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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 13

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ê URSDAY. MAR. 9th. I 96! TII! CA)~AD!AN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO NAGE TH!~TEEN ______ _____i Barn Burns ln Darlington Early Wednesday RHpndaiyPre- __Auction Sale__ .iie rono N"ews r iie r n en Alfred Coyte & Son, R R1. i -'..mandfraist Fraserville, 2 milessouh fMrs James EMr RichMrdsRoy MeGil Cavan to Whitfield's Schoolan Mr.LPrsn', o- then west l112 miles, Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGee,iNîr. adM~rs. Jerry Dost and speint Sunday witîh Mr. înd mnile day, March 15, at 1 p.m. Reg- Miss Charlotte Mc(,ee, Mr. family, Newcastle, on Sun- Mrs. Alex Watson.M.adMs JeCafr i3tered and Grade Hereford and and Mrs. Bill McGee. Belle- day. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis, ura eengvsts Durham cattle, some withl ville, spent Sunday with Mr 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parish Mr. and Mrs. W. Kay Lycett M.adMs e usn hMfr alvs t sde soe ueand Mrs. Ainsley G. McGee and daughter Heather, Osh lhave returned home from h-ie avsa ie oedeand Tammie. axa, visited Mrs. Chas. Wood. Florida.M.adMs tatLm g iUlalso nine nice stock-ý Miss Catherine Pow~er, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor! Miss Edith Cox. Mr. RossgussoMran Ms.Fd erAn-~us and Hereford: 1l%0ionto, spent the weekend with returned home on1 Monday Gay setFia vnn oryHmtn Ford tractor, bale elevator Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power. after visiting Mr. and Mrs 1 setFia vnn (combination>, ike new, dise1 Mr.. and Mrs. Kcnneth Sy- Ross Taylor and family inwt r a.Ms lr ae r n iplougrh. cultivator (hydraulie), er, Elaine and Allan of Cavan Ottawa. Weekend visitors with Mr. Ms rn cil oot' etc. Many oth-rer lenspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McArthur, Osh and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Prticles. See buils for com- Mrs. Wm. Robinson. awa, spent the weekend with family were Miss CarolynanBrn.Mpe roe wt ptelit.TdSpnlca- Mr. and Mrs. Ken McQuar.. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hardy and Jones, Oshawa, Miss Mary Mr.EaPge tioee. 1-1rie an.d family, Bowmanville. family, Mr. McArthur is a: Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Jon- cFent Sunday with Mr. and patient in Oshawa Hospital. es and family, Bowmanville. wr usa inrget Auction sale, Peter Fyfe's Mrs. Len Pears andfaiy. Ms uOrono et Mr n rs eb ave Imported Antiques, consisting Mr. and Mrs. J. Coupar, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.iKaren and Kavin, Toronto, of 200 Lots of Period Furn-,Toronto, spent Sunday with W. Boughen. Newtonville. Ivisited Mrs. Wm. Seymour onr n r. alc rf i fure,ChnSleBas1 Mrs. Hector Bowen and called i Mrs. L. Weatherîll, Tor- Sunday, Feb. thradDe, r. Copper, Figurines, ctc. (Ai to see Mr. Bowen in Memorial' onto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pow- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson number of these lots are fromiHospîtal, Bowmanvîhle. ers, Scarborough, spent Sun- :and chîîdren, Peterboroughfnwr aura vnn various British estatics). Arm-ý Mrs. J. H. Morris, Mr. andday wîth Mrs. Cecil Powers. lwere dinner guests of his par- ouries, Orono, Ont., 5 miles Mr:;. Jack Stapleton and soi Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat-! ents Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnso rMi, lcsok north o! Newcastle. Sale, Sat- Bill were supper guests of soni aid Larrv, Waterdowîi, and called on her mother tirday, March 18 - 1 p.m.- Mrs. Delbert Myles on Sun-li Pre-sale Display, Friday, Mar. da Y.Wer eeSaravdnr 17 - 2 - 9 p.m., Building heat- -f1'V P cd. Catalogues available at r n anD i t ctA mseleo hwr door. Terms: Cash. For furth- ~was held on Saturday even- ~ .. i.adMs igsKte doTerin ation co tacH. L uno-O fce s ing for Miss Marion Osborne .'4: Lite rian wr udv Fruce Snider, Auctioneer. Tele- Hrd t U i n O fce soarMo re-elat t oMer.~ 'str a lrneAevs phone Odesa 195 (Dr.aandHowrs.MoClerktWthe hom phoe desa 93 (prvaerThe annual meeting of Orono: systematie saving of sniall1 of Mrs. Brooks Cowan. The line). 10-1 andDisric__-di Union ws amounts a the part of our'hostess was assisted by Miss ~~Wrywr udvcles~ ___________ -held at the Orono Odd Fel-imembers. ýJoyce Jones and her daughi- ~M n r.TdWry Seed Grain for Sale lows' Hall on Monday, Fcb.I The' Ontario Credit Unioni ters. Miss Glenda Cowan and MW> anà.. aod si __________ ___ - -27th. After a pot luck supper'League exists to promote and!i Mrs. Robert May of Brooklin. K .: o r.O .Aho.Ms and a sing-song led by Glen1 protcct the Credit Unions of After the beautiful gifts were * :i~ osAho teddteTa S E E D S ;Aln, President Perey W .ryl tario. There are now 1500 opencd, Mrs. Alfrcd Gariepy An early morning f ire (4:30) on Wednesday Bowmanville firemen wcre callcd b peei hteIrerwdin IAa 8PIN TM I SE TMEondu. dthe bswesîeth 500,000ios i Ontario, and daughter Anne enter- completely destroyed a Darlington Township barn blaze f rom spreading to nearby buildings. N siaeo rdyeeig New Is the time to get your' Reports xere rcceived from quarter of a mbilinors and a tainedthe gcsts itynhe. owned by Joseph G. Crawford, R. R. 2, Orono. Fortun- of damage was made by the owner, lef t. o'ireCif Srn utb ih ru seed ready. Have It cIeaned the treasurer manager, A. savings. Ouests were present frorn ately no animais were housed in the building, but some Frank Calver, right. Mr. Crawford hacism nur sbs a hed iaii and treated to control disease Loucks, and the supervisory The Credit Union National Toronto, Port Hope, Newton- hay and implements were lost. Ewart Bragg, 239 ance. A new owner was to have taken possin fpaît and increase yieids. ecOmmittee. On the recommen- Association !ormed a Mutual ville, Necastle and district. Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, returning fromn work at the farm on April lst. Cause of the fire isnno . Te iraC nilfahr SAVE THE EST .. . dation o! the Board of Direc- Insurance Company in order Sunday visitors with Mr. General Motors, saw the fire from Highway 401. He Mr. Crawford said he has flot been in the lrebriaî o aqe a edh SAVE FE THE REST tors, the members voted a 4% to insure the members' savings and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell wcre telehoned and wkndM.Cafr h a o eea as ei aemnfi FE TH ETdividcnd on ah shares for 1960. and lbans and it is now the Brenda Mitchell, Mr. and daaee r rwodwowsfrsvrldy. H sashsaîfi onateEnsilnCuc ae I oar hkigo hnng Mr. Gco. Currie, ficidman 23rd ]argest insurance com- Mrs. John Turner and child- amazed to hear that his barn lcss than 100 yards away Nurseries.Fiee mmbr an thr yeaedW EThInIng o chagl for the Ontario Credit Union pany of the world, the speak- ren, Keene, and Margaret was on f ire. By this time, the roof had caved in, but ftesc.oc n(x'icl meed 80WCERTFIEDSEEDLeague for this district, con- er stated. The Worhd Exten- Mitchell.trkyspc pepcd b, ad BE SURE 0F VARIETY. ducted the election o! offi- sion Dept. o! the C.U.N.A. has Mrs. M. Manning, Kendal, ' 1 E k Toronto, with Mr. anid Mî's. E. Reid. Ajax, w~as Sidvtateby'mtes h ins For higher quaiity and treater cers. A. Perrin, Mrs. A. Loucks taken the story of Credit Un- is staying with her son Mr. E IlN I N KN L N. N 'A. Werry. gucst at the Reid'.trM.W.Cafr a profits, call at and C. Hutton wcre lectcd to ions to the poor parts of the Victor Manning and family,MisM Rd M Ageto!onufrth c- R I ~ K A R D ~ the Board of Directors;, W. world in South America, Asia ýwhile Mrs. V. Manning was One of the busicst groups ner, Tyrone. with Mr, and MsMarion Rei, Mr. A-, Mi. and Mrs. S .Ptîc n.Atrspe b a'~ Farrow t the Credit Commit- and Africa. This knowledge is a patient in Memorial Hospi- in our community for the Mrs. R. Sharp. Ian Warren, Toronto, xvcre c'cicebratcd ilicir 4tmwdigpocddbBwaîil o RICKÀRD S tec; and Mrs. R. Hancock to hclping the people 10 Iîelp tal, Bowmanville. mnho1ac s u r r n rs oadWanwekend guests o! Mr. aîîd annivcrsax'on Third"wt oln orudofa vn the Supervisory Committee. each other. Mrs. Harry Jose, Neweastle; Choir who arc planning a final Scarborough, were Sunday tea Mrs.__Bruce eid. Miss Jo.\ce'Newlonx'illo- frierîs oga- n hruhye.oe yal S E E D P L A N T Chas. Gilkes introduced the The speaker was thaîîked Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- party. They are also in charge ýgucsts o! Mr, and Mrs. Granti guest speaker o! the evening, by Russell Osborne. and a man, Enniskiîlen, visited Mrs. ftelaesi fsn tWry HIGHWAY No. 2 Gco. Currie, who stated that question and answcr pcriod Fred Tamblyn.oftcldrsiofon atWry EAST 0F BOWMANVILLE orlclCei no safloe.M.Abr .Sihbs our Sunday services for this Mrs. D. Cole aîîd Jean, Bow- PHONE MA 3-7150 safe place in which to put our Visitors present includcd Mr. band o! Vilda Henry Smith mnhadbgntertr manville, Mr. and Mrs. Grn 8-tf savings and a safe place to Eari Bradshaw, district super- formerly o! Orono and Tor- ithalvlsnhm"hI Herron, Courtice, Dr. and M - borrowr. He said that the in- visor o! the Co-Operators' In- onto passed away Marh ît siWndeu, nd ry lakWer, oono.wr D ON'T DELAY erease in our assets means surance Association J White at bis residence in Sut tonplaig dtbv sE. Sunday callers at Mr. and' that we have more to help our field and R. Wilde' from Ce Fu eniai was on Saturday Wright and Mrs. W. Crawford, Mrs. Grant Werry's. fel man in thîs district. bourg Credît Union represent- aftcrnoon in Sutton. Inter- "Under the OliveoTrcMr.Pre- are ow oeraing ~ strsse thencedfor ore ng Ohaw Chateî ent n Orno Cmetry. iminry pactie isundr wa Mrs Fre Tom. Mran We arenow opratingHe strssed -the ned f - r mor ing Ohawa Capfor.mehe ispeciaiemeEastcrorthedsS.iaS.aMrs. ndESrlrs Trewinre Doreenrenann Anivrar msc. -Donald were Sunday e muse. -a guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russeli FUL TMEW. A. meeting washcda Steele, Purpie Hill. the " b Omne o! Mrs. L. Stainton Dr. n r.CakWry on Tuesday afternoon, Pcb.1- -A TH 1~~~LEÂN ~~28t.h. Mrs. H. Ashton opcned' E R NiAiH S nd wiIl be glad foMlbt a t " or the meeting with motto, andiK D O ýe E N and R A I Devotional which was "Bro-1O audyeeigte Y U SEDTuesday, Mareh 71li, 1961 you couhdn'1 expiain how a Oshawa aind sentencd to two hadtheBible raig,an their Mareh meeting at the Magistrate R. B. Baxter! car. angle parkcd couid have months. in gaoi. Today they hymnae.Roll was unns-ioedchirh The evenîng was in bypayr ochauws a rgeo! r.Jc b eor te prngruh oday delivered judgment in bee sideswipcd. 1 cannot ac- were given a consecutive sen- wered with an "Incident t ha rge n'sgroapi . Bruce Gerry, Orono, who was "The only conclusion I caîm "If probation is to work, lbwsdcddt aeco Mr. Derek Barnett showed' full hargcd with failing to stop come to is that you haven'b I feed that thc courts must vass for Cancer Fund in April; a my strwi, "Malte Strey PNA We uso handie a f!ter being involved in ,an ac- dischargcd thme onus placcd foîîow the letter o! the law aiso ladies to bace quiîtjng ofa olscCub w in anithedo' cident on October 1t190 upon us ylwYo must You were rcmanded out O this month. Mrs. R. Sharp Church. Uie une of GRASS SEEDthe evidence adduced, stop, give your name and ad- custody to keep the peace and ha tegprogramme.Mrs. L. Teseiisekro h thatNany Matinwas "I am awarc o! what Chie! was doubtful o! you boys. ta dcto;de yMs venîng was Mr. Ed. Young- CHRYSLER VEL led by an auto driven b o JsieDuf! points out in a I tried o ou fr sonieL Ashton and Mrs.1.Sap mno Pontypool, who spik SWAIN on that cvcning. You~ le!t similar case, that is, the jury months to sce if you could A paper on United Nations on "The Immigrant." He told, APOE [that's a BIG vvor vt s itou tapngar ffr must be instrucbcd that what help yourselves. Probation is was given by Mrs. R. Virtueo i xeine sa rs rng asisned There was a mi cfe as an explanati'on not something to be laughed and a reading by Mrs. H-. Ash-i orphan boy eoming to Canada, S EED CLEANERS qeto asisne. y ou ourilmih fer ib Y ob tue.Ta t hc stewyItogttn ogv i itnr nap seI, haehrrad te law n Ithae nvcas ed Yoii and wibh a et oeno! csst~ red tanstoMs.S ain- o! Uf C A R S P E C IA LSface lIacksfock 89 r Il you bad been involved in an som cone, you should have it Meeting closed with theme by ahi immigrants. He also accident. stopped. "r am not mucb imnprcssed song and prayer. North Group spoke o! bis work in the Gana- 10-1 " aera h a nd " aecitduand scrvcd a dainty lunch and ex- raska Conservation Authority, - instructed myscif according- now 1 arn not certain wbab year. However I have serlous ton for opening ber home.adisprges ________________ y. I have read the law sub- sbould bc donc with you. doubts whcther you have the Twenty-six ladies and eight The Doubles' Club duringlnvu u ' mittcd by your counsel and Taking a persons's life will ability to receive the instruc- cilidrcn were present. tIme business period, j;op raaz'auaa 190959OTH 2- ItADIO and televîsion repairs, Sind as a fact that you did know prey on your mind for the tion a trade would offer. In by the President Elmer Parb OTtaSf'iS(f, -R ADO Prompt service. Pick-up and that you bad struck someone rcst o! your life. I also have order to deter, I wiîî sentence We held our 31 Expedition decided to cater for thec Open V8, orquetrnmsi, delivery. George's, 85 King St. and that you sbould have another responsibility, that 15 each o! you to blirce months. o! Six Exploring Year at thelos ernPbi colwnsiedwses y. oe ltrd. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29t! stopped. tbc deterrent effect a sen- This sentence wiîî run con-: home o! Mrs. R. Virtue witb o M at rdi l7tb li. lw-tndeBlackand h e TotoeWit dRd GUARATEEDteleisio and "I bave baken mbt consid- tcnce will have on other per- secutive to the sentences you nine girls present. Wc opened r.BnHthncoi radio service, to ail makes. eation, 1. You stopped at a sons." are xîow serving". with purpose and motto. The Mrs. Bien Hpeichnsonduaet- Saine day service. Television service station and had a con- The Crown pointed out that John S. McGrath, 37, R .R. log was read and found to be lntedeti g cod wo! gai95s,. -D Service Ca. Phone M -83versation about somcthing Gerry bad previously been 2, Newcastle, paid $53 for bcret rbb.Aho cle u c rmnetindclserd y with83.gon o ai 1959 CHEV.ovctd fa imlr ffne riig2-DR.i biit ast1959erad he aFORD_8atoatc 2-DR.l wsies correcthi. Mrs. H. Alwshto luchM rrand iam serry, a 'piî V8 utmtcrdo _____________________feht bhc proprictor should go and lie requesbed a pre-sen- impaired. His license a1 Mr and Mrs. Ben Hitchens and Black. w-ocBu an Wit REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- down and investigate. 2. Coup- bence report before sentence. suspendcd for threc montms. up collection. Wc sang a songiM n r.DrkBreb aturs tun .d1ta a 1maks-o!led ith bbc damaednc toi Tb. Maglis:rtrrl gec nd cneh wrgt,1, !called "In Everv Lnd. Suv eglr onigse ciu Mri V MA T _uaZM .and uli . wAnlln 'Iwo-Lnc Wite nd (rcen.Two-onc biteami reen md ail A u ' ~~~Charges o! Thcft wilh ad ui. omavhM.'msag sbcing clouddb DOMESTIC APPLIANCES " \ o rn.Mc. and Mrs. Bill Werry,, new churches of Africa and V-8. GreenV8 ado le RAA LI Hoer so,2,o! Tîm- Orono, wr uday callers atI ndia. If was poinbcd out that GARDENTRACTRS CA W AS mîns. a magazine sahesman, Mc. and Mrs. Ted Werry's. ýthere wcre 109 denominabions CHAIN SAWS pieaded not quiîty ta a cagé,Mc. Irvin Cook, Scarborougiri o! tic Christian Churcl in15 PO TA - . an The car wvash that gives o! forgery. He was remanded was a reccîmî caller at Clarence Africa. you that gleamning -%%ax in custody until Friday at Avery's. Tic ladies broke up mb6 ',I ir' 6 cyl.rai. Grey. LAVN MOWERS -- j~ finish. Cobourg. Miss Phyllis Ifowclh, Toc- groups bo discuss several ques- ALSrSARENIG S9 ER % LUBRICATION had bouglit a subseription ta Borden, were weekend guestsi It was announced that June' 91C E .2DR LANMOES nmmOE OIL CHANGE Truc M'an's Magazine and at Bill Howchl's. 11 had been chosen as theGodsae - CAR WASH gave a chieque for $4.00. Sic Mr. and Mrs. Harold 5kin-1date for "Kedron's Country 6 Cyl. Blue. ¶ FISK(WTREM recevied a rcceipt for $4, The' Style Supper". ______________________ --P Mémd L ' IK IESceque bendercd at tie bank Friday Mardi lti. lHe bham-1 Mrs. Joe Stacr rcporbed on' MArkc LT BY1 06d ad been raised to $14. Bris- cd iquor for all bis troubmles bbc W. A. Township ExecubiVE' MAret -70:1BATTERIES bois was conviced and tbc and askcd foc anobier chance, meeting t Wbitby. At thaïtamrM R.R. 3, Bowmanville Icrnand folhowed. 'Tic Crown pointed out thislmeeting Mrs. William Wood,irm e o o rS e I selSiorît, 62, 49 Elgin was bbc same story lie sang:l ward and Mrs. Sbarr prcsented AT MAPE GR 1 St. E., Oshawa phcaded not tic last time lie was before bbch worship service. whici had CHRYSLER PLYMOUU-VAIN ___________________ -t!guilly ta a chiarge a! carclcss thbi court on a similar chiarge. been prcpaced by Mrs. William'DDG driving. He was convicted James Robinson, 18, 96 Werry. OG Nursing Home wbem the court found tiat he Ontario St., pheaded guilty bo, Mrs. Alvin Spencer and Mrs. I"ARGO AND DO]G RUK rs ~~~~~~~~~~~was on bbc wrong side o! h a chargofcrls ivn.Wlam odwdwe p- SOUTH Haven Nursing Home road wben lic came in cal- He knocked down a tehepharie poinbed ta a com.mittee wiicirîwOe Ti m o -Accommodation or private SER ICE STATIO lison wihatubcPnlyPoeo h Wharf Rd. wheniwill purcliase plastic table mn d semi-private patienta. was $42. lietld bic court lic was driv-jcloflis t be used for suppers. ~geTV. Fully censed,i John Colin Darraci, 47, ing too fast ta make flicý The April meeting will bei 2 meiii. mdm.Vsias e Urj a .jNassut ad e acnved !icurvnPb-t.Pnlytehs feno eeigo IGS.E OW A IL A 358 m.Reasonabi, ratez)ssu. nwrmnddinc s-IWS $33. He was given tirce tic W.A. before cvcning meet- e Necaale3-4.. 81t tody ta appear in Cobourg oniweeks ta pay. ings begin in May. euRSDAY, MAR. 9th. le THE CAIJADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THMTEEN 1991

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