PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAR. Oth, 1* transcribed later for the use Rotfary Club ai ail the medical personnel in volved. ~aI ~*Often thc doctors advise a ~ camp session at anc ai the ýa a m a g Societv's fîve summer camps. A chîi mav be hospitaiized When a child who lîves fair specialists in this type af pcrt- locallv if equipment and per- from any large hospital centre able clinic. sonne 1 are available ta cape is crippled and cannaI walk, When a day and place are with his particular aliment. ta a clinic because ai bis settled for a clin;c, the local Otherwise he may be sent ta handicapped condition, he iS ncwspapcrs and rado stations Toronto or one ai the other, flot forgatten. As a matter ai usuailv advertise the details. large medical centres for new fact. he is being sought OuI Doctors within a "é5 mile radius braces. crutches or physi)-' more and marc these days as are alerted and send registra- therapy. the Ontario Society for Crip- tion cards so that crippled. Important 10110w-up -work is, pled Children aiong with kiddies wishîng ta attend,' usually necessarv in every! members of Borne 226 clubs mighî do Sa through their case, and is carried out effi- across the province, sponsorî family doctors.j ciently by the corp i nre mare ai the unique mobile' if a transportation probiemon the staff aof eOnai clinics in whlch the doctors,!is involved, the Society nurse'Society for Crippled Chiidren' nurses and equipment go as;and the cripplcd children's'-an organization which naw! clos ta he oungpatents comitieoa the local servicelInceds $875,000 ta continue ta home as possible. club. work out the details so take hope *and opportunity Fi.nanced by Eastcr Scal Ithat the child reaches bis ap- i rom anc end af the provincei contributions, the clinics are pointment on lime. They also' ta the other in mobile cliniesI held in the haspital - if the, make sure there is a good sup-i and its many other varied and town is large enough for one-i ply ai milk, cookies and toys, necessary services. but have been quite successful!on hand for restiess and fret- in community centres, tawn fui children while they wait halls and service club build- their unAstecid i- ings. For several years large turn. A s ainthe chis is BLACKSTOCK crowds ai cippled children-Idictaies his diagnosis and ne- sometimes as many as 100 acammendations inta a record-ý The programme at the Feb-ý day-have been examined by' ing machine. and these are ruary' meeting ai the W. A.of the United Church, Tuesdav, îFeb. 28th, consisted af slidesý presentcd by Mrs. Gea. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe had taken these pictures while an their trip ta Ireland lasI August.t Thcy were greatly enjoyed bvt .~ . >.aIl thc 30 ladies and six chil- . . . . . . .-.. . . dren present. MA 293 The Devotional period was1 I'reso wavîe a presentation ofai a tn don file Service with Msds. P. Van- Transport Ontario Camp, H. McLaughlin' M.* Van- Camp, N. Werry, and F. Cowi- ing taking part.I Mrs. H. McLaughiin report- cd for kitchen committee and icommittce was given atoi u~ ack an Reax ty ta purchase many aith Sit ack nd R lax articles needed. Plans were made for the coming pot luck N supper and suggestions for IB WE ARE SPECIALISTS Faîl bazaar. Aiter editoM lunch was served by Group 2. T AT ~There were 11 tables afini AT Euchre at the LOB.A. party- Tuesday night. High scores MOVING went toMrs. Perey VanCamp e STORAGE à prizes ta Mns. F. Hodgson and et Mr. Stan Hodgson of Port e PACKING Perry. Mr. Perey VanCamp r There were 27 ladies and ts CRATING four chiîdren present aI the M -. Febnuary meeting ai the Wo- mcn's Institute which was held i rc Wherever o go! in the Community Hall Wed-'1 ~OU nesday aiternoon. Il bcing the ACROS TE STEETgrandmothcrs' meeting, Mrs.ý ACROSS TE STREETM. Graham as co-hostess, and jT OR CRSS HEdressed in a beautiful biack'o CONTY..lace dress which hadben ue COU TRY*fi -eON mother's, receivcd the mem-ý IVE DO IT ALL 1 bers at the door. JWIA7 7FoIlowing the Ode and Coi- es ~.24 Alect, the business was dealt B: with. Decîded ta send the n ONpresident ta the conicrence in t ucp.Ltrtronctznship was distributed ta the D TRANSPORT LTD. members. Piano is ta be tun- th cd. Mrs. J. A. McArthur and Cu BOWMNMLL - NTARO-eMrs. Percy VanCamp werc ap- BOW ANVLL - NTAIOpointed nominating commit- Ai tee.M One af the mast important services af the Ontario Society for Crippled Children is the diagnostic clinics held in fifteen or sixteen different communi- ties. Medical specialists fromn the major centres travel ta these clinics, where more than 1,500 boys and girls are examined. in one year. Easter Seal contributions make it possible ta hold. these clinics. The campaign abjective is $875,000. B&P Club Holds Annual International Night The annual International Night ai the Bowmanville Business and Professional Vamen's Club was held last Thursday. The dinner meet- ng was held at the Balmoral Mrs. Gilbert Marlow bad bharge ai the programme. The rail cali, "An old-fashioned customn I arn glad bas vanish- ed" was weil answered. The natta, "We are sowcrs ail, standing before the fields ai the future," was replied ta by Mrs. Ivan Thom.pson. Mrs. Albert Wright gave a reading, and Mrs. Glbert Mar- low read the essay, "Things MIy Grandmothcr Told Me." This was the essay that won the pnize at the competilian on that subject at the Insti- tutes in England. Pnizes werc given: The aid- st grandmother, Mrs. Leith Bycrs; the youngcst grand- riother, Mrs. Frank Hoskin; the grandmotbcr with the most grandchildren, Mns. E r ncs t Larmer; also a small prize for Lhe lucky chair and the lucky ,up and saucer was given. After singing the National Anthern lunch was served by Mrs. -G. Marlow-'s group., TWJCE the help-HALF the work with our 2-Account Plan 1Pay ail bis by cheque un a Persoîîal Chequing Account. The low service charges are 1repaid. Your cancelled cheques are e your receipts. 20 Keep your Savings Accounit for 8av1inq, Add to iL from every pay. As your balance grow's, you'Il gain inew peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at aur nearest branch now. 'CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OF MINO. 1Hotel ,and the menu for the buffet meal featured delic- j ous foreign foods. Mrs. Noreen Laird, chair- man of the International Com- mittee was in charge af the impressive and inspiring can- 1die lighting ceremony. She was assisted by Mrs. Anna 1Watson and Miss Isabel Da- -vis. A truly international pro- gram, presented by Miss Ethel McKague and Miss Edith Lay- cock, was much enjoyed. Miss MeKague showed wonderful colored slides and toid of her trip ta South America where she attended the meeting af the Baptist Alliance held last summer in Brazil. Afterwards she visited Argentina, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, Equadar and Panama. Miss Laycack also showcd fa series af beautiful calored slides she had taken during three trips te Europe. Her cammentary described her L visits ta England, Scatland, LFrance, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Narway, Sweden and Austria. Mrs. Ruth Carrigan moved a vote of thanks ta Miss Me- Kague and ta Miss Laycock for their most entertaining and interesting presentations. The president, Mrs. Mary Gll, expresed ber apprecia- tien ta them teo. She also em- phasized the importance ai the club's International Night as a reminder ta the members that they are part ai an in- ternational organization that fosters understanding bet- ween many cauntries, and helps in the promotion of peace. Miss Isabel Davis, gave an informative repart on the Canadian Association ai Con- sumners. Mrs. Gili announced that the UN Seminar will bc held at the Royal York Hotel on Saturday, March llth. Mrs. Anna Watson was ap- pointed the club's official delegate for this event. Pres- ident Gill, Mrs. Marion Jef- fery, and Miss Isabel Davis will also attend. It was decided ta hold a Spring Hat Show at the Bal- moral Hotel in March. Mrs. Mary Connors, chairman ai the Ways and Means Commit- tee, is in charge ai arrange- ments for the event. Miss: Velma Gay is looking aiter the distribution ai tickets. Proceeds will be for the club's projcct ai furnishing a child- ren's room in the ncw addi-' tion tQ Mcmorial Hospital., Mrs. Marion Jefiery was nam- ed poster convenor for the! Spring Hat Show. A Nominating Committee was appointed for the forth-1 coming clection af officersi for 1961-62. Miss Madlyn Wil-ý cox was named chairman, and the other members ai thisý committee are Mrs. Shirleyý Colliss and Mrs. Elsie Hold-,j stock.i President Gi congratula-ý ted Miss Apha Hodgins on her' appointment as a member of' the Museum Board. She alsoi commended Miss Edith Bro-i oks, wha was named convenor of Business Women's Week. Mrs. Victoria Frank, tht ,'ice-president, and Miss Lena Taylor, agreed ta attend the next meeting ai Bowmanvillc1 Town Council. Mrs. BerylI Hlughes was the lucky winner of the draw conducted byý Mliss Rhoda Gardon. Mrs. Reita Hobbs, convenor, of the Sunshine Committee,i presented her monthly report. i She alsa read a note ai thanks 1 rom Miss Helen Cryderman for the cards and messages he had received while a pat- ient in Memorial Hospital., Mrs. Mel McNulty also, thank- i d the club for the card she eceived from the members when she was 111 reccntly. Terry Joyce, son ai Mrs. Gertude Wooiley, the former roprietar ai the Balmoral [otel, thanked the club an er behali for its support and c-operatian. He introduced the new owners, Douglas [owie and Ted Everitt. Akron, . -Goodyeap;r Air-ý Support Easter SE IL~ Return Your . 0 For the Annual Eus fer Seul Cumpuign TO OPE HELP r CRIPPLED CHILORE The Bowman ville Rotary Club Associated with the Ontario Society for Crippled Children ASKS FOR YOUR HELP WHAT YOUR MONEY ..E... The Rotary Club's share of Easter Seal Funds may ho speni on the care, freal- ment and rehahilitation of orthopedically crippled'children in this area. Ilere are a fev of the inany things that the Ratary Club, ith the hielp of your Easter Scal donations, have accomplished ini the past ,,,e a r: *Providcd f î'ec tr-ansportation to both Merrywvood Camp and Blue Mountain Camp for Crippled Children froni this district. *We have niany chiîdren on our active list ...ail have been helped whenever possible duning the past ycar. *AIl Crippled Children ai district were our guests at Annual Christmas Party. *Looked after the following: Special Braces, Chairs, Major Tberapeutie Treatment. Several cbildren supplied with crutches and corrective equipment. EASTER SEALS~ )USE THEM!a PUT YOUR DONATION IN THE PINK ENVELOPE AND MAIL TODAY A Receipt wiII be sent to you for Income Tax purposes. i BUY' AN[ 'I - a a Z IONboys' an irs groups. West Hill- Mr. and Mrs. WÎ1 r. F rm r (lntended for last week oinin ly lst a tbod met- ough; Mr. and Mrs. S. Ma y- ,on .ul Istat boad met-bury, Scarborough, visited at, There was a small attend- ing in January. Henry Dart's during the;P re ts i h ance at the recent Congrega-1 Eiders for 1961: Honorary weekcnd. Pae1ih tional meeting. Reverend F.iEider-- Tracy Glaspeil, Carl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeb- Durham Caunty Junior Far- J. Reed wvas chairman. He rc- Bradley, Marshall Francis, son and Dorothy, Beaverton, mers held their monthiy meet- ported 15 new members ad 'Herman Haass Sr., Jack Cru- visited at Norman Leach's. Ang on Februarv 22nd at the mitted ta aur church by pro: ickshank, Chari e s Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Terry: Town Hall in Hampton. The fession ai iaith and one by Stewards-Frank Pascoc, AI- and Laurie, Oshawa, were meeting wvas called "Parent transfer making a total of bert Eddy, Gerry Giaspeli, dinner guests at Percy David- Night' when the members 107 members. ýHenry Haass, Mike Nemisz,,son's on Sunday. were ta bring their parents ta Hans Geissbergcr Jr. gZave Ailan Thompson, Hans Geiss- ielMqsec how teJno amr the treasurer's report that berger Jr., Fred Watson, Glen Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Ms. 'met th aecJnunior Farmee Alex McMaster and Joan w eting radutd h showed a balance on hand ofj Glaspeil. 1udyspe u~~a a sing sang was led by, Doug $1,011.47. Gerry Glaspeli re- When business xvas over ail Sn* I Jr uet a aseadJmCrydy~ftan ported $657.61 had been rais- cnjayed a social time tageth- Scatt's, Kedron. PlJseand ereCdrscusse for aur ed for the M and M Fund. er. Mr. Elmer Stainton, Swiit banquet at the Lions Centre C.G.I.T. repart given by Mrs. A house - warming party Current, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. an March 24th. Tom Sobil showed 19 mcm- wvas given in the Sunday Frank Innis, Sonya, visited at , TegetsekrwsM' bers and a balance on hand School for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron's. GraT e bbe se.kFrm asr ai $102.16. The Explorers re-lCharles Naylor. Hans Geiss- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fish Survisoebr. Salesmto port read by Judy Camneron1berger Jr. acted as chairmanier, Oshawa, visited at Allan[Division, Hydro Elcctric Pow - showed a balance on hand ai and the following program Fisher's on Friday.erCmisoainti.Th $19.43. There are 25 girls and was given:* Twa piano solos Mrs.. Alex McMaster, Mrs. tr omamis speechofaOntar mh their leaders are Mrs. Jim by Patsy Fisher; a comnic skit Gerry Glaspeil, Mrs. Tom Sa- Electrical Eiiiciency", and lie Stainton and Mrs. Fred Wat- by C.G.I.T. girls; a vocal duet bul, Mrs. Hans Gcissberger had slîdes ta illustrate. Dur- son. Marshall Francis repart- by Joan McMaster and Mar- Jr. Mrs. Ray Cameron attend- ing his speech the speaker ed the Tyro boys have $23.08 ilyn Glaspeil. Coloured slides ed the World's Day ai Prayer outlined the importance af on hand. were shown ai the trip ta the meeting at Hampton. jeiectricity. He also showcd The Neighibourly Douibles'west coast that Bertha Geîss- Ms Wes Cameron attcnded how much lt costs to operate Club took as their project a bread IsblRbisa brtday party at Mrs. Wil -lcertain types ai motors on a new organ for the church took last summer which allîa rso',Cutco am 1eas ane u whih ws nstild u th ejoyd.Tuesday ta celebrate Mrs. some af the hazards on the fal.Te uda choltea rs ayoiwr Preston's and Mrs. I v a ni farm conccrning clectricity. In surer's (Edward Haass) re- presented with a console Cochrane's birthdays.1 his slidcs he showed some of port showed a balance on4 table. They bath cxpressed hand ai $192.05. The Cerne- their thanks for the gift and Miss Carol Abbott and the large projects which thev etry board repart showed a invited everyane ta came and friend, Burketon, were Sun- had started, anc bcing a 4-H1 balance ai $323.21 on hand, visit in their new home. A day visitars at Perey David- Electrical Prajcct in Middlesex' besides Dominion Bonds and lovely cake iced by Mrs. Hans son's. County. an invcstment with Puiblic Geissbergcr Jr. had a small Mrs. Hans Geîssberger Jr. -__ Trustee ai $1,473.36. Report replica ai their new home on and Garry visited at Morley ýday supper gucsts ut David given by Tracy Glaspeli. W. jit. The ladies served lunch Wymnan's, PrestonvalI , on Shaw's, Oshawa. A. report given by Mrs. Nel- and ail enjoyed the social Sunday.1 Mr .and Mrs. Archie Par- son Fice showed a balance time together. Mrs. Ray Cameron attend- rinder, Myrtie, were Monda * ai $29.75. Congratulations ta Mr. and ed the night ai entertainmcnt evening visitors at Allin Congregational representa- Mrs. Norman Leach who celc- by the Home and School Club Fisher's. tive, Mrs. Carl Bradley, re- brated their golden wedding at Bradley's School on Fni- John Moore, Oshawa, and ported that Bob Nemisz and anniversary at Sauina Hall on day night. Keith Stainton tried the ice Alan Glaspeli were sent as February 15. Quite a number Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gates. fishing at Lake Simcoe on the delegates ta Young Peopie's from Zion called ta extcnd Lorctta and Roberta, Mr. and weekend and rcturned with Conference held in Kingston their besi wishes for many Mrs. Emil Rutishauser, Mr. a good catch. last May. New carpeting was more years ai weddcd bliss. and Mrs. August Geisberger George Kilien receivcd a purchased and laid on the Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice Sr., Oshawa, were Saturday letter from his parent, Mr. steps leading ta the balcony. and Douglas visited at Perey evening visitors at Hans and Mr. Robert Killen, who The choir bas been outfitted Westiake's, Solina, an Sun- Geissberger's. have spent the winter in Ire- with gawns. Thanks *was ex- day cvening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton, land and they hope ta retura tended ta the leaders ai the1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keeler, Dave and Douglas were Sun- ta Canada about March 15. K