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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1961, p. 1

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"y r. Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUMET 10' fl7 14 Pqcrp. Men 's Canadian Club~ Hears Fine Pro gram 0f Music and Travel-, An exceptionally fine pro- liott. The North Ward Group gram of entertainment was of St. Paul's Evening W.A.j enjoyed at the dinner meet- catered for the delicious meal. ing ùf the Bowmanville Men's Mrs. Reta McRoberts and Mrs Canadian Club held in St. Francis Thompson were the Paul's United Church Sunday co-convenors. School Room on Wednesday Russ Entwistle, Oshawa. the evenng, February 22nd. Ross director of the quartet from Metcalf gave a most interest- the Ontario Regiment Band ing account of his trip through introduced t h e musicians: Great Britain, and a quartet Tom Broadbent, lst cornet, from the Ontario Regiment Reg. Martyn, 2nd cornet, Band entertained with a num- Charles King, tenor horn, and ber of musical selections. Austin Wiltshire, euphoniumn. Those at the head table Beethoven's beautiful "Cre- were President Len Lucas, ation's Hymn" was the first Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, number by the quartet n Joe O'Neill, the. secretary- (TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) treasurer, Ross Meteaif, Coun -_________ cillor Wesley Fiee, Gordon READY FOR BIG NIGHTS Elliott, W. J. Berry, 0. B. Strapp, Edmonton, Alberta, Bowmanville's Choral Se- anC. R. P. Rickaby, president ciety advises that everythingi of the Bowmanville Rotary is ready for the big concert Club. W. H. Crawford, Ennis- being held this weekend. Re- killen, was a guest at the hearsals have been going ex- dinner meeting. ceptionally weIl. Ahl they ask Grace was said byv Mr. El- now is a good crowd. Kin smen H ear Details ANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1961 10e Per Copy NUMBER 9 Rotary Players Praised for Performance Lasi. Sunday was a big day at the home of -Mrs. L. B. Williams, Temp- 0 o k C r i d o o erancc St. She was clebrating her 9th birthday, surroundcd by many giftsD +. p p1kI ~ , J admiring here. jn excellent health, Mrs. Williams enjyed the day to the ful. The work being done by te plans for these handicapped! Ontario Association for Re- children are urgently needed ~ ~tarded Children was descri- to benefit their future. r... ~ il- £ulj'%P'IId"bed in an address by Peter Th naro Asoito C l bner meeting of the Bowrnan- ceives its financial support I n C lai f i ville ise Club hield at for current operatrng expen. S f te f 0 fi ersSetiem nthentinoduedtchan gues apris its embes, r.te6 S ia e o O f ice s 1Jack Lander, a pasi presi- local associations that com. speaer.He oldtheKinmenery said. He pointed out that For o m i g Se sonA sutleienttotliiiu 110r'fMr. Gomery's responsibili- these iu turn obtain their For orn ng8.600 s< neatoain o e r ies i hf postono Fedfunds hog inendt On T1ucsday , Feb. 21. 1961, appoint a sec.-treas. a urreCourt Tliursday' 'flic SurreSceAsoc h aiatios poreslcalm unityor hesounthi- thc annual nmeeting cf the, Eleetion of officers for le tI whitbv. a1 The ssciai its ipogrts an ed un hetorui ruembers off the Sothlview! coming season was held. B Tv A\tdi aceto work on behaîf of retarded Irvine Brown on behlaîf off Golf and Couintry Club was acclamiation, t Ih e president a lhrcC-ciÀi collisiOon nligh- yugtr a mhszdbsflo ise oe r lild at the Balmoral Hotel Dave2 Higgon and sec.-treas. waY No. 2 \Vest cf Preston- by Mn. Gomery. He asked forvoeoftastoM.o- ~vih aprcinîtel 40mcm IVrs.Ralh Anes\Vee ~x'a'~ ICIt r fd Dr1lngton local support for the O.A.R. ery for bis fine address. He bs prescrnt. turned to office. Charles War- Towvnshipn. C.s' provincial programn, and alsopcsndagftoth ~rcidnt av llggo wl-ren was uncontested iin the ff.t;u l the s]~ia\va explained Ihiat the extensive sekra ovnro i côFed the neinbeirs anîd out- ý G f xicpeidn.'r(-'r and -Kelly 1la w Iiîn visit te Bowrnanvilîe. The ( cd the agenida for the even- Amosaldes captai llbe rs.lp h e con . tlepa iiIspresident Don Stutt, also1 in.Reotsof i1tyara- Don .and oldes tapmtaîMi c onorea thanked Mr. Gomery for ad-a livîtîcs %were gîxexi bY19630 c ilhool aey.s Coittec di ccdnt\,le ressing teKinsmen Club.c chairmeiî. Charles Warren.,hatn1iîae sfcin: ltiL~jlithViit h torlaen carnai skdTournameît - Joe Smith, Cpani ,Akin C. Quin- A .M Thompson, Super-s Oshawva: Handicap- Hla De' ie.aind lus passenger, Reg- Ivsn rnia fteBw ncinbers te get belîind cen- xar, cshamia; Greenîs-- Tonminald Wilatts bath off Bow- manville Public Schools, was 1 mniteces andI enfer tie evextsT. avil wr taeling a guest at the dinner r"neet-a plauncd. Tm LvleLyle : House- George t in'cf he cub.« planned. Tom Lyle ~re6riéd Social- Neil CampbellO u oncl Highwzvay 2. Their noftecu.i J'or the lianîclcap coniiritt<Žû. Nebrýpad r1 velliiee vaý tuc y aci Charles BiekIdc in ieportiiig D.E .Ss drivei by' Adeniat Dorval ef 1crthe greîl coîmite, Bulletin and oi ct ~'oni Oîaw\a x-1ho was goinlg east. complîîîîentecl 1 i .manage- %a.The Qu iiney -(oar continued nietcii work thl ahd beeti wcst and st ruck otiother east- r a t n donc on fthc course and cf- It was 11oVed that "iPoil bouiffl hile fered suggestionîs for improve-,lection off a social convýeneor rnns r E .Sso nr-ýforer ladies grouphshý CHANGE OF DATE -- potn o h its o-wudbecome a member of Ictt kg in tlie accident and avised that the meetine mittc sate tht th houseý te -xecLitive.Rcm nd \alistlze fo abu is inllandth dtis ae!tinspresented by the 19 th Iirceynnths. k xvdlhavet Oson ei\(dleatv t%;sapproved that the new the eit kie île elaimed representatives were unab itie of he pst yar ad su-:ý xce meinetwith the prîn- $5,83J0.50. get.c ta Ii( ade gou ipl. onete arie-hofeet The Goodx ear Eninloye: Recreation Club Douce iield at the Lettion Hlall ou Satur-; day cveîiiig was a dccided' succ!ess. Mare îlmiî 65 couple.; had a delightfuil ie donc- ing t<)the icnulsic oif Ted Tay- lor's Orchestrii. Roth round, and square douces wevre eni- joyei. '[om Mastersori wos the5 cahIer fer t he square (lolces. Franik Moh un, t lie clubs chairiaii, \vas :;n charge of, j arrangement,; for- the donc,ý.. le was assisted bh*y Jack Dunn. Art Brooks. .inîi Allun. Ron Johnîsonî. Jac k Bond. l\rs. Carole Gould. Ra ' Westloke, and Stu Caisoni, exectîtive uiembers offthue Goed.eair Fui- ploycles Hecreaticu Club. New Officiais Started Duties On March 1lst 1On Wednesday, Nlarelh lst, rtwo neiv' local officiais took up their duties. Jack L. Rteid, thit- 11 1W Bowmanville Town Clerk. commcuiced his wvork at the T,~~ Hall yesterday. and 1iard Holden sta rted as Adhinistrator of! Memnor- lai Hospital. MIr. Rleid has hi-en Clerk- Tre,îsurer of Strath r oa y, Ont, for Vi'e last two years. Prior to that time he had been Assistant C'ity Cierk ut St. Thomnas for two years after working in the St. Thomnas assessment Office for a year and a haIf. Be- fore taking up municipal business Mr. Reid w~as in the R.C.M.P. for thrce years. Tite new Administrator of Mernoial Hospita l, '%r. 1 Hrlden had nearly four years experience as Ad- ministrator of the Deep Hiospital. H1e came to Canada in 1956 from his native England, and f rom May of that year until March 19.5î, he was the Ex- eeutive Director of the Jul- lus Richardson Hospital, Montreal. H1e became ad- Stra tor o! the Deep Hospitai in April '.x s painftul fer, an extexisive peried.Ilie reccived S-1,8,50 as settl('iiieti t. DoOGril ithls offOluw w as (0110 ci for thie defele. -Round Cord This attracti%,e x-oung Ranger leader holding! the Ail-Round Cord which she %vas awardcd, is Lillianl Miller. 16, daughter cf NMr. and 'Mrs. Brumno M,%iller,I Simpson Ave. She assists as a leader with 2-nd Bow- man\,ille Guide Company and was preserît Sundayý when Guides and Brownies attcnded church services in Bowmanville. The cord \v'as presenicd bY Divisioni Commissioner Mes. W'. M. Rudell. Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey After 28 vears as SeccrctaryTreasurer off Dunrham Central Agnricultural Society, Lt. Col. J. C. Gamey retired recently. To mark the occasion, a special testimonial dinner was held rccently, attended by over 100, past and present efficers, dir- ectors and members off the soeîetv. Mr. Gamey was pri2. sentcd with a handsome pipe and varieus blends of tobacco. Mrs. Gamey rececived a beau- tiful bouquet of carnations. ýMrs. -Williams Celebrates 9Oth Birthday Last Tuesdav, February '28, Mrs. (Dr.) L. B. Williams, 7 Temperance Street celebratecd her 90th birthday, and few, indeed, at this age possess as keen a mmnd or are as active as this venerable lady. Iu houer of the occasion ber daughter, Mrs. H. E. (Luellal Purdy ef Campbellville, Ont..l held "Open House" at 73 Tem-1 perance Street on Sunday, February 26th. There, midst' a profusion off flowers and pot-1 ted plants, Mrs. Williams en- gaged in animated conversa- tien with the many who caîl-ý cd toecxtend best wisbes and congratulations. Among the nianY beautifful, bouquets wvas a basket con- taining 90 Amenican Beauty Roses, and almost every kindý cf flower was represented in, the numereus bouquets and plants received by Mrs. W'l- liams from ffiends and rela- tives. She also was the ne- cipient cf inuumerable gifis, letters and cards of congratu- lations, ameng whieh was a, framed plaque fromn Premieri Leslie Frost and the Goveru- ment of Ontario. The latter was presented by Alex Car- ruthers, M.P.P. for Durham. A special greeting card was received bv Mrs. Wiliamsý , freni the Durham County Club1 eto Toronto which had becui signed by ahi members present at the chub's Februarv meet- ing. Triuity United Church un- TURN To PAGE SEVEN> Audiences were most receptive during the three- night performance of "Born Yesterday" at Bowman- ville's Town Hall. Included in the cast were, seaîted, left to right: Walter DeGeer,_Mrs. James Stutt, Keith No Injuries In 2 Car Crash On Tuesday The drivers escaped injur: in a two car collision at Truli's Road and No. 2 Highway on Tuesday afternoon. The acci- dent happened at 4:30 o'clock. Constable Ken Laton, OPF, investigated. William Douglas Gearing, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, was pro- zeeding east on No. 2 High- way. He stopped at Truli's Road to let a passenger out, and then started to turn left on TrulI's Road. His car was struck broadside by one be- ing driven west by R. Bruce Eickey, Verdun Avenue, Osh- awa. Both cars sustained ex- tensive damage. ._ £Aeces Prospective curlers are ý' arranged for tonight, Lponed until tomorrow, itre at 8:30. Port Ferry ble to attend. Ail inter- hat a curling rink here ould be on hand. THEir iSTEST 1- hIxemb~iier tninxppai m by Palmer Motor Sales for any skates that could be spared for Indian children way up northl It was an original King Whyte idea. Well, you will be happy to Iearn that the response here was sa tremendous that community-wise, Bowmanville contributed more skates than any other place in the territory. A big thank you from Palmcr's and the Injuns wvho, we understand, have been having a wonderful time with their new blades. You just can't beat the p eopl e of this area for generosity. *1SNOWDROPS OUT - Gardening expert Art Baker cornes through with another sign that Spring is not far off. He has spotted Snowdrops peekîng through the ground on several properties. Over the wcekend, the rains certainly reminded one cf April. We, at The Statesman, had a bit cf trouble with some cf the staff. There was so much water flowing across the cellar floor that they werc ail for bringing their fishing lines and lures te trv their luck. For a while we thought we might have te caîl in the game warden to keep thcm from casting for treut out cf season. ONE ROUND TO GO - Mike Osborne's fast-skat- ing Juveniles teck the opening game in the semi- finals cf Ontario, Tuesday night at Alliston. They play back here on Saturday in the second game of the best cf seven series. The game in Alliston wvas a real thriller, so be on hand to support them. SOMETHING DIFFERENT- Kinsmen, in an 'Iattempt to clear off the small amount still owing for the arena's artificial ice plant here, have corne 'iup with something different in the fund-raising line. They plan a week-long event in May, plus a big draw, with games, rides and other attractions *instead cf their regular carnival. You'll be hear- ing more about it later.. tT. i BREAD SPREAD- A Sunbeam bread truck driver lost his vehicle early Tuesday. He parked *it near the Balmoral and when he came cut, it had departed. One used te expecit such things with horse-drawn carts, but that day has long since gone. He found it eventually. It had rolled back down the hîll, crossed the road, (fortunately missing several westbound cars), knocked ever a parking meter, coming te rest finally against a car parked ai Peter Kowal's home. - GOOD OMEN- The new Memonial Hospital r Administrator arrived Wednesday a.m. In the mail on the same day The Statesman received word from Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., that a cheque would be on its way this week te the hespital fer $73,753.33 fromn the Provincial Government, the first instalîment cn construction grants. This sounds ta us like a good start for the administrator. We'll hope his employment here will be happy and that many more cheques wîil coame in te help offset building costs. 1~ Jackson; others, from lef t te right: Stephen Withcr- spoon, Mrs. Alan Strike, Dr. G. E. Mann, Rex Walters, Mrs. A. L. Hooey, John Bain and Stewart McTavish. -Photo by Rebder Rotary Club Thes plans Chalk Up Another Hi! W1t "Born Yesterday $1,000 Theft Foran Garage Tues. Night Approxima t. e 1 y $1,000 worth of stock was stohen during a break-in at Ed Fora'n's Esso Station, il11 Liberty Street South around mldnight on Tuesday. The garage was entered between 11.40 p.m. on Tuesday and 1:30 o'clock Wedncs da y morning. Entry was made through a back window. The thiet or thieves lett by the large front doors leaving themn open. They took 500 Atlas spark piugs, eight cartons of cigarette tobacco, eight car- tons o! cigars, 19 rounds o! 32 calibre ammunition, 85 cartons o! cigarettes, and a large quantity o! tools. A valuable collection of coins containing nickles front 1751 to 1951 was also stolen. Bowmanville police are investiigatinz. Hand Badge "Born Yesterday", a daring ness manager. and others who >three-aet comedy presentcd contributed to the prepara- by the Bowmanville Rotary tioîîs were: Bob Stevens, Club in the Town Hall Aud- tickets; W. David Higgon, el- itonium on three evenings ectrician; Walter Reynolds -last week, was an outstanding and Forbes Heyland, proper- - it. Much laughtcr and pro- tics; Keith Billett and George s longed applause rewarded the Vice, stage and scenery; the t, excellent cast on Thursday, producer, Ai Witherspoon, It Fniday and Saturday even- programs and publicity; Mrs. ings Geo. Vice, Mrs. David Higgon, R. P. Rickaby, presideut cf and other Rotary ladies, e the club, welcomed the aud- make-up and wardrobe; L. W. -i enc2s in a short address. He Dippell, ushers. paid tribute to the intensive The star of the show, Mrs. effort and heurs cf work put James Stutt, was superb. As into the play by those who a heautiful but dumb blond Itook part in the directing, ex-chorus girl, Billie Dawn, Iacting, staging, and manag- she was most realistie. Her thnk fe production. He talent was also demonstrated continued support ef the Ro- mer show girl's graduai dev- tary Club's work for crippled1 elupment into a aient, shrewd, eilîdren. jbcttcr-informed, and affeci- The directer off the suecess-! tienate young woman. fui play was Mrs. AI Wither- The difficult noIe cf Harry spoon. Mcl Dale was the busi-; Brock, a self made illion- aire iunkman, was ably acted by Walter DeGeer. He was perfect as a liard bitten, un- Lt. G vern r igrammatical man, who ob- ï'otssly belîeved the world was bis oyster, and yet some- Speaks at 'how managed te be appeal- ing despite bis utter indif- K i ' a ni s Clu b hnisw. Wilson Gemmell, Peter-, TIJRN TO PAGE SEVEN) bereugh, Division 6 Lieuten- ant-Governor, was the special speaker at the dinner meet-Goier wanis Club at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel on IMonday evening. Ted Hutton, the president introduced Mr. Gemmell, who announced the theme for - .- 1961, "Build Responsible Cit- zenship." He discussed Ki- . wanis ideals and aims, and urged that aIl members take an active part lu the organ- ization 's projeets. Thc importance of the mcem- bersbip committee's work was ~ stressed by Lieutenant-Gev- * erner Gemmell, and hie asked . ail flic local Kiwanis te assist I this cemmitîc in every way. !He also stated that hie hoped - that a large delegation frei the Bowmanville Kiwanis ý*.ý Club will attend the forth- coming Kiwanis Convention to be hùld lu Oshawa, TIRN TO PAGE SEVENI Large Family LeftHomeless, By Mon. Fire The home of Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Busehien, R.R. 1. Nestieton, was gutted by fire late Monday afternoon, with ail contents being des- troyed. Mr. and Mrs. Buschlen were in Toronto with three of their six children at the trne. He operates a taxi there. The other three children, including a teen-age girl, came home from sehool and the tire is bclieved to have started when they were lighting the stove. Port Ferry and Caesarea tire brigades were calied Recently, two young « but the blaze was too far their Golden Hand Badges advanced to be brought the Lions Centre. They - under control qulckly. John here, daughter of Mr. and1 Nesbitt's water tank was Bw avle e fNw 1 also at the scene. omnilowfNe î 1 The stone house is two daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. 1miles east of Yelverton and ville, who teck iii over the one mile south of 7A high- was taken. Both were mei way. lit is better known as Brownie Pack. Enrolled in t the Cla.rke Williams bouse. n waLy Jsznkio The Buschlens have lived inwaLynJscnsîi there for several years. served tea to their methers. Receives 90 Roses for Birthday 65 ÇoupIes tnjoy Recreation Club Dance Awarded AIl ladies were presented with sat a special ceremony in were Linda Couch, shQwn Mrs. S. Couch, formerly of -astie, and Karen McMullen, ,Roy McMullen, Bowman- eweekend when this photo =nbers of lst Bowmanville the Pack at the same meet- of Newcastle. The Brownies R(')WMA

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