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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1961, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI ~u* muobjectives, benefits and res- Roayboswr de n tpe a.a rsovl.R.C.M.P., Regina, wh lewSmsnsetsvrldy~ ponibilities. The speaker aise o tr Sp aebok eeaddndtpe-ava Psovl. K iwa ni l b H ur eae hehsovofteK- sent there is a splendid sup- M is s Marilyn McCarrell, home to attend the funrlothDaihme hlehrp- UW IU M eatdte itryo heK-ply of good books on hand. Omemee, Mr. Tom Wslkâhsfte tPmr %vanis movement. New members will be welcom- Peterborough. visited Mr. and i ahra eboe loetM.adMs o îu Hf, gave a short outline of .5 iLied bs' the librarian, Mrs. L. Mrs. Wes Huis and family. visited Mr. and Mrs. aphsnasottddtefnel 0f Fascinating Trip ns.n anM us Alter _M._an_____L__DaisadPt.____ the growth of Kiwanis 'nACan- 5 ii u e edt.Mr n r. L.Parker andDvsadPt iteKll ftclte' ahr ada. The first Kiwanis ClubTh coritetpuhse eraMe Oshawa, Mr. How- To Eu opea n Centrene IfWeoAre tinArrs961 is Mrs. L. ard Westlake, -Raglan visited inra te uetoNelafterwards one was organized I e A e t A r st f The members of the board, Jr.' and family and Mrs. F. '~, Rev. Darren L. Michael, Iinra h us fNa in Toronto. hie stated. The Director of Public Affairs for! Metcalf. There were .7 e , Toronto Kiwanis Clu b now eA for 1961 are: ChairrM rs*Wslk r theCaadanUnonCofe- er o te owaniile Ki- hiolds its dinner metnsu irrA John Knox: Vice Chairman, Miss HelenBaker. Toronto, ence of the Seventh Day Ad-' wanis Club present. Cevery Wediesday at theB.oy- DEM Tresurr. rs. S. Milîson; ton and family, Oshawa, Mr. ventist Church, was the sPec-' The speaker, Rev. Darren L. ai York, hie remarked. Tesrr lai guest speaker at the dlin-, Michael. was introduced by The early Kiwanis motto Onîx a fexw days before re-twill affect the world. UnIess Librarian. Mrs. L. Kellett: As-rBarry Cowling, Bowmanville, nier meeting of the Bowman- Ron Brooks, who told the club xvas 'We Trade." Mr. Michael turning to bis mission sehool some positive action is takeni sîistant, Mrs. R. Davis. were visitors with Mr. and vI]le Kiwanis Club held at that Mr. Michael was born in asserted. This has now been wo rk in India, Rev. Dr. to brilla about better under-1 Lunch was served during Mrs. Tom Baker and famîly the Flying Dutchman Motor India where his parents ser- changed to "We Build" and Thomas M. Dustan address-ed! standing, ait preparations by the social houir at the close of and Mr. J. Baker. 1-m ni on M1vonday Feb. 2)Othl. ved as missionaries. great emphasis is placed on Bowmanville Rotarv Club and thle NATO powers, icuigtemeig eea oialde ted Two mcmbers of the West- Mr Michael a member of perserverance in the attain-1 presented themn withý an inside ,a buildup ot arms of any kind,l The Explorers -Met on, Sat- ed tho World Day of Prayer, mount-Oshawa Kiwanis Club, Oshawa's Westmount CIub,ýment of constructive object- up-to-date pîctUîe of condi- wîil be unable to hold back urda.y. Februarv 18, in the service at Hampton on Fridav. Don Ormiston and AI Atkin- said that Kiwanis hiad meantiives, the speaker explained. tions there. the Asiatics, warned Mr. Dus- Sunday school room. The Ex-ý Helen Knox, nurse-in-train- s;on, wcre present. Reeve Sid- a grcat deal to him, and heý He discussed the commend- tan. plorer purpose, hymn, anding. Oshawa Hospital. spentý ncy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pae Liteas teddt2soco h raiainsal oko iai nsp oee,1 î ryropenel; the meeting., several davs at home this pe iteas teddtý pk fii raiainsal or of echrheKwanis nsp oeeledd suggesti The rolcali was answered week. !por ofthe hurhes.Kiwnisthat there was hiope because wjth the name or a missio-- Mr. and Mirs. John Knox -- seeks to foster the realîzation for the first time we have 1eeig hFrl of the spiritual valu es oflife,.. been given an~ opportunity ofar.onetm tigheol visited the latter«s aunt. Mrs. Mr. Mihael pinted ut. Igetting doser to and cari l ilbeafvriepral ay Milne, at Locust Hill on The guest speaker aiso gave 'moeaotte 1ang0 Bbetr.Treme es the occasion of hier 80th birth- > i the dinner meeting a vivid ciofit f tes h hrn-scedd n gtigdy on Wednesday of last descriptionf ofharsrecentstrpn.-stars. The study peniod was!~C hedesith frouh the ris in oldu ofse tae-o aia.Tewrsi e- Iiesmadetr uthre.she < ling facilities. has brought In- iod was, followed by games r. and Mrs. J. Le-er and: Isesan WstrrEuop. edia virtually te our doorsteps. metn1coe hildren, Oshawa, visited Mir. todef.i.vsisTohistic.î gives us a great oppor- hymn. Attendance 10, and Mrs. E. Cryderman. places in England and on the uiywih esolc10, coninet, nd lsospoe o ~..~. niy wich~veshold ot Solina Good Ncighbors Clubý Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- Soten etorndae seounfi te w e îiouî ae f adva met FI'idav night. Mr. and. man and children were Sun- ohe eon bis joure. hcW ulaviMrs. J. Laird of Maple Grove,icday visitors with Mrs. S. Run- Terr McC ulev the sec-guests of the evening. enter- de and Jean, Bowmanville. retary, moved a vote of Dr. Dustan, x% ho is now tained with beautiful colored Mr. and Mrs. George Ham- thanks to Mr. Michael for is ,t , admaster and chapiain of slides of nature scenes in on- i lin. Oshawa, visited on Sunday p I, interesting address. The presi- the Bishop Cotton School in tario and sonne in Queber.1with Mr. and Mrs. George "We cul dow th wr g ee1 dent of the Bowmanville Ki- Sma nidsrbdt&Ms Wes Werrv introducedý Knox and family. waiis Club, Ted Hutton, aiso dreadful conditions of over-ý the ",uests. Pat Davis favore' Mrs. S. E. Werry is visitin- Twventv ycars ag- ,0 iîreidc vr expressed bhis appreciation to crowding and poverty whichI with accordion selections. Tihe: relatives in Toronto. -Near of whoopiing og ...asyarnl30 the speaker. exist in that country. He aiso'1 new president of the Club is' Harold Yellowlees xvas home died. Why the difeeclpoe eia detailed the difficulties which Mrs. R. Eakins, and the secre- fiom O.A.C., Guielph, for thle care anld wonder t g rcls nsvn exist in spreading information tary is Mrs. C. Langinaid. xveeçend. OBT A Ydue to the more thait 300 dia-i Mir. and Mrs. 1. -lanirell and C on st a ble Ross î'ossatz, lives. TODAY'S PRS ITON 1 TH lects which are used there illElaine. Oshawa, Mr. and M rs. BIGSTBR different sections. English is!H. Tink, Ebenezer, vi.sited Mr'.! p * Mss DIII . ENNTTr Rv. r.T. . tmsan the only common ]lanage j1and Mrs. Bruce Tink and fam- Gel Yor Price dav, Feb. 1l, 1961. in Memorial1 speaker expressed appreehen- the gospel of democeacy, hleý s up arouInd a littie cach da. For Your Livestock H-ospital, Bowmanville, of Miss sien over what mîght hiappen stated. Mr. and Mrs . Joe Snowdon' Edith E. Bennett. Her death at once Prime Minister Nehrui Dr. Dustan was iiîtroduced'and Bruce xvere Sunday cdin- through 67, followed a lengthy illness. was either defeated or died. by Mark Roenigk who said thlelner guests of Mi-. and iVrs. C. S T A T ES MA~N I OSHAWA CIIAPTER 0F S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Miss Bennett was borni on a Once Nehru lias îeft the politi- guest speaker xvas born in Laigrmaid and fail%.CLASSIFIED TRE BW NVL. Prsnsfarni in Clarke Township. She cal scenle, communîsm could Bowmanviile, eldest son of Sally Langniaid attended a CI Prcetswa adagherofthelae rep n rj Cin if tie Mis. and the late T'. A. Dus1-'birthclaY Pare' for lier littie Phone MArket 3-3303 -William Henry Bennett and fo rces of democracy in India tan. He graduated fromi Bow- cousin Chritine Goync on Sun- B11 A R B E.R S H O P Matilda Pryor Bennett. Fol- ýwere not strong enough to re- mianville High Sehool, aiseo lowing the death of hier par- sist it, bie said. If that bap- graduating, fronti Trinity Col-; ents she spent the iast 541pcned, communismli w o u i d lege, University of Toronto in M I S Rx ears on a brother's farni at!sxveep al of Asia. 1942. Following his ordination'1 Spnoe yR. R. 4, Bowmanville. To prevent such a catastro- in 1943, Mn. Dustan became SposocdbyMiss Bennett was an active: phe, Dr. Dustan suggested that Curate of Christ Church. Ham- .11 ftII nember of Trinitv- United! a 10 fold strengthening of the ilton. lil.1947 liewet o- B o mavîie iw nisiunChurch, Bowmanville. Colombo Plan would bcelone Palampue, India as chaplain _J_ She is survived by two bro- of the answers. It would have and headmastex' of St. PauVs, S ati v aay ,i M r h 1 thers, William J. Bennett and!to be accompanied by a tom-- Sehool, remaining there until IBenjamin Bennett, botit of plete change of attitude on the 1957. Dr. Dustan was trans- 83 ..RR. 4, Bowmanville. part of the whites of the world ferred to the Bishop CottonA 8:3 P.. RThe remains rested at thc and a more personal contact School in Simla, India ini 1957. BUWI'ANYILLL TOWN HALL Morris Funeral Chape], Bow- with those of a different coloi'. and bias been in Canada 01,dl &s wBkr y atrBkr nianville, for service in thei race or creed. This could re- furlougli. SkdI ADMISION---------------------i oo Chapel on Tuesday, Feb. 14th.' suIt in iiniting the people of: Airt Ribe -mve t e t aePre e.6eSV 0 The service was conductedi by, the western world wvith those, o thanks te the speaker-. Tickets available front club inemnbers aîmd thie the Rev. W. K. HIouislander. in Ilhe troubled aî-eas. During the meeting the R..B following stores: I iterment \vas iii Bowmanvillei The biggest problern in 11-1 tarY Club celebrated the birth- *c 9 Cemeter-. :dia and Asia is thexoie day of Don Morris. Guests PETER KOWAL, REAI, ESTA'1E PaIlbearees were foui- neph-~ increase in population WhiChl, iluLded Rev. A. C. Icirbeî-t stock Up Vu ree t1:LwPk ews, J. H. Bennett, Ei. A. Beni-Ibv sheer wei.aht of îiiînbcr, and Rtipert Ilarnlvn._______________ W. Il. BROWN - DENHERTOG Sett, A. W. Bennett, Robert Jn a e e.5eSV 6 FIRTH BROS. - COLLISS ELECTRIC Bennett: and two neighbors, gJnePake ~~~~ ~~Reginald Beock and Charles ý n e netunLR EA G LC K Downev. ýis e n et i At Ga la Lc "ie Boxw îanille KI\ien Club's annual Ladies' Nigl jDinnei' and Dance was a gala event held in the Lions Com- munity Centre on Saturday JFeb. 1,91h. Art Hlooper was OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MOSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. introduces ... WINI. CAMERON, a member of our sales staff. y 1He is well qualified to assisi you in your home planning whether it he remodelling kitchen or 0 bathroom . .. adding an extra rooni .. or the e building of a 1iew home tnder our Z >ý :ue HOME IMPROVENENT DIVISION SMALL DOWN PAYMENT fý EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS MORTGAGES ARRANGED SOSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTSe m-wilI be glad Io assist you with firee S plans froi otr Home Library ._____________e S souind step-by-step advice yotu'I iecd Mi construction wvork * arrange fin- ancing ... aind supply vou %vith ail the lumber, flooring, paini, tilc, %walIboards, plywood, hardw~are, ciectrical fixtures, etc., nir(esary to complete the job. "YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS' r~ Limitede r 10 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU s O Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroomn 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8-1617 COURTICE - RA 8-1611 BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-21,30 AJAX - ZEnith 2-60 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS idies' Night ji chairnman of the cominittce in i'charge of arrangements. aiThe *spacious ballroom wVIas -atteactiveix' decorated in a Valentine Day theme. A huge red beart dominated the~ south wali, while the other walls were adorncd with smaller hearts and dashing cupids. Red and white stream- ers covered the ceiling. The long tables were centreci with bautiful rcd and white. carnations in cryvstal bowls. Bowmanville Teen Town had been iii charge of the decora- ting. Those at the bead table were President Don Stutt, rMrs. Stutt, Walter Rundie president of the B o wmran- ville Lions Club, Mes. Rundle, îK. N. Morris, president-elect: of the Bowmanvilie Rotary Club. Mes. Morris. James Wodward, president of Branchr 178 of the Royal Canadian Lc-! gion, Mrs. Woodward. Ted 'Hutton. presidenf of the Bow- manville Kiwanis Club, Mes. H-utton, Ar't Hooper. Ladies' Night chaii'man anîd Mes. Hooper. The excellent program of, entertainment was rnuch ein-, joyed. A Ladies Trio cont- posed of Mrs. Russell Oke, Mrs. L. W. Van Driel and Mrs.1 Sam Black sang several de- lightful selections. A panto-' miin- presented by "The Man- iacs", thnee young men from Oshawa, also, receix cd much applause. iBill Millei's Orchestia, Osh - 'awa, provided rhythm-ic music r foi, dancing. There were sev- [crl Spot Dances, and the' winners received attractive prizes. A, number of Iuckyr people also wonî the doo'r prizes. SOLINA (Iîitended for last wxeek) 'lhle Solina Hi-C group met. on February 15 in the churchi basement with Pat Knox, vic2& president, in the chair. The devotional period was led by Mrs. F. Johnston. Faith was the theme of the meeting. The topic arrang-ed by' Pat Davis included a short talk on for different religious faiths, giv- en by membens ot that group. and the members answered a' questionnaire on oui' own re- ligious beliefs. Barbara Hooe" conducted several games which wene enjoyed by ail. The next meeting will be on March Isi, with Anne Weni-y's group in charge. Mrs. Donald Taylor read an interesting story on the Tem- r perance programn at Sundayý Sehool, Sunday monning. On Friday evening an en-, joyable Court Whist party wasi held at Bradley's sehool. Mrs.I Ross Cryderman and Johni Haneock received prizes forý highest scores. while Wendv Nesbitt and Clarence Huggins received consolation awards. The annual meeting of the Solina Public Library was held in the bail with the chair- man, Mrs. G. Knox, presiding.ý The secnetary-treasurer's re- Port was read by Mrs. Stani Milîson. During the year 5o new"q each3 9C -Jane Parker Reg. loaf 19c-SAVE Se 60%A WHOLE WHEAT BREAD , ~ f 24-oz baves 33 C WME 2 29orc -Jane Parker BREtAD 24-oz ol19cf HOT CROSS BUNS pkg016 3 3c Corne See ... You'iI Save oit Super-Right Meats at A&P FEATURING CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF ROASTS AI 1.AoodSmoked, Sliced. Rindiess SIDE BACON Meaty PORK SPARE RIBS Fancy QLality BEEF KIDNEYS Mild Cure - Vac Pac CORNED BEEF Fancy Quality CHICKEN LIVERS More Savings ofM A&P Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 33e- WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 14-oz ti CASE OF 24 TINS $348 - SAVE 48c BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS RUMP or POINT SIRLOIN ROAST 1-lb pkg 5 9c Slb Super Rigt Smoked, Sliced, Rindiest Fancy Quality lb 49c LAMB TONGUES Wheatiey Brand 14.5c FISH STICKS Sea Seald lb 79c HADDOCK FILLETS Uncooked lb 39c SHRIMP 5p c-SAVE 4c t<n 29C Del Monte Pincapple« Re.g. tin 37e-SAVE lc GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 48-oz lins 1.00 CASE OF 12 TINS $4.00- SAVE 44c An,, Page TOMA' Salada Deep Fla TEA BA Ann Page KETCHt Camnpbeli's Mix SOUPS Boit Boy, 25-40- LIGHT E Reg. 4 tins 45c-SAVE 2c TO SOUP 4 lo-,, tns 43 c lavour Reg. pkg 56e-SAVE 4c kGS pkg of 40gauze bags 51 C Reg. 2 btls 39C-SAVE 4c UP 2 il-oz btls 35 C 'n Match Reg. 2 tins 37c-SAVE 4o 6 VARIETIES 5 10-oz tins 89 C -W Watt BULBS Reg. 2 for 49c-SAVE 44 2b.lbs 45 C t.9aS O.1M .0aMIc & PAcIM< "A<eMPa.flyL& 1-b pkg 69c ib35c Reti. 39c-SAVE 44 lO-oz pkg 3 5 c Fleg, 47re-SAVE Se Reg. $1.69-8AVE 20c 2-lb box 1.49 Fresh Fruits & VegI,5 FlOrda ars Seeie. fuiy atured No. 1 Grade GRA PEFR UITý SI.96",. Califom lntfor ýc..11,No. 1 Grade NA VEL ORANGES 51-lb cell0 bg 79 C Florjd., No. 1 Grade acia j *ýb e CELERy STALKS 2es9 Ail Price.,lm This Ad Guaranteed Through Set., March 4t1,, 1961 L ,*i ~ ~ ~ - - -. - - -- - -..-,-., .-~ -. . -~ mftý - L. - -- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Air. Rail or Steamship TIC K ET 8 TO EVERYWIIERE Consuit J IU R Y & L 0 V E F, L 15 King St. WV. MA 3-3361 4 Bowmanville

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