THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMtLE. ONTARIO THU1SDAY. MAR. 2nd, Il Maple Leaf Circle Officers and rBowrnanville and District Lranch of the Red Cross held tlheir meeting in the comincil cham ber recently' . with M'vrs. W. Rudell prcsldlng. 1A donation wvas receivedi fromiithe Legion o iî 'Club. the proceeds ofan at ntc.r- Service Club tournamient. Each menîber paid an cîîtry1 fee which tvent ta the winning club ta bc given ta a clîarity ofa their choice. A letter froni Commiissioner Stringer out- lined the w~ork being done by Red Cross miedical tennis in tue Congo tvhere famine haý: caused widespread starvation. In addition the Junior lied Cross along with the U.N. Food Organization are seniding food supplies. Anotiier wheelchair was purchased, bringing ta six the numnber af wheelchairs available for loan ta those %vho need them. Mrs. R. Spry reported letters had been ssent ta aIl doctors giving them a list of articlüs in thc Loan Cupboard available ta theur patients. These include crut- ches, bedpans. thermometprz ' ivhechpirs and hospital beds. Mr-. It Bate 5'at,. d that copies af 'Ta AUiýlMen', a hi- tory of the Canadian Ried Cross is on display in Rick- Guests The officers of Maple Leaf Circle 143, Companions of the Bate, Past Chief Companion Rena Bathgate. Trè"asurer H-ildaý Forest, are pictured above. Reading from lef t to right, front row:1 Humphrey. Second row: Inner Guard Jean Wood, Outer Guard Secretary Eieen Large, Chief Companion Mary Broadbent, Queen' Nina Clarke, Chiaplain Aima Perfect, Left Guide Beryl Hughes, Mary Circle, Port Hope; Sub-Chief Companion Polly Tkatch, Pianist Audrey Bate, and Right Guide Evelyn Beard. District Deputy Peggy Wakeley, Port Hope; Chief Companilon Rosel -_____________________ Many Visitors for Ma pie Leaf Circils 53rd Birthday Part y Chief Companion Rose Rate dainty eandy baskets as fav- presided at the most enjoy- ors. Colorful autumun maple, able 53rd Birthday Party held, leaves were effectively placd' along the white darnask table by Mapie Leaf Circle 143,lclothes. A large birthday cake1 Companions of the Forest, in1 decorated with pink and wh 'itec the Union Hall last Thursday icing was in a place of honor. Feb. 16. More than 'Î0 Coin-!Toea teha abl panions were prescat at the were Chief Companion 1Rate, isuccessful event includling 30, District Deputy Peggy Wake-, niembers of Queen Maryr Cir- i y, Port Hope: President Mil-a cie, Port Hope. Right G uideI lie Bates of the Ladies Auxil-( Evelyn Beard wvas the con-' iary to the Royal Canadianf venor. ýLegion, Past-Chief Companion Lovely bouquets of yeliowIRena Bathgate, Chief Com-1 daffodils in crystal vases cen- panioru Mary- Brojadbent, Port, tred the long tables which Hope; Sub-Chief Companion ( were iighted by red and grecen Polly Tkatch. Sub-Chief Com-c tapers in silver candlesticks. panion Marguerite Haynes, Fach placewas marked with Port Hope, Secretary Elleen SPECIALS Vacuum Bottles Woodbury Shampoo 1.00 size Vitalis ---- 35e slze Gleem Faste1 98c islze Colgate Faste' .SPECIALS Macleans Faste. 1-7 Se Brylcreem 73e BOTII FOR 7o"e 1.25 size Suave - --89e 1.98 size Hair Spray 1.49 ON E-4-DAY MiULTIPLE VITAMINS 1.49 - 2.d5 - 4.49 - 8.75 One-A-Day SPECIAL . 5.98 Value - 4.49 Geritol - Liquid or Tablets 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 WVanpoles Extract 1.59 - 2.75 fialibut Oil Capsules 1.15 - 2.29 - 4.29 Nyal Multiple Vitamins 3.50 Cough Syrups Buckleys Mixture 67c, 98e Jack and Jii for Chlldren 67e - 98e Pertussin 65c - 89e - 1.15 Vlcks Formula "44" 1.19 Ban Deodorant Arrld Roll-On 89C Trlg Deodorant 89C Cold Remedies 5Ornai Capsules 1.35 1Bromo Quinine 59e - 89o Naremide Caps. - 1.25 iVicks Tabs. 69o ISuper Anahlst Tabs 1.00 WR FIT MRUSSES BOIMANVILLE MA 3-5589 THURS. AT 7:30 - FRI., SAT., 7 & 9:15 tIATINEE SAT. AT 2 P.I-l 0 For elbow room, peace and quiet corne Thurs. But corne anyway! MON. TO WED. - ONE SHOW AT 7:30 "The Wreck of the Mary Deare" Eriglish Channiel storrn story in color Gary Cooper, Charlton Heston, Michael Redgrave Large and Treasurer Hilda1 kind in the world. She spoke1 Maple Circle 143 continued Humphrey.. of its high ideals which are success. Companion Annie Wright, honored by ail its members O ca fQenMr who bas been a member of! in many countries. OCirc Port Hope Compax- Maple Leaf Circle 143 for 48 The first Court of the A- 'ion M. Highifield presented a: years, was called 01n tu eut cient Orcler of Foresters lu gift of a beauliful ceramic the birthday cake. The luckylCanada was formed in Tor- salad bowl and servers ta table winners were Compan- onto in 1871, she stated. She 'Maple Leaf Circie 143. She ions S. Karp and M. Kelly, told of the permission giveri extended best wishes for sur- Port Hope. The prize for the for it by the Most High Court cess in the future ta the circle. oldest member wvas reeeived of the Ancient Order of For-, It was ciecided ta hold a by Companion Minnie Wise-lesters, Dublin, and added joint meeting of Mpile Leaf man, who will celebrate hierithat by 1881 there were 2,500 .Circlç- 143 and Qucen Mary 8th birthday on Mareh 3lst.' members of the High Court of1 Circe. Port Hope. for the Companion M. Hyatt, Port Canada. 'visit of the High Chief Con-' Hope, won the speciai birth-j District Deputy Wakely pIanion B. Gibson, Woodstock.ý day prize.i told of the formation of the Thisý meeting il be held at On behiaif of the Bowman- I Womens Division, the Coin- the Union lall, Bowîinanville. ville Ladies Auxiliary ta ther panions of the Forest, rormed The oiate %vili be set Inter. Royal Canadian Lcgion, Pre- in this country in 1885. She The fortunate prize winncrs sident Millie Bates presented also spoke of the Courts ofl il, the draw conducted by a Union Jack and standard ta ý the Order in Europe, the Uni-1 Conipanion Ililda Hiumphirey Chief Companion Rose Bate ted States, and Australia, and' were: Com panions B. Girvan,' for Maple Leaf Circle 143. of its growvth and extensive1 Port Hope; Audrey Bate,' lu an interesting address influence today. Beryl Hughies, L. Thornpson, District Deputy Wakely gave Past Chief Conipanion Rena iLois Adams, bath of Fort the history of the Ancient Bathgate stated that she wýas j Hope; Edilh Hilditch, G. Order of Foresters. one of the happy ta see s0 many at the Ough, E. Lenfoole and ivMar-, oldest organizations of its birthlday party. She wvis hed garet Kelly, ail of Port 1-ope. Fa reste rs Receive New Flag BEST BUY - SAVE 7c Helnz - Ail Varleties - Tins BABY FOUDS- - - - .10' for $1,800 BEST BUY - SAVE 22e Chlcken Noodle - Toinato Vegetable fr$ 0 LIPTON SOUPS . fo$1..0 BEST BUY- SAVE 25e lVagstaffe's- 9 oz. Jar JANS OR JELLIES m 5 for j1le.00 BESI BUY - SAVE 6c Solo Brand - f lb. $ MARGARINE - 4or1,@00 BEST BUY - SAVE 16e Monareh - Ail Varletles - Pouah Pack rzir iy-m fifor $1,00 I FEATURE - SAVE 8e [,ilby's Fatney - 20 oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 8 for $1.00 FEATURE- SAVE 53e King Size- 45e Off Pkg. FAB DETERGENT $1.00 %pÊz& £6aa AU.Ima - - W BEST BUY - SAVE 17e Pneapple - Grapefruit - 48 oz. Tin fo51 ,0 DEL MONTE DRINK 3 o$10 Do. Ballards - 2 Off Pack - 15 oz.Timf r.1m0 CHAMPION DOG FOOD lufo0 $ BEST BUY - SAVE 5e York - 20 oz. Tin PORK & BEANS 6 BEST BUY - SAVE 16e Purex - WVhite or Coloured -mi 1LE T TISSUE 8i MEATUIRE- SAVE 17e Catllis 1 lb. Pkg. Macaroni or Spaghetti 6 for$1 -0 FINEST FLORIDA - 48's RED & WHITE ORAPEFRUIT J Lucos- Fresh - Good Sizeea2 PINEAPPLEe29 Fresh - Green CABBAGE perb.08Ç FEATURE -SAVE Ried & White- 16 oz. Tin Evaporaied Milk 7 for $1.00 During a most interesting ceremony, lasi, Thursday, Maple Leaf Circle, Companions af the Foi-est. received a new Union Jack on their 53rd birthdav. The presentation was made on behaif of the Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Royal Canadian Legion bi' President Millie Bates, right, ta Chief Companion Rose Bate. Poultry Club Views Film on bookWorld Farming Bo- Th e organization cif the Pub_ Durhatp~ County 4-11 Poultrv Club was held ln the Agri-, vuliural Office in Bomn ville on the evening aI Thurs. day,, February 16. The mieet- ing started at 8:00 with a film calied "A New World For, Faring". Th e clection rif offiuersý took place as faliows: Presi- dent-Larry Welsh, Vice Pre- ýdeilt--Gary Jeffrev, Seen t- S.ary-Joh n Allun, Press Re- <'~porter-Keu Knox. ,.~'The literature pertaining ta the club wvas distributed. Larry M'csi h ur new presi- - dent announced the meeting adjourned. l Most youngsters think- thore IIare oniv three seasons in the y1 ear... basebali, football and -ba-.ketball. aby's window. These are being given ta the lic Librarices. manville and Newcastle -ifflT A SEC(O ND) "You night at least have given our niarriage a fair chance." il i FEATURE- SAVE 25o Miss Canada- 28 oz. Tin CHOICE TOMATOES 5 for $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 15e Gold Reef -Crusied. - 20 oz. Tin PINE PPLE 5 îor 1.00 FEATURE- SAV E 14c Ried & White- 8 oz. Jar Instant Coffee- - 1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 17e Red & WVhite -Assorted Jelly Powders 14 "li, 1.00 FEATUREb - SAVE 16e Red & White Iloiogenized - 9 oz. T1umbler Peanut Buttfer 41-11r.$9Q FEATURE - SAVE 5c York Fancy - 20 oz. Tin. CREAN" CORN 5 tr$1.00 FEATURE- SAVE 8c Popular Brarids- 20 per Pkg. CIGARETTES 3 l'or $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 20e - 10e SIZE Chocolate Bars 12 For $l'go FEATI,'RE - SAVE 16r Brisllng Club Des Mlinie SARDINES 4 Tins $1.00 FEATURE - SAVE 29e Burns' Canned - 3 lb. 4 oz. Tin WHOLE CHICKEN $1.00 BAKERY FEATURE- SAVE 4c Sunbeam - Raspberry- 6 to Pkt. DANISHà PASTRY 35c BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS Your Choice- Save 13e - 12 oz. Pkg. PEAS or Kernel CORN 5 Fo,,t FATURE S AVE 65o Valker's - 1 lb. Pkg. 5 for $1 .00 FEATURE - SAVE 8c Culverhouse Diced - 2o oz. rin BEETS OR CARROTS 8 for $1.00 O s PORK LOIN ROAST RIB END 31/2 lb. Average IL ç LOIN PORK CHOPS lb.69~ Swift's Premniuin Grade A - 2 te 3 Mb. avg. - Oven rteady Tendergrown CHICKENS lb.3 7c POR OCKS Swift's Premini - RindIes SIDE BACON - - Swift's Preniium - By the pie HEAUCHEESE - a l b.3 5c - -lb.79c e-lb.39c BOWMANVILLE .. .......--- McQ.inn s Market MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO................. - ............ ......-Covnish Mavketeriq for, - -. d PAGE SMx Dristan Tablets 1.25 -2.25r Dristan Spray 1.25 Bayers Spray 99e No. 1 YelIow Cooking -3 l .P l a g ONIONS . b oyB~9 Palmi Garden No. 1 14 oz. Celle Pkg. TOMALTOES 1 2 Desert Flower Creamn Deodorant 1.25 COWLING'S MA 35695D RUG STORE ROYAL Red Cross Receives Bowlers' Donation for $1.00 for 4$1.00 1