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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Feb 1961, p. 7

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-- - - -- - - ~~ger, Debbie an.d Randy, Peter-BE Webster. Rev. E. K. Norman ing their tests very well.1 be Rev. A. C. Herbert, Secret- Read isDxeGU borugh, n.e urning A oe HANY nmons with thoughts on "Know- the troop. listerial Association. Lieut. Hg eolSuet on he A fte ekedwsTemembers of St. Paul's cinueodad h pre-Lenenbar- NMannwoys arebout ning aryoofelB r .anvolo ille i-peieto h omnll S ocial Sundavto(the weeker.rwanaci!the celebration party in honor Anglican Church Ladies Guild rier between ourselves and thing very important- the bring the dedicatory address Jget prahdtercp of issDebie dgels irt. mt a th hoe o Mr. Crl im. Th soo prtof the Scout Bottie Drive. The lst at thisgIlrn hcwi àt H day. Smith on Tuesday night. Mrs. anthem was Sung by Mrs. A. Troop of Scouts and the lst, bc led by Lieut. Colonel Stan-(PMPAEOEanocdbyDn ase. Poe M 3-3 31 eety eeid ofiesMognBigeiow presided and Clarke. pack of Cubs will appreciate ley Gennery. tprincipal of the Biwavle Dnigwsejydt h [and members of the Bowmani- led the devotional period. Mrs. E. Barrowclough alt- ny kind of bottles- o, pca uialEet in orieHigh Shos jvMrle Glenn Wnwrhread tne h eeuiemeetinÏ g , pull, mlkand even chai- er' orchstraScarbrouDr Mr.E .Mr-I n Is'yM.Rcad stpsls cr16,icue himnteminutes of lstmeeting.1o h CbugPresbytery btls.Tedrive wl e cfietfaueofSlainMCrey otH Wili-an lProv.-e" spent the wn dn'n 1960 for arneC Asr ie-n invitation from the W.A. Womnan's Association held atj north of King St. and west of poietfaueo avto man of the Durlu onyiddnc ui nldn weeker.d with -n.. Caworge . Masn;iVie. tl take part in aSrn Tea Cobourg last Monday after-i Temperance St. on Saturday, Army meetings. Old records1 District Bord rumasan plkswa Vo'\-an oiaGl ertr- raueJA and seof homie bki wasnoon. That evenlng, and Tues-, Feb. 11 ba3,shO batds oessof ythe fn Ms crey ucnBa-pae.Drn h nems ý4and ms Hr.i- Cole; ofMembers-ntMayor!'Coe;Vil-! accepted. day and Thursday another! The drive is for a cance basbnd osssdb ey, Staff advisor ofteCuciinadlcou uc a rrv nth ay - oews tc Hg SholSudns ere i heBysGmns cock attended 'lie fiin' r:il of town last weekend visiting frid Carruthers, Deputy Reeç-, Mrs. John Palmer gave the quiit was completed at hier f und the Scouts have started.; ABm a n ihe aysogyregap 1tioHg Sho her aunt, Mrs. Elizrbr-th S-miýh nmmv f riends and acquaintan- Ivan HobbF. Ian Smith and1 financial report and announ- I home. Ladies were pleased to! This wil provide good tracin- osd1f ocl I Concil sff ado ftedcrtdi ikadbak in T r)i. io o d r ,.Fc) z nd were Sunday over- Jack Brough. ied that new rubber tips had'have Mrs. Reg Bee of Prt: ng for the whole troop. The o pese t gen l era i n u; B wnavle Hgh Sho r. .E c ase ed ruary la'th.ridavtMrof.Toh. W.SAt: Icen mounittd on the chairs I Hope wth them, on Tuesday. 1 help by the Scout parents xui lvationst taes no a th Miss Hel - n C r.--id e r n a n, Ed ;er. Wln.nSt. cfth Coonti n rafe ee i-n the parish haill; also new i Roy Austin and Gary Rose.! be appreciated. seat ta bis earîier cuter- Student Coundil, Ms aAtDprmnwsi Rei rz.hd h <3r ofnteh- fcotsa te or tatis Cfte r hzdplates, cups and saucers hadibush w-cnt to Toronto by bus* Any people baving any er- canrParsonsf thepoannngan Pd orthti ahr-,d;rjeeri purchased for the kit- en Saturdav night to attendrands and deliveries, s atadevdne ftisfc PascoeTrodnt of isPalIcag last Fridpv ta slip on zomPe ice p,-rt'cm'tnqr in tl-.e Legrion, heen struck dcwn and killed' chen.the Boston-Toranto hock ey cieaning, window washing and will bc scen and heard iiif h Cu..arngmttohalthex oradHis wpitl a inet n ofP Frpakngconetteb atinHngKog.r Te eidnt nnunedgaine at Maple Leaf gardens. other odd jobs pîcase contact bspei Musia Pogae ta ie Suct oniDncpioa oeydcrtos anl opia. am f rncneVrlyentis &bout one year a!o that he that enough coupons had been _____Scuts,_______her Little Mijrs Kiin Perrin, I-lam-ptLon., whose tapie was "A visited his parents flor ýýeveral cliectcd to purchase a scrving toseSousCse Dner b rse nt at the3Citade Newcstl, i' st,ýi'igv:it htýr ri,)to ernmber, ws 11 1tog, MA 3-5041, Bob Davies, on atua n e it st 7:0 p Newcstl, i styingwit hu Tr- taRc:embr",WSSJohnny has the 51fl1 trolley 'or the kitchen and RA TT~8-5437, Stephen Jeffe Catan olsNemnNEu grandpanents, _Mr. and Mrs. advertentiv omitterl. ere syrnpathy of bis mnanv1 members wene askzled to con- .LEJflJPJ1VIJL.L A354,GrhLînton, 1ý a ilh pblic is cordially invited ________________________ Victor Hanc'oc. w hle "her IMIr. and Mr.Chas. Hbar friends and patrons in his tinue saving these coupons for n n Ms ak klig3-2667. te ing the eentî n ceed i* tat arngn !Spetiecn en mother is in hos-oital. r ZWVad r n rsudden sad bercavernent. aohrprjc.fMadhf akSedn uigth nieweed tr ann Mr. L. B. Nici'ols retun.d Il. Farneli anC famiiy. ail of!'D.artv guests nt the homne of The purchase cf new AIl tar MrandesenspentllSundy etilscfwhch anbe oud home Irst week alter a ,vec-ks Toronto, rnd Mr. and'Mrs. H.Mrs. Greta Carpenter on the frotal wsdiued adwt r and Mn.BihSked- * * e in the Church adventisement mny fyuuei osrieapoial 1ii wt his sr' na.d daugh- E. Kerr of Oshiawa were Sa-occasion of hier 80th binthdav, matenials examined, but no ing. onpg1ee fti ae. ten-in-iaw, Mr. ?nd Mrs. Doug- urday gîîeFts of Mr. and Msat .,wn brso n dcsin ad n. .J.Lnase wsAaOprunt t ep COtJ T RR T R y 13,were ier sn Mr deciions ade.Guelph for a couple cf A potnt oHl las Nichais of Kin.gstoa. E. V. Hoar, King St. East. H-1arold'Carpen ter, Mies Grace Plans were miade ta holda din ttnig etns a V"ayfied hohvc Mr. and Mrs W. A. Kil-ý Little Miss Dcbbie *Murdock Czirpenter, Miss Leta Bragg, progressive cuchre party '~~t owt Fn amso nterhart o patic, Lbety tret~orhas ctrnd hin afcn~' ~ fenr' das I the Parish Hall. t r.adM - odo ly.The Salvation Arny have. For details, hfot rter'poeod"o h a v e ne tu rn e d fr m a th r e .! sp n d in g a h o lid a y %ith lie r M iss Ire n e B ro o k b a m , M r s .I L u n c h iv a s se rv e d b y th e d a le of d M rs. G a r ent F OCP Gly s..n s i c s w e n a E il -o cf OrentweMe.recnt (PRlM AGEeONE) been askig us MeiasBuiid week vacation in PIioenix,Igrandparents, Mn. and Mnis. Stanley rnM.Afe otesassc yMs i visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. on Division Street. During thli g Appeal is gaing ta be 'ISIl Arizona, where they visited Sydac y Venton whiie bier Webb, -Mrs. Elizabeth Patter-i'il*,th and Mrs. Morgan Bige- Lloyd Clysdale. iast ten years there bas been launch e d", added Captai-iRvrien40 frind. arEnts. Mr. and Mrs. Larny soni and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. jlx ~tmeigwî e Msn.Bl tcyadarc eloopct fte ae. Wie eminfn. Peterborougli Mr. and M vrs. Donald Venton!Murdock cf Hamilton, atte-nd- Gler*biolme Hughes, chiair- be at ichmeifg Mns.b Georg Wood are attcnding Bowmanville Corps, saernuch ancil burden of our nlew ex- - - _____ ___ of-sonset'c e,-kn!d a convention in St. Peters- mno h rcaBadnge edn h hm fMs tensionmutrai thSl cf M stonspcn bicv. wend an c theArcn Boad, Ms. IClanlke Pomieroy, 190 Locke la Plant Scbool ne telephone s0 that its yoling people's utrmî îhSl with bis parents, Mn. and Mýlrs. burg, Flnrida. Hugahes. Frank Foover, a mcem-; St.. iii Peterboraugh. I inewonk at Bnockviile this work is 'bunsting at the vation Arnmy menîbens and Sydney Ventan, and attc-ndedil Mrs. Oscar Davis, El Paso, ber cf tie board, Mrs. Hoope.1E unsbso week. sas.Ti aucpolmadberents, we are happy taý teMsneNgtoTe" gE toend eat mar- BowmacamvilThiChoral prcbeiy th MroicLaiis'NihtonTxas, better knoxvn in B0w,- Roy Neads the Arena Reg. libis -Mn. Bruce Elliott Sr., under- wiil be solved at 3:00 p.m. say that during the Rçd Shielci Saturday. man-ville as Miidred Pincb. cer'Ms.Nadan . .I o t erviBore n s of mR.R. ent sungery at PortHoehicmng atrywle Appeal next 'May an oppor- ilo m rospital onandiWay. Mn. Ernest Laird, the gneral tuniHypeviii bc given ta the' PRESENI On Tuescian 7well-k noaw n bas been visiting lber sister, Mornisa, a manher Of i otpa.I sudnto n n n roWd afratapnseîs hekysunitn ta sharie n tthis King SI. barbe)cr Pat Palme i Mrs. Ida McLaughiin, wbo i51 board, attended the rmeeînniois ed angg .and on G ranoel d ay of the finpre ntew esav luieeng prcct h'-' suffened a heart scizure at iisnow iii in Oshawa Hospital.'af the Ontario Arenas Associa-I sndnsochangenin the star pblic tviiifbeenvited ta giv shop and was rushed ta Me-'Mi-idned spent the weekendî tion helci at Mari, Kennry's adincgeinuates tradevening dinner gpubtsiith Sebobcta Liet. Colonl FrankGILBERTADSLI" mariai Hospital. Latest v.ord ixith Mr, and Mns. Edgar Bcd- Ranch, r.ear' Woodbric1ge, on, building. Mn. and Mns. S. J. Lancaster. Moultan, v;ho wiii then de- a littie extra tlîis yean, aii(l u~ is th-nt Pat is progt-e-sinc - fv-,ford and viFited niany old S u n,1a y. n.adMsFanWif Congratulations ta Mrns. clane flic building- officially al aven end ahov-c the loiael ~5jEIV & orby oiavlefripnds. M.adMs rn V te1Gilmen-Smitb who ws9 pn quota will bc mnked for the ýw B gg '~ onaby. BwmanîlleOn Snturday evening. Feb. ITwene weckend guests 1 w aSuda S9o2exenio.pen.U . Mn. and 'Mrs. Ross PBich.ards! MrS. MW. A. Edeer, VWelhng-llth, a famiy gatbening was, T eto r nd Mrs. Harry Ry- 14fb Ms.S.nitb'scaîl ern Pa irsiv eeroDevèloplng Good Citizens are enjoying a Flonida vaca-Ïton St., was a weckend visitorlbeld at the lionne of Mr. and'ley. -. ns. wr M. . G Ge Captaiui and Mss. Nonînan "Ail the time devotcd ta AND OHRSLCIN tion. Again. as last ycar, the with ber son and da-ighten-in- Mý,rs. Výictar Hancock. Presentl Mrs. Normarn Neals, Einx- anday '. Flemin R.g.o cehawa Colcs, resident Saivation Ar- bricks and martar, dollars i vacation v-as an aw-ard won llaw, Mr. and Mns. W. R._Ed-lwere Mr. and Mrs. H-arold' vale, visita-d witlî Mrs. T. J.. and Mý,rs. leingcf Osbaa, fiesIee nBwa-adcns a n betv" _ Hnrcmand Grant, Bellevile, Ja ckson on .Satulrdny. and Joan an-d Mn. anîd iMrs. ville, have ai-rangements well concltîded Captain Cales in, Mrs. Robert IHancock;l %iMr. and d Mrs. Lew' s Sander- % rîa~ n i~î fi ui.Tkn otiitea ne v ithîte'tts Mr.aninhan. akng ar jt te n nteviu, the'Sats-Bowmaill n Hl Orala; 'Mn. and Mrs. Wes.! son ,Toronto, wcre tA-tekend Al ihr n aiyo dedicainsrcetbchlmn' Ihs Triniy U n ted hurc 1 swith ,rr.and rs. Lar-Gilmen nnd fainily of Part i~nctenw building folloii 'rn the very beginîîing of' and Mr.Manlow ,Hancock cfid Sanderson. Hp ndM.GorePthg frafcnIoeig fte hsnda coo r Minstr Re. m.K.Houiade, BA. BD. Ncwcastle. The enjoyale 'Mr. and lMr. Wm. Ellison, Hpean M.Gerg Ptic te *1f1alopnib cfthe em tiuna eho rit FR1ll SA . M RC 3& rvhl e lc cî-rs that the ultimate re3uit wi 1, Miiser Re. m.K.Husaner BA. BD -eening vwas spent pain Mss. Ross M11il, Miss Lynda ofn.oantoM. Br tpeo f the Young Peoplc's Band be seen in young people cf Ornit - r.Arhu Cllso, ti.B, R.M. cards. Mn. and Mrs. -Haroi Haillcf XVitby %,ere guests .and famii Bertci Mns. Hcrband Singing Company (Jun- this area dev3oping into good' Admission 75e Og. I rhrColsn u.BLRSM Hancock and Grant nemained with Mnr. and Mrs. Carl Snmith timrB !nil, pn on Choir). Mav-or Wilfridcitîzens cf tomonrow, holding Suet O ______ or the weekcnd. oin Sundiy. Sun a ith Clrence Gilmer. Carrutiiers xiii bring officialii spiritual and moral' TICKETS A'ALBEFO EBR vey Impressîve musicalî lier son Larni- Taroento, spent'M. ndMrs. Jamnes Cas-gctn~ iosekn ilIpicpe" ____-____ Il a.m. - 1MORNING WORSHIP service w-as held Sunday - the ieekcnd with n.Ôbeweiin n Mrs. BnanCal_____ ning at St. Paui's United Wrigiht. w-cil anîd Mn. and Mns. Harold 1 Church whcn Mn. Kiemni Ham-______ Best werc dinnen guests withr COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE "TePo inSii"burg, violinisf, cf Peterbor- Mn. and Mfrs. Don Vinkie, Sat- "The Por in Siri1" ugh, and Mr. Ross MetcaL* RTICE M vn n r. KihB e Service cf Admission of Eiders and soloist, of 1Maple Gnax-e, werej 1gr. KlhBr Intalaio c Sewrd ad rutes.I guest artists. Special numbers;: calîrdl on tlieir parents Mn.iî Instllaton o Stevard the junior chair were un-' Ebenerer Eveningr Auxillary and Mns. Cecii Bunrley on thein:i decr the direction cf Mn. Mur-I The Fcbruirv meeting cf',way homne tram the South on 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSIIIP doch Beaton. organist. Mn. J.1Ebene!r B.v'ning Auxjiary'iaîîiday. Exencising in the ,Young of Oshawa., iamv preach- : was helcd at the home of îrs. warm sun bas wonkcd wn "ReigonGies erpetie"canducfed bath flic morttInî-x-Gv.Crsta t:fers fan Keith's hat.H ýD DU1:SO R "Reliion i.vesPersectiv" in andevening sevcsdearc'shçýi-n Secretary. President was walkcing four milesa day fate ins fBy.+ Tmnn.I1s.Wife ronivithout a cane. 1penedMs. an-d Mns. Jim Gilmen! S unday School The Ontario Ladies' Coliege ý he niee-ing bv reading an and fauiily cf Pont Hope were. Choir, cf Whitby. unden thel article from theic Missionany. S'nd,, inrget ih 9:45 a.m.-Junior. Interînediate and Senior direction cf Dr. Stanley OIli;uhiv -ay nents guestn s . PCwiVAUSfN h IER ORTISW E 11:00 .m.-Nrserborne accupied thle chair lofti -Reports ivere given by thelFrank Gilmer. 11:0 a.m-Nurery at Trinitv' United Churcli for 1various secretanieF. W cr1 d 11:20 a.n.-Kiindergarten and Primary .i cein 1 x-c ls.un'Dr fPr'r10lbehido( day. Dunring the service te eb'nvl"7th .vtCourtice Bb-itnSevcsag"Give Eir O Lord ioCiiurch àt2:3 iii lie t tb"hevs ImnumnnnIDnwIDnu Baby-sitting ServiceOur Prayer" by Chamb2rs anrl, ietingat be pm.tthe Mhe S E IA S Lord" by Farra.rît.Jutb-GretGon as is+ing. Pres- B s EO IED _____________________Pore ftie service closed s--,veraI'bytcriaI wili hoehîeld this ycapr RCM ED I other numnbers v-ere rendered nt Tr.iinhx- Un ited Ciiurch in tRMPGEO£1.D.A. Brand by the choir. Tinity Choir B--mniieon Fchruary 22.1nti g PAG bEn solnEn-,ah * Balibul Liver Oil Capsules f ententained the guest choir j The offering w-as bee stoen.En- -no0'.111'1500'439 EH BO H CH ITI N and the Y:ung ilPcople's 'Union, ai-d dediVated by the nre,: trane vas gained teMr. Van: =1M00e ns0 the ervce weiirefrshmnt-s-tv,ý, aIrn byMr G eni p jn ls door panel, reakh- MLPLU VITAMINS reg. 1.15 reg. 2.29 reg. 42 m-Il ~ ~ ~ ~ vresrvd keli, uýzing 'Christian Stew-i ng ini and turning a Yale,8c19qf H R H_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ REF RM E CH RCHMn. and Mrs. Albert F. Coxý ,, ardsh3p" as licn therne for ahlcc ScggStet Bw avil lgnSretE'~ c1w 1 braadmesg.waliace Tenry, 1136 Wharf EgnSre at ý- wveryv inspmring mta flice c&ehrate uStreeht, Bâ&: \Vend BnowîIRoad, aL.o repartcd t ItheI.D.A. Brand -Reg. 50c, 1.00 aîinveraî' on uncay eb-sang a loveiy dîtet acco:npnn-î oieis ceedtetîf annverar cr 1,'%nda, Fb-of 4 o hs itisra trpsMilk of Magnesia Tablets 39c, 71 I O T Rev John C. Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. ruary Stb, wlier. a 'diiiied,, by thieir mo,.ther at ft f2 fbi nsnttap ______________________ Miitrmenm bers was held at tici Th e auct,eakr a M Base Line and fthe Caxiadian -.DA. 'Utilt" Reg. 19 me c thir an-n-îw -E. Rrise of Osh-awa. Mrs. Roso' National Railway tnacks. 'Y ~ CNMSZ aoe f t - i -i idbedlertakn"Sead-iIn the eariy hours cf Suti- Bol t Waler Boille 1Smiîth, Elgin Street East. On, ship" a'-ound th stony of, e dn-oi there wasa ii at - I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 55c. 79e 10 AM.-SERVICE IN ENGLISR ijSaturday evenin.g, a suirpris1"r35Mre. tpe teto mtsv-Ech talWeg conto.Ins 7 party, held at £le home cff tlc: d.Pcius lunch ivvas serv- hiiele. Peter Van Der Veer, tsaentici vitamîns. Cai . 7:0 .Iý-SEVCEI DTH te b h. ose nAle a-45 Scugag Street, inforned Saccharin Tablels 3c SERICEIN UTC q ncr cople wa atedi flcosesadira- Bov.-manville Police at îîoon Iileu Shan 4< a day.____ b v imebrs cl their famnily.' sistant. Mrs. Robert Bryans. on Sunday fliat hoe had park- 1I.D.A. Brand - Pink, Yellow-, White - Reg. 2 for29 SudySholimdail te rs. Sam Glanville, who w'as, cd bis ccr on Scugog StreetTieTsue2r2 Sna co imdaeyatrbridcsmnaid 59 years aga, andi E L Y IL near thie corner cf Wellington Sunday morning service. Mrs. John Glanville, bath ofi ISEYVLE Street, sharthy ater one a.m. I U E . L L oltTsu------- o 7 v r n . Bowrman ville, iveea mn gSudà3. Lofe on Suniday I LD.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets- 3001s, reg.9e Free transportation for those wiiiing but unable those joining in the festi-rities.I Tx'enty flmnce ladies anrii P.oniiuig lie discovened fliat ________________ rmjicah instrunient, Mrs._Best castie, v.1-ho had » aiso -breqn- a UNBREAKABLERela 5- teck hen tape recorder to Mrs.Ipassenger in th e Aildred car, Rgla 5 i c o n Srv i e Carroil Nichais' and reccadecl1was nat injuned. D dic ton S rv c te bymn "Unto the Hilîs." Cnires B. Aildned is t a COIYB HindsHBoney &Almond Cream 55 TYis pravidcd splendid ac-'patient in Memnorial Hospîta1..________________ oth e w-trycampaninient and it was notIbe sustaiaed a fractuned skul,' ________________ cf te nev to-streynecessary to say wl-o mode, fractured left clbow, and lnec he recording, the artist's st-ile erations o,,,crbis rîgbt eye in tv TAMYN "' :was easily necognizabie. Mrs.lthei accident. Y A TAM IfS~'îT ,Best had taped the sangs the Police Chief Bernrd Kitncy, SU D Y S H O D I I N ýNichais' girls and Barbara'anci Constable John Bird in- Abdol _____ 3.95, 5m5'. ~ and extended Vestibule on CDînnertsang on Childne n" etgfc.Ayerst Pararnettes - _____20,3.50, 60E-- Coic hem pr es eknli iFrosst Betorte Tablet. -1.60, 4.2 eua 'l ved 'e to ~ebeei onr.Mlivl1 _____-- -36 of those %w-oh o b. ît eard I'4ews ,' Price Speciat O2fe Saturday, February l8th heraramm-e. Scout IiMeNsewsV-Sl210 .0,52 travelogue %vitil colouredi The 1sf and 2nd troops bad 0 e LR E Mead's Tri-VI-Sol 1.65, 2.95, 4.2 11 3:0P3.- LOsdes was given Ly Berniece: a negular N.H.L. hackey game SIZE Idavites - - 2.50, 6.0 3:00 P.M. - ALSO v nî~~,whch took the lad-es an alon Sattînday, Jan. 7. The ne-'CdLIcr01Cple-IDABan e trip through Canad-a and 'Wes- suifs wcre 8-4 fer lst Bow-Co ve01Casls .DABrn 7:0 .m -YongPepl'sBadan SngngCopay. di fisrn UieStates, and Gwen manville Traop. Idafer Llquld -27 Saturday 7:0m - fon epesBn n inigcmay h a-no their holiday' The stars fon 1sf Tnoop 7 Idafer Capsules____27 trip through some of tbe1 were Charles Evans sccning 3 ADMISSION FREE A'!enican states hast sumnîer.I goals, and Garth Linton, the -Discussion cof business and cf'ý goahie, did a wondenful job 9:SaundaoclBoacsy-CL <30 the programme ciontinued dur-!ion stopping the powerpack PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 9. SundaLcly acat- KB(15)irîg the fea and nefresbments. ed shots of 2nd Troop. 11:00 a-111- - Holiness Meeting 1 Some families were visiting The stars cf 2nd Troop wene A I 23 ..> during the weekend, and sanie John Depew and Terny Devitt. ~ M( 23p..-Sunday School for ail ages jare suffering wintor's com-1 This Tlîursd&y tbree cubsi - A . 7:0pm ra vneittMein nncmlits ohSnlram 3rd pack will be cern- , le x .WMc W rui 7:00p.m.- Grat Eangeisti Meeing onl ndchurch atten-jing up info 1sf Troop. We ne- 1 SPECIAL SPEAKER FOR TUE IVEEKEND arce -ere smplier-59 nt Sun- quest that al lst Troop scouts, " itre~M LIUT CLOELFRNKÏMULON atonl ouh ecetry daýschool. Ail teachers or as-, be af the Scout Hall at6:5 eYorLcl DA' LIUT OLNE RAKMOLTN Ntinl othSertîysistant teachers were present,, p.m. W e Deiver YorLclIDA -rug tr and scripture was read by Mrs. Ail the boys of lst are pass- f.- ( MM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMtt ONTARIO PAr.v. cv.vrpj

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