71JTE CANAflIAN STAý-TESMAN. ON1L. ONTARIO _______ THURSDAY, F'E~B By Kathileen i)orrell 'Fi tivs- c)fî M c ',, F k ?~tif.t,? Kemp.~~ catit-'; h-mg and iaiiror!ran:.s c. A quez-> 1;tiîver, t-;or*Lhvard ad:su'Iv-ro sma e r for l. v:e aî x rei rvr 'Fn-t. lo! i' 'noulwncd th?' M E.rlBzi ., . .u nlcc'n;nuf Agri- c'ulture Annual Consvention ' OtisaFeb. 2. He ai-o ol aj:ied tiý,e i ur f r o 'v OFA. ne tiie Hsdro Puxsc-- operaed fenre cc;î-lc i c r Motioni uar--eci tuat %ssc stior' tIiý cesolut1oti. OF.\. Feciia;Dze -e Ci cv' ,as-e a rcsîîîe of thie brc-f xx'lîci the OFA. pcc'serîled te !.ie Prime Mn-trandcî îcv- bcrs of tlîc Omt. Cabîiet.M Crone statcd that thierecu iens anvd polics' or OFA. liai beci; s-v e l--sc]rmcccixecl. '.\lotion smaspascapoliî :n-g ie PresidrittIo citafi i resnluii 01rn. c-oi;ipctsaticiî prclieriv' cauiagpeci' ali; iiic k ifcd 'or niaiiied bx îîîvîcîîtii ficd hunIers." Motion passrcf to g;x ethie Juniîor Fatmuecs Itue aiiiuiai OBITUARY SIRS. ISABELLE TIIOMPSON ti fa i l iî Ilîcalîtilforthtîe last six mionths. Mi's. [sabellp Elizabeth Thionpson iî < cc (m ai licds-Fhiu~s .10 Chvristie av'enue, Oshvawxa. Sue( %vas 9:3. Borninlitielimigtot t. l'el). . 1878.the formver I s a be 1 I c Leask mîîacried lie !aie Frait t Tlîonpsoî ai Rslati dFerai. Taumnton. Ap',il 6. 1897. Sic sm-as ai; OslIua s a rer-mt-t fr r-seen 'cars, Mrs. Tlîoiîsuii ssas a îîî';- ber of the Noi';Iitii ;istc-i' Uit r- ccl CIl;iirciandci ie Wciiait, s Ar-soc!ietioti fo I i aI 'ncl Sile s-,as aIse oa WVfemcîbcî' of lthe Vîonan's.A-\sur lutioti cf Kedmomi Uit ed Ciîuch a; .ýd a 'venîher of ilve Solîa Woii- en's Iititiite. Shie wxS' a forc- rier mcnibei' of Elclaci Ui ,i' Chuiicli. Hec Ivushaicî.Frankik liotîtp- Direct ors Heur Detciils 0f Federcition's Brie f OJBITUARY (4Ept; RG. OISMONI> A iomîgti mv' Boss'iianmîxlle re- -ide'vt anîd 22 s>car's miliî the Gioodyecar T;re tandtl Rubberi Cc.. George G. Oinioncl died Sutîclus-Jan.ii-19, 1961. i Sîîîî- i bi'uok Ilorctai. lt-e s 79. Rorniii Bristol. Eîîgiamîc. Mm.Osmonid emvigmalecî as a buy auncî mîarriec iniiKinig Cit-. ici-ti of'Iroonito. ai'oindId t- tîîrmîof lte cnilîi'. On his î'nticc'nîcmt. Mr. Os- mîondr touk os ci'as band 5cm'- gc-cii1tof tîve lismiisil-Dis- isioni cf the Selv5ahi.1 rnis. He xx s pmedIcieasccI l is vF sm-i f",. Flurente' Jaîve. nivI9i Surs-ising iir'e tms-clcaîmglv- Ie'î's aid Isso sons: \lrs. Li.nî- ard Taylor (Florcc'ic- tanîd \Irr. C. W\illiatiîs ( Maudc)i htIîcîo fOshiaswa: W'illiieii. cf O-txuatîc Fraitk cf Boss- iiiiis%-il le "Ptcie ai-e foii gri-r lchiciic'i. TFhev oe is c- ci a)t Ilir Iciri F'u ire lin tîcl. Boss- tuatsi ,ille. S;iic svas hldc Jancs1ns . 1. ISelsatimîî Armmu Ca p>e iiiNoriimnCii(le- c-om1ctirtc-ci te scisice. Imter- menctl ssas ît Pox-minii c'm ei rie.î Pallbm':îi'cs ssce Mes,--cs. KeaA.t Keivea r. Sumiîecsfom'd. PRaitIcIl. Cartc'r andc Henrs. ýoiv. pr-cdcreasecid e-Fbsa 9. 19.34. Surivi mg are three O-ha-.s a dsaughters: Mrs. Mu'simx ;iiDicît- :!vsomî ILaî':uie t. rrs. 'Irgîr tef Tcc-vai:. aund \rs. Walr-c" A strd;er, Mrs. Charles A- cock (Barbara)t. off Cobouîrg. three grandchi7dren and four great -grandi-t.cirt-'i a iso su- s tse. Tive wemo'itrial scîx<-ce 5: li at the Arrnîstron2 Funerol HIom;e. Oshawva. oni Saturcins' Feb. Il. Res'. -1. A. 'Mellorr, ofruîv îisî C'iv:îd Ciuri-l conducteci the scervic. Ie:,- mîen;t s s ii esaa io; Ce moler is. Paillhcaiers sere Jack Kil- burmi. VIliaivi Forecmaiî. 'To'; Temîple. se. Pazcoe. AI- fred Atin aîv ad Norsal Cro,-- Main. contribut.ion- of tite smeather- mi; ifor Ibis lhappy' occasion.~ Fai' froîî beii;g tired smiti; the exet:isg <las-. Mr. and Mrs.- Tuffoi'd s ere around briglil anîd el'lte next morning tol go to Port Hope whcciee thes' callc or-v anoiiei' coss:v. Mca. Glacis ýs Brookîîg smho lias been ORDER YOUR SEATS NOW !! f!!y l t!l¶ Holstein Club SEETH AUOSý Hold MeTingF cI: AND WATII <I îtcitdd for last week G;olden W'edding Or-t W'ediicscla v. Jaivuar -2 ., 1961, SMr. anîd Mrs. Wnv. TufC- ford cilebrated their golden ss'-eciiig a, Ilîc;ri' home tii Wes1esvtlile sm'lire thes'lias-e lis cd for- l -ic t I42 s-ears. Mc. Tufford smas bora on thl, fpr't'nvoxs-ossiîd bs Cafti«-)l NicIit but sm-as laket; sm'tl î ht imaemîls .Mr. andî îls Geo. Tiffoi-c. lu a farîincin thle 4L h convcessioni îeilie xxas .a'; i iifaiilt. 1-ir- fat;ils- a m as farnicd rin t)i s towsnship ex- cept hits graiicifati;cr, AI-'x Tuffordi. s wo sas a black- s'iihon ltl24t just north of Ni. *2 tiiwaîs' vr. WilI 'Fuffordc andi El r7a Jaîve Maiilex- 'eî'e marcieci lis Re'c. J. S. LaFla;r iv *,ie Ezrptlsl Ppr , oiage. Port i110tie. andciSpel tIhve ft 't ear of thel r ivarird li rfe on a fai'vî near Wreli-o;Ie. 'ilis. Tu ffocci ssas boni îîeaî' Rossiivoiîl anid Spemit lie;' girlicoc0di tlîcre andi iin Port Hope. Fortuialc'are nsai'eitslsiR Mi.andc Mî-. Tuffot-d mrh lias-e Iicli' fenil vlv ncar tlvr'in. Son) George lis-es on ain adji- cnmt fi'nv. claigltei's Vei'ia. MVrF. H-arold Austin. and OralcI. \Trs. A'\iiie F'ord aI elivint XX'eSIrsville. 'Flics iav-e mît mi ctrinicildi'e;. Mrs. Douiz-i * Jaî'xis t lilev Ati-a in r-Coi- lîoi-g. Pei-. Ro - rrici \r-alcr;"' Austin, Joîiiiie anid Pae Tiif- lord. wuîicla alici (3r-5 eîîmî Fordcieanci Leslie Forci. 'l'lie faimiix xcc mespomîrible foi' the 'eî's-h iîips 'AI Hoii-' and i ie bridai r-oupIe of 50 s cars cgc xxcîe sii"roiid aI! las- lix' nsdeii'e cf yond x lii- es mciii los;i ;eicý Tu fforcls-can oag-sdc--r -cor *(tir ao rfsiai s-iliic r îîci gol1cl iî111im'r. andcl Mc. Tuf- rt;:c it a s;îîarl bkinr--tit idc whiîte uce! timoi; bruît omiîiece ri-csecl i ucîl os c;- 100 gtIIvS, 111 rooîîls Miadle !îx'0l\'-xx 'l iîaiîx'g; fs, \Ic<sagc's of cor;- gratuilatuis (-aille bx-lttr cards anid xxire shosx în t!1ieri ssc' rr-le of fitends. amîd .ii- i-iiii.greiet ti îv.1011iIIv tîcads of the Dorniîioî; and uros-inlc;al gos ecnmienîsf: frot;; California. Mainitoba. Toronîto, îýnd all the sn'uiigdv:- tie*_ . A telcoliomeie iessage smas rends cd *froni a cousini. thve formiier 'is-e Hawîlîhonv sho liac goî.e fr~onv hîcî'eini Peîiîs-lvania. the i tle fc;î ws-ecice the Tîifford-ci a';ie bo Canada inthe eailY da.%-- of ilvis province. 'Flictea Iabe w e '<itreJ bs- a bandsonie tlîree-tiei'ci- anixj-crsacs' cake macde 1v daugliter Orald anîd lea ssaý pouced i; tie a ftermîcoî anîd es-er.ng bv' r.Nrormn Gi'o- rSoi; of Cold Sprinîgs. oîîl.% ur- s-vis-iig sister of '.lis. Tufford: DM1's. Zilcia Allison of Peter- om'ough. Mi'. Tufforcl's sistei: Mr's. L. Hodams ls. Vera Anîderson: :\lîs. Sar-ahiHoicla- xx as: Mc-. R. Coriiîcius: 'Ms. Sliie.v Vatinaîto: anîd «Mris. Il Poierovs: - the lasItlîhree aie froîvi Port Hope. The'lîe ge;t book wxas in charge of Gsseîî amîd Vaierie: tlie guesîs sm-ce sen-ed b\ tlme tHirce oldes*: g ranîddauglhtcrs andc F.ile e Gibsaii.- mm-ille Mrs. Geo. Tufr- foî'd aîîd thee n of thîe faut- ils- xseicorncclthcîîî aithlîe lour and accaiigecl pari-ktng sput. Max wmedcliig gif*:.- of 1911 sm-ce1oudispla-. One"sre Sigri cf a caî'efîml iouisekeepîer. Il xa ahiappy- satîsf\.ýigclda%- wsîith ssci-c fmoi;; fac1,ass i; immbe'*s cf tîve faîîîî 1. s o -rtm Clarce Tu ffoî'ci (Nrs. Noran Ji"'i, a seteran of sxoî'd m ar coie iii Loi civn. Omiîpno ior.- pitl. Bi-othlci'-FrdlI ses ct thve Bunîkeri' iif '; Il took soltl mel-taii;' r-oteivec e e ti Ici do t ir' biarcn rtîîs foi'l.Itivcite tih l's quite as' tceft lt- ihal on scuir hfliti; c1 1- aic iseîsa-s, 0 lias\c', tIlc lic-alhallatîcî ii-Ice c f soilii Mîts. Tu ffocd. I<o. dics hmvý frointîtte girls x t; lîclax s extî'as. Briglit Slsuî'îiîîs- m'.01d a;r andc itooci rcads xxerex'c-îtv The Canadian Statesman 1elviÎî.toî îXpplialnves I>ilips TIT Olie Lsed 1.1 cul. fI. FREEZER B ARGA IN! COWAN Equipment Ca. 1.34 KING E. - MA 3-5689 MURPHY FURNIT.URE 2-pc. CHESTERtFIELD Nylon (ov'crcd $ 169 .-pc. BEDR0031 SUITE $109 17 KING ST. WV. MA :3-3781 Ior lhe Bct ini FOOT WEAR for the citire faîilv ('() E 'l' O LLOYD ELLIS SHOES V; KING srx MA.-X3-59-11 Robson M alors Ltde Pon tiac - Buick Vauxhall GMC Trucks 166 King St. E. MArket 3-3321 See Ouït Fine Seiectpon- ot usted Car-s' J. H. ABERNETHY SPECIAL! Bolier Coaler Sel Hziidji' ssith rolici', Conîpicte wil ' oly - 99C 13 KRINiG S T. W. MA 3-54:1 160 C('IclehStreet WVHEEI, BALANCING 15 ONE 0F' 0UR SHOP SPECIALTIES Denhertog s Clothing Sec Otir %vundfows for Barins d',Galo: e <liiig1 Anmal CLEARANCE SALE 4.3 Kin- st. %V.,MA 3-.5011 Lander Hardware C.'.". Pajoits Cilux -sueWht Phione 3A357 KING ST. E. Bo"WMANVILLE STEPHEN FUELS I anot's ieaduîg .Anthracite Ftiel Oil - Stove Oil 1-iHu l mp 1w. ".'ri'c \\ At lierA ad Buo namu il. Ontario NI-rc 35410 LIBERTY BOWL LTD. For (Iran F'un and Fan;ily Recreation VISIT 0UR NFAW AIR CONDITIONED LANES Base Line Rd. MA 3:-5663 it% ('orning CASE SHOW Bowm uanville Tovin Hll 1-RIDAY. 31XRCH l7tlu W. H. Brown .1. 1. ('ase Dealer PHONEIMA :3-5497 McGREGOR HARDWARE LIMITED YOUR ONE STOPI lI.ARDIVARE 5110 1IIONP' MA 3-23:86 BONVMANV'ILLE. ONTr. WESTERN TIRE& AUTO SUPPLY CO. F'or the Best in' Ex lA S l' LI STE'. -1.rî i; ETC'. 8.3 KING ST. W MA 3-31134 LE GE ;iORGE DO uT' BARGAINS in Men's and BoYs WNNar Foot wcar G EORO G t 'îiiiti' sSuripi t 42 King St. E. E'S us Stoîr') MA. .1-32111 Do You Lîve In This House? If \() ou a ilueiicuclrcllder if (Jtîis bou.c, cail IetFi rcCartadial Ste tc'rivs trOffic, ndîc sm.i%-mil f i-ccciieFRrEa 0chrque BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE 1%In P'OLAROID LAND CAMERA ît';. %()îIc00I. i," - xx i aro îtil Lanm cii a. Siiiplv s mii oiî 1i" 11 lC SICuînu-- ]tia 1l'-c l 'lti- oi suîîî hec itioiiS. 'Fici-c a iltttii'îg ti buvt. ne itglc's Icis rt s-rimiIs sigii .\oui-.mail 1e iicI deposît the lie st; A localdch miih 1cr ioiî]- Fi i*-n-tomiii' naIcc mve is oni lte couponm i -l I xsiii a nrws Pcîiarîmcî-- andciso u illIltle ie vc-lant xx Iose iamive ik on IlIle coupon. Sa tisf act~ion 1)ýER SHEPPARD & GILL LLUMBER iC4ITED COMPANY LIMTEI) ( ua ra nte d "E'Ve)'thinq for Buldiers" Phione MNA:138 BONVMANVILLE 96 Ring St. E. For the F«ocç-t in... 'T a nd I-l - FI Sales & Service ('ALL FIARRV LOCKE MA 3-12312 MAPLE GROVE TV %'t, e,'ii11 i< rohorne, PhîiPç and d îmrai BOWMANVILLE SHGES & REPAIR Repa ir WNhile Voit Wait Repair,% 0ui ail ,ypersn 90 KING ST. W. PHIONE MA 3-507.3 F. A. KRAMP LTD. 11031E F'URNIILRE AND) FURNISHINGS 317 Ring Si. E. Bowniia iv i le LPhone MA 3-7071 NEWCASTLEé P. G. NEWELL Lumber Company WNe Scli theFiut in Building M1aterials NEWCASTLE 3456 LUCKY'S B.A. and 'o%%ni (,BD Ser% ice IVINDSHIELD W ASHIES I NSTA LLED Perri' S. Iuxton. Prop. PIIONE 2081 NEWCASTLE. ONTARIO SID LANCASTER YVR 3MASSE Y-FEiG USON D)EA~LER -OR ('orn in andi see the ncss' "35"lDIESEL DOW on dusplav N E W C A S T 1, E CLA RKE 27013 -ROYW. NICHOLS Oldsmobilc. ( beirolet, ('orvair and Ens'oy (British Built> Cars Bowmanville MA 3-3353 Courtice MA 3-3922 FRANK'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Dealer in Shell Productm 72 SCUGOG ST. MA 3-321,11 MARRIS JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 4.1 RING ST. W. PbOWMA1ýNVILLE Phone MA 3-5463 PHILCO nowm presents a i'esolutionary n cxx COOL CIIASSIS TV Brais fthe Heat. 1 li major cause of al T '1W do 's!Ex- clusive a jr- flo umo0unting of 'onîponetils oni vcntilated base no-11 parts uinderiîealh., no heat tra ps Beats il] TV' in per- forma ire. i-cl a hilitY ' a n d COLLISS ELECTEIC MA .1-5901 44 King W. DYKSTRA'S Variety Foods Fresh. Leam PORK BUTTS only 57e lb. Fresli, Lean,. 1-rnade SAUSAGE onlv 55c lb. LETTUCE 2 for 25e HICCON ELECTRIC Salesý and Service PIIONE MA 13-3305 42 KING ST. E. BOW3MANVILLE, ONT. ('orn in and sep Complete 1.iîe of 19i61 MOFFATT APPLIANCES NEWTONVI LLE MERCHANTS Sce Onu- GENEBAL ELECTRIC APFL IA N CES (>11e ssclssIrceTrial on Automatic [ishwashers IR. B. RICKARD Plurnbinz. IHeating and Electrie Newcastle Phone 3938 PAULINE'S SPECIALTY SHOP DRESSES 5.00 Io 10.00 Newcastle Phone 2021 GOODE'S HARDWARE NEWCASTLE Benjamin Moore Paints and Varnishes IVailpaper - Floor ('or rings Kitchen 1are PHONE 3321 CAR VETH MOTORS - EcFIsci Sales, and Service I 'c. C ars - Expe'rt Repairs O.M.L. Towing Service NEWCASTLE .1251 N EWCASTLE GARAGE 1FORt Dependable Personalized Service FRANK HOAR, Prop. PHONE 2671 PORTER'S GENERAL STORE AND~[ SNACK BAR S A 1, E savings (o 10%/ End of Line Clearance NIWTONVILLE PHIONE (CLARKE .L3O2# k U~w.inr-'v'4-~U uw r,%G-F TWO at the l4th Canadian National SORTSMEN'S SHOW Coliseum, Exhibition Park, Toronto EXCE PT MARH 1-1SU NDOAY 12 Sensational Acts Ro"4: ý HýCTS-thriI1inq race- c ci i-c a rera* THE GOANAS * 41 DDfo" TRSu 4cp' moiern s~~r e ROMAN F~~~~~r S f- ~r'd eaîl on hcea ac e ZýPPY-;- arethm * ~DPC'.-Y e'dn '3 ID . 3t P -faýcri - o est lnid;an 0k1'- K L3..a.snCa' ad W. ,n; .ns iiitrimt cire3s aCANOE *53and 'OCG ROLLIh3,--thr ;0:11Hs e o ;8er aDA4N$SH rtROvVRD ACT-spcctar'5 rl:. arrc r- . Per'eýrm,cy ce daily (ccrtvt S:oy-:5p.-. and 8:15 pj.. Fý ces ...and Pat .rday 01rccr-;s-c3v eserved)- lýec al corne 1-a- on tickets Pc-. " at--,1,.75 Bc 'as V 2 fciciudrg an - r' r.r e"~buirinqý) ;"s 2: c c h.c F '. weY ~r-k-- :r~ nu;i-~ tc "-"i 10br-cc-at aU Av "i c CI '~-, hî- v/(except Onler your Tic4ets now. Write (enctosirg Ch~equîe or Money Ordfr) to the Box Office The Canadian National Sportsmen's Show THE COLISEUNI. EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO, OR YOUR LOtAL TICKET AGENCY WESLEY VILLE FORD TRACTOR FIAM AND INDL'STRIAL EQUIPMENT FRANCHISE AVAILABLE IN THE BOWMANVILLE AREA *C onplûe Iarnl Ertiuuimnent l'ilp T Iop Line I ndustrial Eq nilpune i SSoliid (iov Organi-zation SExcellent Profit <1)1pou-ttllitie-, *Worid's Largest Seîlinig D)iesel Tractors fîigils- Rteslpectedl. Iroven and.-X'ecpted Frodtuct PLE-:.SF: REIP' IN ('(NF'I>EN('LAND) %%'Ilot 1' OBIG ATION TlO: D>EALER DEVELOIPMý'ENT BOARD> FOR TR1) 'lA("IOR AND> IQt IPAII-SI'SALEIS C'OMPANY 01.-(CANADA- jrt 7 Shceppard Av-e. WVest %Veston. Ontario HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & Gif t Shop 29 King St. E. MA 3-5747 BQWMANVILLE LOCKER'S SPECIAL' Home Freezers from $239 up 7:1 KING ST. W. M. :3-5578 (Crecting ('ards 27 Ringz W. MA 3-5556 for the Best ini Ladies' Wear Children's Wear 5 King St. E., 31A :3-515 Je BROUGH l>LRO %%.ATLRPI PlIPS A~ND)SOFTI:NLtS Plumbing - Heating Oi and Gas Burners MA 3-51-5u -s 'i. if'. A. H. STURROCK and SONS Ltd. ~ Fuel Oul BO WMA~N VILL.E .NAkt3-5516 LADIlES' WEAR 10W MA N VIL LE See the latest ini Sweater Fashions foi' 1961 iii: Banilon. Fur-Blends. Shags, Bulky Kniit and Orlon mur - -V-7- 'lie Duri-.ani County 1-oi- stiii Club lield a succesrful bar:; meeting recentl'v' at the fe;;of Donald Bucid. Port Hlope. A graclin e demionstration anici (-onpelt iion were hielci Ji;< o h fille, hc'rd ofro s G. E. Nelson conducted a paledd isrhî,sîoil on the ('arc or a dr\ rcos and at freshen- ng time. 'l'le paniel consisted of four biceders trou; the Couintvs. Wcs Werr ,-. Hainp- toni: Raiph Giaspeli, Bow'- nialitylle: Frai ies Jose, New- ca- ,Ile and Carlos Tanibi.in, Pi'.c\'inrr ize-e as fol- mss - : doom p-70. D. Mo Cobourg:. R. B. Brovn. Don Vclshi: \\eighl gucssing. Dc- dShackeitun. Bownian- vil". i-rf,. Ro.s s si-mcuondîci- OC] tit e po r ifor' th e a fer- nec; :.nd Ralpi G laspeli ?iloix ( ad . (t \ ol Of tliîaoiks I0 1\11% Bticicfor 1bcing host lu the club foi-'Itle aftci'noon1. 'riic-hîv;cnir"w rsuppli d l Ilec lub FARM SERVICE Dr..D. (>1.1)&('ItIPPI.Efl Reinoi cd l'rre of (harze Irnmeciate 2.IHr. Serv ie Ask 'lotir Opritor l'or ZEnith 66550 LcimeNo. l46-C-60 No 1'nII1<'harge Ni'k Ptecnnj -Prterborough