v-UJRSDAY, FEB. 2nd, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN ~> . R i Hadoptcd as aed.!n hand. Scripture was rÇad M O R R IS HThe reports of the different'by Mrs. Clarence Nichais and bfr. m.MeHlman Misa ox it evelpe tatbranches of chureh were given the superintendent expressedi M a istrate 's C ourt Mis Wm Mcolr an Mis aboxwit eneloes hatas follows; ail were adopted the thanks of the Sunday M a Beckett were supper guests of -ctually squeaked when flat- as road: school to Mrs. Tutt and the 74r. and Mrs. Howard Berry, "ened and scaled. Surely sone-1 htc h esinb r W. A. for the gift of twa more Port Hope, on Tuesday the thing might be done about; ila M in Tesca chairs for the beginnors. This Tuesday, January 31st, another 18 months definite *24th. ithis. Why nat smaller boxes'mn fteLr' uprhl Sunday morning orily anc The afterrnath ta the break- Iad3mnh recmnt Miss Susanna Egra Isna patotand aslsitting an mantofgthentering Sandroneldseconddcharge oofbbreak! Miss Susann Egas Is apat~Iand wll filled.on four Sundays; total numbcr'sallt.s cas i. Bwrnniln Glfn Cn "hsisaardtyIus lent at our local hospital fr Regular Worship service was of communicants, 126. There autscirineeigadthfa henerndhf. t *aminar operation cn the left 1 held at 10 arn. on Sunday, w~ere eight baptisms an Famnily Rev. R. L. Norman of Dal- Club iast November l2th, pcrform. You were released1 inee. We hope for a speedy1 January 29th, Rev. E. K. Nor-I Day and three juniors bap-; son visitcd with his brother, brought an 18 month rcforrn- froin the roformatory on Oc-ý meovery. man officiating. There was a tized privately. Rv .K omn n atory tern ta Lyle Thomas tobr-r 24th and yau vere We wander how many of i btter than average congrega- Treasurer's report wvas giveni wcre privilegCd ta hear him Blîghit, 18, formerly af Bow-1bock in trouble on Novemhcr Ourreaersaredfsppontei on. The musical selection by Mr. Dawson Beebe. At this preachaith evening evc.mndle ehdbe e Our rcndersae isapbpxo i tedcoiî -. h' "f at te wu serve. ahe.Heiaubenre12th. We have tried Probation whe enin itbxo re b h hi a uhpoin t Mr. Beebe resigncd 3 f3 noe~vudsev h manded out of custody ta ap-l with you and everythiing in Steion t ofid 5 muhiappreciated. The sweet voîestrasLard, Ho shall know" was the pear today and in the mean- the book and you haven't res- ofth yuner members in tlrrair evn o 3 hmeo hsmsae tirne vas sontcnced te 3 ponded," said the magistrate -. tefu "Nsuc ajrefrain "I Caramelutatlyths very Mr. and Mrs. A. Thorndyke montlis in the Don Gaol for in imposing sentence. ifl îg. Theis oainrs arerne as very aecepoted. Howcver, Mr. Beebo dMs .Brocog t hf fatlpoe ews JmsBres 9 n $0 prtty ad ofdiffeent pcasig. Thy wer accm- kidîy sid h wouî contnue nd Mr. E. arrocloug at; heftof a elephne. olwes JamesBurgsontinun shapes. Tepp n ptnendneth theo annualunil meetinsr tok oOr.brought ta Eowmanvilo ta- Frederick Ward were contin- The ape wi h ped n he in yMs.utlasceso kae. the official board held at Zion day on a Judge's order. He ued an remand until Marchi -velopes are of very good quali- ee MHl.MrsvasHaroosdnOecbdrtan in- 28h for te same ffencos iy, ~~_ mreqiednt.W ad Rev. E. K. Norman contin- wrs.aiserold Oshornea, trea- lasto Freiday night.es :ty soe uit dint. e hdued the second sermon of rýe- sure r cf Sunday School, gave Gloria, Joan and Ruth Nich- determinate terni of 3 months. They have stayed out of Lenton series, the themre of her repart next. The report ais and Barbara Dinner sang Hoexvas given 6 rnonths con- trouble. A Judge's order will which is "Do we want ta find of the Woman's Associationi on Children's Choico, CHUC, current an a charge of wilful hoc btained ta bring back God." First wo rmust break was given by Mrs. William Me-Ion Satudymrig n a-dmg tteGl lbadBinLk rmteWib Holm in the absence of Mrs.1br udymrig n a-dmg ttoGl lbadBinLk rmteWib down the barriers betwcen Gog an .iaasange "Bless This House."~ - curscif and Gad, surrender aurGereHrssI Both these numbors wvere re-t life ta Hirn and by unseifish- Report of Mission was giVeni1 cordcd and we hope ta hoar OU EECRIAL4;TE nss rpetacean fit fi-hyMr. ary ecet.Cradle themi repeated next Saturday R o tarians H eur of . IEY GIVE YOUP. 40O.1E have us do. The ciosinc hymnI Financially ail reports were! campanied by Mrs. Nichais,PhI r T1A(MA277 "Lord, Thy merc'y now.very satisfactory. The slate of and Cheryl Clarke wcnt along fý i -rr -COge0ée.7- entreating" l continued tThhe, officers in ail branches romain! for the trnp. Ppeopl ofnFotud TI4TT~M worship service c on ec1u d e d Rev. E. K. Norman wouliskating party o Saturd ay ri B e lffc a wit thebeesamo.. -T i he vng f F0 FroB e l O f c a p ~ ~ ~ Sh t h enediction. i like ta see more stewards add- nrh i heviintiolPr Sunday Schooi was eat d ta thoso already in office. 1 Eritain and wont ta the Tho rn- 1l a.rn. There werc 35 pro- 1 I is aira the duty of stewards dyke home for refreshmonts An absorbing description of! Brown, E. Laveli and Bill sent and it was canductcd by i ta appoint their own troasurer, afterward. some of the amazing mach- Dawson, ail of Oshawa and Mr. George Harness, superin- nlot the congregatian. A mee'l- Mr. and Mrs. Carrail NichaIs incs that will be in service Bob Clark, New Toronto. tendent. ng will ho held as soon as and, family visited at Mount in the near future was gîvOn George Vice, the immediate Congregational can be arranged for this eiec- Pleasant an Sunday afternoon. by E. C. Forster, Toronto, at past president, introduced the The annual Congregati.a tion.* Donna OuEthtred of Toronto, the luncheon meeting of the guest speaker. He told the tnl1 Mr. Norman expressed ap- and Mr. and Mrs. E. Karvonen Bowrnanville Ratary Club meeting of Mr. Forster's out- and Church meeting wvas hld; preciation, ploasure and ce- of Scarborough spent Sunday held at the P]yintc Dutchman standing cancer with the Bel] *in the Sunday School at 8:15i operation af all officers of this at their homes boeo and Mr. Motor Hotel on Friday. Tolephane Company of Can- p.m. on Tuesday, January 24"f -ontcag adws , and Mrs. Don McColl of Don K. N. Morris, the vice-r-adimt. the Rev. E. K. Norman con-lail a successful year. The Milîs were home during theý idont. nemninded the Rotarians Discussing the many mar-' E ETI T.~ducting. There were very fewý meeting clased with prayer. weekend. of the District Conference ta velous machines and cicet- COTACTING; REPAIRS present. The meeting apened __________ A Christrnas prescrnt !S bet- be heid at the Royal York ronie devices that have been £X Ain with scripture reading and tor l'ite than nover, and Marie[ Hotel, Tarante, an February dcsigned, Mr. Forster stated RERGERATION-ELECTRIC * aye by Mr. Norman, and IV TtV TT' Austin received one last week; 16th, 1 7th and llth. Ho spoke tîhat none show any sign of in- *MOTOR -SALES -SERVICE the Lord's Prayer in unison WESS.~LaLY VI.LLE it came frorn a pon pal in of the exceptionaiiy inter- itiative, but only operate ar, T..- RADIO -APPLIANCES by those presont. Jaoan. The pancel was con-1 esting prograrn that has been cirocted. Ho raid that the Be'l Secretary Mrs. Harry Bec- There wvere 66 at Sunday, siderably damaged, but the pienned.1 o ' kett read the minutes of the school on Sunday marnin.g ilovelyv Japanese doîl insidE! Dr. Keith Siernon stated Tpan o Cto r npcsanysameco- 1969 meeting which were with ail teachers and officers was in excellent condition.__ that plans for the club's major aiaini eesr apo ---_ vide the bort of service at __mancy raising effort, the an- neasonable costs. Canadians nual Eastcr Seal Campaign, place- more telephone caI13 for Cripplcd Chiidren are than do people in any other ----- --- - ---. ...... ..... underway. countr n t e w rd e a - Ff J ~ ~ ~....... The hockey draw winner 'cd te. h wec Everett Laveil, Oýýhawa. ofnW ai Hga.Get Referring ta the famous mi. Port Hope, Jack Lowery Bobtesekrsi htte presentwere M.MeoPar an delectron e ranswow in use, of the human mind, memory CANNED a nrgf.ï a ulct and logic, and hoe spol:e of the Recreation which they ok Ho demonstnated a digital' v q ca~IcAÂ/Ccomiputer machine that shows ~wh&t happons wvhen a tele- 00 .............. ... phono number is dialed. This * ~ ~ . .~.***~ ~Lions Midget - Juvenile Final lectronie machine pieks eut e. LagueStaningone of thousands of connect- * '~'~" A&P FANCY QUALITY Reg. 2 tins 25o-SAVE 7* egeSadn ions. "In the future you wil WV L T pts. be able ta directly dial any Tf AI T I M NEACornets 5 1 2 12 number in Canada or the * i ii E. M EZ20-oz tins C Orphans ~ 4 1 3 11 United States," Mr. Forster TO A O J IC 3 Maroonis 3 3 2 8 predictod. CASE 0F 24 TINS $2M5 - SAVE 42ô Gencrals --- 2 4 _' 6ci Ho aise toid of an experi- ____________________________________________________ Raiders _.--- 6 1 3'mental push button telephone _______________________________________________________________ -that will gradually replace e. 2tin 37-SAE S Gaines Schediiled for Feb.4th the dial phonos now in use. CHOIE QAI"Reg 2 tns 7c-SAV 7oThe push button type wil Pao Wee League- 7:00 a.m. give the telephone companies Rangers vs Bruins; 7:45 a.m.- a fabulaus saving in circuits A & P PE S IN ~92- AV ~ 2-z fin s 49C Bears vs C2nadians; 8:35 a.m. and:equipment, le stat:d. R -Hawks vs Leafs. Art Ribey moved a vote i CAE 0 24 Batam eage- 920 .m.P. Rickaby, the president, aiso ~necuI iis VeekHuskies vs Tigers; 10:20 a.m. tha,îsed Mn. Forster. Ho pre- SàOr ti h Ie A&P FANCV QUALITV Reg. 2 tins 35c-SAVE Il Pirates vs Tee Pees; 11:0051 tdteges pae ih LEGS Sfior CulShn LOINSFakO Grade "A", Ovon Ready TURKEYS APPLESAUCE d4 15-oz tins 5 9c CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.54 - SAVE 66o HENLEY CHOICE QUALITV FRUIT COCKTAIL CASE 0F 24 TINS $8.40 - SAVE 96o Reg. tin 39c-SAVE 4o 28-oz tin 3 5 C SALE cCHOPSlb Centre Loin Grade "A", Roady ta Cookc ib 49c FO'W L 4 to 5-fb average Fancy Quality, Sklnîess, Sliced lb 59C BEEF LU VER lb 49C lb49c 1-lb plcg 59 c Caoked andi Breaded rb 49c SCALLOPS fb63C1 More Savings of A&P 4010Reg2 b 53c,AVE 17o Fresh Fruit s and Vegeîables MARGARINE 41-lb pcgs 89< GOLDEN RIPE, NO. 1 GRADE lieerias, Frostyos, Rieo Carnflakes, Twink!es1 cï LGENEM MILLS ç>kg25c BANANAS Chef Bay-Ar-Deo Reg. W9e-SAVE 10e MEAT BALL STEW 3-oz ti49c 71,1> O. Coloured KLEENEX 10ood Luck, 3c Off Deal Reg. 21 ïMARGARINE Jane Parker -RAISIN PIE Jane Parker B READ Craclced Wheat Reg. pkg 3ia-SAVE Se 2 pkgsof 400.59C Ibs 59e-Save an Extra 4o 21î-lb pkgs 5 5 c Reg. 49*a-SAVE 10o each39c Reg. test lg9e-SAVE 50 2 24-oz loaves 3 3 c CALI#. NAVEL., FANCY GRADE, BEST FOR EATINO ORANGES 5-lb oeIlo bog 79 C M4extean, Plirn, fRlie,, No. 1 Grade TOMATOES ceffubel9C a.m.- Cubs vs Flyers. Atom League- 12:40 p.m. Giants vs Rams; 1:40 p.m.- Harnets vs Bisons. Midg,1et - Juvenile League- 2:25 p.m.- Cornets vs Or- phans; 3:10 p.m.- Maroons vs Raiders. Broombaîl Playoff Schedule Feb. Cth- Daisies vs Roses Pcb. l3th- Roses vs Violets Pcb. 20ti- Violets vs Daisies Pcb. 27th- Rases vs Daisies Mar. 6th- Violets vs Rases Mar. lâth- Daisies vs Violets Mar. 23rd-.- League Champ- ionship Game. EBENEZER The Ladies' Berean Class heid thoir iegular meeting in the Sunday School raom in the form of a quilting, start- inig at noon with a pot-luck dinner. Thcre were 25 ladies and ci ght children for din- uer with five or six ladies comingc at 1 o'ciock for the quilting. Tiie business was very In- terjtsting. This being a new ycar, v.e co:nmenced hy put- ting somne Novw Year's Reso- lutions, planned by tho oxec- utive at their~ recent meeting, into motion by appainting committoos ta look after each proi et. Ccrrespondonce was read by tiie soccrotary includin. 'h.ank you" notes from the Bridger famiiy in England and Mrs. Dorothy Ewing iu Seven Islands. Mrs. Allan Down gave a report on "The United Churcli Women" and the effect it will have to aur Ldîes' clans. Pour crib quits wvcre com- pletely quilted and bound with thrce more roady for the frames, but iack of time coin- pelod us ta adjouru for ana- thon day. Sunshine Class Knits Slipper Socks The Sunshine Class met at the homne of Mrs. C. Trewin. King St., with 12 membersý prce;ent. The evening was spent in knitting slipper socks for patients in Princess Mar- garet Hospital, Toronto. A very interesting report was given by Mrs. Bort Syor on the Regional Conferenc of the Cancer Society held on Jan. 18, 19, at the Lord Simncoe Hotel, Toronto. During December aur graup! sent 22 ditty bags ta the Red: Door in Oshawa for distribu- tion ta cancer patients in thisi areR. The meeting closed with a lunch served by the hostes.1 01;IA W A ulnri PnRDUTT County Gaol, where he is Ned Foster ln Delhi on Mon-1 serving a term for assault. 1 day. Mr. Ned Foster is leavlrtg * Harold Wilee, age 28, 2401 for Miami to Join Mr. Poster Burk St., Oshawa, had a'and Kathy after selling hm charge of obtaining S15 frorm tobacco.i Wilkins Sunoco Station, by1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young- @ false pretences dismised. Theiman, Gale and Debbie, visited cheque was issued on his 'with Mr. and Mrs. Hayden mother's account in Norwood McMurry, Bewdley, on Sun- and his mother refus ed to pay'day. it, because she hiad had a fa]]-I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal. ing out with her son, accord- Kenny and Neisha spent Sun- ing ta couinsel for Wilce. day with Mr. and Mrs. Kena Counsel also had the $15 for Neal, Orono. the cheque w'hich wvas issued Sunday supper guests with on August 28th, last. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang- a Forty charges under the staff were Mr. and Mrs. Ariel H-ighway Traffic Act brought Langstaff and family, and Mr. penalties tota]ling $524 and Mrs. Carl Langstaff, Deb- bic and Linda. Many fromn here attended ]KENDAL the Burns' supper in Bowman- 0 S$ 10 Mrs. D. Black, Courtice,,Reported that a fine time was visited with her daughter, Mrs» had by ail.H Bob Youngman, on Thursday.! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lang-!jA K~ staff *in Delhi on Tuesday, to ID 51 R U l The W. 1. held their nionthiy' sei their tobacco. With theinm' BIGad ETN meeting at the home of Mrs.1went Mrs. A. Law, Mrs. R.1LMIGan ETN Elenor Poster on Wednesday Eurley and Mr. David Mercerl Division Street South even;ng. Ita observe haw the tobacco NIA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE Mr. Martin Poster and Mr.!was sold. IliARLEY'S USED CARS AND BODY SHOP KING ST. E. This Week Harley's Dargain is - 59 CAD.I 2-Dr. H-lop, full power 60 FORD 59 OLDS. 59 PONTIAC - MA 3-2301 m . $500 Down - - - - - $10$0ODown - - - - - $10$0ODown m 0 0 a- $100ODown 56 CHEV. COACH, 25,000 miles 2 -56 DODGE 56 CHEV. COACH 55 OLDS. - 54 MONARCH 53 PONTIAC 53 CHEV. CONV. 53 CHEV. SEDAN 51 CHEY. COACH m m 60ODown -~ - 45 Down * - * - 55 Down I ~ ~ ~ 5 e 5Down * w - - - w 35 Down -~~~~ w-w--$35 Down * ~ ~ ~ 5 - SDown -~~~ - 35 Down . « . - a $20Down FREE ESTIMATE ON BODY AND PAINT WORK HARLEY HAYES m NArkel 3-2301 RES. MA 3-7218 0 OSHIAWA WOODflfl CT vWlaJII a vi - v qj&, j n. çl ý aj M **. .. "L AL % L> rOSHAWAr WOOD PRODUCTS " LTDol introduces . .* HAROLD WILKINS (seated) Desitateher ln charge cf ahl truck deliveries. He bas been wlth the firin niany years and is iveli tralned to see that trucks are loaded according to sehedule with the quality build- ing materials you have ordered and delivered to your door as quickly as possible . . . FREE of Charge. HERB BLAIN (standing) is a member of our sales staff, and assists lni checking loads and seeing that proper materials are dellvered qulckly and efficiently. SPECIAL! ARBORITE ENDS IDEAL FOR COUNTER TOPS Size 2" x 8" *40 PER PIECE 1Size 4 x 6' $ FAST, EFFICIENT FREE DELIVERY Oshawa Wood Products Limited 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE Y0V Downitown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8-1617 GOWMANVILLE - MA 3-2130 Main Office and Showroom COURTICE - RA 8.1611 A3AX - ZEnith 2-9600 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE 1-N ag 1 3-lb bag 55Sc 1.61 SAVE 4c SAVE 10c For Setter Meuls & Bluger Suvings a. Try A&P Super-Right Meuts LAMB Ibo. 5 ta 7-lb average Lean Shouliler Cuts GROUND CHUCK Small Lnk, Pure PORK SAUSAGES Super Right - Heat 'n Serve - Ail Meat, Park Allgood, Smolked, Sliced, Rindiest SAUSAGE PATTIES 8-oz pkg45c SIDE BACON lut MeBAI AUANfl< a PACPf< tuACOMPAUT tmU AlPrices In Ths Ad Guaranteed ThrougIb Baturday, Februery 4th, 1961 ýý-1 THE CANADIAN STATESNMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN m ýW m -JUMSDAY, FED. 2nd, 1961 au --- ÀKM e c