A . A.. tr.~kr~ -- -an r ~a. - r. 1PAGE LEIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEB. 16th61 SPORTO'PICS" By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234 BOB GALLAGHER ON TV, SUNDAY Bob Galiagher, weil-known former Bowmanville resi- dent, wiIi be appearing on Channel 9, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'ciock. Bob, a top-fiight bowier, currently boasting a 253 average in the Toronto Major League, will be bowling against Fraser Hambly, an 18-yenr-oid, averaging 252. The reiatively new program "Canada Bowls" is entireiy di.fferent from the bowling shows now on television. Each bowler rolls one game withi the winner, as usuai, getting the larger share of the priza rnoney. Each strike is worth ten bucks, with spares earning the bowler a five-spot. Consec- utive strikes pay off weii, with the prize doubling each frame. Three in a row, for example, would xin $40.00. Let's see- at that rate a perfect game is worth $20,480.00! t -t t t t NEyER CONDEMN A REFEREE Being an old retircd referee of sorts, we have always had the idea that referees are tryîng to do their best, and shouidn't be condemned for their mistakes. However, after watching Ivan Locke and Ab. Barnes handie the Juvenile and Interrmediate gamnes iast week, our thinking bas changed, wath regard to these two anyway. Offsides can be mnissed, it's true, but with this pair of so-called officiais, they wave it okay at times, when the puck Is passed from behind the blue-line over centre. On other occasions a legitimate pass in the centre zone between the blue-lines is called offside and play is brought back inside the defending zone, where it hadn't even started. Their whistie-tooting is so inconsistent that it is remarkable that they - or Locke anyway - ever got to be an O.H.A. officiai. It's p2rhaps siganificant that practicaliy ail of bis assignments are at the Intermediate and Minor hockey level. We'li save the rest of our criticism for another column. As was stated earlier, it isn't this reporter's practice to rap referees, but Ivan and Ah have goofed too often. t t t t +1 DON LAIRD ON U. 0F T. BADMINTON TEAM Several years ago Don Laird and this reporter battled it out for the singles championship of the Bowmanville Bad- minton Club, and for a brief time played together as a men's doubles team. Since then Don bas gone (in to greater things, while the scribe's badminton-playing leaves much to be desired. Don, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laird, Concession St., Is a third year Industrial Engineering student. He qualified for the U. of T. badminton teamn which competed In the Inter-Collegiate tourniment held last week at Toronto's Carleton Club. The U. of T. players took top honours. Don bas been on the team for three years, inaking hlm eligibie for a beautiful bronze plaque, to be presented at the sports banquet, beld in Hart House, next month. He is also an atv ebro h tahoa amno lbi Toronto. Congratulations on your achievements, Don. t t I t t NO LOCAL BOWLERS IN MEN'S DIVISION None of Bowmanville's representatives made the top spots in the Men's Zone Play-off, Sunday afternoon in Peter- borough. We understand that a bowler who only took up the game last year ended ini top spot, sporting a 275 average for the 10 games. Bob Gallagher, former Bowmanville resident, who along with Larry Piper, was on the Eastern Canada teamn last yeiar, quaiified for the Eastern play-offs. Bob bad 1198 for his first fu ae for a 299.5 average, and held the leadt t * .ti. tt NTENOUGH INTEREST IN INT. BALL This reporter was dlsappointeca to learn, after talking with Jim Crombie and AI Osborne, that the prospects of formning an Intermediate Basebail Club weren't too bright. Severai interested people have contacted them, but 13 not nearly as many as we had expected. With the league meeting coming up next week, AI and Jim wiIl have to know by this weekend, if any more interest is forthcoming. r This is your hast chance to revive Intermediate Bail in (Continued on page nine)1 L Memornul Arena '1 BOWMANVILLE I PUBLIC SKATING FRI.ir FEB. 17 8-10 P.M. SATURDAYI FEBRUARY 181h HOCKEY 6;:30 pan. AJAX NIDGETS vs. DOWMANVILLEMIDGETS 8:30 p.ni. EASTERN ONTARIO PLAYOFFS TRENTON JUVENILES VS. DOWMANVILLE JUVENILES ADMISSION - - Aduits, 50c; Students, 25e SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th FANJLY SKATING - 3 Io 5 p.m. WEDNESDAYI FEBRUARY 22nd INTERMEDIATE - 2 Out of 3 Serie HOCKEY 8:30 p.m. PORT HOPE VS. DGWNANVILLE SHANIOCKS ADMISSION - - Aduits, 50t; Students, 25e Children under 12 years of age Free if accompanied by aduit Inspect Paint Tinting Machine ... .. ...... ...... ..-.. To see the latest in ne-w products and merchandising methods, hardware merchants froin many parts of Canada visited the recent Canadian Hardware Show in Toronto. Here W. G. Lander (lefi) and Ossie Williams (right) of Landers' Hardware and Electrical Supplies, Bowmanviile, examine part of the auto blend unit, a new method of tint ing paint, which is being shown, by John Schmuck (centre) of the paints division of Canadian Industries Limited. Several other hardware employees and proprietors from Bowmanviie attended the Show. Play Trenton Nexý Juvs Win League Tiffe Def eut Whitby Team 6-3 In Top Hockey Attraction Faeed with the fact that "Isure goals", ta proteet the Whitby wasn't going ta hand lead. thein the right ta advance in Woodlock opened the scor- O.M.H.A. play, Bowmanviiie ing at 5:12, firing a blazing dug in and came up with ane shot high into the cage from of their best team efforts of inside the blue line, after a the season, to take a 6-3 win fine rush out of bis own end. in the third and dcciding It took Whitby just 13 seconds game o! a best of three juv- ta tic the score, with Law con- enlie series, Saturday night necting on a niee three-way at the Memorial Arena. passing play with Fletcher and Throughout the game, play Moore, Black, ail ahane in took place aimost entirely in front of the net, took careful the visitors end, until, trail- aim before drilling Hughes' ing 6-1 Whitby produced a behind-the-net passout into beiated raily late in the third the net, late in the period. period. The big difference was Riekard seored twiee in the in the skating, as the locals middle session ta give Boxv- showed a lot o! speed ta tic manville a 4-1 lead. On the up a team whieh had been first, Scott Essery dug for the able.ta keep pace in the two puck in the corner, fed Jam- previaus encounters. Main es behind the net and Riekard reasan for this, was Bowman- blasted in the pass-out. The vilhe's use of three lines, while second came on another Jam- Whitbv went with oniv two. es pass from hack oif the cage, Grant Flintoff, Jirn Riekard, Doug James, Terry Black and John Twist were going con- cerns on the forward lines, whîlc AI Woadloek and Brent Hughes gave the visitors a rough time on defence. AI- though goalie Grant Wright wasn't tested toa scverely, he came up with severai great saves, partieularly a pair-of Shamrocks1 Trenton R.C.A.F. showed that they will pose a major stumbiing block in the play- offs, when they shutout the Shamrocks 3-0 at the Memor- ial Arena, last Wednesday night. The Flyers, showing a vast]y improved club since their last appearance, were a bit too fast for the Sham- rocks, who were unabie to keep up the pace in the final period. Bowmanv ille hadj about the same number of Town League Baskel Snuffy's 1 Stephen's Snuffy's Auto Body won their sixth straight game without a loss in the opcning ga me o! last Tuesday's doub- lbill, while in the second game Stephen Fuels staged an upset win over Caronatian Cafe ta leave Surplus Sales ail ahane in the cellar. 1The Sales made it a game for the first bal! as they held a scant 12-11 edge over the league-leaders. In the third quarter Snuffy's broke baose for 12 points, while holding the opposition ta a single foui throw, and that was the game with the Auto Body adding il in the final quarter for a 32- 20 win. Snuffy's had their individ- ual leaders in each quarter, except the second. Ken Kelly was high man for the night with a dozen points, bal! o! them in the first quarter. Gord Dudley hooped six o! bis eîght points in the third and Joe Markle's sever> ail came in the final session. For the lasers, Lloyd Cov- erly scored six points, Donl ,Welsh had five and Barry Cowling counted four. In the nightcap, a nine point surge in the second quarter Save - Stephen Fuels with goalie Campbell down on the ice and out of position, aiter saves on Dave Werry and Vern Rowe. Campbell was so infuriated that he fired the puck the length of the ice. A desperate atteînpt ta get back in the game re.iulted in goals by Bremner from Shar- man at 13:22, and Christie from Fletcher, with a minute and 48 seconds remaining. Hughes was off at the time for high-sticking Moore as the lacais biggest tangled with Whithby's smallest in a minor skirmisb. Moore gat a siash- ing sentence, while Hughes picked up two minars. A battie royal broke out in the Bowmanvilhe end with 10 seconds remaining in the game. Nobody seems ta know just how it started, but it was a rc'pl good- scran aial stic'ks i Men's Major Bowling Two bowlers bit over the 800 mark with AI Osborne setting the seasons high with 210-303-345 for 858. Ah Pip- er was right behind hitting games of 255-293-305 for 853 Oh yes, we forgot ta men- tion Roly Coombes set the low -triple record hitting a nice 366, Roly also wvon low single game with 96. Team Standing £N1ne bowlers naa 700 or. Team W L Pts. better. Ron Brock 789, Coul- Canadian Tire- 12 6 12 son Woolner 762, Ed Leslie Liberty Bowl 11 7 Il 758, Jack Munday 743, Pete Kramp's Furn. il 7 il Dobbins 741, Dr. Keith Sie- Pepsi Cola ---- il 7 Il mon 732, Stan McMurter 721 Preston Transport 10 8 10 Harry Akey 719 and Russ Selby Grant Heat. 10 8 10 Hailman 70l9. Neis Osborne Ins. 9 9 9 AI Osborne had high single Lander Hardware 9 9 9 game 345, Bruce Vivian hit Bow'viile Cleaners 9 9 9ý 319, Ron Brock 310 and Ah Cowan Equip. 8 10 si Aiey Chatter 1 Step)hen Fuels --- 8 10 8 At a meeting of the direct-1 Cab 500 _ - - 8 10 ors of the league it was de- Ken's Men's Wear 7 1l 7 cided to hold the election. OfI Robson Motors 7 1l 7 off icers for next year during Chartran's -_ 6 12 61 the schedule. In this way al High Averages members wili get a vôte and Name G Ave. xiii save considerabie con- AI Osbornep.---- 18 247 fusion at our annual banquet. Ernie efc-----1 24 Nominations will be open Larry Piper ---. 18 225 for Vice President; Secretary A andTresurr ad to drec AbPiper-------_ 15 225 andTrasre an to irc-Dr. K. Sieron -_ 18 221 tors. Gien Lander the present1 Pete Dobbins ... 18 221 vice president will move up Bill Bate~ 18 213 to the president's chair. The Frank lmohui.... 18 217 executive as it stands at pre- Ed Lugtenburg --- 18 2 17 sent is President BillOe Jack Bond ------- 18 216 Vice President Gien Lander, Treasurer Fred Cole and Sec- Features This Week retary Alan Osborne. The pre- Highi Single- Ai Osborne sent directors are Murray 345. Larmer and Elton Prock. High Triple- Ai Osborne Ballots will be given out 858. at the alleys in the near fu- Low Singe- Roly Coom- ture for nominations and the bes 92. next week the members will Low Triple- Roly Coonx- vote on those members who bes 366. wili stand. High Team (1) Kramp's Two changes were made in Furniture 1289. the standing thîs xveek. Ai Os- High Team (3) Kramp's borne took over top spot in Furniture 3416. the averages with 249 for 18 Low Team (1) Cab 500 925. games, Ernie Perfect settled Low Teamn (3) Robson Mot- at 241 for second spot, whiie ors 2909. Larry Piper and uncle Ah Features This Sehedule Piper are tied at 225 for third Clarence Oke 346. place. AI Osborne 858. In the team standing Can- George Jones 86. adian Tire took top place with Roly Coombes 366. 12 points with Liberty Bowl, Kramp's Furniture 1289. Kramp's Furniture and Pepsi Liberty Bowl 3430. Cola all tied at il pointsl Robson Motors 783. apiece for second spot. 1 Cowan Equipment 2706. Goodyear Hockey Hose Down Mats 7-4 Take Over Top Spot Three goals ini six minutes1 brokze up a bard fought gamre1 as the Hase dawned the Mats1 7-4 ta lock up a first place finish, in the apening gameý of Sunday afternoon's Good- year double-header. The Fan Belts trounced the Office 8-3 in the second tilt, as the reg-. uhar schedule came ta a close. with Riekard taking tbree were tosscd aside and the pug- The league-leadership was wacks at the puck before put- ilists went into battle. With decided in the final game o! ting it into the corner. Hughes in the sin bin, Wbit- the seasan, as the Hase who Hughes, taking' a turn on by had the edge iin man-pow- had led ail the way, found the forward uine, roared in ta er and Fintaf! appeared ta their margin eut ta a single make it 5-1 at the 45 second be the victini of the odds. point by thc rampaging Mats. mark of the third period. If anyone enjayed himschf, Each team took the lead twice, Black and Wiseman combined it certainly was Alex Wise- but with nine minutes re- ta set up the play. Twist just man who just kept swinging maining the score stood al managed ta poke a triekier and laughing, ia spite o! a even at 4-4. over the line at the 8:08 mark bloody nase. Ron Burgess opened the scoring for the Hase, but Mort _Oi Richards evened the score and Bow t Tren on 3Gary Cooper put the Mats anc Bow ta ren-Lon ~u.haer, Lloyd Halta nutei chances, but just cauldn't period, xvben Vanstonejup Laess toydH haam nutei connect. gled the puck and it fell intO at two apiece. "Chuck" Kil- The rugged tilt saw refer- the net. After 37 minutes of patrick sent the Mats in front ces Ivan Locke and Ah Barn- scoreless hockey, St. Pierre again, oniy ta bave Don Wel- es hand out a total o! 74 min- made it 2-0 early in the third sh's first goal o! the season utes in penalties, including from a seramible in front O! knot the count 3-3. A pair ai misconduets to Jim Oiinski, the cage. Another pile-up re- goals, a minute apart, left the Vince Vanstone and Le Gran- sulted in a goal by Lewis at teams stîli on even ternis, de. "Buck" Cowle and Le 9:58 ta put the R.C.AF. inta "Buck" Cawle biinking tbe Grande drew fighting majors a three goal niargin. That was red light for the Hase and at the 1:35 mark of the open- when Vanstone picked up bis Cooper countering for the' ing period. misconduet for arguing that Mats. Drake opened the scoring the marker sbouhd be disal- Cowhe fired the winner 45 at the 4:36 mark in the first loxved. scnsltr aitnmd %tballit 6-4 within a minute and' tballCowhe connected again with, two minutes remaining ta put the game on ice. WThe Cowie - Hamilton - Fer- guson Une xvas re-united for Cowl wih treegoals and ntwo assists, Hamilton two andi UpsetCoro atio two, and Fergu.son-three as- ; U p et oron tio sists, whieb briefly tied him a big 15-5 lead at haif t'me Larry Hancock, who aiso scor- 'ng title. and they went on ta hand cd a pair of baskets. W~est wasted no time in cap-, Coronation Cafe an 18-14 set- Team Standings turing the titie when he drew. back. Mr. X again led the WV L T Pis. an assst on Bob Marris'. Fuels with seven points an-, Snuffy's Auto ---- 6 0 O 12golatritemrehn w Gord Ritter contributed six. Coronation Cafe 3 3 O 6 mgoals alLe ltteme taenw Dan Seto, hcld ta four was Steph en Fuels __ 2 4 0 41 the second game. high for the losers along with 'Surplus Sales --- 1 5 0 21 Howard Quinney got that anc back for tbe Office, but the Fan Belts grabbed the iead again 50 seconds later and' Midg ts in R und werc never headed. The xvin, gave the Fan Beits a third place finish, leaving the Office By Downing W hitby in the cellar, three points be- After losing the .first game final minute in an eff ort ta West paced the attack with, here 4-3, Bowmanvile re- tie the round,. aro olsad asss bounded ta down Whitby 5-2 Tollie Tbompson opened wrhile Don Prout wound bis' ini the second game o! a mid- the scaring and Sieep put the way from end ta end for two! get playoff series, Saturday locals anc up in the round, picture goals and Bob John-! aftcrnoon, in Whitby. The alter taking a pass from Jim; son scored once and assisted! thre gol magingavethelo- inn Whiby lot ne aon twa others. thre gol mrgi gae te l- Fnn.Wbiby ot nc ack The remaining Fan Beit cals an 8-6 win in the two before the period ended. but -___ game total goal set. Ray Pickell notched the loac The Bowmanville c 1 u b marker o! the middle session turned in an inspired effort ta make it 3-1. ta earn the win in a fast, hard- The lasers scored early in fought game. The winners led the thîrd ta even the round, 2-1 at the end o! the first, once more. Sleep put the la- 3-1 after two periods and 5-2 cals in front ta stay on a pass- a! the end o! the game. Bob ing play with Thompson and Sieep's third goal of the tilt Finn, -and then found the open into an open net was the cage ta end the Whitby hopes. clincher, as the homesters Bowmanvile will now play pulied their net-minder in the Ajax. For Old Appliances Gel Cash Today chrough STATESMA N C L ASSJ1F 1ED 8 Phone MArket 3-3303 talhies went ta Bill Cale and Pete Stacey. Don Masters xvas in on ahi the Office seoring with a goal and two assists. Bob Fairey fired the other marker. Final Standings WV L T Pts. Hase 11 3 O 22 Mats---- 9 4 1 19 Fan Beits 3 8 3 9 Office --- 2 10 2 6! Leading Scorers G A Pis. Raye West (FB) 16 24 40 C. Ferguson (H) 15 21 36 Ted Fairey <M) 19 16 35 Ron Burgess (H) 20 13 33 Don Masters (0) 19 il 30 L. Hamilton (H) 13 10 23 Bill Crassey (FB) il il 221 C. Kilpatrick (M) Il 10 211 F. Cowle ---- (H) 6 14 201 B. Sheridan (O) 8 il 19' A. Crossey (FB) 10 7 17 B. MarjerrisonFB 8 9 17 ý Shamrock Scoring Statistics Don Masters________ "Buck" Cowle- Bob Mari errison ______ Bob Fairey --- Lloyd Hamilton _____ Ted Fairey Bob Sheridan -- -____ "Mort" Richards -____ Ron Burgess Ray Preston ___ "Archie" Crossey Jim Olinski-- Ron Poilard ---- Bill Lyle-- ____- "Hank"' Lane___ "Bun" Weish -___ Terry Masters Bob Abbott -- Goalies Vince Vanstone- John Fowler- G.P. G A Pts. P.I.M. 19 19 20 30 il 20 il 24 35 41 20 16 9 25 16 19 6 il 17 16 16 3 il 14 8 20 9 5 14 21 G.P. F A 18 95 63 2 13 13 Av g. 3.50 6.50 22 48 8' 60 22 16 2' 26 10.M 10 Mixed Bowling League Etcher's threatened runa- way with the Mixed League's second schiedule was haited Friday night, when third place Sieep trounced the league- leaders 7-0 to move inta sec- ond, oniy four points behind. Yeo was upset 5-2 by Elton Brock to di-op back inta third spot, although gaining two on the front rulîners. Bromel handed Hilda Brock's ceilar- dwellers a 5-2 setback, whiie Mohun kept their unenviable losing streak alive, dropping a 5-2 decision to Spicer and Palmer defeated Castie 5-2. Onie Etcher continued to set a terrifie pace, roliing up a big 742 triple ta increase bier average to 230, 18 points ahead of "Uap" Palmer. Onie aiso swept high single bon- ours with a 305 game, fol- howed by "Uap" Palmer 295 (men's high), Dore Mutton 280, Morley Etcher 273, Glen Fry 254, 225; Cee Mutton 250, Duke Brunt 248, 245; Elton Brock 245, 221; Pat Yeo 243, 212; Joe Nowian 241, 222; Ruth Grant 241, Mary Harri- son 238, Marge Hodgson 236, Jim Thompsoni 235, Art Spicer 235, 221; Frank Mohun 233, Marion Wiseman 230 and Don Bradley 230. "Duke" Brunt's 687 triple was high for the men, other good scores goîng to Gien Fry 684, Uap Palmer - 683, Pat Yeo-663, Marge Hodg- son-iSO, Elton Brock-647, Art Spicer-640, Joe Now- han-636, Dore Mutton-616, Murray Grant-613 and Mor- ley Etcher-604. Teams Standing Etcher Sheep ---- - -- Yea- Palmer Bromel.- Spicer- E. Brack- Casthe----------- Mohun --- H. Brock ------ High Averages G Oni, .Etcher -- 18 Uap Palmer 15 Elton Brock ----- 18 Norm O'Rourke --18 Frank Moiun --- -18 A-rt Spicer ---- - 15 Glen Fry -------- 18 Howard Bromiei---18 Hilda Brock ----- 18 Joe Nowlan .------18 Murray Grant------15 Ladies' High Single- Etcher 305. Ave. 230 212 211 211 211 205 201 2101 199 196 196 Onie Men's High Single- Uap. Palmer 295. Ladies' High Triple-onie Etcher 742. Men's High Triple- Duke Brunt 687. 9 9 20 &ONS LTD. 8 10 19 MA 3-5516 7 Il 17 7 11 16 BOIVMANVILLE 6 12 14 _________ __ ___ LI BERTY -~BOWL LTD. BASE LINE Featuring AUTOMATIC bc PIN-SETTERS OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Time Available for More League Bowling ý - ý. - A , , - r