PAGE TWELVR ----- - ----*- THUI~DAY, FEB. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV7T~T~ nwrA~n - - - - -- I Seek Livestock Show For Blackstock Fuir The annual meeting of the President, Ralph Larmer, Nes- . ~~ Cartwright Agricultural So- tieton; lst Vice President, i~ ciety was held in Blackstock, Roy McLaughlin, Nestleton;r January 28th. There was a 2nd Vice President, Harvey very goad attendance, 221 Graham, Nestieton; Direct- rnembers being present, in- ors, Ernie Swain, Burketon: cluding several from Port* Neil Werry, Nestieton and Perry, Brooklin and Oshawa. Gilbert Marlow, Blackstock, The financial report for the'Joseph Bradburn, Nestieton; year was favourable, $1.727 Bruce Ashton, Burketon; John paid out in prize money for Carnaghan, Blackstock; Mur- Blackstock fair this year. The, ray Byers. Burketan;, Ivan report showed a balance of Cochrane, Nestieton; Osmand $340.30 for carry-over to next Wright, Blackstock. year. W. Wright was re-hired as Reports were rece i ved secretary treasurer and the from delegates ta district same auditors were appointed meetings. There is a move on1for another year. foot to have the admission charge to ail fairs set at 75c. The meeting voted in favor'k L of keeping the present charge'iilchei A committee of Messrs. Nei Mlclm NilWerry and Co rn e sF.& S 1/errili VanCamp was set up r . S to try and arrange a regional ]ivestock show for Blackstock See Ont. Films that this would be a ver'yj The regular meeting of! good drawing card for our Mitchell's Corners Home and! fair. ýSchool Association was held r end directors were elected GET THE PRESTIGE GINGER AIE GEl WILSOIN'S SATURDAY E TOR( Good going and returnir EXCURSION PARU PROM:s Belleville é$4.80 & Cobourg. à 3.00 C Port Hope i 2.75 VY Corresponding fores frc FULL INFORMATIOI i-%c Receives Heating Certificate make an adequate living,i and too far from cultural. things- a good library es-ý pecially. The motto, "Blesrsed be Ag- riculture if one doesn't have too much of it" was discussed by Mrs. Adelbert Beacock Convenor of Agriculture andI Canadian Industr i e s. She coined a new phrase, "The. man who fis the bread bas- r ket should rule the world"-! spoke of the Farmer's Union, asked if there seems any es- r cape from the muddle our past failings have got us intor and closed with the humor- ous poem, "My get up and go, has got up and went." Mrs. Harry McLaughl in gave a comprehensive survey of the merits of Durham:r County, especially its Agri- cultural achievements whichý have been many, with a tri- bute ta Mr. E. A. Summers and the work of the 4-H clubs. One needs to step back to re- i view the advantages and to: take pride in the accomplish- ments of Durham County and1 its inhabitants. In closing, Mrs. McLaughlin read the final words o! Padre Young'si address at Mr. Summer's fun- 11 ihPesdn . Win al. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm led IN8. iih re-dn Ms.WmM in a merry sing song and Miss, ~jemis presidîng. i Ruth Proutt r e a d, "The mThe minutes of the lasti W. David Higgon of Bowmanvile was one of 16 contractors who recently Brooch", written by Miss Flor-, meeting wr edb e- graduated after an intensive course i electrical heating. With some 230 total eceMcLaughlin and which retary Mrs. A. Peeling. Mrs. eetri omes in this sector of the province, it is evident that this form of heat- received 2nd prize in a re- H. Oyler gave the treasurer's ing is gradually acquiring many followers. The course was designed to ensure cent competition. Mrs. A. Bea- report. Acok passed around several af Mrs. . Peeling, chairman that those who completed it would be fully qualified to do electric heating hecooko pes of the record player commit- installations according 10 the highest standards. Mr. Higgon is shown in the r.MLuhi* gop begv er report and a ta- centre, eivn his graduation certif icate fromHer Baldwin, left, chair- Mers. aMcauhlnchdru tal af $79.50 had been col- man of Oshawa P.U.C., while D. B. Ireland, P.Eng., Consumer Service Engin- ing which lime feathers which lected for the purpose of pur- abenddfothmil- chasing a record player. Pre- eer, Central Region, Ontario Hydro, looks on.habenddfotemii- recor - ,ery course, and campleted sentation of the rcr play- fleather hats were On display. r er to the school was made by g 5 l I Mrs. C. Wilson extended thei Mrs. Wmn. Nemis. Mr. Vel- g~ II~ i ~ Ig ~~I4 ' thanks of the ladies ta 's. theer and Mr. Copp accepted: Electica~l vveek ii Boerandbeahdar.h on behal! o! tierehschool Tand In La o heiLoo adMarch meeting will be held thanked the Home and School ~J ttehm !Ms .Hro Association for their work in! r terhmeofi 1TE.rIro maig lpssbetaprcaeI11, and will be under the leader- j mkn tpsil oprhs euruary t to I hl ship of Historical Research. i one. * rc conven ed by Mrs. K. Samelîs! Mrs. J. Howes realized al More than an educational r electricity for Iess money than The "hired hand" is a "vire with Mrs. Allan Beacock,'l profit of $12.25 by selling slogan, ta "Live Better Elec-1 anx' other people in the world.<1hand" now; tireless, versatile, gruplader. a ven savers and Ibis was pre- tricity goes instantly ta work. And, on a per-capita basis, year-round - the lowest paid,:rop sented ta the teachers for ther tieth Century way af life. At* Canadians use more electricity hardest working help that purchase of records. the touch of a finger, elec-! for ail purposes than almost ever contributed ta farmn pros- The February meeting will tricity oes instantly ta work.î everv other nation, too! The perity. be aur Open House, and At It speeds the work of millions actual cost af lighting a home was also decided ta have aj and enables everyane ta enjay can be almost ýnegligibie: ta- Electric Heating For Homes bake sale. !the bighest standards af living day's auItomatîC "laundress"' Not long ago, J. W. Kerr,: Miss Sharon Yourth, wmn- in history. The nation is more' does a thoroughi job on the President of the Canadian[ ner af the oratorical contest !productive, healthier, happier, family washing and worksElectrical Manufacturers' As-; in Maxwell Heights School, wealthier and mare secure with a -will for sonne three'sociation predicted that in teni gave an interesting and ii- 'thanks to the multiple tasks hours for less than five cents years a full third of housing; formative talk in Casa Loma. electricitv perfarms. Electricity, Today's ýstirts in Canada miay incor-: Mrs. Wm. Nemis thanked Miss r nsience and micnpateeetihaig. ro Yourth on behaîf o! the Home electricity has alsa enabled "Domestie Servants" 1the standpoint of initial in-ý and School Association, and man ta explore areas that. With the progress of elec- stallation and year-round op- wished hier continuing suc- i were formerly inaccessible; ta- trical power in industry and eration, electric- heating is ai-! cess in the contest.r day's children can look for- its sequel of better-paid, short- readv feasible in all exce-ot1 Mr. Albert Eddy showed ward ta a lifetime in which er-houir jobs. the suPply Of the coldest provinces. and at films on different points inielectricity will make even domestic servants aIl but van- a tota] cost competitive withl Ontario and was tbanked by greater contributions ta their ished from this part o! the sy stems fired b.v flame. Think Mrs. F. Watson. wav of lufe. Electricity stands globe. Yet, thanks ta that of it! No furnace or chimney, 0,- We were also ceIebrating ready ta create more jobs, same development of electri- na flame, fumes or ash; al~~' our third birthday in January even whole new industries; city, Canadian ho Li s e w i v e s cleaner, more convenient and and a birthday cake w as cul looking forward, the abilities have mor-e (and better!) do- vet more effective supply ofý by Past President, Mis. Win. of electricity seemn boundless. mestir servants than ever. comfortable xarmth, thermo- Cook Luch ws srvedby "C ook", -Laundress", 'Up-'staticallv controlled in each' Cook . SLnch wasd seredin.yinotest or Cost stairs nm a i d", "Downstairs room. Ideal for everyne- Mrste. A.Semnadhrco-i h ol naid", .. . the average Cana- and a godsend for those with Canadian homes use more dian famiîy now has electrical respiratory conditions. 1 equipmient, equivalent [n bu-1 Anld Look What's ('oming! o m~~~~~ran hielp to a permanent staff reCnd pol iIb .LI±LUZ.J.I ofat.leat niie nd s mny0 f f e r e d an ever-increasing EXCURSIONS HRETTm stit evns HERENewO s hirervManothe. ninumber of new electrical ap- The death of Herbert Tomis Ni-HrdMi nteF pliances andi equipment in the occurred on Sunday, .ianuary Th elwr-os nteftr.S ay. indeed, that 29, 1961, at his home in New- farm todav- i% electricity. la space permîts scant mention .' s )N J'O , ciaia l ornn:ar -,an faria-nresnd7gfrm i er f n baelu a eoe is ness. contributes more than any provements wil include light- )NTONewcastle Ont.. [n 1879, eldest hours and making farra work'electrostatic dusting wands, son a! William Toms and Mary easier, faster and more profit- ul1tra -modern sYstems o! hieat- ing same Saturday only. Elizabeth Henning. In 1.qlý lable. Farm. homes can naw ing and cooling . . . Soon. t hie married Edna May Smithýbe as modern and efficient as electricity will melt the snowý in Toronto. j their ritv counterparts. Elec-lan curbs and hichways just as' owmanville à $1.90 Mr. Toms barbered in Tor-,' ticpower provîdes water it does on drivewav' s; wash the, onto until 1923 at which time, pressure. banishes the dimness hs through sound wave: shawa ô. 1.45 the family moved ta, New- and danger of ail lamps, and:action. irradiate foods, and castle. He barbered in New-' ends the dullness ai isolation' pulverize garbage ta powder.i Vhitby é 1.30 castle until his retirement in through the media of radia Home precipitators will rid us' 1947. Mr. Toms was a mem-irand television. Elec tr ic it y of all domestic dust and dirt ,om intermediate points ber of the Ancient Order of milks the cows, grinds feed, and electrir toilet systems Foresters, and an adherent of xwaters the stock and does eventually eliminate the needý 'N PROM AGENTS Ithe United Church of Canada. do0zen1s of other dailv chomes. for sewage disposa] plants. He served overseas from 1916 r ta 1919 with the Canadian I 1 AAIAN s sN Buffs and the Second C.MRN e t toS a i n 0219 Besides his wife, he is sur cn Ms atrDrtni n 059 vived bxr thmee sans, William. Reetxitosx hMrad Mr WaerDmansb Jack and Arthur, al of Tom-'Mms. Howard Lee were: Mr. Toronto for a short lime and onto; and one daughter Mar-land Mrs. Clifford Lee, Lynda Mr. J)urslan spent the week-: gamet, Mrs. Fred Wood of St. and Gardon. Brooklin; Mr. endi with bis daughtem in Osh- i ~ r fMars Ontand bv thirteen and Mrs. Russe] Brown, Bowv- a %va. granchidre. A sustrvýivin. a nvll;Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mrs. Wesley Campbell hasý are three brothers, Norman Airbucklc, Harold, John and gane ta spend some time witb sister, Mrs. Ethel Fettes ai Lamne Lee, Caesarea and Mr.j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philp Chicago. Two sitr"rd-and M rs . Robert Prosser, o! Sterling calîed Monday on. ceased bim.1 Ricky and Randy. the Grant Thompson 's. Mr. Toms was buried from 'Cartwright friends iviii be Nestieton lVomen's Institute the Nartbcutt and Smith Fun-: pleased ta learn of the 6th Nestietan Women's Institute r emal Pamiors, xith intermeat in anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. held a nmost successful meet- the Bowmanx'ille Cemeter-y. Albert, Farrow of Millbrook on ing at Mrs. George Bower's Palîbeamers were Harve Brit- Januarv 15'th and send their home on Wedncsday aftem- tan, Harri-Jse Frank and congratulations. Mm. and Mms. noon. 'Mrs. R. Davison xvel-1 Dave Gmay, John Rickamd and Howard Lee attended the cele- comed everyone, the meeting Howard ___________ bration. also Mr. and Mrs.:openied as usual and a minute; why the N El PIONEER6ra2 of course! Vfesl i last ber. ;s an aflnew . <bain sow designed specifi- <al>' to meet eve r nand of the professinlctter. Se. the ail new Pioneer 6-20 todoy.. lightweight (20 lbs.) balanced handleability sure grip handiebarg raduced vibration cooler running* more power longer lite air filter new exhausi deflector 14ONIM SAWS LuD.nus ...S. S. Morton BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-2279 are picased ta report that Mrs. a departeci member. ÛflUA YMcCll i[s ecavcinig nicely Mrs. Vine, Mrs. Sanieils and: OBITUAR fromn a recent leg injury. î/Irs. Emerson reported on the: ARTHUR E. OS13ORNE IMm. and Mrs. Arthur Han- "Eat ta Live Workshop" na of Janetville visited at which A1bev attended and The death of Arthur E. Os- several homes in the village brougbt back helpful hints borne, aged 83, occurred oni on Saturdav. and suggestions. Letters cf, Februar ' 2, 1961, at Faimview llMr. and Mis. Geor'ge Hea- thanks froin hereaved, sick Lodge, Whitbv, wliere Mr. slip visited on Sunday with and shut-ins were read in-, Osborne bad resided for the Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heaslip cluding a verse from Mr. 'opast seven years. and farnily, Lindsav. Clarke of Caesarea, Announ- >0 Bora in Darlington Town- Calîcîs an Saturday even- cemnent was made of the Mus- sbip. the deceased xvas a SOn, ing xvith M\r. and Mrs. Bruce eurn meeting in Bawmanville of the late Eli Osborne and Heas;ijp veme Mm. and Mrs. wbich no one could attend Jane Blair. He attended No. 4: Ed. Lawsoii. Janetviile and but at xvbicb Mi's. Munday: Scbool, Damlington, and in Mr. andi Mrs. Alvin Bruce would represent the organiz- > ý [1912 married the former May seagr-ave: Messms. Wylie and atian. j. Guy, aghe o hrlI M.Hward McKeown o! Mono Standing Commnittee Con- Frank Guy, Base Line, Dar- Roaci wcre Monclay caîlers. veners were emninded ta have lington. Mrs. Osborne prede- Lawrence McLaughlin o! reports ready on tirne, alsu ceased ber busband. .A.C., Guelphi, xas home for of the Pennies for Friendship .. QIAfter 50 vears o! farming, the weekend. at the District Annual- a .iam Mr. Osborne retimed 13 Ycars Mm,1s. Herman Samnelîs clos- xvas passed at this meeting for aga. Prior ta moving ta Faim- ed up ber home and is stay- Ibis pumpase. Duties of the view Lodge, he had esided [n ing with Mm. and Mrs. Cecii Public Relations Officer, an d 4the Ebenezer district and was Wilson for awhile. o! the Home Safety campaigni a member o! Ebenezer United Mr. and Mms. Lamne Lamb with "stcps" receiving spec- Church. o! Enniskillen visited Mm. and ial attention this yeam, weme Surviving are a brother Mrs. Cecil Wilson and a il read. Another S5.00 donation 'Wû 6" CANS Herbert F. Osborne, and a sis- vîsited their cousin Alex for hospital womk xvas ack-1 eter, Aura L. Osborne, bath a! Thumston who is seriousîy ilI nowledged and an announce- R. R. 2 Bowmanville. in Lindsay Hospital. ment made o! the Womld Day, iThe funeral service xvas Sunday visitors wiîh Mr. o! Prayer on Feb. l7th in' ON TH COST held in the Morris Funeral and Mms. Arthur Hyland were Blackstock United Church. ýARi CHAIN Chapel, Bowmanville, on Feb-- Mm. and Mrs. Frank Jenkin- The maIl cail "What fealure: p exta) À ruary 4, 1961. and was con- son of West Hill. o! rural living is the best andr ducted bv Rev. Harold Stain- Mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Free- ý what is the worst?" was wel ton of Courtice, Ont. Inter- love o! Peterborough took ber: answered. Best were: fresh ment was in Bawmanviîîe father Arthur Huibert la vis-1'air, peace, spaciousness, beau- w«. ARA" Cemetery. il Mm. and Mrs. Tel Rahm o! ty, friendship, growth o! flow- Palibearers were M e s s r s. Oshawa on Sunday. ers and vegetation, meetings, Son Walter Lynde, Don Lnde, Friends will be pleased ta such as aur W.I., adn tm & Son Dunbarton. Ont., Stanley Ogle, leamn that Mrs. Vernon Hud- 'dcocks" in the country~. Worst! &Oshawa Jack Ariîott, Lon- son is impmoving- nicely in were: snaw, long lanes, fro- ONTARIOdon, Onit., Walter Rundle, ' East Generai Hospital, Toron- r zen pipes, waîer scarcity, lit- Bawmanville, and Lloyd Crago ta, and hopes to be ho me ,tlie lime ta gel away fromth of Oshawa. ____ soon. ---- ýfarmn, bard worlc in trying ta loci 'J r Electric healing makes a big difference ... in YOUR favor! Electric heating is the modern, convenient way ta heat your home. Il requires no bulky equipment, spreads no diri, dust or soot, and heats any room ta any desired temperatut'e, instantly and in complele silence. Electric heating saves you rnoney on installa-' lion and on maintenance (no regular servicing is required). Every pennf's 'orth of electric- ity goes directly int heat. There is no waste! HUAI HUGGON ELECTRIC FEL UA FESRUARY 5-1 961 M Get ail the exciting details today'. Just phone, and we'l cal ta give you a free estimate. Electric heat costs Iess than you tbink! Ltde i oason touls YOD... otricity is for you!, You knowv electricity is safe, cdean, modern! Sae ... What a marvellous feeling to know electricity is dependable, worry-free! Clean . .. just see how bright, your kitchen walls aînd curtains stay when you cook electrically... no blackened pots and pans, either! Modern . .. electricity brings the modern convenience of automatic controls to lighten your work, brighten your day. Sa/e .. . clean. . modern .. . three littie words become three big reasons why today, more than ever before, you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. the safe, dlean, modern way Bowmanville Public Utilities commission M. J. ELLIOTT Chairman G. T. VAN BRIDGES Manager 1 - m-sYRO ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH...COSTS S0 LITTL, a* r r--- "1, PAGE TWELVIR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMMVMLE. ONTARIC) 38 King St. E. MA 3-3305 )NAL 961 live bettera a a 1 LE CTR 1 CALLY