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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1961, p. 10

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PAGE Tl" Senior Girls Present Candy Cane Routine In the aider group of skaters at Newcastle's Cameron, Gail Aluin, Brenda IBrown, Sandra Payne, meent carnival, these young ladies put on a fine Beverley Rickard, Pat Rudeli and Deborah Adair. demonstration of skill. They are, lef t ta right: Ja-annel i/e wcastle Elect Mrs. Dickenson To Head Lionettes Club £ 1 . />Newcastle- The regular Choir ta Peterborough on I~~~ e o a an[monthly dinner meeting o! March 13th ta compete inl the was held at the Honey Hol- was announced the annual jIow Restaurant on Monday Red Cross Canvass would be The ScarbaroLîgh Board o! -Mi- and Mrs. H. S. Britton evening. when the officers for made in the village during Education has announced the! attended the combined con- the ensuing year were elected. March and volunteers were appointment of James P. I ventions ai the O.M.E.A. and Guest speaker at the meet- being sought ta make the can- Lovekîn ta be Head o! the the A.M.E.U. in the Royaliing was Dr. Charlotte Horner vass. Department o! History at the York Hotel in Toronto this1 of Cobourg, Medical officer it was announced that mem- riew Cedarbrae Technic a. 1 week, Jlo! health tor the U nîted Coun- bers of the Oshawa Lionettes Schooi. .lim, a former Presi- Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Daley ties of Northumberland andc] Club wauld conduct the io- dent o! the Durhamn Club, is aoc] Jill ai Newmarket were Durhamn who outlined the1 stallation o! officers o! the me uiiut %ii aru vir. % juuayvisios win vir ant'vork oorthe Coulnues ricalt lucal clu at the :arcîi inec------------- Ul LitfUe R. Lovekîn of Newcastle aoc] Mrs. C. G. Gould and family. Unit with offices in Bowrn- ing, and members of the New- desk, dornated b-v Kari is at prcseot on a year's leave! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tam- ville, Port Hope, Millbrook, castle Club were invited ta rich for the Recreatior ta attend Queons Univcrsity.1blyn visited with Mr-. and Cobourg, Campbellford and install the officers of the Co- mittee's annual draw. Mr'. and Mrs. Byers and Mrs. Irwin Whitehead in Gar- Brighton. Dr. Horner said the bourg Club in May. 'draw was made by Mrs. Richards of Cavan spent jen Hill on Sunday. ý oko h lat nti inCa.Mgtated as Do uglas Cunningham. las Wdlisà..ý, ýsiirg ith Mi- and Mrs. Ross Gilbert -workuofnthe foretheth Unit infLion Chas. Megont ac Mast \Sidneydî vlting withschools. public health nurs- cuierfrteeeto ! SmBeeo nb Mrs Sdne Htchosn. or Orono aoc] Mr. and Mrs. jing, inspections etc. costs the officers which resulted as fol- his co-workers on theE Mr. Leslie Kinneli. of Lind- Francis Jase were delegates c itizens o! the counities only lows: Presid e n t Marjorie tion Committee expr-ess( say, Mrs. Kathleen i3yam of fi-rn the Durham Central Ag- about 75 cents per capita an- Dickinson, Vc rsdn e- hnst h oc Concord and Mr. Neil Voutt riculturai Society to the con- nually. I-ene Cunningham, Secretary players of the hockey o! Toronto w -e weekend vis- ýveotion o! the Ontario Assoc- Duriog the business part o! Kay Stephenson, Treasurer the executive and memt Itors with Mi-. and Mi-s. Johnliation o! Ag-ricultural Societ- the meeting conducted by the Charlotte Rickard, Social Has- the figure skating clul Voutt., ies held at the King Edward presideot, Mrs. Wm. Storks, tess Helen Carveth, Nase to, ail who assisted in an Friends a! Mi-. Alfred Gar- j Hotel in Toronto last week. the members decided ta hire Twister Marion Knox aoc] ta the success o! thisî roc] wîll be soi-iy toarnai-o Mi-. and Mrs. H. C. Deonis a bus to transport the mem- Directors, Elsie Koropatwa caroival and sports nite. that he is a patient in Mem-lwere Sunday dinner guests bers of the Public School and Marion Gilkes. Minor Hockey criai Hospital, Bowmanville. with Mi-. and Mrs. Elmer Pal-j Mr. and 'Mrs. D. M. Bern- lard in Caurtice. Minor Hockey - Sel ard speot the meekeod in After having missed a I cornpleted - On Monday Trenton visitiog ith Mi-. andljmonth, the members o! the i 4 February l3th, the Cut Mi-s. 1. C. Mathews and fam- Sigma-C Graup o! the Unitedi N ew casle~ Rebeis o! the Pee Wee f ly. Church will be out again on tam mixed league playeÈ .Air. and Mrs. Douglas- Wri-j Monday evening mak ing theit-R final game o! the se ght of Trenton spent the regular collection o! used j~~wîth the Cubs taking a weeken îstMg - r . newspapers, magazines etc. win to take the league and l\rs Alfred Gar-od and Householders are asked taoishp famîlî'. have their used papers tied Carnival and Sports Nite r otherwise straight cut bodly., Scorers for the Cubs Mr-. and] Mrs. Percy Hare ,securcly and set at the raad- Ic fFe lIra rm spent T d .ý, iriBni side outsîde thei- home anc] outstanding Succes's They performed theli- cr !Fe lded f-r ghton and Trenton, Ithe boys will dispose o!thern. S a t u r-day, February l8thj skating and twi-ls extrernely~ Rowe;, John Biersteker proed a b ao o!themost1well. They were Susan Simpo- R on Farrow; Ron Goade provd tobe oe ofthe son, Diane Embley, Patty Anne Bai-iy Watt, and Fred successful and rewarding Car-'Pai-ker, Jennifer Gray, Jean dread fi-rn R. Farrow.1 En e S h ol C or snival nights held at the Men-CallHetherHoai- Pat PayneHanconksr thisclb oI o il.u Arna.Evets ot nde Kahy rigt, athy Ds aty nck sivc]u ftroi AAF stv lway at about 7:30 p.m. afterRoches and Gayle Adair. Mrs. Peter McCullough wi In M u ic F stiva i afine and appreciative crowd1 Sam Brereton was the con- assist fi-arn Jirn Baskg Newcaste- A chorus o! 40 local chorus, under the dii-- hadtsetnztle sbckonortabiven or. and Peter McCullough students frai- grades 4 ta 8 ection o! Mrs. Saltnand orte1ihtsenetaInn the faurth presentationý Tei--y Walton were the:s in te Pbli Schol as een i-.Artur SapitonThe Newcastle Figure Skat- jcîass No. 4 o! the skating clubiplays for the Rebels an( in te Pbli Scoolhasbee Mr ArhurCollîson, wîll per- 1îng Club classes toak thei- prformed their act prettily1 Gray sat out two mini. entered in the Kiwanis Musicj form their number in the corn- places on thi-ce sides of iedese sCotltho Bn.tepeat*oxfrti Festival in Petarborough. The petition on Monday, Mai-ch surface for the playin.g of the jThese costumes coosisted a! a Wec]nesday night the 13th. National Anthern to begin the brown fiared ski-t topped by league had a good game The Newcastle Lionettes pi-agi-arn. To avoid confusion, a pink sweater prettily adorn-1 Toronto beatiog Boston Y ule Cactus i Club eid at their meet- parents with cameras were~ ed with a brawn collai - 2 ta 1 score.PalNsi ing o odyt aers allowed on the ice surface at oaaec with pink buttaons. T any MeLean were the aosibility for the transpar- this time to get their pictures. compliment the costumes a ers for Toronto and I n Full Bloom fto !tecid-nat e The fi-st numbei- was bY brown beanie adorneti on topiLewis scored the lone1 cidedti t charter a bus for the thec Lollipops o! the skatingwith a pink flower, pei-ched goal, Newcastle-Mrs. Ken Whit- occasion, club and these iittle girls Who! on top a! the girls' heads.________ ney has a coouodrum, should According ta Principal Ron- ai-e beginners aod mernbei-sî hey gracefuliy favoureti theý a Chiistmias Cactus bloom in aid Muni-o, local citizens will a! class No. 1, looked adorable audience with a series o! bun- E FIL February aiter haviog bloom- have an oppoitunity ta hear if their calai-fui costumes as ny hops, ki-ks, bends anc] a' N IL ed in Nov.ember? Mrs. Whit- this chai-us at the Public they skated around the ice.j fine exhibition o! skating. Tihei ney informs us she has a School Concert ta be helti in The costumes in this graup 1 pretty girls in thïs group were r. ~aond Mrs. Ray Co, Christmas Cactus which blo-1 the community hall later this wcre rnostly pale shades ail Arlene May Muni-o, Georgie! Whitby, visited wîth M: omed pnafuseiy in November'manth. vcllow, Pink, gi-cen aoc] redj Simpsoo, Mary Grace Pater-! Griffin. having somne thi-ty blossomis _______________ and were made in an overalson, Janice Ri ckard. Elizabeth ;Mr-. aoc] Mrs. Bilï Car ano! bud a urai s ] ne sdayull jpattern %with a jaunty haretj Pearce, Karen Lee Pai-ker, Brenda. Long Sault,, visi ofbdaaî n n usa* on each pretty head. Thai- Sandra Gould, Frances Hoar, L ahaes Februarv 28th, there wcere mm inhi onlv decoration was a largelArlene Allin. Kathy Wallace L. ' J T Bri's N three or four btossoms an the, Com *munit * i îs. J. T. Br0o,New( plantaoc] ite aks "I thisoîîipop o! contrasting colaurs aoc] Dcbbie Dai-ling. Mrs. Don , Mrtissmbî,N unusual, or is it a regular Bo *senn the b o ie . Undr' -ke th e coovenar Of SMiss Marion Brown, Os thing for a Clîtistrmas Cactus B w ling h ovnrsi !Ms ar hsg-u.w-cie guests at the W. Bol ta bloom other han at Christ-don Darling, thosa taking part The senior class presented hm nteocso mas ime?" as Lollipops were: Jennifer a stirring dance number in Brown's biithday. ResuitsMnro Jeonifer Payne, Rod-Itheir daioty Candy Cane cos- M- o] r.W AiipBîereton, Lorie Dar-- ly in their white dresses %?-,Àth visited Mr-. aoc] Mrs. Car] Newcastle- The following ling, Heleo Yates. Ruth Yates,ired stripes and jauntily w-car- gent, Ida. are the high scores for the Nancy- Pay-ne, Mai-go Payne,' ing matching publ box bats o! Mr-. Larrv ,Fletcher spei past week in the various le.-pe Dcbbie Dubeau. Judy Stcphaon-' i-c]aoc] white. This was most- w-ekcnd at his home at S WREN FOUS PEND gues in the Newcastle Com- ýson, Shir-leyI,.,rwin. Pat Irwin,ily an interpretation nurnhcr Crcek. MONY TJA ThY APt~ îîotyBowling Al~r Anne Clarke. Ruth Paterson, aoc] executcd with dexterity ri. and] Irs, Herb Pl ,TI~YWAHTGOOD Mondî ,Ldis Lagt aren B'ke Denise Elliott,lhv Ibiese tp.lented girls. Mes. min childi-en visited a ~ 1H RETURN(200 aoc] over)--- Lillian F'ar- Kathiv Eliott, Dale Powell, W .JxoŽe \a- the convenor Pî-escott home iii Hampti row 2î4, Marilyn Couch 253,'Wendy *Wilson, Charlotte Mary, o! this group aond in ber charge M \I. aoc] Mrs. Stan Gra- Cai-olyn Gar-oc] 251, RuithBreon were Gail Allun. Sandra Mc-, childi-en were with Mr' 1% Cuch220,Aid Lanstaf CThe nî'xt rL'Jn-iiber was by the Gregor. Par Rudeli, Beverley1ýýs H. A. Oritn, 218 aoc] Maij. Paterson 204. . lowiis. The boys o! the skat- RieardrBhanda ion e-jM o]Mi-s. G. Bol Tuesay, cn\ ea-u- îo club. These vouiis fcliows ai-ah Adair, Sandra Payne ancdiied!t i- o]I ( 225 aoc] over)-~ George Kinm_ c] id. extremelv well in an ex-' Joanne Camai-on. Scott aond Mrs. H. L. P f hall 314.Brian Roive 289, Earl riibition of Jumping. skating,ý The misses Sandr-a McGre-Coub. Evans «180, 289. 265, High a spin or twoanadc the com- gar aoc] Pat Rudeil presented Mis veyr Cunniri Triple o! 834: Lai-i- Pearce plate coliapse of their group wvith finasse, solos show,,ing theBrnodxa a _______________ 263. Ken Whitney 254, Irviii a giant tunible o! thern ail.; wi de scope o! their figure r - of Mr. aondMi! Pearce 242. Bud Wagar 27,and the picasant colours addad ecc, through thei- enthusias- ce Bil Lae 23,Chai-lie Miller the neec]ed splash o! colour for' tic applause, showed their ap-j 2:33,________P o w ell________Jo , e occasion . M rs. J h o - p e i t o f t i i , " 'l N s l f n S a i PLUMBING-HEATIN- Lewis 227, Don Parker '226,' thruP iwas the coovanor for'bition. crBadBv ene25 hs9oup and tînder hr -ýThe maisn<attenctionoroasthe ______________________Afttrnoon La- pet-vision, Tracl, ' Emibiey. Gar-ievening were a sala hvMss (ned frltwE EsoBURINER D LER f isLau-(20ac vn ield Piyne, Bobby Gould,j Bai-bai-a AnoSmith o!fhereuosr!-in i-iren Winco 235,Jean Mc- Darcy Dubeau. Philip Nichais, wich, the Instructress o! thei mations o! Mrs. Dave W ORONO 1782 lCullough 2.32, Irene Cunning- Dan-cil Darliog. Bradley Wii-' club, andi Susan ancd almsapuisae i fia 229,1\ariynCouch :213, son, Kim Storks, Bobby Nor-'ý Hughnergarde a! Oshawa Ska- P ia no, Lynda Gray, AS E IF F R Bessie Dean 209, Betty Browo thrup. James Nichais, Douglas ting Club in a pairs numnber. Grade2 Piano, JudyS 207, Janet Mi-Crai-ken 1(6, Riekard and] Keith Cail took Miss Smith thrilled the audi-haos;Gde 2' A CG 0 vrt Gray 201 anc] Grace Pa-.enewt brpfmac, Janice Byers. fi-st class i mu O Coucb 203. Following i-be candv tharne bhowing clearly bai- commandi ours. EUWednesc]ay Evcning Junior chosen for the nigni, the third'o! figure skating knawledge., Mrs. Ernest Herron Tournament- (175 aoc] over) ;numrber aon the pi-agi-arn wasý After her performance the pcsdt hv e n I N ~-G. Rickarti 194, B. Carpen- ýpresented b FigreSktcsCandy Canes presenteti MissachiwieM-.nt er 178 and J. Stephenson Of class NO. 3. dressed as Can-1 Smith with a beautif ul cor- Sidney Milligan o! Lo 244. dv Kýsses. These girls were sage. The Hugbnergardes, who, England, pay them a Thui-scay. Mixed Lealgue- di-essed in daintv costumes by the wav were runners-up visit on bis way tram (200 aoc] ovr)-Bill Han-j- of pale green, ' velow aoc] piok in the Central Ontario Figure treal Vo New York, Hi M U S C L E S so 252 ran Row246 and matchng hats. The Can- Skatfig Sectional Campetioensaoedt lfi Pearce 315. George Kimbaîl g:\-iog a tied in efiect ta the'Susan were presenteti with a ger and Kevin, whom hi 1 279, Bessie Ferguson 2.66, Ban - suitable git at the endi o! their'neyer scen. 46kuM 0 ~INw Hogkamp254, Murray Pat-i2!î, John Riekard 216, Hazel number by the Bon Bons. Mi.nd r.Ano ci-son 250. Barbai-a Alldned Miay 'Muniro 215. AKi'-e Rowe. Hockey Garnes 'liamis. Janice ant iS 2146, -Jean McCuilouch '239, 215. EB!!1 Ntcc:aur:en 213,, Fi-rn i-is point on, hockey spent a recent wveekend Brian Rowe 238, Irv - McCul- Doug F)el,,]ne:. 1, Mai-v \vas ir. the limelight with an, Mr. anti Mrs. Lonnie Cha loiugha 224, Bill Harrison 219, Dev.dr.e 203. Lai-iy Pearce, exciting game played bctween'anti family o! Nor-th Câl 'Verne Rowe 218, Stan Brown 201 and Frank Hoar 200 the Leafs and Boston of the Scott stayed with bisg P i I il TIl Gordon Agnew, Ediloi Phone 3621 rlWey- Mrs. Grant Thompson was day nighit. There were il'elotigh attended the funeral Of Stale Farm Mutual AutomobileJInuience Vonçaoq n Com- i Toronto with her sistertaies Pla-ved an~d somne litt]e the late Chas. Tyreli at Orono HIome Officp-eloomingîc.,Iliis~i T he Grace whose husband John fo]k en joyig theinselves at on Mondav. Thev visited with Canadian Office, Toronto, Ont. Reeve Watson pas-ed away suddcnly,,thieir own gamneý. Just before Miss Ann'le Nesbitt, Newton-, with funeral on Wednesday.* refreshimets w ere se r ve d. v-ille, this past Sunday. ehaf afI j Stokely's Cream Style 15 oz, Tins f r q Fancy CORN 2 ;o29 IA Elbows - 16 oz. Pkgs. MdACARONIvi2for2Te 45e Off King Sire SUPER FAD 99 ç Kellogg's Cereal - 6/2 oz. Pkgs. f r 9 SPECIAL 'K' f;r49 New Crop Valencias FLORIDA OR ANG ES A Touch of Spring Tender, Green - Extra 3 Fancy Large ASPARAGUS Doz. Si ze 250's $1 lb. 49Ç U.S. No. 1 Grade - Crisp, Freshi LETTUCE 2- Z 29C U.S. No. 1 Grade - Florida- Jumbo Size CELERY op - - qe2ff29C U.S. No. 1 Grade- Snow White - Per Head CAULIFLOWER- - 25c, Grade A Predressed TU RKEY BROILERS Fresh 5-8 lh. Avy. 4719 TableRite Pure Pork Srnall Link SAUSAGE--- m Li'.55C IAlpine Brand Choppcd BEEF STEAKETTES Lb- 59C Econoinical and Nutritions - Sliced BEEF LIVER - EXTRA m- itb.45c TOTAL, $32 IN BONUS TAPES WITH S6.00 BONUS TAPE STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP YORK BLANCHED PEANUTS 'I CIGARETTES 7oz. Tin IV, Sire Pkg. AlII Popular Brandq (An- of 200 p WITII 2.00 BONU-S TAPE Buttermilk or Sweet MiIk Farmitouse ~anv 8 oz. Size - Pkg. Frozen - 10e Off - 24 oz. Pie COOUIflU U IONS PILLBURYAPPLE PIE - 39c TABLERITE WIENERS PILLSBURY 1J Fraservale Frozen - 24 oz. Pg ROLLS - L FISH & CHIPS 55c DRAGON ]BRAND 'z UNl SHOP AND SAVE AT .l e Off qE Lb. Pkg. 3 lb. IIag 1 lb. Bag men Chop Suey or Egt Rails 0 0 0 Bowmanville IGA& Market BO WNAN VILLE mONTARIO amnTo...'IG are IWASLONTA%4 %Y.a Il Atom League, with the Leafs parents Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeM n r Ho k y P a e s N in r ph s Hendry perforxned the hat, Mrs. Wm. Elford of Little trick scoring the thiree goals'Current. Manitoulin Island, af the game with one assist!visited her sister and family, from Billy Wagar. Michael Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, McGregor of Boston and Dan-ý and other relatives in the dis-, ny McLean of the Leafs each1 trict. cooled off for twýo minutes in, Mr and Mrs. E. R. Wood' the pnaltyboxare home from Toronto where Following the Atomi gamne,ithey were looking after theirý the rough and ready Bantams son Tom's home while they are took to the !ce in a fine ex- on vacation. At a later date, hibition; with the Cubs the thev will fly to Florida tol vîctors over the Rebels by a visit the Wood family of Wood 2 to 1 score. Ronfle Goode n Larkin. Toronto. Barry Watt of the Cuhs n Recent visitors with Mr. and Peter McCullough of the Re- Mrs. A. Hyiand were Miss N bels were the goal getters. Cecilia Stone of Toronto andý At the conclusion of this Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe.ý game the presentation of ther Arthur and MNargaret visited many trophies to the Minor Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leyland. Hockey teams were made. Mr. Marvin Nesbitt visited- The Robinhaod Oats, most his brother Elmer at a nursing valuable player trophies xvere home in Columbus and found awarded ta Frankie Hendry of'him improved. Friends trust! the Atom League and Terry he will soon feel much better. Walton of the Bantam League 11r. and Mrs. Ernest Herron,r and presented by Recreation Roger and Kevin were in the Chairman Sam Brereton. Sarnia district over last week- The following trophies were end. Mr. Herron was preach- Young Newcastle hockey players who -,on awards at the big Sports presented to the Pee Wee - ing on the Wyoming charge ~ i eet Bantam mixed league players. of the Preshyterian circuit. ightreenlywere, frorn left ta right: Ron Farrow, niost irnproved player; The Newcastle Sportsman'sMr Reid Thompson of Ottawa Erie Bernard, leading goalie; Terrv Walîon. most x-aluable plaver; Peter M1Cëul- Club Trophv for the highest and third-year classmate of jloughI, ighiest scorer. and Frankie' Hendry. most valuable play*er. ___ scorer to Peter MeCullough Mr. Herron supplied on this______ byM.Stan Hockett, te.og charge and was entertained at pie %eepeetdt r. the MSortsman's Club. The the, home of Mr. and Mrs. WESLEY VILLE 1iie wr reet' oMs MeryMaridCopls'ClbCecil Wilson. Hector Darke who \von 10 ofl trophy for the leading goal Cogatltin t iS~I The !ong looked for- ram 2gms adt r. arl tender, ta Eric Bernard by Mr. Anna Sameils who hasd taken Wm. Allun, president of the over a beauty shop in Orono arve hi ee ndso l icous the o had oa en, club. The Sportsman's Club as of Feb. lst. isuiely fil many cisteriis evenheputte ioit fmn tropy fr te mst mprved Frien~ds are pleased ta know if it could not soak through and tied for first nlace withi player ta Ronnie Farrow by tat Mr.s. Vernon Hudson was,ýto wells. There are other signs Mr. Hector Darke. The Darkes1 Mr. Stan Hockett. The R. B. able ta return home fi-rn a'f spring, too. for several'are straight shooters. Riekard trophy for the win- Toronto hospital last week and robins have been seen during There were 64 at Sundav~ ning team ta the Cubs coached wisli her a speedy recovery. the weekend and smali birds Sehoo1 with ail officers andi by Brian Rowe and Douglas The young people o! the seemed 10 be more plentiful teachers present: scripture w'asj Walon y R Bentn have enjoved open t0o. Perhaps it is flot a sign'read b'ý' Mrs. George Tuffordi. Waltn byR. Benbo Rc air skatng on Wlifrid Vine's of spring, but. onlyv a gathier-IAIoe be.gonia added itsý The winners of the two hoc-1 lrarg !od g ihh hsfn ing o! local alil wincr birds, beautv, to the church sericel1 key sticks donated byth shed recenlonhsi-p-y welcomning the naturalists to adM- omnsfnlsr Woodland Pr6ducts, were won Mr. E. G. Bai-thelmes, aiPort Hope on Satur-da, mon on the series, "Getting stEo7 by R i cky Stephenson and Toronto railway employee who M~esdamnes Reeve andrI Xater know God". was given. 0J2- Alost Û-)ls A-re' George Hendry. had purchased a home in Nes- attendcd the i,ýcita1 b ,Co- phasizhng the wondcrfuiness, of' The winners of the three tleton and hoped ta retireý bourg recently given by theh1is 'love and forg-iveriess. Fol-j Careffi l Drivers boxes of chocolates donated by soon, was killed while at wark' latter's cousin, Ruth Hlircock, loiving service a comniinti if o r acrfl rv God'sHrwae Jhsn' n h aiwyyards a week and were present at 'lhe re- cants' class of young people m.Yurnyqalf o Drug Store and Newcastle ago, S, rpath *v is extended ta ception afterward. ; Vlas conlucted bv Rev. Nor- cl e o a ulf o Garage, ta be drawn for by Mrs. Baithelmnes. mai". teFamsopnthr- members o! the skating club, Mi-. and Mrs. Clarke Wil-1 A few of. the Part Britain tciate Frm' o-otch ro-es were wvon by Jennifer Munro, liams spent severadaso ladies w-cie quilting Mt Mrs., Friendis were sor iy. 'o hear Bobby Northrup and Leslie last week at their newîv ac- IHectr Darke's last %veek. 0f Harold Osborne's accident' Dirk Brinkman Miklos. qui-cc] home in the village,' Over 50 attended the Sun- al, MMarrish aoc] hope he is soon Stdte Farrn Agt. Mr. Alfred Gray was the the former Walter :hred 'colcoin~ at well éigain. w eicsI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVYLLE, ONTARIO â..ii "ýrTTrcznAv illfA IAR. 2nd, *'*Lt k 1 GOLD SEAL WHITE TUNA GOOD LUCK MARGAR lm'&

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