E- *~ - - AY, FE.B. 23rd, 1961 cSoca/ & oPrsonaÏ] Phone MA 3 -3303 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dodds, the theme hymn and prayer. Zlgin, Mani., ai-e visiting Mi-. Group 12 under the leadershipl and Mrs. Leonard Dodds and' ofMi-s. Geo. Bagnell conduct - fon John.6 IMi-s. R. M. Cale is visiting ed the worship service, withý her sister, Mrs. E. West of Rol- Mr- J. Maguire, Mrs. Gordon! land Landing. Mi-. West bas Elliott and Mi-s. T. A. Gaiton SLppassed away suddenly. taking part. Mrs. W. Pring .-.1'rs. Annie Bradley and Mri.;sang a beautiful solo, '"Others". Gordon Bradley of Bondhead, Mrs. Goddard presided for the spent last Wednesday. with the!i business session and closed .ormer's sister, Mrs. Mina Col- the meeting with the Mizpah 'wrell, Mi-s. Bert Colwell and benediction. Irwin. Mi-. and Mi-s. Wilf Hamley. t Congratulations and b e st Oshawa, Mi-. and Mrs. Bert wishes to Mi-. and Mrs. F. C.IMutton, Mrs. D. Burnham and Vanstone, King Street West,l r. and Mrs. H. T. Hircock, who celebrated their 54th wed- 1 ail of Town, attended a re- ding anniversai-y last Monday,!cital in Cobourg on Saturday, February 2th. Feb. 18th, given by Mr-. Hi-- Postmaster George Vice andicock's niece, Miss Ruth Hi-- Mrs. Vice were guests lasticock, sopi-ano opera singer of Saturd.ay at the testimonial, Toi-onto and daughter of Mi-. dinner honoring retirîng Osh- and Mrs. Bei-t Hircock, Balti- awa Postmaster Norman J.11more. They were also guests Moi-an. Over 200 attended the' at the eception afterward in dinner and dance held in thelthe British Hotel. The recital Botel Genosha. was sponsored by the Business Rev. and Mms. T. M. Dustan 1 and Professional W o men's and Michael, who have been Club of Cobourg. 54rsiting his mother, Mi-s. T. A.1 Mi-. Lucas Nicholls, Rossland Dustan, Centre Street, have Road, Oshawa, a former resi- left on their homewarid jou- d ent of Bowmanville, was ney to Simla, India, where honored at a party recentlv to Rev. Dustan is Principal Of celebrate his 85th biithdàay Bishop Cotton School. Twenty-five mnembers of theý Congratulations and b e s t family gathered at the home' wishes to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. of Mi-. and Mrs. J. D. Tane, Osborne, King St. East, wlîo Fernhill Boulevard, and a gift, celebrated the .S7th anniver- of a lounging chair was pi-e- sary of their wedding on Fi- sented b.y five great-granchil- day, Februai-y l7th. To mai-k dren, Jul e and Paul Tane, Jr., the memorable occasion a din- of Toronto, Heather and Ju- ner party was held at their dith Teriwllegar and Andmew home for immediate family Tane ail of Oshawa. From out ieinbers. of town were Mi-. and Mms. Miss Donna Kelly. daughter Paul Tane and childi-en, Toi-- of Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, onto, and Mrs. M. Dunford, Prince St., was one Of a claïs Brian and Phillip of Peter- of 28 to graduate froin the boough. Ontarilo Department of Healtlî St. John's Church congrega- Tr-aining Centre, Toronto, as a tion were happily piivileged certified nursing assistant. The to have a former old boy in graduation took place last Fni- the person of the Rev. T. M. day evening, Febmuary l7th, Dustan, B.A., B.D., D.D., and at the Centre. Mrs. Dustan and son Michael Mr. Thiomas Park, a pipe with themn at the Sunday organ pupil of Mr-. F. Allan mroning service. Dr. Dustan Reesor, is a member of St. assisted at the Service of Holy George's Memorial Anglican Commnunion and preached on Church choir, Oshawa, which his very responsible woi-k as1 competed in the Toronto I.i Principal of Bishop Cottonp wanis Music Festival Monday Scliool at Simîla, India. This evening. Mi-. Reesoi's choir being their last Sunday in sang two antlîems and was, Canadfa, 'before returning to1 awarded highest marks in its India, Dr. Dustan baptized aý class. niece, Mary Katherine hl Mr. and Mrs. Samn Olveri daughter of Constable William recèntly celebrated their Gol- H. Dustan of the R.C.M.P. andi. den Wedding Anni veris ariy'his wife Anne Juhasz. quietly with their ehildi-en and grandehildi-en at the home of tir ode dau.ghter, Mrs. AI- -~Dowson, eiiDon~ oublie 1 .~were the recipients of a il ysunburst electriec docke s asmof money so that thev might purchase a gift of (FROM PAGE ONE) their own choice. Mr'. Olver will celebrate bis 83rd birth- ture, Mr. Cameron said. He day on Sunday, Febi-uai-y 26th. added that the Counties Coun- MrÉ. Margaret Arnott, Mrs. cil budget for inspections. this Norma Wolfe and Mrs. Grace îyear is $13,715. Gibson, members of B.H.S. A letter of resignation was teaching staff, aceompanied 33 received from Miss Mary Fa- girls of Grades XI and XII ta gan. a member of t.he clerical the "Open House'l of House- staff of the town's administra- hold Science, Univer-sity of tive office. Miss Fagan asked Toronto, Thursday evening, 1 that her resignation be effec- Febi-uary l6th. A tour was tive on Mai-ch 3rd. made of the building where euyReeIa ob they saw resear-ch in food and, stated that she had explained1 elothing. A fashion show by'that she bas secured another1 the first, second and fourth position. He moved that beri students was also much enjoy- resinto be cepe an ed.that the Finance Coninitteej The general meeting cf be empowered to make ai--1 Trinity W. A. was heId i the'rangements for the necessary S. S. Hall on Tuesday after- replacenment. This was sec- pp ~ on, Feb. 14. Mrs. L. God-' onded by Councillor Glen- dard opened the meeting with' olme Hughes and car-ied. _. Trin ity United Church Minister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11 a.m. - NIORNING WORSHI1' "Blessed Are The Merciful" 7 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP "The End of Darkness" FILM (Mission Work in Africa) Sunday School 9:45 11:00 11 :20 a.m.-Junior, Intermnediate and Senior a.n.-Nursery a.m.-Kindergarten and Prinîary Baby-sitting Service A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Verbrugge, BA.. B.D. Mvinister 10 A.M. - SERVICE IN ENGLISII 7:30) P.M.t - SERVICE IN DUTCH Sunday School immediately alter Sunday morning service. Free transportation for those willing but unable to attend the services. Phone MA 3-5037 before 9 p.m. Saturday nighits. "Back To God Hour" Broadcasts 1 CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday CKEY, Toronto, at 7 a.m. U a c t! t a n' e 1 ti ti b ri e n s a h le d ii Si n v a ti 'V a v n M a n ti ti u ci le: b jb ri THE, CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Scugog Home Photo Brings $5 Cheque In the final week of the Home of thue Week contest, the photo wvas of a fo house at 107 Scugog St. Owners, Mr. and Mrs. James Fair quickly identified Huîl the picture and selected the envelope containing the Denhertog Clothing Store Osh, advertisement. Mrs. Denhertog is pho tographed here, receiving the $5 cheque gueý from 12-year-old Patty Fair. and - j11g. 14 Days ( FROM PAGE ONE) There wii be no extension! of the cxpiry date bcyond Mai-ch 15. Mr. Higgon reports that sufficient staff is avail- able to handie the issuing of pemmits quickly at the Higgon Electrie, King St., East, Bow- manville. The office is open daily fmom 8 a.nî. ta 6 p.m., Wcd. 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Motor vehicle ownems ap- piying for plates mnust coin- piete the Staternent of Insur- ance Coverage, on the reverse side of 1960 pemmnits and sur- mender a Liabiiity Insumance Certificate to avoid paying the $5.00 Uxîsatisficd Judgment Fund fee. They ai-e aisoei-e- minded that a policy for fi-e, thcft and collision is not lia- bility insurance. Liquor Store (FR0M PAGE ONE) Councillor Hughes seconded the motion, which was car- ried. Reeve Little moved that ap- plication be mnade for the balance of last yeai-'s Depart- ment of Hîghwaqs grant. Councillor Presson scconded the motion, and council voted in favor of it. Council decided ta hold a joint meeting with the Plan- niîng Board on Wedxîesday evening, Mai-ch lst. Aspects of policy concemning convey- ances of lands in the ai-cas of sub - division conti-ol, where municipal services such as sanitary sewems and town water arc not availabie will be considered. On motion of Deputy-Reeve Robbs, seconded by Council- ýlor Ross Stevens, counicil de- cided ta pay the $35 member- ship fee in the Ontario Assoc- iation of Mayors and Reeves, and authorized Ris Worship, -Mayor Camuthers ta attend its convention. A letter was meccived fi-arn the LCBO asking for informa- tion couccmning regulatorîs about roof drainiage for the new Govemu m c n t Liquor Store beîng built on Chumch Street. It asked if until a storm sewer is provided in the vicinîty, roof xvatem fi-rn the building could be dlrained into the sanitary sewer. Councillor Presson raid tlîat the LCBO must be informed by counicil of the By-Law which forbids or'ne~ f roof wateri ito sanitary sewý- ei-s. Oher menîbers of couxi- c-il agmeed. Mvayor- Carruthers mentioned that there is an oId storm sewer ou Church Street betweciî Tem'peraucc and Silver Street but that it has been plugged up with sand for years. Councillor Stevens rcrnark- ed that this storm sewer goes lown Silver Street and down [<Jng ta the cmeek. He added *>at steps should be taken ta clear up the part that at pre- sent cannot be used. Deputy- Reeve Hobbs, se- i-onded by Councillor Stevens moved that the Works Super- imtendeut be instructed te in- vestigate the nîattci- and have a dctailed report availabie for the meeting of the Board of Works on February 28th. This wvas carried. A letter was received from Mrs. Robert Williams, Osh- awa. She wi-ote that she would like ta come ta Bow- ruanville and operate a place of business for palm readings. AUI this requires in Oshawa is business taxes, she asscrted,1 and asked what would be needed in Bowrnanville. In a discussion of tlîîs mat- ter it was pointed out thati therc are no By-Laws or reg-! ulations under which the counicil cauld prevent the op- eration of such a business, but that it would be liable for business taxes. The letter was BT.S. Superintendent Tells Kiwanis Club How School Operates The importanîce of the i-e- nor Tomi Cooke anîd President habilitation of delixiquexits thusl Ab Galoska of the North Pet- giving themn an oppoi-ttnity erborough Kiwanis Club, four to becoxîîe good citizens ln niembers of the Oshawa-West- the future was esipiiasi:ed by mount Kiwamis Club, Cy John Bain, Superintendent of, Po-well, the past presidemît; the Ontario Training Schlool Clame McCullough, Ken Zini- for Boys on Monday cvening. niermnan, anid Johin Reiger; Mr. Baini was the guest speak- also Reeve Sidney Little, who er at the dixîner meeting of ivas the guest of Neil Met- thie Bowmanville Kiwamiis caîf. Tiiere were 34 niembers Club held at the Flying cf th Bowmianville Kiwanis Dutchmani Motor Hotel on Club present. Monday Feb. l3tlî. Chai-les Bickle- inti-oduced The guests at the dinner the special speaker. Maîîy of were Past-Lieu-tenant-Govei-- the boys who couic ta the, Tmaining School bei-e have been neglected for yeams and L I ~~ I others have neyer been pro- IRI SLr.WA*i perly camed for, Mr. Bain told the club. This has resulted in chai-acter weakness that pi-e- vnsthe lads fmom helpimîgý ARN o imrove theinselves, he aseted. Msr. Bain gave sevemal in- teresting and pathetic case lîistcries of boys who had been sent ta the Ontario Tra- - iming School for Boys, Bow- xnanvillc. Re aIra spoke of the inany who have nmade good in the world after proper trainîing theme. ~ On airival at the Tr-ainingi Scliool each boy is given a physical check-up, dental anîd psychological exarninations, O anîd ami aptitude test, the sup- erintendent stated. He also ding aed theocaionaltanxn provided for thein until their give your silver relcase at the age of 18. the amegenle are He suggcstcd tlîat every- the amegenie are one comcerned with delin- you give your hands quent teen-agers suîould rem- cm ber the poon exîviromnient tlîat bad fostcred their weak- nesses. The respoxîsibility ofI ail parenîts towamds their childi-en cannot be over em-i pbasized, he stated. . .. .. .. .A vote of thanks ta Mr. Bain fo is interstt(g and ed byFly cil. rs Sident Ted Hutton also ex- pi-essed appreciation ta r. Bain, and hie assui-ed the guesti speaker that the inembers of the Bowinznville Kiwai1s Club will take a proa u tei-ost i the Onitar'io Train- in-g School for Boys heme. - >.«Zion (Hope Townshipj -' (lntendcd for last week) " . I-. and Mi-s_. Rov Beýst pni Tuesday in Hagersville. We are happy ta report î Mrs. R. Gerow bas returxîed home from Toronto; as i. Del. Whitnev is home fi-arn - Port Hope hospital. * f Mrs. Edgar Birrowciough -was visitiig with Mn. andý ýMms. Chas. Raby, Sunday af-I ternoon and with Miss May; Rawthorn in the ex'enig. Mrs. Robert Harners, Moi--j rish, is confined to the Bow-1 inanville Rospital. Rer Zion! fieîîds wish hier a speedy i-e-' Mi-. and Mus. C. Mcneilley, Xland Mi-s. John Meneilley had dinner with Mr'. and Mrs.' Anmd your sil'.er is hri.':ne'c.' e. .Arthur Meneiiley, Port Hope,, 50 softly. soeal. Gentie foam 'on Suxîday. swirls away tarnish ... rirses clean Mi-. and Mrs. Normian E.arl, fhon ilver and hards iiTen just and famrily. of Ida, Mi-. and, dry your siler lightly to a soit bru- :',Irs. Carmnen Irwin and fami-ý liance such as you've nt'er seen. No Iv spent Sunday with Mr'. and lefrover mess on bards, suler or tove. Mir. M. Irwixi. M Sl,,er Foarn ix ehe polish judged Mrs. Chas. Raby attended' xuperlor to 96 others by leading homne the teachers' meeting at Wel-li magazines. UsdoArurcsfnicme School Monday after-ý siHer co.lections. Let Silcer Foan ce- noon. flect the tender care you want for pour Mr. and Mrs. Rar-old Cas- siler. 0Aîk for Hagerrcv s well had dînner Sunday with, Mi-. and Mrs. Brian Caswell. IJ~#~UIEflf Mi-. and Mrs. Lucien Lamn- H O P R pier, Port Hope, were visiting1 Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Caswrell,' J '~w'~1'~r"Saturday. Jewelleiyr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby et wei-c caliing on Mrs. W. J. Me- &Lit So Cullough last Sunday.' .Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Ge-; ,. PAGE SEVEN guess o Mr an Mr. Cdrii H IM Rootr- ins.dle the frontn M APLE GROVE guessllM- and ml.Mi rs.Cdy rn.e h uliga Russell returned home A nI Iy l ter; go up into the spacflMÀ Ti-. and Mr-. Chai-lie Snow- themn for a week's vii vestibule outside the mair rcelebrated their 5Sth wed-' Mr. and MIrs. Les Çollacott.' RO !G OE roorn of the Citadel whert ig anniversary at the home Mrs. L. C. Snowdeni attended' the Seripture Reading. After-1large services of worship art their daughter, MNrs. Albert the Golden Weddingc Anniver- iw.ards there was a remarkable î.ieîd.0On the soilth ride of Ut own and Iaxmly in Hainil- riy celebration for Mx'. and, Timbre] Display, "The Mont- veszt1*bule thore is also a wn, iduring their visît iast MNrs. Norman Leach of Taun-'rYounCitaele's B d "Theappor&îed Cryinc Room foi ek. Thev also called on a ton. which was held in Solina' . pae th, ovninoof rnothe nier pastor here. Reverend Community Hall last Wednes- trrgsecto "Mtii 'h babies and sin alehil 1Mrs. L. M. Sornerville. dav. iMTelodis." o IIlo we ren. ing their week*s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Len Go Te odingof"Hv\11t ilth e roois wcre beauti' hi-s. T. Colliss has returned xnurphy, Oshawa, entertained the Naine of Jesus Sounds"' fuîv, decorated on Satur47% was effective. The Song Of bvy larg~e and exquisite haa ,e after a mionth's stay at in honour of his parents froin Dedicafion by the Singing ' i ý bih md bee Wei home of lier son. MNr. and Sowerbv, Ont., who wer Company. "Lord of Hf>,e v en. 0 fic Cita hl by ene o sRov Colliss, Minden. celebratingz theji- 4Bth v Earthg and Sea. \Ve Would1 the Salvation Arny. the sub- V.M. S. Evexnn Auxiliarv anniversarv. Those froîn Ma-iRelîder Thanks to Thiee," wvas nraoî.nd velisé I meet at thehom of Mi-s.pie r.ave e Mrs. Teod Woodi î mrost inspiring. The ser -____ Stevens on Thurselay (to- r.adM.MnfrGadvice closed witlh Beniediction., it), February 24 a: a8 pi. murphy. Mr. and Mirs. Alan A tour of the entire huici [r. nd rs.Morey ur- Snowden, Mr-. and Mrs. Leon-ng as noed ftrrd9 VIr an Mr. orly Br-ard Hindsman, Mr. and Mrs.1iga noe fe\ic,ý o ýwere Sundav visito'rs wt Cecil Burton. The spacious Sunday Schoo1I withRoorn lias accomnmodation fori and Mrs. Elgin McLean,l Miss Gloria Purdy and Mi-.; 00 people in addition to tROI~0 A ONE, wa.Ralph Rogers, Bownianville,ýln-o pc o h onti ý-Poues Vss Eveln Michael. Pick-called on Mi-. and Mrs. RoflýPen..o spBanedfratd XJunorthe HoAr-,Pou'ers. uce ng, spent Saturday with lierî Rogers and famil-, onFriday, Chir. t Bond and Jnior liMr Care tronanintrdu tr. Mrs. E. Wihlidai and, vnn.lre i d)ih iomwtiXi.Cr o- idrectoi- et evnng lrg windows. The walls r2lgeo the Ontaio HcP-i ily. Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Taylor, a îovely sliade of pale grecen. citwerz' .\s;'iai,î. who up- Ir. and M.rs. Del Hendsbee've-e supper guests of Mi-. and: Downstairs thiere is a large leidi the :Petion o the Mirkét. nded a dinner dance at the Mrs. Fred Gow and family on'room whlîiîî ill be used for in- 3o rl nd 'h0 publicatfdor tel Genosha on Saturday Saturday. ffhe Jnor Sn-vSco L r~akeîl i tdh ming in honor of Oshawa's Maple Grove Young PeoplelRoonn. It is furnisiîed with!d'diii do1-pue tht, sincerity of ring Postinaster, Mi-. Moi-an. ai-e sponsoring a play, "Sun-; chairs and 'ables in sinall t1he Far:n Procîi1ý,; s Mrke4llc Me two Maple Gi-ove Cubý bonnet Jane from Sycaxnoreýs zessutibl for yoting.sters.!Boaril but it end odd tpîat ýks will hold their Candle- Lane"', to be presexited byl Moderi waslirooins are also 1hiis floard's requost anîd t1iat t Service at the church, on Salem Young People at Cour-- îocated on this floor. f ePelrwasnîar dav. February 26, at 7 P.n. tice United Clîurch. 1 sar aigte min iI.Rv~ Ioo John Bain, Sunerintendent Mr'. Chîarle's S c h 1 e c h t e r, entrance is a wvide hall lead-, Oîîtaicf 1-1m, ces'Agci the Bowinanville Traiining1 Bowrnanville, visîted Mr- andig into the Sunday Seiîool'ciation s-pok<tref1.Tm iool, will be gues! speaker. Mrs. E. Wllilidal and family _________________________________ [essrs. Ernie Colliss and ,jn Sundav. .Geddes Jr. enjoyed ice Misses Sandra Snowden and iing on Twelve Mile Lake, Barbai-a Sheehan, Kitchener., ar Mindeni, over the week- spent lasl weekend at t1We Bowmanville Choral Sc*el'y E. anlr.JmHnyhaine of the foriner's parents, PEET vIr.and rs. i HnryMi-. and Mrs. Alan Snowden. PEET ited frienîds in Newtonville Saturi-dv afternoon. , , iGILBERT AND) SULLIVAN'S [iss Dora O'Neil anîd friend, ER TO EIW n. Oshîawa spent Saturday jGames Scheduled for Satur- 1,fh #a A ninc at tlie ione of her day, February 25th. 1 " 5R I L BYJ UY te, Mrs. D. Hexîdsliee. 1 Bantam League E I 1 Vi-. and. Mrs. Harold Craw- 7:00 a.m.-Tee Pees vs Lionsý d, Courtice, Mi-s. Chai-les 7:45 a.m.-Flyers vs Pirates' AND OTHER SELECTIONS band and Mi-. John Huband,l 8:35 a.m.- Cubs vs Tigers i awa. wýere Su-day dînner'9:20 a.r-n.- Braves vs Huskies,~f ýsts of Mris. L. C. Snowden i Pee Wee League - 1fainily last Suiîday even- 1:0ar-anesv ak 10:0 ai-Rnges v HaksBowmanville Town Hall ïevrecl i-d rs.Haold1105arn -Bruins vs Bears iitoC ourticand Mr. Haodi1:5 Atom League ChristyHardy,111:55 ain-Giaxîts vs Hoi-nets F and. wt'rc zuests ofMrani 12:40 pm- Barons vs Bisons R. S T A C ,.Fred Gow and farnily, 1:40 p.m.-. Rarns vs Indians, Adinission 75e -Studelits 50e tTlixrsdav evening. Midget-Juvenile League ; Ir. and Mrs. R. L, Westa- 2:25 pm-\'Iaroonis vs Cornetsý TICKETS AVAILABLE FR03M 31IM1BELS v, Carneron, were wveekend: 3:10 pin-Orphans vs Generals - C031PETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I IIJUjT1ORESI[ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK Get the Finest Antacid-Laxative YGU CAN HUY« and SAVE ?YINEV TOO Money-Saving SPECIALS! I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 50c, 85o Aromatic Cascara - 39c, 69c Regular 1.19 Eno Fruit Salit = 98c Val-U - 1 pound Absorbent Cotton. - - -79c GIANT lielene Curtis- Special 3~ oz. size ECONOMW Spray Net - *- --69c SIZE PHILLIPS' i Helene Curtis R eg. 1.25 26 ounces MAGNESIA Sue - - -- 8c A39e size Super Anahist Cold Tablets wlth 98e size 1.î= Listerine - - - * 98C ALSO AVAILABLE Regular 25 size plus 100s sîze - 5.98 value 4 ouces 2 ouces One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins 4.49 33Ç 67Ç ___________ _ Regular 98o Pepsodent Dental Cream- 78c 333 Colgate Dental Cream IN eg. 35ec-----29C Reg. 65e - -- 55C " 33C Reg. 98c - --- --- --79c Reg. 9 99c 3Ce -- acleans Tooth Paste Reg. '3e -- -5ÇReg. .48e -- 75c Regular 98c ~ Glade Air Freshener Bomb - 88c Fever Thermometer * * 49c SICKRGOM NEEDS Bayer Aspirîn 20c, 32c, 57c, 87e Bufferin____-9, 79c, 1.23, 1.89 Fever Thermometers ____ 1.75, 2.00, 2.35 Hankscraft Vaporizers- - 6.95, 9.95, 14.95 Lysol 45e, 83c, 1.50 Good-alre___- 89c, 1.59 Mecca - ------ - 69c, 75c, 1.25, 1.89 Musterole - Regular and Chlldren's - 69e Musterole - Extra Strong 19e Ornai - For Colds _______ 1.35 Ozonol ______- 70c, 1.20 Q-Tips 39c, 59c, 98e Nivea Creme - - 43e. 73c, 1.33, 3.45 Rubber Gloves __________-69C up Vaseline - Reg. 69e mixe _______ 59c GET FAST RELIEF wt GIN PILLS f OR T14E KICONEYS Reg. size 71)c Econonîy $1.29 BE READY FOR WUNTER WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Liver Compound It'sTonictime.Winter's coughs end colds ore just around the corner. I4eIp your family to boetter heallh this winter, build Up their resistance fo colds... give them Wampole Extract regulary.. . %tort bedoyl 15 OUNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES - $2.89 ECOU4MY SIZE 7f SAVES YOU .1I0 A SPECIALTY FA PRESCRIPTIONS Alex. McGregor Drugsç We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MAI 3-579eý m 1