wq~T ~ ~ - - r- j.«&MURDAY, FEB7l6th, 1961 THE CANADIAN STATESMMq, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAI'?U mtitu 9ýRecrecition CRevi*ews * * *Àm9c By D ouglas ftIggmMa Bantam Ilockey counted for the Pirates goals. In the first gamre of tht, Gary Akey and Kcrry Dickens Bantam Hockey league the v-erc the goal scorers for the Pirates defeaied the Ti-er,ý Tigcers. This wvas the first loss 4-2 ta rnove into a second for tl:e Tigers in nine games. laetie in the plnyoff stand-i In the second Bantam game egs."PBuckzy" Hughes, Wiayneiof the maorning the Braves Down and Walter Rickard ac- won a hard fough-t 1-o vie. folL> Indians. Bob Dustan tory over the Cubs. Terry (Grè-9 Corden) accounted for Baker (Terry Walton) scored - - - -~the winning goal for the Bra- vos early in the first period. Each team callected two pen- alties. In the third Bantam game ai the imorningi the Huskies camne up with their first whx r ai the sea.son by deleatlng the Tee Pees 3-0. The win mnoved the Huskies into a sec- - ond place tie in th play-off - standings. Bihl Depew, Wayne jHarricon and Irwin Colwel wera the goal scorers for the Huskies. In the fourth and final Ban- tarr game ai the day the Lions /Pick ai dependable defcated the Flyers 3-1 ta move inta first place in the traveling companion piayoff standinigs. Ricky Gay, were the goal scarers for the a..whereý'er yau go, take Lions. Don McMurter account- 4*Iong Hartford Travel Accident cd for the Flyers only goal. insurance. Get 24-hour-a-day ]protection against the medical expense of accidentai injuries ,during your entire trip-whiile ,you're going, whiie you're there, and on your way back. ]For as littie as 3 days or as Jong as 6 monhs. Sce us for c letails before you go.l STUART R. JANqESý REAL ESTATE! BownxanviIie Residence MA 3-5493 ,Representing .]artford Accident and - Indemnity Comipany, -Member Hartford -- Insuranc.- Croup, ]Hartford, Conn. Pee Wee Hockey In the iirst Pce Wee game ai the day the Bruins scored four times in the final period ta defeat the Wings 4-3 and move into a second place tie in the playofi standings. Paul Meadows, Kent Cleland, Peter Tordu ff md Randy Beauprie accounted for the Bruins goals. Mikze Bothwell, Brian Peters and Ricky Dewell werc the goal scorers for the Wingrs. in the only other Pee Wêe game of the day the Leafs de- fcatcd the Bears 5-0 ta mnove inta a three-way tic for first place in the playoff standings. Terry Smith ( ù), John Cyler and Robert Large wvere the goal getters for the Leafs. Atom League In the first Atomn game of the day the Indians defeatcd the Bombers 5-1 ta move into a first place tic in the play- off standings. Ron Webb (2), Ken Tabb (2) and Don Mc- Mullen wvcre the goal getters the Bombers lone goal. In the second Atomn game of the day the Barons defeat- cd the Giants 4-2 ta moya into LNEW VALUE IN... Deep Frpezers - NERAL FREEZERS 17c.ft. _______$249.00 22 eu. ft. Sizes from 12 to 23 cu. ft. $2S9.OO St £ the Ajax Bargain Centre for Lest deals on FURNITURE and APPLIANCES (New and Used) Refrigeralors.... $49.50 and up Ranges . .. $39.50 and up Harwood Ave. - Just Off No. 2 Highway, Ajax WHitelhall 2-6410 a firat place tie with the In-- dians in the playofi standings. Mitch Donahue (2) and Gary Wilson (2) Were the Baron goal erert. Warren Aldc'r and Sandy Brown accouned for the Giants two goals. In the third and final game the Rams and Harnets played ta a 1-1 tie. The Rams almosi. camne Up with a win but the final buzzer sounded just ha- fore the puck went into the scored the Rams goal. Bobby Howes tied the iscore for the~ iHornets early in the final per- riod. Midget - Juvenile Hockey In the first Midget-Juvcn- le game the Marcons scored three times in the final perioci ta defeat the Orphans 3-1 and move into first place in the playofi standings. Brian Brad- bey (2) and Jerry Falls werc the goal getters for the Mar- oans. Jim McKnight <Joe Bothwell) accounted for the Orphans lone goal. In the second Midget- Juv- enile game the Raiders dec- feated the Gencrals 42 ta move into a second place tic in the playoff standings. Ralph Colo, David O'Rourke and Kcith 1Bal were the goal scorers for the Raiders. Rodney Normarn and Gary Ormiston account- cd for the Gencrals two goals.1 Games Scheduled for Sat-I urday, February 18th. Pee Wee League 7:00 a.m.-Canadians vs Leafs 7:45 a.m.- Wings vs I-awks 8:35 a.m.- Bears vs Rangers Bantam League 9:20 a.m.-Huskies vs Pirates 10:20 a.m.-Tigers vs Braves 11:05 a.m. - Lions vs Cubs 11:55 a.m.-Tee Pees vs Flyers Atom League 12:40 p.m.-Bisons vs Giants 1:40 p.m.-Barons vs Bomber:, Lions Midget-Juvcnile Lea.-ue 2:25 p.m.-Raiders vs Orphans 3:10 p.m.-Comets vs Generais Girls Broombali In the Broombaîl game played last Monday afternooni the Violets defeated the Ros- es 1-0 ta mave int a first Place tiec ith the Daisies. Anne Reader scored the winn- ing goal with less than a min- ute ta play in the game. The next scheduled Broomba 1 1 game will he next Mondny, February 2th. Daisies vs Violets at 5:00 p.m. Legion Bow'1n1g1 A pair ai major upsets xverce recorded in the Legion Boxil- ing League, hast Tuzsday night, as the standings tight- ened up considerably. Bates moved from fourth ta third on a stunning 7-0 upset xin over Martyn's beagu.-leatdcrs. Sarnis handed Perfect a 5-2 sctback ta edge vvithin fiva points ai the pa-cotters, while the other up:Et ravi Yeo, winless throughout the second schedule, trauncing Taylor 7-0. Their first vicicory sprung the winners out of the cellar, with Taylor ta Ki ng over. Pete Dobbins rolled 652 ta capture high triple honour21, with other highs gaing ta Bill Bates-643 and Keith Yo- 6038. Ernie Perfect had the hiizh single game ai 274, fohiowed by Norm Mooney- 271 Frank Samis-260, Pete Dobbins-1 JOLL AND BUDAY IN EASTERN PLAYOFFS Txva af Bowmanville's top lady bowlers qualified for the Encst2rn Canada playoffs, soon ta be held ln Guelph. Six aut cf 23 entranrts la the zone roll-off, held Saturday at Libcrty Bowl, will meet with ather zone winners for the É'cht ta rapresent Eastern Canada against the West in the Ladics' Grop Cup ai Bowling at St. Catharines. Doris Joli came up with a 1981 total for elght games ta finih in third place, averaging 248 a game. Her -ister, BErniccEBudcy, wvasn't for bchind, in fifth position, with a 2-11 avoragec for a 1924 total. That's tremendous bowling in any lcaguei! Tcp bavler was Vera Page, averaging 255 for a lofty 2040 score. The winners are as follows: V. Page 2040 255 B. Ross 2013 252 D. Joil--_______ 1981 248 1. Mothocrsihi 1935 242 B. Budlay -__ 1924 241 B. Rose 1858 232 t t t 14 t MIDGETS IIERE TO-NIGHT AND SATURDAY Eowvranville will play bath games ai their total goal Midgct s2ries on home ice this weck against Ajax. The opcner Laocs tonight at 8 o'clock with the second gamne shated f-ar (:M Satuirday night. The locals, aitor dropping the finit gamne 43, came back ta defeat Whitby 5-2 ta take the round 8-6. Ajax and Lindsay battled ta a 3-3 tie here hast Thursday, and Ajax won the second cacounter. I i t t t JUVEN!TlLrES MM-ET TRENTON SATURDAY Fa11owing the Midget game Saturday night, the Juven- îles wvilI hock up with Trenton in the sacond game ai a hast' of thrc2 Juvcniie raries, starting at 8:30. The op2ning, game ai the serrcs ;vas played hart night ini the Air Force city. The locols dofeatcd hitby 6-3 in the third andl dacid-1 ing gaime, after each club hand won once. Bawmanvilie took1 the first rme 5-2 and led 3-0 in the second, but Whitby, roarcd back ta xin 5-3 and tie up the scries.1 Hoxv do you figure these twa clubs piaying in a league ah -ec:n, cnc knocking the other out in the plaofis, andý Trciiton gats a bye inta the next round ta meet the winner?i In the ict group, Lindsay, Ajax and Whithy ahi vent intoý the piayoffs ,vithout playing in a league. Why, with Bow-1 manx-ilie, Cobourg and Part Hope wasn't a six-teamn loop! formced? And how about Cobourg and Port Hope - Thcyl have teams - Are they going ta be allowed ta meet the ultimate wînner in this district? We understand the winner here meets the Port Hope- Cobourg winner. tt i, i.t tt aSmiior terrific sovings on tailpipes, exhauzt- LOCAIL MEMBERS REACE ONT. SEMI-FINALS Spipes for ail popular cars. Twa Oshawa ladies, who are memb2rs af the Bow-1 AS LOW AS Championships, last week. Doreen Reddoch and Kay Hop- CHEVRLET .53$ 3.0 FOR V8 8-59 9.40k- manieBadmitonhClub, inseoed w ell in the Otr CHEVOLET6 5 $ 580 ORD 8 5.59 .40by Deoathy Tinhine and Marg Shedd, who went on ta capture CHEVROLET 6-8 rs-co 7.25 MERCURY 52-54 11.23 the ladies' daubles crown. "iiEV-iOLE76 - à7 .23 ERCRY 5-5612.55 I DODGE 6, SmaII 49-59 7.98 MERCURY Dual 55-56 11.93 t t t t t FORD V8 42-48 6.e.9 PLYMOUTiI 49-59 7.98 SHAIMROCKS FACE BIG WEEK FORD, METEOR 49-54 6.30 PONTIAC 6 42-50 5.80u Bowmanville Shamrocks, after leadlng the league at FORD, METEOR 55-56 7.75 PONTIAC 6 51-53 6.10 temdwymr nteshdlnwfn hmcvste FORD 6.8 57 9.10 PONTIAC 6 54 6.03 temdwymr nteshdlnwfn hmcvste FORD 6-8 58 9.40 PONTIAC 6 !C.57 7.25 for third, fallo\ving a disastrous slump, over the past month. FOR 6 8-5 9.0 PNTh~C ~3G0 .25The Mýaceadcnians fram Toranto have assured themselves of ALSO AVAILABLE FOR FOREIGN CARS.. a first place finish, while Trenton holds dawn second place - ~ INSTALLATION SLIGHTLY EXTRA with O:hawa third and Bawmanville faurth, one paint behind -Oshawa. The Shanwocks wifl be striving ta overtake Trenton The osî elcone Gfts ornefromthis wek as the tearm wlnding Up highest in the 'B" graup- The ýst elcoe Gits cme fom ng wiIl gain the advantage of the odd game at home came ~ i The Flyers are two points up with a single game ~ ~ remain,*ng at home Friday night against Oshawa. The W WTIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO. - ASSOCIATE STR Shamroclks face a big test in the next week, meeting Orono Friday nigaht in Newcastle and Oshawa in Whitby, Monday night. A postponed encounter remains ta be played with r KN T .A. B Y r p oT he final home game was last night against Orono., '5KN STW.BOWMANVILLE MArket 3.3134 The Orphans have a lot ta say in the final finish with bath ______________________________________________________________Orono-Bowmanville gamnes four-point affaira. the gap durlng the paut three weeks. The Fan Belts and Trigers set the pace in individ uat scoring, wîth each team plac- ing three bowlers among the high scores. Bill Joîl racked up games ai 281, 263 and 235 ta takae high triple honours with a 779 total. Other highs went ta Ted Bagnell-771, Frank Mohun-730, John Carter- 703. George Sellers-679, Art Farrow-668, Alton Richards -643 and Lloyd For3ey-642. Ted Bagnell's 324 game led the wvay for top single, fol- lowed by Howard Davey-299, H-oward BTronell-97. John Carter-278, 269; Frank Mo-. Goodyear hun-273, Art Rowe-271, Stu G o dy ar Cnrson-269 and Bill ht B owling MnsStandins Pts In ast Thurs -day night's Fan Beits 2 action the Comb nes dowvned Bis ~29 theMacineShp 5-2 ta take Tigcrs -------------22 over soie POzsession ai fîrsl Machine Shop-- 21 place. The Doits suffer-d a Cornets ------ 5-2 setback at the hnn1ds aif thi.Bavs1 Tigrrs to drap out ai a tic OfIce --- - ---- -1 ,,er top spot inta Ihird. Thie Eraiders --- 141 Fan Brîts clozcd the gap wvîtil Lead Press--------9 a7-u srhut-Out Vwîn 1ovar ile Laies taning Office, that ca-rried thiem- inta Pis second, tw.o points off the 1Poitiniris--«-.*------- 27 puce. it 'vas the third ii!D iiîgh--------erages _ 1 sceCtLvc lors for the xaitc-- , AerGe Ave coharcr~vlavig teminArnoid Lobb _- 18 227 cighth pocition. The Conetsi trouinced the call1ar-dwoihingiTcd EmgocIl ---_ 18 226 Lcad Press ta tic the ma-ch- 1'rznk \,ilùoun -- 12 2 2 - inists for ffth and the Bravos Jack Rond -------_ 18 2 23 coftiluing on thcir upward Pal Armnstrong .....3 20" surgýe. datdthe B3raîdersiJohn iCarter-----18 20U to Mve ntosixt spt. ill Shotto1 r - -18 204 ta moveinta sith spot---------i-h- - 18 204 Pecgy Frank iglh-lightcdi Bill Holroyd 18 203 the ladies division with a bi,,,,Banny 1King,,--- 15 202 297 gz-'me ta set the hli-h sin--le Chiariie Vanstone 18 201 record for the searan. Pro. John Stainton -- - 18 201 viaus hiCh was Brenda Oke's Art Spicer .... .. 15 201 287 ln the first sedule. Pcg- gy irlaohd the high triple Whcn a congregation sleeps of 605, wilh Brenda'next at it's thec parson wha" needs wak- 585 and runner-nip for top ing up. single at 253. The PetLunias downcd the Daisic.s 7-0 to ecx- Nothing- makes one feel so tend their lcad ta 12 points, strong es a call for help.- after the Daisies Lad closed George Macdonald. lTomato Sauce Reg. 2 tins 35c-SAVE 4a HEUNZ SPAGHETTI 3 15o in 9 R-g. 2 tins 35c-SAVE 4a 3015-o ors 1 Reg. Jar 29c-SAVE 4o 16-or jar ? % C Reg. 3 tins 32c-SAVE 5* 65-oz tins 5 9c Weekend Super-Right Quality Meat Features FEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF MEATY BLADE BLADE BONE REMOVID *Ï-OR7W ROSS RIB LEAN4 SHORT CUT SUPER-RIGHT ALI MEAT J1ST HEAT 'N SERVE Aligood, Sr-.oked, Siiced, RindIcss SID E A O 1-bpkg59C Sca Seald - Canada inspucted SO0..r PORVIONS l 5 5c sca C,-zlc, Fisi arA Chip Reg. pkg 49-SAVE 6a HADDOCK DINNER 16-oz pkg43c COFFEE SALE 1-lb bug 63C SAVE 4c 1085 SAVE lOc fliOffAff AH1wnc a ACIPIC ftA COMPAN4Y TO Ail Prices ln This Ad Gueranteed Through Bat., Feb. là. 1961 lb69 FFre.sh Fruit & Vegea'able5, 1 C RADE TABDLE STOC P.El. POTATOES 10lb bag 39C 5O-lb bag 1.59 CALIFORNIA, FANCV GRADE, A&IP LABEL NAVEL ORANGES .5-lb «o"0mg79e C 0L So qAFANCIY GRADEL COLDSTOMGE STOCK, ONTARIO G.ROWN McIi4TOSHf RED APPLES 4b coolobag 3 9C J!à - I Teenaige Bowling Teenage Boys Brown 7 Rundle 0, Masan 7-Gould 0, Rackham 4 - Vanstone 3. Pts. Vanstone .._______32 Brown 31 Mason __________25 Rundle ~-.______21 Gould .______ 9 Rackham n 8 Teenage Gil- Luxton 7 Paeden 0, Bah 7- Munday 0, Vanstone 5 - Coombea 2.* ets. Luxton 26 Paeden ______20 Munday -________il) Junior Boys- Beauprie 5 Carter 0, Perfect 5 - Burgess 0, Etcher 5 - Coombes 0. Ps Etcher _________. 22 Beauprie ~21 Burgess 18 Perfect ____15 Coombes ...10 'Carter ---------------------------4ý Junior Girls -Oke 5 - Dad- son 0, Osmond 5 - Kitson 0, Brown 3 - McDonald 2. Pts. Oze - --------------------- ----8 McDonald 10 Kitson ------ 2 High Triples Tenag,,e Boys- L. Vesna 617, D. Brown 614. Tcenage Girls- H. Van- stone 582, M. Munday 513. Hig-i Doubles Junior Boys- R. Richards 355, R. Perfect 323. Junior Girls- K. Oke 347, A. H-ayes 295. Hi7l-h Singles Teenage Boys- D. Brown 297, L. Vcsna 235, 203, J. Brown 226, R. Hately 225, 215, B. Flint 220, J. McKnlght 214, L. Taylor 204, G. Griffin 202, J. Carter 201*R. Lander 200. Teenage G!'rls- M. Mun. day 213, H. Vanstane 210, S. Combes 200J Junior Beys- R. ]Richards 200, R. Perfect 200. Junior Girls- A. Hayes 185, X. Oke 182. Bowvling will be at the usual time this Saturday. MO0NEY AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES RALPH S.',JONES Barrister and Solicitor 130 King st. E. Oshawa RA 8-6246 252, 235; Koith Yeo-247, Vernit y Ev n Connorcý-244, Ron Johnson- 243, Russ Hayes-241 andWh ID Ev n ïMaxie Yourth-240. Teain Standings ps e isa u s Sanis 28Blow 3-O Lead Bates -----23 Perfect 21 Playing as If they had the Yeo il game in the bag, Bowmanville Taylor lu .found themselves on the short _______________ end of a 5-3 score as Whitby came roaring from behind a 3-0 deficit ta even the best af t\fternoon three juvenile series aton game aplece, last Thursday B owlijn~g night i hty Marion Gibson's team wvas value for the win, as their the cnly tbaa ta win bath nevcr say die tachecs, which ,allies on Feb. 10, scoring2 nearly earned them a first Con>, vr ois H 2ry game decision, paid off. Thr Ail othur teams split their locals helped the Whitby po.nts. -I~i game, went tacas by turning in perhaps Atidr.,y Eickell 004. Joyce their poorest effort of the LY1.3 had higil double 478, with season. Eina Etcnor right bohind wih The lone goal of an evenly 477. Ovor 200 gamocs went ta played opening period came Ena Etcher 267I, 210, Joyce at the 5:32 mark with John Lyle 240, 2333, OCie Patfîeld Twist scoring on a pass from 25, A lyce I-odgson 224, Fran Ken Coverly, witli Tran af Allin '223, Marg Coyle 209 Whitby off for clipping. and Lil Hooper 204. Jim Riekard finally hit Tcam Standings mid-way through the iniddle Team Pis. session, aiter the locals had ]ici:,hl ----. -- 9 held a wide margin in the ScElirs --------- -------------8 play. floug James and Alex Lyle------.. -------.. 7 Wiseman drew assists on thic Ducl:nl .---------- ----7 play. Wiseman made it 3-0 at GibQoii-------- 6 the 15:35 mark, but insteadi RI-chards --- -------... 5 af folding, the home club just Pa'tficld ------- -------- S battled harder and rewarded Holroyd-------------- 1 in the final minute when Ev- Averages ertt scored just as Brent Hu- Joyce Lyl - -----------_213 ghes returned from a tripp- Ena Etniher------------------ -21-3 ing sentence. Au<rcy Biokl-l-------.. _210 Whitby applied the pres- Ollie Patfiold--------- - --187 sure all thraugh the final Lii Ilocopor---------- ....175 stanza, while Bowmanville's Alycc HocigEon 173 lachadaisical play leit goalie Doit Brcoks- - -------- - 170 Grant Wright unprotected lBoUL'y Rcihards 169 most af the time. Pat Dradd------------ 163 Fletcher cut the margin to Marion Gibon ------------- - 161 a single goal at the eight se- Miarion 2Malcy------158 cond mark, and tîcd the score E-ca Sc1ar.-r,.---- 156 two minutes and 33 seconds Sadc i icl:ncll 152 later. Moore, the smallest Doris I-iolroyd -------_ 151 player on the !ce, iired the Jean Loba 149 evental winner mid - way Vi Nýorrirvh 149 thraugh the periad and con- Dn î -"r1E211 --------------- 146 verted a pass from Fletcher D/brg Covle -------.------ 146 for the clincher at 13:35. Ma- Kavý Dodds------------145 ore was also in on bath Flet- l3oinie 1\icDonald -------142 cher goals, ta lead the Whitby Glaclys I4ahm -------. ý--- 142 comeback. SPORTOPICS INSURANCE Ring St. E. Office MA 3-5681 HEIN EEK AI Heinz KETCHU June Parker BaYkeÀry Feafures B3aked ln A&P's Own Bakery Sy rAcxler Bakers JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE .ach doi C Reg. 59c - SAVE 10o Stock Up Vour Frcc::cr At Ti Low Price 0 JANE PARKER ORANGE 011VTON CAKE Reg. 59c S AVE 10o Reg. btl 23c-SAVE à* 1l-o b1121 C Reg. 2 tins 27c-SAVE 5* 4 10-or tins 49C Vgetarian (In Tomota Sauce) Bread 'n Butter HEINZ PICKLES Hinz (Alil Varieties) 8-oz pkg 45 C THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE mm [la ER BEDLER £ài ORONO .1782 BEEF PRI»ME RIMM ROAST