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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Feb 1961, p. 5

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'RT.IRSDAY, FEU. 2Srd, 1961 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO IÀfU WTVU Ilewc c_$Socîa/ and Mrs. R. G. Wright of Tor- onto spent the weekend visit- Ing with ber sister Mrs. Gor- don Ash and lamlly. Whlle1 here she attended and erijoy- ed very rnuch, the Recreation Committee's Annual Carnival en Saturday nlght. Mr. and Mrs. George Sta- pleton of Newtonville; Mr.ý and Mrs. Laurie Stapleton c Port Hope and Mr. Miltn Robinson of Kenclal were re-j for auto 4nsurance g AGENT NAME addresssend phoune number STATE FARM MUTLIAL 4 'àpr0u<4i.sINSUSMCCWIY1 Dirk Brinkman State Farm Agt. Newcastle Phone 3671 Canadian Office, Toronto, Ont.1 ~astIeWaterworkcs castie Progresses C (fl-~rsona Despite Deei 1 Newcastle- The Municipal er cent guesta with Mrs. George Waterworks systemi is about li Smith. 75 per cent completed accord- 1Tý ing ta L. Wood of R. K. Kil- 1e: Her friends will be sorry born and Associates, the con-,in te learn that Mrs. Barbara sulting engineers on the job. Grainger is a patient in Mem- Mr. Wood said Plate and a criai Hospital in Bowman- Structural Steel Ltd. of Tor- a ville. onto have the stand ipe o ne Mr ndMs P .Haeýtoet anpiope, oex-s Mr.te andTorsntoP.nF toretn, acompatingex- visited xin Torontoofrids-ay. d Ap frmtstong anBraother go Mr.a Maa Chekle ofwas- Badmtrongha Bothers cf bg Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis Station building completed w on Thursday. and are awaiting the pump tb and electrical installation. Ac- Mrs. Annie Rennie of Tor- cording ta the engineer, Arm- ante and her daughter Yvonne sfrong Brothers are working and three children are visit- about on schedule having l ing with Mr. and Mrs. Percy about 75 % of the job coin-B Brown. pleted and the deadline for s Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelsey cpleto sArl4 91 i and Mrs. Howard and son cf The standpipe, s:tuated on Brampton were Sunday visit- the east end cf Munna Street ors with Mr. and Mrs. Bort at the north end o! Beaver Kelsey and family. Street, on the highest level Councillors Brenton Rick- of the systom is constructod ard and Frank Hoar of the oni a four foot six inch con- Village Roads Committee at- crete slab with mari bale and tended the Canadian Good consists o! rime 8' steel sec- Roads Convention in the Roy. tions, one three foot section al York Hotol in Tarante this anid a lid, making a 75 foot week.tank 20 foot in diameter and week.having a storage capacity of _________________________150,000 gallons. NoticesThe construction o! the Noticestank. Which teck place dur- ing the extreme cold weather NOTICE TO PARENTS in Januany, was carried eut Registration o! children wbo by wonkmon cf Plate and are five yeairs of age beforo Structural Steel Limited cf Apnil 1, 1961, will take place Toronito. Each section o! the at Newcastle Public School, tank cansisted of thnee parts Feb. 24th, 2:45 - 4:00 p.m. whlch were put in place with E. S. Barchard, Secnetary. a huge crane, after which the 8-1 sections were wolded togeth- IGA - 15 or. Tins Applesauce 2 for 2 9 c YORK - Fancy Cut - 15 oz. Tins Wax Beans 2for2 9 c Habitant - Pea or Vegetable - 28 oz. Tins SOUP 2for2.9C Kraft - Canadian, Oid English, Pimento - 1/2 lb. Pkg. CHEESE SLICES 2.9C IGA - 2-Fruit - 24 oz. Jar MARMALADE Frozen McCain - 9 oz. Pkgs. French Fries 2 for 2 9 c EXTRA A TOTAL 0F st fi( ai ti h.] frI sti wi to ve ai wi a( wz DO WNAN VILLE 0ONTARIO ,Toms' IGA Market NEWCASTLE, NAI SSystem >n Time ,p Frost r, and finally the Ild was fted on the tank in one plece. rhe tank is naw completed ýxept for testing and paint- îg. The Pumping House, situ- ited on Wilmot Street at the nufficipal well, was construct- ýd by workmen of the Anm- trong B raos. construction ompany and is a solid brick uilding 14 ft. by 10 ft. with àconcrete floor and roof which is campleted awaiting le arrivai o! the pumps and lie electrical installation. The contract calîs for the îying af mains on Mill and 3Laver Streets tram Munro treet ta Robert Street, on 'hurch Street tram King ta îobert Streets; on Baldwin ;treet tram Caroline ta King ;trcet and on North Street rom King ta Munro Streets ind ail east-west connecting reets. The main on King 3treet will run tram Arthur 3treet (Allin's sideroad) on he east ta Cunningham's iouse, near the top cf the iiîl on the west. Connections will be made .rom the mains ta the street ine on aIl properties on eachý reet and the householder vill connect at the street line aservice bis home. Fire hy- lrants are being placed con- reniently on aIl streets and in ample supply o! waten 'ili be available ta the tire- ren at aIl times in any part dthe village supplied by the vater system. It bas been a tough job for Loin Roast O'Pork1 Rib Portion 3 lb. avg. Tenderloin Portion 3 lb. avg.1 lb. 45cILb.5 Ail Beef - 12 oz. Chub SHOPSY SALAMI a m 59c1 IGA PRESENTS STORIES FROM THE SATURDAY EVENING POST "DBEST 0F lt THE POuST#" 2 9C EVERY THURSDAY Tender Green Shoots - U.S. No. 1 Grade DROCCOLI bunch1~9c U.S. No. 1 Grade - Garden Fresh - Large Heads $32 IN BONUS TAPES I-TH $6 BONUS TAPE WITH $2 BONUS TAPE1 elnaramount - Soekeye Frozen - 40 Fathom SALMON T"n' COD FILLETS lb. 1-lb. Tuilp Colour Kwik Dainty lICE Pkg. M R A IE1-1b. Pillibury Spice, White or MA G RN Pkg. Chocolate Fudge TableRite Sllced - 6 oz. Pkg. CAKE MIXES pk .COGKED MEATS Detergent CHEER Se Off Pack Giant Size PEl. Canada No. 1 Grade POTATOES10 lb. POTATOESBag1 SHOP AND SAVE AT LETTUCE - - - 2For2O Savoury Tropical Flavour DANANAS - a * 2Lb.9 Direct from sunny Israei Refreshlng and Flavorful 5-1b. Cello Bag Large size ORNES 59c MOgj7 a 0 0 il Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 in uniforni at ity hall and_ rMJfI 1 'Church Parade !ark Scout Week '%ýf 0 Ail woven Paottern fabrics includin g'Don River" 0 1961 patterns, 1961 styles Newcastle:- Following is a1 Newcastle- Membens tramn list cf the high scores rolled!Petenborough, Lindsay and1 hatweek in the varieus lea- Coboconk paid a visit ta theD gues in the Newcastle Coin- regular dinner meeting cf ther munity Bowling Alloys. Newcastle Lions Club at thec Comi-unity Hall an Thurs- Monday, Ladies' League - day evening. Folhowing a del- (200 and aven) - Ruth Couch icious di >nner served by ac 249. Marilyn Couch 241, Caro- group cf members cf tbe Uni-1 hyn Garrod 209, Marina Gra- ted Church Wornan's Assoc-c ham 204 and Helen Couroux tiation, Lion President Harry 201. 'Jose conducted the generalc Tuesday, Men's L ea g ue- business of the meeting and (225 and over) - Ken Whitney cahled on Lion Cy Bassman of 265, Bruce Tilîson 233, Verne Lindsay, Chairman cf Zane Rowe 233, Jim Carlisle 233, 10 south, who was making bis Lowell Highfield 230, Tracy officiel visit ta the club. Embloy 230, George Kimball Lion Cy in epening bis ne- 229, Gond Garrod 228, and Bob marks ta the club paîd tri- Brown 225. bute ta the fine wonk being done by Lion Jimr Porter the Wednesday eftennoon, La- club secretary wha, be said, dies' League - (200 end ever) - always has bis reports in an Grace Couch 287, Kay Powell time , is a great belp te 248, Gent Gray 243, Wildai the Zone chairman. Simpson 235, Marilyn Couch jLo ywn nt pe 217, ~ ~ ~ ~ - Jd Mkos 15Ruhon "The Benofits et Lionism". Couch 211, and Irone Cunning. He said Lionism pays divi- ham 206. dends on investnîents, but one Wednesday evening, Junior'has te be present at tbe meet- Tournament - (175 or oven) - ings to colioct these bonofits George Ch'ind 243, George Rie- c ]Fhowship and Prestige. kerd 202, Jim Stephenson 209, The speaker said there are Glen Rowo 199, Beth Powell f now more than 15,000 Lions 194, Wayne Flintoff 183, and; Cluibs ini the -%orid and though Brenda Brown 176. j he is a mnemben cf several Thunsday, Mixed League - othen organizations, be is most 1(200 and over) - Briru Rowe' proud to be a member cf a i 252, Marilyn Couch 233, Staný Lions Club, because it gives Couch 223, Bessie Ferguson hîm such a nice feeling ta be 220, June Pitt 217, Gary Bar-! a member cf a club that is rendering service te the com- munity and to others, wheth- er it be giving glasses toaa .'nccdy child in the commun- i ity orbebning to send pack- ae of rmlk powden te undon- Snourished children in under- i~ ecoped couintriesj f. ~'In closing bis address Liýon - Z~ ii, I Cy announced ho wculd beal 5Icandidate for the office cf -~ -. District Depu t y Govennor, -' and asked the support cf the tmemnbers.LinJmPre for is fin,- addre_ýs on Lion- iy sincn behaîf of the club and - -i' ipre.,ented te him a smill gift as a memento cf bis visit. Lion Ron Mcee, lst Vice' Pro idient cf the Peterbor- L et a DURO do:ough Club, spoke briefly on gbehaif of Lion Ross Oliphant the PU PiIMg of Peterborough who is a ~ AINGTIM ...REDC.candidate for the office of A ING LAOR...INREAS «District Deputy Governor ING PAROUCTIN DURObie Ross spoke bniefly on Pumps, desigried fer Farm duty, win eadfulstatinbs supply fresh water where andexeineadqlfctos wheri you rieed it ... in the home fuporte officeead souht th ...barn -... poultry yard supt fhom brs truk grdn .. povdesresrv Lion Frank Hoar teck this, frk rertin.poiesrsr opportunity ta introduce the for ire rotctio, jlocal club's candidate for Dis- Sec your Plumber or DU-RO tnict Governon, Lion Brenton dealer for full information alboul Rickend wbo bas been thrcugh the type cf DURO Shallaw, or al tie offices up ta and indlu- 1Deep Well Pump you need, or ding Deputy Govennor, and 'write for folder, "Running water, askod the support cf the visit- the. Farm Necessity", ilens in the cempaign ta elect Lien Brenten te the office cf District Governor at the Kingstoni Convention in May.i Lieu Roy Bissett, an be- P~ ha-If cf the visitons from Pet-' erberough, thanked the meni- bers fer the fine moal and fellowship cf the meeting.j Lien Mornett cf the Coboconk f~ , Club expressed the tbanks cf - chard 205, and Mabel Lewis 203. Friday, Mixed League - (200 and aven) - George Kin-baih 3 A CK B O UG H1276, Irviri McCullough 265,1 Kay Powell 258, Ken Whitney PLUMING aud HEATING 247, Don Parker 239, Eleanon Pernin 236, Larry Pearce 234, Division Street South V'%enne Rowe 228, Rau Munro MA 3-5615 BOWMANVILLE 2M6, Albert Pearce 220, Brýan Rowe 208, Bill McCracken 205, -and Bill Harrison 203. tRUPMAT, M. 23m, the workmen canstructing this system in the de-, frost of this winter when tour feeLtHo Id of frost have been measured in some areas, but the com- 7 a pany has been wvorking on 5fI V schedule and expects to have' I MV the system completed by the April 4th deadline. Construc- Newcastle - tion of the systemn has sup 75 members oi plied wvork throughout the des, Brownies, winter for a number of rmen, and Cubs of tl who would otherwise have inl attendancez been among the unemploved. vice in the Ur In addition to the on the job Sunday mors construction, the system bas Scouting Week been responsible for supply- World when ing many man bours of la- scouting group bour in the manufacture of birthday o! the the many materials put into Scout Movemf its construction. den-]Poxvell. -The four gr( Iuted in the sudden death on V ae TakW.C.T.U. WiII Sponsor qFriday, February 10, 1961, laý Oratoricul Cntest14 yas SNewcastle - The regulan bour Lighit Alcobolics Clinic1inTheontoceas e sonowof br. meeting cf the Woman's at Jarvis and Shuter Streets indTarnto, wa tecson leMr Christian Temperande Union in asa tuett Swas held in the Board room Dunings the worship service BowavleHg eol ofthe United Church on Mrs. Hoar nead the Scriptur~ e foemvn eterpe Tunsciay atternoon, Februany hesson and IMrs. Woodland!e.Btforem, R. R. 3, ewcstle, h6th, with the President Mrs. offered prayer. et heeR R.go, ecalea T. G. Sowden prcsidingt. The Miss Trtcnwith and Mrs.reieatBdodO.Th meeting opcncd with a hymn Hoar reviewed the life of 1 followved by the Lord's Prayer Miss Frances Willbrd. On Feb- ncae a ebro Newcastle United Church. Sand the Pledge nepeated in ruary l7tli W.C.T.U. rnmbesemberoh ewate paid tribute to the memory Pe Wee Bsbi enh Duin te uinsspat fof a great woman, Miss Fran- f sbal nia h themeing the bu ebespr o de cs Vilarwh t brnyed hockey in the New- ches bllrd cwwY or, castie Minor League. The de- cieWa odaMoa o- 89 ceased was a member o!fh cidd o hlda Mda Co- C3.. hebecamie a sitcemssfu1 shaa rmyCadts tefor public speaking on teacher and was Dean cf Wo-OsaaAmCde. FrdYevening, May Sth. Miss Sriigbsdshspr Friday ~~~mon's Collcge in North West- Sriigbsdsbspr Fenguson, reporting fer the os nvriy Listeini Post, read an ar- Si iiero epr ticle on "The Fourth Annuaial as pioner instepr- t Youth Conference on Alco- ance laid on leer in seur-, Q A L T h ol". This xvas beld at thein ai frth Area Central Y.M.C.A. in Toronto, Rtig20 ees. Mis tW ir hr1 XDecember 27 ta 3th, and 256 20 euge t meia Sirloin T-Bone teenagers attendod. hoh the co-operatien c oôui W.C.T.U. miembers, spmne ofRon Rev. H. Donald Jayce cf thenw being personally res- Ottawa was the confcrenco ponsibie fer 75 refugees each, banquet speaker and spoke ta the United States Goversi-ý STEA K S This picture shows the on "Eow big is 80,000", the ment. until they couid bc! 150,000 gallon capacity stand- number of alcoholics in On- self -si pporting. pipe being constructcd ta tarie. The Rev. Robert Regan Willard Hall in Toronto, a serve the Newcastle Municipal cf WaIý;shington D.C. spoko' at centre cf culture ana goo d8 Water System. Here the crane the Toc Alpha dinner and the citizenslîip perpetuates the' b eq cati be seen lifting the huge Rr'v. Alan McCuaig cf Gril- naine cf France,', Willard.______________ lid 75 feet in the air te the lia- spoke cf liquor advertis- Th e ieting was brougbt top cf the tank. The tank ising as a huc'niess that isn't ta a close xvith the MizpahLA , RS 75' high and 20' in diamieter.I altvays bonost. j encdictioîî repeated in uni-,LA,,RS -Photo by Dirk Brinkmanj The delegatesvisited Har- son by the miembers. i__-___ eu z Bou Community Bowling Resuits 0 Save 20% or more rmon lis ifs Lions visitation meeting being heldi by the Cobaconk Club on! March tst and invited as, many as possible of the New- castle boys to attend. During the business part of the meeting the members de- cided to present prizes, as ini past years, at the Orona High, School Commencement wvith Lion Gerry Duvali in chag of arrangements. Anoth 31LOPCKID3 lb. .55 -Approximately f the Girl Gui- SBoy Scouts he village were at a secial ser- nited Cîhurch on ming. This is kthroughout the 1the variaus s honour the l founder o! the ent, Lord Ba- roup s formed up t h e commun- each group led lb.8 9C KELSEY'S QUALITY MEATS 2411 - NEWCASTLE - 2411 FREE DELIVEET Sires 4 to 6x Usually 3.98 Sizes 7 to 12 UuualIy 4.98 SALE PRICE SA LE 3e99 Sh~ort sleeve dresses for big and little sister . . . ln styles thot will b. lier prde and loy 'the seoson through a nd nc-ti-e, wiil be proud too for these new '61 styles ore cil guoronteed washable chooi.e fromn four different styles as illustrated. . . produced ob top Conodion mocker in wcwerl fobrics including fomnous "Dan River" . . Vours et good sovinigs through o so>ecial Pre-seGson purchase . . . sizes 4 ta 6x . wuolly 3.98. Sol.s pris@ 2.99 -. or sizes 7 tu 12 . usuclly 4.98. Soie prie 3.99. ofBowman ville by its flag para"ded to the church for the special service prepared by the minister thel 11ev. E. C. Woodland. i There wvere special prayers for the scouting organizationsi and the minister spoke ta, the group regarding their outlook, on winning. He said winningl is not vhat counts, but doingi ane's best and pvitting al your effort into what you are doing. In closing, Mr. Wood- land quoted "It is better to run and lo-se than not ta have run at ail". 1 Zone Chair iOfficially i NewcastleJ Bowmanville IGA Market Special Purchase!1 Guarantend Wathabl. 1 Girls' Short Siceve (otton Frocks Get Your Prico 7 For Tour LIve«lock Iý through STATESMAN C L A 89 IP 1 ED 8 Phone MArket 8-3308 FARN lqSERVICE DEAD. OLD) & CRIPPLN> FARM STOCK Removed Free of Charte Immediate 24-Hi. Service Ask Tour Operator For ZEnith 66550 i Licence No. 46-C-60 No ToIl Charge Nlch Peconl - Peterborough wihPRICE Schneider's Kent Brand, Breakfast BACON ILb.59qc ILean, Sliced, Cooked THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1 motion was passed authaniz- ents are two sisters, Die ing the spending of up to $10 and Diane. for prizes for the Newcastle Public School, Lion John 5The funeral service wau held Rickard to take charge of a the Morris Funerai Chapel, these awards. iBowinanville, on M o nday. Lion John Rickard reported February 3th, and was eon- a meeting o! the carnival ducted b3r Rev. E. C. Wood. committee had been held and land of Newcastle U n ite d offered several auggetonChurch. Interment was in for the approval of gth clu Bowmanville Censeter>'. Lion Jim Porter gave the As a tribute to thoir former final financiai report o! the classmate, Grade IX studeaste Minstrel Show held last fail with their teacher, Mr. IF. Le« with the club coming out with Gresley. attendled'the service a deficit of $4.29 and a me- in a body. tion was passed orderlng this Palibearers were' R a rr paid. _______ Cuffe, Larry Pearce, Jon ish. er, Jim Murray, Garry Bar* flI'PTT A iRv chard, Stephen Barehard. EDWARD JOSEPH ZNAK PACM vm

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