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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Feb 1961, p. 3

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r - ------ ~ v. -v - r- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THU SDAY, FEB. 2x-d. 1961 LNEWTC Mr. and M.Geoa. Skelding of Blackstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skeld- i ng. Mirss Joan Carmeron had the misfortuno- ta sorain hem ankle while p' basketball at Port Hope Hijzh School. M,. acnd Mmr5 Jack Elliot and Doro*h- spent Sunday with ho-c a,n- and ur.cle. Mm. and MmeF. Ira Ha'J;ngs ao Schonberg-. I~.Sd Erxna:ýd two dat grs are s-pond îng a week Mr. and -Mrs. Clarence- Gil- mer and famll]y we- Sunda3 visit"ors wi¶liH rs.H-b Gilmner C)f Bowmanvilit. Miss Brenda McConno-hl o-» Rosencath is 1hol:daylng vwith her gandparo-nts,M. and Mrs. Stan Rowe. v.hilo- hor parents are ona motar trip ta Arizona. GEl THE PRESTIGE GINGER ALE GEl WILSON'S- * ~ ~ Extra Special I r. ind Mrs C. Meneillev xvwas ramed go-norai convenor--------~ 9by l and Mrs. Hilda Raby spent for the- ovent. surer, Mrs. Billett. -Deliciotis, Niltritiout ! Mondav and Friday o! last Miss Loretta Kilgannon and Corrosponding Secret a r y C lea rance week in Oshawa visiting re- Mr.. and wo-ro named kit- ' Miss N. Johns; Associate Sec- BE Flatives. ohen co-convenors. They are: retary, Mrs. Knox; Suoply Bc lb Mrs. R. Gerow, who was to mal:e an inventory o! kit- i Secretary, Mrs. Killen; Coin-,-Piece 9 C LIVER .-..- i. 3C ofre on t the hospital in' chen ite-, with necessary munity Friendship, Mrs. Cav- 5 9ne ba oundt e opaeet nve.el;CrsinCtz-si n son's home in Toronto where A!to-c tho- meeting a dcl- Tempo-rance, Miss Reynolds; he wiil visit for a fo-w weeks. icious lunch was'servo-d hy Christian Sto-wamdship, Mrs. i ARGYLE PATTEK - - Mrs. Bert Payne and menîhers Cl-mens.EGLS y of ho-r committo-. Missionary' Monthly and EN1ar 36.9 ________________ 1 Woî-ld Frio-nds, Mrs. Axford; SEE NO HEwAmg f WOASI OU ETTR 1amy, Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy; JSEE T 00 N A NTS ITY ! BRNrw&axAii 8ETTOF5ELVE TrBirthday and Gift Box, Mrs. C&XT1 On Friday evvning Mr.CandH.Smith; Cards, Miss N. OnFîdyevnngM. n Johns; Baby Band Socrotary, - ~ MILK! Mrs. No-il Ko-mm (no-o Betty Miss F. Wermy; Pianist, Mrs. A Fisher) wvre honoumed by a Merwin Moun tjoy. - presentation hold in Jar.etville, Lunch wssre.A l C ostî COF. Hall. The music for the ---s-- ve- dance was supplio-d hv the, -éWalkec families and Clayton e e l and Geraldine McGill w'th~ Erie Capstick calling t ho ACEe squares. A purse o! mono-y WBenKde&ACî was preso-nted ta the newly-ý ta renro e cxcp a wo-ds ta start thein along their acuia and wmstes, ,..trmonaltrail (or should backace. tired that be spelled "trial"). ¶etotern folow. Foc the fimst tino- sinco- the- Dodd:aKidneyJEW EL rabies scourge o! twa yo-ar :-dnE-,,oto normal J W L Milk Bar 1 ego, weo have seen a pair o! i lutv.. ufe fox (a vîxen and her hov'. etter-siepbt- ii~ .9KIGS. . G8 inESt WRfEen D-o-prsum) n roa %vr o-k .hetIGtS.r. G8 Kig St.W. fNeMUKwe p______in____ ___________________________day1ight cavorting across the- Sel RN E lforwardeà to the M. & M. by C bae ~h~CUTC theV I charge S574.Ü0. O R IEe Tle treasurer, Mr. Melville! _________ _______________ Mrs. Carl Dow.n, Mrs. Alan 9 Mr-.&-id M Cleiand L ane Jones, re-elecý,ed. MIr. î~- '~ Down and Mrs. Horace Vetzal yand Mr. and Mý,rs. Nleljle George Staplet:on was elected' ," attended the Post Presbyterial Z 1- were Sunday eening as the new Eider. The follow- at Northminster Church. Osh- Hi.«nner guests wit.h Mr. anid Stew.ards xtere re-elected: wa o Jan. 25. e rs Bruce Luvof Port Mýurrav Po-ter. Phiiip Gilmer, i Miss Debbi rw a e eHope. Farrow. Mr. S. J. i turned home from Sick Child-t MissAriteLancas ter was re-elected S. ' ren's Hospital. Toronto, follow-f Nebt dS cool S3;-oeri1s¶endent, a n d- ing an operation on both eyes.t R ev. and Mrs. A. G. Scott cirk imr eelce t omavll n rdas orgar:s. Frank Rundle, Oshawa, who Ur. l,,ýTav Prte an hi A vtp f apreiaton î1scelebrated her 88th birthday mohr. Mr Nv ormerand o tp A x ov e ofaRreea-on C-a.on Wednesdav, Jan. 25. rooher Mm Noma Poterg~vn Rv.and Mr3. R. C oO.-o.o. went to Peterbo- Ebenezer Cnrg o ouho udvandi brought ht cr, id ya -meeting was held on Jan. 24. ou~hon Snda vittion to eïaa to iveMrs. Gordon Osborne, Haz ~Mr. Porter homne fro'n 'he, le, lm-p o h curh nho--pital where lie had been M_______ lon, visited with relatives for an othe wen. the Mrs. W. Brown n ed BITUARY t for a few days. VC .nur ch Board have had the Mrs. Harry Gay and Mrs. se~'or oh frnaceinstalled A ODNHDO seýýrd ol !uraceEd. Rose. Oshawa, visited over -ind h whole heaFtr'g systen iSunday night with Mrs. Gor- f t)ra~e y r S&lby A Gordon Hudson of4 don Osborne, Hamilton, and i, Grant of Bov.ninfvl. King George S+,., Peterbor- ".- attended the Tankard Bonspiel Mr. Lorne Todd of SItarkville ough, in h's 62nd year, son in Welland the fîrst of the, S, Dassed awav very sudden-ly on' of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. Nel- . .. week. tSatuL.rday. The funeral service son Hudson, formerly of Bur- Ebenezer Explorers met on, was held at the Morris Funeral ketori and Peterborough, died Mrs. Lucy Brooking, xve]-known Bowmanville resident, celebrated her Tuesday evening at the Sun- Chapel with Rev. R. C. White Fbl,.anilary 17, when he, 9th birthday on Saturday, January 14, 1961, with five generations present for iday school room. Chief Ex- linchage.Th boy ws ake aparntl su~eed faalthe occasion. The five generations are shown above. With Mrs. Brooking plorer Melody Muir conducted, to the Lang vault at Orono iiart attack while driving t*fo e orgtaehrgadagtrMs ad estefre the opening ceremony. Karen, for interment later. The sym- wvork. Roberts, Keeper of the Log, tndef thi o mM. Tod v Fnr' eMcexa hl arguerite Brooking; great-granddaughter Mrs. D. Sudsbury; great-great-grand- read the minutes. Betty Goyne fanily. r. od n Mor:day. .Ianuary 30, at 2.: son Don Sudsbury, and Mrs. Brooking's son, Stan Brooking. It was a memor-1 and Karen Ormiston are in' fam.ily. p.m. at *uie Comtstock Funer-' able birthday for Mrs. Brookinq who spent the weekend with her daughter, icharge of looking after a skat- Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Laneai Homne, Peterborough. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Dan of Toronto. Saturday evening many friends and igprya h orîega and Barry attendled."lhe morn-, J. B. Spencley o! St. James! laiescvel pit on Saturday. ý,Irng service a' the Port Hop)eIjnifed Cliurch officiated. rltve alled to offer congratulations and best wishes. Ail her family were Wendy Brown wvas in charge l United Church last Sundayý present to aid in the celebration and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dan were hosts of the devotional on "The wvhen the-Ir granddaughter, M Hdo. h a for a birthday dinner party attended by the immediate family. As well as a Pwro oe"Sera h Wýlend,.,Anne, second daughter butb-hcr alu~he' o vl itpeetdb hrfa lyMs.Boknrcie m lo y ar s ripture. Matt. 7- 24-27, and o!Mr a. Ms.W. anstore, is siirvived by his wife îvl itpeete yhrfmî,Mi.Bokn ee1e ayîvî ad spoke about th-e man wh oaf Mrandtized. mLae t1ie former Marion Louisel and flowers. Perhaps a highlight for Mrs. Brooking wvas a telephone conver- huiît his house upon a rock. Th onrgtlnlGreatrix, a sot) Roy Hudson1 sation with her on]y living 'brother, 83-vear-nld Mr. Theo Greenaway of Crystal Offering was taken and dedi-. Cogegtoal ;fSudbury,an he grand-,i City,_Man., a surprise arranged by her children. -Photo by Harry Godfrey cated. Tecongiregational meeting children Dàvid, Deborah and t-- _ Our leader, Mrs. Brown, o!, Newtonvifle United Chuarch* EFlaine Huoson. ~ i ils-rte eom gave the study book on Taiwan 7'vas i'eld on Thursday, Jan.' Burial -,as in Little Lake'II I ifll sgh-otisfre who counts'adgv h soyo ACt 26th, at 8 p.m. At the opefling* Cernetery, D r. yon te wecomeassitanc ofDump Gang." o! the meeting, Chairman Rev. - -n theeqely masistne car Barbara Muir will be in R. C. White called for a mo- -hs rqety aindcr !olowig nrne o!thoe wo 1 ... nc r E uca ionnivers in keepîng mice, rats:charge of the devotional and mento! ilece aChereaetr meekIon we will have our Star Cere- -olwi from inheriting the earth. moyaounetetign had died during the past yeir., OLFW RG'i r rr o i i yuee nyu Feb. 7. Work continued on: Mrs. Andrew Reichrath, %rs.1 OL W IHL 'o Y o nPe p eDdyuvrin or idîc our scrap books and should be Loretta Stapleton. S armu eI1 Th de dah !Or'moments conjecture as te the' finished soon to send te a hos- limhallowellMr. V edWl . VWrigh' deeply shockedl At the recent Womnen's Society organized this pro- number of slightly used mus- pital. liarr19alowel. nhs comrrunity where hie was Service Confcrcnce o! Ontario gramme on a broad basis and dles that lay dormant from WVest Courtice H. & S. Arnongr the activities of Oie welIkcn and highly res- Diiin iainCne o aeaalbet eodr the toe bone up to the hip West Courtice Home and «work of 'the elhurc(h were noted: pecced. l- his usual good ciety, held in Toronto and at- schools and colleges educa- bone and environs? We have School Association held its 'the adcl-tion to the parsonage 'e]hM. rgh ufe e cdd by Mrs. W. B. Syer, tional material for use in the recipe which we hesitate, January meeting recently. Mr. of a no-vstrorh also thaý a ýuddei1 heart attack oni Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario's sineadhat lse. orcmedi o should Eric Dunham presided and' chu'~i hd eer gvona nue S:ndy -orin, Jnury 2,Minister o! Health, was g1uest i lt was gonerally agreo-d in be the inquisitive sort. Name- thanked evervone for the 00-i overc de aigs'e.Ala a aen givCivic Hos- speaker at the l2ncheon eld panel discussion that people, ly. take the tube skates down operation in helping withl the i the reoorts showed the resuits'pital', Peterborough, where on January l8th in the Lord'on the whole, should be told off the rafters where they Christmas concert. of much activity andi faithfulý he passeci away that sanie: Simncoe Hotel. when they have cancer and have heen servin.g for the last The minutes were read.ý 1 work. 1 evening. One o! the main points:also that much of the fear o! seven vears intermittently as Twenty-one members answer-! Th tesue rpotd n Fotys~ nyerso a1 stressed in the very encourag-1 the diso-ase and the horror bees' hive in summer and ed roll caîl. Mr. Lucien Latour: Te rea incon eo $3,5 an5, o-î cvc born in favesin ad onlighteniing speech ithat uso-d to surround even mouse's nest in winter, and read the treasurer's report. anda blace ! $869. heTowsni, he on ! he at van "ti motntt ee-tename bas ho-on removo-d dump ot the accumulated de- Mr. Dunham reported that' \'oro-'sMisin'rySoiey awere r~htan Ms.op sound attitudes Pbout can-,Iby the work i dcto rsadg ktn.ho- had spoken to the School' 1race-d hei aloct yc rihtcr in young people and it th1roughout the province by The prelurle to such a per-11Board about the condition of reachedthrir alocatio cd 1 Wi,,shtwou]d ho- a major stop fuir- volunteers of the- Canadian frac sal itesho ad u ti en Si 5.0. Te WmansAsso-l' -ie se:t cd cverso-as during; ward in the Canadian Cancer Cancer Society. frmn e uuali n cude h cho adbti i e iation reported an income o!, WO'rld \V'ar Two and then for - vears o! braggingte skeptîcal le!t until the spring. The need, kids, and o-yen more skeptical for more bicycle racks was' 1$1,858.13 with a balance on sor-'e tirîe stýorked as a barber ie bu orpoeso had f$896.49. The amount hi Toront o. Hie and bis family i Zion (Hope Township) C.W . L. Plans bbw c-hwyu sdtogie rnoved 1 Bethany about 12 over the ice with the gro-atesti _______________________years ago they bought' The meeting of the Zion1 -tne barbcr shop and home' Womnan's Ass'n. was held on'MS rig o! case, culminating in the! ARD THIS ONEJ ,formerly rtnedl by Mr. and Tbursday afternoon, Jan. 19,'M n p ig so-onete edmn1F B r Mîrs. ]Hqt,éev Ginn. :at the home O! Mrs. Robertl srat om f hslatenteabi:; F E B Mr.Wrgh xasq an activeMotn There were 8 mern A tiite ty or shut up. r j memher o! theitedCuc bers present. The no-w pro-si- S lucig the hand o!: tho- Crof nînî nite ad and en, Mrs. H. Caswell opened Tepesdn, r.Stw'little daughter who is launch-; theCoinimnt a ndoandz-dentgveTtee prA' all nt, f tI d 1k t B1 .-'~~ he AtleticAssocation11,e1 the meeting with prayer. Mrs..atCihlreotdoh ing onto the icy sca for oniyl wa ntuetli rai- Douglas Whitney ra the sucess!ul bake sale ho-id in.tescn ie ihtebn- yBoy Scouts and Cubs and ser- annual report. morning after the nineocokinbits edngmrl f ved as the UJnited Church re-! t was decided to hold a Mass. t was decided to boldfllotphsclupotabc presentat "ýe aon their advis- bazaar in the fall, and wool is a similar one once everyotrw gnglyak of member çf teBehn vol- Mrs. C. Irwin xvas in charge' out that more contributionsIev-yitemuceodawth esome time worko- on a com- Roll cal was payment o! fees. o-d, îiot only from CWL mem-tno-o! arightpr - mittee trying to promote bet- Mrs. C. Meneillo-y was in bers, but also from othr o h apslfo e sn't.DO BL to-r fire protection in the area. charge o! the regulai' program' mo-n o! the parish. fryatral ogna ~S.)JL He i3 s-urvivo-d by his wife, which consisted o! roadings,lHo-v. F. K. Malane, the' the forme:- Mary Raymer; bis ncluding "Religion~ and Life"~ spiritual director o! the localI moterMr. awene rihtby Ho-v. W. A. Young, and the CWL. wastpro-sentfat ofrsnetýille one daughter,'pom'ie y - c el meeting. In the absence ofîW Sc~fc r Strna, loin wtha conto-st. 1 Mrs. J. Schill the treasurer, sal (June) o Toronto; w sn, The TMfizpa Beed î tio nSocretary Mrs. J. J. Cudda- 1 o9 , two ons, in] 1-Bruce anîd Glenn at home; h rought the meeting ta a close, ho-e also acted as treasurer.A and a grandson, Larry Mart-1 after which refreshinents wo-rC twa nounced that do- tCarl Leslie :cono 's i rt er, rved by the hosto-ss and pite an intensive soarch the tr IIanpon Mxelvin Wright o! Janetville, lunch commiteAsoalim winner o! the th prize in the, anid a siste-r, M'ýrs. Gordon was cnjoycd. draw at the CWL Bazaarbhadî Br'int (Vo-ma) o! Belleville. 1 The- annual congregational'îthenfnd The tce o Women's Missionary The funeral service was meeting for Zion u n i t e d': stub o! the 4th prizo- winner' Society o! Hampton beld their......... r "Rn,~ ag~v,~,11 ho-d froni the- Macko-y Funer- Church was ho-id Wednesday simply bore the name R. 13. first meeting of 1961 at the "" BnYeseayuuj ai Chape] in Lindsay, with evenig a.1,wt ar Willens without an !Ms uuRyod Rex'. Go-orgýý Richardson of!attendance. Ho-v. Mr~. E. Nor-1 t was docided ta hold awith president Mrs. Ro-od in Bothany UTnited Church offie-, man was in charge and opcnedý Noarly No-w Sale in Marcb.!charge. She opo-ned with a Fea.i3 -.2 -he meeting with scriptureC Mrs. Stewart Chisholm, tho- reading followed by the- Lord'S Pallhoares ;ere Frai-k reading and prayer. Minutes president, was appointed con-' Prayer in unison. Martichenko, P'reston No-ais,' were ro-ad hy Mrs. C. Raby. vo-or. Sho- wilho- assisted by1 Our socioty donated a sum of Loonard Johnston, Laverrne Tro-as. report was given by1 Mrs. John Rand, Mrs. Larry mn- ato church funds ~ M.Wrigh!. Ray Stnples and Nom- Douglas Whitney. Mrs. Raby. Hardoastie, and Mrs. Paul! Decided ta collect a bale o! Wa.i«A. c.S- reported faîr theý Session, and'Laprade. used clothing; articles t o ~~ B r~ also r-Ad+the cemetery rport. Mrs.Chshlmaked that jloft at the homo- o! Mrs.-r Cen otoi In~ay rs. DuglasWhitey gae anync wb bas ny god wi Mounjoy h-foreMarc "Alright, but only ONE" Oft times only one medication is needed, if you treat illness at the first symptoms. Keep an ample supply of medicines and f irst aid supplies on hand for immediate use. RUARY ONLY U LOVA &RANCE -SALE OUR USUAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE kDVERTISED PRICE 29.95 39.75 49.50 59.50 69.50 79.50 89.50 00.00 ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE 6.00 8.00 1000 12.00 14,00 1600 1800 20e00 65ec 6 5 -Dinner Sel STAR DUST PATTERN - ENGLISH S Regular $52.75 $39-95 urne PRICE ery 12DURING FBUR AR R'S LERY AND CIFT SHO? BOWMANVILLE A yeunt father. bis eyes baggy fOim Iack of sleep, ivas pacing ,ie floor at four in the morn- Ing nursing a walling baby In his arms, w hile lits wlfe lay enugly In bed. 'Funny tiiinz.'* lie sald at last, "1how nobody bas over asked me how 1 manage to combine marriage and a rareer!" Whother youi'ro- caeer or mar- riage-mindo-d or bath, there's one- thiîîg e i oor.oods and that's a mo-able dry cl-an- ing iîm. Bocatîse haxing your garentss -leaned re- ularly is youc groatest assur- ance o! al,,vays appeaing at yaur well-groomed best. . . nt home or t ' For dry cloaning l'au can trust callis.u Rotary Club Play Town Hall FIRI BROS 47 KING ST.1L - SPFCIAI, THIS WEI * POR LEAN. l-REffllb. Shoulder BUTT__lb. *UTT lb MALCOLM TI o r Prompt DeIiv-ery àîLPhone MA 3-5444 THE 4-PIECE Seeý International Silver Co. TEAPOT, CREAN, SUGAR AND TRAY that ivili be Reduced 1.00 a Dcay UNTIL SOLD! This set is on display in our window Specials in Din ner Sets 1 l PAGE THEM discussed. Miss Erma Holmes1 in February. Roll cal] was spoke on the lack of a Bibleanswered by 23 members. in each classroom. Inquiriesý Mrs. Harry Gay, Parent Edu- are to be made about the1 cation Chairman, w as i n School Board providing them., charge of the program. A skit A discussion followed re- , was presented entitled "Those garding library facilities. WF Troublesome Teens." Those was decided to set aside a sum ctaking part, representing the to buy library books for the mothers of teens, were Mrs. four classrooms. Grade I won, Gordon Chartran, Mrs. Jack the attendance prize. i Gay, Mrs. Charlie Elliott, Mrs. Home and Schooll Wilfred Brown, Mrs. John Mrs. Thomas Gladman pre-'Norris and Mrs. Gordon Vin- sided at the regular meeting son. Mrs. Harry Gay acted as of Courtice Home and Schoolt the school teacher and led a Association. Mrs. William Mc- discussion following the skit. Knight read the minutes and~ Refreshments were served Mrs. Barry Johnson gave the bv Mrs. R. Courtice, J. treasurer's report. Nýorris and Mrs. W. Brown. A euchre was held on Janu-I the mothers of Grade 4 pro- ary 27, with Mrs. J. Norris viding lunch. Room bannera and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice in were won by Mrs. M. Grier charge. Next euchre will be and Mr. Bruce Lush. r

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