ý1961 4 ~ THfURSDAY,MA&. tM, THE CANADUAI STATESMAN, BOWMANV!ILLE, ONTARIO PAGE wNm '~- sg:p:E UIS;S S----------rS7 utc old and Weiss m& S2-0 three minutes later, a visîtors started off wil sbang. Goals by Jirn 0: RT O PaCd4 son butWesee SPO R18C PIC e and on astersneveneý P»e Wee L e Ini the second Pee Wee game Bail, Glen Blackburn and sec o efore the period the Bruins and Hawks played Ralph Cole accounted for the f FekMoudA8-24 . Lxad Frela ln the fit Pee Wee hockey to a 1-1 tie. This was the final Raiders goals. Walter Ellis ByFakMbnM -244 Lxad Pera giepae let Saturdaygmoftepafsfr hean Lry Jamieson scored wiched goals around ai mrigteWnt handed totas h i game of fr h omt.Bob Marjerrison in the thenornia 2 theacWit thtw teas hetie gormecoendt fr t he orne. r atr JUVENILES SHOW POWE19 die session, and then, iý rnove into contention for a tetataste o eodGmsshdldfrStr itii Minor Hockey Place in the standings. John day, March llth Everyone was talklng about the way. Bawmanville elimination, the Sharni 1;ight. The win moved the Worden put the Bruins ahead Bantam League dominated the play ln the game wlth Alliston Saturday night. aglrke int inutes. 4Wings into a third place tie. late in the final period only lsA emsethgantirpoercckdwhMngrmresine iue.1 '~ia Ptes(2, sheyo to have John Taylor (Jeff 7:00 a.m- Flyers vs HuskisA emse M ae hsreotrcekdwt aae lon opened the gates a' *rianGPlhooly(2tie theescore at7:45 a.m.-Pirates vs Braves Don Gilhooly, and Gil concurred wlth the fans ail the way. and rapped in the ting mod 2)an oh Rssl19:59 of the final period. 8:35 a.m- Tigers vs Lions He told us that he figured "'it was probably the best game three minules later. 1B were the goal scorers for the hthreWeae 9:20 a.m.- Cubs vs Tee Pees teJvnlshv îydti esn Cowle triggbred the wi Wmngs. Rager Swan and Dave In th tird e egam Pee Wee Leagueth ueishaepydti eso" at 9:28, fîipping Masters' Barrabali (Dennis Tierney) 0- the day the Rangers as- Last year the problemr was getting the team around over Haskell, who sufl scred for the Bears. sured themselves a spot in No games- Little N.H.L. t hnigte ol etEmradatog ths' nijrdlgpirt sco. ~~~~Minor Hockey Night by de- in Cobourg. t hnigte ol etEmradatog ths' nijrdlgpirt feating the Canadians 4-1. Atom Leagne j happened yet, it's to be hoped the management doesn't have shot. After Olinski caughl Donald Forsey (2), Gary N ae-Ltl ...to deal with the opposite. thernetfpray, tsen o Shmnyr and David Burdett iNobogae-Lt .. Tomorrow night in Alliston, Tuesday here and if gohe wasrplacte by were the goal scorers for the i oor.gai a elcdb C a sCanadians lone goal. The de- phans Oakville will be the other team in the finals. uck asn'ute cosseca feat left the Canadians tied 11:05 a.m.- Raiders vs Gen- t t t t t line. for third spot in the stand- erals i "Archie" Crossey aci T~awenlysix Wa ings. 11:55 ar.- Cornets vs Mar- SHAMROCKS WILL WIN fired the tying goal carli BW~E.a1. ~Bantan League oonsthbu - -In the first Bantarn garne Awe eraîs lnt;hv btapuge ice oed when Preston wa oIoteSavein thaFsyrs e :0 ..-Cret s a on the Shamrocks' chances of beating Trenton. In fact, we the crease. The fact tha one tfe mofeate the rav e rs .don :0pm. oes.v weren't even too sure they would get past Port Hope. But was pushed in by a defe Oneiofthe" cMterte Daes -.Donladers. JohnKilteri a ck er hegal GilsBromad the locals appear to be on their way back, and should have wvent unnoticed- but11 car makrersJh iptikwr tega il robl tied up the bcst of seven serles last night. The teams play mys" goal evened the (flot Orcm Walton accounted for both the played last Monday affernoon in Trenton tomorrow night, and back here Saturday at 8:30. by the Shamrocks, but tf pad )recnîan~ Braves goals. The game has the Roses came up with their The fifth game wvil1 be Monday in Trenton, and if more are have to start before the ad r e am gtesfo h Fyr.Ter n h ny robalgmownagodta -' been protested by the Bra- best effort of the season to needed, they wiIl be played next Wednesday here and Friday, perioci, if they are goin gasecnory.ves coach. defeat the Violets 4-0 and Mrhlt nTetn ftemre ossvngre h beat Trenton. it os t a t e ilnteseodBntmgremave Into a second place tie c h 7hi rno.I h eisge ee a h promilien t 1 y I h eodBna aeSarcsaeacnht i htls itwl eo t ln the text the Pirates defeated the Cubs in the playoff standings. Sarcsaeacnht i htls itwl eo t that gag savingu ",depeid 4-.1 ta move into sole posses- Sharon Burgess (2), Joanne Patrick's Day. on Who Is dolng the drlv- sion of second place in the Woodward and Elairie High- M en s ing 1. Yen knaw smre- playoff standings. Bucky Hu- field were the goal getters thing? They've got as point ghes, Glen Rabb, Joe Reader for the Roses. The next sched- Now IM eet Trenton there. and Lawrence Wright were uled broombaîl game isMon -______________ Over the years we've ates. John Connors accounted Daisies at 5:00 p.m. wMj r L learned ta check twenty-six for the Cubs only goal. Little N.H.L. ~T Standing End of 9th W~ causes of excessive gas con- In the third Bantarn gamne The Little N.H.L. Zone Ihm oc s R lJ iy Second Schedule sumaption. Twelve are hu- of the day the Tigers defeat- playoff will be held this Team w man factors and the rest are ed the Tee Pees 7-0. James coming Saturday, March lth A râ I,'ag w é" t. Canadian Tire - 18 1 mechanical. Homeniuck (2), Dennis Hom- at the Cobourg Arena. TheV II F IL II '4J II iery ow - - 1 Sic otcasae~ eniuck, Steven Burns, Gary first Bowmanville gamne xiii Kramp's Furnam ei turey. l 178 gic od asape l n Akey, David Puk and Kerry be the Pee Wces when they Kramp's FPepsi Cola 17V falrly odsaeth hu Dickens accounted for the play Port Hope at 2:00 p.m I u.s. Lv V Pest olTansot17Il man cnes are usually most Tigers seven goals.. The win The Bowrnanville Bantans PesonTrnsor 1 I Important. Ndlsly fast oe the Tgr intoa third pa Cobourg at 3:00 p.m, ver P o t H p e 8 - Bow'ville Cleaners 15E eeesy ro rafc sy mcd Tieigers yffsand-phly he om a m wlNels. Osborne Ims. 14 E cause unnececîary stops at paetci h lyf tnd hl h tm ta îl Bowmanville Sharroc k s and 5-3 at the end of the Jury & Loveli 13 le the next llght and REALLY ings. A total of twelve penal- play the winners of Port Hope stagcd a five goal rally ln the second, but foldcd in the scr- Lander Hardware. 12 Ji waste gai. Raclug a cold tics xerc handcd out in the and Cobourg at 7:00 p.m. third period ta take a corne- ies' final twenty minutes as S. Grant Heating 12 1 englue, especially ln wnt- garnewith each tearn collect- The winners of the var ous foneid85 wn oe the Shamrocks applied the Ken's Men's Wear 12 1 er; varylug bursts o! specd I leagues will advance ta the PtH.t * pressure. Cab 500 - 12 1 wlh xcssvepasîg a In the !ourth and final . ort ope, at te emoria L axoec h crn e tpe ul wit exesivepasin - nd Bantam game o! the day the Ontario Chamniionships in Arena, last Wednesday night f o e e the aewscbl!a inb- SCowan Euient 10 V ethers lesiImportant. Losdfatdte Hs ies n nArl6ht t-TeSamok ae - oel aews afamn oa qim 01 Min eetdteHs iLidayd n pril 6tHotckey heSamoksfce 53Robson Motors - 10 l, The mechanical ones are 3-2 ta hold onta their sîim ance lda eeWeHce deficit, before their belated . ......... Chartran's -____ 9 li most iurneraus. Like a lot point lead in the playoff Tournament rally haulcd them frorn ob- ... of small lcaks they add up standings. Ricky Gay, Bill Last Saturday, March 4th, livion at the expense o! the Averages ta one big one. Dirty car- Sumersford and Ivan Milîs the Bowmanville Pee Wee Ail- losers. The sudden-death vic- Garnes buretors, out of adjustment accounted for the Lions three Stars cntered the East Central tory gave Bowmanvilc the AI Osborne -____27 and fouled-up plugs head goals. John Huggett and Terry Ontario Tournament beld in series two games ta one, and Ernie Perfect - 27 the ist. Burned distributor Siebarth scorcd the Huskies Lindsay. In the f irst game the they xill now meet Trenton JakGy ___ 27 points, faulty automatic twa goals. Cobourg Pee Wc's defeated in the Lakeshore "B" Inter-- Larry Piper - 27 chokes and fuel purnps add Atom League Bowmanville 6-3 and dropped mnediate fipals' Pete Dobbins - 27 tath tU aon ît i- In the first Atom game the teBwavleetyit Lloyd Hamilton was theDr K. Siemon - 27 nition timing.Hoesdeetdhe om the consolation series. big gun in the final period -D HornetsFrank Mohthe -o27 Dragging brakes and even crs 3-1 ta move into fourth In the first round o!fh with a hat-trick performance. Fak Piper 24 t titasisospaenthpayfstnigconsolation serles Bowman- Port Hope, backed up by Has-AbPpr2 asu torna t1c tanmatinspYeol-te-- 27 sanins wlth insufficient fluld have Bobby Howes accounted for ville and Witby played ta a kill's strong goal - tending,Pa e ------- 2 bee shw tob a ws-al thre fthe Hntsga 2-2 tie. Aftcr a five minute ied 3-2alte the ft p *id Russ Haliman - 27 erg. Aime under-ln-flated G. Corden scored the Bomb- overtime th b Ca tilFarlkLsie 27 tires on wheels out o! align- ers lone goal early in tedalokdsthnubrf Woodlock made It 6-0 at the A New Policyholder Features ment and eut of balance, final period. shots on goal decided which 13:45 mark of the final stanza, Hlg eglu tmpeatre In the second Atom game team advanced into the next baigaso rmtepit Every P2 Seconds This Week and fan and generator belts of the day the Giants and round. Bowmanviîîe outsbot after taking Jim Rickard's High Single-. that are toc tlght. Weak Indians playcd ta a 2-2 tic. Xhitby 2-0. In the final game pass. Kerr ed Rickard ta start Utmeshw_______ JckGa -- piston rings toc! The Giants goal getters wcre o! the consolation series Bow- the play. inany are insured so often High Triple- Sandy Brown and Warren AI- manville and Cambray playcd Jack Gay Wherevcr you go for der (Billy Woodward). Ron- ta a 2-2 overtime game. Bow- The final goal o! the game by State Farmn Mutual. Low Single- service on your car ask nie Webb and Clayton Camp- manville was declared the lîttie over two minutes later You'll be glad yau did. Dr. Ed. Ewert ____ them ta check all these me- bell accounted for the Indians winner by outsbooting the was the result of a picture Low Triple- chanical factors if they're two goals. Campbell's tieing Cambray tearn 4-0 in the five passing play. Bagneil carried 0'. i Dik BrinkMan Kari Bickell-_____ flot dolng it now. As we've goal camne after the Indians minute overtime period. Ail up centre, passed ta Wiseman, 4 State Farm Agt. High Tcam (1)_ sald, the human part is the had pulled their goalie for players were presentcd xith who rificd a rink-widc rclay Newcastle Chartran's - ____ most important. It won't an extra man. Each team cal- crests and the tcam received ta Black, goîng at top speed.0 Phone 3671 High Team (3)- cost anytbing ta check that. lccted twa penalties in the a tropby. Black went around the lone 811_flMl______olr Cmaq Kam' *gamne. The tic movcd the On behal! o! the tcamrn defender and pulled the no fl Uiti *i t Ilnois C.pw K am 1 Giants into a first place tic would lîke ta take this oppor- goalie way out, before slid- lmOic-9oint',Iios Stephen Fuels _ _____ wit th leguelcaingBar tuityta ban ai th pa- ng the disc into the open Canadian Office, Toronto, Ont. Low Tcam (3)- We ask ronr support for ans, but the Barons bave anc ents wbo provided transporta- ~c________________________ Stephen Ful ___ local Red Cross Campalgu garne le!t ta play. tion for the team ta last Sat- This Schedule during mentis of March In igtJvnl egeudystunmn.Jc a their humaultarian aehieve-LonMîgtJveî0Lgeura oram t.acGy ments depend on your gen- In the first Midget-Juvcnile Adult Swlrnmiiig ~f ~ Jack Gay erosityl game o! the day the Marôons During the past two weeks BO Y S U l Gar! Clarke --__ de!catcd the Generals 4-1 ta members of the Adult Swim- Roly Coombes collect their fourth straight ming Classes at the Boys Libe_ rtps----- t playof! wîn. Brian Bradley Training Scbool have been Rob- - Libe t or1 I W4 (2), David Thornpson and taking their Red Cross Tests. Robson Motols _------ Prsdn. Bob Willis wcre the goal Listed bclow are the names P P EStephnBFulsn Nw Presient. scorers for the Maroons. o! the successful candidates: M~BwigNw Bradley Yourth accounted for Celia Wilson, John Ballentine, Jack Gay put on a Robson Nofors lid. the Generals lone goal o! the Denise Tirpstra, Ruth .ohann. mendous effort this week gaine. Jo Ann Crew, Mary BallentineD RV he bowled a record brea 166 King St. E. In the second Midget-Juv- Betty Dowton, Pat Burke, 96til.Jc a n Phones: MA 3-3321 enlie game of the day the Jessie Laundry, Gloria Gart- IDRV pins away from being the Oshawa RA 5-2712 Raiders defeated the Comets ner, Ruth Gibson, Jessie Sic- 'bowler ta bit the 1000j 4-2 ta move into second place mon, Ella Dawson, Greta for a three-game total. " in the playof! standings. Keith Couch, Annette Iliffe and for is the bighest score rec Rose Griffin. at the new Liberty1 Two girls were also success- f I ititalleys. Gay started on ful in passng their Bronze Bowmalvilaie and itrc way ta lame with a 386s Royal Life Saving Test- gaine, second onîy ta Linda Roberts o! Newcastle onl Leslie's first scbedule 401. mi m m % aI I W % A 1a and Gail Mulholland o! Bow- a started ta falter in the se 1easy shutuLU. aowlca a triple aif'429 Countrytime (Wed. at 7:45 p.m.) So we suggest-to Dave Werry opened the!Dv engthd40 scoring early in the game MM tMM AIIey Chatter Alex Wiseman fired a pair 24 H U S A A this week for next year' two and a bal! minutes apart I ecutive and the voting wi ta give the locals a 3-0 lead1 INCLUDING LUNCH ROOM hehd in a couple of weeks after eigbt minutes of play. l Canadian Tire is on tc Don Kerr hit the rigging with the teamn standing with a bullet drive at the 11:411 u points while Liberty Bowl mark ta end the scoring for M the same number o! paint K EEP I TO UCthe period. Grant Flintoff fewer pins for second po& was in on bath Wiseman tai- f . L In the averages there lies, while Terry Black, Don LAome-C$.ookedM ecd~oJ.U very little change cxcept Bagnell and Ah Woodlock each Gay jumped inta third1 drew single assists. c dP sr with a 226 average. Ernie The Juvs were content to fect slumped a littie stop Alliston's pet play ta get i droppcd bis average frai the puck out o! their own end, , ta 237 whilc AI Osborne1 STAY WITH CHANN ELLJwithaut really turning on the M d bis up from 248 to 24 pressure, they had exerted in, Some good games the !irst period. nw yyvn'bowled this week by:E i Wer roto! a notch i FOR BANQ~UETP ER A I S jKelly 280, Doug Taylor _____________________________________secongal on passes fram 1C U M 37iman 297, Frank Lewins John Twist and Vern RoweCA L M 34 George Piper 280, Carl1 at 7:10 et the middle session. 11293. lR ecreat *on ýv«s By Dlouglas Rigg 15 12 15 12 15 12' .5 12 .6 il .7 10 Ave. 249 237 226 223 222 218 218 217 216 216 216PU 216 216 U This rugged power plant gives you tremendous puiimng powerl ,u86 And the vaive-in-head design offers greater oconomny through I increasod offlency, higher .~ 86torque output and ease of 97maintenance. 429 1273 3327 786 2681Torson v i 386 Toin bar front sprlngs addouble-acting front 986 shock absorbers combine 69 ta smooth out bumps and 266 lts. The front wheels ta ko 1289 rough spots indivdually ta 3430 cut rail and sway ta a 7683 minimum. atre- whcn eaking nly 14 TK mark This Bowl GMC trames are extra strong. m bis rugged and durable. They are single designed ta give longer life ta ýOEd. the whoie truck, on any job. - 1Jack econd rongly game .y on ime ta memn- I con- ,ay, a Court- lay of league P week i started strikes Each component of every GMC truck is qu Jack's ta make a substantial contribution ta t down formance of the vehicia and ta your shai iltered Full engine power, best cargo care, andg AI are the high standards set and met by1 Now- e700 ,Russ [e 734, Snow- Ralpb rbath -' rcraft 5and Bickel 9 and rnade s ex- viil be th 18 wl a its but )sition. e-was tJack place THIE TUCKu nm 240 push- RO wereSO RalpbR B O r297, 'l 166oKing St.' wL DECAUSE POWERFIJL WORKMASTER V8 ENGINES CIVE 348 «L IUL-230 bp- 335 X Ibs. torque S DECAUSE INDEPENDENT FRONT SUSPENSION OFFERS IMPROVED HANDLING-REDUCED DRIVER FATIGUE-BETTER CARGO CARE- LONGER TRUCK LIFE! ES DECAUSE 0F STURDY, REINFORCED FRAMES THAT RESIST SHOCKS, TWISTING AND STRESS IH SEVERE SERVICE IrI the life and per- nre of the prafitsl Me greater durabmiity Gmci BECAUSE HARD-WORKING GMC TRUCKS OFFER THE PRO VEN ECONOUTf 0F LONGER LIFE AND GREATL REDUCED DOWNTIMEI TRIUMPH 0F THE 60"s SMOTORS Ltd. _Phone MA 3m331 adeit "I Une at 3:05 o! the* third to ,ihnSamrocks Return* Dlinski Bob Faircy was Iost to thse ad thB uttearn untilth ir peod ed bis To op orrrBut Drop~a!ter the frarnes o! his glas dend- w ~ were broken the !irst tirne on - the ice. "Mort" Richards îard ( o mi' ,rissed the final perlod alter, neby pen er To rentonu requiring four stitches in his mid upper lip. Sub-goalie, John facig Bwma v i11 Shmroks id wen oe. t. iere'sFowler was a busy man first Bomn 1 eSarok odwen Je S.Peresgetting Fairey's glasses le- ifive carne up with their best ef- bouncer vient into the cage, paired and then taklng Richs- Ham- fart in nearly twa months just before Bob Abbott was ards ta the hospital. Needl.ss It 4:01 but a tremendous goal-tend- due ta return from an Inter- ta say, be didn't spcnd rnuch 'tally nefotbDo gestp eecpeat."usMa-tm ttern. Buck" Trfor yDo genstop- Dornced paeal 3 wty, hgs hac- Ted a hrena.oe s eo vinner ped tbem cold as Teto onl md I -0wthbl! Td Firy shwed mae ;pass Flyers carne up wlth a 4-o0'a minute ta play on a hard bsadfrwih md ffered win the first game o! the best drive wbich Vanstone bad i n hlm anc o! the top players, bd early in the scason. Lloyd the bfsvnfna cis is glove but couldn't hol. Hmlo n i hnk ht the o!mistoenafinal sOries. al, on Tb"lJeeiayp"b i~o Collins pushed "ýRed" were victlmized by' Ogden on Ttarr c lw as red tiay a hd* os rebound over the the Sharnrock's best chances. 1Jack bitting, fast-skating exhibi- ive up tion with bath goalies play- nilton. ing major roles. The Sham- it the rocks carne out flying in the Id the first period, out - shooting Trenton 17-9. but trailing 1-0 Lually after the initial session. The ler in hometown Flyers lhcld a mar- disal- gin in the play, througbout as in the middle period, finally iat he counting a pair of late goals fender and adding another early in "Hr-te tat wrap it up. fA E S RK ?~ effort Ogden, in posting the shut-1 they'll out, bas naw beld the locals L third off the score-sheet for the 1 N O E ig ta last 167 Ininutes and 35 sec- TJNED M OW E onds. The thrce stars were J IV)W Ogden, Orval, Gravelle and ALL MA1rESý Vanstone. Don Masters bad Ogden beaten early in tbe period but P IC]E * bit the post. Drake bad the AND p bcst opportunity for the wîn- ners, seconds hater wben be X'A I3.3134 l e. went in alone but was robbed by Vanstone. The Sbamrocks Veck kept up a steady attack, but Trenton went in front atIR L t.18:52 as Gravelle weaved RN T L t.past two defenders for a nifty 9 18 solo effort. 9 18 10 17 Vanstone kept the Flyers 10 17 from scoring again until the Il 16 16:25 mark o! the second per- 12 15 .3 14 .4 P3 .......................