S ALEMW aton, vksslted atoG. Salem.nW.. aof rs.s..MGerw TusFeb. 16. Ev.G n r.E e Phno361 ecornmended by Council horst wfflbe esspar. MsDaeeFwlr Gordon Agn w, EdilorNewcastle - A petition passed by couiiil to enter, etc. It was realized more help of thi comm unt o ay ~ c r n r. Aa ssgned by residents of Churcn into an agreement with the would be required for the years. passedaaytWid-TeNrhgopote Street between Robert Street Newcastle Development Co. commission to handie both sor Hospital LatFia.SeWA posrdasca va - Ircncir'fr1iP senfed te the village counicil the cost of extension cf the not require as much extra with her son En agtri-igwe ailso h oi t i i~I s e to R p r at its February meeting on water main fromn Church te help as to handie both jobs law, Mr. and 1r.W.Ctr uiy noe or hs I I#~~~i-'i->c.#Iii ~~~Monday. evening, requesting Baldwin Street on Robert separately; thus the meeting Windsor. Althouhfo nteadCoioe r.LsCci I £ewc.LJ tl'e water service extension to Street te connect with the with the hydre commission best of healthfrsvrlri n ha rfi d P S o iIa c Ç ~ ron I I ls n o r g n their properties. Robert St., main being laid in the West- ivas agreed upon. years her pasigwa M s n o r g n as the original boundary cf view Heights Subdivision and The counicil agreed to make sudden as shehdbeniteloebyaen-pwnte 1 the systema and cut cff the in raturn, the Newcastle Dev- a donation of $5 te the Sal- hospital only adaSmthjrceiocnre astnd S ocial and rsonal five homes frorn the system. elopment Ce. agrees te corn- vation Army. is extended te almmeso noashoro T ubic SCrooi Bd Rudi St. Ammond speaking plete six bouses in the sub- The minutes or the January hier family. T e esc h on Mr. and Mr. Simon Bir- ville wre Sunday isitors for the property owners said division within one year and and speciai meetings read at Mr. and Mis rdTit epesCasddafn o te Kalamzoo, Mih., on F- Daîl enryBown meetigcst he bubli Sholpeated wean od Tcla ep- water service and thought it street line of the park area that the council hasbeen kept with Mr. and Mr.E1wsvc una.Te iesn t aaaoMh.onFiDa1n.Board was beld mn the schoollwas commendabie. Lessons should be put in new when for the village. If this agree- busy during the past month Mr. and Mr.nelo atraseilnme.Teeyu. day te attend the funeral f jThe combined women or- on Monday, February 6th, 1were observed in ail subjects, Qe stem sb e ouiing lid, mNencte net omeith e with for eetins baing nd famiTto, erfokaeaceiteherp- While in Kalamazoo they vi's- 'observing the World Day ofcfp Mrs. Win. Storks who is preficiency cf the puPils in ard, Mr. St. Ammond said in rees te reimburse the village and Mrs. Mathe MacntRdSms. ite d w tb M r. a n d M r . A. i F ra y er w ith a servic to m er ce pt is o p in io n th o se w h o h a d fo r th e c st f th e c o n n e c tio n . r aL a n d h e lp ed c e e b a e S s n sI t n d d f r as w e k Gtd iaas r..nd r o A v (Fn dita)sfernie o at vacatiening in thseh.T dctdha godpors signed the petition întended The council in a specialbitdyoSaua.MranMs.R Mraa. DaidBudic ad rs. p.m intSteoge' ar-3chairman John Rickard pre- was being made. Their seat pu th wauateS bHartmann S r.ace Burdick andTornto' i h ell t. rew Par-ade sided. work was generaliy neat and te pthewter in their hemn- meeting held recently passed Severai cf ouYunPe-ntrie, eeevrgh were Sunday visiters with ilcf the village are invited. The principal, R. Munro carefuily done. Reading incessoti as the sytewaa ese put eqting the ple's members teddaget fM.adMs la Mn.andMr. H T.Maes ndpresented bis penthly report the Primary and Junior gra- copeedeWC eptthwtr e-> reein natnac fdswscrflyeaie.During the ensuing discus- vices in the village on nieter- 'YngPpes" ace tTalr idmily. I4441 dy rsetad254 Tepupils wr elavn d a y s p e s e n t a n d T h w e r e w e l a v a n - i t hn thC o u n c il e r R i c k r d s p o k d rict e . A t M o n da y 's e e te r u h m o a u d y e e r n d M . B h W l o Mr.andMrsn Wilim Sork William r das bset dnindJauay, edseanfuenly nd her wth he ngiee, M. Wod ngthememersageedte rs.W.aragdi stying or rav OsaW. wre isîor are holidaying in Georgia, 1.ic erng apretg c 45.A-answers shewed geed under- o h eehn n on aiameigwt h i-a few cdays itl r n r.atI rjns Florida and he Bahamas angemcents ae been59mAr-sadig otrn tati ut there wouid be approxi- lage hydre commission withBrc Lemnadfriy M. nM.Wrenmth loiaadtonsBaithM t F rfrPublictshveî Grade tn eding. i ns gresisnmateiy 350 feet o! 8" main re- the view cf fonming a public e Brucokhin m shaMrrn aknd rs.inVutwr ~ ' eitainte be mie tmst mpotan for futurSholGrdeOe quired te lay the services te utilities te service the village ~Mse ainBtevad oîaLuaadEiwr enand Mr. ond Mt rs. idL>ues.mrfuur Mn. Mhen ymofCn rdy, ur rperedthatlssn er bere n esdeal dsusiname h touiltesga dsu- renwn teDnhmCandmthsbrtdy ney ailwel an so Genid ttîent had skaed a th seera re ms.Thee chile tien byhoes cîlior Bproxw sed at edeie t r il - Mty unin H ar eree mafeOrono.$1,The ANewcastlehe aBadmintonbiniS Wvh, o u Her an M r ieand s . in he CB adm aihn r gusto ne nnat ic unn he m nt în nuuli ei.Th îas ecned b C ucilr ech agls an h m m er g-v. ttn ed teienesî vilae il e lasd e ebes fth PcenngcfJnury rs Js hd oo eahesgie n Col-wsidpase disecuom me- ere the o me utilities sschooi atreCambnîdgt e Sre th.e uoreoffcr teafda foreperaio. Thvr la-Cmmsinta hsete-hg.Tsm eer reader e Stura.M LI UE ka m p as re urned ho m e no m e ing, Feb. 3. ed with he or aniz ti n sien be m ade te the rowsstem od a ndo e be tht he win ae _ __ _ _ __ _ MemoraH palw l n o - Boh lus njyelaso-stuents hwenedprcasetheacinsndgneacam n At apreviu pcil meet- andglec ndthcmeters oh*f llINli ofanvîie. TabeRNdcaRoeBain.Ateougfndsfo ituetk sion n issulwl.Tchî" ng, a reoi n din b eeud tbe combined uoe ih i ..:. E FIL Mn. an M r i s. i hn e l hh donuts and coffee we rein a n t w assd u ggsth e d the O n m t h r ion cf . C lWait nMi s M ryJpP u s erssn viflWgedvilh e sed t Mrs. s ftenveckersgool bouard migrsJoefund lasnMrosuppoeretendee- dUgtrc n.adMs o nited Mn. San raya MeryBwe ndDnln Tos n hrg f1h e-the ofc ney i af y sedesrd eay vsssrutdt i I made eitren, Oshawa, vîsîted wîthhewat on Wh edunedy hnomaed te ening were ary1e3ne AreqMuesot s mad yMrin encoaingrheoriain t.a Nvos pcilet-cad ler Pluis, b t er fNwate rd n adM.Ia rhso U I mavilwth. Bwn nMe-andBeRontdKeReybit. Helen Nsitt ufro stacinche ak-irs rs. Brerethi on rsnel aIutdonWdedyFb. adciden. r a d ospia. Jh el Hanch ok aco e r f theafor thecilrw h g teth O otinhfre. I 1961,MasMa radiohogicaltech n n n.CclR anWdvich iihe cfwitoodss e iners conclusiigtreun adMr. reonsth rear- i aitn n.SeadMrads..Gifnseta - cferythee admxxed ings inchageatteendedhe Newcasthe s dsird.Publicas nsdayed ewfth auhtrsofMrA.n MBeechnhidrMapiha n. dnay nd .R W allu nn er yDwnc.e e b t ackce m rsad-is ngs an rpo t watlcfbe fid- iian, oaNewgacatle, drGr.an, are visiting with ber parents, doubles were Eric Johnson ing lunchroom facilities and Sehool, e!rdae fenGoe Mn. and Mrs. George Alun. and Margaret Pattenson over Mr. Munro reported one boy as a resuit the following ac- Grade 13 at Bewnianville High, Mr. and Mrs. FakFat1 "mra m. Mn. nd Ms ChntonFan tanBa~tde ad Heen Hn- ad been barred fromn the tiens were undentaken; a me- Minor Hockey- On Mon- tien ccmmittee feehs if there Sehool in 1958. She tnaincd at and children, OhwvstdUIl Ir.. Mr n rs lno Fr tnBatd n _lnHn lunch reom for five days for tien by Chard and McCuI- day February 6th the Cubs is such talent in the village, Toronto's St. Michael'sHo-aF.Gif's rowandso Gin f Nwtn cckuing unnecessary language. heugh was passed making the and the Rebeis met in a rous- this weuld be an excellent op- pital for two yeans, and is now Rý ev H. A. and 4 elw Upon returning, ncthing had teachers responsible for super- ing hockey gamne with the portunity te show It. As the on Oshawa General Hospital'S Osawa, J. H. PsoTu- been learned regarding pro- visiiîg the lunch romr on a Rebels victoriens by a 5-2 venture is an outiet for ama- X-ray staff. Hampton, wene Sna e per behavieus, se hie was againi weekly basis; under the jur- margin. Scorers fer the Cubs teur talent the committee en- CA RN IV A L ~~~~barred fromn the school duning isdiction cf the principal. This were R. Farrow and F. Ail- denses it wholehieantediy. Ad- "r V V U N & unch heur until some de- action was taken because it dread, the enhy two drawing ditional information and an- & SPO RTS N ITE lision bad been made by the was. feit the children wene penalties in the gamne. The rangments can be made by Board. causing caretaker tee much victenicus Rebel scorers were contacting Mrs. Frenchman at Necsl eoilAeaThe report was ordered re- trouble and that he should be j, Chard unassisted a ni d the Nothway Restaurant, H NewcstleNemoial renaceived and filed on motion Of relieved cf thîs cduty. A me- P. McCullough, one unassist- Highway 115 on phone Orone G. Chard and Mrs. S. Brere- tien hy Walton and Chard ed and 3 assisted by Terry 107 before Manch 20. 5, 6 ~ ~ y ,F B i8 t on. authorized Mrs. Breneton te Walton. Remember the Annual Car- S A SA U D YIt was the feeling Of the punchase new games for the Wed., in the Atom Lea- nvladSot iei h board that the scheel should lunch room, net exceeding gue, the Detroit and Chîcg arena on Saturday. Bring the AT 7 P.M. be reimbursed in part for $20. Property Chairman I. teamns battled in a thrilling whole famiiy for a night of! Y the rhythm band instruments McCullough was instructed te exhibition te a scoreless tie. f un.> Admission and a grant cf $25 was made punchase some paint cf bni- Everyone should bave seen _________ ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25e on motion cf G. Chard. and I. ght, pheasant celouns te bni- this game it would have dene > iT -the stacking chairs a motion On motion of Walton and Sewing Classes~ In the h m o k>IN by har an McuhlughChard a request by the Prin- Recreation Sponsored Sewing . the preperty cemmittee was cia o rd at a lseteisrco r (~IIADTEDcauthorized te secure prices cîpai for a rae part was classesoh istrucpots o rs. erainDuring next twowes HEADQU R E S FOR. and purchase 12 medium sized bg ans. A erptonrgi trt o Joh n d veninrepor ssesafEnteti weae h \.<'.JrNIILIXJ ... chairs. ne w drapes for the Junior are pregressing favourably. D~w r etrn FulLn fThere was considenabie dis- omadcenn h rpsTeRecreation Commnittee CU pCKSa Ful Lne f ussion regarding the trouble for Mn. Munro's mre. After bave discovered that after the bpca in the lunch reom with the some discussion it was, de- aftrnoon classes, Mrs. Rick- Newcaste- Members (of WA L An saPrncpbio n !th ad e mte cided te just have the old ard bas been instructing 6 the lst Newcastle Cub Pack > and seutioniofhenboartebisown pe cleaned. There wene or 7 girls and the committee were guests of the Bowman- D E O A I G UouPt I S iscrtin.Acnt ts aoun seve'n estimates submitted for feels if there are eneugh ville Shamrocks Hockey Club > g crte $4.44 eeo rde munne w drapes, the most inter- girls interested a proper classatheomnvieAnan EC R T N SU P I S igt$494 eeodrdesting beîng Eaton's o! Ton- could be set up. Therefore if at the BoILI AUIle AIAhI o Ke routs-Spe Stn itsurh paet niomdn osayyug il r itrs-Wednesday evening,Febnuary TA DE u~- mx iue1nI~oxî otanTosadSnayyuggrsaeitrs-8haogwith other cub U~~~ i - L 'y w L KemPrduts- prd atn Pttbugh The repent cf Inspecter Newcastle. On motion of ed !in sewing instruction they8h ditc. Brshs Al ecrain Acesoie lolmes was read by the sec- Waton and Chard, J. Rick- should contact Mns. Rickand, packs onnythe presertctatcn Bruses - AllDecoatin Acessoies retary E. S. Banchard as fol- ard and Mrs. Brereton were Phone 3436 and leave their Twelve local Cubs and twe lows: Teaching- Average te delegated te look into the sit- names. Mrs. Rickard can then Scouters saw the Shamnocks J If ~ ~ ~ Very Good. Organization and uation further and use their get In teuch with the cern- play a fast gaine cf hockeyDuDina W the maaeen od;Hathjdemn s ewatsoldmteeada sewing class wilI with the Trenton R.C.A.F. SeulOurW GI iow for miy J. . A eu ie:Iy S supervision satisfactory; Re- be done.astwatsod be set up and had a thenoughly enjoy- cords and reports gcod. "In r . F e c m n o th ab e v ni g Paint and\'Vallpaer Storeail the classrooms and in the A note fnom Mrs. Wmi.Mr. recan fteabeenig P aint a n W allp ap r Storeahîs duning recesses and Storks stating the I G A . had Northway restaurant contact- OE 33 KING ST. W. the depotment f the kindy donated a set f Gel. ed Recreation chairman SamJ W LLR & 33 KNG S. W.MA 35431 pupils was excellent. During den Bock Encylopedia through Breneton regarding an eut- LONG SAULT clases nteestand Toms and Sons I.G.A. te the let for the sale or display cf school was discussed and thelcltln n h rsad Mn. and Mrs. Orme Miller secretary was instructed te cnafts field. This would in- w r ud y g et f M . 2 I ON EA A Nwrite a thank you letter te clude leathercna!t, Wood- ane rSudaymgests cf Mlln BOWGAV.LL. O C M ANMn. Ray Wolfe, president cf werk, knitting, painting and and Mr. JmsMçeln, 2 GS.E H the I.G.A. and Murray pat- cnecheting. There will net be Wamitby&.À erson wiil be appnoached te any professional wonk ac- Mn. and Mns. Robent uCam- present the books at the cepted- amateur enly. Th eron and family were Sunday sprnlg concert in March. work will be put on display evenin.g guests cf Mn. and in the dining reem cof the Mrs. Orme Miller. SI M NONS BREAKS THR O UGH- restaurant and any articles M.SalyFeceTr cusionreardng wads ndfor ipaony must be etsetteweedwt th e m e b e s d ci ed te oo c ea ly a k d Th R ecrea- his parents, M r. and M rs. G . B to theiSnu g NewcastendAcone Fetchendrs. Ore ile J. Cunninghamn Eglih MJe an, ohnsd arspent h. N FW M"7iqu /, FaI Pie ooeh mroii n tenvileM Highfield 244, Joe Lewis 243, Garage in last week's issue, retary Mrs. Barrett anncunced «_____700 Stan Powell 240, Bob Glan- we inadvertantly omitted the that the following families arne, se B* 0ltdSt a ver4rvl- 237, Ken Whitney 228, part piayed by Allie Alldread respensible for the Manch' ^ . C4S utl suport r UrIer WedesrayIAteLnoonLa- Alfie was awakened by the Smeeti n:J. Th e y' urde ~aî ~th eautful ovencoves. FI.Szem~O dies' League- Jo Zweir 237, reflectien of the flames ini ing the business meetigi Mattresss ndMOrhngBobSrigswihsprnges Bessie Ferguson 231, Helen bis bedroemn and aroused bis iwas decided that a box social Matreses ndMathin Bo Srins wthHancock 220, Jean MeCul- parents Mn. and Mrs. Talbot wouhd be beld ini Marcb. S COIL*aNCOIL" construction for EXTRA COMFORT 00__ O lough 218, Alice Rowe 216,,Aldre>ad, then rant next door Mrs. Vanyke pnesented the1 14u Judy Miklos 206, Wihda Simp- te call anà awaken bis uncle entertairnment for the eveig AT BARGAIN PRICES Thunsday Mixed League-.stihl in bed asleep. Mrs. Mercy Jones" was read So?>mttese voaleîoo? 19ortltOAlice Rowe 261, Art Dubeau 1_ oe yamsclpee 248, Gond Laking 248, Marilyn lT IRE are ialwn ,lh Couch 233, Gary Banchard iv r WhlnsB d " 231, Bill Harrison 211, StanIfY u tb RE was played. byMs.D Davey; Couch 209, Rusa Powell 206, ~fIand Mr. .Dan 10W ON SALE AT Joe Lewis 205. ALLTIE ME Mrs. MeLaggan favoured us' New and tuai, evMery e h gl a witb "King Bruce and thej Friday, Mixed League- Ben *'lred..ut" feeling, and ma~le Spider." A rhyme "cA Motor FA . KAp Hoogkamp 290, Ken Wihitney "rd bààachmPeubasne'd, Romance", had te be complet- ray Paterson 241, Mary Dew- codtmcasdb nqitaino were ail delighted with this, dney 237, Larny Peance 236, bImddw & aliec ,.& t. he t e COmical poem. F e0 KRMVerne Rowe 231, Bessie Fer- tùe Dedd'a Kidmy p-&l. Dodd,& belli Dance enthusiasts enjoyed guson 229, Verne Jones 229, gdtimuae the kidney, te rIWli t'~~the playîng o! Mns. Davey, Mn. 1 Bnian Rowe 229, Jean McCul- tenditivhiw" my eten cause bak Drain, and Mn. Baker's square F JR N IT JR E hough 223, Tracy Embley, 218, ache and tued feeling. Then yen led da~nce cahis. Others found1 Manihyn Quantnill 212, Bar- better,, etitetter, veel better. GÇa pleasure in Phaying cards. At bara Alidread 209, Irv. Mc- Ddd'e Ldney Piâle nev. L.ek for the delicious lunch was served by; M A-Cullough 208, Don Parker bMmebel vith@ Leed band et a miu the cOmmittee and people de-; 'I ig t .M A 3 7 7 207, Ev Embley 206, Betty cOmtbmSYeuc&Odtm"admDedd's.. Parted with aL cheerful "Good Brow 20, Vema arke 20. Nihtw - ~ THE CANADUN STATESMAN. ROWMAMM.T.r- num,&,PTt% - le - - -- 1. 1 ý , m ! le - - t <^USDAY, FEB. 16th, 1961 THE cANAflAN rAou11Aeàa&iim vUNT#AM *