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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 1

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Start Easter Seal Drive Zbe Tfarnîatmn ,Michael Regan son of Mr. and Mrs. John Regan, Church St., Bowman- ville, was chosen as Bowmanville Rotary Club's "Timmy" this yeaîr and given an honored spot at the club's meeting last Friday which launched the annual drive for funds. Letters and seals have already been mailed to the surrounding district and Rotarians have great hopes that donations will be even more gen- erous than formerly. The need for funds is stili vcry great. "Timmy," is shown here with. from lef t to right: guest speaker Dr. J. B. McKcndry, of Sick Childrcn's Hospital, Toronto; Seal Campaign Chairman Dr. K. W. Slernon and Ilis Worship Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers who bought the f irst seals. Pick Local "Timmy"I ýVOLUME 107 14 Pages Cail for Tenders COUNCIL Durhami Counlys Great Fainily Journal BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, MARCH_9th. 1961 10_eO Per Copy NUMBER 10 ORDER DEMOLITI ON 0OF UNSAFE HOLGATE B UILDING PIenty of Entertainment This Weekend District citizens ivili have no reason to complain this weekend about lack of things to do and sece. If it's sport you like, the Intermediate Shamrocks meet Trenton here on Saturday and the Juveniles meet Alliston next Tuesday here in their semi-final play- offs. Friday evening thiere is a New Party Meeting at the Tow~n Hall where you can learn wihat they are planning to do. On Saturday, also ai the Town Hall, the newly- formed Kiwanis Club could use your support whcn they sponsor a Barbershop Min- strel Show ivhich has wvon acclaim for excellence in entertainmcnt. Those are just a few of the events taking place here. So, give that television set a rest and get out to sec Bowmanville Town Council on Mvonday even- ing passed a By-Law authorizing the demolition of the Holgate building at the cxpense of the owner, Thomas Annis. Counicil enactcd this By-Law because the dilapidated condition of the building on the north-east corner of Qucen and Division Streets makes it a danger to High Sehool students and other people who must use the adjacent strecis. A report was read from W.! and a splilting in a sheeting T. Dempsey, consulting en-icovering a wooden post. This gineer, Oshawa, stating that last indicates a movement of he had inspected the Holgate the post and the structure building on March ist. HeIwhich it supports, he ex- wrote that he had found 'tp1amnd. lie also asserted that unsafe when he had inspected bricks have fallen out of the it previousiy on November exterior walls showing the 301h. Mr. Dempsey stated thatidelerioration is continuing, there now is definite evidence and large pieces or cove plas- of further weakening of this 1cr lbavýe also fallen. structure. Councillor Glenholme llugh- Hc citcd new cracks in the es said that he had talked foundation walls, watcr secp-lwith Mr. Dempsey, who had age into the wails further informcd him that he would loosening ilhe morlar bond. TURN TO PAGE SEVEN) Need Your HeIp Vigorous Red Cross Helps Community !~.I4Y~.VJI4.E/~JJyEEwageo vutWnIVith (Van y Services Launched Here on, Friday Traffic Board 0f t)he nan services, pro-,W ile vou contribute Io the * îded by youi Red Cross for Red Cross during its annual The inauguration of the an-, the town, and Michael Regani'j Campaigo ianid t be aso ciatedI ak sS er the benefit of ail in the com- campaign for funds you are niual Easter ScalCaagnae 10, was named the -Tim- with Michael Regan in thî ak sSe e a munity, none is more apprec- cpn upr ltol %vas announeed aI the luncheon iMy" for this area. Dr. Keith worthv endeavor. He qaid the iated than the Sickroom Loan thc Sickroom Loan Service of he ovýanv1lcSleon.charrnn o Roarysý,owm1 avilSuRtations L Service. or' "Cupboards" as1 but many other services pro- mcc in of t e wmnlic^ino otr h owmanvc il Ror e C 1 u ggestio s hcy are oftenl known. vicd by your Red Cross for rjatary Club held ath Fyn Eastcr Scal Committee, was inshudb îiy(oweîe .tehnfto h omnt Mutchmnan MVotor Hotel on Fri- charge of the prfo ' hl-vieor am. for its work tfor cripplfcde chilnit Mayr ilri D. ieunstte Iatth drn.'~rnCtk f icBoi i- 'Iîîouîgîl his fre service in gencral. MyrWlrdCarruth-1 r lmnsatdta hirn..Ame \ r l onknýarious articles are loaned byý ville Traf]c Advisoryv Board th c rs 0sete~ There are miany shades of * swaspreentto cpcset Bwmavile otay Cub as~Othr oinuoi wok cr-was held recently at the Tow~n dividlual through periods of meaning assoiated with disas- i. P-'been interestcd in Michaellried out by the Rotarians wasiHall Present were the Chair- cnvlescence or recuperationj ter, such as calamity, mîsfor- htees B sy veo crsment pohe fclubsoraiscatdbtheMaoc l man* Reeve Sidney Little, Tom!I from accidents or hospitaliza- î une, romn, dislress, calas- has adeand xcelent lav lb npi'esi-Turier, Police Chief Bernard lion- Articles such as crutch- tro,3he and casuallies. To Can- Thleve Busy 1961 'Timmy" hR Kitnead exellP. B. Pattricosnt-k, Mcle, .lelhissikomna -iRdCrsDsst S- old the Rotarians that lvi- ccl during the previous xe-kiD le and J. C. Phillips, the!e' vcecar, ikom vn-aia ed Cvrs Dathe Ser i- îe -re arcushions and:ve, wvr h emDs T wo rea -i ~ chael, an exceedù'gybrigflt His Worshiipwîý,shed the Rol mescetr. ot ar eds a ebro-atreemassal o h kM a Vicen MaseySehol hisSea Capain ad i al A lettex' fromi Alex Carruth- cd from the Loan Cupboard, Red Cross strîves to be there carphaes f is wlfae wrk ers, M.P.P.. advised that a: reutuxned to the Red Cross and whether the disaster proves Mayr Crruhes .datd talDr. Slemnon announced tî.îafic vlain i enjIh lae gi 0smeone bo be calastrophie or bo be a 'rhice~ hve hen Mu y orwasarrplesure and tan i.H.B utCm s c ae a tahbbcKing andci DîJ else. Anyone who is sick, or! lesser degree of mnishap-- but of al Easter Scais pulcvision Streets intersection conl- injured mnay borrow the, hrvrteei ed here this weeck. honor to toke part iin the inub-cty cerning Iraffic control ligbts. atce reo hre.1UNT AESVN Soeii urn odyauguration of the Easter' Seal TUJRN TO PAGE SEVEN) arti ecdd skcu clesfe fcag.TUNT AESV iiglit there vas an attempt- i to havebbcoer signs ]ac- edbreak-in at Chartran's 1odn eIenwb-a -A- -Pnn- D ov »- einstalled as soon as possible. ýExtensive D amnage in .,'pen s We ar ivjen omon tricd to force the rear door %vithout succcss. They also went next door to the John and .Iudy Shop %vhere they were able to get ln. About $30 in silver ivas rnissing- the ncxt morning. Manager George Elliott of Liberty BoNvI on Base Line Rd. reportcd a robbcry at thc bowling alîcys during Truesday nkiht. Tîieves took ail the cigarettes in the canteen and sanie lbse change. broke open the pop cooler and tore off the tele- phone recciver. They left a note of thanks for the pop thcy drank. Entry ivas gained through the furnace windowv. Rom-manville police are lnvestigatiiil. Our New iL/c ilIi iu i New Pensih For Ail Ern General acocuîîts of $26,136. 47 and road accounts of $3594.69 wene passed for payment at the meeting of Darlington Township Council held in the Township Hall, Hampton, on 'thui'sday after- noon. A i'opy of the revised Wa-r- ble Fly Control Act was re- ceived from the Livestock r luFisThe board agreed Io make a 1 'ccommcndation tb TownI Icunil that "No Parking" everai A utt Scem Conb lcdoth e, Dn ch m e sîde of Liberty Str'ect fromý Philip Ross Lewins, age1. Qucen Street le a point direct- 1 Jackman Road, Bowrnanvi'lec. ]y across Liberty Street from escaped injury in a moto, >i lo yees t he south side of. Prince Sîreet.' accidrnt on No. 2 Highway1 1 h cw Tafi y-Law1 oea- Van Belle Gardens onc Ilhe Provinice %viii bnid s-nI i No. 1784 was discussed bricfly Friclay moî'ning. Mr. Lewins at 16 centres in Ontar'io Ihîs and members of the board will car \vent out of control due spi'ing ho instruct tbem in study it and give Iheir com-'ho Ille icy condition of the waî'bie flv control duties, it monts at the next meeting. Al road and strue"K a helephone i was stated. letter from bthe Traffie Sectionpole.1 On moion of Councllr jof bbc Departi-ent of Trans-ý The accident bappencd ati C. Mluir, secondcd by Coun- port rcquesled il ho informed 8:31) a.m. There was exten-j cillor Fred G. Smih, 1he re- when the new Kingdoni Hall!siv,, damage 1 thhe Lewins'j vised Warblc Flv Control construction is cornplctcd. Thelcar. Constable Ken Lao, Act vas referred ho the Ag- department plans bo have a OPP, invcstigatcd. riculbure Committce for study. traffic study mnade at that timie.1 On Friday evening at 8:301 Branch of the Departmont of The council occideco b make Agnriculutre. Municipalit i e ý a Pension Plan available to must appoint inspectons anci ils employces 0on a five Per cent contribtion hasis. The town1ship xill contibute fivc pen cent 1o tbe seherne for Tow n Clerk ah\,-h i pv an eqtial arnioni. Cotinceillon Sidntey-Coî'nish movod that hflic nid Township Hall, xxhich is Incated across the road [nti Ibe present eciticc be advcntiscd for sale. This was secoiildd bv Couià- 'ciller Mulr indc tîn .CounJ- cil bad pi'cviousiv authnî'izect bbc Road Sîxmtnctt detlioli.b:Iifi(, n~c at te 1'ear 17Of te oic)j lll. A letter \vas rcexcitoni \Vbitbx' 'lTonvtî nic Ipie- set rt~t esnluiili whtiuli ýwiI1 Suîlt o te provinctial, Welfare Cases' Drop by Four in February Fcbrttaiv tour k ss Iti tmi Jantmar*-, tIhie mthIiiiv c fane Dc panttîtetmt repont showv- cd vihen il xvas subrnîtted ah' the meetinig of Towvn Council on Monda.' ex eiing. Then.' mx et" 168 inidigetnt dax's last monbh as cntîmpareci 10217 in auiv Expeîicitnnc bn i'brort' wa a is foiinxvs: hieut xvei tare2 $2.367.94. ntriiîg Il o i es Sl4 ct) Xess anc) nedicines S$29. a total otf 9i.4.Ex- pccted necovernmc fhotu pro- ~ 'ia 1 suidics ac 'iig So that citizens of this communitv wilI k,1o0w Fbï.u;\ t. 1o o a til le their town officiais, we publish this photo of Bow- wc.ifa e 'cpiu1t Ia st inanville's new Town Clerk Jack L. Reid. formet'lv of mionîb xx cez tour jngle net'- Strathrov. H-e took office March Isi. replacing Robet tsou '. 25 u MnîInvilb of. B. Reynolds who resîgnied carlier and is no\v emploved fatciiesxvtl 55 depotidants, ,'rk the Depariîmeit cf Highwavs. Mi'. and ilrs. Reid ;. x -tefdctcd a'l'vtl j iving- on Scti 'o St. North, Nith t hein îwo childven. 1:ci,) îd,î 11sd upcnci -.Vi d 6, anrîd D reèw :i ît1 N'10 AGE SE'.E?, 3,t>às a/ic gù NO MEANS TEST -- Apparentiv. îheî'o is sorti ii-isunderstaniding,- ovor the availability of the Red Cr'oss Loan Cuphoaî'd cqtipmnnon. It is bhoî'c for evervone to use if bhey reqtîirc il, because of il]ness at home. The Red Cross which Ibis month is con- ducting ils annual campaig-n for funds -will be pleased if the equipment can ho uLseful imi anvone. The cupboai'c is thcî-c foi' that pu rpose. CIlA',NIBER MEETING Toniglît at 8 Nvill bc atn excellent oppoî'ttnity foi' members of bhc Chambet' of' Commerce lu see the man 'v improvements xvhich alread\' have bon made tb th- Bowmanville Motel (formem'ly Balmoral). It \vilI also be an excellent opportunity b mccl the ncw proprietors. The Chamber is holding ils annual meeting and clection of officers. So, be on hand to give your ortganization a helping hand. Incidentally, the liotel acquircd a bight new illuminated sign this xveek which ceî'tainlv acids lu the attraelivencss o)f the main shopping section. I)IG DEEI>' BOYS - Those who hiave been wuncl- cîing what's going on behind the Bank of Montreal wxill be happy ho learn that. a huge ncw vault is being buill there. I w'ill join the main building and hold the \'ast amount of money we citizens deposit there cvcry day, plus account books, other records and safety deposit boxes. At bhc moment the excavation is a muddy hole because the diggers came across an o]d eisleî'n that was full and soîne dr'ain pipes that dlidn't help the situation. How~- ever. bheso things undoubtedIx' will be overcome in lime and a beautiful and very safe structur'e will risc tîp to add 10 the town's financial charm. ALWAYS ACTIVE --Not minlv is Clarke Twi ship in the middle of a wet-dî' v ote, slated foi' IMarch 29, but the largesî \village in the qegion is ýcutting up capet-s again. Orono Police Trustees are once more on the move seeking to have the v'illage incorporated. Reccntiv-, thev voted unan- iimously in favor of proceeding with the \'arious steps to this end. Il will be inberesting to follov the proceedings this lime to sec if the mo'<e will bc successful. The wet-dr-y campaign is stili fairly quiet, bttshotld w~arm up soon. :o Accidents Famous Cleaner Being Made Here Ail Canadian requirements of, the. famous aIl-pw'poe household eleaner LESTOIL are now being manufactured in Bowmanville at the R. M. Hollings- head plant. This custom contract which was received recently represents the first time the Lestoil Company has allowed its product to be made in this country. Previously, it had been pro duced at the Lestoil plant in Holyoke, Mass. In an interview with The Statesman this week, Hollingshead's plant man- ager Lloyd Cliflon saîd the contract would add significantly to the volume of production at the Bowmanville plant. To handie it, a considerable amount of new machinery had to be installed. Mr. Cliftoni is slîown here with the machine which fijus and labels the bottles at a fantastic rate of speed. The, Lestoil Company also insisted that Canadian components should be used as much as possible and Mr. Clifton said that ahl except one particular ingredient wa,- being purchased in this country. He was most optimistic -that this con trac't x'olved in an accident on No. kon"hz rd 11l-l igbway. haîf a nmile produces its own well-kon"hz rd north of' the Third Concession, field, it also does a great deal of custom xvo of Clarke Township. couinbry. 'The dr'ivers of thle thre x'ehicles vceDavidi Oaks, age 28. il'osemair * Road, Toronto, ira Wesley McCornick, age 35,-'ra by Jury"- York Street, St. Catharines, and John Sylvester McGarth ag-e :36, R..2. Newcastle.1Mi r i Oakýs and Mi'. MeCormieChý,. oral Society werc dniving imorth on No. 11. Mr. Me,1Garth'., car was pro- ceccllng sou lb o1i the sm front ofthe other two caVV ell-Received 'mnd diove tnt o a ser'vice sta-i t ioni. Flic Bowmanville Choral Thbc driveri othe îxvo northî- Socicty's prcsentation of.G- k boun cas aplid teirbort and Sullîvan's "Trial. by INewv H o boud ar aphcd IhirJury" and other selections brakes. but the McCormick car et o uclyr bit the hack of Mr. Oaks' wa* a tretfrmsclvs x~ costicittlx an'agd, arin the town and district lasi Mi omls' i ',stib cdm inon udi nce s cnjoycd by large! damani Constable Murray Auioru ieTwn Hall ý Adiorumon Friday and "T Rt4 TO CAGE SEVEN> Satui'day evcnings. 1-lugh Martin, the ClîXoral' Society's abîn director, was in charge of the pnegnam. Heo ,Cuimmitmee paid special tribute 10 the piano) accompanist, Mrs. Dor- othy Payne, a talontcd mos- ýW ill heck cian. and said that bbc keen interest ghe bas taken in the --n ~ ~organization's activîties lias g Milton Rainoy, the president About 25 pet sons inhei'ested Of the society, thanke M. in curlings ailended a metigMWrlin for bis capablean n the Lions Centre iast Fn- <TIJRN TO PAGE SEVEN) cf forming a club hene and building a curllling iink. The meetingc. chainec b%, In- clu'shnia1 Commissionen K. N. Morr'is, lieard hxvo points orf ,vicv cxpnesscd. R. A. Kenn "% of Por't Perr ' descnibcd how citizens' or ibat communitv joined togetlher three years ago to construet an anetia owned .solelv bv memrbens;. Ho gave' tacts conrcenning memnbership ee.outstanding debis and otbeî' pertinent detail wbich shouid ho bnlpful should a diiat'project he started bore. Pal Yeo. of Souîhview Golf & Counlnv Club xxas the sec'- ond speak er xvho told cf thoir' wvell-advanced plans to build a curling nrink as part of the SouJhbvie\&-propent%, nonth ut town. Ho pounteci ouh wha, lhe cotîsidernd I o be advan- ta-es cf comhining golf for bbc sommer and curling ho the xxintcr tnder the same mari- a.go ment and assured those present that raies would ho competiblvoe. At, the conclusion of the addnesscs, there was a ques-ý tion and answcr pcniod when tTURN 10 PAGE SEVEN) Announce .Waverley Rd. Interchange Il'% either a feast or a famine. After waiting for several years for action on tbcelVav- enley Rd. cioverleaf - or intcrchange - this area is schcduled ta receive two of these expensiv'e items this ycar. The capital spending pro- gram o0f the Dept. of Hîgh- ways which has just been releasçed for this year In- cludes an interchange at Wavcrley Rd. and also one at Courtice. To coniplete the program, allocation bas been made for a service Rd. betwcen the twa for 4.6 miles. This wilI be wonderful news to everyone in thîs area who will be lookingr for- ward ta compiction of these items.1 Hollingshead Company flot only ucts in the automotive chemicals, )rk foi' many companies iii thi:; Pr esents Concert )spital Administralor At the same lime the town acquired the services of a new Town Clerk, the Memorial Hospital here also welcomed a new Administrator in the person of Bernard 1-olden. lie replaced Stanley Wilkins, now operating a motel near Gravenhurst. lie is formerly of England, but. more recently has been with hospîtals in Montreal and Deep River. He and his wife are living on Orchardviçw Blvd. I, m

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