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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1961, p. 10

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PAGE TlEN TEE CANADIAN STATFaSMAN, BOWMANVIL1LE, ONTARIO TUSAFR h Tuesdayi :0pm Births 1 lI Memoriam 1 Coming Events Articles for Sale Help Wanted _Real Estatefor Sale jReal Estate for Sale 1 A fI E ' E AN~DERSON - Gerald and, BUTSON-In loviflg memory Euchre at Tyrone Commun- WATER delivered. Telephone CAPABLE woman ta baby-sit TWO ravine lots, ideal for E~: Pawn (nee Bell), wish ta an- of a dear mother and grand. itv Centre on Saturday, Feb. HamptonCO 3-2307. -6-2 two eidren, five days a, Lloyd UJRLJ split-level. homes.. town water.IL.adMsRo nounce the birth of their son mother, Rose Anrx. who pass- Il at 8:30 p.m. Admission 35c.- week.A 3-2186. 6- ii. S.',snAbrnty,2 Gerald Arthur on February 4, ed awray suddenly February 11, ____ - BALED hay (2 dozen). Alfalfa, 6- LIST IVITH LLOYD ApyWion beeh, jM and o r ss, TBai:Pa Pesdet 611NCL ORMVRJackman Rd..Bowmanville. zanerfoustsonfBae, eeDye rsM 1961, at Memorial Hospital, 1959. coe.PoeCak 44 OESwr atdGo H-61d Bowmnafville. A brother for Her memory is as dear to-dayi St. John's Evening W.A.I 6-2* earnings. For free details' __ Ai____ r. and Airs. Fred Sees ertrIIs .Baly Shela Tana a r.Hubar A ii hehor heSpring Tea and Bazaar n send stamped, self-addressedl $1, THREE -bedroom, 7 - roomed last Saturday.Crrsodn Se.Mr.J 6-î awy dy Ail7 nth aFrrih HAY, 30e per bale. Phoete Paterson Enter- ihouse, oil furnace, ahiminum Air. and Airs. Euigen tb ure raue.Ms .H -Ever rrepeedb enval à piesati nB, FrtErie.1 with Oni! ýstorrn windos.Phone New- and farnily were tea ssofrwn GUNTER-Blalce and J'seiKen, remeberedbvsn al.6.*Osaw A -28 eeinsf1 prsesStaton Frt540.00 DOWN $540.00 castie 3921. Beaver Srehr and Mrs. Doug.Capte Chiin tadspSc. (nc a Cm),~Jese, dagte-n-a 1uie Valentine Dance, Friday, LAR - Ont. 5.3*na. Streotonto _______ b.10, Blackstock Recreation' uattyW OY n ,EN make big mnyl3aanew 6 room brick ___52ihoames ooto nSn Ms .Bec;Crsta î~ Glstraw. Phone Newcastle 219. fulo attm.Tk lset saactae day. znhpScMs .Sodn ta announce the birth of a, Centre. Music by the Goen, ciordrs rt fie eaelsete dropive Ith omecotes flpet al rv onr n itrtr e. r.P ln daughter; littie sister for GRIFF IN - In mcmory of j ValleyBoy's. 6-1 odr rmfins eaies ete iemntsdieto Beach, wv.cnet; ulpie Richard, Kathy, and Jack, Leona who passed awv ane!- *1WATER for sale and delivered. Hosiery, slips. panties, etc. Geea oosvi e vr1900 cash; parking space for:ý stît11te vrll rneet at thecue o :Msinr otl e. Thariks ta Dr. Irwin. 6-1 Juat a thought cf sweet'Guildettes' Valentine Te a and' 32-tf number ta Midland Tradingjpas tIo 401. Balance S63.00 105, c/o Canadian Statesnan [ Air. and Airs Freditvn r.S Dye omnt 2:30 ta 5 p.n., in ParishHal AE dellvered. Telephone Ovr5 fteefne_____ .*Mrs. Frank Olliff einSof-Grk DçdsJust a love and sweet Hl)WTR'gage. vr_0o__eefie _ vlle. __1_________________ 6-1 Robt. Cale, MArket 3-5476 or ALERT dealers can average, ville BATEMAN, Annie-Late cf O f the anc who thinka -o.W.L. H kng~ 3-805. - __ 6-4,$3.00 an hour, selling aur linelhomels sld. Oniy a few leftPeterir. and Airs. Ron IDnadtsM.H.Lcend r. --of daily necessities. Establish-IAet quickly. Cali lod 762 Madrikham aanto, wife-Longl rnene fmbere6- Fday aiternoon, Feb. lOth, REFRIGERATOR, good con- eI clientele in yo a urr n-itat tRA 8-5123 or after REALTOR ae-nd fail, ellvi, .er . ofrs Gop ede cf Irere (Mrs.H. Philips), ______ 61:15 o'cîock, 59 King St. West, dition, reasonable. Phone MA ings. High commission, bon us. ~î~t~ ~.r.WlaeM1-d..a' 0f Cb-f' dmte the store next ta Simpson's 3-5392. ___6-1 Catalogue on request. Familex ho1 tl -26 1.Bwinlie a~y~Ms .Jfev r.H f ampbelcr0, grandmthrGRIFFIN-In loving memory' Order Office. 5-2 ---- - -Podcs pt2,100Lod.,Ofcsi ". ~.c .LsCîaotSees of Leonard and Leslie, in her of a dear wife and mthr- -------- UED luber, n go4,con600.Deil 1 OfficesK Mrs. . Mansthe ne prLss 83rd year. Resting at Cook'sen wopse wyFe. aetn ac nS Udito. l eran gVacne- orimier,_Montreal. 6.11 Loyd R alt LiIU. 1.9ing stIt L. -mA 3-5868 visited lher sister and(rtedntokcag fters Funeral. Parlors, corner Of'13. 1960.1 Community Hall, Saturday,lbelt, CO 3-2282. 3 .tff AR you interested ln a fui] REALTORS Kin S.W.'B-illr. omnMutnan r f h eeig 0pr a Bloor and Christie St., Toron- ,When evening shades are Feb. I lth iwith JiinFishpr's - - ___ orill WestlakeSalesPlan'awa CStgvcorfrom the executilee ta. Service on Friday, Feb.1 falling, i Orchestra. S3 per couple. For BABY Crib, 1ý' 6" with mat- orsaetreSlsPa RA 8-5123 - RA 8-51?!4 1Stioe' '1-reialeeigofheOaaPe- 10, 1961, at 1:30 p.m. 6-Il And we sit in quiet alone, 'tickets Phone CO 3-276a r a e. n e- which you can makie $10 ta lRA 8-5125 '.'el-establishied business la or;tressas6e.1l*I$ ew 1WanTake sýr, 61~caste 3~66 fte$20 a day? ak orders from ýj0 Simeoe St. N. Oh v'5iceal for anyone. 'We are WyeAlr;'h '1uIbý eiibl tNrhise To aur hearts there cornes auCO 3-21D*. play Book featur- 43i pîeased to ofertius business' dhonme aiterC ur cq.The.eiv Church S-t.. ieromaeil, on9;fsheonl oud amehoe.D a nc e iBowraanvilleI1RANGE, 24" with timer, lie, t img o\er 200 Househiold Pro-' -3ltoge wiihte bid !Oshav.">-a Generéll Hos1ha.1eme~ev s~nucd h Thursday, February 2nd, 1961, Friends nai think .vp have Legion lil. Friday. Feb. 17.: and clock; F.M. radio, reason- 'duets. Write W. T. Ran-leigh, l MQa and Kid i iclds xe owont of Md-e-r.sdM. îl t1 [eFbra-2ndi Agnes Jane Blcakley, daughter1 forgotten, 9ta 1. .Rawhvlide'Ramibiers able. Phone MA .1-2855. 6-1 Dept. , 40 ,4005 Riýclle-; qMc Uuay 1',;ed Ai? I:..l' fr. -aà' rd ta trr .1-. - l --l.e'Montreal. 6-1 REALTORS t.&flixjallcii s+ateinent 7:-m i ,dMi.Sur Jto.T.nx lh1c.Bx~ avle of the late Mr. and Mirs.: When at times they see li OrchestirZIefi eshmients. $1,ALSCO doors, windows, avIM- (Jiice\o ht hsle",aer~undhu atrsac1a~' Francis Bleakley. Service xas' smiîe, per persan. Proceeds forl ings, sidings, carports, railings.1 i~~ ebeso saa& Dsrl'on ~vsîet i ar-ve re' riibe bolida n-Wrhp ±\iews hld at the residence on Sat_1But they îittle knowthe'Osîaw~a and District CerebraljLorne Allir., MA 3-3871. 5-tf Township ofearLa Clarkhege0fMrAPlFlntar-th __ ttrlrsa fie Act quickly.: urday, February 4h t2j heartache PlySho ndCîi.62AUTOMATIC hot water tank; APPLICATIONS FOR 60 acres, br'ick lhouse, br,110 ceýa- vih 'odFlorida lm en "ocsfo o'clock. Interment Bowmnan-! Our smiles hide*I the - mnd etrRasnb.Tle'.,,d MA1 3-3200 after 6. ntr streanm. Oooara 12,700. 1buildings. atrpressure in nanied Mrs. L, B. Wl1arofade ritrwaradb by Morris Funeral Chapel. -Ever reniembered by his;games-twenty dollars; fvet6phne11WababFllespcir 70acresa, naralh wde o' îa: odsnd iBwavietaCabi vleM:~e ie yMs band Fred and son Gary. ___ a'ole daydllr; 101 Apictin fr abl l oa, eiedtaCiaçe ta chLirchand s w'here _______ games-hirty dllars; l50lONARI&Autobiîe À. Appliations or 1.rle Fipermanent pasture; stream-l,,Reduced ta '19,50. Terris. gests o! MIhe latererdigtr .HrieadMs Mhs Bowanvlle onSatrda, o a earhusandandfaterMOP5~ n i. cd a .'LTROAuooie soi nspector for the rear 16 1K,ell fenced. House, 3 barnsus, t 9aO0 OMs oHardy Purdat'rd ani. n lse hpryr CO-tMmra optl'jackpot, and ~ojackpotr, a!.ation Motor League. -Art Cax, 1 i lbereccived by the under- ae odfatae icaý 00 î5odw.Bl-e ýoatnc 1 Cm-Ms .Flnof h td COX-At Mlem oria HospitalcKEE-In loving imentory1 ,250. Dootnorbes. Next Phone Oshawa RA 5-1497. lpnduptan ieig:~~eqald xnale at nl an tc.e s rni $9,000.00 bungA eirs alle Wrdy u thtutebo asgvnbytesm Cox, aged 51 years, dear fath-iSamue] McKee, who passed Oshawa, 46-tf 4 Fbur 18, 1961.,I1S45.000 with ternis. : o.O hac.Cls ameting he tereade. s Ion"e W er cf Jon, Windsor. Service' away February l2th. 1950. Ticket-piacesectional chest-1 ppiicants are requested toi 194 acre divfarrn. m-nlmetig hooLer. was held 'in the Morris Fun.ýThose whomn we lave go oui fTcet r o aalbeerfielti suite, mint green, with rmnrtin1pctdir omlre au t eam Nw U. .:glos o'ni u cl 4h4.t The Cubhome, Scrue Mothers str Speaking.l eral Chapel, Bowmanvihle, on! sight "'Bor BoYanvll - rotadu.paed tabes. hon MA m-unneacontrution ExclletAuxidîary-,vill me tteEeyn Ok atI h MnaFb t t33pniBut neyer out of mid, "Brn!et19a6.1r.ucdhoumeetacooene Arirs.dir hrBrfuceneo!mo Ineren Bwmnv]l Crn-;ey ae hrhed r heby speciah arrance'nent with -- - - - __-16.ern equi-onient incîedwrkaîsi Mnyxta.ioefMr.rcecDalrceto a aoeyluc tony, eb 66 t3:0 i 'har rs e DaaitPa SriemRr~ E admtrsaa. E. MILLSON. Clerk. $55,000'vith terin, xoip'itie rics.WonvTisal(alhl.e.e- a eve ~ficgopi ter. 61: ears lavebeidptd , Feb. 23, 24, 25. ýý.dresshng table; good condin -*'opttv lhing care Ofthose they lae e ipf1oratedbicom, Aryace*.d-rpan adqu -Ever remembered bv wife mission.3c. Contact any reaisonable. Phone MA c58en- 2 treyrick hfomuce, ry' arice vax pin ar qote rs.Eugene Dobbsete- LAURIN-Suddenly, at Bow-and fml.oar nebý,626-1l $250 o h at $13.700 with $3,000 doiwn. :as low as $1,300.00. tie ieget mnll on Friday, February ________ --CHESTERFIELD, Bob'coby3's birtBugaloaon goad196,con-'tLaurnBeornroomionBRengalow..Teon i10 Acres with 7 room brick! Ars. Fred, Stevenscoi Ui O~ aged 63 'I. oeasonablei TANephone R I Ihighway ne ar Newceastle.î1lo1se, a]l conveniences. Tlhis; aîdMs e S efr re ____Otaio___ 6 easiA T21heeJnsnkse 7 .ýRght Mvan in the 1; ai MsKeSu belovcd husbnd o! Grace1~ like to thnk 5-tf' - $6,750 wîth ternis.:Lin a good location. Ideal fort netronte a-v" ~J wal, ntubaofGarx, ei1 would - m'e to the music of M .26eeigatr73.I10 acres lard on Tauxnton'a"iy are. skn tehm o! rsCare, een Laode ir aui rsedfied adreaivsfor cards,î A; eOMEad ONE small Keunore space Bowmanville Area Road, $5.500 lwith $1,000 dow%&n.1$12.50o. Ornly $2.500 down. htOaw.inioo o et the Morris Funeral Chapel,1flowers and fruit sent ta me DAVE GARRETT iwtr $5 arePrecinWehv lresecina!Opmrtae hirte, rs. FedFoey Rowmanville. Interment , wiei opia.8ei and Orchestra ispace heater. $50. Phone ~AkeIatoA ar' craeVions n e are in need or' prapertiles .Tet emesa t Cohumban's Cemetery, Corn-Ithanks ta the nurses and staff,:atth 3a ___, short ut tips fb1snpjse-*Or the sDring market. ;h savsrrta oot. onsGidte eepe wall. 6-1 also Drs. -Rundle and Slemon. I-Cal', 6 rooru, l4-storey brick,' Mrs, ark ad mino!aresnttteirghrme- Mfrs, Ruth Clv.11: MAIXED hard-iood. U35.00 ab c -sm-eaie.-50donAtlijie hmi saw.igwihýa eda U MOUNTJOYV, Leslie 1-At hig -1J.ILlhaLJ owt $lod25 00 r 1. A. Carsctid UL cIU ustomrs WALTER FRA-NJ 4 a tce $50I inýAte n agtrBwai oea i.LnLcs ak home, Blackstock, Ontario, on Aaijoa25Ord . rscad, iebs, - 177 Church St. MA 3-3393i Ideenn daghMrs ar, nw inR. nMna vn Thursday, February 2, 16, Aincere tharAkyu aDr1atrPyhon l îixe Orona 35r9. __39-tf Write C. S. Swallow, Pres.,viecle nMrard rs Lesiel outjoMeloudtusjFeguonDr.StrgieDdSAE osl-nbs- diectfrin PtroeurCo, 61 .Dr.e M6--1241RaC.gersonSuday '.A .1-2en604rsjdn1 bandi o! Maude McKee andi Austin anti staff of Memnoriali Admission: 75e a persan mh ayu hilp ubrBox 789, Fort Warth 1, Texas'---ABro A"491Md Ars-Jh brother o! Russell, Blackstock, Hospital for care during my i.zia couple ;C. imoitOtario -1 Peter -Feddema 6_A.11 nMA3308Mand i MrBls. onArio ss .Miiraiteoý anti May (Mns. Henry Graham) stay there, also ta friends foMNODERN AND OLD TI-iEJ Phone 17r11. 4-!Fo-et-EL-SAEBRKR DeWi Ra stt1Sun-day fca guests of r n edtesceaysrpr of Toronto. Rested et the kind remembrances. 5DANCING -- - -- Ms-s1fr.MaiSodiDvttte bnco! s-.. 4 Chapel of McDermott-Pana- Gadfrey BawmTnan. ' _____ 52YS eut automatically, wile1~- -- - Poultry am 00ars nd jini ole.M-.J Hysgv baer Pr Prsyfr eriel 6_V: -ývou wait, at' Mason & Dale AIPARTMEINT. MIA 3-3573. 7 room fraîne louse, ail furn-j9 cehghafaer Mr. and M Alr.A7n SodnteTeaue' eot ,un Saturday, Fcb. 4, 1961, at' B- - usiness Hardware. 36 King St,.4 E., 6-tface, barns, equippeti for 12,OOOPort Hope itîî streamn, largelcalled on Mr. anPM, Rg Te rinbsies 3h p.m. Interment Union Cerne-t The family af the late NMs-s.: Qp iBowmanville. 41-tayloSrfr rent.f"îî Un Cadmji., 1ElldWhte . 6-1 e Eel _ rtnitiAealabeibs-dtegodexptrctssinfballbrji v;aer oofs, riv TalorOshaib, o Modabrvickg as Ue omperingo -- thir sicerethank ta teir'---------ELECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt, Feb. 15. Telephione MAs-ket "I!mcinsy ul-Ishiet, etc.: 10 roome rc.eelg ragnient o Ueana _ i icr tak et el XC U IV E service ta clectrical applianceg,32, 6-2*ldozeî', etc. P-ice $ ith alh modes-n con- Cîrcle Mfeetingt.altieseaabehd OSER -t a rvi wm-anl frientis and relatives for; X L S I lreadsal adrHr- -- -- ---Ternis. iveiiencps. Asking s3o,oo0. Ti "We Need YongroiitePasHl. Lotige, Whitby, on Thursday, ail kintis o! expressions a!' i wa-e, Phone 'MA 3-5774. IHEATED apartiner.t. t 67, General fairiT, 99 acres- Ternis arranged,. helti their January ieiga-ss.Lcsra ae Obrne aged-83 years, hus- receiveti during aur recentrl 1_r_ vod~stv MA 3-2306, 6-1 goati strean, excellent laca wih sgeLshpti ott with President r.Cif nite etn Aoeiwt band cf the lf Het e r a nd eareamtent an ss o! aE Q U IPPE D w a e gh or iielc.LARGE briglit welJ fusnished tin. Price $22,000.00. T r is ark ba nl ien ho'e. etc. ford Swa!ovî ,in charge t e h sess frte e ei g dear rothr cf erbet de r ubmother.rl.fus-nace or stove, $1 0.00 load seîf-cantaineti rout Central Genes-al fanm, 'L0Oacres-I stream; 7 roomietinew house Enlneir.bers ardti ioxiw" M-.G psrin ss .Hl Aura Osborne, Ebeitezer. Sesv -v.RbyatiPar.dèivereti. Phone CO 3-2275. MA 3-7201,- 6.1* 2-stos-ey framie bouse, large wîth tnaodern .canveniences. attended. m ss .Aoihk ev ice was held in the Marris6.* CiOpred __________ 41t- - bank bas-n, 90 acres workable, Aski--ng $22,000. Cosîsitier Those in chiarge o!fh ~igdhciu ersmns ounea hpl Sau-aFbrua I wouCoinike tateer 'I __1_______----HOUSE, gooti large bas-n mainly permianent pasture. An hause laordoil spayment. votional wvee11-»s. Cal 3:15 p.m. Interment Bowman- sincere thanks te aties î Tret Has ioSUj1iTI oc wooh. IWork- water. CO' 3-2015.. 6-1 Terins. ville with 50' x 30' bas-n. rin-Iand Mrs. Ted Hoar. ville Cemetery. 6.11 frientis, anti neiglibors fOr thel imanship guaranteeti. Fs-ce esti- - --- -- i flowers, gifts and cards I1s-e-! A azn.Po i mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele-1 FOUR-rooineti self-contairjeti 50 acres '.ihtnwo.famuiy;ning water, garage; Il roomneti A discussion on theStP- ceive whianin Claite a2420.azn39Ptfi' apastrnent with garage. Tel e- house, barn 30 x 100. impie- hor'e v. h hydro ths-oughout. rick's dinner. ta bc ed~ ROBInVteAs'H spiccd huin ho.spiil d;phphone MA 3-3595. r fment shed. garage, gooti gardenî Askirig $15,000 with $3,000 March, was heli. S B1a96, Fl ý o bd , o F e. 4 sinc e DMg hoe. pe c n aî1 Pote nfil E R N i evc. T si g- _ _ _--- soil. Price $11,000.00. Tes-ms. dowln reports v.ere gjv~enay s A d r s e 191,ElieM.Robbcoes tank staffDr. Menzria nuss- service anti eompletl; stock O! APARTMIENT, three rooms MAake an offer. This lovely 100 Acre farmn near Port William O'Neil in te hsEn wife of Donald M. Rob, andsafo emra o- with 'batteries anti cords at Higgon anti bath, heateti, stove antilths-ee-bedroarn spiit level home: Pers-y, 7 0 acres wos-kabhe, 70' cf Ms-s. Cunninghîam. Kin S. .,Bowmanville. pital. er. Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., frig. MA 3-5995, 6-iv.-ith full basement and gar-Ix 40' bank bar-n, hien house, L-nch -,was- servetiat King St. E, Velma Lines-y. 61* flU T11owinanville. Phone MAs-ket --- __ age, fireplace, plus many' etc., 9 s-oomed house with soci'al tinie enjo-ed eio al W .I _______ u~ouble-IJoad 1 -3305. 7-tf. THREE rooms anti bath, heat- eLa.fsa~,unig ae. 1 TeJaur1eeigc et, eI-cntmti 25 zn eristaio' f hr-ngn $1,500 inwiter. Asmetingwil! belie hltia U omnil oe' îs( SINGER - Passeti away sud- 1 wouiti like ta express nmyi 4"OF I teriyce. revies iir n hiig ng$250wth$,0 on S-koiM,. iro deny, anury29, 1961, at hissincere thanks ta Drs. Rich- Dubec-rontit"oFF cICE tiyc-ie, n-vEs MA33.- --t coxnmuity, much repais - wrk,' 92 Acre farm, 87 acre r- on Februas-y o27,sa,.ln 6.Ti residence, William George mond anti Runtihe. tUe nurses; ! painteti 5-drainer ehest, smal 11012E in Bowmanville, sx od sopatce s-o es- pndsle. haestiofand, bas- an GovPGrl udsnieigoent ntU eu Singer, o! 2696 Trinity Street, anti staff o! Memorial Hos-, 'WASH~ERS 'chihti's rocking chair, 2 sUastie roms,double garage. Pone rd n te rpet. ps, irif1g ate- silobdrvnt iie Bove G~ i i mniz- aaaIittt Vancouver, ageti 69 years. Sr-pital, Bowmanville; relatives! and 1coats, size 13, 3 eachi. l39lcvenîngs, AA3-2591. 6- .1* .,bedroarn home in Bowshetning ar l, d8rivme and a'OCan MayoSttartCol viveti by his loving lieanti frientis, for their cards, King St. E., or Phone MAs- ma!ile, bath, garage, pavetihd aae ec;8roei skating pott at a orie Olive; ancetiaughter, Airs: flowers anti gifts, anithe! COIN OPERATED 13-5753. 6-1i* I7IUSE, anc mile fs-arn town. drive. Price $8,500.00. Dolvn ho-use with inater on tap. Ask- Irin îast 'rîiasday vng!ec.Bte-.pein, Robes-t Scott, Vancouver, tiomny enctsno! kindns u-ngýç i- wali-to-, MA 3-961. 61sHighwalment. uide Catain M-s. Jin Ged' PanOOO. cuscuseclofo 1 'jLSTATE Au ta Insus-anceti inrd, ates-andI garg ie anvnie el LUIUL:. 0U 'J 'metr CVMRAS CRES retittors anti athers ha,.îng'ne,.'-, sewing machine, bcdý- e. upvaan -close cstaoe. 11TaJna- . .~eh,-' r..aknuuat MEMOIAL, CRNES, aims againsft the abo;'1e vahstandqseelcabine !Save 20%. Six manths ta pay. Phone Nwate37.6-tGNRLCNRATR Ro oeanti aphe G rave-euingAr 1-pee cihr~hacr n STONESestate are requiredt tasenti fuflnen;lio-plte.sma-1tble P -vie t yur Asir. $6000wit6hoe o M-s..TahHomee "and ' is-hda t STATUARY OF ALL TYPES the untiersigneti adminisîs-ator ~~~I calIct.2-tfanti bath epastment (anc bed- and Carpentry home 5oades res a'. H aka. ,lou CEETITLETRIGSio r efretU Ot dy fSae t pn. nsde erisI -roomI, central, adults oni , NEW IVORK and REPAIRS 1 I % 1ýispe 1961, LTERNS o o eter wthich cfaseh pn reisre. TerPhne -tf5 Roolnieti,unfinishet bomne; Ps-esideni 1, - 5ep~r ii-tr,~Lzi -syfih Mas-ch,191 fe hh datees orsrè le anted to Bu $65 monthl y. Phn MAskefPHONE CO 3-2282, HA31PTON in Kential ithiail fus-nace, Y 339.6f Doyle openeti ci-e: -ur ifuadvryn'hbeve b 1435 Kint St. E. Oshawa the estete's assets w.ill be ds il.auctioneer. 6-1ECHsiindt - ________ ___ 3-tf kitchen cuphoards. Goati size tT-e n-ua manner a,,ýxpr~-al 61itributed, l-aving regard on_.- ReBis NCHoe Aw ngood condition. THREE-room apar mer., ith. ,"o.Akig3,0 it 5011e prca:nt t.-M.BIBrMngrc RA 8-3111 - Evening RA 8-81176 to daims that have been re- PhoeM 3-5531. -__6-1 three-piece bath, laundry fa-t îaiein npardownr. mr~~.frte'ocafnm. crnaDmno ak ceiHenrd. Dtsz.- LARGE Tricycle or sidewalklcilitics. in quiet as-ca. Oc-, EVC 6Roeihos nP n- tey ha ien rh iî-:oDo L ustseke.H gv Bowanclennara. RADIO anîd television repais-s, bcyle Pan C'3-11SEupRVICEedatly Po'pool with 3-oiece bath, kitcicn', tioyears. Si- e ca ! 1 '.l-. e oa erctr !ids Reception statrbyPrompt ses-vice. Pic-up6nd1îMA 3-5100. 6-1 STUCCO AND NEW WORK cpors t.Akn 700H'a~ r"; . 'rMtc r lcndat at n 'M.adMs omnLeach dier.85 KingStJSMALL size tfes-ce i giHOUSE, 3Cneso tdlvr.Gog', n tBale - AtaImiisHaods-, by olianti- s r per53 onsio n t.E . v$.50 ow.I offce'-s fou-!981. ~- u . u- a"oîiufuIttr.H Taunton, will eceive te Box 399, Bowmanville, Oit. E P on _M -5713,--Go E __R._._TA F-4'-ou- iho e nness any relatives, fs-ends and neigh- 6-7,.GUA.RANTEED tlevision andfelloxV 477 AylImer St., Peter- Maren lst. Write Ms-s. R. Eordr1aneIlî'- Vili cpe radisevice to all -1 cott 75Ters-se'-anged. Fiftieth Wedding Annlversary NtcsSm a e-ieTlvso L id !îv6lrWillowdale. __6-tf'___ --- ---f-ir- 'o'rs wWaiacopis. in Saline Community Hall on _Notices -Sesmie aPoe MA 3-3383.vîifeatheris e osenivêdpuckFV--olthosalcn: OHA AJh .rll'RO nibadaoubefrMs.Psjn oeiavt Wednesdey, February 15 froni' Hobbies - Registes- yaurî 49-tfalso aId feather ticks wanf cd. veine.AalbeMrch TV DeiAr anti~~~~.1 7 a9pm nteec-b wiigt ovî ý~iREPAIRS anti rewinding, aIrm-14! 3-t.iut1t-um'îlk G-upV an o 9 m n th eve-2:Hant is t i lti B es-any R.R. 1, Phone 7 r 13!c/a Canadin States mnan, P.0 ISTALLATION & R P iR e wcora nd ee ra Phn r eP e s n l' uc . Àa h if o s- n s a . __________________________P.O.B. atus-es tuz-neti, ta al makes o! 'colec, 21-tf-Box 190, Bownianville, Ont. Phone DoadiuzJy M -90 -- - U4-e1--vnrf-smzt 6-i Ielectrie mototHiggnEe.- ---'6-2 Bowmanvilie Oshawa 1 1v~ Mony t Lon - l FOI COMPLETE - 3-3305. 7ff',poultry, goose feathers, fcafh- THREE - rooneti apas-tinenl A -91 A .i0RS Dvdmn etay,313 ______________ Cliets'GnuAG aiLOAblNS inuaceCvra-- __ - _-__---er ticks, scrap is-on, sags, private ents-ence. full bath, 31 BILL AND OBBI.E.ASK Lore A. Perrault, Clarke 2231 Tonie Tahlets help " -n' r Clint' TG«saGtlOANS ga ' AIRSce Coe ag f mealanti rew fur.PUanemiles west of onanill6-1__ t!________________louu-ands of n;en, .vonî imitable farms, homes, store., g sewing machineç Fs-ce pickup RA 3-2043 Oshawa calleet. No. 2 Highv'ay. Adulf s. AVail- 1tTIC THm 40. Only 69c. At al dugt V apartmen. hotal, motel, Se,.-id dchives-y. La-esry's Se%'-; 48tf able Feb. 15. Phon ea 1irlg__6 FrYu ielc buldnglts Pomt o~t..î Bi îarrso ng Machine Sales & Ses-vice.- -___-R5597 _i- serldice t. FPr ormutel-Pone '211A 3-21,ST.5W.' Waned FR 5-5937.he ELCTRI MOORSSOUTH Haven Nursing Home HYGENIC supplies -(Rbesthog Phone Fr IfomaAon!31 CN1ESIN S.2.-tftd FUR- roam sni èî.ýàEETI OOS-Accommodation for pnivate gootis) maileti postpaitic li Phone, write or drop la. MA 3-30498 REPAIRS toa ai rrakes cf ne-ý house, heateti, bath. TwilaREPARS and REWINDING ta ,a nti semi-pnivate patients, sealeti envelope inith prc1 it, ST UNITED COUX TY #r hf uooie frigeratars, domcstic anti cam-IDEAD anti crippleti farm stock Imilcs fs-arn Post Office, pavetial your Electrical Equipmentlounge TV. Fully licenseti, Six samples 25e, 24 smis cL. LNVESTMEN.TS LTD. ('r het.Atooienercial.nîiIking coolens. Hig-'picketi up ps-ampfly. Telepýon,ýI-oad. WÏrite Ativestiser 102,Sales & Service MIA 3-3058,net'; building, modes-n. Visitas-s $1.00. Mai] Os-dez-rD(-tT"' 38Ut Bathurst St., Tereate Mi1 Travel - Lits gon Electr Limîteti, 38 KingýCOlfax 3-2721. Merugwifl Furic/o Canadien Statesman, P.O.ý43 Third St. Bowmanviileiwelcomne. Reasonable rates.: Nav.-Rubher Co.,Bo 1 ['acArt3-0 Ont. au 9-21U 8.41 22-9fst. L. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Farm. Tyran. 7-tf Box 190, Bowmannville. 6.1*À 19-tf'Phone Newcastle 4441. 8-tf Harnfiton, Ont., -2___________

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