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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1961, p. 13

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's THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO per guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross end guest of her cousin, Doug. ENNUSKULLEN i AshtonmonddM amCourt las elHap-n The mist and ra n of Frid-i,- Leadbcaler, 'Purpose*; Clare Virginia and Tracey, Bowman- Mg isra e's Co r Francis rsa.Wttende art n ni"!ht had no dlampcning cf- Ashton. How do you tackle ville, Mr. and Mrs. Elgie and,: Sunday honoring- Mrs. L. B. fcet on the cnthusiasm of th,ý "our Work": Neil Yeo, 'Take Terry Thompson. T o ro n t o' usaFbur 8h 91 oe .Bii,2-, Williams of Bowmanville on gIqestîz at the thirdi in a series Home a Smille". visited Mrs. W. Thompson. TusaFbur Sb 91 RsrH rsos 1ya-her 90th itdy rf card oartirc; he]d in th- Mrs. Calnan's class of Sr Dawn Thompson, Hampton, Charles Brian Alldred, 18,iold salesman from Timmins,hbitd. cl>.irnun:t. hall under the aus- girls. Mrs. R. Virtue's class of spent the weekend with Gai] R.R. No. 3, Newcastle, was xvas remanded in custody for' Mrs. J. Knox and Helci P('1s o th Sr chir. r. irl an Mr A. . Wrrvs Tompon.remanded on bail of $2.000 one week. He had elected trial visited relatives at Brougham H',hso r e sr.n chrr . gir ls an J r. A. J. Wi e rrvx th M. son. o po , al-until March 28th. The prelim- by the Magistrae and plead- on Tuesda. HI" scresin uche wre las ofJr.boy prvidd te M. Gen homson CaInary înquiry il start ai cd Not Guilty on a charge of Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. F. v~nbv Mrs. Gr-nt Werrv and music. ton Place, Mr. Earl Thompson, that lime on a charge of Crim- Forgery. Wesllake Jr. and several C.G. t"nr. Wmb Frs. J. and ffin in r el on Februa rnd t owmpnil. cuesd. mr:al Negligence in the death Judgemenl was reserved!I.T. girls attended the W.M.S. s'-(li., b r-, J Grffi ig hld n ebrarv22d'Tompon Tusda. of Edward Joseph Znak. for 2 weeks when Murray 1 Presbyterial meeting in Trinitv an'd Mr. Leonard Stainton. opened with C.G.I.T. Purpose Mrs. Arthur Read spent the' Marvîn Harold Prescott, 63, Lloyd Bell pleaded 'lot guiltY I United Church. Bowmanville. Lost Heir winners were Mirs. and Hvmn. The Mission Studv! weekend with Mr. and Mri.' Pontypool, changed lus plea ta having a combinalion of M n r.E rdra O. C. Ahton and Mastewsgie bya ume ofjCatn Rd ad family, 10o Guilty of a charge of in- vehlicles in excess of 50 feet n r.A J asnwr Char 1A0tvwth lo members in the form of a play. Peterb-orough. ' deccnlly assaulling an 8-year- on the highway. One truck Sunday itoswhMran scores bv Miss Bcttý' Jane Betty Jane Werry and Marie Mr. and Ms.Llovd Ashton,' old girl, afler the court ruled was towing another that had Mr isitoamr wicth Werry and Master HarveY Draper had the worship. Thc Ronald and Ray were Sunday that a statement given to the broken clown and Belldam Ms.ELaerBacsok Greenlev. ofei was taken up. The dinner guesîs of Mrs. James'l police by the accused was cd that the trucks being cab- Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Freitag The choir appreciales thr roll cal was answered with a Brown, Newcastle. ýadmissable as evidence. H-e led together was not the samei and sons, Oshawa, were Sun. bo k e png ta a bc b ck fo rni a"1h Mr. and Mrs. W . B ackburn was remandod to March 2st as being coupled together, and da gu ss o Mr a d M s cappblv done bvý Mrs. G. Wer. minutes werg rcad and adopi- and familv wvere Saturday su-for an examination at the therefore this provision did Ross Cryderman and children. rMr.E r h t.Lab s sîth e d. We shd busne ss, folowecd F rew el sai Mur. ,ad m Whitby Mental Health Clini. fot apply to his case. Judge- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milsor b" M. E Wrght alo tc' b a hor gae. e cosedFarwel Blckbrn', S l Borden Brannigan, formerly ment was reserved until the land sons visited Mrs. Ella Tay- selection of prizes by Mrs. J. with Taps.Mr dM AthrT of Bowmanville, xvas convie- law could be consulted. Ilor and Sandra at Searborougli SIemon and Mrs. R. Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Rusî îee n ilA rh u rnay o Hunting without a lie- Peler Vanderveer, 23, ,5 on Saturday. and Mrs. L. Ashton. Everyone Purple Hil. were recent "5vis« il loiMand rs. nense and assessed $18 or 5 Scugog Street pleaded Not' is weleome at another ocir tors wiîh Mr. and Mrs. Eai 1 vsItor Gle. ndMJon days. Guilty to a charge of Care- tuniy 10enjo anevcnng TewinSterrett anu Gl nBrampton.1 Andrew John McKaN, 40. less Driving on the Taunton L N 'TT wihcrd nMac.Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn, Lindsay, changed a Not Guilty Road. He was driving his sis- L NGS LTi wihcars i Mach.Mr. and Mrs. Keilh Fergu-.Mrs. C. Garrard altended the1 Plea ta one of Guilty after ter's boyfriend ta a tire on Sunday a. m. the morning son and family, Mr. Leonard; plav "Sunbonnet Jane of Sv- hearing the evidence on a the lalter's parents' farm. He! Mr. and Mis. Jim Phillips, services of church and Sunday, Bradlev. Bowmanville, Mr. and Camnore Lane" ai Salem church charge of Careless Driving on adîtc pedn a 5Toronto, were Sunday supper ciol a a vervy special note.,Mrs. Donald Lee and familv peented by Y.P.U. on Tues-lJanuary 8th. Ruled the Magistrale '.q guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. The Junior choir and leaders.;MssDoeepayoneOha s Misses Gloria Wright an'] M Whday evening. Evidence was that McKay find that both cars were en- Carr Reva MeGilI, organist Miss weetrs. m a Gr.find Un ision Band meeting \ývas'had driven a car from the 61h titlýd 10 come out on the high- Mc and Mrs. Earl Pcnwar- Lois Ashton, who have beeli Walter Ferguson's. dMs. held Saturday aflernoon in the' concession of the Township of way. They had stopped for den and family were Saturday in charge of the service of sehool house, with C a roa 1 Clarke onto Highway 115 and stop sigans and in some mani- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. sang for the month of Febru- Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore,'Blackburn and Gail Thompson bant stoppcd. His bcst nier you misse'] the second car Morley Kelîcît, Janetville. Mr. ary wilh some lovely anthems. Shirley, were Sunday eveningi s eaerend pins hrlt ien] a' been killed in the from the south. You were go- and Mrs. Bob Cameron andý climaxe'] their terni with a visilors wilh Mes. F. TOMS. Ashton. Meeting opene'] with crash. ing ta a tire an'] you ha'] family were Saturday evcningi delightful solo bv Master: Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Diekey cl aîh worship, followed byl "On the evidience. I would greater responsibilities ta keep guests of the E. Penwardens.1 Lockie McNair. 'Dcar Lord an'] Velma of BowvmanvillIhe sang "The Bible". the MIs-' have convicte'] you on your a sharp lookout for people Mrs. Pearl Virtue, Tyrone,l Fori" were Sun']ay guests of Mr. sion Ban'] aim an'] watcbworc¶ I plea of Not Guilhy. Because who are more important than was a Thursday visitor of Mr.1 Me. W. Crawford's inspiring and Mrs. M. Stainton. I The roll was calle'] an']ofeci a life lbas been taken, and be- barns buening«. Youe failure and Mrs. Clayton Brown. sermon was cntitled "A Chai-1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Marlin ing taken. The third chapter'cause of your knowledge that ta sec the Hardie car was1 lenge of the Christ." Mission and family, Bowmanville, were'of the Story Book was read. j a life hias been lost, this will due ta a lack of care and i- Me. , fod and Mrs.BîlJhno Band eongregatcd in the S. S. with Mr. an'] Mrs. Arihur' Hvmn "When Hie Cometh" ws be a greater punishment than tention. You were entitled t0aJon fmiyhn od, haand Mr. room undcr the direction of Brunt. i sung. The paper "The World: ans' that the court can mete gel ta the tire. Weil, other Jh onoOhwwr Mrs. E. Wright. Mrs. A. Perigoc an'] Mari-j rcd"wsgie u oteout. This will probabîy be a persons have rights as wveil Me ndMges. Bfter prhns The opening worship of Sun-; lyn, Caesaeea, were ovriit e es Meigcoe iýgreater deterrrent than any The fine will be $25 and the r n r.BrJhsn cosîs sî. Mr. andber.MrsetA.gCampbellt day School wa.s con']ucted by 2uests of Mr. and Mes. TediMission Band prayer. Luci eat. ot 1. r n r.A apel assistant superintendent Mr, A. Werrv. wsseid "Howevcr 1 must take the Edwardi Browning, 17, King Whitby, were Sunday evening J. err. H wa asistd b' .Mis SadraWery i sPn s Mec. hmpojndMs proner attitude towards the SI. E., must remain home day guests of Mr. an'] Mrs. Rycý seven bnys from his Jr. boys'i ing bolidavs with hier grand-, H.Cosmnsen hrsa'careicssness, without regards or night. except when lue is Gibson. class who gave a messagesinnpsrentsM. n rs . . Ms.uSoe saa b thcettfects the carelessness atlending school for the next On Fri']av evening a lovel' clsswh gvea esag i wrets M. ndMr. . .wilh Ms .Spr saa ha.s had. Wluatever you did lwo weeks. Hie and a juvenile niseellaneous showee wS giv- Woeigb t "Myred"; ane e Mr. HAl a rent, Mr. tand 1 Mr. and Mes. W, Rahm were pror to the accident is the wereccouviete'] of stealing enu at the home of Mrs. W. Becktt,"Ca't" Loci M-lMnda moringfora wek!un day dinner guesîs of Mr. carclessness for which you cash under the value Of $50, Carr for Miss Sandra Gibson Nai. Bca rind: hale'i Porda lndMrs. Clem Rahm. mus" be punished. In this case, namcly a maeke'] $1 bill feom wbo is being marrie'] on. .Ashton, Fathcî :G eo r ge Mr. and Mes. IH. J. MeGill _____ the accuse']'s car appeare']ta Harvey Brooks. The juvenile Maech 4th iTroe nitd were Sunday tea guests of Mr. he speeding. There is evidence la under the same adjourn- Chiurch. About 22 feiends an'] J. A. Werry. PONTYPOOL huai tbe car faile']ta stop foc ment eonuditions until Macch neighbors gathered liogether BROWN'S Mr. an'] Mes. E']. Cox and] the stop sign. 1 tbink Ihat be- 2lst for a pre-sentence re- an'] surprise'] the bride t0albe family wcre visitors a radEe. ailewaMedlee and cause you bad a drink, tbat port. Police were authocized Who was the recipient of manx' (Intendedfor last Evervone was sad']ene'] an'],klin.1vas a factor. An y penalty will ta check bbe bouse day or beautiful an'] useful gifts. (Intede']foi asI ceki Mrs.Ralp Bron'sBroo i.shocke'] ta bear of the su']'en lue anli-climatie. iThe fine will night in Ibis perio']tb make Sm ae cepae Brown's H. & S. Clu b hcld Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore nassing of Mr. Cecil ill]Of be $200 an'] the cosîs are $33 sure lbis terni is kept. 1 an'] atirte gth were pen- fuîirmotîîy eein ~hae rbune] omefrm Bacstock. Deceased bas been or 3 months in gaol," con- Focty-tour charges under e'] the bride ta be thanke'] Tues']ay evening, Fcbruaey 1jlwo-week visit with their cmployed by the Dept. Of clude'] the court in rendering the Highway Teaftic Act e.oepesn o hi 141h. Dueing the businesidaughtec Mrs. Reg Weavî*ng Highways bere for several ju']gmcnb. broughh penalties of $528. eeyn rsn o hi portion of the meeting, 4e- Tonhl.ycars.1He ha'] suffere'] a ýgifis. and also expresse'] ap- Ports wece made on the com-, Mr. an'] Mes. Earl Trewin',stoe ndhs oN asfur peeciation ta those who sent ing Euchre. Draw an'] Dance an'] Donald were Sun']axyeven- nte Dan'] is b' wsfoud. He: ~1 ii n' eeuabet an'] eveeylhing seems i0lu ng calies at Mr. an'] M s highly respecte'] an'] xilI]gfsadwreual a progeessing favourably. Tick- 'Waltee Lovcridge's, Haydon.I be greatly mnisse']. meigwl eo ac Later a lovely lunch was1l cîs on the draw were dis- 1Me. an'] Mes. Arthur Jack-j The' -.G.I.T. met at Mes. J.. iuxt etn ilb Micl serve'] an'] enjoyed by ali.Z tribute'] among the Commit-1 son an'] Stanley, Toronto, were Several from bere attcmuded1 Knox's on February 2011u. Ther 18 in the hall ai 1:30 p.m. Sandra 1hane e itrMs tee. A game of cuchre fol-lSatur']ay guests ot the R. J. the Official boar'] meeting of coll caîl was answeree' with a The Men's Brotherbood wiîîPa ankh, e] ber sister Ms. lowd, he ighscoes el-Ormstoe.the Unite'] Church bel'] in disease of Atricans. Wend y meet at Elda'] Church on Fri- DPal WCriglBehany, an'] Mrs ing luel'] by Mes. E. Cali and'Me. E. W. Begley an'] Carole, etanv last week. ýNesbitt lie'] in the worship ser- day nighit, March 3, when Me. showee for hec. Mes. Jas. Cueson, Se., the îow 'Miss Muriel Grittin werc Sun- Mr. Robert Halboran is xisit- vice with Jean Baker, Ariene Taylor of Belleville xiii be Mean] esGbicKo scoesby Me n' Ms.W. dax' evening visitors at Mr. in,, frien']s in Toronto, Wcstlake an'] Sharon Spiresl bbc guest speaker. aO.în'] Mes. Gordon Shunk's, Port Mr. Elgin Bu']'] of Simcoe assisting. Wn'ya]Jon Aapesntoclevin vacs attende'] the 251h wcd- 1Lstee Keith Cal] celebra- Prywsa business visitor here Westlake oftered prea y e ts.1on Fri']ay, Davi'] an'] Leone Robert Fowler, Oshawa, bel']f Il/bis tenîb birth']ay on Miss Wen']y Cox spent the tbis wceken']. Helen Knox cea'] an article onuKelîctt (nec Peele) were hion- in the Lions Centre, Bowman- 'éebruary 111h by enietain-lweeken'] with Miss Diane Soeey ta learn that Mr. Jack African diseases. Luneh was ore'] by fricn']s ofthIle comn- ville Satur']ay cvening.r ing a number of bis young Avery. Wood is not making too fast serve'] by Mes. Knox, lielen munity, onl their recent mar Ms feiends at bis home, ' Mr. an'] Mes. Roy Robinson, a progress in Civice Hospital. an'] Pab. rnage, at a gabheeing in the r. F. G. Smith spent a Mes. Wil']a Simupson molor- Shirley, were Sun']ay visitors, Gla;i bo eeport that Mes.1 The 4-H Club met in the communily hall. Rae Paseoecul tdy ihM.a' e'] t Kleinburg on Tues']ay1 at Mr. -and] Mes. A. L. Wearn's. Earl Gilbanklbas been able 10 hall on February 24 tb begin as master of ceremonies, ex- Mes. F. O. Smith, Bowman-, to atlen'] the Valentine Dance' Mr. and Mes. R. J. Ormistonui retuen home troin bospital. j bbc new project, "Featuring presse'] congratulations and' ville. at hier busban']'s Club. accompanie'] Me. an'] Mes. L. Me. an'] Mes. 'Tom \Vh-*e!Fruit." Sixteen girls w e e best wisbes to bbc bride an'] Mr. an'] Mrs. Chas. Pen- Mr. R. McReeiis bas spcnt jAshton of Hay']on whcn al vcre in bbc village on Friday. present. Leaders are Mes. B. groomt on luchaIt of those pre- war']en an'] family wecc Sunu- the last couple of weeks in[ visite'] Mes. James Brown, Mr. White bias been ill an'] Hooey an'] Mes. H. Pascoe. sent. Lloyd Broome an'] Joe iu eeing guests of Mc. Memnorial Hospital, 13owman- Newcastle. ' spent most of the wintee aI bis Otticers were electe'] an'] are: Snow']en made the presenta- Robert Sim. ville, but hias cecovere'suf- Mr an'] Mes. Clarence stain- 1 ome in Toronto. President, Lois Ashton; Secre- lion of a car'] table an'] chair ficiently to cetuen to bis ton, BowmanviIll, were Salue-1 Messes. Robb. Brown, Fenton, barv, Dorcen Hamer; Treasur- set an'] a bu'] vase, for wbich home. We hope bis convals day cvcning visibors at Mr.lFailis, John Payne an'] Alex e, Jean Haneock. The suljeet bbc young couffle expresse'] cence is short an'] lue is soon an'] Mes. Grant Werry's. j MeMaster attende'] the Good malter was "You an'] Yýour Iei lunk.Th rmine Mr. an] ut gi. MW. C l e e a d D a] M es. S aturl amluRa s Cnve nlo i or n oFoo .l" Green covers will be ofthbec vening was spent play-, (Iiitende'] for last weeky Mc. an] Mes W. Ca] wer an']Donna ere Siur']a lasIweek.use'] on record books. The ing caels an']cluatting. atter M.a' e. atnMn guesis at bier cousins's we']d-levcningc visitors at Mc. an'] Mes. Fred Youngman (Wor., which lunch was serve']. 1cr.Dl an'] L. artin Ms. E ing in Toconto on Saturday jMes. Bill Holroy']'s Hampton. M.stress ot Pontynool L.O. DTV TnTMe. Ru']', a representativel Coucoux, Me. Robert Irwimu an'] aI the cecepbion afler-: .BA.,Ms. R. J. Payne an']dJl\,.1 fbcBbeScitwîjsetWdi eli xvae]s aI Rouge Hill Golf' fouernuembers of Beih .any L.O. scaSiob cuciu erv iclen .inDl. Clbrpa ttecuc evc Mrs. Jack Neal, Kenny an'] Club. E alla p h HAYDON B.A. attende'] a County L.O. Oui' social evening aI bbc next Sunday, March 5. NilasetFi]yi r Me. E. l]bst w spsw h lent Ihe B.A. meeting in Cobourg on clurch al was not well a - W alter Taylor re t u r in ced 1n o wli. t Mes. K n Oa - lasItwo eekswithber au-Fri']ay evcning. Nexi mecbingitende'] on Friday niglut 1 hom from ibe osKiealNfo R . Say n i h t i m so n .a Od lin a n '] es ']mi , C l u b 'bu, N e l'] lu c e idM y. ic k e ss in th e c o ni- S i k C h ild e n o n T h u rs 'a y .1 T h e W .I. e l '] th e ir x o n th - gluterliMe. wiil lueig 10 y mee ing W ed., vening ai daugbtcr-imu-law, Me. an'] Mcs. jwcrc Sun']ay visitors ai Me. reporte'] trom recent tloo']s, Anubî'o ldesated hm oui 10 sun'aySchoeM. n]Ms GoMr Tom Calan'] tamily stoppe']lan'] Mes. Ross Ashton's. Mes. wn],a' c tr.c]A ndmeoraien ai the agin Sundtay monin. n'yfmiyviit']wih off enroule from Col'] Lake, E'na MeLauglln eclurne']Wdxen]orsypt liedluomeotres. H.aAbbt e 011 Tl u isoaypormo n]Ms e]Cabm r Alberta, to iheir new home ýhome wiîh the'm. Mes. Lettxr Carter xvhose ta- Tues']ay evening. Tunhaymsonr rni g rclde] onooSn '] eday. mOr Pi Chuatham. NB., wbere Mr.' Me. an'] Mrs. Bert Asbtoi rM. George Simpson,, Plans were macle boauol'] a story reca' by Mrs. Rac Pas-1 i.a' e.R ih Caîl is now staione'].: an'] Lea, Toronto. were Sun-i passe'] away reccnîly. Deceas- 1 oca Master Ricky Stephuenson day tea guests of Me. an'] Mes.'] a fresctzn ofclevening at bbc home!']r.faily cen entertaine'] some of his young A. Rea']. !Pontypool.o'] Mes. L. A. Argue. MissnPt Knoxwas a ucst itPeterorougb friends at a skaling pariy on e.Ala1MfatM is sTh Woman's Asociationiat bbc MeReelis-Maenab wed- Tbursday afternoon on bbc Margol Rankine, Mes. Charlie! wil mccl in the churclu hall']în'A aurHrmpeion Churclu. r occasion of bis cigbblu binth- 'dyR aie shatwean'] Mi S.n-loaI 8 p.m. Wc']nes']ay evening, dnQt H aepWome' nstitute wîwas bel'] for Miss Carolin' da. a cler t r adMr. NesleonSationl Maî'ch 81Ih. Ail ladies arc mos, eto br'a n ijgha Foster at lier home on Sat.; xwutl moderation, since spcn']- Thcy celebrale'] Tommy's Mr. an'] Mi's. D. N. Spires, ing cmi b Hollan'] on Monday wil b hed nîng most of last week iin Pont birth']ay on Ibis occasio n. Brenda an'] Margaret. Toronto: niglut. He bas not lucen home Ç 'iI b hldUnPerrv Hospital. Jerry was off Tlue flu bu, as caugt up visite'] Mr. an'] Mc. E. Spires' for 38 yars. xx ek to' he wc k div w îh ma y f our am ilies in an'] fam ily. i M . an'] M s. E. Couroux. the acforltbus an'] maivoute th onmny. ehoeibs Me. an'] Mes. Glemi Glaspellr Ray an'] Marie visite'] with Mhe s. Mldbus']d Colr', Pab the c. an Mr. Walte rabzittr]adtmlTutooto udy *E~U K~., M A R C *~> for lis faîluer. . geren will soon disappear. an'] sons, Mr. an'] Mes. Neill Mc. an'] Mcs. Ray Moore, Ton- inth ca.Virgnia an'] Lvn'a Of Miss Darlene MacDonald, s- were Sun'av guess of Mr. M. an'] Ms. Gordon Lang- iiitheWcsonwcrc weeken'] visitons awa, Mn. an'] Mes. Albcri an'] Mes. Rae Pascoe an'] staff, Danny, spent the week- wtb thme Oliver Roheer familv. r Bevami, Courtice, werc Sun-'ý children. end] in Aylmer visiting with SMes. Wesley Campblcl ne'-day guesîs of Mn. an'] Mes ý-Dianne -Tnk xsa. wcek- Me. an'] Mes. Roy Vernon C UUINCIL CHUIAMBELRS turne'] bo ber cabin home in B. Hubluar']. Mr. an'] Mes. Jack Neal an'], bbce village atter visiting the Mes. J. A. Turmibull cen1- S R IL famiîy visite'] with Mc. an'] TOWN HALL, BOWNANVILLE Dr. Bonney family in Galt. dere'] a lovely solo on Sun']ay S A KV EMes. G. Medcalf Saturday Me. an'] Mes. Waltecc rs morning aI our churclu wor- evening. Itan left today for a lwo-week ship entitle'] "Hoxv Great Me. an'] Mes. Keillu Caswcll,' Me. and] Mes. R. Rusk, Ton-- 7 0 .M vacation inu Willow'ale visit- Thou Art." Port Hope, were recent dinner onto, spent the weekend with for he urpse >1 carng oinlaiiîsagamî 1 inz friends. ,Svmipatbs' is extende'] 1o guesîs at Mr. Brian Caswell's. Mr. an'] Mca. Gea. Mercer. the proposed assessnient or accuracy of front. he Grant Tliompsotls join- Mes. Hill 'an'] family, Blaek- Mes. G. Etwell. Toronto,' A tarewell parly was bel'] idthe Neil Wercv tamilv at stock, intbc passing of Me. 'visite'] Mr. ami']Mes. Bert Satur']ay evening aI the home, age nicasureinents and any other relating ýMc. an'] Mes. Neil Baile-vs', 0 HllI. Teim. 0f Mr. an']Mca. Ne'] Fosten complaint with respect to Water Main Con- celebrate Carol Weery's ninîlu Me. an'] Mes. B. Amigi. Osh- Mc. an'] Mes. Jack Og']en for Mr. an'] Mes. C. Bilger, struction on the following streets: bicth']a5 on Sun']av. awa; Mr. an'] Mes. p. W.ian'] daugluler visite'] Me. an'] Me. an'] Mes. Wm. Jakobi. 'Mr. an'] Mes. Charles Gist Davi']son. Zion; Me. an'] Mes. Mes. Carl To']'. Mr. an'] Mes. A. Foster ]eft SECOND STREET were cecent visiIors witlu the George Davi']son an'] Patti. Misses Marilyn Falla an'] or Vieginia on Tuesdax'. Francis Gist tamily, of Laing. Whilluy, werc Sunday callers Helen Hallowell wee co-hos- Me. a' rs o Yu HIGH STREET Sunday guesîs wiîh Mr. an"of Mc. an'] Mrs. B. Hubluord. itesses at the home of the laI-; man, Delubie an'] Gale visite'] MILL ANE Mca. El Maies were Me. an'] Mr. an'] Mes. George Cocu- tee for a shower in honour of with Mr, an'] Mes. Geo. Bal- MILLLANEMca. Norman Maies, Alle.. cane. Taunton, wcre Sunday Mfiss Colleen Falls, Toronto. j mer an'] Mr. Joe Smith,' SCUGOG STREET Diane an'] Rolubie of Port guests of Mn. an'] Mes. E. M. Me. an'] Mes. Llcw Hallo- Downsvicw. on Sun']ay. JAK .RED Penny* . Adams. wll. M. an'] Mc. AIt Dolson Miss Dale Manders enter- .JAK L RED.Mc r. ;,,liq sM2-rwu-<jm e' ' a' Mes. Orville Giee an'] Mes. Ella Forcester were laine'] some of ber litîle fri- Clcrk-Treasuî'er. Kee of Cadmus calle'] on Me. an'] girls. Oshaua, were Sunu- evening calIes aI MIrs. Lorne ends on Saturday celebrating land] Mes. Bruce Hcasîmp. day gucats of Mes. E. Bryan. To']']s rccentlly her scventb birtbday.I PAGE THIRTEEI IV D LIEborough, spent bbe weekendi TYRONEat ber home. ICI M. J. Broonue i'] fainil'. )n Tyromue Fruibti Feru1 i es, lier home ']ueing bhc afîcemîoon Me. an'] Mes. D. Badour ami' B.'whicb couisistie' of Iwo, lea']- of Satur']ay, Maecb il. Beent, Me. an'] Mes. R. Pooley, )n ers an'] 13 membens met ait A quilting bec at bhe chuncu Oshawa, Mca. L. D. Syke's' Shelagh Muepby's home oui Mom'u'av an'] Tuecday bY~ Club' laýmpton, Me. A. H. Bren]it uSalurdav, Feu. 251h, for bbc 49. e sprgut m second meeting. Followiugte Teplaronthelok-,eresuG.r eta fM'.a' 4-H Ple']ge, the roll caîll Two ue poliheceare on orlîerlok.s. .Be] reasons why I cat fruit" %vas obfrteproio esus Mi-. an'] Mes. J. R. Kumo'<, Fanswere'] by bbe girls. LasI wlio unoke JohnmuHymues xvin- Mes. L. D. Sykes, Hampton, ']ows last Fri']ay tuiglit. aco ane]M.n'Ms.G "meeting's report was given by copneMradMs.G ':.ISlelaglu Murphy. The leaderslIn luonoue of lbcie foutbv- Brenl to attend tlue fumueral (cf "jrv id' il w in- fifth wve'ding aniv'esaey, ce- Mes. James Knox of Cobuoumrg, terestîng rkmiowle']ge a b , u t labives gathere'] ai the home oui Monday. n fruits. also lu"vN information of Me. an'] Mes. Frank Wenry Me. an'] Mes. N. Cox. Stouîfi- sheets an]pmphlets whicb nSn'aabenoî.Toeville, visite'] Mu'. Percy Mz- iwere explaine']. Eveeyomîe par-' peesemît wcee Ibeir famiIv, M, Coy. Sun']ay. bicipale'] in tlue laking of fruit au'] Mes. A. Hoar, Mr. an'] r. n r.F-dBgr .sborteakes. Lunch finalize']M îs. G. W hite, M r. an'] M s.' e1n] M s r d Bgil )-1another meeing. Audeyv Wood Percy Wery. an'] their teuan'] childen, Toronto, wee swill have tbce mext meetimng lu grandeildeen: their brtess n a visitos of Mr. ami' 1. _ _ _ .an'] sistens, Mr. ami'] M s. D.iMis. L. Annis. n O ..S Hooper, Oromîo, Me. an'] Mca. Me. an'] Mrs. Bob Leslie amid V. Hooper Orillia, Mr.and,]tamnlY, Oshawa, wcre guesîs cf Durham ULi Mes. C. Rowami. Bethany, and'ýM. an'] Mes. S. Goble. hiMiss F. WeeeY, Hamptoni. The. Mr. an'] Mes. W. Park ami' Celeb ates Its Ieces ami' nephcws presemît Douglas, Me. an'] Mes. G. 'Ceebr tes Its ýv'reMr. ami']Mes. K. Stuc-, Byam ami' Timmy xvei' supper nmain Seagrave, Me. an'] Mes.'g-uesis otMe. an']Mes. J. Mur- H. Aw']c. Mes. G. Anderews,' 'ocb, Bowmanville. 3 r it d y rs. J. Simpsonî ami' Miss D.' Ms Hr.StitnBw ,,,33rd Birth ay ýMa all ofToronto. uigravlespn th wekn r 1 bhe afte'noomî Mr. an'] Mes. w&ibb Me. an'] Mes. Heiex', r The 33u"] binbb']a *N of Due- Wcrey ecceive'] a telepluone.Saintoî hamn Chapter No. 181. o.E.s.,' caîl feonu their nicce, Miss L.1 Mcr Har'old] Skinneri' s a!- wscelelunate'] in the O']'] Samîdeesomi, of Reginia, who ha'], tencling the annual meetinîg of j Fellows' Hall oun Tuesdlay: beem ire lowcc gin]. the Canadian Shcep Brecders' cvenîng, Fcbeuarv 141h, 1961. Mr. ami']Mes. Framnk Souîley' Associaion ii Vamncouver, B.C. Icarla an'] cupida decorabe'] ami']Slîinlc', Blackwaler, wencbliswek i the hall toc Ibis special Oc-iSun']ay gu esîs of M . au'] M ca. Coms e theknb m e' î c casumi. . of bbc W. A. on Wc']muc- Mes. Leola Tlirasicu, Wor- Mes. A. V. E']war]s, Wcl- day cvcnuing, Marcb 8, ait 8:15 bhy Mateon. an'] Me. bacc \i]an'], la visiimîg Me. ami']Mes.1 in the S. S. rooun, whena Feemami. Woribv Patron, pnP-, T. Scott. panel discussion on the new aide'] aI the meeliner, aitemdi' Congatulationîs b MNI ami' oganizalion, "The U n i t ed by ovee 100 membees an'] Mes. Frank Werey on cel'ebrat- Cuech Womcn" will bc takmî i gucats. Following the business.ý ing their 45th we']'ing anni- by Mes. L. F. Richard]son, Mes.. meetng.entebaiene wa ~versaey Sun]a.y, Fcbnuarv 26. C. Ives an'] Mes. A. A. Crowlr provide] by Mes. Jean Sun-ý Miss Ruth Pascoe, Peter- of the Oshawa Peesluytcey. merafor'] folloxve' bY a siuig-- - _________ song.K1NSMEP At tbis timucilute officers, Zhonoure'] the charter members THE NEXT KINSMEN 'with a Valentinue ccremonvl1 atter whicu ihey wenc escont- ý e'] Io bbcEast, wclcome'] by, S PER CAR DINGO bbc Worihv Marou, an'] pre-i senie'] with a smaîl gift..l 'Charter membees prce sernit:F IA ,MH 1 jwere: Mes. Annie Bounsall,1 RD Y N HýI1 Mes. Millie E']ger, Mes. Mac. Garton, Mes. Elsie AII']eea'],l Mes. Heloise Mulbon ami']Mes.' $ 7,000 in prizes Me. Harol'] Graham, Wor- 11Includlnt shiptul Mascer of Jeensalenu Lo'g, an'] M s. Graham, an'] jgp Me. Robert Hendey, S.W., andli $1I,200.00 Snowball 51i os. 'Mes. Hen']ry were also wel- ,, os. came'] as distinguishe'] guesta.,-H-L Sevenal Iucky ']eaws wcee1 ý $ 1,000.00 H- Jackpot made ']uring the evenimig. - - 1 JeUiiius rceruumemîts,coin-ý plete with lirth'ay cake, weee serve'] by the comnitîce. Pasbj Matrons liglle'] the candles to0 represeni iheir year of otfice.j Grcetings were reccive'] an'] rea'] ']uing the evening fromi many other Chaplers of thel Order in Ontario. Mes. Millie Edgcr cut tbc cake, wisbing for Durhanu Chapter many more bappy biethdays. K~ T N ~ M ~ M CHRYSLER APPROVED 1961 Chev. or $2,000.00 in Cash 15 Free Valuable Door Prizes 1961 1 PETERBOROUGH I1961 CHEV. MEMORIAL CENTRE, CHEV. AUTHORIZED DEALER The Chrysier-Builit used cars iisted -below ernbody rnany exclu- sive engineering features that make thern outstanding values ...push-button driving, Torsion-Aire suspension, safety rim wheels are just a few examples. They're tested and recondi- tioned-and priced right, too! 90 DAY WARRANIY SPECIALS 1960 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. Automatic transmissin. V-8 engine. 1958 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. Lovelv Custom Two-torw Green and White. Low rnilcage. 1956 PLYMOUTil 4-DIR. ALL ABOVE CARS ARE VERY CLEAN.. ONE OWNER CARS We %ish tu îhank al] those people in Bowmanville and district who so generous]y donated so many skates to the King Whytp fJhudlzsproject. Through your co-operative efforts we sent in more skates than any other City Service station in all the territory. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT DODGE - SIMCA FARGO AND DODGE TRUCKS Now Open 'Til 9 p.m. Monday Through Salurday 20 KING ST. E. BO WMAN VILLE MA 3-5487 1959 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2-DR. HARDTOP 6clsharp red and white. Ony 17,000 miles. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. fi-cyi., vcry clcat. Blue wth Black Trimi 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. KINSMEN à 1

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