THURSDAY. FER. 2nd. 1961 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN 9fl.LE, ONTARTO - PAGE NEQb efspot floor lamp. J-iv. DeeatSwiss Sh letBoth grooms graciously ex- -Bowmanville Juveniles ran'offender entered the sin bin.1 the lait defender for the puck., a prsed thals or e gn sta I*to stif! opposition froin Tor- Hughes and Terry Black drew Wiseman made lt 6-1, 20 sec- ag".Fter hlch a joei lg- onto Swiss Chalet, a strong assists. Delcort appeared ta onds later, coastlng In to take' feUlowsl'. Dancing contlnued moinor mldget club, before go too far In after taking Laid-!i Black's perfect pais and pick ta music p rovided by Mrs. D. yoosting a 8-2 decision at the law's pass, but the speedy the corner. Jim Rlckard was Davey, ans and flddlers Memorial Arena, S a t u r d a y, winger whistled a perfect also in on the play. Mr. S. =Ioy Mr. D. Drain Dight. The locals thought to the far top corner fanl After Ruffeli hit for the vis!- and Mr. G. Baker. The square Would be meeting a team in Swiss Chalet's first goal. J tors, Joe Bothwell, playing in dances were kept moving by tfie sarne division as last Sat- The visîtors had many fineihis first game of the season, Mn. Bob Sum, as caller. With urday's Marlboro opponents, chances, but Wright held them sIhawed a lot of speed to break the servlng of refreshmnent3, but Swisa Chalet was predom- off the scone-sheet, while the in alone and score at the 14:20. a good time had been enjoyed_ Inantly composed of 15 year locals picked up a luclcy goal mark. John Twist poked the by everyone. olds. when Wlseman's attempted puck loase at centre to stant EFarlier, Mr .and Mrs. A. -Bowmnnvllle, wlth 16 pa- ast lc etit h h play.Wsma ent in McQuinn were visited at their ers In týhe îine-up, weren't up net. alone wlth only 52 secondis rIe- home, when Mrs. Barabra to arr~iis one, and exceptl Nels Yea, playing on the maining and pulled h gai Milison expressed best wishes f rr ý frar inmaei Wight's excellent fo r n, aei -1 early before fiipping hisfothga and a welcome ,presenting play betWéen the pipes, the, In the third, slapping Hughes' home ta make the final score! Allison and Pat wth a plat- &tory might have been differ-I behind-the-net pasi out Into 8-2. Riekard and Ray Crom- form rocker. Bath expressed ent. Swiss Chalet, while un- the rigging. Hughes outraced bie were In on the play. sincere thanks. able to cope with the locals stronger play, made it close by foirrtsitenlltak sng-T Y R O N E ENNISKILLEN fote I erilteachecknge- maidget teamn to knock them Tyrone Annual Congrega- H. Skinner, W. JewelI; Ush- A crisp, nioonllght winter's out of the running. tional meeting was held Mon- ers- Lance Phare, A. John- evening and the cosy, frlendly Brent Hughes and Alex day evening, Jan. 23, with a ston, G. Glaspeil, W. Rahm atmosphere at the CommunitY Wsemian wene the top opera- splendid attendance. Rev. G. and George Alldread; M. and Hall were sufficient reasons tors up front for the homesters. Lokhorst, pastor, was chair- M- J. Cookc, Mrs. P. Wenry, for a large group of happy Wlseman scored four goals man and Mn.. Perey Werry Mrs. . Wright; Pastoral Re- folks to gather for a card and Hughes collected a pair was Secretary. Church mem- lations- Mr. A. Hamilton; party sponsored by the Sr. along with two assists. bership of 162, of whom 124 Cemetery Board- F. Werry, Choir members. About 60 peo- Hughes blazed Ai Wood- are nesident membens and 38 F. Smith, R. Pooley, S. E. pie attended which included lock's pass-out into the cage non-nesident. One rnember White, A. Virtue. 20 of the young fry. The even- at80,with the visitors short-I was removed by death, 4 by Organist and Choir Leader, in, was spent in progressive &anded, for the Jane goal of Jetters of transfer. Five rnem- Mrs. G. Brent, assistant, Mrs. games of euchre and Lost Hein the opening session. Hughes bers were received by profes- D. Davey; Preparation Of with oun choir leader and pre- gonnected for an unassisted sion of faith, 2 by cetificate. Elements- Mrs. L. Annis, Mrs. sident, Mrs. E. Wright and! marken at 4:50 of the second There wene 16 baptisms, 3 K. Hardy, alternates, Mrs. R. Mr. O. C. Ashton, in charge. perlod, and Wiseman added a marriages and 3 burlals. Glaspeil, Mrs. T. Scott; Nom- Those winning highest scores power-play goal 55 seconds Mr. Leon Moore, on behaîf lnating Committee- A. Ham- in euchre wene Mrs. Kçeith Mc- laten-five seconds after the of the Board af Stewards, re- ilton, C. Blgelow, Mrs. A. Gill and Messrs. Les. Thomp- ported a balance of $1.0 od r.W eel son and Tony Turnbull tying Mrs. Leon Moore reported a A Christian Education Com- for top scores, but in the balance of $27.7 on behalf of mittee be formed, camposed breaking draw Mr. Thompson I F the Vacation Bible School. of the Sunday School super- was lucky. Low scores were W.M.S. with 22 membens, re- intendent and his assistant, Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. E. A. mitd$204.00 ta Presbyten- the leaders of the youth Werry, who played the role of TO U O N71 ialtreasuren, Baby Band groups, also Mr. and Mrs. R. a gentleman in the games. Ini D N KExplorer's $8.45. Mrs. H. Skin- Skinner. ct n Master Charles Ash- ner, treasurer of W.A. report- It was moved that Mrs. D. ton were high, and Miss Gal Sed a balance of $574.56. Craig and Mrs. T. Pleasance Stainton and Master Douglas . .*.*puy i es M. and M. report was given look< into possibility of hav- Ashton were 10w soes e f y Mn. J. Cook, $634.14 had ing a nursery school during freshments were served. Ev- for your outo been sent in ta the United the church service. The forn- enyone us invited to a second Curch Board. Sunday School ation of a Men's Brotherhood panty in the Community Hall insurancel had a balance of $324.38 ne- was discussed. Benediction ti February. parted by Mrs. H. Phllp. Cern- was pronounced by Rev. Lok- A large cangregation was Inl masure with ABSTAINERS' etery Baard's repart was giv- horst. Lunch was served by attendance Sunday morning ta INSURANCE COMpANy, e byMn. F. Smith with a W. A. Ladies. hear aur new niinisten, Mn. W. the one inburance cmay wt of $445.34. Club 49 Rev. A. W. Harding of Bow- Crawford, deliver a splendid theon Canuataties pol i-anc membTY i o 4, bal- manville, baptlsed Marion sermon with bis choice of sub- in Cnad tht isue poi. nce$44.80. Tyr n1 eort by Henrietta, Infant daughten cfi ject "A Family Matter." Dur- cies only ta non-drinkers. Mn. A. Hamilton with a bal- Rev. and Mns. G. Lokhorst' ing February the Jr. Chair We il begld t gve ance cf $57.61. at the Sunday manning ser- will be leading un the service W ilb ldt ieyu A special congregational vice. of sang, with leaders Misses full information, without meeting was held in Novem- Cogautin ad e Rv MGladGoraWgh olgto.ber, 1960, in which was de-. ogatltos n et RearMg. u Goi Wih obligtion.cided ta dischange the Organ Wishes ta Mn. and Mrs. Lu- Inchre Fund Committee because af ther Hooper who quletly cele- Sunday, Feb. 5th, will be ob- donation cf a new electran. brated their 54th wedding an- served as Christian Youtb JOHN REU R iceongan. In place a church nivrsary, Monday, Jan. 30. Sunday with a special service renovation cammittee was Mn. and Mrs. Thea. Down fan the teenagers The C.G.I.T. INSURANCE AGENCY formed, Percy Wenny, Row- and Canolyn, Lakefield, vis- and Sigma-C Group wlll assist land Coambes, Walter Rahm, lted Mrs. R. Vintue. with the service. Tooley's Rd. N. A. Hamilton, Mrs. D. Davey Mrs. P. McCoy spent a Mn. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton and Mrs. H. Skinner. Organ couple of days last week with and Charles were recent vis!- K.R. 3, Bowmauville fund balance $331.55. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Paulter, tors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Phone Oshawa RA 8-3841 The report cf the Naminat- Oshawa. Beech and Mns. E. C. Ashton, ing Committee nead by David Club 49 quilteda quilt thls Maple Grave. Craîg Session- Frank Wenny, week In the Sun"ay School Mn dMr.evieBa- - R.prewda Mr.heaH. Bent, F.lvilhleW. Van Rraa oH.eyk, . Whit, A . atn-room. burn, Saskatoon, Mr. Rupert Audionshite-A.HamistAr: Mn. and Mrs. Sid Martyn, Byers, Mr. and Mns. Carl ABSAIERS ISUANC ýAvia Bck-tt.Steard is-ArR Oshawa, wene supper guests Brunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glaspeil, P. Wenry, H. Philp, cf Mn. and Mrs. S. Gable. AlaMatnndfiyBw 14 -1 t,,t, .. 44, Om. R.Clap, . Hlls L.Mooe, Mn. and Mrs. A. Youngman manville, wene visitors at Mn. 14MMEDIATE servcs of essladhZine D .Craig, A Youngman, T. and famiiy visited Mrs. A. nsd Mrs. rthur eo ands pediol adjustus avalal topllsyhufld Pleasance, R. Coombes, M. Spanks, Toronto.Mran s.DYead 011fluyaw9srhls cuàl O tbhI&SA Hamilton; Trustees. G. Brent, Mr.Ja a ms r ,Lama, Oshawa, were visitons D. Stainton, J. Broome, L. Rahm visited Mrs. G. HudsonatM.nd rsGron eos Annis, L. Skinner, A. Hoar, and Mn. and Mns. Rov Hud- Mn. and Mns. Stuart Lamb awwL4' 0. &00=4 AcSow'± 7tmt Z, &Pàumd CktGIu1qAeoawe! ntMJhl~~~&f4aAWt Which i8 the RIGHT account for yi MONEY? Are you using your bank to your own greatest advantage? Are you putting your money into the particular type cf account - or accounts - that best suite your needs? At the Bank cf Mantreal, Savings Accounts, Persanal Chequing Accounts and Current Ac- counts ail offer you particular advantages depend- Ixig on baw yau plan ta use the money yau deposit. Best way ta decide which account, or combi- nation cf accounts, is just right ta give you the best rua for your money h te pick up a copy of the IB of M's littie folder "The Right Account Wiii Save You Money". It outiines the difference between the various accounts and expiains how best yau can use thera And it's yours for the asking. B3ANK 0F MONTRLEAL. &9~I44" 9Àsa 2?4" son, Peterborough, on Sun- day, also called at the Cam- stock Funeral Home ta pay their respects ta their cousin Gardon Hudson, who suffered a fatal heart attack last Friday niamning. Mr. and Mns. A. Hilîs vis- itcd Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wil- kinson, Dunbanton. Mn. and Mns. Jini Shaw, Mns. C. Shaw and Ralph, Osh- awa visited Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John. Last Saturday even 1 n g, members cf our community gathered at the hall ta hon- aur aur newly-weds. Mn. A. Wood, as chairman, expressed the good wishes af the rela- tives and friends thene, and then called upon Mn. and Mrs. John Vaneyk and Mn. and Mrs. George Gibbs ta corne ta the platfonm. The brides wene enhanced by the gift of carnation corsages, while the grooms received boutonierres. Miss Grace Smith, ln a nice- Jy-wcrded addness, pnesented John and Jacqueline with a matching set aIcoffee and end tables, a table lamp and mag- azine nack. Similarly Mms. A. Harvey, with a few well cho- sen words ln rhyme, present- ed Geonge and Joan with a OBITUARY RARRY HARDY HANNAR Mn. Hanry Hannah, aged 84 years, of Bethany, died mn Ross Memorial Hospital, Lind- say, on Friday evening, Jan- uamy 27th. In failing health at his home fan same time, he had been taken by ambulance that same day ta bospital. The eldest son cf the late William Hannah and his wife the former Mary Maude Sis- son, he was born nean Beth- any in Manvers Township and lived bis early lufe there. Later he became a station agent with the Canadian Na- tional Railway. His last pos- ition was at Gelent, where he had been stationed for 15 yeans. On retirement he lived et Carnarvon for some time and then ntunned ta Beth- any. He was a memben of St. Paul's Anglican Church, alsa the Masanic Orden. Mn. Hannah was twice married. His finst wife, the former Clara Fallis died in' 1952. He mannied again ta Mrs. Ethel <Stewart) Shea, who survives hlm. Also sur- vlving are bis son Frank Han- nah cf Leamingtan; a daugh- ter, Mrs. Ronald Barkwel (Margaret) af Lindsay; twa grandsons, Warren Hannah and Robent Barkwell;, a bro- ther, William Hannah and a sister, Mrs. Winnifned Fitz- gerald, both cf Bethany. Te funenal service was held from thc Mackey Fun- enal Chapel ln Lindsay an Monday, Januany Sth, with1 the Rev. Walter Evans o Bethany offliating. BunialI was ln St. Many's Cemcteny, Manvers Township. and Donna were visitons at Mr. and Mns. Joe Drew's, Hampton. Mr. E. W. Begley, Bruce and Carole, wene Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Shunk's, Port Penny. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Haydon, Mns. Fred Toms, Mn. and Mns. Earl Trewin, Doneen and Don- ald, weme Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Cortney Gra- ham's, Purpie Hill. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Susan spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Norman Wearn, Nobieton. Miss Nancy Wood, Gates Milis, Ohio, spent a f ew days with Mr. and Mns. S. R. Peth- ick. On ber neturn Nancy will be attending The Flora Stone Mather Callee cf Western Re- serve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Jean Baker, Messrs. Harry and John Baker were Sunday visitons at O. C. Ash- ton's. Mn. and Mrs. Grant Wenry were Satunday tea guests at Dr. and Mns. Clark Werny, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp wene visitons on Sunday at Mn. sud Mns. John Cook's, Oshawa. Mn. and Mns. E. Hoidstock, Bowmanvilie, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Beckett. Mnr.and Mms. Gamnet Towns, Paul, Joyce and Barbara, Pet- erborough, wene Sunday visi- tons nt Mn. and Mns. Lorne Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gimb- iett, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Keifh McGiil and bays weme Sunday guests at Roy Mc-1 Gill's. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry,ý Toronto, were Sunday tea guests af Mn. sud Mrs. Grant Werry. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Tanib- lyn, Cambnay, were Sunday visitons at R. J. Onmiston's. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson visited Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hendershot, Oshawa. Mn. Clarence Avery, Shirley and Linda, were callens at Mn. and Mrs. Camenon Oke's, Osh- awa. Mn. sud Mrs. Norman Moore have returned home ta Tren- ton aften spending a few weeks with W. Howells.. Fred Carter, Bunketon, spent Sunday with Keith Ellis. Mns. Robt. Burgess, Mn. Wes. Taylor, Tyrone, were Wednesday cailens at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens'. Mn. John Gniffin has netunn- ed home frorn Oshawa hospi- tai. Mn. sud Mns. Frank Dorland Air. Rail or Steamsblp TI1CKE9TS8 TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL là Kin.g St. W. MA 3-3361 Dowmanvile 1 were Sunday tea guests cf Miss Elsie Oke and brother Albert.Mixed League Mn. and Mns. Gannet Towns and famlly, Peterborough, Mns. Etchen posted thein fourth Lamne Lamb with Mn. and Mrs. consecutive win, this time a H-. Stevens. 5-2 decîsion aven Mahun, Fmi- Mr. and Mns. Walter Nobes, day night, ta increase their Havelock, Mn. and Mrs. A. first place margin ta flive Flintoff, Oshawa, weme with points. Yeo registered a 5-2 Mn. and Mns. Percy Ellis. win aven Sleep ta wrest sec- Mn. and Mns. Grant Werry ond place from the lasers. wene Thunsday visitons at Mn. Hilda Brock and Castle mov- and Mrs. Herbent Lelghton's, ed out af thein cellar tie with Bowxnanviile. 7-0 and 5-2 wins aven Pal- Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Orniistan mer and Elton Bnock, respect- were Satunday evenin.g visitons ively, with Brock's loss leav- of Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, ing them Jast, one point back Hampton. of Castle. Bromell upset Spi- Mn. and Mns. Reg Weaving cen 5-2 ta tie the lasers for and Rickey, Tbornhiil, were sixth spot. Sunday visitons at Mn. and Norm O'Raunke took hlgh Mrs. W. H. Mone's. Reg is triple honauns with 703 fol- employed at Massey-Ferguson lawed by Onie Etcher-698, ta and is leaving for Scotland on1 boost hen Jeague-leading av- a business trip an their behalf. 1erage ta 225, Frank Mohun- Nonm (J'Rounice - 12 2171 H-ap) Palmer -___ 9 210 Eltan Brack---- 12 208; Howard Bromeli 12 204 Joe Nawlan - 12 203 Art Spicer ---- 12 202 Glen Fry 12 2011 Hilda Brock 12 200 1qNifETy AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES EALPH S. JONES Barrister aud Solicitor 130 King St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 . - - ..I 1 j. ~A r677, Pat Yeo--670, Murray Trentn R..A.F.DownGrant-656, Hilda Bnck-1 629, Mary Harrison- 619, I.. Howard Bromell- 614, Art Slumping Shomrocuis Spicer-613, Jim Castle-607, Matt Harrisan-603 sud Lou M O u Welsh-602. Don astes InuredHilda Bnack's 288 game was Trenton R.C.A.F. showed toc slight concussion and neturned high for the nlght, other big muchhusle fr Bwmanill hom th folowlg alernon. scores going ta Bill Charles- muc hutlefo Bomanill hme he ollwig ateroon ý276, Frank Mohun- 267, 228; Shamrocks, as they dawned The much-improved Flyers Oi thr 22 3;Ad the sluning Shamrocks 4-1 held a wide margin ln thc Luxton- 252, Mary Harrison In an Intermediate League flrst period, but wcrc able te, -251, Matt Harrison- 251, contest Frmday night ln the salve goalie Vince Vanstane'si 213; Norm O'Rourke- 248, airport city. great goal-tending fan a single,230, 225; Art Spicer- 248, The nugged tilt was marred manken early in the pcniad by, Pat Yeo- 243, 237; and Mor- by an injury ta playing coa-h "Red" Gravelle. Don Masters ley Etche- 241. Don Masters with only eigiit tied the score on a pass from seconds remaining. This ne- Lloyd Hamilton at 12:2.Teama Standing porter wasn't at thc game, but Goals by Drake and îre W L Pts.1 the following repart seems ta made It 3-1 in the second Etcher 10 2 241 be the consensus of opinion. peiod and Drake added bis Yeo______ 8 4 191 Masters and Riley wcnt into1 second mid-way thraugh the Sîeep .. 8 4 18 the corner, with Masters faîl- final stanza ta end the scaning. Palmer-__ ...____ 6 6 14 ing ta the ice and Riley Oin top The Shamrocks' defence was H. Bmock ____ 5 7 12 cf him. The Bowmanville for- shothanded due ta the ab- Mohun ____ 5 7 12 wand appanently was holding sence of Ron Pollard and Jim Spicen 5 7 il ýbut releascd his grip so they Olinski. Ron Burgess was Bromefl ___ 5 7 Il could untangie. Riley appear- fonced ta miss Wednesday Castle .____ 4 8 10, ed te be getting off and then night's game due ta a suspen- E. Brock.. 4 8 9. suddenly unleashed a furlous sion, incurned when bis cpin- Top 10 Averages punch, rnaing Masters' head Ions af the refemeeing eanned GAe ta the Ice. Don was taken ta hlm a misconduct, when Mas- Gne tcvr12 22 the Trenton Hospital with a ters was injured. Fnank Mhun - 12 2219 Legion Bowling Martyn whipped Taylor 7-0 lat Tsdy night te increase their leaguc-leadlng margin in the Legian Loop by ane point. Perfect, seven points off the pace, tnounced last place Yeo 7-0 te move past Samis Into the nunner-up slot. Samis downed Bates 5-2. Ernie Perfect had himself a big night wlth a 291 single and a 771 triple ta take all thc honauns. George Efliatt scat- tened the pins for a 700 total, followed by Bob Stocker 663, Ross Wright 652, Bill Bates 642, Pete Dobbins 638 and Ross McKnight 631. Othen top single efforts wene tumned in by Ernie Perfect again with 283, Stocken 265, TOWN 0F EGWMqANVILE NOTICE Nexi Council Meeting wiII be held on TUESDAY, FEB. 7th 1. B. REYNOLDS, CLEIRK .......... ...ter.... MiD-WINTER 0 IEECSINIA I COMBINATO N OFF$R3000 I~Weistger]M 18" POWER MOWERS Pre-season sail l Save cmo 20% ... end .njoy faster, casier lawsi coreli Ruggedly buit for years of service. Powerful 2/ HP, 4 cycle I ~ engine. Adjustable cuttirig heighis. Recoil start. 1 piece solid steel '~ " ~ safety type blae. Smooth running nubber tiued wheels. 10 DATS ONLYII Ij.8 COFFEE PERCOLATORt I A trui bargala et ihis low prlce. Smart 2-piece me. 9 cup chromd parc and bIe &mieerva ta" 10DYS5 18 8 DELUXE VACUUM CIRANER Terrific lntroductory offerl ModeM connister design wIth swivei top, a handy accesorieL T7/a HP motor. 20' mod. Sand mnd Scloppe 10 DAYS ONLY 64" REG. 08M1 ALUMINUM TOBOGGANS Absoluteiy fres . . . à colowrul % comfortabls cushion with the pur- chase of eny Western alumInuis TOBOGGAN WMTCUSMION 10 DAS ONI 3 $498 (Reg. $5.97) 4' $5.98 (Reg. $7.47) 51 $898 (Reg. $10-96) 81 9.98 (Reg. $12.47) o0 DATS ONLY DELUX FLOOR POLISME tow Introduc?or price. MOdeM twin brush ffoor polisher. Com-. piet. with brushes. pad and 2W' coed. Two tons 10 DAYS ONLY POLYETHYLENE GARBAGE CAM Exceptional sovingsii Dentprooftust- proof, neisels, procticelly lndestructi-. bis. Hinged dog-proof. locklng lid. Ilendies. 15W' x 161/a". lo AYS A4.3 9 ONLY $6.98 VALUE SKATES~ Pric.d for' quicieuraeml Top quaiity skates for mm nid wemen. boys end girls 10 DAYS 8088 ONLY RER. $9m8 IMIAR SAVINCS ON OflU MODES __________________ E. me0T'5 a worlr ebavl eeta Westerns money sevingele price. Jusi "walk" tihe snow oway. 18" a 12» me lswdWU' 4" long handIe IODAYSU09 014LY Whore you bu7 QuAuIy for I TM a A AUO SIWftTC0O.- ASSOCIATM TI 85 King st. W. EowmuvileI CONVENIENT BUDGET TIRMS AVAILAZL19 -IMM -- ----- Dowmaaville Dnad Osbawa Erachi i lAbmESBEL, Maaagn JAMES McCANSH. Miax« wSci à WITHCANAD SANS lmuv.i WAAK OP uU n off 11le mm-41 -- U 233; Bates 265, Elllott 264, Dobbins 256, Steve Nefligan 254, Harold Bennett 231 and Maxie Yourth 248. T«m Standing Pt& Martyn ~28 Perfect . 19 Taylor ..... . ............ 8 Yeo . ...........4 Letton Bowling Averages Up te and lncluding Jan. 24 Naine Gaines Ave. P. Dobbins . ......30 E. Perfect........ 48 K. Yeo .... - 51 J. Martyn ........51 R. McKnight ....... 51 S. Neiligan .. .... 45 D. Taylor ..... 48 PAGE Nirru THE CANADIAN STAT£SbL*àN. J30WMP.Nvrile ONTARIO TRURSDAT, FEB. 2nd, 1961