.......... ......... .. PAGE TWO cild t0 medical attention. Eastr Se i C mpain ý ivesummer camps thisl i ear will give a three week hldyto more than 1200~ W iliOpen Marc 2 iholiday who would otherwisei have no such holiday becausel Next to Christmas the bi-- No one knocks a, vour doar of their inabi]ity to attend! conventional camps. This 's iest avalanche of mail to de- to seli cou Easter Sea1s. Theth bigscapn prra luge Ontariosý post offices entire campaign-the message thf any stminglepoitcal ra in cornes today when service,«f hope and opportunity for the world, and its importance' clubs in Ontario mail their! c r i p p 1 e d children-is put, i that it flot only givesa Easter Seals to evervone ;n squarel.v tb ou in a letter. holiday, bualotchscld this province asking thiem for You are asked to read it andýren who are often embarras- help in their cr;ppled child- if you think the cause worthy sed by handicaps. to care fr rens work. lenough, return vour contribu-,1themnselves and get along with! Every service an civt-tion in the pink' envelope. iother youn.-sters. 9 i Fuch as camping. nursityngJ The organization that cares Ciisfreaiain0 ireatment clinics, transporta-, for this great number of child- j children in areas far from lion, corrective surgery andren is amazingly small. A major hospital centres are also research is beavilyv dependant tightly knit office staff at'organized and attended by top tîipon the contributions resuit-1 headquarters in Toronto, a medical specialists. If children ing from the Easter Seal Cam-, score of highly trained nurses, need hospitalization. thîs is qpaign, and this year no lessa corps of volunteer doctors provided on special advice, and than $875,000 will do the job! and an army of public spirited local doctors co-operate in efficientlv for Ontario's moreýcitizens, who give freely of providing treatment at home. than 15,000 handicapped child-ýtheîc time. The cesuit is a With the opening of the lSth rc.n.1 volume of service out of aIl annual Eastec Seal campaign Las ycr te ntaio o-1 proportion to the money spent today, there will be thousands ciet fo Ccpple Chld n the work. of service club men and wo- whose only annual appeal forý This wock takes several men working for a better funds Is made during the Eas-1 forms. There is nursing sec- future for Timmy and ail his ter Seal canipaign by 226 ser- vice, made up of 27 graduate Pals. Your contribution to the vice clubs, cacricd out its big-,nurses, each of whom has tak- Easter Seal campai.gn is need- gest programme in all its his- en a special post-graduate ed. tory. This year the number <0f course on orthopaedic nursing - crippled chiildren have gceatlyý which qualifies them as ortho-! increased because Ontario's paedic nursing consultants. BT AR swïtlIy growîng popu1lton1 l Tese nIurses vISiri h ineans hundreds of new cases of handicapped childre' each year. the parent how to adr IIOUSEHOLO FINANCE COUP. 0F CANADA 528-First Quarter, 1961-2 cols. x5in BUY IT!- mWITH HOUSEHOLDER LOAN An HFC Householder's ban stebù way of providing the furnishings, home improv, ments or remodeling job you want and need. Yc arrange for cash from HFC. And you decide ho long you'11 take to repay ... and how niuch mnonth. Drop in or phone. .. borrow up to $25( with up to 36 months to repay. Low cosft if. insurance avoilabl, on cil loans 64 King Street East Telephone RA 5- Oshawa Shopping Centre... . . . Tlephone RA S- OSHAWA See how the E Ioads ofooir (Ioaded wil THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO e omesrii ln, teach HARRY ADDISON MILLSON IK miînister The death occucred at Ross -Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, following a short illness, oný Tuesday, Feb. l4th, 1961, of Harry Addison Milîson. ABorn in Newcastle, hie was the son of the late Mc. and Mrs. John Milîson. He was in his 85th year. He maccied the lafe Fannie Ellenor, focmerly of Orono, in Bowmanyille in 1906. He was Even the tying of a shoc can be a big accomplish- M a resident of Orono foc 28 LU ears, where hie was employed ment for a young lad whose legs and arms are weak- by the Ontario Depactment of ened by a physical handicap. There are more Ihan Lands and Focests. Prior to, 15,000 crippled children who are being assisted by the moving to Orono, Mc. Milîson Ontario Society for Ccippled Children. - and this work worked as an insurance sales-. man in Cleveland, Ohio, for is only possible because of the support given ta the 19 years. i cereet th Easter Seat Campaign. The month-long campaign Affter i eieetth opens today and has a provincial objective of $875,000. deceased made his home in- Lindsay. He was a past master of the n Ocono Lodge, A.F. & A.M.. andF n R e o t i n a member of Cambridge Street ber 1 United Church, Lindsay.A RI e- two daughters, Mrs. R. D. Car- L c li i e ou ruthers (Eleanor) of Lindsay, Locail78, Ontario Farmers' brier, said if was both objec- 1w ýand Mrs. George Glassford Union, hold their Febcuacy tive and constructive and lie a i(Margaret) of Oshawa, oneC meeting ai, thc home of Mc. paid tribute to Gordon Hill as 'eig hn of Kingston, and andi Mrs. Ivan Bail. President beiog one of the outstanding () ihe greanilns eea. h Otto Bragg conducted the facm leaders of loday. Mc. Thario FnaiHoe, Oconoe business and deait wifh cor-,Frost said the brief was good foc aonic ervicHoeFeb. l5th espondence. common sense and lhc was ,and funeral service Feb. l6th. A committce was appointedi pleaseti ilddotakfcvs Temporary entombment is jni to contact members who have expendlture of public money. the Lang Vaulf, Orono. for nfot rcnewed their member- Director Lew Wood report- intermient later in Ocono shiro foc 1961. cd on the Ontario Farmi Union ÇE Cemetec.y. Rev. Robert Mc- Mrs. Elmer Cox rcviewed Board meeting. The National Lean, minister of Cambridg~e the brief presented by On- Facm Union intends f0 ce- United Church, conducfed the tario Farmers' Union to Prime open their Ottawa office in -26 services. Minister Frost and the Cabi- the near future. Until a quali- ý-6-2 ocnt. About 60 Farmi Union ce- fied person cati be securcd f0 1139 i presenitatives attcnded thi s be in charge, Gordon Hill is Lots of parents would have presentation which was well to be in Ottawa ihrec days a a cac if the kids din' hae eceived. Honi. W. A. Good- week Io get things starteti. drivers' licenses. feiiow. in commenting on the Mr. Wood also r-cad a letteri lie hati wcitfen to our M. P., Dr. Vivian, iirging that dcr. ficirncy payrmcnts on hogs anri eggys be raiscd (o paritY and tht production quotas be left IVOY Ion . w. da o n Ihe samie as at preseoit. H-e stating that no change is con- templateti at prescrit. The change in Whcat Board; gives ~cerning sale of grain to feed; mills outside the Wheaf Board price and quota was bcought to ouc attention. Nati onal Facm Union feels this is a lot. threai to the operafion of the& CanaianWhat rd ~Vand>r the order. We had as our gucst speaker: Mr. Garnet Rickacd, Reeve of! Dacîingtoni. Mc. Rickard stat-' cd one of council's problems ..... ls lack of information to the' general public. Very fcw at-ý tend counicil meetings andti while newspapecs cover the' meetings their space docs not > . . ....permit complete coverage. Mc. Rickard said the pi-ob- lemrs facing counceil today arc the most challenging of any counicil the Township vver hati. Population has incî'easerl faster than the asscssment. Our asscssincnt is the lowest of any municipality in the ---------United Counties. In 1950 as-' ses sment per capita waS $534.00, in 1960 it, was $671.00 and ihe population has doub- Ph good looks)led. The present debt ils $105.00 ~h ood Ioo s)per person in the townshp owenerl va million dallars 'ndebenfuces. Durham Dis- trict High School Board will requice $ 100,000.00) mor~e than 1 last Vear. Residentiai growth xvillnont ......... .. ..........pay ifs way. Everv house Ns subsidizeti by the farmer. . .........This was thse ceason foi- the 1 Planning Board being set up in 1955. Registered plans for sub-divisions are nccùssair.v witli provision foi- sewers, 'watec and roads. Ot!icriwise a slum condition con Id devclop ini the Township. A question perinti followc t Mc. Rickard*s inifo r ni a 1 i v c ta] k. Lunch anti a sncial il Ime followed. Next meeting at the IIINVY $HEWOOC STATON «AQN ihome of Mr. and Mcs. le Cox. and Ioads of economy, too! YOU CAN load Envoy's Sherm ood Station Wagon %% ih everything you need for a week-end of family fun-as many as five big adults-wiIl ride in comfort! 1 he farnous Envoy Econo-Power four-cylinder engine breezes you through the miles ..- breezes you past the gas punips, too, with remarkable gasoline economy! And you gel Synchro-Ease transmission for casier gearshifts- miore rclaxcd driving-nothing ncwta Iearn. See your Envoy dealer todayl EN1 Manufactured for Genieral Motors Products of Canada, Lrmnted. by Vauxhali Motor, Limited. Luton, ANOTHER GENERAL IVOTORS VALUE Engand. Parts and service from coast to coast E66 ROY W. NICHOLS PHIONE MA 3-3922 OLDSMOBILE - CHEVROLET - CORVAIR PHONE NIA 3-3353, COURTICE AND) ENVOY (British Built) CARS - CHEVROLET TRUCKS BOWMANV1LLE rHURSDAY. MAR. ind, 1961 The Rotary Club's share of Easter Seal Funds may Le speni on the care, Ireal- ment and rehabilitation of orîhopedically crippled children in this area. Here are a few of the many things that the Rotary Club, ivith the help of your Easter Seal donations, have accomplislhei in the past year: *Provided f ree transportation to both Merrywood Camip and Blue Mouritain Camip for Crippled Children from this district. BUY I ANID I *We have mnany children ont our active list Al have been helpcd %whcnever possible during the past year. *Ail Crippled Children of district were our guests at Annual Christmas Party. *Looked after the following: Special Braces, Chairs, Major Therapeutic Treatmnent. Several children supplied %vith crutches and corrective eqipipmnt. EASTER SEALSý > USE THEM!l PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE PINK ENVELOPE AND MAIL TODAY A Receipt wiII be sent to you for Income Tax purposes.