A b 'i "I 4' 4' '1 't t1 f 'i USED ATCARS ROY W . NICHOLS 1960 CHEV. BISCAYNE SEDAN 6-c I. uith Power Glide transmnission, windshield washers. Gothic gold. Onie owner car, low inileage. 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 2-DR. COACHI V-8 engine with Power Glide transmission, custom buit radio, windshield ivashers, padded dash. One owner car. 1959 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. SEDAN V-8 engine with Power Glide transmission, windshield washers. One owner car. 1957 MqERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN Two-tone red and beige. 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-DR. HARDTOP 6-cyl., automnatic transmission, custoin built radio, ivindshield washers. Two-tone red and beige. 1955 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. SEDAN 6-cyl. engine with Power Glide transmission, custonm built radio. Two-toae turquoise and ivory. 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN Two-tone red and ivory. MANY MO0RE RECONDITIONED CARS TO CHOOSE FRO31 Oldsmobile -Chevrolet -Corvair and Envoy (British Buill) Cars BGWMANVILLE Chevrolet Trucks COURT jhone MA 3-3353 Phone MA TICE k 3-3922 Mr. aoc] Mrs. C. Russell anc] family were Sunday dunner guests of Mr. anc] Mrs. Don Brooks and] family.I The Country Couples' Club' will meet Thurs., Feb. 1, (ta C Mrs. Bert Norris, Mrs. iZ~. George Sommerville, Mmls. Reg ,Z Kent aoc] Mrs. Stirling Mor- isanl all of Oshawa, visited :~~4 '?1~* Mr. aoc] Mrs. Ken Mayberry recently.________________ Miss Ethel Axford. Bow- unanville, vîsited ber sîster ' Mrs. Charlie Snowden aoc] Mr. -IG ' Snowden on Suoday. j c ww Vo MsL.Satmire, Toronto;', *Mr. aoc] Mrs. William Bragg',, and] fainil '%, Providence: Mni. . and] Mu-s.()"ville Ashton aocid ' :Charles, Enniskillen; Mrs. Ira Travell, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. .- Gordon Beech aoc] family. sr..'....... Mr. anc] Mrs. Lloyd Wager aoc] family, Oshawa, weme The addresses an mach lunch guests with ',r. aocnd erm awlsal iMrs. Ron Rogers, Nancy aoc] ttrad au sol ýTammy on Suoday. so Mr. aoc] Mrs. Reg. Taylor, * tOfuinm !to~ Oshawa, called on Mr. and a tefc]1mrn fte Mrs. Alan Snawden, David 1% Person who is ta aoc] Jim last Friday eveoiog get it. Mr. aoc] Mrs. Christy Hardy à the correct apart. ' called on Mr. anc] Mrs. Fred mont number, Gow aoc] family enroute ta totades their home on Scugog Island rureal ouesbe from Florida. rora otofe ubo Mr. anc] Mrs. Sam Snov- omr. ffc o . den, Blackstock, called on Mr. ubr and 'Mrs. Ron Rogers aoc] Il City, town or vil- family one evening last week. , lage, and postai Mr. anc] Mms. T. A. Day, zone numberwhere Oshawa, were dinner gnests iiOessary. , with Mr. aoc] Mrs. D. C. Bail- * your nane and ey on Tuesday eveoing ta ope.rtr honour FreddY Bailey on bis addrless itnh birthday. adeti h Mn. aoc] Mms. E. Wihlidal upper Ieft-hand entertainec] several friends corner. from Oshawa aoc] local neigh- iSee the Yeilow pages of mail boums at a paty on Satur- telephone directories for day evening. complote Postai information Misses Shirley Sanders aocnd ~ de Sandra Snowden, Kitchener, WW PS de xvere weekend guests of Mr. 81111111111111 s =111,18 aoc] Mrs. Alan Snowc]en aoc] Mr. Bob Gooclmnrphy was a Mr. oc] sun . Aa o guest ond Msuclaé E CAAD den callec] on ber parents,m .%n. aoc] Mrs. Ernest Wilkins,'PS FIE, Port Hope, on Saturday. iMr. Jim Phair, Orangeville,j woeca.~iie wn -,x.lor &7c Aylmer - Chickea Noodie, Creani of Chickcn Chicken Rice, Creai of Oyster, Mushroom and Vegetable Beef FANCY SOUPS Christie's - Plain or Salted SODA BESCUITS David & Frere B. B. 3fix BISCUITS* 10 oz. Tin 4 4for.5 9c 1 lb. Pkg. a m - 33cl Pkg. of 24 Biscuits1 m a m a 25CI BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE! Mir - Liquid DETERGENT 2/24 oz. Poly Containers1 0 m M 95CI Values effective in Bo'wmanville until closing time on Saturday, February 4th, 1961. DOMI1NION STORES LIMITEDI BUY DOMINION FAMOUS BRANDS F reshly Grouaid 16 oz. Bag RICHMELLO COFFPEE - 6 7c Hilltop 1 oz. Pkg. CHOCOLATE MALLOWS 3 9c D)omino Choice TONATOES m a m m Country ClaIb SOCKEYE SALMON Domino Liquid DETERGENT 20 oz. Tin 21C ,,2s Tin e.57C 0 m a 24 oz. Tin 49c SYMPHONY FACIAL TISSUES White or Pink Box of 400"s 29C All mecads sold at your Dominion Store Ltd. is unconditionally guaranteed to glve 100% satisfaction. .l PTHURSDAY, FEE. 2nd, 19 61 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Social Evening there on called on Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,. I another year. Mrs. Curson of office administeren ySc r ok .arch 9th. It was decided to Plazek last Tuesday after- ClO served lunch. retary M. J. Hobbs, R.H1 ok Nwbiligpoet o L eg io n A u x iliary P resen ts acep te nviaton Cm- oo. 1. Local red * IMrws.aLoirraine Brownis in was elected chairafr ateya r sflos e av te elphnecmmtte adeshldthiranua qit.Fe tu ed inqcneral check-up. Maste'- as his vice-chairnidny5 o .Toadtoa 1 > 1 5 ~~cal] nembers wvho %vere not ing at the churchi on Thrrs- .sAti;g with MNr.an Wordlen and appoinei onst h rsn e o ran n 10 present at the meeting and day. January -96, when they raNrtcl ir s. i. W1son .w-hle is ma- ows roet y C ebr sfl cola apo Ide 'A bus wifl be ordered by one crib quilt. About 21 ladies Mr. rtcl Snowden, r. *,r Conrae dyheRudl, hesa dwntoa elcius"piIAnarticle of local intereslt Mr. and Mrs. W. Call re-, Craig: Finance Cornite-esSS o 2 I-I e p P u fo r N e~4' I< it her, 2nd vice-presidient. ILck" dinner at the ruoun hour.lippeared ; the Decernhber, ceintly visited with her sister,, Mvr. Worden. Mr.Snwn; Meigar H e p a y fo N w it h e A iviatonwa rceve M. ndMr. d.Holmes:q issue of Electricil Con- 'M. and MNrs. 'M. Downs, Garry Publir Relations Commte-e-r-scn o. fec frorn Maple Leaf Circle 143, ote and family visited her mothericor& Main tenance Siiper- a nd little Steven Murray, Tor-, Mr. Craig, MIr. 03'ler ec-mnh atNrh Cut Ancient Order of Foresters,1 and brother, MNrs. Etta H ivsor. In tIl arlicle J. E. . er's Cornnitte- Mr.Wrc. col At the meeting of the Lad- fromn the auxi]iarv to Pres- makes the Legion. It v.ouldiasking President Millie Bates istone and Ted, at Macoc .Mews, P. Eng.. o& John B. Par-1 A commrittee -neeting was ______________________________ les Auxilinry Io the Royalldent Jim Wood wa rdc of be tough to be xithlout an 'to attend the organization's, They alIso cal led on Mrs. Marv kmn Associates x~Rmines elor.-ilheld at the homne of Mrs ..... C~adian Leguon held in theiBranch 178 of the Royal Can- auxiliary-,." he said. *5hBrhax at ine omsitPtroog .-tic heating for schools fromMaenPoeln rdy L osT5l n 'Mondav ex en- adian Legion anc] ta the Past He stated that the cast oflon Thursday ex-enîng. Febru- the m e ch an i ca engîncerb evening ta plan for the coin- Jn ÎWI*~sident Millie BatesiPresident, Ed Rundie. This the new kitchen. $3,500, wvas ary 23rd. Congregationa ;Pont of v i g H. & S. Club card party prýien.9 a chequle for Sî,0001imonley was donated by the considerably higher than the twsanucdta h The annual congregational;ý The school used oas an ex-: and irdw. auxiluary as a contribution! estiînate had been. There is auxilîary had been asked ta ýMeeigo heMpeGav'apeisou e Lr h Mrs. Crowcll, due to an towards the cost of thenw$,0 feupetJ t.h ae o w el o 0 United Church was well at- Sc'nhoo. Scvxeral piclaires are iifccid1 g . was forced to A ~~kitchen at the Legion Hall. poi1ntcd out, and] labor cOsts people at the Scout Conven- tne.Tecara fteu" o~utneuit.~~pm1soie thne un the hospi- In order t iea aypol spsil IMembers (,f Branch 178 had been $1,000. lie congrat-! tion nt Bowmanville Hi'- gthernRx.H.J1ti-wcin noteors0 tit!. How ex er She us homne gain had been inviteci ta be pre- ulatedl the ladies on the ex- l Schoal on Saturday, April tan, oee wt rayer. Sec- bidîn.T cepot eand the children aie back toa ial opportunityt e h aeadefr WLFO WOK sent &t meeting. and quite a, cellent ivay their meeting 29th. On a motion by Coin-' retary I. G. Freeman read: Higg cn iS explainn'g th' ha-school1 WE PROUDLY £AY' number attended. President was condueted. He as-o ex- rade Florence Knight, second-I the minutes which were con-'1 inc sý-stein to Mi,ý Marjorie' _____ eurdi rdu garî fwlppr h WE ODTW G& - Woodward and Past Prosident presFed his appreciation Of'ed bvr Comrac]e Beryl HueIl- firmed.j Couclu principal of the sehool. mngmn fCnda aîae au go WE DOTMM' G9Rundie were asked ta sit on'their support cluring his two c)es, it ,vas decided ta uinder-i Reports were presen t e c] and in anothor Supervisor of1 ,ngm t JMPOeWY ither side of Presidient Millie yer speieto rnh take this catering. frmteflo i omit-~ Sciuools A. Th,-o'np.-aîuI is z1hownSCS atrsLi Bates the presiding officer. l178.The auxiliary also agreed ta tees, organizations and boards: getfing _ra dei-.uuiitration of th~e.S h o President Bates talc] the'si et Woodard also'ar.safctuers.imied hs anouned heirdecsno PeietWowr sOaccept fthe request ta purepare'1 StewadM n .Fnhaig o]vriaigu À ~ *to resumne ogi edpator. meeting that the building of: expresscd the gratitude of' a lunch for the Public Speak_ Trustees, Sunday Schiool, Bib- ear nebe o o irst M etng whnPatPrsdetRude oato ta teLaisseio al n rdalxen- Scieay, Ml eovenigM eis-oar fattntine eid riiu the new kitchen had startedlIBranch 178 for the large ixng Contest ta be held in l oit, WMS vnig ece ~ r~o the FVIi If your goporrgnato isneesd ,was in office. She stated that Auxiliary ta the Royal Cani-,ing, Februarv 3rd. hee-sinBanc], Maple Grave West'tleoPPo'tunitx- h rcad the Brlneb so h the auxiliary greatly apprec- adian Legion. He assured the1 quest was rmade by Comrade 1 Mission Band, and Base Linle trade maz:.Tonhp Scol ra t ptiptignoeofheeouscoac iated his ca-operationand ]mmbers that he would c-A a'ncuiuano h iso d cousade- ____~Diritnhlie191 your local CaiaMafatrs kindness during his twao year operate with the auxiliary as 1 Public Speaking Corlimîttee.ý Guides, the Three Circles, Ij augural meeting for xcr1~ alae term. She expressedi the hope Coinrade Rundie had donc, Conirade Frances Bruice was PasngB daoc] irm-BP l1Jý Jç tNrî o.î ueScolon da that President Jq Woodward1 and would hielp the organiza- apone oveo o u perance Fedieration. the eveîuing of Jnnuary 9th. would continue ta work with1 tion in every way possible. 'event. 1 Amount raised for M. and] Broxx'ns BP,iv Becs muet at, The senior ieinubers aire R., the auxiliary as Past Presi- lie iniformed the meeting1 Comrade Florence Knight M., W.M.S. anc] Bible Society, the homie of Ms J. Curseui Sr. H. Cook, S. T. Wordeiu and PLM N -ETN dent Rundle bac] don e. thtBranch 178 bac] decided gv eat tleOtroTeorneFd ra- Thursdav ceveuing. .Tan. i) B. S11Oxx(en M-1o0 ilî hoîc]01-'J -.A b r e y that13_ ave a re o t on t e success- x'iOnttariombers ares nt. iee or a erm f un mor -iThe Ladies Auxiliary was not ta have a Carnival this 1fnl Bxrns Night Supper. Slie tion $1,933.24. Anjount rau'sed il e neibr p-(,.nt.fc orterniof iiemor thnkd y Pat reien cmigsuumr.H sidth asosttd hï tee0te-for local purpases $5,795.6-1. Afte- Ille open' ng and rminute, bar. he newl\e<eted nm- thanked by Pst Presireprcosudgnt m\r.rHe.,aid henalsnns'aet bers therxteOv erlfroron former Rundle for their fine w'ork,1 branch will hold a 1 iîon- sions for the tables iin the Le- 1 The report of the noma-ciefant eLi11tion ofBe i-nne N. 2 audfler Cli ORON 178 ~ ad fo ther gneras doa- ire' Nigt ii th autrnugion Hall, hac] become bacllv iting committee xvas received cers.I xasun;,nimiouslv de-fronmformer S.S. No. 9 hold PitadN alae tr tion. "The Ladies -' lar nstead. He asked the auxil-1warped. The extensions were and adopted. Memblers of ce d3 KING ST. .A343 iarymemlers a .sistth'urchased wvithin the year.i Parsonage Board for 'Mapl Legion for this event and 'il Presidient W a o d] w a r c]. of! Grave were re-elected. officers, xxould carry on for Follo vilig the usual oathsI _______________________________ m i I I President Bates announced wonld see Fred Kramp and j viewed by Mr. D. Chute. It that the anxiliary's cauvenor ask hini ta have the factory was decided ta purchase 60 I l ' heCar a heLinsComu-anch 17 statdh t he Plasefrav as wil ere re-i ty C ntr on Thn sda ev n-' Reports w ere presented by 1ta each fam ily. - - - - inn era heLins, Commun- oadte Ptpr, the or o bsrerwbisplidAliAboard...Last W e o OMN O ' nFruy n, ilbeComrade Piperncenvenor o Sunday School Anniversary: 1 T HEN Soiraskd forevtneeKnigte.lthe Sick Coînnmittee, Bingo .wiîî be îhelc] on Sunc]ay, June hasked fosr vlnn thetaCommittee by Comirade Jean l8th, 1961. asit n oervnn ifleBurton, aoc] the Cantee cmx A kil tcheCmaen onPier o nrad erîn atr fter adjouromnent, a socialM a7iwill be the catering convenor r' time was then enjoyed and, fo te wni CubChrtrCoimrade Dorothy Richards!i the ladies of the circles ser- ,,%% fo h iai lbCatrýread the Cloak Romrpr ved an excellent lunch.<i a A A. NihtDine laite Lions! i the absence af Corurade ii.I 4 what I've Cte on Monc]ay evenîng, An Diîîing. Hom an!/\oolmeeing Feanounced the president Teaxlay dcddt will be held at the west school Z ben lookinig Coinrade Rub!' Palm~erathe cater for the Men's Majorpi A panel discussion oný treasurer, presenteda ti- Leagne Bowl 1 n g Banquet, "Problems in the Scnool" factory fin ancial statement.' May 6th, aoc] the Ladies will be held. Moderator will for .. . he jShe moved its adoption, sec- Boln1aque.MyBh be Mrs. Ken Mayberry. foi-. . the onded by Conirade Ppeandc] It vas decided that as Com Mr. aoc] Mrs. Lloyd Snaw- it was carricd. Comracle Jean rdGacDoevhdoundj den called Monday on Mr. aoc] Firth, seconded b!-Cmrceitiiosil t otintue with Mrs. Bill Lewis, Bawilanville,' V . Sumnerscales, nioved that the Canteen ,vork, that lstan r.JmsEigo E V ilsb pl.ThswsVice-Pres., Audrey Bate xfî n Ms Jms wng o bPsIeON E E Rhi ws Seven*Islands who is visiting' Branh 17, red il latof a Canteen co-convenor wîll quatery inacia sateent 1be dsusda the next meet- We neyer deceive for a good. This gave a clear picture of uog. purpose; knavery adds malice i m2 he extensive xvork carriec] on The president inforrned the ta falsehood.-Jean de la' ginhrado teepnemer Rs aewl ae Sner sipsil nesDominion's 2dAna AUR AE $22450 " << r~~~~~~~Cmrac]e Hellen Wallus, sec- ary at the next meeting. Feb- anc] the pretense of it saps the yo1lsie. mle..a o odu re)ry f the anxiliary, ra mrary 20th. President Bates very fudto fteca-savings! Yu oiinsoomngr18 -'~~' everal letters of thanks for inoved a hearty vote of thanks tkdupihgodnorsnglwctfod COMPLET-WITH TWO 16"'CHAINS c aoc]an flowers from mem- jta Tom Carter for bis assist- the I~ idthtakhe~y p~grd bersw aoh] been ill. She ance aoc] kind contributions ol On e in'rm YOU SAVE 30 % ~Ia so read an invitation from ta the auxiliary. reOn wnterme~. e rmyrfo ugt n the Clte Cntadiesan a - After the business meeting iReduCIflg ionWorked ,1YTTg anuary SE.twllpyyno ÔkupO entesp ofre uhain oxe anvdinLeg101adelicions lunch was served, orpa swa aeb1 eAV1ýb many of t1 lwcs etre.Ol e a spoe cai fo te BwmnvileAuxl-for which Comrade Knight "Your lan iswhat I ave ee (pvtgi xr)iary's members ta attend a was the canvenor. Winners in haping for. I have tried the ather ",be listed c iild on l n e h il the draw conducted by Com- 'plans with no resuits anc] xas:aryo l-ahoe ausa oiin (20 [BS.) FINE2QULIS.) rade Rundle aoc] Cornrade I just about convinced I was fat far! Serve Thein Often rayo Sec i toda, de on- ALANFINEANLEABLITY OUE T Carter were Comrades H. H.. life when my friend talc] me abc'ult' Master Pack S. Std. 28 oz. Tin Strae it e features that D ADLAIIT ONMNS NParsons, Joe O'Neill, Beryl the Naran Plan. To uny surprîs A1 T S etPike mtrate the faîî-ne Pione SURE GRIP HANDLEBAR MARKERS1 Hughes, Ano Pîner, Ron Rich- I began ta, get resuits at the cnd P AC fr8 vaple.Leaf - I k h alnwPine ards, Nancy Calmer, JoaaOf the frst week aoc] bave lucen PE C AL YLS 3 fo9c Va./'ce 6-20 chain saw the choice REDUCIO VIBRATION W Bedford aoc] Helen Wallis. lsn vrsne r ueta a.rc e 2 cf pofesionl ctter. COLE RUNINGMOREPOWR STFFOD jcan now keep mny weight where 1 ofpoesoa utr. COE RNIIMR OE FSAFR want it." li Tender Slices of Ripe Tropical Fruit M lcBROS. kwW. 3MONTGONfERY 1 PIONEER SAWS LTD. LONGER LIFE AIR FILTER 1 Mn LE GROV Montreal, P.Q. 1 Lee Choice 20 oz. Tintit ag NEW XHAUT DELECTR Iathd"d Mr. anc] Mrs. Bill Whittick, faîl ino two claEses, those wha o~ * DeW Oshawa, visited Mr. anc] Mrs. have tried ta reduce aoc] failed,' Sic'ed INAU £ fr69Auttndn Ken Mayberry aoc] family ci, aoc] those who have neyer tried at I E P L o 9 usadn u o DrOS. Mr. aoc]Mrs. C. H. Snowc]en group. Make up your muinci tiat' ev opan rces' anc] Mr. aoc] Mrs. H. G. Free- you are no longer going ta sufer, Ayliner 10 oz. TinI S.S o t n & S n M nm na orks mn wr udyspe the disconfort anîd emharrass- T Wfê S. S. M rtonL& onTAMon38 umnda talE.Whi ma wes or Samnaysupre nt frf eogoaverig t.You, EGETABLE S jJP 4 for 4,5 cBag L U PHONE MA 3-2279 MaklnOsho.neak ve ad sk for the Naran: 4r. .C.Ahtnba e-w igt in yt le Ontario Grown __________E._C.___________s______ st ha ir e. te, Deliemol s and Fcoaoinical A tundhm fe e- you hv lost weight you wil - N .i-'l1 a * wek ist with her daughter walnder why yau didni't do it' OkefCoc z î O Kf ~ £.J 'i 1' t' I SENSATIONAL OFFER AT DOMINION! Samsonite Folding Chai, Don't miss this amazing offeri Regular $9.50 Value Nationally advertised Samsonite qulityI You'il want to get a$ 48 save your cash register receipts every week! With every $1 5.00 worth you con get a choir ut this Iow price. NOTE. Samsonite folding card tables stili availoble et $5.48 wath $2500 in cash register slips. CEler good until March 4th.1 1 MM" l 1 m