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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 11

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~~4~~URSDAY~~~~~~_MAR. Otb,~~~~AG mlH A4DA~SAEM!,EWMNILOTM ~J LLL 7k~Ivewclde Ydp4# Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Tlewcastle 1Lions District landeersnal'Governor Visif s octl nc1£krsoalNewcastle Club Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt meetings. Newcastle:- The Governoribut also in the big job ahead; anid Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ber- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tam- of District A of the Interna- of him when he is elected. mI nard visited wilh friends inoblyn spent Sunday visitingitional Association of Lions1 his address Lion Jim askedi Car-npbellford on SundaY. ith Mr. and Mrs. Ken With-, Clubs, James Clark of Camp- the Lions to give o! them-I Mr. E. A. Forbes of Mimn-,ers and family in Peterbor- ýbeilford. was the guest speak- selves, not only for their owni ico visited with Mr. and Mrs. ough. h er the regular dinner meet- enrichment, but for theen Mrs.Chas Shir an Mr.ingof the local Lions Club richment of others aiso. 1 Gordon Agnew on Thursday. Cd Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn of held in the Lions room of the The Governor said that1 Mr.omand b Mrs. J . D. d C ay are spending a fcw Newcastle Community Hall on Lions have daily opportunitiesi Cunnnghm ofBowanvile!aysvisiting with Mr. and Thursday evenîng. Four mem- to give of themselves in good Cuningamof owanvll Mrs. Percy Tamblyn. bers of the Coboconk Club deeds and kind word and theyý were in Belleville on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kel- xvere visitars at this meeting. will find Joy in Gîving, were they attended the Christ- ey of Brampton were week- Introduced bv Lion John The appreciation of the: ein fnt iagherof r . aBitond rvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Rickard, the Gavernor con- members to Lion Jim for his ir.nfatd erof. adBer Kelsey and family. gratulated the club on its visit and talk was expressedi sponsorship of one of its mem- by Lion Ken Stephenson who Hîs many friends in the1 bers for the office of District presented him with a gift on village and district were sad- Governor and asked the mem- behaîf of the club members. dened on Saturday afternoon I e Si n bers to give every support During the business portion' to learn of the passin g of Mr. posbet1inBetn o ftemeigcnutdb Henry Bowen in Memorial psil oLo rnont ftemeigcnutdb fo- ng ly in the election campaign, Lion President HarryJoeth lowing a lengthy illness. of the mmes ayHn Mr. C. G. Gould spent Tues- Newcastle:- We bave had a jA Pla s mebrryJse ar an-.i o day in Toronto attending theinumber of signs of spring v ' M S cePlHrraosnadso Hetn hwa h ...pre ou u ingr e at Lake, were honoured. Tie HeaingSho attheC.NE.pored o u duingt e asmonthly convention fund 50-50 grounds. gou il e 9ek. Mrs. Herbert Gibson onEase draw was condueted with Lion The C.G.T.T. rU ited Church th Street east reported at'1 se Rod Carveth holding the lucky meeting in teUie hrl the end of last week that she1 ticket. Sunoiay Sehool room on Mon- had several crocuses in bloom îM etn The District Governor was day evening at 7:30. The Can- in ber garden.M e tn asked by Lion President Harry adian Girls in Training is a There have been a number ta conduct the induction o! a group for girls from il to 17 Nwate-TeW years of age and any girl in'Iof reports of robins and crows Nwcste nTe 'oel' s new member, Lion Reg. Love- this age group wiIl be made 'sighted in the village. 0fl Missionary Society of the Unit- kin, and f0 present certificates welomeatanyoftheC. .IT.course with water mains being ed Church met in the Sunday and Lions' codes of ethies to welom a ay o - -heC..IT.laid in the village dur ing the School Room on Thursday, the two newest members of the winter, the numerous mudp March 2nd, with 15 members club, Lions Reg. Lovekin and- S oIes on every street in the present. The meeting opened D'on Lake. O o o W n vlaeis a constant reminder with prayer by President Mrs. ________ that spring is arriving and an George Allin. who also gave a 14t Ba m in on extra big job of bouse clean- reading entitled "Learn ta R A t Ba mint n ig is not too far in the dis- Knoxv Jesus and to Love Him." R creationf N ewcastle- Carmen Corn- tance. The new municipal' Group 3, with Mrs. P. Hare lshan Ro Frrete ofth water supply will be put ta in charge, presented the De- Oro nd o Badmi tonCuertegod use right from the be- votional pragram. After the Reports GivenS the dobewnesntegîingcening u the mess singing of a hymn, Mrs. Hare doua et playe in the caused by its installation. led in prayer and gave a de- At the regular Fcbruaryr comurnmnt hallo n trda votional reading. The Serip- meeting of the Recreation evemniyihaErl on son'day ture Lesson from Luke 4: 16-21 Cammittee Alex Hendry gave end vastreadsby ofsNeJ.aHtlJase areport of activities at the nnd ~ ~ ~ E en n Wet.esy fNecst. /( M Mrs. C. Fothergill, Mrs. W. Memorial Arena ta date and f as consolat 'on winners. L YIII Farrow and MipaT.rtsusn Several members of the Ms .Fruo said the Carnival and Sot local club plan ta cmpte in gave interesting papers on Nite held recently was an out- an Ontario Badminton Assoc- M akes C,. othles Mission work in Africa, and standing suecess. fation Tournarni'nt in Belle- Necsl-Te Mrs. J. T. Brown gave a love- Treasurer Mrs. John Northup ý vill on arc 25t. Necasle:-TheEvennglýv vocal solo entitled "Publish gave a detailed financial state-îvileonMach25h._____Branch o! St. George's Wo-,'Glad Tidings of Peace." metadpeetda cts ilman's Auxiliary met in thel A most interesting and in- mntindg f0 $446.0 fo pay- Parish Hall on March lst. Re- structive talk on the organiza- ment. The bis were orderedýc ports of the officers were giv- U.on of theý United Nations wvas paid on motion of Mrs. D. en following the opening pray-1 given bv Mrs. E. C.. Woodland. Cunningham and Alex Hendry. TheDoca scrta rpot- who said "as Christians we are Mrs. D. Cunningham an-j n ThE/63O/.'c eaDryail crth r e o t-!had mitted fa speak o! this in nouneed her intention of re- ' 14 edneary al the ool ad !every walk of life, and wve signing from the committee forS I A~ETNt A1J been given out and some o! have an opportunity to main- health reasons and said she - .2. the miembers xvere making tain and achieve a better way would continue ta carry onN flannelee pyjamas. Mrs. Ste- o! life." the sewing classes which she1 ~'SE phenson had also prepared The corresponding secretary had started. s V1'quîlt blocks for the members read an invitation from Mrs. There was a lengthy dis-a L M Q ta work on during the meet- Fisk's group of. the Woman's cussion with regard ta, girls a ng. Three pairs o! good mitts1 Association inviting the WO- and boys basebal teams, etci~ had been knit, which can be men's Misionary Society f u oaton a ae nte"is used as prtof the Indian attend acio wa tonn n14.s partted meeting o April14 regard and it was left over ta School outfit being prepared The guest speaker, Mrs. Rose, the March meeting when the Sr YOJLLBSE SEEMG ME by the Branch. Iwill explain fully the amalga- annual election o! officers for C IN TH ADSThe committee catering to! matian o! the W.M.S. and the the committee wil be held. e RUN &Y... the Lions Club meeting on1 W.A. into the Woman's Federa -_____________ March 2nd made final plans ition. 'J for the dînner, and Mrs. Dewd- Plans were made for the S ney reminded the members annual Easter Thank-Offering C thtMarch is Talent Money meeting ta be held on Thurs- Comlfunity IPL MBIG-EATNG1 alth It was announced a day, April 6, with Mrs. (Rev.) ment to the Friendsbip Worker speaker. B w ig0 eïïo BURNER ELF(l at W. A. House at the next The meeting was brought to d regla metig t, e hldona close with prayer led by'd 0 ONO 1782 Mrh5h ao Mrs. W. P. Rogers. Resu its J m Following is the league 9, standings and high scorers for is last week on the Newcastle gr Insurance Community Bowling Lanes: a Friday Mixed League ce Rosebuds 107, Sugar Jets to means 104, Misfits 95, Alley Cats 93 ta Shreddies 73, Hi Jacks 68, m; Hotshots 67, Underdogs 66. ai Bessie Ferguson 313, Ken Whitney 257, Tracy Embley th, 246, Alice Rowe 245, Barbara ar. r«t the Emiployer. nsurnce la enabnn; Canadian business and industry to provide *mployees with a higher level cf job security than ever before. Assurance that money' wull b. available for repair or replacement If disaster strikes a place of business contributes to steady' eaployment for aIl Canacdians - and to the. Peaice of Mind of *veryone. Last year the. compardes writing fine, auto. mlobile and casualty insurance paid out more flian 500 Million Dollars in claims acrosa Canada - real evidence that insurance in. cleed means Peace of Mind. IAU. CAMAIà INSURAN ce AU CANADA IUEANCIE VEDATION ce beO of cimoi.thon 2W0 copetamq compodh u g trp ri ueob.odCuem awae Cracken 214, Hazel Munro 211, Albert Pearce 209, Clarence Mclvor 208, Irene Cunning- ham 202, Verne Rowe 201. Thursday Mixeti League Cs 102, Imps 87, Bugs 76, Brats 57. Bnian Rowe 240, Gary Ban- chard 225, Russell Powell 217, Stan Couch 213, Gond Laking 211, Aithea Laking 210,, Marilyn Couch 210, Bill Harrison 201. Wed. Afternoon Ladies Lge. No teani standings avail- able, top scorers for the week were, Gert Gray 236, Wilda Simpson 231, Betty Brown 217, Bessie Ferguson 212, Marilyn Couch 211, Janet Mc- Cracken 205, Ruth Couch 204. Junior Tournamnent (175 and aven) George Rickard 217, Wayne Pearce 212, Susie Flintof! 192, Jim Stephenson 178. Following is the Eist o! the top f ive girls anti boys anti their pin totals fan the first tbnee weeks o! the tourna- ment: Girls- Nancy Gaines 1113, Beth Powell 1090, Mary Dean 1013, Susie Flinto!! 1014, Judy Powell 1004. Boys- Jini Stephen s on 1551, George Rickanti 1423, Wayne Pearce 1274, Wayne Flinto!! 1180, Bob Carpenter 1087. Monday Ladies League Corvettes 124, Thunderbirds 88, Wildicats 80, Cadullacs 67, Kendalites 64, Pontiacs 59. Marilyn Couch 226, Alice Hoaey 216, Aima Langstaf! 210, Inene Cunningham 204, Canolyn Garnoti 204, Ruth Ir- win 202. Men's League Wildcats 124, Mustangs 108, Sabres 108, Spit!ircs 95, Hur- ricanes 85, Typhoons 64, Av- engers 60, Arrows 28.c (225 anti ave)- Emil Schmidt 296, Don Parker j 254, Joe Lewis 249, Gea. Kim-1 baIl 246, Jim Caswell 245, Gond Garrot 217, Bey. Genoc 235, Earl Evans 235-, Lowellj Highfield 230, Verne Roweja 228.1 Directs "Pilgrims" Mrs. Blanch Hogg, direct the "Company of Pi "Christ in the Concrete Church, Bowmanville, this The Company of Pilgrims Christian Drama Councilc f ees are given ta the C Canada for its work in 1oc in the area are invited1 Worship through the med. ]KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore, Rickey, Toronto, visited with MIr. and Mrs. E. Couroux on Sunday. Mr. Roy Sleep is spending a few days in Toronto vîsiting relatives. We are happy to welcome Mlr. and Mrs. Taylor and familv to aur community. They noved into the Yendrick îouse over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. MacDon- ald, Roy and Threasa visited with Mr. and Mrs Callan, )mnemee, on Sunday. Mrs. Carl Langstaf!, Debbie and Gale spent Monday in Toronto with Mrs. Ray Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young- man, Debbie and Gale visited vith Francis at Orillia on ;unday. Sorry ta hear that Miss Kim Nichols is a patient in Civic lospital, Peterborough. Hope she is feeling better soon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lang-staff and famîlv visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal on Sun- ay. Mr. H. Weirmeir, Bancroft, ;pent the weekend with Mrs. irace Manders and family. Mr. Bob Youngman attend- Id the funcral o! Mr. Bill Tackson, Ottawa, on Tuesday. SOLINA Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Hardyl )f Bowmnanviîlc wene Thuns- lay visitons with Mr. and Mrs. rYellowlees. The Women's Institute will ceet Tbursday night, Marcb ýat 8 o'clock. The pnogram sin charge o! the village ýoup. Hall caîl, "A quality o! gooti citizen." Mn. Kay Ly- ett, lawyen, will be present ospeak on legal mattens pen- aining ta women. Members ay submit questions ta be nswered by Mn. Lycett. The, Threc M group met at e chumcb on Monday, Febru- ry 27. President Stanley Mill- *n presided fan the business ýriod. An invitation to visit on Doubles Club on Satur- ay, March 11, was accepted. tan gave a report o! Dr. C. lipond's talk at a recent bro- herhood meeting. The prognani was in charge fJoyce and Don Taylor's roup. The worship service ,as conducted by Dorotby ascoc and Joyce Taylor. Don 'ylor led a discussion with e group) on a magazine anti- 1e by Hugb Garner entitled How Canadian Clergymen ieddie with youn entertain- cnt," and the reply to Mn. erncn as published in the, îited Church Observer by! ;.G. Berry calîcti "Ihose lediesome C 1er gy." The1 ioughts o! the group on Sun-j y sports, gambling and the urch's stand on such prob- rns proveti extremely inter- ýti ng. Clara Leask conducteti a me of word golf. Sormv ta neo)ort Mrs. H. Tink ,d Mn. J. KiveI are not as, ell again. We trust thein' alth will soon be improved.1 Miss Pat Davis was at the, ^gan for the chunch service! iSunday monning. Mrs. Bruce Tink visited bier' other, Mns. W. A. Ormiston,ý ooklin.1 Mr. andi Mrs. Alec Fishe,, aunton, Mrs. Nellie Fisher,i skatoon, Sask., visited Mr.' id Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr.ý id familv anti Mrs. Frank' lestiake Sr, Mn. anti Mm. Frnank West-, ke Jr. Joan, Gordon andti irlev visitcd Mn. anti Mrs.' Fice, Taunton.1 Mrn. and Mns. Lloyd Broome' id sons wcre Sunday guests Mn. and Mns. Roy McLaugb- 1,Blackstock. Vins. T. Flett, Columbus,' ited on Sunday with Mn. -ir Mrs. D. Flett andi !amily., Vins. J. Dyer, Oshawa, Mns. Stocks anti Daviti, Brook- ivisited Mrs. Rae Pascoe. Mrn. Wesley Powell, Miss abel Powell, North Oshawa, nre Friday tea guests of Mn.i Id Mrs. N. Wotten.1 Mr. and Mrn. Tom Baker,[ si th of gr w Pi th cb m m th da ch lci es ga an W( be or, on Ta' Sa an an Wi lai Sh N. an, o! lin vis ani A.' lin Ma wc an(E well known locally, will CitY" at Trinity United W. A. Marcb meeting will Sunday, March 12, at 7 13.M be held at Mrs. Leslie Gra- *ham's Thursday evening (ta- is is the acting arma of the night) at 8 p.m. of Canada and performance Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp ýhristian Drama Council Of and family, Enniskillen, were ai churches in Canada. Ail Sunday evening visitors at Mr. to attend this Service of and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. .ium of Religiaus Drama. Mr. and Mrs. David Morrow and Alexandra, Aurora, were Jean and James visited on Sunday visitors at Mr. and Sunay ithMr.andMrs Mrs. Walter Loveridge's. Walter Ormiston and family, Several fro.m Haydon at- Oshawa. tended the Choral Society's entertainment at the Town Mr. and Mrs. D. Laphamn, Hall, Bawmanville, both Fni- Darlene and Gayle, Bowman- day and Saturday nights. ville, were Sunday visitars Kathy, Judy and Ke v in twith Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm attended the birtbday Knox nd Saturday o! Marie Vin- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer cent, Taunton. and Douglas were Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm and tea guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Don family were Sunday supper Taylor and children. guest s at Wm. Dawson's, Mrs. Rae Pascoe visited at Orono. Glen Glaspell's, Taunton, and Mr- Lloyd Tboinpson and at A. Beevor's, Oshawa. Terry, Mrs. Edith Bastian, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor onto, Mr. and Mrs. Roland and children visited on Sun- Tbomîason and Dawn, Hamp- day with Mr. and Mns. F. ton, Mr. Donald Thompson and Aberetby Manlla.daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Os- mond, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. W. Tbompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn NEWTONVILLE called on Mrs. Cale and Miss Blackburn, Bowmanville, on Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rus- Saturday evening. sett o! Sterling wene week- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard' end guests with Mr. and Mrs. and Barry were Sunday sup- Wm. Stacey. per guests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Miss Joan Walkey o! Pet- Garrard. erboruh Teachers' College The community was sorny is spo edIlgtewe thm ta hear o! the passing o! Mrs. wbile teacbing at Central Thomas Geer at F ai rv ie w School, Port Hope. Lodge, Whitby, on Sunday. Mn. nd rs.Len ree o!The late Mrs. Geer was a for- Creek sentGrSn-ofmer resident o! Haydon. Sym- diaynid r asndMs.Sin- pathy is extended ta the fam- Brown. ily and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn Mr. and Mns. Clarence Hay- and Dale were Sunday supper wood o! Onillia spent the guests o! Mr. and Mrs. G. weekend with ber parents Shackleton and family and Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White at Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Salem. the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Don Mornison Mrs. George Stapleton is a and family, Oshawa, were patient in Memonial Hospital, Saturday visitors at Mr. and Bowmanville. Mrs. M. Bentrim's. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Cburch service was with- and family and Miss Ruth drawn Sunday nigbt. Because Gordon o! Orono spent Sun- O! ilîness Rev. Lokhonst was day with Mn. and Mns. Wal- not able ta attend. We wisb lace Boughen. him a speedy recoveny. The sympatby o! this com- Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron mnunity is extended ta Mrs. were Sunday tea guests o! Mn. Clinton Farrow on the pass-I and Mrs. W. Bennett, Bow- ing o! ber brother, Mr. Henry manville. Bowen o! Newcastle on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Smiley urday. and family, Burlington, visited Mr. and Mns. Sheldon Peth- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and ick o! Enniskillen called on family.t his sister, Mrs. Gilmer-Smnith Sunday sebool at 10:30 Sun- on Friday. Incidentally the day morning and cburch ser- Peticks were celebrating_vice at 7:30.- their 49th wedding annivers- ary. Miss Hazel Leghorn and Mn. Allen Gîbson of Toronto were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Ryan. Misses Lorraine Merrili and' Rosella Campbell o! Wark- worth, student teachers, are guests this week with Mrs. Willis Jones, while teacbîng at Pont Hope. Mn. andi Mns. Bert Stapleton andi family o! Bowmanville spent Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs. Don Stapleton. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Adams o! Toronto spent Sunday with ber father, Mn. Andrew Reich- rath. Manch meeting of the WMS was beld on Tucsday after- noon, Feb. 28tb, in the home o! Mrs. A. Wade. The Tbank- ofcnîng Services on Good Friday a!ternoon wene plann- ed for. The committee report- cd Bey. E. Norman o! Wel- came would be gucst speaker. The worsbip service was con- ducteti by Mrs. C. M. Joncs assisted by Mns. R. Best. Mns. C. Burley bati change of study period. Mrs. C. Burley, Mrs. C. Gil- mer anti Mrs. D. Vinkie spent Tuesday evening witb Mn. and Mrs. Keith Bunley in Coboung. Our sympatby is extended ta Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White on the passing o! ber sister- in-law Mns. R. S. Gillingbam in St. Louis, Miss., oh the 22nd Feb. HAYDON UAUW fl1Tviewed the year's work. J. UJIO Following a pageant, Goc4 1 News ta Ail, the girls present- 1 (Intended for last week) ed thein Treasure ta, Mrs. E. Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Orono, Leask, Port Perry, who us spent a day recently with her Presbyterial Secretary of Af! j- 1sister, Mns. A. W. Prescott. liated Explorer Groups. I ber Callers at the Prescott home, reply Mrs. Leask thanked the recently were Mr. Frank Gi-1 girls and congratulated theni bert, Sauina, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- on their faithfulness. selI Ormiston, Enniskillen, Mn)1 A play, The Talking Birch and Mrs. Art Jackson and Mn.; Bark, was presented by the Stanley Jackson, Toronto. girls, and after the singing o! Sunday visitors at the Pres- another hymn the film strîp, cott home-Mn. and Mrs. Henb j'Lit Lit Makes Dreams Camne Prescott, Rager and Enin. En-1 Truc, was sbown. A question niskillen, Mr. and Mrs. OliverJ and discussion period was Hubband, Oshawa. held. Sorry te, report Mr. Harry j Each girl told what it had Adcock is a patient in Memor- meant ta ber ta be an Ex- ialHosita, Bwmavile. isplorer, and Mrs. Romenil con- ia opl oman villnd tus e. His1ducted the Star ceremony in rnany fends trusthe maywvich the girls received tb&îr soonbe wll aain.2nd Blue Star or 2nd Goid Star according ta their âge and years soent in Exoflorers. L ONG SAULT This was follawed by the reg- ular closing cenemony, after Mr. and Mns. Sidney Martin whicb lunch o! bot chocolate and Mn. Morris, Oshawa, wereliand cookies was served. Sunday supper guests o! the! Mr. Arnold Taylor is i Kayacs. 1 Chicago on a business trip for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ad-! a week in company with some ams and family, Bowman-ville, other Quaker Oats employees. were supper guests o! Mr. and They were most fortunate in Mns. Gardon Baker. mnissing the severe tornada there. Mn. and Mrs. Joe Hunter Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Jobnston and !amily, Keswick, spent and Mr. Harr- Sanderson visit- the xveekend with Mn. and' ed Mr. and Mrs. John Row- Mrs. James Sawden. i lanti. Millbrook, Thursdav. Club 50 are quilzing a Red! Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gniffin Cross quilt in Tyrone Sunday anti boys, Enfieli, vere Sun- school this week. Iday supper guests and Mr. andi Home anti Scbool Club meetsIMrs. Hanvey Ginn, Orono, Fniday evening, March 10.I were aftennoon callers o! Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Pen-'Jean McLaugblin and boys. warden andi !amily were Sun- Sorry ta renort Mns. Lamne day evening visitons o! Mn. Tbompson iS ill in Port Perry and Mrs. Eanî Penwarden and Hospital. family. Mn. andl Mns. Glenn Larmer Mns. Robt. Cameron anti and Douglas wene Wednesday Ruth Ann were Tuesday after- suppen guests o! Mr. and Mrs. noon visitons and Mrs. Bill Donald Taylor andi familv. Johnson, Lynda andi Willie,l Fniday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lifford, were Wednesday visi- Larmen anti Mrs. Ernest Lar- tors o! Mr. andi Mrs. Bert mer visited Mn. Ernest Lar- Johnson. mer in Tbornhîll hospital. Congratulations ta M i s sSunday, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sandra Gibson and Mn. Non- Larmer and Mrs. Ernest Lar- man Davis wbo wene mannied mer visiteti Mn. E. Larmen and on Saturday a!ternoon in Ty-lit is expected he will return none United Cburcb. home to-day (Monday). Visitons at the Rye Gibson Mr. andi Mns. Edgar Horn, home on Satunday wene Mrs. Oshawa, visîteti Mn. and Mis. Pat Wright anti family, Beth- Albert Wright andi Mn. and any, Mn. and Mns. J. R. Park- Mns. Fred Tnewîn and boys, inson anti family, Fenella, Sunday. Mns. Glenn Pu'gslcy anti Duane,- ___________ Pont Credit. Ili - li- BLACKSTOCK Intenested r ela t1v e s and !niends o! the Explorers o! the United Church gatheneti in the Christian Educatian Building Friday cvening for thein ser- vice o! affiliation with the W.M.S. The gnoup repeated thein mnotta and purpose, andi sang Explorer bymn. Rev. Romenil led in prayen anti ex- tcnded welcome toalal. Mrs. Romenil, Caunsellor, re- COOA FISNERMAN mi 1 CALL MOSES,, BECAIJSE EVERY T*E HE OPENS RIS MOUT TUE BULL RUSHEeSI AVAXLABLE FOR NGETGAGES EALPH S. JONES Barrhster and Solltor 130 Klnt St. E. Oshawa RA 8-6248 USED CARS 1955 NEHCURY $65 down 1956 PONTIAC $55 down 1953 CHEV. $15 down Have No Regrets...0 VOTE No one can say that Cocktail Bars and Duning Lounges in our Township will make this community better, happier or more pros. perous. If your "NO" is not registered this tirne, It will flot be asked for when other outiets are opened in your neighbourhood! Think of the welfare of our Township and its young people . .. not the advantage that wilI corne to a few. ON BOTH BALLOTS CLARKE TOWNSHIP IS A FINE PLACE TO LIVE...0 LETS KEEP UT THAT WAY! v oTEr r Wednesday, March 2.9th SPGNSORED BY CLARKE TOWNSHIP "VOTE ROI" CEGANIZATION rIHARLEY#eUSE-et-AR75 i BODY SHOP MA63,2301. 'BOWMANVIL.LE Li- -- .AM THE CANéDL,%N STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLP,. ONTARIO 4 981 I.y&-THTMSDAY, MAR. M. 19 IDA MIR 1" I"rv" 1 MUNEY

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