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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1961, p. 6

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t PAGE. six THE ANADM4 SATESA!4.BOWMNVILE. OTAm Canadian Club Speaker some deadly pestilence, mean-1 .Tri.M.adMs onwr fteosi ______ _____ ____ sevee ca 1 F ilm S h o w s H a z a r d s ~J h nd o t e a s n o i hisl f"gastrie enteritis",1 Beacock and boys, Canon and Stratford. Dr .an Ms. c-"o t n" or whatever hoglnen get in'__ MS. Ashmore, Mr. and Mrs.lArthur and Ardis aMise MranMr.FdDas place of gauoping ulcers, he. D u.~~ Adelbert Beacock an:d Mr. Her-'Jessie and Betty, Toritaea. r. .A iod ai ,sedl aldthe f W ii ing y bert Hooev -were the Cart-'spn4ga coupe of asihtulIhm.cleoMr 'ian to diagnose this "porcineý ,7ictrftvsaC red h eaie n Pr s n a x o e splage". h Near d1ced toe funea taf Soinewha* relleved he wasiL-L 1y Re-live C anadian H isut torythese orersNelfo Newfoundland ;iFenelon Falls, Saturdzy. jed them. Ga orpr r.Caec Re-live C nadian H stor had iven thhaielvmeaathot as re7eiMto.inFlith Gvtýahim.In., g- MhaIe m ad MrsasNMervn Gra-h Marlon Loeg-rned hondme froMe bu o sft"Drje rQ. hain. aceompanied by . adhsia lshrdv T t s teyhd --eWeecro I-le -1Il.Beacock and iy rs. Chs.i- .Graham fCd Mr. ar rtCrl.Wh- cuted, no' for their leGaa. ilrok Su- r. nd M .Carcemsde- I Rendie Eov.,ness, Toronto, etifat lice an ov'ercoat and it Mrs'. Bert Brown. Florida. 11"'ls. visited Mr. and Ms e-b.sette weed vt In A M em orable C anoe Trips> T:at!s, brthehebenle ac:4he ,l fichn e eing ofE'tesos nid. "Awale eatL Visiteci Saturdav, andM. and Mon r.Abr rdTmMs ".shlort" q developed in RPovimnv-lle R otay Club'Ti bl"bber, or t,1' render- j Mrs. Kenneth Brown and Dor- d2v. lrie r'aneof the fur SecrElar'; of the Ulita:d Na- Wrv aii.nounced that the stretch c which Y - .o at iL de.ip eto lisAccai, n Cý meeting cf taCdathhe ner srn , heîd at el on idaDr.age nfor, nt i 7e e sa: 011 .calcTSody rs Fbone Ltre so. M . di urh, r. trade in Candade'ir.e.t e r Mr. and in leaercauirg ay ate T KM.o Canarla v. eanaasn&izLr1 hi;H - e trni Dîreý!tor -C:ii« cf West Durhamwil e igtetuc sni t h u B mc Fidy.D.-aine ake orit Te . - M. Trutn sed tefoekndEda cLuhlnT rone an- eomrnentarv deait is used for mink . 4, - -s M-.ani :.ks. ith John- Wigtand visitedohrfi-Se n 'dMsDre T- Eric ;11rte. Ot8t1- o CUUzniPa C::bý hi 1M12, th1 -c-]on Marchl 7ti, we t likc a Crs.istree. Mri-h te aadu or f ie eaten b cl, r tnaAgrs.B lvle ii ýd.V. i nik1e' eeSna dre3ssto fie Czin-r_1an Club of h e h-ý' belé c-ver Ar b ,a r ta Canada from reli"e;-ed wa he ta learn It wvasltile whalers. Bowness explind. t' I is porents, !%I rs ess ro wn L~i upr ussc r. and Mos. Wes: ,Durn m i, t SI. neshe or~e ut. I Indor.esia -w4'11be the special covered nartial!y, at Ieast. by! Te Meessris. uod Te Fin bue b'..reJ .Jod TS ri.TylraA ura yiýa-Hacd cahi ndfm MorSe sprkýze on "P din The ïClea cf aa:g ~ aekr b etn insurarice. by Dili Thieshurger, m-ha told the whcle pro-cess of butcher- Dr. McArth,;r bas recei%,ed-ten<ied the swine bedr'lv wit te Enircr" ni l: ~-p~ai g h~ oiteg ta'rY FoTh-lv' n m !Çciless to Say, th4s f 1"is .aut'1 ln; Rotnrians that Dr. ing a vllale. The meit i Prec~vd n ex t~ o ~ c- t ý!rî.' eXnle:-err vosthe aiMs VîeTel n- (xesi-e huiit lless iv.'a hem in BecMoue, peeled off the ai-mlwdýh a ýine diO fl ,îcna c: P.ri. j rgeOthoe-li e knit therTIesiderce qane ~i~ L i fO -- s:o ~ar a, 1 tie4i , ttli eiecrotting the viring) vas soon1'PYF.., ad te ed ubclrg ho-k k . Thr :1. c:o o Wl'rs:nSteo, nhoArrnlcc i- aand' figel ,nhe l aiPrince cf Wales '.'.'ere al',o ictures of a a r"ý acros C:. -i ~ ~ "~"'ka [cx--<,.,~ Db~ th -1S c"f M. ee Ms ee. W. nails, already chewed dGwn to Coll ý a e t Sumnmersidie. Af- w'hiae known as ap~ ne In~.,-Sen~- wîi a i.e r r? -IVe"hT,,es presk3Led cver the cof--'the seconA joint, have started!ter grtiduatni P'cmn the Oni- This type weighs tetween _75 'he lrsi ' '-oa ar 't .ar-An a'iI -cus aAMS. Teeple was te g.row 8gai. ai AIiuiu Cneil e ge, to 100 tons. Another cinrI, Wer" c*' ~ 'e'~'Q 'er:nre -heru !S a na-t U il nservir, b neîn- Guelph «whIere he rereived Ihis inportant toi t e inlustî-',]S was Ly _c 1,, - ci-"~ a-il t~ t'-e~bers of the club's executive. if suc:" a er la m i tY shOuldi1 Degree as a Doctor cf Veter- 1inuchn saller, the rrarnpU; 0-, t~ ~-~, .-- *~-. neers~._______________ ever haprc-n to yen, Ive ad- a b-. Ii- 'c- * X- .1 D CYr sei. t St ,..i ';s htvn :rvt htr- r,iv "cienc'e, Dr. Bo*;vnnss -oot head %wirl1e. It is gx'elrt CaUc-'~, p >.-- a ci a 'cc i t. -r :e aerra * j~!si t a'~ t n î c"" ta f a iecflurod e t CrarneilUniversity ti -a-eb'nei - a r)"SHn , ae t:;is -- ** -!flîy and l ieh r selcc.ils i ;~oncf an e17ecall:1 QuensT'.. r ; '- - '" O a14ORRISH' *. k c - a r s ir-kc. 'aIt fc-' 2dd.Th iles isil î rer1'~ ' .-. n-"e"a- i' - r. ";r- nve ti, le p rrm, "iTe thon ji'd Toronto finest that rmm j cn 111-1i and n7'. *ýý . 1o-'- a'd 0-en z .Ro';Becket, cf Toron'mth :te.Dcr't t,&uch-hem I Eîl-.ator,-,Li il. (Master Feeds) f rozn nt::lre. Dr. -w-neF, S e 0la 1-r c ' ,:,i n. .c :1 r-'i F Gau Stinday. Feb. 12. jte hvýc1rn '!'b o'tý t'Ir af U st cc 0 Ger t ' ~ "sSuýarna Egas re,,.riicdj ---- --c t~ -,mla r~ iq ad- !iiignet lbord w Pr- ' '.L:'-'i s c ol:rn We'tr e g cn ' from cur local hospital' gh er* Is1Rn.r a ger of th'i firrn,? ex"itfig, -ld nahr ili- U Mos e'- iiife 1~F' h I --- : - ':tr r . (.. ,n . rla Feb. 10. This ytourg M ,T)j M ee tqtee. rtd hc'cd b durrs i' w- a r,'e a i cong;ey larAl f"'e-AinF.'. +' oidest 'he v,-u-lers. Wal'er D.ýGcc-- and after;v, ' '-te ' ~~~~ 'h-1~ -¾' -,c-?ts ta be n'le 2to re u Frteme- o pia 1ch"e tte] mtd hs-'r fed b "EI Ol - cl wt Nt~n dig ntie c-re' *~- ic:eat P1-!..iln bcu \Aeekly Report . CC '1-it-,"a*Dr. aiA u t a " .eks T'ini'7!13-".', Dr. Bc'.vnes.s said. fIlîci the a us v-ai Ar.-c:erson cf Feruary {-hreTrked hat 0t"'e ar- ind'ist:--. P reoridernR P SO UI lr-;ta ~*-~'--~. "~ f Mrs. VII'a ci-ilm 6-12 î'1,' lanc½ie cf 7.ain.ltl 1-ta'! cý a b v aise o-rYeapprc'-e-UD E a -,ciThuscin'Feb. gth, for 5'a A-! i tli-%-;,iceoxzns toDr. 9,. "'e',' o hnr udy Feb. Birthfs, 9 icLaïC, -ifet'Le - 151 S TI-,nF. eî'iP"1 arec cli- The d1irect.ars of t. :: vo~~ ~ t: :ço~t ';;' M~. ulesonwagulest' Dîscharges 'c31 tpr . . le,-"ed for 16~1w ïn "i17ec;, ýf',c. sn ?It ...A.. T W~ 3tYO RST' FFfn'l: vha a tirev di ne M n r ItC1~î'- n" 'l h~1f th r li.-~ 'n la- ~ Mcra-i-h ar:tril uc .h d o -aebat er En "gP-e.-r : iets10 ' d-:afinl e ',at'n" 'Drtt a d G g V '. O tL7 "]i-e-~--ie ~'d ~nd everng wLh _L, andDirclor cci e s V-1 ~~-:-n tK~ "~ Fred Comniss, PartnHouesîsVa-iflieP ïO I< C H OS T6 c B e k a t a o bf r,:0: hesn2a-, ril a ticeanf 7 ta'-lj':a3T n P e *- 1 ac'st r 1 - , i 'in ,veree Cliet r7"; Bec' el' ~~ .I~.HaoR sbrne'sVThi _tY J. )ILLINl'lie f'id s ý- v'tapp o, ibc-r ,ri LoinedSiftsBoofed naI i t ra', .-d --, C orni'.'-: h P 'HOeD e. 1 elChurch Streeft cr "-Tr'" t~t~e"e~ u, ise i'-1 . - -_ B1 A C1KS TO-CK-B EF9IVE Prk asg *' 9 ;-' - -,f 1L m ta eu~ . ~r s.playamterAdcAc'oeuncl Il C r'---,F", a]t JanC Mc' l etcher, P-11, VE 4 e r "r'J fi-T're b'.' sonstll o-Scod i'oo 7 L1is . n ord :t rra o ELECTRIC LTD. m~~~-rs H n- sbr.ieS.Tis RAY J. D f-iiePomsi Ist '..pLLa'. g-c F D Smt -i o.Btte- un e n e crt ?Ijr d ieg d blcAaper tancir' r en. itr. j~f CON RAC(î-1c RE? IR '--' 5,- -,i .- l Y ~ a- "e ~~ i Iti'~j'O SS V IS.'c- - i'~ t s v rer rda93 Cra edrcecr nStreept 3 z- - -'-'*-f fn:'een!BLA C S- K-R F IVr '0 : o iîrrv C1AN,,-: --- 49e nPo-:-ei e4-iat'nsc R E F tI ~ E J A i O N - F l x i ~ w l ~ "r r :c' ~ < h c re a s a o o d A .e u et nt a n i 'n ite s ~ - O t' - t :e -'h s. (' r n - ~ ~ m p - <- s ~c t c' ' ~ '~h,2rd k' te ' "-ieI('. --agii 's.- Pr. t S . -' t' V ~~3i'-n' n. -i-tI--,kk ---u i oes '---- Of echt.Bo >rat. eSI N'1EIH -w " t: -is::n te q"' Fehr:'oa . r.0C 'he d i 13" Ie petoher !"oi' ni C i K i I,, & epec e S 'f' . n he p t-mIv- i n C-nri E D- - w)9 -11.. . tl ELEC-T-RIC- .. - L t::c'we. -';-- enj; eb-ta d '--ss.-d ah-oth Q ' ONTA-7': ,EIP Rr V 'ý5j Frt.Ir-î 'ED'-AXDIIonýit Ci C-iIg~ P"-rioL lfl ", i l '-i'- '"l+-'r--s Uw . o MOO AL - SUR- .19nscdti'1 -t-ee.- 5 in P ! 1 - ' I ! a nc-s ine:'c--1 -(,a,")- Cu î i<-i-..'*.'t ý . 12 11A 5 t ' T, -,ntc'-- g' l ' T- ""- rh-o-' '-o c d i' rl -o:ta F LU'-Pf-1 ,", M-'-nrI- " " - a: niY~':~+icite, s for t eni29 1r. e , d 8 -J , -c~' c ~ gr'a; c lA') ~ze a,~ ..c ?-)~~ . -- r':ai-v n:er-tin~ nf t e "I..15 "" te Ma' B S UY -SA E 2e _ ~ -~'c~ ~ "'4 i" ja; h r pr ac ti kiic'~s vXi at-n-kb t-' oI,) P: rl h '-in a Mrilrf f ê;'c'.i~..c<wc î'~ r' ><~ t a s G UD IN YANN D \"ri:-os'-- 1. ! -Co ~-e heIpt:~ 7Sla:nî - rT-i icpat ~ rela a.eavr. i~1515 "t 'e e hTeOMian hteor COUr 5.19~ i' c p!:-oYEVRODeniaI Twdoa" '"'me'In a' "ot '1nIe -p4~-nbeîît p n-buuon b'î- - ' h i tin ,cr ds D v c "a --eri FE A TIR - SA VESA V E74 -U. hon " s r.r"~ W t î i.Dr-IZ -.b----------K -': t.G'7' ,,,f- - - '-" 1, thC.A.,il imo', A Bety Cockr - 0 o ph \'l r 4'IiAse1'rl" -'- (t'. c m'e' ian.trtip.'.CIen1 r'ref r,- ;A lu thse fe f -t-M ARGARIN 59c -t -nre r. oý'e19ie P r n c ' '~ - o " ~ p e ~ n i t i ~ - : h ' c . - O f Il e r o n e r- a c 2 - 5 i7 c - . f' ' 1 c c e v ' ' 1 - - C r t < - 1:.-- --------l ' - ",., , thho bi AreArna"te tgno s nak"-. la na.E. W.SIO r e r oil- ý\int e artin uc ta hnrda 91SEAVE - 27c16 Offce n ~ ~oî~~ 'nl de ' - ,vn'ler, e: W 'Appl, O ange (aape 8 o li PhonoMA 3-iiO4DUflr1U.N Afý ut-Jr-.thakýis l anefd t - 9 . MA '9-5504 atd ils -D.. .C TIAp. D.D.S. S'-"-e.o Sniirir 1 7 1c T:3 e rv.N.O a a;T IS S U E spr'y ,ps-e t 3! f:îote.:19 YE ER ON ce C oe ler e a 'e . oa Mrraf--.+' 2 v: T il Etc -990 C ti'- : r - I t t h---,.~'~ b,-I*M 24 Il' --of ç- r ce ~ Iiiii os-I o rd el sa.F A rE - ~~ 0 j a"' j_;tj-r Iloir. -h: F^ r t- fr :e Zî iUE Dr1RIKL antip 7 h_1t!7 a m eof a l eve 'I.s the wc- cf t- rz-- .s I_____________________________ c .0 sprNilit0fýePoari MA P 3i'- 5r.A unca7in 9tsio s0- 7) .n'M '.rn--7knEr'Ne 'I .V R. Sprine, 3551 rextened e An i Oron distion -nec 'alI-RANGI.~ES' ~mj6 f a' bp' 'ifA- . H. I.Sike, .A Somy ereort that l-AitctiIT'siDue'to ~ gaain39tt-- 40 ingSt.W'- PsvnnvîteBrin a ami; o Ir ie tro sr.. b, Lu h ids E3e reeyNo.Pa de12 1z. z. c fo rc lI J pk-ig netrY PYh aA M. Frd Cite, Tr MATis5 ce5 a Phones: Office M A 3-5688 in celle-ms at the ho e of helda Bf: nspt ie l i n tl c l__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ e aRsin- MA 3 p.-553 rs.AiCrtr ae-a ilda'Frdas;12ri n 0-r 'u -- eun Clsd deeMI A H . HO DGN.r h m s Tik ws tk onee. Frt mie to h - A U E - S V cR S R N I K E e, Sa. Boexaste We Sunday -guests -cf --Mr o. NeIU1 ; In~ iLLL ji pie a- Clelos he 2 z i kË-ËëTý-- - and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Ne-s-vey mý oalcl, WrciC_ n neChle d2 o.Di -d WALCTB.A. Ileton. cli, -0manFWilson a d Barriste-r and Solicitor Floyd Stinson; Po rth prieD SETPA S 2Fr3c Di ai tis 2j~7 3 h In the ffices ~ Mr. and Mrs. Robe-rt Delle Merlin Suggitt, D'îslse-epCri 1' :! R. R. Waddell, Q.C and Bebby, Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Allan Beaecock and AI nAs-FUATURE - SAVE 2%e Main Stre-et, Orono, Ontario Oshawa, vere Sunday guests se-Istine-. Ail competing veel5c Off Pack - 24 oz. tUnGR I ----~--of Mr. and Mrs. George AI- awarded snial prizes. e, M o rga g e s lSorry tfld ear tha Mr On Fridav, Februar- l0th, GO Liquid ULILIIIENT 69c PouaBrds av10-20pect >u AnI RA LTN ORONO Lorne Le-e is in Port Perry the Blackstock Re c r e. a t 1Ion FEUR - AEeCSf CIGARTE Phone 1 r 16 hespital where he underwent Centre wsfildto copacity -' Ff rst Mnrtga-e Fund surge-ry. for the 'Valentine Dance sp)n Sunbeam - Plain EDDY'S 0prcro t Residences - Faims Tihe Buoketon W.A. ladies' soî'ed 'b'. - 1Crvrit In AUh A E 3c Dl. AC E BusinessProperties aesvnlolln n o-School. Arrangements fle 5ý3 INGUL FOOU NE 5c - ar aigwoln n o.1dance w.eme m-ode by the Grado ____________________ ej- -tons. Anyone having thein 9 students. RIed .ai-id wie I Mortgage Loans may contact Mrs. Howard Ab-11"Re nmlBa -eg$39Vau g1 Prompt, courte-euIs servzce bott or M s. Harold Larme-. ,e the ws and a vd d oa t-lei aI HAROLD C. PEDWELL Osa a ee S nay geî n- crnr hoge r. and Mrs. Ross Raby, , overed ihn wel stocd in P S 8B A D S T - - 9 Mreltg a e and of Mr. and M s. B. Hubbard. levening, seeral speea i n Necata oe r Mr. and Mos. Harold De- e wr-heId witîs tire'Ïo'- SHOVELS BOA ;-Newcastle Phone 25 Mille and famîly, Bowman- Ing prize winners: Spot Dance, _________________ __________________ ville, were Sunday tea gue-sts Margaret llooey and Wins on cf Mo. and Mos. Leslie Tay- Irvine; Broern Dance, A. an 0 0M et r y 1er arnd family. Bonewluto,,and'by Fi i U KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Mr n lfr.Sme Grant Hudson. Mjusic WNA V LL * * McFloydMake Optoetrit ad faily Mr.andMrs. L. Asselstine; Eiiminatlon Dance IKing St. E. - Bowmanville Jebbett and family, Oshawa, Lloyd and the Golden ValIeý MAPLE GROVE * apie G aeG oeei bfieHeurs: By appointinent were Sunday guests cf Mrs. Boys. Telephone MArket 3-3252 R. Davey. Mr. and Mn~. Hamr 11.1 Mn - Tues - Thurs. - Foi . Mr. and Mos. Orvus Smith;attended tise lune-ral cf her an. ta 5 pin., and family, Oshawa. we-re uncle, 'Mo. George Aiward in OIRO - -... .C Thuosday evening_ Sunday guests cf Mr. and Tilisonburg, Friday. il %ed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 MIrs. Jack Smith. Mrs. Wesle-y Beacock, Mos. i, FTB. 16th, 1*0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTARIO C-11% A ýtp irl"Is 40.1-

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