%ITR SDAY. FEB. Oth. 1981 Egrly Morning Blaze ln Sub-Zero Temperature Wrecks All.dread Garage Newcastle - J a h n AIl-! the air was a threat ta homes below zero weather and are drcad's Garage on Beaver St. in the area and at one time most grateful ta Mrs. Stan was completel etroyed in set lire ta the roof cf pro- oel r.CciFrua a spectacular fire early Fnl- petry owned by T. Lennard and Mrs. Stan Brown who ser- day morning, whilc nearby!on Mill St. a block away. ved hot coffee ta them. We residents prepared ta leavel The cause cf the fire and were told the firemen had ta their homes if an'd when the' the amount o! damage ta the have help ta break the ice be- lire shauld spread. The fire variaus buildings, has flot fore they could remove their was neported by Mr. Stan been determincd. The ioss ln- gloves ta take the coffee. Bnown at 3:12 a.m. cludes a tow truck, a tele-1 Newcastle firemen were The Ncwcastle Fine Depart-Iphone company truck and calid ta this address three ment was on hand in short or- three passenger cars. Consid- 'times within 31 houns ta ex- der and lssued a caîl for as- erable damage was caused ta 'tinguish blazes at the AIl- istance ta the Bowmanvillithe autside of the Alldread' dread garage. The first cal 'Vire Departrnent which ar-; home and some ta the roof came about 8:30 on Wednes- loived shortly with a pumperlo! the Lennard home. day evenlng when finemen ar- and firemen unden the direc- Mns. Stan Brown, whose rîved at the garage as the fine tion of Deputy Chief Thas. home was the nearest ta the was brought unden contrai. ILyle. The flin-e, which had got lire, said they awakencd ta The second, the big blaze at a good start before finemen find their roam lighted up by 3,12 arn. Friday. The third arrived was fed by the gas the flames fnom the garage. just after the department had and oil fram the thnce cars After calling the fine depart- returned ta the hall. They and two trucks in the frame ment, her husband immediat- were calied back again about building and was beyond sav- eiy got eut the ganden hase 6 a.m. when the rubbie had ing. ta play on the house whîch started ta burn again. The 30 firemen of the two had become red hot, until the Metnbens o! the Ontario departments, manning five firemen were able ta use the Provincial Police wene on Unmes e! hase wenc kept busy fine hose on the building. hand ta contrai traffic and keeping the fire under con- Firemen cf bath the New- generally keep order during trol and pouring water on castle and Bowmanville De- the lire and, according ta Ai- nearby homes in this thickiy partments worked hard for bert Naylor, officer Bruce popu]ated area o! the village, mare than two haurs keeping Tilîson has been an the job at Burning debris flying through the lire under contrai in the the eall of the siren ta direct _______________________________________________traffie at the flire hall durlng ITAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of the producer necent fires, which has heip- Imembers of the Ontario Ecg Producers Co-operative in ed considerabie in the speed th uhmCut ru Ilb ovnda 1:30 p.m. at which the firemen are able -1-p, .V,.'Q ..T VptCUUqdvDJ F . ,h..* - ..lxeurhat teTn n*ta answer cails. Hall in the Village of Orono for the purpose of the con- duct of the proper business of the annual meeting, the election of delegates and aiternate delegates.I Lawrence Staplés, Chairman Howar-à Malcolm, Sec'y TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting o! producer members o! Durham Cotinty Hog Producers' Association wiliibc convened at the hour of 1:30 p.m. sharp E.S.T. on Wednesday, February lSth at the Town Hall ini the Village of Orono for the purpose of the conduet cf the proper business of the annuai meeting, the election o! officers and the eleetion of votlng representatives. Guest Speakers: MR. CLARE CURTIN, MR. EVERETT BIGGS. Lawrence Staples, Pres.; Howvard Malcolm, Sec. K EL.SE Y'S I UALITY MEATS FREE DELIVERY PHONE 2411 No. 1 CREAMERY IL 6 6 c MEDIUM GRADE "A"p EGGS doz. 3 7c LEAN BREAKFAST BACON 1/2 'b. 29 c NEWCASTLE Why Pay More? Your Own B EE F CUT AND WRAPPED for your FREEZER 3c Calb. ISr. THE CAI4ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Citizen Not Eager to Form Club Newcaste- There were no, senior citizens present at the meeting called by the Recrea- tion Committee on January 30th, for the purpose cf farm- ing a Senior Citizens Graup in the village. The commit- tee had called for any senior cîtizens interested in forming such a group ta attend the meeting or write ta the sec- retary of their interest before this date. Only one letter was received and the project was dropped by the committee pendîng a further show af in- terest on the part of the eid- er people. Accounts were presented and ordered paid amounting ta $430.14. Plans were discussed by members of the cammittee for the annual Recreation Night at the Memorial Mrena for hockey, figure skating etc. sponsored by the Committee. It was decided ta hold this special night on Saturday, February 18th, cammencing at 7 p.m. Chairman Sam Brereton was appointed ta look alter the publicity for the event with Fred Couch in charge cf the draw. Brenton Rickard was appointed ta look after the Publie Address System and be responsibie for keep- ing the records of the variaus events. Il ewcas t/e cSocial and e£ersonal Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jon- cs, Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Lan- caster and Dorella of New- tanville Wene Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbail and Joan. Friends cf Mns. Keith F. Aiken wihl be sonry ta learn that she is a patient in Mcm- anral Hospital in Bowmanvillc and will wish for her a speedy and camplete recovery. Mr. Cauntney Agnew and Joan Mayfield cf Milton vis- ited Mr. and Mns. Gardon Ag- new on Friday evening. Friends o! Mrs. D. E. Ber- nard will be pleased ta leara that she has retunned ta ber home and is pnognessing fav- ourably following ber recent openation in Memorial Hos- pital in Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. P. F. Hans visited in Tarante on Wed- nesday. Despite the bclow zero wea- ther on Fcbruany lst, there was a good turnout at the St. George's Parish hall for the card panty sponsored by the Evcning Bnanch o! the Wo- man's Auxiliary. Prize winn- ens in bridge wene Mrs. Irv. McCuliough, Mrs. Lazla Mik- las and Mns. George Cnowther. In euchrc the high lady was Mrs. Bob Simpson and high man Mr. Bill Lake, law man and lady were Mn. and Mns. Wallace Gîbson. Mns. Reg Mcadows had the high score in cribbage and Mn. Alex Hcndny was low. Lucky win- ner cf the basket a! grocer- ies was Mrs. Irv. McCullough. Members o! the Branch scnv- ed sandwiches, cookies and co!fee ta bning an enjoyable evenîng ta a close. Mn. and Mns. H-L S. Bitton visitcd in Belleville on Sun- day wlth Mn. and Mns. Neil Bitton and family. Mn. and Mns. Ivan C. Mat- thcws and childnen of Tren- ton spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ber- nard and Eric. Mr. and Mns. George Kim- bail and Joan wene in Taranto on Saturday and visitcd the Boat Show. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keisey and family spent the weekend vlsiting with Mn. and Mrs. Charles Kelsey in Brampton. 'Couples' Club Debates Relegion in Schools Newcastle- The regular sound points presented for meeting of the Merry Mar- both the affirmative and the ried Couples' Club of the negative with a lively discus- Newcastle United Church was sion on bath sides with neith- heid in the Sunday Sehool er gaining much ground in hall on Wednesday, February th2 debate. 2nd, with il answering the The pragram was brought ta or rail caîl. The meeting was a close with a iiveiy contest opened by the Presidents, cnucted by Mr.Pke f Mr.andMrs Bil Alinwhoter which refreshments were conducted the business par- served by the committee in tion of the meeting. charge Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Grayge convenors for February were Thanks was expressed to in charge of the pragram and the committee on behaif of al the devational service was present, by Tracy Embiey for conducted by Mrs. Gray and the most interesting evening. Newcastle Garage Burns Early Friday Morning Several nearby houses were threatened in a men fouight the biaze in below zero weather. Th! flash fire about 3 a.m. Friday when John Aildread's photo shows one of the village firemen, assisted b, garage was burned ta the- ground in Newcastle. an unidentified civilian, pouring water onto the blai Several cars and trucks were in the building and ail ing building. were demolished. Newcastle and Bowmanville f ire- Lions Hear Details 0f Tobacco Growing .From Peter G. NeweII Newcastle- P. G. Ncweil, expand in this anea in the fu- local lumber dealen and tob- ture. accogracr as te gest ApPreciation was exprcssed acc grwe wa th gesttoMr. Nwl for his most speaker at the negular dinnen interesting address and sldes meeting of the Newcastle by Lion Fred Couch who pre- Lions Club on Thursday even- sented him with a small gif t ing. Intnoduced by Lion Char- on behaîf of the club as a les Megit, the speaker gave mementa of his visit. a talk on tobacco growing in During the business portion Durham Counlty fnom the pre- o! the meeting conducted by paratian of the green houses Lion President Harry Jose, for seeding in the canly spring, four visiting members of the on thnough the planting and Lakeficld Lions Club, Ncwt. cane of the plants, the hanvest- Young, John Mornow, Harold ing, drying and storage and Tamblyn and Blake Hanna ultimately the sale of the crop were introduced and welcom- in Delhi. cd ta the meeting. Mr .Newell had a beautiful The birthdays of three cf collection of colored sldes the membens wene necognîzcd which he used ta illustrate at this meeting, Reg, Lovekin, the many stages thnough Pency Hane and Jim Porter. whîch the crop must go and Mften considerable discussion the machiiieny used for plant- a previaus motion was res- ing, spnaying and irrigating cinded and the club decided the craps. The speaker said ta hoid the annual carnival the finst tobacco growing cf this summer as usuai, with any account startcd in Dur- the carnival committee ta be ham, just north of Newcastle responsible for the cannival in 1946 and has since grown and dnaw. ta be a big industry in the Lion Chas. Gilkes was hon- county. He said there is still ored and presented with a plcnty o! room for growth in flashlight in recognition of the industry and pnedicted.1 his bringing in new membens the industry will continue ta ta the club. Fine Annual Reports Feature Vestry Meet 0f St. George'y s Church Newcastle - The annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Church was held in the Pan- ish hall1 on Tuesday, Januany 3lst. A ncw clerk o! the Ves- try, Mn. Robent Martin was elected. The Rector reinarkcd that this was the lO4th ycar ta have passed since the laying o! the foundation stane for the finst church in the vil- lage. There bas been a lot o! activity around the chunch fon flic past year, he saîd, in- cludirîg repairs and renova- tions ta the Parish hall. Mn. Dcwdncy spoke in apprecia- tion o! those who gave of their time and efforts ta bring these about, including those who extendcd heavy wining ta the Paish hall. ______ The Diocese have been re- commending a budget for each parish as a means o! in- ancial planning. Thene was a meeting o! the Rural Dean- ery on the matten which was attended by the Rector and Warden o! St. Geonge's. Mr. Dcwdncy read the budget ne- commcîîded by the Diocese for St. Georges. He then thanked the members and officens of the sacieties for thein work, the tnvelope secntary, the Choir and the Sunday School teachers. During the ycar there were 8 baptisms, 2 marriages and six bunials. Mn. Harold Gibson read the Chunch Wardcn's report and moved its adoption. The Mis- sion Fund, the Recton's Pri- IMrs. Seldon Parker. The club The~ committce appoînten 1fit wshl nFiaFb ae1uc ntm cu7sw O. M* L was then divided into two for the March meeting are mvshlonFndy e-ved bythe UIIUr gnoups for a discussion o! the Mn. and Mrs. Brenton Rick- ruai'y 4th ivith ail four tcams moe1yth etn fl tIsubjeet, "Should Religiaus In- ard, Mn. and Mrs. Tracy Em- joining in a game o! hockey Tho Sunday School report Il If M VI tructan b give in ur bl y an Mn.and M~ ih a d rdaw îvas also conduet- and the statement of thc Ev- .UUW. schools". There were many Allun. cd for the same cause with ening Bnacho!e WobyMins Mns. Margaret Wade o! New- Auxiliany wercra yMs tonvilie winning the pnize. Mary Dewdncy. The report o! t] In te gme he wo ew-the Aftennoon Bnanch o! then castle tcams joincd fonces WmnsAxlnywsra C U TS N e castleagainst a combination team by Miss Audrey Hornocks. Thec N w a temade up of thenrono and report o! the Altar Guild was-( Newtnvile etrie In henead by Mrs. Philip Williams S leauewit th viitos cm-and the ccmetery statements s Recrecti n Reporting eut on the long end o! an wer 1 read by the Rector. a R T S1eight to five score. Officers Elected t Miner Hockey Aduit Skating Scoring plays for the On- The officers elccted for the t The Cubs outplayed the The Recreation Committee ona-Newtonville squad were coming ycan arc as follows:f Rebes o Modayevenngis uit plesedwit th reas follows: Chanhie Trim, un- Rcctor's Wardn- Mn. Mel- Reelanu Mndy vnîgisqit0pcae within the n- assisted, 2, R. Brown Lnam vin Graham; People's Warden r Janubary coreth 3-inning t of their experimnt in con- Tnim, 3, Lauzon unassisted; -Mn. Harold Gibson, Head o! Farrow opened the scaing ducting an aduit skating night 4 and 5, B. Ellis Lnom Trim, the Sidesmen- Mn. Tom Wal- i Lon the Cubs, umassisted while an January 3lst. There was 6 and 7, R. Brown from Trim lace; Envelope Secretary- i Barry Watt scaned on a pass a pretty fai.r crowd on band and B. Ellis, and the final Mrs. Philip Williams; Auditon ~"~ anune nwfrom Gary Farget and ana- ta enjoy a goad evening's 8th goal was scored by Ted -Mn. George Bonathan; Ad- World's Iargest car lflguie nnuce;n hr unassisted. The Cubs skating without interfenence Lame Lnom Shetiar and Coop- visory Cauncl- Miss C. But-e savings of $384,000 ta Ontario Policyholdersi only penalty was senved by !romn youngsters playing gam- er. 1cr, Miss N. Hornocks, Mrs. Dennis Rudman, 2 minutes es on the !ce. Due ta the suc- The five goal sconers for R. Boyd and Mrs. E. Belscy. If you're a careful driver, you too may Save. for tripping. thecss o! this !inst expeniment the Newcastle teams were 1, Great Chapte- Mn. C. Fln- the committee have decided ta E. Foster; 2, Brown from ley and Mn. R. Boyd. Thnee ,So contact me todayl The bath goals forer have another adult skating Lake; 3, Brown unassisted; 4. new sidesmen wene appoint- Rebels were sconed by Peter nîght for pensons 17 ycars and Rowc rom McCullough and cd. McCullough. The !îrst fnom aven on Vaientines Day, Feb- 5, Shields from Gray and i Under general business It JiiBsevl n h e-ruary 14th. Ncxt Tuesday Brown. was dccided ta make a con- ond R George s a lt o t twa. Penalties wcrc pientiful In tnibution ta Church Extension. D I * minutes ithemdry enalty___box_ this game with 5 for the New. Prices wcne quoted by Mn. when his teamn was penalizcd castle beys one each for New. Gibson on the cost o! instal- for havin too man playerstonvilie and Onono. Newcastle ling a furnace in tePrs ~onrthav e l e mn ly Coiec $7 penalties- J. Lewis, 4 min- hall, and later spoke of eo B R I K MN n heAtm eaueonW:d- redt$7 ut:s, J. Lewis 2 minutes for vations ta the Rectory and ta nedyeeig hcg okr Etripping, J. Lewis 2 minutes the Vestry. Detroit by a score of 2-1. Sean-fo n Ure frtripping K. Gray 2 minutes The meeting was ddjourned Miii st. N. Newcastle ers for the Chicago team were oc ela r for tnipping and E. Foster 2 and nc!reshments wenc sen- Teddy Walton and Paul Nes-HD minutes for boarding. For the ved end a social bal! bour was Pithll h one De67it1 Orono -Newtonvihie tcam G. enjoyed by ail present. Cooper was given a fivDmino-t__Hockey_______ Phn 61goal was sconed by Michael Coe a ie iemn McGreger. Newcastle- Members c! utc major penalty amd Lane A m f~% .. The Recreatian Committee the Newcastle Town Hockey , was given a two minute pen- The first great git we can A T z- ET rc ATR M are most gratetul to an an- League held a benefit game alty fan hooking. bestow on others Is a good & ualAutomobile Insurance Company e onymous damer Wh o dnated for oeso! their members, Seventy-one dollars was examipie.-Thomas Moel. adienHead ffice Toroto, Otari two new goal stickste the Amdy Murphy who brake an raised in the benefit with ioe Consistency is seen in ex- adanHed fic: ornoOnarocemmittes for usae in the Atom armn recently ini an accident at1 time, ticket printing etc.ai ample more than ini pnecpt.- league. one of the games. The bene- given grati& iMary Baker Eddy. Community Bowling Resuits Newcastle -The Corvettes o! the Monday ladies league have the highcst numben of points in any team in the Community Bowling leagues as of Febnuany 4th with a total of 105 points. League standings in the variaus lea- gues and high sconers in al leagfues for iast week !ollow. Monda4y Ladies League Corvettes 105, Thunderbirds 76, Wildcats 67, Kendalites 55, Cadiliacs 53, Pontiacs 42. Betty Major 281, Betty Lees 244, Ruth Couch 240, Alice Hocy 231, Thelma Kelsey 228, Marilyn Couch 223, Car- olyn Garnod 212, Marj. Pater- son 203, Helen Coureaux 200. Men's League Wildcats 103, Sabres 92, Mustangs 91, Spitfires 69, Hur- ricanes 64, Typhoons 62, Av- engers 51, Anrows 28. George Kimbali 297, Bill Lake 266, Len Wood 246, Wynn Collier 243, Emil Sch- mîd 238, Earl Evans 237, Lowell Highfield 232, Bob Glanville 231. Daug Walton 229, George Butler 226 and Gardon Watson 225. Wednesday Ladies League Gumdrops 75, Jelly Beans 69, Alisorts 66, Candy Canes 56. Marilyn Couch 255, Janet McCraçken 238, Bessie Dean 215, Judy Mîkios 206, Ruth Couch 202, Inene Cunningham 201. _Thursday Mlxed League Cats 83, Imps 76, Bugs 57, Brats 50. Joc Lewis 258, Gond Lak- ing 225, Art Dubeau 209, Stan Couch 203, Joan Couch 201. Friday Mixed League Rosebuds 99, Sugan Jets 87, Alley Cats 85, Misfits 75, Hot- shots 58, Underdogs 55, Shred- dies 52, Hi Jacks 49. Ken Whitney 243, Gennit Boumeester 238, Stan Brown 233, Bessie Fenguson 228, Tracy Embley 226, Albert Pearce 220, Bill Harrison 214, Jean McCuliough 214, Fred Couch 214, Alice Rowe 211, Clarence Melvon 204, Ben Hoogkamp 203, Bill McCnac- ken 206, Lanny Peance 200 and Irv McCullough 200. Th os.. Lennard Is New Clerk Newcastle- At a speciai meeting o! the village coun- cil heid on Tuesday evcnîng, the application o! Thos. Len- nard was accepted by the council for the position o! Clerk, Treasuner, Tax Col- lecton, Building and Weed In- spector fon the village at a saiary o! $1,500 pen annum. Mn. Lennand's application asked for the lowest salany o! the five applications receivcd, the next lowcst being double the amount o! his requcst for salany expected and Mn. Len- nard bas had considerabie ex- penience in business admin- istration and should be qual- ified ta look aftcn the business of the village. The appointment wiUl take ef!ect March lst. 'WMS Studies Church Work In S. India Newcastle - The reguiar monthly meeting of the Wa- man's Missionary Society cf the United Church was held in tlhc Board noomn on Thurs- day aftennoan. The President apencd the meeting with a VI ei p si G lue /ve wcdeYalp4d Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 2n foliowed by the wonds o!f FINE QUALIT? ohn R. Moet, "To do God's MONUMENTS AND ork wc must have God's MARKERS Pwer ". The wonship service and < euoat ~pemmu tudy book were in change o! IOUU k Gnoup 2 and Mrs. Howard AI- OF STAFFORD AI: BROS. FARM SERVICE twi«W_ DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED ef FARM STOCK RmvdFeofCharge Safr ru Immediate 24-Hr. Service Safr rs Ask Your Operator For Monumental Works ZEnith 66550 318 DundasSt. E. WhItbr Licence No. 46C60 Phone Whltby No Toil Charge hak835 Nick Peconi - Peterborough Milw -35 GO00 rega rdIess Of SNOW FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING LET US DE-SKID TOUR TIRES De-skldding gives you 25% more traction, increases tire life 15%. Drive sofely in snow end slush -your tires need flot b. ,Iew. FOR HEAVY SNOW DRI VING LET 'US (UT SHOW CLEATS Do oway with choins - we con cut mud end snow cleats on your present tires that will pull you through in safety. OnIy $2.50 Per Tire S"eRCSTATION U43-3~'716"' INI »3.71P auWraE ONTARIO DRIVERS! L'TaTr 1 L PAGE NMN lin, Mrs. Stan Powell and Mrm. David Gray in their pre- sentation on "The Bibis" gave much food for thought. In her meditation, Mrs. Al- lin said Bible reading nour. Ishes Falth, Trust and Cour- age. The study book was "United Church of South In- din". In 1927 an Indian Bish- op dreamed of a world church. twenty years liter In 1947 the Church of South India came into being. Of the 400 million people in India, 1 mil- lion belonged to the church In South India. 90% of these are from the outcasts. The ef- forts in the future is to reach the educated and wealhy. In 1958 the Vellore Mental Health Centre was opened. Much of the mental trouble' In India is caused by the change in living from the old superstititlons to the new way of life. Týiere are 600,000 Christians In Burma out of a, population of 20 million. The theme hymn was sung and the business meeting fol. Iowed. Mrs. Cowan as Citizen- ship Secretary gave a brief talk on Citizenship, noting. that loyaity is required by every citizen. New citizens are required to take an oath of allegiance to King and Coun- try and we ail have a higher King to serve. The President announced the World Day of Prayer ser. vice ta be held In St. George's Parish Hall on February l7th nt 3 p.m. and the Oshawa Prcsbyteriai meeting ta be held in Trinity United Church Sin Bowmanville on February ýY22nd. Z_~ d 1