son of Mr. and 'Mrs. E. R.for advice. It was agreed that M. Bertrim and family. visit to England and ct Wiggans: Richard Arthur, son, they be given power to make Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh-I land. of Mr. and _Mrs. John M. !decisions and advise carpen- lin and family, Nestleton, 1 Or- July 2nd, Mr.Mtcl s oc, JamSO:20.%r" - rhd aLC meutiRo alTh at er.Thank you notes were were Sundays tonat Mr. 1and Ralph Peters, anotea Ph MA 3 3303soCawker and DianneorL The worship service was in Mr. Allan Wilcher, TornoRiedleClgatTot, Pone M 3-33 3d aughero and Mrsn yn.,Ro ,,°. - Wed. One show at 7:30 drive her on the rocks, as charge of Mrs. W. H. Jones, spent the weekend witho, r f le tolntegate frttFO AEOE hert' Stevens. with Gary Cooper, Charlton resolutely as he ever trod a assisted by Mrs. Stan Rowe and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, stage of their journey hygns rtu olsnp Heston, Michael Redgrave. western street. Charlton Hes- and Mrs. Bill Waide. Mrs. C.i Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn and sailed for England inh .sne peilmsclt Weekend guests with Mr.' Best wishes to Mr. Jack! Mr. Ray Dudley played a, (CinemaScope - MNetrocolor) ton, the tug skipper, wrests M. Jones sang "My Task."1 family, Dunbarton, visited Mr. S. Rhinelander of th1 o-bt oMr.Wlim h. and Mrs. George Vice were Miller Sr., King St. East, and concert iri Gary, Indiana, on, Suspense and skullduggery wvith doom, righteously and The programme was interest-!anid Mrs. W. Loveridge and land-American Line.seraslctoswepayd Mr. and Mrs. Blain Elliott of Mr. Harry Allin, Edsall Ave., February 18th, and in South chart course of derelict ship'ruggedly. Both give sturdy ing and educational. M r s.Joý-' London is a marvelucu-oTrnt'Caionnldig Arnprior., who celebrated birthdays on Bend Indiana, on the 19th.! plying angry seas swept by portrayals. Cooper, with the Jones outlined a day in school1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm'ture centre for music adte"ap itdy"Ms Mr. and Mrs. T. Wideman Wednesday, March 1st. It was Wednesday, the 22nd, he was m'ystery. Adventure abounds, major, more sharply defined with Grade I pupils, showved and family, visited at Mr. W. arts, Mr. Metcatlf pointdot im oatdtecrlo returned last week from an1 Mr. Miller's 86th birthday andi guest soloist with the Hamil- at sea and in court on waves, part, finely exercises a broad- some of their work and re. Dawson's, Orono, Sunday. He said that he attende oeTiiy Ltrmteat enjoyable three-week vacation, Mr. Allin's 83rd. To several ton Philharmonic Symphony of excitement. er range of emotions than lated somte of their humorous Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mary musical events and tetillo r olsnas ly: t Sarasota, Florida. ýyoung ladies, namnes unmen- Orchestra, when his parents,' MGM,--has, gone down to the' usually permitted him in reactions to their work, and Billie at Mr. and Mrs. T. cal presentations durn hi!Hpy Btda on 'e .nMi tioned, who also had birthdays Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Dud<ley,'sea agamn,im a taut script of films. S Smithi's, Burketon. Sunday. two months in Greatiti paninMsWilm'hn-. rSElilee Bates, Miss s s on March Ist, we say "Happy and brother Noel, Courtice, suspen se and skullduggery. in! Michael Redgrave, Emlyn!b e sai sorywead of parent's, Mrs. Clem Rahmi, Mrs. W. than he had sincehews Alodrn teafro Sheig Bte, is DwnBirthday". attended. Many friends, 'for- The Wreck of the Mary Deare,i Williams. and Alexan d e r. ing asorryiwen chidrn Rahm. Tyrone; Mrs. J. Grif.' born.svrloto onge Purcell, Toronto, were Sunday merly of Bowmanville, were and adventure abounds. No- Knox, as guest stars, and Vir- brhascm o aet i.Ensil u. eesontruhteJ visitors with Mrs. Norman, Mr. Wm. G. Laird, R. R. 2 spotted in the audience and1 thing less would do when rag- ginia McKenna, sole female'begmn school, they should be, day with Mr. and Ml\ Maheas Hs grpiccommntronppeywhcwapuhs : James. Bowmanville, has again prov- after the concert they met'ing seas hurl together an ab-, player, turn in studied per-! glad for older children were SieBrig s h aypae odnwt 2,0 fte$000g The Senior Citizens will be ed his photographic art by thlem in person. All 'wishied andoned captain and an intre- formances among the support- rcayfrsho and made o seilmeetgv i rsne otetw o guests of the Roval Theatre placing third in the Zoological to, be remnembered to their f ri-, pid salvager on a doomed ing cast. betr rgrs.Chlre'de nr and Mrs. EBowarlTopnuinsm of thfeing CurountyMsumb rsd et a matinee perf~ormance on category of the Nature Photo-!ends in the district. Among derelict everyone else wants Credit producer Jul ia n veloped differently and if leftisnadCndBwaville,ofbigsrunebyh-lam.M.PcyGefel, Wednesday, March 15, of Swiss graphy Exhibition with histhose present were Mr. and to sink. Blaustein with a fast-paced walo rntda god jo of t, uheiMrSunday domner guestsa ory hvsorshv tee carano hemsumpw FamiyiRoinsn.betryoitld "TeerTad"iTheMrs.GeogeeDvidgaM."an Anyeegndrtat sndsqualtyDpodidcgtioMrtht whndpaent meauredther Mr. W.Thopson. Heals shoed wndefuleerty comitte, aced Winners in the Lions Club Exhibition, which is sponsor- Mrs. George Claphamn, M r. darkened ships plying angry sweeps the screen with the child's progress with that of Mr. M. Rainey and pupils views of Windsor Casltegi. Hocke draws are as follows. ed by the Federation of On-'Raymond Cole. Mrs. Ken Fos- seas is manned by plot, not photographic skill of Joseph a neighbor's child it was hard held a social evening at the picture s q u e country ie Get eewloe Mar. 4, Allyn Taylor and Ed* tario Naturalists, was held in ter and daughter, Mrs. Spen. character study. Its mystery Ruttenberg, the script magicete echile adhedah fr coo oue nFrda ve-nd interestitiesEdinb 11adMrH.EPuyanD.Ge. Lesle; ar.11,E. cComac Port Hope last weekend. cer (nee Helen McEvoy, New. and intrigue, tightly wedding of Eric Ambler, and the e.m.LW.ipl oe oe\.Jms n h us o and ob Bin Mar. 1 8,E eom, ila enet1-er.castle) and two daughters, shipwreck to a maelstrom of knowing direction of Michael Parents can do a great deal, Small attendance at the of.tWhDnkseto M etafan wsincrgofM .Wliar; bert Murphy and Gord. Dud-'old student at Jury House,lMiss 'Margaret Goheen and frustration, should sweep in Anderson. Based on the Ham- to help their child but should church ,service Sunday evën- Mr. Lucas, the presidetasgrnosHdy ndDr ley.BwavleBy'Tann University friends. At the re. everyone lured by tales of mond Innes.novel. the drama work hand in hand with the ing owmng to the icy roads• xrse.i prcaino ud.I h eeto o The "Wind-Up" Party of the1 Schiool, was the winner of the'ception following, they met; the sea. Even distaff viewers was filmed in Hollywood and teacher or child could be con- Sunday School at 10:30 Sun- the interesting commetr r.Prd n r.C Marathon Bridge will be held Brotherhood Essay C o n t e s t, His Worship Mayor L. D. Jack. should be caught by its ex- London and off the California fused and frustrated by too day morning and church ser- Mr. Lucas announiced ta hDno ree nnrdc at the Lions Community Cen.! sponsored by the Oshawa Jun- !son and Mrs. Jackson, and Mr. citement. , Coast and the English Chan- much work. If a child 'is old vice at 7:30. Men's Canadian Club' n h iios tre on Monday evening, April ior Chamber of Commerce'Ray H. Bissel who is on the Gary Coope.r sensitively nel. Process shots and spec- enough to be ready for school nual Ladies Night willbehl Mr.GoW.Jmsa 17th Mrs J 'Neil, Mra-recently. His theme was "What Board of Directors of the Con- plays the captamn who haunts ial effects, at sea, are excel- and healthy, Grade I shouldonWdeayvnigApiMr.CG.(d)ors u- thon Bridge chairman, will be'Brothe'-hood Means to Me".1 certL Association of Hamilton. the ship's holds, slriving to lent. be fun not a burden.* This 12th. Rev. F. W. Baitr1dta sssigi h í the convenor. The contest was limited to T le latter was acquamnted, was a very worthwhile sub- o n m m n D.D., Kingston, a formr ps om weregadagt r.adMs alCri!Jur-y House students and 40'with Mr. Kenneth Morris and aa and Mrs. George Coombs, Bill ject and worth giving again for of St. Paul's Uie lraPrv osIg \.and J m r ararii os in the 12 to 14 age group! sent good wishes to him. MissS .M es and Jack.. when more miothers of 'junior Church here, will be thegetHmlo.adMlrdSo an imyuffalo.. N.* y.1, riiae Jean McLeod poured coffee.1 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat room pupils are present. l à . spent the weekend withhe• Ray returned with his parenits •• and family, Orono, were Sun- Norval Wotten, Mrs. Minn a PAG ONE parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.i Mrs. Thos. Wright and spent two days with them Ü 1a vnn uprget f uc a evdaon FO PG N)Sodn r.SmDw Barrett, Albert Street. Mrs. and Mrs. Sidney Venton wvere1 before leaving for his home Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell,abendsclhorpnt temuiaswrelohad eMs.H ryA msndM. Barrett returned home with mn Napanee on Thursday at-, and the University in Bloom-. Valerie and Lee. to advantage in thi playing Dre ros them after spending a week.tending the funeral of MLr. ington, Indiana.E t rt ie of "April Evening by Hugh Guss ee rsetfrn in Buffalo. Everett mith whoEdiedtsud- .The regular monthly meet1 AY ONRobinson. The ancient Eng.WidoHmlnTrt Irving Gill returned last denly on Feb. 1.5 in Tuscon, niriay ebn2th te f Base Line No.theMission, lish tune "Greensleeves" was t rC week to Albert College, Belle.. Arizona. Mr. Smnith was a.sno ebr fTiiy Wd d i .M.adMs usl ' warmly applauded. The ren-bevleBreOhw.Pt ville, after spending a few, member of the Provincial Pol O IT AR United Church met in the on Wenesday afternoon, Fe dron araa n Bill.n- dition of the "LondonderryHpeBrolnadocld- days with his parents, Mr. and ice detachment here for sev- Sunday School Hall for an ruary 22ndat 2:3p.m. issn Port Hope were Sund a Air""anso"wshu-- RMPG N ges Mrs. Robert Gill. On Thiurs- eral years, leaving about 251 EVERETT JONES afternoon of fellowship. They cnducteanCaepmreigunder itors at MÚr. and Mrs. Wm tingly lovely. The audience Dr. Derry Hubbardonb- OTesathmmer f day, February 16, Mrs. Robert years ago when he was trans- were welcomed by Mrs. W. thleaderhpof• s Ew Trewin's. also enjoyed "Kilar n e y", half of the club moved oeteMsu or etM Gill and Miss Mary Lou Marr ferred to Belleville. FromEeetHrl Jns f31R. Strike, Mrs. W. K. Hous- e lea erhip.f Mr.dEdard. RsCook ad es O Loely ight", o thnks torthe ieueat Wlasa euiulbuui attededtheAlbertCollgebellvile hCwassengtoNa-EelabehvSteeteOsawa didsladernMr.tLoGodma rs.rossShap adsaWelsaseecton.Govrno forhisinsirig oLfloerswisingherbed "At Hme" aneehis ome twn, heresuddenly 4t the home of a, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy. Mrs. The Base Line No. 3 Good and family, Enmiskillen, were President Lucas, introduced address. wse nhrbrha Mrt o VanNest W n eewas ergent at the tie neighbor, Wednesday, Febru~ .Cad vs lowloe Neighbour Club held a very Sunday supper guests, at Mr. Ross Metcalf, who is well Four members of theOh odebse adwse sor, was ra eekend guest of of his death.a1,96. the large gathering and ex-!successful bake sale atthanMr.Ce Rhms known as a talented sir)ger awa-Westmount KiwaisCucoedwt thsicrpc his istr Ms. Dree Broks r. nd rs. altr Side He was born the son of tended greetings [rom the !homie of Mrs. A. Barnes on Dawn and Heather Thomp- and organist. Mr. Metcalf's attended the meeting, A u-"oMs .B Wlimo ahis sbr rs othe n wife s Mr . neeAdie Nicho Wl)Crt. d Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Christian Education Commnit- Wednesday afternoon. The son, Hampton, spent the week- vivid description of his trip dle, Henry Reid, Dr RoHnrayC imnnhe ad Mrs' Je•s, ice, Castleton.e Ont.,a Jan.a21,h1908. tee of the church. proceeds were very gratifymg.J end with their grandmother abroad last summer and the Rowsell and C. F. Fleishmn90hBrdafom heM= in rs ese aNet.M. er ntrtmd t h hm He was bon in C ram ah el M .A.G. Brooks ad Mrs Following thie sale thle regular Mrs. W. Thompson. presentation of excellent col- and there were 27 mebrremBad'Tesgau VaNest w-as also a guest on of their daughter and son-in-1 Township. H-e married in Col-' rl Crs n r meeting was held. Mrs. Samý Mr. and Mrs. George Bert-lored slides enabled the Men's of the BowmanvilleKwaiofte1 mmbroft undWlaysof his csn, rs. L. Iaw, MR. and rs.Hamoe Am-borne, April 4, 1928. ad peeted the der ioaeBattamns, president, conducted rim, Georgie and Cheryl, Canadian Club members to Club present at the dne or loapae nt he . - Wiliram wh el eatedbose R. nR., apton, when The deceased is survivedbanpentÎrh d ta the business 'part of the meet-j Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. share the highlights of his meeting. •cr He 9par hy a e pne.caiomeshl oeehis wife, the former Gret e r. .Mrl aing.A c at lfst aenjoyed Mr.ocain Mrs Snidr ,onoer Olive Haynes; his mother and the guest soloist accompanied ad oilhl our spentl Mr. George Eades, Carletonj r n r.Sndro hi father; one daughter, Mrs. K. by MrsK. Billett. over a cup of tea and ice: PlaeviiebisstrMs 35th wedding annivye r s a ry. ut fPr rdt orss s cream and cake. The nextý COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE James C. Porter, King St. East,' Their son and his wife, Mr. es r.A art Iee .Iegt e msn etn ilb ttehm last week. M.Edsi OndMs o .S iderof rsMA. Gac Pacokr s V ic' of 101famihiar, well-loved hymins- of Mrs. A. Trimble. rneberof he oar ofDirc- ort Clwre also pres- or Davis (Hazel), all of Col- to the nlsinophi o-Mrs. J. R. Metcalf and Mrs.i tors of Carleton Place Hospi-,et h hlre aeterbore and Mrs. Harry Raynor tao f the r grm, it uerlo Mr. eg Ry an amsatten che tal nd henher mae atou parents a gift of money $0 be, (Ruth), of Morganston, Ont.go a ourdtegoowt uea of Mrs. James"Frenc cf Memorial Hospital and the 1e rter lucaeo He is also survived by threeie Eyes'thevh mn.OpK in Oshawa on Wednesday and' niew wmng presently underl brothers, Frank, of Colborne, Houslander showed the film; cal led on Mr. and Mrs. Noble cosrcto.Recreation Director D onj Clarence, of Oshawa, and Don- "End of Darkness" and ad- Metcalf.0 R E ' ----- ~Shay of Si micoe was honored ald of Castleton, and three dressed the gathering n th 1 e i Mr .J m s E i g at the annual meetmng of the grandchildren. work being done by, thelSeven Islands, Que., spent' PAUS eiceC hmbe rfComee The body rested at the Arm- churches in Africa. !Wednesday evening with Mr.1 Ntly whercn herceidn strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Several tables of CrknadMs.RyVCmp awvard. Crmeaand prooer for service in the chapel, Sat- ole were enjoyed and a large Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnes SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK UNIED f te Otaro Rlle Skteurday, Feb. 18th. Rev. H. A. discussion group met withiwere Friday evening callers; UNIT D 'fQuen Ontest, hoerwatpe- Mellow, of Northminster Unit- Mrs. Nelson Osborne and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Alex CH URCHCsnte t he Big Wheel ed Church, conducted the ser- Ralph Ames in the ladies Leaitch, Ajax, Ont. Award given annually by thevce Interment was in Castle- parlor. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foley; Role kain ouiltono ton Cemetery. Lunch was served by the and _Dorothy were Saturday W H ! EnIIHililIiHHNiHmUHl Minister America. His promotion of the Mr. Jones resided ln Osh- W.A. and prizes of home bak- eveming supper guests of Mr.,a vOn nD U gIS evH.ATunr ,provincial competition, held at awa for the past two years. ing were awarded for lucky and Mrs. Wallace Munday and'1 Mn y -Si g Rev H.A. urn', Simcoe Arena, surpassed thelPrior to that hie resided at saucers to Mr. Neil Mutton, fanudly, R. R. 3 Bowmanville. RECOMMENDS1 B.A., B.D. ef fort of 5,500 rinks in the1 Bowmanville for 18 years. He, Mr. G. Turney, Mrs. N. Hay- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Free andi United States and Canada. hlved at Whitby and Colborne es and Mrs. N. Woodley. At Nancy, Raglan, and Mr. anid Organist - Mr. M. Beaton Th! oloigchlrn eebefore that. the conclusion of the pleasant Mrs. Humback, Battersea, were SEIL L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. baTied in i n cit niede He was a mechanic at theafternoon, transportation was weekend guests of Mr. and 9:50 am Church en Sunday Feb. 26th,! Ontario Motor Sales. Previous- supplied. This had been ar- Mrs. Sam Battams. Mr. and! M- LEVITAMIN» ...Bad-2%-Rg 5 SUNDAY SCHOOL Jh e feoslGdr MtrrOsaaR .artin and e.n uttoil lMrucCone atr iacturre odi- - - 11:00 am and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre;, Paulson Motors in Bowmanville, cide n M.adMs MjRWilORSIP amsoB ofMell nd se apn d igt a ithn Bs l o 1 Deng 0 1 tand .oned the ga- 1I.D.A. Brand - 1 pound- Reg. 29o 2:00 p.m.- ford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-Plbaeswr ent Mr. and Mrs. Harold Behm, Epsom Salis - - - 3VTO CHRHmond Bruce Jenkins; Lynn Zufelt, Hugh Miles, R o s s; GEORGE B. SLIMPSON aS-ndfam ilyPt Hpe, wuereso Christine, daughter ofMran Steele, Arthur Griffith, Dona-ld!Sna gtdnr ussoA T MEMBERSHIP CLASS 'Mrs. Don Morris;, Nancy Jan,,Iverson, Ed. Prentice. Following a short illniess theIMr. and. Mrs. Sam VanCamp' 50 Tablets Free with 3.95 size- 5.44 value Evening Services Withdrawn duhe of Mr. and Mrs. Don dah cureofG rgB.ndaml.EO MYSZ ald McGregor; Linda Darlene, Simpson, Orono. aged 87, m i Dolcin -M - - 39 March 5 and 12 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a Newcastle nursing home on Eihtbecnan IGerald Rainey;, Paul Raymond Monday, February 13, 1961. NEWTONVILLE Ec altgnan Borni at Bradford, Leeds, essential vitamins, o:H leeCri England the deceased was thel Mrs. Victor Wagg onf Mark-issm than 4 a day. T • • • E o ~~son of the late Mr. and Mrs. a s'pnin 1ewdy FROM PAGE ONE, Fred Simpson. He attended with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown. Suave Spray Net TriityUntedChu chschool mn England. and in July nm The entire action of the 1912. miarried the former Lilla MdrdaghteMr awnTof Curryn-WMM*Rg.125Seca ½ s sz F Mimister -- Rev. Wmn. K. Houslander, B.A., B.D. ýpay took aceuix°ur husitingSmith wVho survives.crfspnSudywtM. Organist -- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. the best oteldeltinatshn- !for the2 yeR.a 1 ranvel,nae and rMrs. Raymond ruceMa-Ilill'IIlillill 11 a.m. MORNIN WORSHI ttai talf th US.Brck orth4pstfou ad1-hlfMr. Melville Joet hacu- Chagna cnoirmasier o somaRhdarrd Blob Sa edy Fr 1 a imtyEtnM1 UNBR EAKABL E Mead's Poly-VI-Sol -2.10, 3.60, 5.25 REHO BOTH CHRISTIAN ;fOn . epRarvin .u o , ecntl°y C OB od ner nfantol rD a -s1.0, .0,4 Orono Cem eterv., stead. latterly ow ned b y M r.,I al____ 7 c 12 2.3 EJohn Bain played tepr Pallbearers were six sonsGeo. Henderso.cThe.Ouchter of a distinguished but venal Walter, Ralph. Carl, George,' lonys have a family of three, Allenbury's Haliborange 1.20, 3.80 Scugog Street, Bowmanvillei U.S. senator to perfection, Wilfred and Frank. two sons and a daughter in Mead's Mulcin 1.95, 3.25, 5.5 and Mrs. Verna Hooey was: their teens. Rev JhnC.Vebrgg, .A BD1 gracious.and naturally attract- The W.M.S. held Day of Idavites 2.50, 6.00 Re.JonC VrrugB.. BD ve as his wife. The action of BA ELN Prayer service on 17th inst, . Adin.5,59 Minister ithe play was amusingly welli B S U N the Sunday school hall. About -A yest Paa etes2.03.95, .00 paced.1 20 were present mecluding visi- Ayrt aaete .0,3•0 . One f te mothlar 1 'My apology to Mrs. Grace tors. All members took part dotGrplx39,8.5 Rg 10 A3..-SERVICE IN ENGLISH artunni~ceŸvne orth ly Tl s: Shoostaff. foanteerror in R.C' VWhte, paste ice euht eone' al0vl..0pgg ß8 rly oewhyTe names in last week's Base a message mn which he out- arit LA R GE Pardec 3.50, 9.85 7:30P.M - ERVCE N DTCHed aZainaimandcureeaan Line column.. linred the beginning and pro-SZEVtDet19,45 7:3 P . . - S E R IC E IN U T C le ash avh' hu e n Sy m pathy is extended to gress of the m ovemnent. M rs. S Z i a D e .5 . loeshine mn is suite. Excep- MrVLs. J. R. Metcalf in the loss Jim Caswell sang "For You 1 @7 25 Free with 100's size Sunday School immediately after tiaal b thm r rd of her aunt. Mrs. A. Challener. Am Praving".ON-DA MutpeVamnrg5.8-44 Sunay ormg ervce B.Rudl te.brs.JleSmiH:Mr. and Mrs. Benny Wood-i W. A. Meeting Sunda moring ervie. wasunlattractivelas a miur-ward and Jack, Toron to, spent' The February meeting of the Free transportation for those wvilling but unable{ ist, and Stephen WKitherspoonth wekn wthM.adWA.aselWdedy toatedth eries hoeMA3507 was an efficient bootblack. r ereCobBl n eig 2dnt h PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY before 9 Saturday nights.1Ji On Saturday evening at the Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- Wade,- president, conducted close of the play, .%Mrs. With- ward, Joanne and Bill, Bow-j the business period. erspoon. the director, and the manville, and Mr. and Mrs.ý Donations were voted for tiful bouquets of flowers. Af- Walter Woodward and family the Sunday School and the takT o or Bodat iful bouques of flowers. Af- were Sunday afternoon guests Red Cross. A baby shower: e. MGeo "Bak T Go Hor" roaicatsterwards the cast and all who of Mr. and Mrs. G e or ge and other clothing for older CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.mi. every Sunday had assisted with the pro- Coombs and fam-ily. children will be brought to CKY.Toonorai7a.. e esid ene f tained at Ni. O a, FergusonSurn d a rch meetiki eoenneed a. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug StorePhn MA 35 9 -THURSDAY, MAR. 2nd, 1961 0 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN