iterest to some in. this district R l tv s H chantudien xts, wh e Mrs ing as resident nurse at the1 cS~ocaI & [Persona Residence n Lisbon, for Afri-' ag1ort Phn A 3- 3303e spent many years with her _____________nted huchn 25 An r _____________________________________________ Missionaries In Angola. Their Mrs. Fred Crich, Stratford,1 Mrs. Norman Allun, Centre Newuahte adhaie cahme t Over 80 inembers of the Y Ont., lias been visiting Mr. and'Street, bas returned froni a Nwat e and mode baerhome Johns family gathered at thc P Mrs. M1.. L. Roenigk., 1 thrce-week visit with her dau- the . and Ms. Patterson Union Hall, Bowmanville, on C MIthererwhrle shnnitthnmedSaturday cvcning, Fcbruary 4. p: Miss Marjorie C'jnnîngham1 ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Bowmanville High S c h oo 1, eocainwst Svr was ini Bellevile on SundUa The. . Coccaisi.oind ad ad hshben fre.n o!Mu MrisiG. Cr.LandiMrs. Lieil andlas hsbncetat tie. Shfe i Wedding Anniversary o! Mr. cý viifAgMr ad ý'rs 'eïKenneth, Ottawa. Mr. Langile1 e'sicth im.S s and Mrs. W. R. Young, Bridge- fr~.o the Department o! External, married, lias two chidren and north. s Mss Mud Co ad onAffairs and family lcft Ot- Mie nPr rdt 4r. and Mrs. Young, nec ic John o! Riverside, Ont., were!tawa early Wednesday morn- Ruth Johins, were married at sl Sunday visitors with Mr. and'ing for Quito, Ecuador, South the home o! the bride's par- Mrs. E. V. Hoar. King Street America, wbere he will open! ents, Hampton, on Feb. lst, w East. up a Canadian Embassy. R gd o44 1936, by the Rev. Walter Rack- ir Miss Heather Webb, Peter-ý Mr. and Mms. Don Ycllow- (FO PAGE ONE) hamr, and have since rcsided Ic borougb Teachers' Col] ege, was le GrgrCidy Lau and v1th various affences during In the Peterborough area. wlth ber parents, Mr. and Mvrs. leesheGregory Rev. Stan Snowdcn, Mill- P T. J Web, rownStretfor Michelle o! Jasper, Alta.,wcrc e r-byear.ld h omay oa T. J Web, rownStret, dinner guests on Sunday with The Wclfare Department r-bok aldtecmayt the weekend. bhis mother, Mrs. N. C. Yellow- Port for January stated there order a.nd Mrs. H. Salter read B Wr. and Mrs. Melville Brad- lees, and also visited with his wcrc 115 persans recciving a nxcely worded address, and a burn of ýSaskatoon, Sask., leftsister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank wel!are during the month, and yestcrday for their home after Wright and family. O th e r 217 indigent days. The total succcssful future for the club. Il apending several wecks with' guests o! the Wrights on Sun- cost o! welfare for January President Hutton in accept- e their cousin, Mr. Rupcrt Byers,1 day included 1fr. and Mrs. was $3,472.48. Expected re- ing the charter on behaîf o! Churcli Street. Ia Ellicott, Sandra a nd coveries through provincial ail the members of the Bow- b M4r. and Mrs. WV. R. Young,lDonald, Peterborough,. 1Mr. and grants and charge backs nianville Kiwanis Club pledged e! Dennis and Sylvia, Bridge- Mrs. E. Hockaday and girls o! amount to $2,902.49 sa the act- that ail would aspire ta fulfill north, and Mr. Ken Frost o!: SoIna, Miss Carol Yeîîowîces, ual cost o! welfare to Bow- the hlgh ideals and objectives Toronto wcre dinner guests of Oshawa, and Donna Yellowlecs manville for January will be Of Kiwanis. He thanked the Mr. and Mms. Chas. Johns of Enniskillen. $569.99. Oshawa-Westmount and the Saturday evening. D.J .Rtewoa-The January Dog Control Peterborough Kiwanis Clubs 01 anc for sponsoring the local oneE Mr. nd rs.RonMcDnal, D. J W.Ruterwhoat-report showcd that 0 dog ee.v Ms.Ro MDo.adt e n d e d Bowmanville High was picked up, and anc dog .ti Paul and Kathy, Belleville, Schooi- for five ycars, is one and onc cat were brought ta Honor Elbbons to Sponsors b Mis ut Psoean M.o! three Sccncctady. N. Y., the paund. One dog was Governor Stroud prescnted ti ClarkHayman, Peterborough,1 research experts of the Gen- dcstroyed and a cat was given honor ribbons ta the span- el Mist.dC uas.wJohns Lbrty Sndi rai Electric Company labora- ta a new owner. There werc saring clubs, Peterborough pi Mr. ha. ohsLicry t.tories named by thc American 6 cases of distemper in town and Oshawa-Westmount. Pre- d: North. Institute of Mining, Metallur- and five in Darlington, 10 dags sident Les Reichardt, Petcr- tc Wcekend guests with Mr.,gical and Petroleuin Engineers and 1 cat were destroyed. borough, stated that It had T and Mrs. Wesley Cawker, Lib- for distinguisbed recognition The Building Inspector re- been a îcasure ta play a partT erty Street North, were their, o! their achievements and ported that the total cost o! in the ormation o! the Bow- a grandson Steven Cawker o!' contributions in the fiields o! construiction in the towsx dur. manville Club, and wishcd it rr Belleville, Mr. Zeno Santiago,1 metallurgy. He and Dr. Karl ing January was $88,300, and ail the luck in the world. tl a teaching staff mesnber of! T. Aust, also born in Canada, that 59 building inspections Past President Cy Powell, y Albert College, Belleville, and!share the Mathewson Gold wcre made. Investigations Oshawa, referred ta the bion. si Mr. Charles Kingsley o i-Medal Award for outstanding numbcred 18. or of receiving the award, tE ton. O i-technîcal papers published in and added that his club is B the "Transactions o! The Met- pado h e omn Mms. 1. Simpson and Mr.'aluricD occt".Int bcofaan stileeiw nîs Clb Heaid r( Er.nie Sinmpson, Birdsall, wcrc mallurg andocieram.Istre- KMW trS ibule tanthe Club.! Heidu, Suda getso!th orcrssearcii departmcnt o! Gencral C U dent Hutton, Secretary Mc- gi daughter and sun-ln-1aw, Mr.:ýElectric's Research Laboratory. aly s iepeiett and Mms. Bob 'Yercx, Qucen' Dr. Rutter bas been engaged acy, lstd -n vicepresintk Street. Miss Janice Yerexin h; udn-.. n irninn JackmaPnnd 2d îc-pes- Who had jeen visiting bher and of grain boundary migra- grandmother, returned home tion. He is a nephew of Mrs. with them.- Lawry Cryderman, Queen St., Congratulations to Catharinel and was borninli Oshawa. Lynch, daugliter of Mr. and: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. Stan Payne, who obtain-1 r.TdHttn a n ed first class honors in Grade 1Ms e'utn a n 8 vocal examinations at the Douglas had dinner In Torontoi Royal Con servatory, Toronto1 on Tuesday, with Miss Muriel Catharine is a pupil of Doro-il Stevens, Rev. and Mrs. Dave thy Allan Park of the Conser-1 Stiven and their four children, vatorystaffWho left on the 8 P.m. train Vatoy stfffor New York. They rail on Mrs. L. B. Williams and Friday on the S. S. United Mrs. L. C. Snowden were States on the first lap o! their overrdght guests Iast Wednes- journey for a five year Mis- day o! the former's daugliter, sionary term in Angola, Afri- Mrs. H. E. Purdy, Camipbell- ca. They will have ten days ville. An added pleasure o! 'in England and then on to their visit was the occasion of Lishon, Portugal. When they tIi1"women'ls Institute holding have cornipleted their language thfir monthly meeting at the1 study there, they will go on ~Pfdy home that to Angola. It may be of in- ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H.A. Turner, B.A., BD. Organist - Mr.M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. 9:50 arn. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.rn. - MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP VioIinist - MR. KLEMI HAMBOURG of Peterborough SoIolst - MR. ROSS METCALF Anthem by Junior Choir COME AND WORSHIP Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. Win. K. Housiander, B.A. B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L..S.*M. il a.rn. - MORNING WORSHIP "À Fellowship of Faiih and Force" 7 p.rn - EVENING WORSHIP "Whai Do You Know?" Ontario Ladies' College Choir frorn Whitby, under direction of Rev. S. L. Osborne, B.A., B.D., Thd., Mus. Doc.,, will be heard during the service and following the service. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.-Junior, Interinediate and Senior 11:00 a.m.-Nursery 11:20 amr.-Kindergarten and Prlrnary Baby-sitting Service A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL ,eREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, 'Bowinanvile Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. Minister 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH 7:30 P.M%. - SERVICE IN DUTCR Sunday School irnrediately aftew Sunday rnornlng service. Free transportation for those willing but unable to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 before 9 p.m. Saturday nights. "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 pan. .veiy Sunday onor iCouple i iversa ry MIrs. Harold Murphy, Ruth Pascoe, Erlyne Barron, Charles Crowther and Wayne Truil presented the honoured couple with gifts suitable to the oc. casion. Sincere thanks wâs expres- sed by the recipients for the lovely gifts and kindness shown them. A very pleasant evening was spent playing cards, danc- ing, music and visiting, fol- lowd by the usual social time. Relatives attended f r o m Peterborough, Toronto, Osh- awa, Belleville, Mill b r o o k, 3owmanville and surrounding areas. their support for the club's endeavors. Mr. McCauley presented beautiful bouquets of red ros- es to Mrs. Stroud, Mrs. Whyte and Mrs. Hutton. Responds In Prose Ini responding 1 'ath~e toast on behalf of the ladies, Mrs. HIutton, wife of the Bowman- ville Kiwanis president, said that she believed she could best express their apprecia- tion for a very enjoyable ev- ening by reciting a short poem: "You've wined us and Iined us. We're out on the town. It's Charter Night. rime to let our hair down. T'he rest of the year, there's a few thinrs ll mention, meetings, committees, or ano- ther convention, Conservation, Youth Work, Agriculture and such. With ail those commit- tees, we'11 get out of touch! But don't get us wrong. We really don't mind: It's great w'ork you're doing. We're for t you'll find! So keep up the good work. May you rise to the heights. But most of ail, keep up these fine Ladies' 1 <PROM PAGE ONE) Udent Broks. Nights!" 7 boraugi Kiwanis Club, Mrs. Recelve Many Gi ta This original pocm was *Gammelî, Les Riciardt, presi- Past Gavernor Bert Caulter, written by Mrs. Huttan as- dent o! the Peterborough Oshawa, was in charge o! the sistcd by several other lad- Clubs, Mrs. Reichiardt, Peter- presentation o! gifts ta tic ies, wives o! local Kiwanis .borough, Cy Powell, past newîy cliartcred club as fol- members. presdent o! the Oshawa-West- laws: Peterboroug, tic Un- A rausing singsing was en- Omount Kiwanis Club, Mrs. ion Jack; North Peterborough, jayed, led by Mort X. Powell, Walter Rundle, presi- thc Unitcd States flag; Dun- Peterbor o u g h, witi Bob dent o! tic Bawmanville Lions barton - Pickering, and tic Brandi, Oshawa, at the piano. Club, Mrs. Rundie. Jameis Oshawa Club, signs; Uxbridge, The draw for the doar prize *Woodward, president o! Legiot O gng nd gael io shawa,gogad avl was conducted by Gerry Branch 178, Mrs. Woodward, M4arkiam, speakers stand; Brown and Dr. Hubbard. Tic K.tra N. Mar isomnver In- South Peterborough, secret- ucky winncrs were Grange dutralComisine, r. ary's kit; Lindsay, badges, and Elliott, Peterboroughi; Mr. Morris, IR. P. Rickaby, presi- Whitby, tie club banner. and Mms. N. J. Cobian, Bow- dent a! Bowmanvile Rotary *Club, Mrs. Rickaby, Don Stutt, In accepting tic gifts, lst manville. and Mr. and Mrs., president o! the Bowmanville Vic-President Jackman said Ben Rudeli, Dunbarton. Kinsmen Club, Mrs. Stutt and be did sa with pride, and ex- hrwaaneclntpo AI Rundle o! Oshawa West- pressed tic Bowmanv i11 ie Tgraofenas anmclent pro- maunt Club. Club's thanks ta tic donorsga o.ntraimntwt PastPreidet Mrt aI-and ta tic participating clubs Jin, Lillico, Peterborough, as for their assistance In buld ..KnWloMr nx umbia, Peterborough, intro- ing thc framework o! tic Ron Wtinter and Mr. Lillico, duced tic visiting Kiwanis BwavleCu.ail o! Peterborough, present- Clubs: Part Hope, Ajax, Dun- LiueatGvro' d an amusing skit entitled barton - Pickering, Lindsay, Th ic "an-ovrrs'If Men Played Cards as La- North Peterborough, Oshawa' Award was presentcd ta Nels dies Do". Peterborough, South Peter- Wcstîakc, president o! the borough, Wpstmount-Osbawa, Dunbarton-Pîckering Kiwanis Bob Branch, Oshawa, dé- and Whitby. Club. This award was given llgited tic audience with bis 38 Charter Members in recognition o! outstanding solo "Proud New Fatier," a achievement during tic last singing monologue. A clever Thc charter members o! thc quarter o! 1960. take off on tic Andrew Sis- Bowmanviile Kiwanis Club Tic Toast ta tic Ladies ters' singing was performed Tede Hutton: Rassy Jackmanst as given by Sccrctary Terry in pantomime ta popular Vice-Prsident;RoJ n Broost McCauley with a witty ad- tunes by Les Rcicbardt, John 2Vice-President; Scc retary, dress o! tribute. He also Harvie and Paul Sanson, ail Terry cCausien; STrearyr stated that lie and tic other O! Peterboroughi. James O. Colliss; Directors, Kiwanis members belicved "lIt's in tic Book," spoa!ing Gerald Brown, Bill Cameron' that havlng tic wives present "Little Ba-Pecp," was sung Casey Deniertog, Peter Fcd- et Charter Nigit would give by Bob Branci, who also0 dema, Dr. Derry Hubbard them ni sight regarding tie playcd lis piano accompani- Hary ock, lad MKiîe club's objectives, and gain ment. An amusing pantomime Carnso cottFloyd Mti lether o! tic slnging' o! "Figaro' chaso tartedtber Ccii h- tfram tic opera "Barber o! dcadtere beCecilGadon U VSeville" was donc by Ben Breac, Chres Bicke, GW.o H noCoîlis, Peterborough. Licuten- Broch, CGardonBClr, N. HJ ont-Gavernor Whyte tianked Cobbn, GodnlDuleyk, CN.!J.tic entertainers for their oai- fard Evans, LaVerne Firth, uigparm acn a ýDr. John E., Hendry, Henry (PROM PAGE ON£) enjoyed during tic balance of Janzen, Peter Kowai, Terty pointed ta tic Board o! Dircc- tic evening. Masters, Neil Metcalf, John tors. Morton, Don Mountjoy, Tcrry Mr. J. C. Gamey wio has Price, Clifford Purdy, Crans- been Secretary-Treasurer o! OBITUARY ton Scott, Evert Smit, Har- tic Orano Fair for tic past1 'aid Stevens, Robert Taft, number o! years was tendered MBLGRRD YR Graliam Terbune and Ian a hcarty vote o! thanks for is MBLGRRD R Turner. untiring work during tuis After an illncss o! six Gives Officiai Weicome period in promoting tic Orono mentis, tic dcatli occurred on' In extending an officiai wel- Fair- Mr. G.amcy retired fron i Saturday, January 14, 1961, o! came ta Bowmanville, Mayor tuis position witb 14rs. Ross Mabel Gertrude Byers, agedi j Carruthers cangratulated Pres. Gilbart being appointcd acting! 73, at her late residence, 113 iTdHutton and ail those re- secreta ry -tre asurer. Some dis- Church St., Bowmanvilîe. sponsible for îeîping ta organ- cussion centred around thc Born'inl Cavan Township,! ize tic Bawmanviîle Kiwanîs need o! a fair manager and Mrs. Byr athdugei Club. He prcdicted that the thls will no douit be given .ieswsti a îe new Kiwanis Club will make further consideration in ticohieaeLwi .adEia wonderful contributions ta tic near future. be912,rh a n e' bertuary , well being o! tiecocmmunity Many reports were received p1912, sosucm rvivRoes. Ru in tic future. His Worship at tic meeting on tic variaus per n Byers os rie ýas aiiiet lutet t aspects ofteefair and su9- on tic home !arm in Cart- acoimshe bicn c irnpreston wandgiven twrswrighit Township until 1941ý servicect t hve oen cal'poin n extending its ivien tîcy retired and moved! c otayLions, and heKiosaln annual appearance in tic vil-I1 ta Bowmanville. Sic was a Clusand byonBanc i 1 78o! lage. member o! Trinity United tic Canadian Legion. M4r. Dane Found was ap- Church, Bowmanýville, and of Govrno Inrodced pointed ta take care o! special tic Woman's Association of GovR. nor nToron ta, promotion work for tic faiir tia' chirci. M. . Oboreorotoa:wiich would include enter-1 Asagilndyu wrn 'former resident o! Bowman-1tainment and other features Mms. agirlad aougew oman Roblert troud He tld a!i anic may be added. A Fin- for horses and won many! 'splendid crdee oldership anceConmttee was also set awards driving mn tic carniageý ,spandi servieando!ftic bors t studyth ticket sale at classes at leading fairs and' 'lland riceivand.o h o h gates and other pertinent exhibitions. Governor Stroud stated tiat mtes Surviving besides lierus d uring lis tcrm o! office hie Tuhe meeting discussed for band are a sister, M4rs. Edna' had made 42 trips in Ontaria some time tic extending o! the Gibson, Bowmanviile, and fiveý Quebec, and tic Maritimes!i no uita-a ar brothers, Leslie Grahami, Mill-' durir.g whici he attended 14-8Consideration is ta be given brook, Charles and Oscar o!' nm:etings. He empiasized thelta h aving Uic annual Black' Burketon, Mefrvin o! Black-' !act tiat bis greatcst tîrilîs and White Show moved ta stock and Clarence o! Port! during ths tume were tic Friday if it would meet with Perry: a brother, Henry, Is de- Chrer Nights o! tic Ajax tic approval of tic Holstein ceascd. iKiwanis Club and o! the Bow- Association. M4r. J. Reid point- Thec many lovely floral 'mianville Kiwanis Club. He cd ta tic great success o! tic tokens, cvidcnce o! tic es-! cammcnded Cy Powell, past cattle show last ycar which teem i n which the deccased, Ppresident o! tic Osiawa-West- was an outstanding feature. was ield, were fromn relatives,! mount Club, and AI Rundle, Tue Board was also contactedi!riends, neiglibors, Layai Or-ý chairman a! tic ncw club org- by an officer o! tic Guernscy ange Lodge, Bowmanvillc, tic' anizing cammittee, for tic Association concerning tic pos- Senate Club and South Wardý work they lad donc In tic sibility o! holding their an- Euchrc Club. formation o! tic Bowmanvillc nual show at Uic Orano Pair. Clb.This wouid be weloomed by Tue funeral service was, He told o! tic founding o! thc local association. hcld on Wednesday Januaryi tic !irst Kiwanis Club in De- Tue financlal report for tic , froni teaNorteutand trait in 1915, and said tiat ta- past year siowcd a balance a! Smîduth e yra Hom nKw. day there are nearly 5,000 $806.53 out a! which a !ew coundtcd by ev. ntWm K., Kiwanis Clubs with a mcmn- accounits still have to be paid. Hodusnter. Inntert asi bership o! 250,000. Tue Ki- Tue total receipts for tic year Ca usUte Cmte. wanls International Motta is amounted ta $9,201.36 whîch' Pallbearers w c r e Murray "We Build", and this means was muade up o! $2,947.80 in Bycrs, Roy Grahami, Herb contlnuaily for tic wcl!are O! grants, $339.00 in donations, Sain, Ross Duf!, Glen Wana- others, tic Governor asserted. $2,501.19 in gate receipts, and1 maker and Cccil Gibson. Offers Best Wlshes tic remainder iu fees, mcm-. Friends a.nd relatives from lupresentlng the charter ta bcrsbips, space rentais and ad. a distance attendingtic fun-: thBowmanville Club, Gov- vertislng. Exp en d it urecs cralwec roi aston cruor Stroud assurcd the presi- amounted to $8,394.83 whicb Sask., Oakwood, Lindsay, Tor-, dent and members o! tic was paid out lu prizes for Uic' onta, Orono, Blackstock, Port' Kwanis International will ai- many departments In tic fairlPerry, Port Hope, Oshawa,' ways be rcady to give moral' and also for tic operation o! Detroit, Mici., Peterborough. support and advlce. Hie offer-1thUi fair. Milîbrook, Bethany and sur- Firme.' Policy ( FROM PAGE ONE) Laws were passed ta appoint Boards of Management for the Community Centres at Sauina, Tyrone, Zion and Hampton. It was dccided that copies o! the Officiai Plan and o! tic Sub-Division Agreement may be obtaincd by people for $1 a copy framn the Township Clerk wvhlc the supply lasts. Council also instructcd Mr. Rundle, tic Township Clerk ta write ta tic United Coun- tics Council regarding a dan- gerous condition at tic inter- section of tic Scugog and Taunton Roads. SoldIers Hurt e<PROM PAGE ONE) who were passengers in thi Hutchen vehicle also were in- the shaulder ta stop and help, tractar trailer scraped the sidc of the Leveque car. The estimated damage ta the car was appraximatcly $175. Con- stable R. S. Dianiond, OPP, investigated. Robert MacD)ougail,, R.P. 1, Hampton, was driving bis car at 6:20 o'clock on Saturday morning on No. 2 Highway cast of the Sauina Road. A le!t front tire went fiat and the car went out o! conrtol and landed in the ditch. Dam- age wvas about $200 ta the car. Constable Murray Joynt, OPP was the investigating officer. OBITUARY mEs. GEORGE WRiTE SR. After an Illness of four montis the deati o! Ella Shackleton, aged 79, occurrcd at Cedars Rest Home, Columi- bus, on Monday, January 30, 1961. The dcceascd was born lu Manvers Township and was tic daugiter o! tic late Mr. and Mrs. George Shackleton. She attcndcd sehool in thc jurea. .erald B. r1u±iIngs- runtypuu± &uti. wvorth, age 22, Petawawa, re- Twicc married, ber !irst bus- ceived a back injury, Oswald bnFrrc dmwo Kinnear, age 22, Petawawasb aFrrickin19Adais, who head laccrations and Kenneth sic arriedof 105, ded in Winn, age 21, Brantford, su!- rJanuaergeo!1938tandS.conar- fered several fraçtured ribs riederge, W9it.Sr. onhNo- and a fractured pelvis. premer 3. 1950. in1fr. W1i56 Tic injured were taken ta rdcae erl ue 96 Mernorial Hospital, Bowman- The deccased lived in Bow- ville, by the Morris ambul- manville for a period o! about ance and Barlow's ambulance, four years and at anc tume Orono, Constablie Howard lived in the Enniskillen and Wight, OPP investigated the Haydon districts. She was a accident. There was extensive member o! tic United Churci. damage ta boti cars. are two daugh- At .1:15 a.m. on Saturday, ters, Mrs. Earl Stephenson there wvas a niotor accident on (Ruby) o! Oshawa, and Mrs. 401 highway at Pickell's Road. AI! Randie (Pearl) o! Hamp- Daniel Leveque, Waver 1 y ton; alsa surviving arc five Road South, Bowmanvîlle, grandchildrcn, seven great- was driving along wien lie grandchildren, a sister, Mrs. noticed a vehicle on the boul- Cecil Coulter o! Oshawa, and evard. HIe pulled onto the a brother, John Shackleton of souti shoulcter ta go ta the as- Bowmanville. sistance of the stopped motor- Friends and relatives froni ist.Atatrtalrondb a distance present at Uic A tactr tailr onedbylargely attcnded funeral were Smith Transport and driven from Roseneati, Toronto,_ Un- by Cornelis Driehuis, Rich- don, Mount Forest, Conn, mond Hill, followed alang and Guelph and surrounding areas. as the driver also drove onta The many lovely floral tri- butes were frmm noral Mo- tors Dept. 81, Prudential In- suranc o! Oshawa District, re- latives and frlends. The funeral wua held on Wcdnesday, Fcbruary lst, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvile, and was con- ducted by Rev. Harold Turner o! St. PauI's United Church. Internient was in Hampton Cemetery. Pallbearers, ail nephews, wcre Elwood, Douglas and Kcith Shackleton, and Ervil, Lawrence and Meredith Little. Racing Pigeon Club Holds Five Shows Tue Bowmanvllle Raclng Pigeon Club members held a series of Pigeon Shows dur- ing the winter months ta raîse funds ta carry theni through the coming racing seasan. There were four shows or sections with tbree classes in each section and three pos- itions in each class, making a total o! nine birds placcd in ecd section and a total o! 36 birds ta compete in the finals. Tic final show with Mr. Jack Askew o! Oshawa doing the judging, was vcry closely contested with the following winners: Best Young Hen Bird- Piper and Woolacott; Best Young Cock Bird- Len Richards; Best Old lien Bird -Len Richards: Best Old Cock Bird- Len Richards; Best lien- Piper and Wool- acott; Best Cock- Len Rich- ards; Best Bird- Piper and Wollacott's- Young Hen Bird; Bcst Opposite Sex- Len Richards; Blue Bar Cock Bird. Other members placing in thc awards a! tic four shows were Glen Bottreli, Frank Bottreil, Mavin Bras., Jackc Brown, Bruce Stamnton and Robt. Fredericks. Tuere was a total o! 207 birds exhibited in the five shows. LG - H T ING MENER DERo ORONO 1782 Everyone Can Use Extra Noney Apply right away. If you do flot have an AVON Representative calling now, you xnay be living in or near an open territory. You are under no obligation to inquire. Write or 'phone MISS MacKEAN, 528 Peterborough Gilmour Street RIverside 3-4006 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I~RU S IIITORE[S SPECIL. VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK H E A D A C H E ? il N4oney-Saving SPECIALS! I.DA. Brand - Eeg. 40c, 75o Spot Remover *- a 33c, 59c1 A PIRN Oet the Finesi Antacld-Laxaitlve YGU CAN lily! and SAVE MONEY TOO FASRELIE UIN PLLS Reg. size 69e Economy $1.29 W BE READY FOR WINTER WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound aWiTenic time.wlntor's couche a nd colds are Just around the corner. HoIp your family te boter houIth this wintor, bulld vp thoir resistanco te colds... ulve thon, Wampoie Extracâ regulorly ...utort t@dayl 15 OUNCES . $1.59 34 OUNCES $2.89 ECONOMY SIZE f SAVES YOU -70) Ge WM'IEExr i TD' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregorDrg We Deliver Phone MA 3-57921 MÉMSDA, nm. t198lu TEE CA~1ADIA!i STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLI, ONTARTO PAGE SKVE!1 Helene Curtis - 8 os., reg. 99o Creiue Runse - - * 79c Culex Band Cream R eg. 69e 59C Free Comb wlth 15o aixe Brylcreem . . . *. -. 73c Royal Drene - Reg. 49c, 79o Liquid Shanipos - - 39c, 59c Colgale Dental Creani Reg. 50 - 29C Reg. 65c 55C Reg. 98c -- 79c Reg. 1.1999c Richard Hudnut Hair Care Specials EGG CREME SHAMPOO - Reg. 75oe - 49c CREME RINSE - Reg. 75o --A c CREMNE RINSE'N' SET - Reg. 15e - 49c VALENTINE GIFTS Tuesday, February l4th Bilifolds - 98c, 1.79, 2.50 up Cadbury's MIIk Tray Chocolates 80c, 1.50, 3.00 Cadbury's Roses- 65c, 1.25 Cadbury's Red Roses - Asstd. - 1.85 Ronson Cigarette Llghters 3.50up Zippo Cigarette Llghters 3.95 up Other Cigarette Llghters - 49c. 1.98 up Compacts - 2.75 up Guerlain Shalimar Cologne - S41, 5.50 Guerlain Shalimar Perfume $5.50 Max Factor Hypnotique Primitif Cologne 2.25, 4.00 Frlendship Gardon Charmer Set -____ 2.00 Desert Flower Spray Cologne 3.00 OId Spice Atter Shave Lotion - 1.50, 2.25 Old Spice Shavlng Mug_________ 1.50 OId Spice Pre-Electrie Shavo 75c, 1.25 01<1 Spice Smooth Shave________ 1.25 WilliamsIco Bine Aqua Velva 79c, 1.25 Williams Lectrlc Shave __________7e, 1.50 Your Local I.DA Drug- Store TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVME, ONTARIO PAGE srvm