PAGE FOVR TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO THURSDAY, TEE. nd, 1981 ZDITORLAL CONMM Are We Returning to Reason? A report received this week indi- estes that at ing last we may b. returning ta a point where people gen- eraily will once more be proud of success and achievement n scholastic circles. Robert Warren, the Calgary super- intendent of schools, brings this trend ta aur attention in the FebuaryIssue of Imperial Oil Review. "Thousands of mentally competent Canadian High school student8 are getting dlsgrace- fully low grades imply because they are not bothening ta try," he wnites. The waste that these "laggards" represent to themselves s obviaus. But what is worse they beileve that there s some sort cf respectability attached ta failure, and, se, try ta convert good students ta this new-found prestige symbol. Warren points out that this s a disturbing situation since "the next 20 years wAtt probably make greater de- mnands on Canadian brainpower than any other periad n aur history." He finds that parents, teachers, #ome' educational psychologists and students themselves have ail fostered failure. Arnong some Canadians «getting sornething for nothing has be- corne a virtue" - and this s reflected In their children's attitudes. Many parents and teachers, while flot con- doning failure, de not stress the Im- portance of success and "I suspect that rnany parents are littie nterested An their children's high school careers." Too rnany teachers failtot arouse the laggord's nterest Warren continues. Some educational psychologists and educotors contibute ta the problem when "they let students believe that they did not have te be seif-determin- ing individuals, responsible for f own future and for setting and ma tainlng standards." As a solution to the failure pi lemn, Warren suggests the controvez "laggard" policy initiated by Calg An 1952 and subsequently adopted several other Conadian high achc Calgary high schools dismiss - February 15, for the balance of schoal year - students who are failing aller warnings n November at Christmas. Laggards are denti: by a scale which shows what mari student with a given I.Q. shc achieve. Disrnissed studentsr appeal te the school board. Since the policy has been in fc the number of Calgary students getl ions thon 50 per cent on examinat: has dropped frorn 30 per cent of student body te 20 per cent. War adds that because the policy maintz a steady pressure an students, number of potential laggards hase been reduced. "Calgary teachers are won1k harder and devoting mare time te t] profession," ho continues. Some1 ents are showing mare nterest. Warren believes the policy s ginning te create a new social nc where success is respectable. cautions, hawever, that while schc can de much, "for a really lasting ci we need the co-operation of society large." "It can be done and I arn cent that n line we con pay the laggý poiicy the supremo compliment - making t ne longer necessary no schools," he concludes. This article hanse much sot common sense that we heartily rec mend it teo ur readers. Mony. of the mon n aur particular age group are undergoing a most dis- turbing ncw experience afler a half century of being carefree, they at tant have reached middle age and every- body, t seems, takes pleasure n rubbing t n. Even the doctons are n on the gaine. Now, when you visit your favorite medical adviser, he invariabty says: "Better cul down that weight a litte. Remember you are net as young as you used te be." When yeu ask, «How's my bleod pressure, Doc?" he replies, "Net bad, for yeun age." Listed below are a few of the things which, in yeur contact with yeung 50 year aid men you should aveid saying n order ta sove themn embanrassment. Us pon fellows are having a hord enough lime realizing that we are getting aid: S"Now, Jim, tako t easy. Remern- berý none of us s getting any yaunger." "Well, if you feel up te t new, let's go bock on the court and start the third set." "I know t looks appetizing, but I warn you - it's gel 650 calories." Once started, goverument spend- Ing programs are almost impassible ta stop, or even te reduce. Revenue may decline, but expenditune must be con- tinued. Neither housewives ner work- iagmen wouid try te rua their budgets that way, but the same people will demand that a goverament must, says C. J. Harris. That s oneofo the hansh facts thal the politicians of riet-torn Belgium have tnied ta gnore n the past, ta their pain n the present. Hav- ng suffered a iosn 1960 of $150 mil- lion o! Congo revenues, the Belgian government pnoposed te cul spending on welfare and education and ta raise taxes. The result won leftist-organized stnikes and neots. But n the opinion o! an expen- Anced European journalist now living here, Beigium's loss af the Congo hos been only the tigger for that cauntry's troubles. Henk W. Hoppenen wites An an article n the Tenante Globe and Mail that the root of Belgium's pnoblern s what might be coiled a pro- longed, national spending spree. Sig- nificantly, ho notes simitarilies between Belgium and Canada. "The real cause af Belgium's troubles," soys Mn. Hoppener, "lies An postwar economie policies that have failed ta put hon national economy on a strong, competitive basAs. On tbis score, the Belgian problem hoids up a mirror te Canada. For its net entirely incidentai that the economies "'Hero, hand me that snew sho' After ail, you'rc the only husband have - and I don'l want te lose yci "I know you've always wern a s 36 waist bef are, sir, but f you do mind me being frank, I think yei find a size 42 a bit more cemfartabl "I'm from Scout Troop 40, sir. IM I be of service te yeu on thisj cerner?" "Have you mode out your wilE "If I have ta listen te dad tell o more lime about how he used te ch a cord of weod befere breakfast eve morning when he wos a kid, ll downstairs and jump int the burner." "I knew I con trust yeu, 1 Arbuthnot. 'You're tee aid ... I meï you're not like the rest of these offi wolves." "I don't know why yeu're so0d set agoinst bifocals. Benjamin Frar lin wore them?" "Well, we could climb t -b weuldn't you rather wail for the e' vaor?" "lHere, toke my seat, sir." of Belgium and Canada have sil poslwar patterns of substantial si larity. Bath nations came through 1 war with relatively few scans. "In the case of Belgiurn, t tc less thon two years ta give the ecana: bock the slnength t had n 1939. the end of 1947, the Belgian GNP b risen almost 20 per cent above t] of 1939. Cemparing the value hen GNP n the laIe 1940's with t] of 1939, Canada experienced a VE similan gain. "Bath countries have used mu of that early gain and of subsequE develepmenlte embark on welf.- prognamn, wage policiez . -. and otù national commitments that, in torms total national overhead, have prov toe heavy a burden for their economi The variaus expenditunes have net be n keeping with the reol advances ma n total productivity. Belgium s n( facing the music of tee much t economic and unproduclive spendi . .. The nation's problern s veny seric indeed. Il has been shaping up1 more thon a decode and with ma indications that we have experienc of loto n Canada as well." A spending spree always has te paid for. As ndividuals, people kn( this very well and generaliy they gau aulga by incarne. Somehow t s ea for us humons ta ignore the fact t] gaveranents aise must be careful sper ers or nations will suffer consequenc, ne. %ama2îan 5tt#main Durham County's Gmt rFamnly Journal Etabllhd 107 y.ausego la 1854 Aise bcoxoraftlg The. Newman-m. Nows The. Newcastl. ldependen The Ozmo News Auorlesd mauSnd Oas.Mai"bY th. Pont Office Dept., Ottawe Producad Every Thursday by THE JAMES PUBLISMIG COMPANT L2M4=E PO. Box 190 62-M8King st. W.. Eowmanvll., Ontaxjo IONM. JAMES Enrroia-PUuLxUOM GO. P. MORRIS EusxwxssMms Sugar & Spice Column yaron u~P h ~I~C one of those owly moods inEda,?Uounnman " ouimn whach she won't even take Now i 111Newspiper *ye" for an answer. N o ih1 1 e sp p rs BUeh one of those attacks It Io always nice to keep tab -the engine doesn't have a'address by Elmore Philpol herCanada's favorite hunilt, Ing, j ust for fun, a columnn in Iis week. Tbey often cone lu on people who were once rated chance to stail, or rust. And, at the Canadian Club, an an- Bill Smley, whose column whlch he uaid exactly what mldwlnter, when my reslot- as citizens cf Durhamn County, in case anyone thinks he sits' hoping to make his acquaint- "Sugar and Spice" appears he pieased. once Io la-w anyway. 8h. Bits therefore, it was wlth pleasure in the traditionai chimney ance at the coffee and cakes ýroi,- each week i this newspaper, A nelghbourlng edi t or, down firmly aud produces lots that we received a newspaper corner, dreaming of by-gonesession, courtesy Dr. and Mm. ralhas won the distinction of be- George Cadogan of the Dr-*o paper and a pencil. ,then clipplng showing Peter Walk- days, forget it. "Pop", as he is'George James, but the flesh 'riling syndicated in more pap- ham Chronicle, asked If he ,lie compiles îantauuie la s01 er, in klit and Sporran, iead- known to everyone for milesi was weaker than the spirit: gary erstha an oter anaianmlgt ue th coumn Sen sufi evryuug rom~ ~ing the annuai Santa Claus around Holland Landing, runs'Ail day I rode herd on a crew by erlns a n t. hCad a if a doentheditaru ere do-stoile aer, întronoht re o-parade iHolland Landing. his own busy grocery store'of wood-cutters, i below zero ,ols. He~ is now being read in 111 ing the smre. Steadily, the anges, put. a price on every- This ageiess Scott is 78 yearsanpolrmbsdstknwetrac pnidya40 on newspapers throughout the colunin ncreased i ppular- thiiig, and addu It ail up. Young. He was 40 away back an active, personai interest inimile-an-hour north-east wid, 1922, wheri he and I cut anything pertaining to the good, with snow. When I got iside the. 51 A 0yer i ty. This takes about two hours, pn osfrAtCri n of his community. When he!a warm house, and outslde of th mîey 4 yas l and A year ago, the prablems of during whlch we discover tehohtewaawuy dlveup ernthRidga delicious steak and 14) andl says he feels every day Of t, distribution became sa big following: that I don't kflow then. He was 58 when h ourws. n erof ar btPnig h a ine, I wand to p . and A atveof erhOn.,he that Smlley contracted wlth how inuch lifeisurance I eniisted, and served, on active bor.Ileytuh ot-cag lteadd~~ y. ifie'J grew up there, and graduated the Toronto Telegram News have; that I don't know 110W srieoesadr h pool's loss wvas Holland Land- where, except ta the. lilng. <safrom high school when he was Service for national syndica- much the taxes are; that 1 Second World War. There aning'so . Hoe hed inakes 80 roomtcouch. ulda toa aid toplay on the foot- tion of the column. Since can't remember whether or must be a lot of truth in the an1hnsm.W a neddt e oh oud bail team any longer. then, Its circulation has In- not I've paid the interest onl adage that, "a man is no eider A few months ago, my wîfe. ing prevent us attendlng the Mnay He went off ta University creased steadiiy. the mortgage, and such-llke. than he feels". Mr. Walker was leavlng home for an ap-!iDurham County Club meeting, of Toronto, and commenced Last year, Bill declded to Perhaps that's why I dread has aiways worked hard; may- pointment, but turned back to in Toronto, on Thursday even- 1 rce a course in honor Engish. In try something new, went ta these sessions so much. With be that's what keeps him going Put on her engagement ring, ing, but fate decided other. 1941 he joined the RCAF teacher's coîlege, and s cur- a few strokes of th pencil 1 -said she didn't feel properly wise. At 5 p.m., a workman'a ting and trained as a fighter pilotretyrglgth sudnsanrnsird. nsadom dressed without t. O n Christ-'car refused ta start, so I offer. ;ionsHe few wth te Tatica renly rear-n oiesmasntEvetrn1919,ed.Instooko masEbest919e1dtta mpull 1itdtowith iawi tractorto th i oc nNr and a idland, Ont., high schooi the firm, kindly mentor of the H o iTriais girl for a street car ride, to ibut the latter required lots ai ~re was 'hot down on Friday the ofith hishownHe cliar brad tfamily the onl un Wth Loew's Vaudeville Theatre, on'coaxing before t became olive. 13th of October, 1944. HetaiEngs.aHoutdaimrs thatathr o t on h e oun, the Prepareve Yonge Street, Toronto; alrWeli, by the time the balky ýains spent the rest af theo He tachring inabouteas roattuofrIdk arewhchterel ave in-To r p the show, we had a bananacar quit sulking, there just the a German prison camp. aswrigAaste iL alierehterdthbrn split at Diana Sweets, then,ýwasn't enough time ta change, as Returning ta University Ani The Smileys have two chiid- or-home ofbaon the captain for» I artfuliy steered 11cr up toa'ashave, cat and arrive An Toron- alo 1945, he fell in love with a ren, Hugh and Kim 13 and 9, of our littie ship, I arn reveal- L r n ergency jewellery store, where sheto by 8:15 p.m., sa we stayed girl who has sinco becorne who have provided a lot ai ed as a sort of village idiot, selected an engagement ringihome and thereby mlssed that king famous in Sugar and Spice matorial for the coiumn, in an Inept burden on the siim A small group of people are that set me back seventeeniparalyzing, city snow-storm. heir as The Old Batticaxe. A ser- the past. shoulders of my spouso, a clay- working quietly behind the dollars and fifty ccnts. Since Now, wve came ta Frlday, par- ious illness delayed gradua- Readers cf SugarrandSpice footed dol, a juggler with scenes ta be prepared for then, I have offered to providewe a n slnett tion tinti 1949. In that year, are sometimes infuriaed, f hk adada te another Hurricane Hazel- or a more costly one, but the idea!address a district teachers' b-ho feîl into the weekly news- ten amused, but neyer bored, economic flop. wre sawy eadb h aymeiga aevle hl pape' bsinssandfortheas tey erue te pose ofTo test emergency commun- who stili wears the old, cheap~ waiting for the meeting ta orm next decade was oditor af the a man dedicoted ta, looking at Don't as me how all this Ications, a field trial was run one as proudly as on the street, start, my boss arrlved unex- He Wiarton Ont., Echo. During life without benefit ai rose- camnes about in the mere recently from the Oshawa car 41 years ago. When it pectedly, with colored sldes, ools that period, ho begon writ- colored giasses. drafting af a budget. It's un' Headquarters, covering an c on c er ns sentiment, ain't'projector and screen. Some- ___________________________________________canny. My wife sits there, orea of about 25 miles. Four women funny? oehdgttig ie p ure, scowl deepening as the evi- mobile-equipped cars main- Lite con be frustrating1which I promptiy untangled by at dence mounts. I squirm lowei tained aîmost continous con- sometimes, os witness lastirealizing that the other chap's ~ In tue 1)1I7 inniy chair, while trying ta tact with the headquarters week.prrmwamuh oein ain cat eto interested and dedi- station at Oshawa, with as- On Tuesday ovening, Butch.teresting thon my duUl speech, cae obaiancing the thing. sist stations at Bowmanvilie, was anxious t attend a hon- so I unobstrusively, siipped ndlard_ _ __ _ __ _ Every tinie she thinks of a neiw Whitby, Brougham and Atha, party in Orono, whiie I was out of the door and hlgh-tail- by n anditem for the "expenditures ail manýned by Licensed Radio in Bowmanvilie, onjoying theleded t for home. aur column, she lights up like a Amateurs. The test assumed _____________________________ TILpinball machine. When she that ail power and telephone D it ntPS. cornes ta, the refreshment and lines were out, that people und ' tobacco departments, her eyes were stranded An deep snow _____ Prm %---manFie glitter like those ai a snake at speciiic points and that _______ The_____________Files about ta harpoan a hypnotlzed emergency communication was rabbit. needed te obtain housing, g5 YEARS AGO 49 YEARS AGO Aiter Ibis week's ordeal, food and blankets. rho announeed trlumphantly (Feb. 6, 1936) (Feb. 8, 1912> that we were going In the red The cars were directed by Sarn Castie, the 'Yodehing Mrs. J. B. Martyn and Miss at the rate oi $50 a montb. radio ta go ta certain points ,vel. Hobo from Maple Grave, was Carrne A. Martyn, Queen _tQ+ That seemed ta make lier feel and reiay back messages ta thewinerin owanvlles illno reeiv aainths ý-'better. It made me feel a lot the Oshawa Headquarters. :1 th winerAn owmnvil& wii nt rceio aainthi sa- botter, tee. Frem the way Wth the cooperation ai al! )U." first amateur show held in thie son. she'd been acting, 1 figured concerned, this wos done, and Town Hall on Thursday. Mr. P. G. Pozier of the Bank they were about ready te send in actual practice proved ta sie Bowmanviile's officiai his- of Montreai, Ottawa, has been me off ta- a place for retarded be more of a job thon t ap- on't torian, David Morrison Sr., transferred ta Bowmanville eblidren. peared on paper. )u'l1 celebroted his 87th birthday Branch ta fill the vacancy * About 15 persans partici- le."0 on January 3th. made by the romoval ai Mr. Thon she wont inta the next pated An this test, with two Mr. Lea Bush visited friends D. C. Betts ta Montreal. part af the rituai, which nover mobile stations on two met- viy n. am Color ad is We heartily congra tula Ot varies. Where were we going nos, and two mobiles on 75 HarrietSa Cooper aevnshires Miss AIma Courtice of Ebene- ta eut down? I aîways suggost mnetens. The local Amateur New Ot Cooe, orenvsite, zen a nd her pupils on their paring the food bill. "Those Radio Operatons helping wene [?9 hei trion aunt, Mn. itd success in piano at Toronto kids would be a lot better ait Farncombe LeGnesi o y, aofv i~ ~ ~u~~ n ei Mr c an HarySm t, Muend Conservatory ai Music exams. if they ate more porridge and Newcastle, who supplied one I A N U N T oe M aySieheportet.a Miss Leta, Bowmanville cheap, healthy stuit like that," af the mobile units, and C. hop Mcayo ike$125,00 ha ee and Miss Louise Osborne, I al;ways soy. This mereîy Jack Eiston, who assisted frorn ,ery ar Countice, passed tho Juniorlast notus n which his home station an Conces- go Gui Buisldi inoWashegtan grade and Misses Aileen and she dlaims that I have just sion Street. M K I D WL l Mrilingand M shngnith-d Ethelda Hazlewood their Ele- accused her ai being an ex- Col. S. Watton cf Oshowa, o Mran r.JhPrthrmentany. travagant and wasteful cook. in charge ai the test was well Some of man's early attempts ai; airpiane. And reliable air Harriston, celebrated their 5th It wedding anniversarY on Feb. Mr. John Patter, Toronto, a This puts me on the defen- satistied with the resuits. In fiight miglit well have left the portation depends on hvùW M.3rd. Ho was a native ai Cavai former resident af Bowman- sive. thanking ail concenned. for bird popuainskngter heih flwe ndhr' an, and at the age ai 15 drove his ville, is renewing aid acquain- And that's exactly where thelr cooperation, ho pointed '"Shki tertorhtflwenud hes ~ie ate'scoerdwaonfrmtances, guost ai Mn. Archie she wants mie. Now the pen- ont that more tests ai this heads. it is needed. Imperial Oil makeu fiefther taohis newon Wfr aiclstb hopprrietes nature shouid be held An the But mani bas mnade amazing aviation gasolines and jet fuel@ lingeto snouenty. MissT a rvlCxIiit.til Iyand ce am es t envtaefuture, as o need for just such progress in aviation and today it'a available anywherein Canda- ead Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allin, her brother Mr. Reuben Cox, question, "Do you realize haw pabu dnehss aim o st ame itih brswoaeIf eid t oeyfe ahsde i ,nk. Orono, celebrated the 52nd Toronto. much yon spond on cigarettes?" atthedeps time ad year ith. Here in Canada, with aur vasi; Arctic, or at busy interntional anniversary ai their marniago Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lawrie And t turns eut, as t aîways the de ng low arnd frterdsacs er heavy ice.e irors but on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Thein entertained about forty friendg s, hti tp mk cooporation, ho pointed out daughter, Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg, Friday ovening when all had ing, and gave up my pro-din- that mono tests ai this nature el.Providence, and son, Mr. Han- a most enjoyable timo. ner battle ai ale, the budiget should be heid in the future, I P RA N. p r A l n P i k r n , w r M r h s o s i O s a a w o u ld b a la n c e th e s u rin d a s a n e o r j s u h r -I P R I L O L L M I T E Dm ' among ,tho guests an this 0c-looking after business af his - paedncs almotocam abou perAlu, Pckeing W rothMr Thos . s nOs hwashieevery day, and my îam 05 a ntiedfoast sucwih prohSO ..fr8oyearscanada'sIeadingsuppierofonro casian ci.G. brer o thrr .M.Tdwhoobey me. Se I promise te do depsnowlant year withe Reev Ceil . n'encr ~with his family has gone an it, n eayie Hope Township has been ap- a trip ta Califonnia. Nx aUcOdLd el pointed by the' Dominion Gov- Mn. J. Weaver, who has been Negod abot h aving balane LIVE BET1'ER ELECTRICALLY ernment ta succeed Ex-Mayor mlydwtMrA.WPis o abuhvngaace Wfl Milton J. Eiliott as offilcial 'mlydwt M.A .Pc- thea budget and reformed me, m- receiver for Durham Countv adfrsvrlmots ~mtShebYs a new dress. So~~r~ the under the Formons' Creditors rtnrned ta his home at Stir. I reckon thot if she con afford . .... Arrangement Act. Mr. Mercer il.oewds, things aren't 50 >kbas assumed bis new duties. Mn. George Richards, gar- tou*gh, and I slip downtown~ wk Hampton: Mn. Henry Wilcox denen, who lest his herse sanie and pick up a large deck of jjj rny has returned from Rochester tim.e ago, was very much sur- weeds and a smnall box ai beer. At where ho was visiting his prised anc evening recentiy And we're oit for another+ niece, Mrs. Elmer Wilcox. when ho was called Inta Mn. happy, budget-Ions six months.J adBlackstock:- Miss Lois Veale Tait's office and was present- Eat ontcrtained friends an Wed- ed by Mn. Jas. Ryan and Mn. Of nesday evening on the occasion Archie Tait with o purse ai hiato! er bnthay.$75.00 contnibuted by citizens1 ry hSalem: Miss Viola Francis ta belp hlm te buy another' has accepted a position n hre Toronto. Miss Ethel M. Trimai spent o iic-h Tyrne: Corngiratlatins ta) fe-w idys with ber aunt Ms ihadCek n Hta "Mail Eaniy for Christmnas" ful. A great deai ai this suc- "sM m yee uk h o s' By Zs due to the:fine 'publiýc "h Mu my 2?t lucy 'e 2es Î", we conld flot oet bani the co-operation ai the public during this peak season ai the Eeydy uk a . hn ti lte re ses nyu If there s crne thing above financially. And 1 keep it de- year. all others that I loathe, des- liberately as raugh as pas- Fan aur own part, faced you own an electric clothes dryer washing and easien on you too. It's pAne, detest and abhar, t s a sible. It doesn't take the mind with wlnter weather candi- bcueeeydysapret js n oewyta lcrct househoid budget. 1 know this o! a magnate te figure out tions, transportation pnob- ..bcueeeydysapret js n oewyta lcnct s wrong. I know t Is a weak- that five fnomn four doean't lerns and a greatiyicreased dnying day!1 lightens your duties, brightens nons. I know my bank mono- produce a plus sgan. Al l ght, volume ai mail, the ce-opera- Sfgnl lcrcha re l ordy ger wiIl winco when ho read s se I'm an escaplst. 1 bury 'mytAon of the public Aniniaiiing Sfgni lcncha ne i ondy this. But I can't help At. I head An the sand. And if there eariy Is essential if we are te orludyt ad-rosi-ro would rather end n o prison isn't any sand around, a beak- do the task that has been en- yorludyt aepof olpof Yen get more out of life-when for poupons thon have any- or wAil do. trusted ta us. We are pieased perfectin ... fluff dried, ready te you get the most eut of clectricity. thing ta do with a budget.* * and grateful ta have had your heip during the Christmas put away ... with ne clothesline sog There lna reason for my 1 know the mortgage wasn't soasan. MK LCRCT stroug feelings toward these paid iast year, th1e taxes are G. A. Boyle, or soit,... no ciothespin corners. For MAK EF RICITY 0m1el barmiesa househOld hoaxes. overdue, we've had five bils. pt otatrGnrl ayioig ihu pikigo PeriodleallY, nMY wife laits ila arow from Uthe dentlst, and Dpt otatr eea. es roning , juietheîspinl nor WORKFOR YO th&t we draw up a budget. It I've mlsed the discount on loaig p us etth ia e h bappens about twlce a year, the hydro bill, whlch has been To talk the rlght and live desired degrec of dampness. An elcc- sud &round our bouse It ai- in my hip pocket for three the wrong s foolish deceit, do- s ui ways produces strained reda- weeks. But these things don't ing crie'. self the most horm.- tons, mountlng tension, sud reaiiy bother me tee much. Mary Baker Eddy. a rocng figbt, lu that order. It's when my wlte gets an cone We are cniy vulnrable andiN TO A Durnig the year, I have a, af hen financiai-genins kicks ridiculous through our pro- I ___ A .ELEUUR 1 CAL WE.Ll k . 1 FEB. H F B I toubl Idea et whe-rO w. stad that Ie becmea pà*Uty ghaat-itmiaon&,-Madam de Garardîn. mw Watch Your Language Spending Spree <I GEO. W. GRAHAM Azraoe.MANAGER BUECRPTON RATES 840a TYom, uzcily luadac $5.00 a Year la th. United Statu PAGE Fmm 1 THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOIVILANVnLZ ONTARIO TERMDAY, nM. 2nd, 1041