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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1961, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Many Fine Reports Trinity Con gregation Holds Annual Meeting THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO Driver Thrown Out, Car Breaks Telephone Pole Trinity United Church's an- Dewell, treasurer. A total of mission studv thev enjoved a nual Congregational Meeting $36,825.46 was received in skating part.v, St. Patrick*sI ,vas held in the church aud'- church offerings. Expenditures; Tea. placed lilies in the church, torum n MndY, January %vithin the budget totalled for Easter, attendedaCm 3flth. with tUe minister, Rev. $22,562.88 which was well Rallv and had a Mother and . ý Wm. K. Housiander, presiding. within the 1960 budget of $23,- Daughter Banquet. S25. w-as The meeting opened with a 887.50. Ini addition the church raised for missions.________ brief worship service after debt xvas reduced by $8,000.001 C.G.I.T. report given by Miss' which the reports fromn the and $7,451.64 was spent 011 Corrine Elliott, under lUe 1ad- church organizations w e r e renovations and furnishings. ership of Miss Snelling, Mis given. Earl Osborne acted: Property Committee report Wearn and Miss Fisher. The! asscetr.given bY Chairman J a c k studY book is entitled "Wel î Session report, given by the Brough showed a bus.v veari Belong Together." A candl1ie0,ýý1Il .M.' Clerk Earl Osorne, showed Il which included re-dccorating'ligcht service xvas! members received by transfer the church, new lighting s:,7s-:December. Crafts have 11--i with 37 by profession of faith, terri, signal systemri for choir cluded the making of faney 28 funerals and 4.5 baptisms and Sundav school, a nexv set'pompoms and a mural illus- durngtheyerWithamm of main doors, painting the. trating tUe world-widesm . . .. bership roll of 1229 members. gallerv floor. carpeting of bols of the churcb. There are 1 »' Reot fvros . stairwa"'s and othex- chur-ch 25 members on the roll. U': tios rveaedtha orania-furnishings. Treasurer of the, Wornen's Missionary Soeiety 846,93.21 ws the um ofMissionary and Maintenance report wsgvnb r.D-~ rasdduigCommittee, AfAln eot 1960. Committee of Stewards AlAinreot -id Alldread. president. The repor wasgive by . M.ed an increase in the givings scciety ed1 eua et this year with $11,034.45 beiýng.ings with 90 members enroil-i forwarded to the M. & M. De-,ed. During May and Novem-ý MORT AGE pa rtment. ýber pot luck luncheons were NO M EGirls' Mission Band report lield and in the month of Sep- ý was given by Mrs. 0. Plunq- tember a joint meeting withl L GANS lmer. Girls are under the lea- the evening group was held. dership of Mrs. 0. Plummer Special missionarv programs. and Mrs. G. Elliott. There are1 were conducted. $ .1,221.8wa Toby o e 0gil h of' $3nd23he relized for m.tissions. epot-Late Saturday night, this car driven by Russell and King Sts. Its di-iveî-ess path was stopped w-hen iosu $.23wsri ed Mr.taeEnine urte ryr- Wilson, Jane St.. was in collision with one driven byi it bit the steps of AI Davis' groeerv store. Foxtunatel-, Toth WM.S it a mhmmerm William Bates, Flett St., Bowmanville. Mr. Wilsoný no injuries resulted, but damage W*as extensive. Bell was given by Mrs. D. Alldread ship of 49 and Il ife mcn-! was thrown Out of the car following the impact, withi staffs wvere on hand Sunday to replace the pole. To make major in the absence of Mrs. C. G.' bers. Regular monthly meet- bis vebicle snlappingoff a telephone pole at Onitariol y Photo by Gai-y MacDougcali MritUe leader. There are! îngs were held with three sup- ý -- - AsoiainIe improvements 32 boys on tUe roll. Activities per m~eetings. Members as .veî as.seeia---a&-s-_oo- iU for the year included informe on donaions for Koran work PA A r Wel stsciation Wednesdahe To ref inance bc, rsan1raî.enter-isicnary topies by reading a adteCne Scev ALE G K cvý esing xx-itonPreint Mr tainment for the Famnil.\Party, 'total -cf 282 books. ThroughMao .D.Ueacer s oie n vnngwt rsietMs a Christmas party and a pic- a special projeet a layette wva Mr.D.Wtrs 1o-eda- Mr. and Mrs. Cec il Rahiii Mrs. Ax Ii Beech. attended Robert Bothwell iin charge. cni. $30.95 was forwarcled te made and given to the loc~al other xer.y sîecccssfuil year fo-' Mî-s. Richard Griffin. alltoci'tUe StedtLîe vdig Tesri îs iueM- Victoria nd Grey !he Presbyerial Tresurer fortUepiWomaor a Association. un-WoBurketon, calun-eduoneMrs.caAll-onatrBensfordt ChurcUd and h a d- Donaldna gaveveUerereportt and VictriaandGre tU misbyiors. Tresurerfor asned *fith v. eder President Mrs. T. Buttery. mer Beech last Wednesdav. ding reception afterwards, at'Uank balance cf $129.67. Mrs. TRUST COMPAN Susan Quintoni reported for;Worlds Day of Prayer and Ffengoe ad33mmIMr. Peter Newton, Parrv tUe home of Mr. and Mrs.lBert Budai read the Januari-v 437Geoge t. UeExpore gilscf he.rit WMS.Sunav 0 pri., rsl11contrîbutiog to it s uc- Sound, spent a few days w'ith Harry Larmex-, South Mona- minutes. and tUe annual Home chuircl numbering 26 mem- World Friends were supplied ces.l'leears projects In- his son-in-laxv ancd daug'hter,, ghan, on Friday eveningadScolcnetnteh PETERBOROUGH bers, jinder tUe leadership cf te tlhe girls' 'Mission Band. tesevngc lnhi Mr. and l'vrs. Ken Maybery \!Mrs. Chartes Rankine, osUi- Ueld ApriI 5 and ri)xx'ý1 mn- ___________________Mrs. F.__Lundy. Along withiThis g-prasd$0 foat toc congregational meeting,' and famil. aa sagetc Mrs. Ax-l-,ticned. 1-ihestpoits foi- par- a dinner for tUe mon w'oikers' cf Ue hurh nd er -ouîm Recent xisitors xith Mr-. and mner Beech onr Saturdprv even- ent coint %vas wvon by MVr) oups.h efreshmans for voieh Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Betty ing. Lockwoods i-oon. senior mnembers' CUir i s t ni a s' were Reverend and Mrs. Stan- Mr. and Mos. T. S. Dickson' Four- parcnts and fouir tea-, party \were also served. Bales' 1ev Sno\-deni and familV, Miil- and Kar-en were dinner guests cher-, teck part in a panel dis- Li r, 4% o f f u sedcIcotîîing were sent to brook, Mr. and Mrs. William cf Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe, cussien about var-ious ni-oblenis; Overseas relief aind several Lewis and famil>-, Bowman- Couî-tice, last Vvedncsdav on, intUe two schools. Mrs. Ken' lavtte sîiped oi Untaranville. Mr. and Mrs. James Ew- tUe occasion cf Mrs. Dicksoî sý Maybe-v acted as, moderator' laex-ie inhie d rîle ast.' ing and David, Seveni Islands, bimthdav.-ndtUe' other tiîoee parents. New- fîrnishings wAere s u ebec Mr. and Mos Ws, were Mrs. Jack l-ltî-îie, Mor.ý 0plied foc the manse and iîexvw n n os bîee oeadSho Eugene Dobbs and Mî-s. D. steves for the church kitchen.1 Mr- and Mrs. Elmer Herring. -Maple Grox-e Home a nd Bailev. Teachers w'ere Mr-. W. j The Faîl Fair was a major Osh;IawAa. called on Mrs. AvI- --- . - . - preleci xith pooceeds amounlt- mier Becech one ex-coing last FEBRUARY * ing to $1170. TUe W. A. xvas week. able te, support Korean chil-, Mr. and Mî-s. Edgar Eley Some folk do not like Februat-v. dico. give assistance to VicIer and Edgar Jr.. Port 1-1ope. They think its weather's rou-lh, Home for Girls, Camp Pre- called on Mr. and Mrs. Jimii But onie«'things extraordinary. u tonsa, Eapiscourt Home for'Laverty on Saturday ex-coing.Itsasarsotengh SPECIAL! ~~~~~chîldren and a contribution cfi Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whittick I' asaesoteogi $2.500 tethie local clîurch gen-, Oshaw'a, were guests cf Mr. And when at last it passes b\, eral fund. and Mrs. Ken Mayberry on And gives one wintry f lin.g. Doug Wiglit. the past pîesi-, Saturday ex-coing. XVe do not even mmnd it - wv 1960 O LD S 2-U K . H A RD TO P :dent, gave tUe repor-t for tUe' Mrs. Ai-lmer Beech accomi- Because the next month's Spring. Jakand Jîll Club, wvlich'panied Mr. and Mrs. Harold, n eîuayscnineet c "98 SERIES" EXECUTIVE'S CAR. LOW MILEAGE. showed a suc-cessful 'ear xith Ornîiston cf Enfield te visi î ndFor tlin.secthdgreat bravadome a irneiiibcirsltip cf 85 couples. Mc. and Mrs. Stanley Gray i o hn ihgetbaao (Sold neiv for $6,500). This car is fully power equipped with every option Meetings are heldcri tUe first Oshawa on Sundax-. Cornes Mr-. G-ound-hog. out te sec, tha culdhoinsaledat hefacor. Tuesdav cf tUic month: somE, StepUien Bridai, Scarhorough.- If lie cati see his shadew. tha coldbe nstlld a th fctoy-meetings wvere edticationat aod spent the weekeild with h;s, And then of course, what better wv 100% GUARANTEE soi-e recreational. Corniz-A- parents, Mr. and Mrs. ert, oep-s u oesbie iPoppin tUe annutal show net-' Budai. T xrs u oesbie ted $1.234.918. A Public Ad-! Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Beechý Than on a cettain special day, dress sYstem x,as înstallcd ini and Janice, accompanied -byi To send a valentine. tle S11indav Schoot. and a tapei With roses red and violets blue recorder pui-chased for the use' members as follows: R in 3'Ail whispering that "I love vou" 'cf the church. A donation w'as Richiards. Asst. General Suip-, m rade tc tUe Benex-olciit Fund erintendeîît; Ken Hockin. Sup- 1 think 1 should be quite contrai-v 19 5 H V.B L I 4 D . E ANiand aise te the churcli generalý erintendent of Junior, Inter- I I should dislike Febx-uaî-v. V-8 Engine (completely overhauled), Power Glide transmission, fund.ten apesn El-afockndit n1SnorD9rt6___- .Cunningharn ar1 U o-rsdnt o 91.- rneiits: Miss Helen Nelles, Sup- -_____ tinted glass, power brakes. Christian Educalioxi Com-lerintendent cf tUe Primary, i-L L AL2 miîtee report was given bv Dept.: Mm-s. L. Dewell, Super-, 100% GUARANTEE :Mrs. C. Iv-es iii the absence cf' intendent cf the Kindergarten I the chairman. G. Eliott. This Department: Mrs. E. Shaeke 1-! ij Comiiîittee along xvith the ton. Superintendent cf tUe Bc- ' Jack & Jili Club sponsored ginners' Departruent; Jack sud' 41 K e o r d i k tUe church picnic in June. Jill Club over tUe NurserY, K e o r d i k H Dolegates xvore senlte con-. Ken Sumersford. Genci-al Se- 1954 CHEV 4- R. S DANferences at Five Oaks and El- reta-'x- Bruce Colxxell, Ass't. j 1954 CHEV 4- R. S DANgin flouse and Young People Secretai-y: Mrs. RalpU Ames.' at Kingston. A Senior Meim- Treasu-er. Coine in and ask to see this low price farnily car. Clean inside and out. bei-s Comnmitice lias been or- Regelai- management coni-C o d to g In beautiful condition. At a price you can afford to pay. gtUiencd s Ivoe 2s td ne no+ d e ei cf areahin-r 100% GUARANTEE members and adhereîiîs cf tUe Training Classes xvere held Ini41I cUu-c. A Christmuas Paî-tx- f'-> Novemnber. The tise cf duiplenx i tUe senior menhers and al- offering envelopes for- tht j ilerents w-as held xxith al, ah- Suniclax- School studeîîîs îe- 411 flore is a list of Sales Personnel %vho %%ill take a personal interest in tenldanc c(of 8.5. A\ Sunida\-. stilted .i gi-atîx- inoera'; ' you atonotvenedsStlicol TeT-hr a i ni i n ggixingcs. Coemîencing Jz-iiniaicx' your autoînotve needs . .Cour. e xx'as Ueld in Novembsu- 1961 the Junior. Intemmei e~1I JOHNNY WALKER JONSTT oîîsîstino f teon sessions dent- sud Senior Depacrinentstiie r SID NICHOLS STEW PRESTON ing ith Iachin mfrein.,i DOUBLEwas W ALL Ilr FRED OWEN '~Bible sttîdy and audia-visual 12:10 to 9:45 ar..efoîe tUe 41,1D O1LE WLL I FRD IVNTED MILLER aids morîiinZ ctîtîclî service. BILL FAIRHEAD As couiî,il 1er foi- the Yotiiîcý r.McxHOuslanuder paid ti ibtîte Pooplc's Union tex-. Hotislan- 10o theo ccgaliîz:t:oiîs cf tue 4il Gelluinle hand-wov-en rattan froin the Sobultl Seas, decroportcd a siccossfel x-e-jî-clircli. Tlîe increased atte c- vIîlî -gia vekx iegs dauce and particinatiou ini di coisistiiig cof diýzccssioiî aroups essions. actixities. and xo~ 41ili11 tbe se graciotus îîîgs...Eqully u t home year anlsuia ici'iic.TU :n f thie -arnicis cciiniittees auir! ' GO.0.0 regcurdless Of SNOW FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING [ET US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES De-Skidding gives you 25% more traction, iftcreotes tire life 15%. Drive safely ini inow ond slush -- your tires need flot be FOR HEAVY SNOW DRIVING LET US CUT SNOW CLEATS Do oway with choins -we con cut mud and snow clects on your present tires t t wilI pull you through in safety. * OnIy$25 Per Tire ~'ER&WY U!J Ai- - 2 - A- --- - -e lot or mr in new.. MSULATED MUGS , i ietttdl.N- uxlaî<l betý% e Iithe double 'iails of r'r-ound in îmmv'îî or country . . . fo i n ch, diîîmier, A spcîal "inie"Offcr 'ac~ ~ ~ Mu hi' SIlmgk8.25 Value l'SULATE') MU( 1 Ii]LED lot c' iei-l'Ii e ITH (lLfi'N R.IlE DRLCIOUS I COTTAGEI CHEESE Light Blue, !k .filled 7 5 c You may purchase a e k during nexi eight weeks. Pif - -L Th~~~~~~~'-le nonmination repocrt fi 1crd rfotyo rGe a D ie rp 'l __iStewvard s aîîd Trtustees xva- ' Ifyour house needs -gie b\roî V rdr ro ou GenRi rierorp II fixinlg up, see the B cf M> vears: Messrs. Clare Garton. Ili about INHom Art Hooper. Ken Stuiiersford j a outa ow-cost HmeImprovement DonaldAnrsnJae li 1' 'V fJIIUVLoan Reavabe inmonti 'Frank, Cordon Lamont. Don-" 'My liii Uf l oo.lli bl n onhY ad Gilhoole %,anîd J am es E ---- istomens -at nly6% ij Crombie, making a total cf 3 ti:iiinterest per annum. IM RV E ýted for five xears: Messrs. r Clarence Hockin and Albertj Cole, making il Trustees inLP OE M I3AN1r~ 0 .lN4I0N~1~.EAL WIynotdropitoyour -The meeting was broughtb<IIP1O 1E M B.4NK OF M NTRETUe memnoersradjourned rtt n-eighbourhood B of M a close by- the Beniediction. 98 King St. W branch today? Sunday Sehool Hall where ce-1 Iî ~_______ rfreshments were served by thei . .. - - _ ýurchase at Glen Rae Dairy, Ni LE DAIR' A 3-5444 ing St. W. ýY £ I~IlI j~îii~ I~lII I~îi' JiIî~ ~II, bli> ~lI~ IiI~ bu' bîi~ bu" b"' I I M\o!1tins. Mrs. MN. Elakelv. Mr. Lockw\%ooci and Miss Johnson. One inc\- nember waý en- rolîedrd nar the end of talc meeting and lunch w-asý ser\-ed by those in charge. (irelle Meeting The "U atid F' Cýrct.e reet- ing was held al, the home of Mrs. D. Bailex- last Tutesda\v ex-enin ý with* Prosident Mrs. Jim Holtbv ýn charge. The meeting opcnied \w-ith a hyý.ni1 and prav or. A discussion x\ a- held on the St. PatrickYs supper to Lic held at the ehurch in March. It w-as decided tUal, the groîîp members would sel! tickets for* a cooking school. Themne of the worship ser- vice xvas -Work'. f Those in charge were MUrs. I-Iarv-oBrooks, Mrs. Div-e Bo*thwc-l Jr., Mrs. R. W7lliamnson and Mlýrs. Lloyd Snowdon. iRcadings wvore gtiven bv. Mrs. Ken Flint and '\rs. D. Baile.\- MiNs. Hl. Brooks; conductod somo c (ontests and lunch xvas srfd.Numbor prosent. wa, Maple (Grove Bi- ýw'1 c- hold a skating~plt on tie Couîr- ltice rink last Tuoscla.v ee i ng. Loadoî-' prosont vw oco - --Z- ffluw - , ý %Dý , 'M' - 1- - - - IMAéý:ý'ýl' 1 1 THURSDAY, F'EB. 16 961 Brown 0w-I Mrs. Wallv ,til- well. Crav 0\0 Mrs. John Noble and TwnvOm- Mrs. Jimn ColEss. Ail report a good t inrue. .\kolus Bob Barrabaîl and Bort StioNxcdon and thieir assist- ants supervisecd a Sixers rani- ble on Sividav Mien Patrol leajers fromi both Packs en- io ved a cook out iucar Gaud's Creek. FINE QUALIT. MIONUMENTS A NLIRKERS 4 I.& e0m"t.l. ir, v.Ofl# f pe".Om OF STAFFORD lac BROS. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 318 Diundas St. F. %Vhitby Plhone %1iîitby MO1haik 8-3552 -ýd -fýe -1ýl 9l"eni

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