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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1961, p. 2

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Rot ary Club Gives New Type Incubator STo Local Hos pifai The meeting of the Board, jation be sent from the b! 'of Directors of Memnorial Hos- to the Bowmanville Rot p -?, h"'d on Wednerday ev- 'Club to thank the meml ening, February 15th, was for this generous donat infor.ned thant the Bowman- 'This motion was carried ville Rotary Club is donating 'anilmous' y. an Islette, the latest type ofî Those present at the m( incubator, for the hosptals ing were the chairman, GI riuzer. JmesStut cai- holme Hughes, Deputy-Re 94 man of the property ai-nd furii. Ivan Hobbs. Dr. Chr-rles ishings committce, ,,ho re- Austin, Harry V. Cryderr ported the ;~t, stated that it Hrr Jose of Newcastle J, r had cost $850. es Stutt. K. Jackson R. Wi .tr.v J- 2, Newcastle, sec- IersA. Thompson, W. Man ondied by Mrs. L. W. Dipp)el. 1A. MD. *Thom pson, W. Man jnoved_ that a letter- of- apprec- Staceýy, Mrs. L. W. Dmti ýr Mrs. Harold Gibmon of Ciar Mrs. Stanley MicMurtcr, GEl THE PRESTIGE ývice-president ofth o lospital Auxiliary. also Iitended asth ersna GING R AIof Mrs. Lawrence C. Mas GINGE ALE president of the auxilia mis who was unab1. to be Dre-E GETI VILVhIl Mrs. Charles Warren, Danli ton, wvas also unavoidably sent. Deuy-ev Hobbs,s I that accounts amounting -~ i I$8,942.86 be pald. Thisv cance ommTherepowasogiven fl acred. mmTereport of ten its chairman, Deputy-ReE Hobbs, who moved its aci tion. This was seconded Mrs. McMurter, and carri The chairman of the bui ing committee, Mr. Cryd man, reported that the c struction of the new wing the hiospital is proceedings isfactorily. Interpretations the personnel policy of1 hOnotion of epdsutyed tiII~ pen m oitteef was s-e Hobbs, seconded by Mrs.D to study the necessary in- bes, Oshawa, visited Mr. andpwl stehnirfso crae nstaff for the newi etter tofnhe_ __t Mrs. R. Coombes. d ~,ai.wellasng and iing o wing. Rex Walters was ap - Miss Evelyn Cunningham, M use, ~ uITm i EN<iiei olandoinng.mite pone1hima fti o Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. C.,wr aedyrprtBr imittee and empowered to ap S argent, Ida, were Sunday w55Ser, Paey Groenfi eld rt point its other members. EPlanU H obbyJUD7 cales of Mns KeDeve - IuhDeld, Dr. Chairman Hughes, gave A . . y. Eers ofMMrsELK. Dauuur John E. Hendry; Grounds, Ken the a rpotfo JnaM.r. and Mns. Lyle AbramsT n Mm e o r Nicks, R. P. Rickaby Miss hosptalreprt or anuay. T~Ur~I ? ~and childnen, Kingston, Visita Apha Hodgins, Curatonial, the It showed that there were 226 At R staur nt on 11.5 M Cu 11ed bis mother, Mrs. Jean AbN EE Board as a whole will act. admissions, 30 births, 238 dis-b- R.,v1 NwTate.,hname a nochfg, thmearmusedumlieonSuis cnarges and 58 patients in;R.R'P'Newaste. anded t nnchrgeeitms amsaodLesieen SndaseuLII iI Da dtr-fromn $25 to $50 would have' r n r.LreGiffin, *ytt edcdd h or a he rsdncme pte n t asi eaearning thannh.DarEitr- a 517 commission charge and Blackstock, wene supper guests, Mrs L B. Williams who re- ing the decision to specialize will meet again on March 2. tan Te umbrf atentdas n'We reananinganex5thseovr 50 oud os ofhi sotrf Ms. .'cetlymae gftrf.5000npatiuîrî in tî eW. [bers Januairy was 1,774 and tne hiîtion and sale of contem-! 10%. These small charges are Rabm. ceto th ae awn fo a 000 museumry n he eal ave~'e umenofpaietsI ornyloalars ndcrft Ito defnay the running expen- Tuesday Mrs. W. Rahm ac- !trades and crafts of Bowman- u- daily, 57.23. Operations dur- in the dining roomn at "The a nme horryci-'ý For OId Appliam un*ing the month wene 211. This Highway 115 between Orono ses of the so.CmaidM.Ce amwsn M e umhon oardchar-o total includes 40 major, 107 and Newcastle. We are situated on a main and Mrs. J. E. Gniffin to visit man frtheMeumBada, il n dsrcMr rso eet-n oad6 mrece. W r niu ooti tourist arteny and many peo- her daughters, Mrs. M. Smilev, 1itS fntmeig held last said be feit this would allow1 e as oa le-The number of outpatient a comprebevisive collectionpeptcunltunssarBuinon an Ms.Ax eeve 226 representing aIl the skills that interested la the genuine Can- Penger, Hamilton. A ten member boand bas'hibits and displays. Such items, hog i.ts wassca podcein adian work of art. This outîet- been appoînted by Council tola angs untnisr- hog Caaiascanrouen wiîî, we feel, fili this need set up and administen the iments of the Dominion Organi nan, ~cluding painting, sculpture,an rdestsato At TTT' m eu whc wlbeith and Piano Co., had alreadvl' C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 rrvirr SAULT fine embroid e'ry, pottery. t h an tdaso i .LIZIJJJ BASE LNE former J. H. H. Jury house.' enmnioeadthn n Phone 1MArket 3-3303 vi LONG AUL hammered pewter and copper, t h aygfe rit b many more to draw fnom, as' _____________ nsel etecai rs ulig so frequently blusb unseen Mr lmHabug The pnoperty acquired by th leatheMrcrafd.Mbrass rubbownlsfor want of such a centre. We n lm HmonPeter-. museum includes the beautiful' iscl Ms. er Pweletc. and any of tbe mn et ma ketinn nu' borough, spent the weekend of grounds, making an ideal set- pell, Ez-wlianville, were Sndvy oetrae dwithe cnoopul era- i ________r.________orte______andgiv Suda handicrafts practised by bothFbuayltwihM.ndigfotemuum ndi- irke. cvcning guests of the Kovacs amateur and professionals. tiontuof citizenstruhecoutter-l Mrs. J. R. Metcalf and Mr.' n aypol nopr tbhe family. The principals and teacb- disrict there should be amplelIRoss Meteaif. tunity to enjoy these gardens., 'nenlý Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Geldant, ens cf the bigb schools bave iMse rn ecl a h uemwl pcaie at-, saa ihM.adMs'benapoce nodnta material for many sucb shows. Mse rn eei a î uemwI pcaie dive J saes SowdeMr.Sundy . theyngr o le an eta All work sbould be labeled weekend guest of bis grand-i the display of the early is0f Mr J me odenMrs. nchieMc-ptee cnd Thepehibitn e- with your name and addness parents, Mn. and Mns. J. R.1trades and crafts of Bowman- ïay,l . il, Haydonw ene.da pentdonTeMaxcbtion wiltogether with your telephone Metcaîf. ville and district up to 1900. ling- evening guests of Mn. andi continue until October îoth, numer "anrdsclaynly mardM. am yBattams, M.andcbiceiso oloe ads ei9h61.orTdspeynationrals. Dnnvestamsaccm-Icussion in wbich Mn. James a-Mrs. G. Kayacs.191Tenaialpsra "for sale", In the latter case panied by Mn. and Mrs. Con-GoinMsusAvsr ab- Mn FedG. mih elbrt- ioan tleisin rebengtbe pnice you are asking ley Battams, motored ta Elgin ýDepartment of Travel and Pub- oat, should be cleanly stated. This o Fiavenng ndictagain advised featurinc sec- ed bis 77th birthday Tuesday, a lange audience,P many oir information would enable us the weekend with Mr. andisomne particular aspect of early *vedFeb 21 I wom e hpe wll urcaseto put tbe artist in contactMr.DulsBtim anddys, pneferably local, to at- ' tol Club 50 ladies met at the these pieces. wt letwomgtws -ml n r n r.Gr rc iios was home of Mrs. Fred Partner Items to be shown at the th clien dt o migbtwish fnami ad M. and fmrs . . Grtrctv sitonselce by a good attendance. President ition or for sale should be Fo n te nomtofwth e gH ae 1 gir s O .Peso a eetd eve ns. . Vneykopeed te sbmited efor Mach 2thplease caîl or write, Mrs. D. o h oeEooisCas renil raueadMs ýeveMrs W.Vanyk pend te ýubmtte beoreMarh 2thLouis Frenchman, The North- Bowrnanville High School, tra- Mre Wiemtaseretand. la- Jop- meeting and conducted tbe but work will be accepted at eWima sctry In by business. ýanytime tbroughout the sea- way Restaurant, R.R. 1, New- velled by chartered coach to teetadspotb a iosSW led. A niainwsrcie'snt elns h aslf castle, telephone number, Or- visit the Home Economicstestadupotbvris And ta nviuetation Club 49 Fivdy n by epns the purchases. oaa 107, or Miss Helen Van Bnanch at the University of ogn aions xvas pledged at, 1erd- evening in theof allb w9hen a W panaru this display Dusen, 27 Horsey St., Bow- Toronto on Thursday evening. a meeting held in Decemben der.eveingin te hll hena Wepla torun hisdislaymanville, telephone, MArket The girls wene under the sup- regarding the museumn and as on- goodly number attended. Plans on a non-profit making bas- 3-3587, wbere we shaîl be ervision of Mrs. Annott, Mn many of hese as possible have of were completed for the cater- is only. The pnice determined tob-fassac. Wof n r.Wry been represented on the board. sot- yng of Sondnassieddnce.andobfthandist Items bappyThey oft $5.of waa's ed a he "andrc h efortitund mwher 2 hoe Yustrenjyd a tour of the build CThe twa nepresentatives from FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING I of 5.0 wa vtedto he Mach ailforuner 25 nd hoe Yurstruy, ings, a fashion show, and C ouncil are O. J. Pressan and * u the of Dimes", also a donation ta:-sent in by studeats would be Mrs. D. Louis Fnenchman. sca afbu.GaeBne Ken Nicks; Percy Greenfield, LET US DE-SICID YOUR TIRES cbuch.attended fromn this community. Canadin Legion; Bert Syer, eve Mrs S.Gale nd rs.S.Kinsmen; Dr. John E. Hendny, N-Skidding gives you 25% more traction, ip- G. Kovasavouhned s Jimes* J KR OE Kiwanis; Miss A.pha Hodgis incueses tire life 15%. Drive sofe!y in up r es andtenMas a mnes 1ETTTA1T Business and Professional Wo- snow ond slush -your tires need flot be Waale acedas ucioner 4-H omemaking Club sible, will complete this unit. UJ..LI11I men's Club; Mrs. Mcl Wise- for oun annual Valentine auc- n-ivmetDy sJne2 an, Wamen's Institute; A. M.flW from thiseffot.75 Therei- sitant edterfirs e< in Campbellcroft Hall. Mn. Henry Jakemnan is in Thompson, Lions; R. P. Ricki- fro. tis ffrt.Thepreli Stintn hldthefirt me, The leaders explained re- Sunnybrook Hosoî)tal, Taronto. by, Rotory. Mns. Roy Lunney, lunc hwasned bvey the cam- pofcthin bearime oruSt- quinements of a club memben, Mrs. Hanry Hannah is in the tenth member, will look lunc wa sered y te con pojec inherhomeon at-record book, the unit, recipe Niagara Falls, N. Y., visîting aften press and publicity. mittee. uncéay, Feb. l8th. Leader Mns. box files, reasans for eating with Mn. and Mns. E. Corneil. The meeting was opened by FOR HEAVY SNOW DRIVING the h elat:.s kiaeen and en girls re fruit, Canada's Food Rules, Mrs. Meta Schilling, wbo Mayor Wilfrid Carruthens, wbo LET US CUT SNOW CLEATS wit Mn. anek nd rs ne mmbesMarart Jn-rules fan disbwashing and lives wîth bier daughter and bricfly outlined events ta date Murhy s pogrm cnveons cznCharlotte Annis aadmeasurements, when baking. san-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. J. and conducted the electi n of Mupya r-ga ovnrs zn Elaine Anais and Shelagh Rajiski, had the misfontune ta office'rs. In takingr the chair, Do oway with choins - we con cut mud It wos decided ta quilt a Red' Grace Moore, ta aur groun. urpy demonstnated a few faîl on Thunsday, fracturing Mn. Presson said 'be feit that and snow cleats on your present tires that Cross quilt. ýThe 4-H Plcdge was rcpcated. Meaurh nsfcs unhhrhp heedryld mesreets fct. Lucihnhi.Th ldny ay vs'a museum, xvbeneven one is set wl ulyutruhi oey Mrs. Partner on behaîf o! Lynne Stainton is aur new was servedi. Shclagh Murphy alone at the time and had ta up, serves two purpýoses. Itilpl o hruhi aey the lubneenk ted ns. Jhnedat.a Icta was ga nd- offered to hold the next meet- wait almeost three houns before presenves theubistonîcal ansti- va Vncykwitha git. d tht a ecreary as n in ber home on Satunday, ber family came home. Dr.i des f this cfuory ania Mr. and Mrs. F. Partncrn fecessal'y as each girl is al- Feb. 25th, at 2. Sneller had ber taken ta Civic 1pnoject that continues for an.5 Mn. aSndayrs .Pater and viauwaspmepaetg's eo rtJen Te tee "F Hospital, Peterborough, by indefinite pcniod of' time, be-O Iy $5 we, e.Ssnd3y supperrepests.oJeaysTpeepared to'give a pre ambulance. comîng an asset ta the tawn. Per Tire ~"family, Onono. -Molette is press reporter. TruhteAei nr- Mn. and Mns. Vincent Jack- Ia acquinincg articles for the Mn.andMrs Rot. amcon1 A cub ameis ndcid ken Line," for the Wonld Day Mr. nd rs. obt Camron A clb nme i unecied. of Prayen service, held in Ty- son and Mrs. Thomas Jackson muscum, Mn. Presson expres- andfamly ereSunay up-Eigt metigsto e hld n, oneUnited Church, Friday were Sunday guests with Mr. scd the hope that most would per guests of Mn. and Mns. A. Satundayaftcnnoons if ps aftennoon, was attcnded by and Mns. Milton Fallis at Mill- be doaated on loaned. Follow- S Mavin, Bowmanville. Mn. and- Salem, Haydoa and Tynone brook. Mrs. Chas. Penwanden and E EN Z R W.M.S. and W.A. ladies. Mrs. Mns. Thomas Jennings speat Air, Rail or Steamnship guests of the R. Cameron's." J. C. Cook presided and was Mns. T. W. Scott at Burlington., TO EVERYWHERE I ES A Mr. and Mns. W. Vancyki W.M.S. fenoAuiay assistcd by sevenal ladies. Mns. Mns. Gertrude Passaw, GaI-' Consult were Sunlday suppen gucsts of' e Lk, hTasrtund Mn. and Mrs. Langenak, Os - b er opening nemanks, th-e Norman Avenry of Salem sangs1 fdca hLake aysi boaspned'3U L V L awa.president, Mns. Allan Down. "Prayer is of Soul's Sincene sefrahlidays i lonida, spet 1 i ng SR.YW& LMO V -E361 Mn. and Mr. G. Brownasized the importance of! sre"accampanied by Mrs.svrldy atwe ih 1 igS.W A336 e a nav family, Bowmaaville, wrepryeparticuarly for Nigeria Brent. Abi! drsswsbr adughtcFrank s-alwkom.ll ~_W V R E 8 Sunay visitors of Mn. aa& and Angola, where racial dis- g-iven by Mrs. qd. Ganrard of M.adMs ra rsa. _____________ Mrs. W. Brown. cimination is the root of great Haydan. Miss S. Gibson and Mr. N. disturbance at the present Friday evcning Club 49 la- if Davis were Sunday su ppcn time. dies ententaiaed thein bus- guests of Mn. and Mrs. J U. N. Sec. Mrs. K. Countice bands along with the ladies of Wright and family, Bethany. 1 reported tbat Canada bas been Club 50 and their husbands. Sandra was Friday eveninry able to close 12 refugee camps Games and a social time were AG supper guest o! Mn. and Mns. la Europe. A numben of the enjoyied. Sevenal r ec e l ved Wm. Cann aad Brenda. Mn. membens plan to attend a pnizes for the evening. Suppen VR and Mns. Ryc Gibson, Sandra United ain meeting in was tiien servcd ta about 40 and Norman Davis wcre Spt- Toronto on Feb. 21. Presby- adults. urclay evening guests o! Mn tenial meets at Trinity United Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hos- and Mns. Gardon Strng, Bal- Church, Bowmanville, on Wed. kmn, Donna, Joanne and Joey,Y ALF OBN KG IClub 50 ladies and their anc Mrs. G. Annis, Mrs. R.' Mrs. Neilson Grecntree and husbands wcrc cntcrtained ta Peance and Mrs. H. Mackie. family Oshawa, Mns. Elgin a social evcaiag and supper An invitation fromn Courtice1 Mason and family, Bowman- Its destination ia be Bombay or Oslo, or by Tyrone Club 49. It was W. A. was neceived ta attend ville, wcre recent guests of nyy beld at Tyrone Hall. A good a meeting, cancenning the' Mn. and Mns. W. Vivian. even fabled Timbuktu. ~ number turned out and all bod amnalgamation of societies on1 Mrs. H. Murray of Orono a lovely time. It was gncatly Feb. 23. Mns. R. Muir. Supply accomnanicd Mr. and Mns. But whierever it is bound, chances are that a appreciatcd and many thaaks; Sec., told of the nced for blan- 'Gea. Alldnead on Sunday and clîartered bank is helping ta smnooth thejourney. ta Club 49 frarn Club 50. kets. Pnice of twa blankets were suDpen guests of Mn. and -will be fonwarded. Mrs. Albert Randail, Whitbv. Services pnovîded by the cbantered banks sim- M M MMns. E. Snowden and Mrs. Mr. Howard Steele, Miss E. Oke led in the study of the ýGeongina Munney, Peterbono, plify the task of tiiose who buy or seli in distant M A 3-5041 two books of the yean. The Alan Hoopen and Bill Sbaryk lndwlo oftcn deal in unfamiliar makes chunch's growth, interdenom- of Toranto wenc weekend lns aes inationally is pnogncssing. Sev- guests Jr. Mn. and Mns. W. languages and cunretîcies. lc I .. _ - - . T --- 1 --,forn'ed nad praved veny bene- Miss Cecile Park, A 1 a n With a network of represeatatives around the --4 .,~ mD0NE y AVAILABLE FOR MORTCAGEý% RIALPH S. JONED l i Barrister and Solicitor I '130 King St. E. Osham s RA 8-6246 NEW VALUE IN-. Deep Freezers GENERAL FREEZERS 17 cu. ft. -- -- 4 .0 22 e . f . -ý -- - --- 28 ----- Sizes from 12 to 28 cu. f t. See the Ajax Bargain Centre for best deals on FURNITURE and APPLIANCES (New and Used) Refrigeralors . . . . $49.50 and up Ranges . . . . . . $39.50 and up AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Ave. - Just Off No. 2 Highway, Ajax WHitehaII 2-6410 F 'W 'W - -,w'W" v -ý, V '- V - V 'Wv V V >MA 3-5041 Bowm anville DENHERT CLOTHI1? Attention!! A tten lion LADIE4 EXPECTING A ""BUNULE O1 THIS SPRING OR SUMI Waif in Style for You: VeHave the Larges! SeJe< 4SUITS - SKIRTS - SI ALL STYLES, SIZES A For the Low est Priceç COME AND LOOK A DENHERTOG'S CLI 4.1 KING ST. WEST AGENT FOR: JACK LEES CLEANERS AND LAU, Finest Odorless Cleaniîxg Rmgs - Drapes DAILY PICKUP AND DELIV SPhone MA 3.5041 L .uuuy ~ ~ 10 rcalm'of necreatian, wberever innusas n WeCma- be.Bwhtehae Hamilton on passing Grade ~lin o ~lcarlad of the African people,i Piano, at recent Royal Coaser clion ofvatany Exaros held at Bow. theyaregearall "'miaville and Oshawa. kind and loviag, vearaing forn undenstandiag and aid !nom1 Mns. Arthur Waaaamaken, us, vho are so abundantlyIWellington, visited ber sisten IT Y pivilged.Mrs. Lean Moore and Mn: IACKS TOPS and family, Cunran Hall Park, were ussoMr and Ms. IND COLOURS ' A. Garson and family. Ij sAn3 where A NEATING CYflTEM / will be held at the home of I~RUNDATMUST SE PLANNED Mrs. A. HuIs, March 1. AND UNDY ATL 1 , Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore TH NGCHCIcD WTUPAI9I attended the funeral o! thei CWCR PL)late H. L. Rutherford at Orono OTHINGon Saturday. Messrs. Alan Hooper and, Bill Sharyk, Toronto, Mrs. W.! Park, Cecile and Douglas, wene oit, Jsupper guests of Mn. and Mns. II A. Richards Saturday. Mn. and Mns. W. Taylor, f NDERERSJanice, Duane and Danny, and MsR.Burgess visited Mr. and. Mrs. D. Real, Greenbank. ShrtSpcilits_________,mm,_____ Marlene returned home a! te ri spending the weekend with1 her ssiter TEYPLUMBING-HEATHG Mn. and Mrs. H. Tnivett, St.W. Weston, visited Mn. and Mr.2. 43 YKingSt.JIV.R DEAflR " A. Wood and Mrs. H. Cameron.' A Mn. John Coombes, Camp- ORONO 1782 lbeilford, and Mr. Cyril Coom- PAGE TWO THURSDAY, FEB. 23rd,7j a

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