PAGE TW~ELVE THE CA~ADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANV[LLE, OqTArnO ~UY¶D@?~AV Il A~ 64L 'fiai *.CtJbJJ.,fl *~ alan. C141 j L~3J [~ ~ W ~ ~ ~5FOR CASFE Tuesday4:0pm Births Cards of Thanks In Memoricum Coming EventsIAtilsfrSe AtcesoraeJ Cars for Sale iReal Estate forSaeRaEstefrSe flENNËTT-Mr (nee Pfrk- ard) and Ron are pleased to announce the arrivai, of an- other son Ian Bruce, at Co- bourg General Hospital, Feb- ruary 21, 1961. A brother for Heather, Wendy, Laurie and Scott. 10-1 BRANIGAN - Brenton and Mary (nee Hanlon) wish to announce the arrivai of their 8 lbs. 83/ oz. son, Darren Paul, on Monday, February 13, 196 1. A brother for Wayne and Mark. Thanks to Dr. Ewert' and Staff. 10-1 ELLIOT - Cari and Marge happily announce the arrivai of their daughter, Kimberly Dawn, February 23, 1961, at Community Memorial Hos- , tal, Port Perry. A sister for aivid. 10-1* LAVERTY - Colleen, Theresa,i Michael and Mary Jane wel- come a new sister, Lois Irene, born Saturday, March 4th at Memnorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Proud parents, Molly1 and Jim. 10-if SARGENT-Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sargent (nee Pascoe), Ida, Ontario, are happy to announce the birth of their son on March lst, 1961, at Peterborough Civic Hospital. 10-1 : .ncagements The enagement is announc-1 cdr of ary Ellen, daugbter of M.Lewis and the late Dr. Lewis Hartley Lewis, to Mr.' Robert Walter Kerr, son of Mm. and Mrs. Robert Davis' Kerr. Marriage to take place, Satumday, April 1, 1961. 10-1' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis, AjI1.S Hlfî-tracks.Elimer i.ox, Phone MA 3-7189. 10-1* '58 PONTIAC, automatic, V-8, radio, extras. Roy Corden, MA 3-3488. 10-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf Buy yourself a Good Used Car for a change If's - Good - For - You Buy from the Top Seller at Today's Prices WVise people who thlnk always say it's none than. . . twlce other zuneini J.yruI comunI~uI ity Centre, Saturday, M\arch il at 8:30. Admission 35c. Bowmanville Skating Club Pops-Carnival and Broomball, Arena, Thurs., Mar. 23, 8 p.m. 9-4 Next Young People's Dance at Bowmanville Legion, Mar. lO1th, 8:30 p.m. Music by the Lincoînaires. 9-2* Spend Easter in New York. Travel by charter bus. For in- formation Phone Mrs. H. T. Colmer, MA 3-3265. 10-1 Club 15 Draw. Complete Easter Sunday Dinner for 10, delivered. Draw March 25. Tickets 25e each, 5 for $1. 4th Cub Pack wili hold Euchre at Memorial Park Club House, Wednesday, March 15. Admission 50c. Prizes and lunch. 10-1 *I would like ta express My ALLIN-In memory of my sincere thanks to fiends wbo mother, Beatrice Allin, who sent flowers, gifts and cards, passed away February 27th,ý and for the visits, while I was 1956. in Memorial Hospital. Speciai The years go by, but memories thanks to Dr. Hubbamd and stay, nurses. HeenAs near and dear as yesterday. HlnWallis. 10-1 [-Always remembered by ______Evelyn and family. 10-1 I wisb to express my sinceme CANDLER - Cherished me- thanks to my relatives, friends mnoies of my dear husband, and neigbbours for the lovely Russell, who passed away flowers, gifts and cards while March 11, 1956. in Memoriai Hospital. Special There is a road they cail thanks to Dr. Hubbard, nurses remembrance and staff. Where thougbts are always Florence E. Highfield. true, ______ 101* Each day I walk along that I road I would like to express My With my memnories of you. sinceme thanks to Drs. Siemon, -Ever remembered by wife Gi and Rowsell, the nurses Irene. 10-1* and staff of Memorial Hospital, relatives and friends for their HOCKADAY-In loving me-~ cards and many gifts during mory of a dear sister and my long stay in hospital. aunt, Mary Elizabeth Hocka-1 Mm. Denver Dawson. ýday, who passed away March 10-1 12, 1956. We oftensit and think of you 1 wish to thank my former When we are ahl alone neighbours and friends for For memory is the only fiend sending me gifts, cards and That grief can caîl its own. flowers while I was confined Like ivy on the withered oak to the Oshawa Hospital. A When other things decay special thanks to Mrs. Clark Our love for hem will still be and Mrs. Tumney of Gmoup 7, green Trinity W.A. And neyer fade away. Mrs. Harvey Singular. -Sadly missed and lovingly 10-1 remembered by the family. We wish to thank our friends RICHARDS-In loving me- and neighbors for the many mory of a dear mother, Eliza- cards and gifts and also many beth Alice Richards who pass- thaks o te nrse an away March loth, 1946. Johnks to tenurses and Drs.Deep in our bearts lies a Jon d.J immnd, W G. cKay picture ed to bring about the happiest Ofa et; ohr oe event in our lives. Also thanks n emost faewesa to Rev. Romeril for his prayers. In eep 11,am w sal Ethe an Jim0m-ton Because she was one of the 101 best. 1957 FORD 4-DR. COUNTRY STATION WAGON Low mileage. In excellent condition. 1956 FORD 2-DR. White wali turcs. Excellent shape. 1955 METEOR 2-DR. Radio. Real Sharp. 1954 PONTIAC 4-DR. Radio, backup ligbts. Top condition. 1952 MONARCH 4-DR. 1957 CHEV. 3-TON CAB and CHASSIS With Platform ------ý95 3936. COWAN DO1EQUIPMENT CO.3-3 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 APiA 10-1 and frig. Help Wanted MA _____FUE7 SHAMPOO girl, two days a and week. Write P.O. Box 383, immi Bowmanville. 10-1 3-5 RESPONSIBLE woman ta look' .îftem children while mother in hospital. Phone MIA 3-3971. 10-1 RESPONSIBLE person to look after children, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays. Phone MA 3-3892. 10-1' SUPPLY teacher required for present school year (Grade 7). Apply Supeintendent, Ontario Training Sehool for Boys. 10-1 MAN wantcd for Rawleigh business. Scîl to 1500 families. Good profits for bustiers. Write today. Rawleigh, Dept. C-248-S, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- rcal. 10-1 LOCAL bank requires junior clerk, r,-.ale or female. Must have ecmpleted at least Grade Il education. Reply in wmit- ing to P.O. Box 1440, Bow- manville. 10-1' Valcartier, Que., wishi to an-' -Lovingly remembemed by me baLIiori hti UC. 9 INev nounce the engagement of. I would like to express MY hem daughter Selena and Dancing, Newtonville HiallE their daughtem, Velma, to sincere thanks to Drs. Connolly granddaughter Alice. 10-1 Saturday, March il. Archi e n Douglas Walker, son of Mrs. and Hunt, the nurses and staff ____ Courtice and the Country No. Sidney Walker and the late Of Port Hope Hospital, MY TEBBLE-In loving memory Ramblers, 9 - 12. Admission Phoi Mm. Walkem, Bowmanville. The special nurses, Rev. R. C. of a dear wife and mother, $1 per person. Auspices New- marriage will take place in St. White, Newtonville W. A., Sarah Alberta Tebble, wholtonville Community Hall. K John's Anglican Churcb, Bow- friends and neighboms for their passed away March 7, 1958. 10-1' YOU manill onSatrda, Mrchcards, flowers and gifts dur- Deep in aur heamts lies a Woodview Community Centre Har 25 at 3 o'clock. 10-1 ing my stay in hospital. picture -Monster B i n g o. Twenty Bruce Elliott. 0f a loved one laid to rest, games-twenty dollars; five ELlE Marriage___ 10-1' In memory's frame we shahl games-thirty dollars; $150 servý keep it jackpot, and two jackpots at larg HAYWARD - CHARLES - Mere words are Inadequate Because she was one of the $250. Door prizes. Next warÉ The marriage is announccd Of to express our gratitude to best. Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Marilyn Charles, daughter Of relatives, ficnds and neigh- -Sadly missed and ever re- Oshawa. 46-tf 5-R Mms. Lomna Charles, Queens- bors for many deeds of kind- membered by husband Harryý The annuai meeting of the Cabl ville, Ont., and Robert D. Hay- ness, beautiful flowems, words and family. 10-1 Community Memorial Hos- take ward, son of Mm. and Mrs. of condolence and cards ofpiaPoteryOtaowles Brenton Fogg of Bowmanville. sympathy received since the VINE-In loving memory of ptl otPry naiwl s Rev. A. C. Herbert officiated loss of our îoving busband, our dear son and brother, be held at the Hospital on at the marriage which took father and grandfathem. Ralph, who passed away Mamch Monday evening, March 2th, MAc place in St. John's Anglican Mrs. Cecii Hui, 3md, 1953. 1961, at 8:30 p.m. The public traci Church, Bowmanville, on Sat-I Marion, Stan, He little thougbt when leain are cordially invited ta attend row urday, Febmuary 18, 1961. 10-1- Paul and Carol. 10-If home, evn this meeting. Lunch will be 17 r _____He would no more retumn. semved. 9-2 ton. DeahsI wsbto hak m fiensThat he in death so soon Women's Institute annual BAI BO e At Meora1 os n ihos an reaiesfr nwouîd slcep, Kopper Kamnîval, held on deep BOWEN-At Memoria H eihrsan idrenuivies,f We Adoleave us heme to mourn. Thumsday, March 9, will com- 2-bu pital, Bowmanville, on Satur- termn ideqiis ed not know what pain lie mcnce at 2 o'clock with after- rang day, March 4th, 1961, William gifts, cards, flowems and let- brno e t2c oebk at HIenry Bowen, Newcastle, aged ters. Thanks also to eah the We db o e mdeinoondteaat 25ct. Hoe ak- c-- 49 years, beloved busband Of nurses and staff, with special We only know lie passcd away, ing for many loveîy prizes in- BEL Helen E. Hooper, dear father mention to Mrs. Zetta Dililng, And neyer said goodbye. cluding quilts, will begin at new, of Darlene, son of Mm. Stanley Miss Betty Eldridge and Miss Ala rm bed by8p.,lofi rpizs coat, Bowen, brother of Acy (Mms. Joyce Bragg for their many mother, dad and family. 10-1 to be drawn at that time. MA Clinton Farrow) and Margaret kind decds while I was a -______________ Tickets on sale, 25 for 25c. van (Mrs. Carl Todd). Service patient in Memoriai Hospital Tedr V td 9-2 WEI was held in the Morris Fun- recently, and to Rev. Hous- TeST.eATRICKS wît eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on lander, Dr. Hubbard, Dr. Gill SEAETTnes îibem-ATRIK' ig Truesday, March 7th, at- 2 and Dr. Sylvester a very ceived by the undersigned on DA N C E for o'clock. Intemment Lang Vault, special tbank you. Sincerely, or before 4:00 p.m., Monday, EPayr Omono Cemetery. 10-1 Leone Wood. 10-1 March 13th, 1961, for the pull- Friday, March 10 INSI CONNELLY-At Oshawa Gen- We, the Randail Buseblen ing down of a the Holgteauil- od erai Hospital, on Tbursday, family of Nestieton wish ta ex- corner of Qucen and Division ai Solin Hall mane Marcb 2, 1961, Walter Con- press our deepest gratitude for' Streets in the Town of Bow- Proeeeds for Junior Football phor nelly, 648 Dean Ave., Oshawa, the wonderfui donations of,manville. For furthem informa- Team. Corne one - Corne Al, agcd 31 ycars, beloved bus- food, clothing, bedding, furn- tion, contact and enjoy yoursclf. 9-2 HEA band of Hazel Potter and dear iture, dishes and helpful neigh- Jack L. Reid, TeCmayo i ms be father of Roy, Gloria and bourliness after the loss of Clerk-Treasurer, (acting amm of the Christian Elect Lamry. Service was hcld at our home and possessions by Box 1570, Drama Council) presents Bow, the Morris Funeral Chapel, fime. Thank you aIl:- The Bowmanville, Ont. Bowmanvillc, on Saturday, neighbours who povided food 10-1 "Christ in th e 3-C March 4th a 3:30 p.m. Inter- and lodging, those who organ- TW( ment Bowmanville Cemetemy. izcd and camied out the cam- Township of 4 <'-~ 22 x 10-1 paign for help, those who F oncrefe City ta bc found a bouse and helped us ~ - by P. W. Turner Also ROBB-At Bradenton, Florida, get settled, the Bowmanville JJculingLon Dirccted by Blanch Hogg resav on Fiday, February 3rd, 1961, Red Cross; Lindsay Salvation eTIIYUIE IUC ol Elsie of gh Robb, beloved Army; Yeiverton W.A.; Cad- Tenders for Purchase TRIITY NIECU HPOl wife o Donald Robb, 154 King mus W.A.; Nestîcton W.I.; BWAVLEBRO years. The crernated rernains O..; Cartwiht BXrmers and Removal of Sndy Ma h 12 or of Mrs. Robb are resting at the Union; Rebekah Lodge, Bow- 7:0npm.o Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville; Lions Club, Bow- To nhpH l osrebyCitanEu- manville, for memorial service manville; Public and High T w shpHal Sonsoe by Chrs wa a nd on Thursday, March 9th, at Schooi Teachers, "Country Scaled tenders, plainly mark- Pmesbytemy, United Church of Krar 2 o'clock. Intemment Lang Boys", the volunteer Fire Bni- cd as to contents, will bc re- Canada. 9-2 MA Vault, Oono Cemetery. 10-1 gade and ail who helped in cie b h udrigned --UE any way towamd our welfarce d y te udr Notice to Creditors W4; SQUAIR-At Memorial Hos- and happiness. 10-1 until 12 noon, March 15, 1961,AN TESpo pital, Bowmanvillc, on Thur- ____________ for the purchase and removal ____ NDOTERspo day, March 2, 1961, Reginald of the former Township OfficeIN THE ESTATE 0F VIOLET scuffi Kyle Squaim, R. R. 4, Bowman- Businessan HlltHmpo.Ste OSBORNE, late of the Town overi ville, aged 69 years, belovcd _ e ~d Hl a'aotn tac f Bowmanville, in the County Massi husband of Aura B. Rundle OJpportunity price and time rcquired for of Durham, Spinster, deceased, Mach and dear brother of L.* A. remaval. who dicd at the said Town of run Squaim and Ruth (Mrs. W .EYI Il ] Tihest or any tender flot Bowmanville, on or about the 15-di! Moffat), Oono. Service was ' ~~ 1 Enccessarily accepted. lt a fJnay ..16.De held at the Morris Funeral THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. O., 3-fur Chapel, Bowmanville on Mon- PHILGO-BENDIX W. E. RUNDLE, Clcrk, 1960, Ch. 408, Sec. 52. born day, Mamch 6th at 3opclock. Township et Darlington Creditors and others having hitch Interment Bowmanville Cerne- E UIPE Hampton, Ontario cdaims against the above estate point tery. 10-1 ___________________ are required t send par- propE Notce o Cediorsticulars and full proof thercof tiona' Noie o C edtr to the undersigned on or be- Inter] Osaw CinOpraedAND OTHERS fore the 4th day of April, otacc IN the Estate of Agnes Jane 1961, after which date the rubbE Monu entCompny aundrefe Ha Blakly, late of the Town of assets of the estate will be dis- Sprea t Bowmanville, in the County of trîbuted baving regard to the bine; Speclalzlng In Amazing Profit Durham. Spinster, Deccased. Will and the dlaims that bave e MONUMENTS, MARKERS, All persans having dlaims then been received. Cowa MEMRILS CONESPotntalagainst the estate of the above- DA T ED at Bowmanville, King MEMOIAL, CRNER. Pienialnamed deceased, late o Bow- Ontaria, this l6th day of Phoni STONES wîth manville, County of Durham, Fcbruary, 1961. STATUARY 0F ALL TYPES who died on or about the Lawrence C. Mason, I D ube-Lad second of Febmuary, 1961, are Barrîster, Etc., CEMETERY LETTERINGS obeLa hereby notified ta send ta the 30 King St. W., Box 29, undersigned Solicitor on or be- Bowmanville, Ontario, 1435 Klng St. E. Oshawa DJouble-Prrofil fore the l2th of April, 1961, Solicitor for the Executors. RA 8-3111 *- Evening RA 8-8876 their namnes and full par- 8-3~ 6-15' WASHERS ticulars of their dlaims. Im- MoetoL a 6-15* WASHERS ~mediately after the said date, oet La- Notices and the estate will be distibuted, OE T LA COIN OERATED having regard only to the MOE TOLA HobbiesI-NReister your aims of which notice bas Clients' funds avallable on hob o pigHobbyiehow D Y PT t'I LTTIT been eceivcd. sultable farms, homes, stores, hoby frî ng to bbmavhwDe C EA IN Dated February 27thi, 1961 apartrnents, hatels, motels, Hawtndcma t Guld Po. Boxl Lawrence C. Mason, building lots. Prompt court- 1523,_MA_3-3587 7-tf MACHINES Barrister and Solicitor, cu evc.FrIfrain 152, A 3357.Box 29, 30 King St. W. Phone, Write or Drop In. FOR COMPLETE For Information Wlthout Bowmanville, Ontario, UNITED COUNTY R Obiain Cnat and INVESTMENTS LTD. Insurance Goverage Olgto . otc Crown Trust Company, 3645 Bathurst St., 302BayStretTaranto 19, Ont. RU 9-2125ý 7-4: See Bill Morrison Koin Laundry Sales, Toront e1 Casqda 26 CONCESSION ST. W. L id. Barrister and Solicitor, 'W anted MA 3-3048 20 COLLEGE STREET 30 King St. W., . P.O. Box 19, DEAD and crippled farîn stock,, Vire- Theft - Automobile TORONTO 2, ONTARIO Bowmanville, Ontario, picked up promptly. Telephoneý Travel- Lift Telephone WA 5-4515 Solicitor for the said COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur M 2.t,, 10-4 Executors. 9-3 Farmi Tyrone. 37-tf' Livestock For Sale TWO Holstein beifers, due to caif. Phone CO 3-2317. 10-1 GANDER for sale or buy two geese. Russ Cochrane, Brook- lin. OLiver 5-3508. 10-1 TýWO megistered and one grade Jersey caws, due March 10. Wesley Ydilowlees, CO 3-2564. 10-1 SIXTY well started pigs, 400 bales threshcd oat straw, 300 bles mixed hay. Phone Osha- L wa RA 8-4830. 10-1 1l-ACRE farm. Room for 150 hogs. Liberty North. Phone MA 3-2042. 9-4* Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 150 Acre famm, 9-room brick bouse, painted barn, facing highway. This very product- ive farm is priced at $25,000.00. 100 Acre farm - 7-room frame bouse, oil fumnace, barns equipped for 12,000 broilers, good contmact; 2 fulll unes of machinery, dump truck, bull- dozer, etc. Price $28,000.00. Temms. 50 Acres, good garden soul, 10-room bouse, barn 30 x 100, hydro, pressure system. Price $1 1,500.00. Temms. 6 Acres - 7-moom bouse, bath, attached garage, smali barn, creek, excellent location. Price $10,500.00. Terms. 4 Bedroom bouse, fully mod- emn, attached garage, two acres. Price $9,500.00. Temms. 3 Bedmoom bungalow, brick veneer, bath, full basement, fumnace. Pmiced to sell. 2 Bedmoom home, bath, kitchen, living-room, full base- ment, new oul fumnace. Price $6,800.00. Terms. Bowmanville - 4 bedroom1 house, bath, garage, paved1 driveway. Price $8,500. Down $1,000. Newcastle - 2-storey frame house, bath, furnace, excellent Icondition. Price $9,000. Temms. Newcastle - 6 room bunga- low, oul furnace, near sehool. Price $8,500. Down $1,500. Orono - 6-moom home, oul furnace, bath, low taxes. Price $8,000. Terms. Ifflghway No. 2 East of Bowmanville Telephone MArket 3-3644 Salesmen : G. Blyleven, Phone MA 3-5300 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, 3506 Wanted to Rent SMALL building suitable for use as club house and garage for car club. Phone MArket 3-2556. 8-3* SMALL farm, up to 50 acres. Write Advertiser 112, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 10-3 APARTMENT or modemn house wanted to rent, end of March or April, by middle-1 aged couple. Quiet location. Highest references. Write Advertiser 111, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 10-2* For Rent APARTMENT. MA 3-3573. 6-tf1 5-ROOM apartment in Ponty- pool. C. Curtis. Phone Beth- any Il r 31. 9-2 THREE rooms and bath, heat- ed, self-contained. 205' King St. E., MA 3-3186. 9-tf FOUR-roomed self -containe apartment with garage. Tele- phone MA 3-3595. 5-tf HEATED ground floor apart- ment, ail conveniences. Phone MA 3-5961 after five. 10-1' Newcastle, 5-roorn modemn rtment. Heated. Laundmy dmyer. Phone Newcastle 10-4 'IMERCIAL property on rr Street (formerly black- bh Shop). Phone MAmket M3. 1-tf ARTMENT, three mooms bath, beated, stove and Immediate possession. 3-5995. 9-tf îNISHED bed-sutting room kitchenette. Available .ediateiy. Phone MArket il. Caîl aftcm 7 p.m. 10-1 THREE-bedroom house, two blocks north of Central School, garage, garden, ail conven- iences, $60.00. MA 3-2213. 9-2 APAR'IMENT on main street, Newcastle, living-room, kitch- en and bedroonai. Immediate possession. Phone 4296 New- castle. 10-1* No. 2 HIGHWAY, east of Bow- manville, 10-roomed bouse. with bath, suitabie for two families, available immediate-: ly. Phone MA 3-7150. 10-l* FOUR-room house and large shed, 2 miles east of Newcastle near No. 2 Highway. Inside pump and space heater, $40 per month. Phone Newcastle 4531. 10-1 STORE at 22 King St. West. Central, (formerly Northcutt & Smith). Good depth and, parking and garage space. Will renovate to suit reliable ten- ant. Apply to owner, L. C. Mason, 30 King W. 10-3' SEVEN-roomed brick bunga- « low in Bowmanville. Newly in- sulated and redecorated, bot water beating, new kitchen, new hardwood floors in living and dining-room, fireplace, close to school. Write Adver- tiser 110, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 10-1' Wanted to Buy DESK and bookcase. Cal MA 3-5164. 10-1' GOOD used portable type- writer. Phone MA 3-5868. 10-1 COINS, Canadian silver dol- lars, 1938, '45, '46, '47, '48. For prices Dial RA 5-5227, Oshawa. 8-5* ALL kinds of live poultry,i feathers, new goose and duck also old feather ticks wanted. Highest prices paid. X. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 21-tf1 HIGHEST prices pald for live1 poultry, goose feathers, feath- er ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa collect. 48-tt 0100 ACRE fruit farm, 60 acres eapples, 20 acres pears, 4 ;ýçres red cherries, balance in %eet cherries and peaches. Ail bearing. Beautifully situated on County Road 60 miles west of Toronto at Paris 5500, six miles from Brantford 55000. 9Two modern oil-heated homes. Complete equipment. School buses. Excellent reltail out- let. Immediate possession. SSchuyler Orchiards, Paris, Ont. 10_2 Peler Kowal REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W. - MA 3-2453 99 King St. E. - MIA 3-5868 Four bedroom frame home, one and one-haîf storey. $1,000 down, balance arranged. Two choice business blocks on main street. One hundred acre farm fronting on pavcd road, frame dwelling and large barn, only $19,500. Large lot, over three hundred ft. frontage on paved street at $2,750.00. We have for rent a modemn three-bedroom bungalow, on nice size lot. L Salesmen: J. A. Barton- MA 3-3098 C. Soper - MA 3-2624 10-1 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lîd. 43 Park Rd. S. RA 3-9810 Oshawa RA 5-8761 Cosy Home Economy Home, comfortable 2 bedmoomn bungalow with modemn kitchen, nice size liv- ing-room, 4-piece bath, fuli size basement, oil furnace, electric hot watcm, aluminum storms and sereens, centmally located on large lot, iandscap- cd and hedged, full Iist price only $7,500 with terms. 100 Acre Farm $10,500 full price, 70 acres womkable, 15 acres faîl wheat, good sping creek, 7 moom frame home, barn 40 x 60 ft., pig pens 25 x 50 ft., ahl with hydro. Reasonable down pay. ment to responsible party. Gentleman's Farm, . 125 acres, excellent 1~d 115 acres workable, 18 atel faîl wheat, 5 acres bardwood bush, beautiful 7 room family home, 2 bathrooms, lovely modern kitchen, forced air by' oil beating, glass lined bot water tank, good barn with bydro and water bowls, 2 im- plement sheds, fuli price $19,500 with $5,000 down. For above or others, cali L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. RA 3-9810 or RA 5-8761 10-1 iDe Wllh Real Esiale drive home mepai 200 able, barn, stanc stone venie mach~ 18 Acre farm near Bethany, acres wood, spring creek, s, L-shaped bank barn, ,shed, etc.; 9 roamed e. Ahi buildings ln good r. Price $ 10,000. Terms. )Acres, 150 acres work. 1large U-shaped bank 1,watem bowls, steel chions, etc.; 12 roomed b ouse with modemn con- ecs. Price including inery, $25,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm, with stream, 30 acres wood, 70' x 40' bank barn, water on tap, hen bouse, etc.; 8 roomed house with fumnace, munning watem. Ask. ing $12,500 with $1,500 down. 92 Acre farm, 87 acres work. able, the best of land, L-shap- cd bank barn, silo, drive shed, garage, etc.; 8 oomcd bouse, munning watem. Asking $16,000. Easy temms. 100 Acres HIGHWAY FARM with stream, U-shaped bank barn, silo, etc.; 9 maomcd STONE bouse, ahi modemn con- veniences, 2 fireplaces, etc. Price and terms armanged. 10 Acres with 5 roomeci bungalow, oil fumnace and 401 x 45' barn. Price $6,500 with $1,500 down. 9 Acres with 6 roomed bouse, running bot and cold water. Garage. Asking $5,000. Terms. 24 Acres with 6 oomed bouse, near Port Hope, small barn and ben house. Asking $5,500 with $1,500 down. 5 Acres with 8 roomed brick bouse, ail modemn conven- iences. Laeated 9 miles fmom Oshawa. Price $9,500 with terms armanged. 12 Roomed brick bouse in Bowmanvilc with ail mcbdern conveniences. Centrally lpcat- cd, quiet street. Ideaî for apartments. Price and terms arranged. 6 Roomed bouse at Kendal with oil furnace, kitchen cup- boards, running water. Ask- ing $5,500 with $1,000 down. 8 Roomed home in New- castle with aIl modern con- veniences, bardwood faoon throughout. To be sold ta close estate. 8 Roomed home at Manvers Station on 11/2 acre lot, heavy wimed. Asking $5,000. Terms. S T O R E in Bowmanville with full bine of equipment and 6 roomed living quarters. Ail modemn conveniences. Price and terms arranged. Appmoved building lots in Newcastle and Taunton Road. Price $750 per lot. John F. De Wiih Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone 3341 Donald Mountjoy, MA 3-3958 Ross Devldson, BethanÈý~JR Lorne A. Perrault, Clarb ,i ART'S CAR MARKET For the Finest Guaranteed Used Cars K.O. 7-tf USED CARS 1960 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE V-8 with standard transmis- sion, padded dlash, custom- built radio, back seat speaker, white wall tires. One owner,1 with low mîleage. Black withi med trim. The Memomial Hospital Women's Auxiliary will hold its Annual Birthday Tea, Thursday, March 23, at the Lions Centre, from 3 - 5. 10-3 Old Tyme Dancing, Satur- day, Mamch 25, Solina Hall. Jim Fîsher's Orchestra. Square and Round Dancing at its best. Everyone welcome. Dancing starts 9 p.m. 10-3 * Business and Professional Women's Club Spring Hat Show, courtesy Wideman's Ladies' Wear, Bowmanville Hotel, 8 o'clock March 15, 75c. Coffee, door prizes. 10-1 The Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce cordially invites ail interested citizens to its annual General Meeting at 8 p.m., Thursday, Mar. 9, in ±UU QUAL.~IYceaar posts.1 Phone MA 3-2305. 9-21 HAY, straw and grain. A. Wood, MA 3-2388. 10-1' LARGE quantity of baled bay andc straw. CO 3-2415. 1- WATER for sale and delivered. Caîl Cliff Pethick, CO 3-2131. 32-tf GIRL'S coats, boy's suit, sport jackets, snow suit, shirts. MIA 3-3959. 10-lt USED lumber, in good con- dition. Cali Herman Vande- belt, CO 3-2282. 3-tf-f KITCHEN sink, cabinet, in good condition. Reasonable. Phone MA 3-3983. 10-1 FIREWOOD for fireplace, stove or furnace, $10 a load, deliv- ered. CO 3-2275. 10-1 APARTMENT size electrie range, $30. Apply 88 Base Line. Phone MA 3-5733. 10-1 FIRST class baled hay; aso weanling and started pigs. Doug Mackie, Nestleton. 10-2* SINGER treadle sewing ma- chine with light and attach- ments, $15. Cali CO 3-2245. 10-1 SEED prices are down, no shortages. See us before buy- ing. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 9-tf ONE hospital bed (gatch frame). Spring mattress, ex- cellent condition. Phone New- castle 3486. 10-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mili to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Onta r io. Phone 17r11. 45-tf F'OIR load also WOMEN make big money, full or part time. Take orders from fniends, relatives. Hosiemy, slips, panties, etc. Send name, address and 'phone number to Midland Trading, 2577 Yongc St., Toronto. 9-3 EARN extra maney each week by selling famous produets. High Commission. Opening in your surroundings. Write for Ifree catalogue. Familex Pro- duets, Dept. 7, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, P.Q. 10-1 TWO Janitors required for Bowmanville High Sehool in late summer, and a Lady Cafe- teria Manager for Courtice High Sehool. Reply giving age and experience to P.O. Box 1378, Bowmanville. 10-1 RiD-Ferguson tractor with der, hydraulic, circular saw, otractor rip-saw. Phone wcastle 3776. 10-1 ED Grain-Rodney, Garry 1Laraine Oats. Registered .1. J. W. Boyd & Son. ne 3 r 18, Omono. 10-1 ýS cut automatically, while iwait, at Mason & Dale dware, 36 King St. E., wmanville. 46-tf ECTRICAL Repairs. Prompt vice to electrical appliances, e and small. Lander Hard- e. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf E-GROWN Tomato, Pepper, )bage plants, etc. Orders en now. Riese Greenhous- R.R. 4, Bloor E., Oshawa. 9-3 BSEY-HARRIS 44 diesel ctor, cultivator, three-fur- rplow. Phone Blackstock r11, Merlin Suggitt, Nestie- 10-2 TH tub, 4 ft. 6 in. long, ptub on legs, like new; also mrer heavy duty electric ge with oven. Phone New- Le 3621. 10-3 )ROOM suite, 3-piece, like ioak; lady's blue spring tsize 18, worn once. Phone 3-2645 after 5 p.m. Mor- Hughes. 10-1 BSTER air compressor àmotor, suitable for spray-~ quantity of Oats, suitable feed or seed. Murray me, Clarke 2811. 10-1 LILATION, blowîng meth- with rock wool. Womk-1 iship guamanteed. Free estu- es. Hamry L. Wade. Tele- ne Clarke 2420. 39-tf ýRING aid service. Testingý ice and complete stock of lrics and cords at Higgon ýtrie Lîmited, 38 King St. E., manville. Phone MArket W5. 7-tf )-storey frame bouse K26 with garage 20 x 26, )removed from premuses. )maple cordwood, 4 ft. or .ved. C. Curtis, Ponty- 1.Phone Bethany il r 31. 9-2 ADLOOM - wall-to-wall .om size. Free estimates wall-to-wall. Samples tak- )t ta youm home for colour decomating ideas. F. A. np Ltd., 37 King St. E., 3-7071. 34-tf :D Tractors - McCormick Farmali C with 2-furrow v;Model 20-85 Ferguson; -Chalmers WC with 2-maw ' ler; Allis-Chalmers C, .hauled, excellent rubber; sey 101, good shape. Used ,inery - International 18- Double Disk Drill; Case isk Drill; 3-furrow John e Plow, on rubber; Case 'row Plow, on steel; Dear- i2-fumrow Plow, 3-point àCase 2-furrow Plow, 3- bt itch; International self- ullcd Combine; Interna- al No. 45 Baler, P.T.O.; national Spreader, P.T.O.; ,o Tractor Spreadm, on r; Cocksbutt 4 - whecl ýader; Case P.T.O. Com- ;Masscy 17-nozzle Spray- with Pump and Boom. an Equipmcnt Co. 134 St. E., Bowmanville. e MA 3-5689. 10-1 WANT HELP with ypur NCOME TAX ? We have one new REMINGTON ADDING MACHINE Hand-operated eg. $145 - Clearing at $125.00 Cash See It Today at The Siatesman King St. W. BOWMAN VILLE 1REFRIGERATUIR, in gooci shape, Westinghouse. MArket 3-5496. 10-1* GIRL'S Spring Coat, size 12, excellent condition. MArket 3-5939. 10-1 LTV AERIAL, 3-piece bedroom suite, chesterfield and chair. fPhone MA 3-2919, after 6. 10-1 £TWO-wheel, ail steel trailer, 1,500 lbs. capacity, new con- dition, $95. Phone CO 3-2209. 10-1 HAY (ciover and timothy), and straw, square bales. S. Cooper, RA 8-0109, corner Grandview and Bloor E., Osha- wa. 10-1)' GARDEN Tractor, (GavelY)' complete with cultivator, plow, mower and trailer; grinding stone for same. Phone MA SINGER treadle sewing ma- chine, good condition, $20; kitchen cabinet with enamel pull out table, $20. Telephone 126 J11, Garden Hill. 10-if SEALY mattresses, 39.95; rugs, broadloom, Axminstem, Wilton, clearing at %/ off; one oniy, bed-chestemfield with chair, 99.50; one only, bedroom suite, walnut, 42" chest, 54" dresser, with bed, egular $349 for $269. Continental beds, no-button mat tresses, complete with headboards, $59.50; bostess chairs, $12.95; Arbomite coffee tables, 5.95; G.E. polisher, 34.95. Murphy's Furnitume, King West, MA 3-3781. 10-1* D Y K STR A'S VARIETY FOODS PHONE MA 3-3541 SIRLOIN STEAK only 89C LI. TOMATOES Cello Pkgs. 2 For 39c GRADE A LARGE E GG S only 49c Dz Corne and have a look at our large selection of Easfer Chocolate Noveliies Personal aOLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex gTonie Tablets help "pep-up" thousands of men, women past -40. Only 69c. At ail druggists. 1 10-1 rHYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, -Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 PALM READING AND ADVISING by MRS. WILLIAMS She wlll solve your problems. Don't fail ta see this reader today. No appointmnents neces- sary. Open daily fromn 10 a.m. to 10 P.M. 59 King West BOWMAN VILLE Work Wanted 10-1l sPROMPT pick-up and deliveryl -service. MArket 3-3842. 10-1* rCARPENTER work and me- pairs, free estimates. Phone MA 3-2752. 9-2* Herman Van De Bell GENERAL CONTRACTOR Brick - Block - Cancrete and Carpentry NEW WORK and REPAIRS PHONE CO 3-2282, HAMPTON 3-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO ANI) NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 154 King st. E. MA 3-50301 16-tf ARENDS ELEGTRIG MOTORS: REPAIRS and REWINDING ta al your Electrical Equipment Sales & Service MA 3-3058 43 Third St. BowmanvilIe 19-tf Whitewashing Stables AND DISINFECTING Pumping Septic Tanks BARN PAINTING BERT TOMPKINS NE WTON VILLE Phone Clarke 4721 10-tf TV TOWERS Aerlals and Rotors, Repairs to Aerials and Rotors OSHAWA TV Supply Ltd. RA 8-8180 Bill and Bob Leask 10-tfi1 8-t IAA - . T Y -- -I -- - ---- - DEADLINE VI 'Flithra in 'rvrrno- trmmiin-là(In nTTAT.TrrV -A.- --4ý ---,l wýlp 1 1 . - 1 - 1 .1 .1 .» 1 -1- -1 11 *1-1 - i 11 - 1 ; 1 11 ýj. PAGE TWELV T"TmqnAV- VAII qflh- ie@t lit lufq ---a ; 1958 CHEV. 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8 with automatic transmis- sion, custom-built radio, back seat speaker, white wall tires, windshield washers. Two-tone blue. 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. Red and beige. In A-1 shape' 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-Dr. Very clean, inside and out. No must. See these Guaranteed Used Cars at ROY W. NICHOLS BOWMAN VILLE LOT 10-1 USED GARS 100% Warranty on Ail Used Cars 1958 PONTIAC 4-DR. Radio, back seat speaker,i white wall tires, two-tone. Sharp. TEM CAPADffl STATESMAN, BOWMANVn= ONTARIO