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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1961, p. 11

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TiRSDAY, MAR. 2nd, 1981 THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELETVWM The' Orono Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hoop- er, Orillia, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr5. D. G. Hooper and together attended the 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, Ty rone, on Sunday. M>-~and Mrs. Delbert Yeo' and daughter Lamna, Oshawa;' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tamlinson ,viýýited Mrs. John Wannan,, who is a patient in the AI- mante Hospital wîth a brokeni arm as the resuit of a fail. Mrs. Chas. Wood visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and daughters, Lakefield, on Sun- Clay. Mrs. H. Linton and Miss Aima Cutteli spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto. Mrs. Tom McRoberts of Ty- rane is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Orville FARM SERVICE DEAD, OLD & CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Remnoved Free of Charge Immnediate 24-Hr. Service Ask Vour Operator For ZEnith 66550 Licence No. 46-C-60 No Toil Charge Nick Peconi - Peterborough News -Chatterton and famiiy and! Mrs. Gordon Atkin Is a pat- iMrs. D. Chapman was a din- lent in Oshawa Hospitai. ner guest on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Orm- Mr. Perc Lunn is iii at iston, Enniskiilen, visited Mr. home.I and Mrs. J. D. Brown on Mr. Luther Hooper, Tyrone, Tuesday. vîsîed r. ad Ms. D G. Mrs. G. Dariington, Mr. andý Hooper.i Mrs. Smith, St. Marys, spent the weekend of i9th with IMrs. Congratulations to Mr. and R. R. Waddell. Mrs. Philip John Bigelow of! isRt uto sapt Port Hpe th frar-ia ent lin Memorial Hospital, Mary Agnes AtkeyofSri Bowmanville. on their marriage In St. Mich- ael and Ail Angels Anglican Mrs. A. Billett, Hampton, Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. Staples, Feb. 1lth. The Rector Rev. -T. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and A. Watton, B.A., D.D. offic- D. G. Hooper Sunady even- iated. ing. Mr. arsaliK~at i a at- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell Mr.Marhal Kias isa pt-were dînner guests of Mr. and ient in Memor. ai Hospital, Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowman- Bowmanville. . ville, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allun, Mr. Albert Pollard is a pat- Shirley, Steven and Nancy, ient in Memoriai Hospital, Newcastle, were dinner guests Bowmanville. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar Be sure to check scheduie on Sunday.1 re the change of time in the Mrs. Eari Grady returned1 daily bus service to Toronto. home on Tuesday after visit- See timetable in window at ing in Hamilton. Mercer's Garage. BLACK The W.A. cf St. John's Church held their Feb. meet- ing in the Parish Hall, Feb. l6th. Meeting opened witli hymn with Mrs. W. VanCamp at the piano. Bible Reading, taken by Mrs. I. Argue, was ia For Best Resu its * y TRY OUR Automatic Yt CAR WASH The car wash that gives yon that gleamlng wax finish. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the Durham Farmers' Cou nty Co-operative will be held ln the ODD FELLOWS HALL, ORONO TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1961 Turkey Banquet at 12 noon Guest Speaker: Mr. Howard Malcolnm Business Meeting at 2:3G p.m. Business: Ta receive reports. Elect 3 Diectors and ary other business that may came before the annual meeting. Banquet Tickets available from Directors, Manager or Secretary. E.1. Spry, Manager STOCK 1the Epistle for Ash Wednes day. Mms. Scott presented thý chapter o! the Study Book. 1 In the absence a! the Rec Sec'y, Mrs. M. Edgertan rea( the minutes which were adop sted afler one correction, Thi usual reports were given an( Miss Parr read a letter fror Mrs. Chaperlin who is hall daying in Jamaica. Aftemraiol caîl and afferi donations were received foi the fund ta be sent ta th( Indian School. Mrs. Ashmor( repamted that griddies coulc b.ý obtained if the societ, planned a pancake supper Mrs. Ashmome also offered tc have a meeting o! the Chan. cel .Guild at the Rectary. The W.A. will cater ta th( Curlers Banquet, April 8th and a cammittee was appaint. ed ta arrange the menu. Mrs J. Hamilton offered te buyi ýqulit and a discussion foliow. ed concerning the design. Miss Parr dispiayed mater. il purchased for the bazaa: and quilts and gave eut patch. es for 18 blocks. SuggestionE were made about a plastic demonstration and Mms. Tul. 1er will be contacted conccmn- ing a supper served in Parl Perry recently. Mms. Scott clased the meet- ing with prayer. The Explorers and theim leader, Mrs. Romeril, were present as a group at the mamning service in the Uni- ted Church. Rev. Romeril preached a splendid sermor on 'Forgiveness" and the choir sang "He walked this way before". Rev. Romeril dedicated and Chie! Explore] Dianne Taylor prcsented a beautiful Bible o! the Stand- ard Version edition te the Pri- mary Department o! the Sun- day School. Mrs. Ivan Thomp- son, Supt. o! the Primary Dept. accepted it on behal! of the Schaol. Mesdames E. Larmer, C. Hill, J. Canaghan, P. Rom- eril, F. Dayes, C. Wright and K. Sammels attended the W.M.S. convention in Bow- manville an Wcdncsday. There were 15 couples pre- sent at the Februamy meeting o! the Couples Club held ini the Christian Education roarn Friday night. There was a discussion on Christian Edu- cation in the schools. Mr. Mer- rili Van Camp reported an the visit o! thmce couples tc the School for Retarded Chiid- Iren in Oshawa. Fifty dollars iwas voted te the work o! the School. The spring dance was planned. Rail caîl at next meeting wil he a gift for the 1 church nursery. Rev. Rom- !ci led the Devotionalper- v 'v W"v V q "r' V W, V VV y V 'W Don'i Miss This Fahulous "CHANCE 0F A LIFETIME" S$151000.OO IN PRIZES W. H. BROWN' S ANNUAL PRIZE BGNANZ 4 SHOWCAE" lin4 TOWN HALL, DOUWAN VILLE4' 8:00 ~FRIDAY, MARCH 17~ SDOGE PEIZES - REFRESHMENTS4 ENTERTAINNENT4 MO VIES Ail roads lead to your local Case Dealer's "Showcase" *FREE ADMISSION *' ie td m )r le -e ýy ýe a ir s t - 1 KEDRON Father and Son Banquet 2lst Scouts and Cubs The first Father and Son Banquet of the Kedron Cubs a! the pack, and one second year star ta Douglas Pascoe, who trans!ermed from anather pack. an ù Scus w'as hed on ,Satîur- The evening was concludcd day evening at K e d meo n by benediction by Rev. R. Church. The Ladies' Auxiliary Love, and the usual ciasing served a hot tumkey dinner ta ceremenies a! the Scouts and about 85 boys and fathers in Cubs. the Sunday schooi room, which It was a vemy busy week at was vcry gay for the occasion Kedron for leaders and mcm- with the flags and brightlY bers o! the Scout Movement. calourcd tics. The tables were On Sunday, at the regular decoratcd with h y a c i1fn t h s morning church service the which the boys had grown. boys o! the 2lst Cubs and Rev. Ronald H. Love said Scouts, and the girls o! the grace at the beginning o! the 25th Bmownic Pack with their meal, and te open the program leaders paraded at the church a!ter dinner, Scout Tom Ogle service. It was a colorful played the National Anthem. si'ght with their flags and Mr. Demek Barnett, chair- bright colorcd tics. man for the evcning, proposed At the Cub meeting on Fi- thc toast to the Queen, and day night, thmee new Cubs introduced those nt the head werc cnmold-Harvcy Glover, table, which includcd Rev. Bobby Leroy and David Rose. Ronald Love, Executive Com- At tlic Brownie meeting on missioner Stanley Richardson, Wednesday aftemnoon, Com- Assistant District Commission- missianer Mrs. J. C. Stephen- er Ted Maidman, Scautmastemsison, o! Rossland District, was William Werry, Roy Robinson' present ta enral a gmoup o! and Ross Pettes, Cub Lcaders girls in the 25th Pack. The- Mrs. Robcrt Dale and Mrs. new Brownies weme Norma Clif! Hopkins, Cub Instructor Woodward, Susan Brown, Bey- John Rose, and Cubs Donald erley Brown, Barbara Brown, Werry, Charles Love and Debbie Schwass C h a mi1 e n e Raiph B3arnett. Schwass, Elizabeth No v ak, Cub Robert Smith proposcdi Shirley Stinson, Debbic Boyd a toast ta the church, ta which1 and Alexis Bremner. the minister respandcd. On Wcdncsday, Thinking Scout James Fraser propos- Day, ail Cubs, Scouts, Brown- cd the toast ta fathers, and Mr. ics and Guides wore their uni- W. Watson responded. forms ta school, and the Executive Commi s si1 o n ce r Brownics had a birthday cake Stanley Richardson brought at their meeting in honour o! warm 'greetings fromn the Dis- the birthday of Lord Baden- trict Council. Powell. Mm. Ted Maidman expmessed On Tucsday evcning, Mms. thc congratulations o! the Dis- Den Hitchens, Mrs. Ted Maid- trict Staff on the rapid gowth mal and Mrs. R. S. Bishop o! the Scout Movement in this wcrc gucsts at the Apprecia- cammunity. He went on te tion dinner at Northminster speak o! 1mw Lord Baden Church, given by the Oshawa Powell came te set up the Girl Guide Association. Scout pregram in the !irst On Tuesday, Mrs. Cli!! Hep- place, and liow even the uni- kins, Mrs. Hamry Rose, Mms. farm expresses the foundcr'sî Orville Greer and Mrs. Dick aims-for one exaniple, the Walkcm attended the Local Scout's sîceves are roiled up Association meeting at Guide because a Scout is always pre- House ta report on the activi- pamed. tics o! the 2th Guides and For a change o! pace, Bill Brownies. Werry led tlic group in a sing Mrs. Alvin Spencer, Mrs. sang, and Demek Barnctt show-'1 William Wcrry, Mrs. Everett cd some slidcs o! the Drum- Mauntoy and Mms. Ray Scott hcad Service and parade at attended the morning and a!- Camp Samac last June. ternoon sessions of the W.M.S. Three patrols o! Scouts par-1 Pesbteriai at Trinity United ticipatcd in a knot tying com- Church, Bowmanville. petition, using five differcuti Mr. Everctt Mountjoy wasc knots. Teddy Brock, John admittcd ta the Oshawa Gen-( Rose and Bjomn Peterson were emal. Hospital on Saturday1 the winncrs. evening. It is hopcd that he2 The Cubs formed a ring will respond well te treatrnent% araund the campfire and san~g d wl oo e thm three sangs. Seventeen f irst aan year service stars were pmc-[ Sharon Yourth repmesentcd sented ta the original members Maxwell Heigchts Schdol at the ____ Ontario County Public Speak- iod. Lunch was served. ing Competitian, held in Ajax Messrs. Bruce Ashton, Bert on Wednesday evening. Sharon Gibson, Merrill Van Camp spoke on hem visit to, Casas and Merlin Suggitt attendcd Loma.1 the Ontari Good Roads con- The Kedron choir, under the a Hatel and Wednesday even- ing were jained by Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Mrs.t Van Camp and Mrs. Ashton. Ail attended the banquet and entertainm-ent. 1The O.N.O. girls and theiri husbands spent Saturday cv-! ening bowling at Bowman-! ville and returned te Mr. and' .Mms. Kyte's home ta enjoy, coffee and hamburgers. iMrs. Wilmem Fitzc and Mrs. j RT I Oscar Shaw, Oshawa, visitcd Q Mm. and Mrs. Lew Fitze and 1*110 Mrs. McKce, Wcdncsday.r ýMrs. Jno. Wotton, who is: * spending the wintcr in Part Perry spent Wcdnesday with ,local fricnds.I This cammunity was shock- cd ta hear o! the suddcn dealh o! Mm. Cecii Hill Fi- day noon. Mr. Hill sufcred Qeto:Ia a fatal stroke while at bis Quesotion: Iha duties as caretaker o! the De-adohcjw partmcnt o! Highways build- vae. What ? ings in Pontypool. Sincere sympathy is extended te his Aiuwer: Cavera family. against theft, i Mm. and Mrs. E. Archer, up ini the usu Whitby, Mm. Vincent Archer, However, for1 Bowmanvilie, were Sunday virtually ail ha guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. and practicali Archer and Mm. Dever. cf loss or damai Mm. and Mms. Memwin Gra- the broad prote ham attendcd the 25th wcd- Floater. ding anniversary o! Mm. and Fw dog< s Mrs. Robert Fowier at Osh- w&Jh N my mu awa Saturday evening. Miss Ruby Mclndao, wh o has been with Mrs. Lest~e Mountjay, bas taken a pos- ition in Uxbridge. Mm. and Mrs. E. Cryderman and Mrs. A. Balson, Sauina, - werc guests a! Mr. and Mms. STUART E. Larmer on Sunday. Miss Jean Crydemman andi [NSURANCE Mr. Gco. Bittncr, Oshawa, uin St. E. and Mr. and Mms. Harvey Yel- iowiccs and family, Sauina, Office Mm. and Mms. Glenn MA 3-5681 Lammer and Douglas on Sun- day. Mm. and Mrs. R. Savoa-y Betty Jean, Starkville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mei Sunday. Miss Darlene Thickson, anta, was home for the wi end. Mm. and Mms. Sam Mc Tarante, are staying at Th son's fer a few days. On Satumday evening1 Knox and Mrs. Thicksor tended the party at Cobc for the Over Sixty Club w Mm. Garneau along with eral others celebratedt bithdays. He was 97 yeam, and is Mms. Knox's fathem, Mrs. Herner, Mrs. Knox Mrs. Thickson attended euchre on Thursday ever at Cobourg. Mm. and Mms. Ken Ti aiong with Mm. and Mrs. Smith, Mm. and Mrs. H. CI chlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Ge Trew and Mrs. S. McMil Port Hope, had a family g ering at Mm. and Mrs. Bert Trew's, Weston, last week is the first time Mm. and1 B. Trew have livedc enough te the rest o! thef ily tei have a famiiy gather as they have moved to e E only recently from NomtJ7 Ontarie. The 4-H Club girls held t] first meeting on Friday e- îng for their new pro Fruit. Four members jai for the unit. We hope to]h aur books in time for a sc meeting on March 3rd.1 McAllistem Is leader and was the hostess. Mms. Th,. son is assitant leader. MORRISH Mrs. M. J. Osborne, Mrs, Haines, Mrs. Harold Osboi and Mrs. Edith Pearce, i' tonvile, attended a misce neous showem held on Ti day evening, February 2: at the home o! Mrs. And: Welcome, in hanour o! I Marlon Osborne, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osbci Welcome, a.nd granddaugl o! Mrs. M. J. Osborne, wh marriage tei Mm. Moore Miilbrook takes placen month. Lee, ic for ervice, Street ation tand ealto -elude .The nbers,~ Accept Tenders At Cartwright Coun cil Meeting aý, moom" urs- 3rd, drus, Miss ýr of )rne, liter base !o! next There was ne regular churcli service on Sunday, Fcbruary 26th, owing ta, the very inc- ment weather. The power was off, the church was cold and only five were present, se flic Rev. E. K. Norman suggested a mave to, the Sunday Scliooi where a short service was hcld. Sunday School was held at 11 a.m. It aise was short as only a very fcw turned eut for it. Mm. George Harncss,I supemintendent, conductcd as usual. One o! aur mest popular young farmcrs, Mm. Harold Os-'I borne, met with an unfortun- I ate accident on Monday, Feb- ý ruarýy 20,th, wlien the tracte r he was dmiving skidded an th e icy road throwing Harold into. the ditch. and turning over j twice. H-elp was quickly oni the spot and tlic victim was rushed te Part Hope haspital where x-mays were taken. Scv-! emal ribs werc broken, multi - ple bruises and facial cuts. r doing as well as can be cx- l pected. taI ECTMN 1 We are somry te report ht 1 Mrs. Robert Harncss is still a h ON< Box Ipatient in Memorial Hospital,I! ecovery is slow, and we trust' it wil be sure. jMembers o! the W. A. In charge o! the beoth at the7 1Sales Barn, Cobourg, report a! vemy good a!terneen o! bus-ý ness on Wedncsday a!ternoon, ve a danwnd February 22nd, almost a sell- ~~~~O aoimn il ut. Mesdames Marvin, Byers, i ry Of conasiderable McHalm (Heien) and Miss; rotection de Y02 Beckett weme the salesiadies. Many o! our nei.ghbors were igecanbeafford wishing on Sunday momning, )urglary and hold. for the geod pid-fashioned r iai theft contract. wood and coal staves and' protection against heaters they exchanged for, izards (fire, theft, modemn up-to-the-minute elcc- r rany other cause tric stoves net se long ago-ý ge) we recemmcnd no heat even to, make a cup o! ction cf a Jewelry tea cm coffee. Even caws had ta be milked by hand. Yes, this, or for h.IP vou' can live better electricai- son pm'bhumn oeils ly - but grandmo'them's lieuse was warm ail over!- We licard the weiconie, tho'ý net melodious, caw of crows' an Friday. Spring Is on the' way. J?~E SAnother recent member o! R. Al this community, Mme. William-n REAL ESTATE Hope Hospital on Thursday, r Bowmanvllle! Fcbruary 23rd, for treatment,ý * we understand. This was suc- Residenep j cess!ul and Uic patient is do- MA 3-5493I1 ing very well and expects te returni homo within a feni .vith Mm. and Mrs. F. Black- burn. Mm. and Mrs. L. Welsh were Saturday cvcning visitors with' Mr. and MIrs. L. Rundle, Town. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig held a family party on Saturday' evening whcn several birth-1 lays Wcre cclcbrated.1 Best wishcs for a specdy; recovcry te Mrs. Gardon Shac-' kletan who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital, and to Mm.: Les. CowlingL auavaivau Mr s. James E. Richards, Editor W..: direction of Mrs. Ross $1 5,000 Case Donanzasupidtepcalzs4 the Sunday evening sei -broadcast fo br Could Be Won By Fcarmer Unied Church over st ,At Annual Case Show MrOveLB ee saxophone played the pre The biggest bonanza of farm Town Hall in Bowmanville on and the offertory music. equipment ever given away Fiday night, March 17, 1961I. full choir sang two nuxi will be won by two lucky From ail indications, the "AIl Thy Works Praise T Canadian farmers this Spring Case Showcase promises to be' and "Nearer My God to il -one in Western Canada and a very interesting and worth- Mrs. Lisle Noble and one in Eastern Canada! while show. Admission is free Radger Bishop sang as a Called the Case Showcase -and W. H. Brown, Case "Seek Ye The Father"l,ai Prize Bonanza, this fabulous dealer in this area, says that maie quartette, which in( windfall of brand new Case there will be entertaining ed Mr. Murray Mountjoy, Farm Equipment includes a colour mevies, displays of ail William Werry, Mr. Ro 430 Diesel Tractor, a pull-type the iatest Case farm machin- Werry and Mr. Grant Spel combine, an automatic baler, ery, as well as novelties and sang "The Cross Was a manure spreader, a mower, free refreshments. Own" without accompani a side-delivery rake a farm Ladies are especiaily invited __________ wagon and a mounted plaw. to corne with their husbands. Aise included in the bonanza They'il enjoy a pleasant socialELIZ B T ITT is a special prize for the home evening, and there'll be a doar ELflET VIJL, -a new 1961 Philco Hi-Fi prize draw for the ladies in Console. attendance. On Tuesday aftemnoon Total value of the Case The door prize is a five- ladies gathered at thet bonanza prize is estiniated at piece set o! Gaiaxy Kitchen ment of the chumch and qi. $15,000. And the campany wiil Cookware. This set won an twe quilts. About ad be gîvin'g away tweo! them- award for its beautiful design ladies had a hot dinner. one in Western Canada and and is valued at over $35.00. the afternaon more IE the other in Eastern Canada. Ail in ail, the Case Show- came. We finished Mrs. S. Any bona fide farmer can case is an event no farmner pard's quilt and they fini strike it rich in the big Case will want ta miss. And who Mrs. Whffite's the next a: Prize Bonanza. There's nothingt knaws? Maybe that big Prîze noon. ta buy, and it's not a contest Bonanza of $15,000 worth of Cu of skill. Ail details an how te new Case eciuipment ,il Chbe ch services and Sur become eligibie can be learned won by somne lucky farmierschool were heid as u: at W. H. Brown's Case Show- living right in this area! Let's Mrs. V. Peacock told as case Night, to be heid at the hope so! at Sunday school. Former Professor of Philosophy, U. of T. CHAIRMAN - REV. HAROLD STAINTON * THERE WILL BE A QUESTION PERIOD ... S0 BRING ALONG YOUR QUESTIONS r vr vr 'Iv llr"I V vvv v v SFor Those ' MEATLESS DAYS DURING LENT Cottage Cheese Sa lad 1 - 1/2-1. l Gen Rae Cottage Cheese 1/ cup Crushed Pincapple A A few Olives - chopped finely Es 1 tbsp. Chopped Onion 1 tbsp. Mayonnaise Sait and Pepper te taste Blend carefully and serve on lettuce leaf. COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King St. W., Bow. manville, and drivers. Aise f rom: Dominion Stores and McQuinn's Red & White Grocery, Bowmanvilie, and Tom's I.G.A., Newcastle. N E W ! . .. Tropicana Decoralor Designed THERMO-MUGS LIMITED OFFER Order your sets of decorator colors today! Thermo-mugs filied with fine, nutritious Glen Rae COTTAGE CHEESE - Only 75< Order from your Glen la. Driver or purchaso ai Glen Rae Dairy, King Si. W. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE MA 3-5444 98 KING ST. W. '90 WMAN VILE A~ À À À À À___ - - À À À M. the Clerk ta attend the Con- vention of Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities at the King Edward Hotel in Tor- onto, Feb. 13 and 14. Council approved the sug- gestion of Clerk recording the names of ail availabie em- ployment, temporary or full time, and to advise the rate- payers of Township of Cart- wright that if any employ- ment were available in Cart- Iwright or the adjoining neigh- bourhood, that same mighit be made available to the un- employed that require Wel- fare Assistance in the Town- ship. Correspondence declared re- ceived and meeting adjourn- ed until March 6th, 1961 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. r&SALEL~ BULLS auspices of BEEF CATTLE rASSOCIATION les Areno ALGAR ville on Highway No. 5 orthorns, TUES., MAR. 14 .- THURS., MAR. 16 rr 8:30 a.m. each day at 11:30 each day ing a "performance tested"l celigibie for a premium of rice, but flot more than $150, ýof the Bull Premium poiicy ned from the Sec'y-Treas. W. ]P. Watson .cretary-Treasurer rliament Bldgs., Tor. PARTYI E.L. Blewett, Sec. Jý -: - FUN GALORE - $ 1.25 VALUE Thee" Al members cf Council at- route for anather year at hee". tended the regular meeting same saiary as last year. Mrs. heid on Feb. 6, 1961. The Clerk was instructed to in- duet, members of the Volunteer vite tenders for garbage dump and a Fire Brigade were present,ý maintenance ( for the two ciud- en masse, requesting the bal-!I dumps, %f mile éast cf Black- rMr. ance of the fire levy. The stock and 2 mile east of Cae- ýonald caretaker of the rink was pre- sarea). Tenders te close at ncer, sent requesting certain sup- 12:00 noon Monday, March His plies. 6th, 1961. ment. Mr. Putsey Sr. cf Caesarea Approval wvas granted fori was present requesting im- mediate action with regrards LE te instalation of Caesarea 19 LE street iights. Aise that the, H O Building By-Laws shouid bel i the stîffened up censiderbiy. That0 base- the minimum cest o! a new uiited building te be approved as a B E rin increased. under the ladies A deputation o! ratepayers Shep- equested that ne action be THE ONTARIO ished taken with regards ta the1 IMPROVEMENT after- leasing or renting o! the un- ý opened portion o! the Raad 1I Allowance west of 7A bet- H y a nday ween Concessions 6 and 7.N ys S l isual. The Tenders for Building!i~TRF story Inspecter and Weed Inspector RF were opened and werea fi 5 miles north of Oakv jand lows: Kenneth SamelsBak were stock- Building Inspector Aberdeen Angus and Sho rcer, $5.00 and $10.00 per IEREpec- tien with a minimum of $5 *1. RFORDS - - - Tom- Weed Inspecter, $50.00 per I Showing scheduled fi annum. Stuart Thompson Nes- reek- tîcton, R.R. Ne. 1, $10.00 perý Sales wiIl commencei Inspection plus 6c per mile: Every Ontario farmer buyi eore, $100.00 per annum. Tender of bull at these sales wiil be 'ick- Kenneth Samelîs was accept- 20 per cent cf the purchase pi ed for 1961. in accordance with the terms Mr. Tenders for heating fuel Ctlge a eoti Mm.were received from three Ctlge a eoti ýi at- suppliers, that of Vigor Oil A. H. McTavlsh )OUrg accepted for the balance o! ase e when current year. Sevemal weifame 191 Piiy S sev- cases were discussed and ob- F 92 President Par] their jection made by members a ,s old Council. Ralph McLaughlin o! Frank Cowan Co. xvas pre- and sent along with Herb Toombs, the Insurance Agent, te renew Twgisuac o nBy- as.wt ead ~W ning insuranc contrat. ears N E ta new plumbing regulations rew, were given three readings and1 Leo passed. Request for a grant 1 hu-by the Junior Farmer a erald approved at $25.00 A request W h t * lien, for same was refused the Sal- gath- vatian Army. tram By-Law No. 1064 was pas- Plan ItA k. It sed approving the Road Ap- Mrs. propriatian for 1961 at $39, close 000.00. Bis o! $7,066.86 were New rarxl tam- erdered paid. ring, Mr. Wm. Farder was me- stan appointed Livestock Valuer ln t Lhemr at same remuneratian. AlsoH L , Alan Beacock was approved TOWN HA L their te continue with the garbage yen- AT 8:31 )inedSALEM cond their play "Sunbonnet Jane o!f R1D Y Mse Sycarnore Lane" at Courticeý îic- a Dont forget the card party I particulars in caming events.1 Mrs. Cyril Avery and family, SPEAKERS WILL BE: Town, Mr. and Mrs. Les. Woot-1 ten and family, Oshawa, wcrcý Satumday visitors with Mr. and 1A EN A Mr$. Norman Avery.Ntoa ed s. D. Mm. and Mrs. Wilbur Black-NaoalL d orne, hum and !amily Haon Zew- wereoVfr~ Saturdav e x kit- rIi IRVIi li ry Meeting the 30 WNMMVLLE M P.M. AARCH 10 nd Out! Lý a LM ZK, IGUE, M.P. er of the CCF ýORAWETZ S fît ttiend the Li p 0 av ci, Pl rai bi ýuz r ia ýy ag tcÀ it rai

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