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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 4

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PAGE TOUR A A*WJflJ.LJfl A e . . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVIMA!qV!LE, ONTARIO ~1Ye~?%A~ ~DA~ -~ EDITORIAL COMMENT T ime of Great Stress Municipal councils throughout this area have been meeting often recently as mill rate setting time approaches. Within the very near future, property owners, business and industry will learn the bard facts of life. *At the moment, we would make a ýwell-informed, cautious guess that the tax rate will certainly not be lower than it was last year. Probably, this is a great understatement, because wben one considers what bas ta be paid for in the next few years, new schools, hos- pital wings, and sa on, the impossibility o f even maintaining last year's rates will be obviaus. There is one consolation for local governing officiaIs. Tbey are flot the only people in a similar situation. At the moment, ail levels of government appear ta be struggling ta bold tbe line against ever increasing expenses. At the federal level, there will be a deficit of at least $300 millions this year, so their tax rate, ta balance, shouid go up but probably won't in the f ace of lagging economy. Provincially, the government is in no better condition Linancially. Premier Frost came back Happy Groul Members of Trinity's Jack & Jill inen's chorus, quartet and ladies' trio experienced a great thrill last weekend when they received 300 records they had put on wax recently. As far as we know, this is the first time such a pro- ject bas been launcbed locally and it must have been most exciting for those involved. These groups have entertained large audiences at the annual Jack & Jill Cornz a Poppin' shows over the years, but this is the first time they actually have been able to hear them- selves on bigh fidelity recordings. Very thoughtfully, they brought a record ta the Editor for bis comments and we do offer our sincere congratula- tions on a job well done. One could be critical certainly, because these are not prof essional musicians, nor did they have the ideal studio facilities, nor the It Makes You Fe We have just heard of an incident which happened last week in Bowman- ville . . . the type of thing that brings tears ta yaur eyes and makes you feel ail warm and friendly, and happy that you live in a town where such a thing can happen. A chap lives in this town, n'amed 'Brum" Johnson. He may have a more formaI given name but we've neyer heard it in haîf a century. His name is "Brum"~ so far as everyone who knows himn is concerned. He was adult when we were playing hockey in Norm Taylor's arena over 30 years ago and neyer missed a game. We can recail ,him standing on the rail at the west . ide of the rink, cbeering bis hometown kids along, ail the while cbawing tobaccoo like crazy and excitedly spitting the juice out until it formed a brown spot In the ice below. AIl seasan long that brown spot was there. We kids used to remark to visiting players as we skated past "That's where 'Brum' We're Agaii Charles Lynch, a familiar figure on the TV screen and a newspaperman, has put bis foot in it now. In Chatelaine magazine be takes 1women ta taskfor their lack of interest in business and poiitics and tells themn :"dta came out of the bushes and jump into the main stream of Canadian life."p Buried in committees, meetings and good works, women believe they are doing ail they can ta make this country a better place in which ta live, accord- ing to Lynch, but by calling themnseives1 J from Ottawa with very littIe help aftei finding that cupboard as bare as hfi own. It now looks as though a pro vincial sales tax of some 3%7 will b( imposed this year to raise more fun& and a political party doesn't take suc] unpopular action without real cause. Ahl in alI, it looks very much a. though we taxpayers will have t< tighten our beits considerably in thE months ahead to take care of thE expenses which we have been so freE in demanding from our governments We certainly can't blame thern, al. though many will. They merely acced. ed to our demands as well as taking care of basic needs connected with ex. panding populations. The old truism is again coming home to us. You can't get something for nothing, especially if it cornes from governments at any level. So, let's grin and bear it. We asked for most of it. Maybe it will teach us a lesson, but il is doubtful. Unfortunately, the ones who scream the loudest for more gov. ernment spendîng are usually the same ones wvho howl the most when they have to pay. p of Vocalists large orchestral background such as one would expect from a professional performance. But the music is good listening and the Editor and bis wife, a former accompanist for the ladies' trio, have enjoyed the record to the full. Actual. ly, it bas been played over and over again in the wee small hours, at meal. times and throughout the day and night. We know that everyone connected with this project will receive a great deal of enjoyment and inspiration from the recording. We also understand that the records will be on sale during the Jack & Jili show and we recommend it to patrons. Incidentally, Mel Smith, who is well known to many local audiences for his Sunday broadcasts over Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa, was responsible for the recording arrange- ments. woe1 Warm Inside Johnson stands". He was a great fan. More recently, as age took its toli, his legs wouldn't allow him to take in bis favorite sports and he must have missed them terribly as the players apparently missed him. Last week, members of the younger generation athletes and the old acquired sufficient funds to buy "Brum" a television set and aerial. It was presented on Satur- day by the two friends who thought up the wonderful idea, Terry Masters and Jim Nickerson. We hope to publish a photo of "Brum" enjoying his sports, courtesy of those he supported and helped over the long years as a spectator. So long as incidents such as these take place, there's a whole lot more right with the world than wrong. But, we can't help wondering where "Brum" will deposit that tobacco juice wben the excitement of a thrilling game makes him forget he's home and flot leaning over the rail. nst Sin Too about the women's place being in the home. Yes sir, Lynch may well have started something big and there wil probably be a lot more fellows ciimb on the bandwagon if his advice is taken by the women. One hundred women in the House of Commons would consti- tute a formidable block, party or no party. Some readers may get ta think we aren't seriaus, but we reaily are. We think this is the best suggestion we have heard in a long time.-Renfrew WoAnlie o oo itoa iror ~be %lnabI4n ct4tteim4 Durhamn County's Great Family journal Established 107 years ago in 1854 h, Also Incorporating The. Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent The. Orono News ,4 .ia Authorized as Second Cainu Mail by the Post Office Dept., Ottawa Produced Every Thursday by JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62e6 King St. W.. Bowmanville, Ontario '>HN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDIO-PUBLIsir ADvTG. MANAGER Busnmrss MGL SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly ln advance $5.00 a Year in the United States r le is Ls yo e e I Bethany Boasts Quadruplets 1 eprtf Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cochrane, R.R. 1, Bethany, advise that one of their goats recently gave birth to quadruple kids, shown here with Dianne Strong, 8, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Strong and Mary Cochrane,7, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane. According to Keith Conriell, proprietor of1 the Cream of Barley camp and a specialist in the animal business, quadruple goats are extremely rare. Our thanks to our Bethany readers for sending along the photo. SUGARL"ý andi SPIcE hiumuuhiBy Bill Smihey i 1m By Alex Carruthers (MPP for Durham) It bas been said that a dime today is a dollar with the taxes taken out. At times during these weeks when the estirnates of the various de- partments are be!ng consider- ed, one might be led to be- lieve that there is considerable truth in the statement. How- ever, when you are in a posi- tion to appreciate the ordeal through which a cabinet min- ister is forced to go when presenting the estimates of his departrnent, and the close scrutiny given the various items by the opposition, you cannot help but conclude that the money is being spent wise- ly and in the interests of the people o! Ontario. The debate on the estimates of the De- partment of Agriculture pro- gressed tbrough a day and night session and is stili un- cornpleted. The CCF, on this occasion, gave both the Gov- ernment and the Liberal Op- position a severe belaboring on the Hog Marketing Legis- lation. I try to avoid being critical, but the more aware I become of the policy and atti- tude of this minority group, the more convinced I arn that a COF government would do very littie for the intelligent, independent people of On- taio, except annoy them. Mr-. Farquhar Oliver, the former Liberai Leader, during the debate on the estimates, made one o! his excellent speeches, and because of bis experience, ability and au- thority was given particular attention ty ail members of the Assembly. In reference to the marketing of oui- agricul- tural products Mr-. Oliver said: "I do not think We should confine our markets to Eng- ]and, or Europe, or anyone else. We cannot afford to be choo-sy. 1 would seli themi to China, 1 would sell them to Ruq3ia, 1 would seli them anywhere, so long as we can get rid of the sur- Plus that plagues this agri- cultural community o! this country.', Bof M ChangP. rom Queen's Park tMaorangestin th0fe Majiveorange in ofthe eaecu Farmn Union. Reading fi-arn able distribution beiween ru- Montreal, reflecting continu the brief of the Federation of rai and urban ratepayers of ing growth ofth bank's o Agriculture, Mr. Stewart quot-1 the çost of education and other erations in Ontario and a re ed as foflows: services. alignnyient of executive re "The Federation of Agri-* sponsibilities, have been an culture has brought to the "'Can anyone imagine & nounced by G. Arnold Hart Cabinet since 1950 a great government acting m ore~ president. variety of recommendations, quickly than the tovern- and requests which we be- ment of the Province of On- lieve have represented fair- tarl" said Mr. Stewart, "lun ly and accurately what far- ertablishing a select com- ~ mers have stated to be need- mittee immediately on re- à' ceipt of this brie!" Hon. William Goodfellow, in introducing the estimates of his department, stated thth cash income received by the farmer during 1960 was the highest on record, being some, >* $28 million over the 1959 fig- uire, at an ail time high of, $895 million. It is also inter- etntonote that 70 percent of this income was derived fi-rn the sale of livestock or livestock products. O hrdy teHu provîded, during the estimates! o! the Department of LaborkL one o! the noisiest and most * disorderly scenes ever wit- nessed in the Legislature.! Edward A. Royce Mernbers f-rn ail sides wereinow manager of the bank',s on their feet simultaneously main office in London, Eng. defying the rulings o! the land, has been appointcd te Speaker and Deputy Speaker the newly-created post of alike. It is a matter o! regret deputy general manager, resi- Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. that members with so much dent in Toronto, to direct op- fuI In the interest of the seriaus and important work eratian of more than 300 B of agricultural commun i t 1 e s. should waste their tirne and M offices throughout Ontario. The iuimple truth is that the the people's money, thereby John A. Hobson, now assist- Goverument has responded represented, in such a man- ant general manager in charge very well to these requests. ner. As one page boy said tao! the Ontario division, wvith The record of instances of anather, "And we're supposed edurrsiTontwl this action In relation to the ta be the teenagers." hoedutersntorotoassume Ontario Federation of Agri- The week ended, however, special administrative duties culture is impressive and on a much higher plane, with invoîving direction a! a group lengthy." two very constructive speech- of important head-office de- * *es on unemployment: one by partments; and Milford Win- the Hon. Robert Macaulay and* daw, naw superintendent o! Mr. Stewart mentioned the another by Mi-. Alber-t Wren, the bank's eastern division, !act that the government at Liberal Member for Kenora. Montreal, will succeed Mi-, the request o! farm organiza- Space will not permit refer- Hobson in Toronto as assistant tions, has set up a can-mittee ence ta these at this tirne but general manager o! the On- ta examnine fields o! assess- I will refer ta thern at a later tario division. ment and taxation, municipal date. All the appointments are finance and administration, Ail in ail, it was a period effective Mai-ch 1, the B of 34« with a view ta a more equit- o! progress. announcement said. 69c y/oungman's CoI umn Couple f week ago, sug-!therswonder3 ho .w TheTod makeWiUpimforewrtmeao! mperiencer.aiWhen peticame Wtirne cmdownreonoa, on gahwayawhile gested, with the delicacy o! ýBatticaxe likes being calledl new and valuable addition ta toefgyadvr odt odehmteAsi iigawelo i w a Prchro, tatit igt b Te Od Btteax. s ama- te abntadC sevie evenings that foi-ced Butch starter refused ta co-operate, transport. His back was brok- agoad idea if I gat sonie fan ter of fact, she rather enjays Member for Middlesex North, an1et o-g oile-btandef-rnabge a ni eea lcs isbo .ents, we attended three di!- soon got the oid heap gaing. ken, thrawn sixty-eigbt feet, mail. Just a token-about a'it. She's a pretty sharp-look. spoke critically of the Oppo 1eetgternsls ek The next evening, Mai-ch legs and head injured, pelvis milin eter. in dîl d tinakes ertions.Atttuetafrm organi- uland enjoyed each o! thern. 4th, we had a date with the braken;,yet, taday, he is earn- We were gaing ta show that gloiv a bit ivhen she mesztas ey scesu It seerned extra fiee ta at- Kedron Friendly Coup 1 e s ing a living, as a car sales- Pierre Berton, with his ave-ý strangers and thcy exclaim, young farmer himself, Mi-. tend Rebekah Ladge, in Or- Club, which meant that, man, for his wife, farniiy and race o! 30 letters a day, whatý1 SiiieIy YOU'RE net the OL) Stewart gave great credit ta ana, and witness the very cap- while 1 handled the tractai-, sedf. How's that for guts- real fan mail was. We were BTLEAXE!" ina anazemnent. the work o! the Federation of able degree team o! Oshawa, Butch had ta steer the car We had a nice visit with the going ta fi a truck with let- There's a good chance thatAgiutran th Otri confer the Rebekah Degree on ta the stop o! a steep hill, Kedron folks, but left early ters, drive ta the city, dump she's going ta have ta be at a couple o! candidates, one o! where we gat the tbing ta quit because o! the freezing ràii the entre million in his of- lher best ta hold me, though. Wiemorial Hospital wha mused ta caîl Pontypool sulking. Oui- first stop was making everything icy. YJ t fcand sneer, "There! How- Nowv that l'mn a popular idol, "home", and whor we e Willis Matai-s, Austin dealers, being able ta make the t daya like THEM apples, Bus- with 151 letters, she's going ta tAj~,, known for a long tîme; the west o! Taunton, whose mecb- bill, we put the tire chai s ter?" have competitian. One lady TV e l j.iiiri othei-, a foi-mer citizen O! anic quickly found that the on. After ten miles, a crassh WVeil, al 1 can say Is that wrote ta say that if I ever Holland, whorn we first met starter couîdn't function be- chain broke; after a further I'm going to look pretty silly, xvent farrning, she'd go into. For the week o! Feb. 20-26 when she planted trees u1P cause it was alrnost fallîng five miles another one broke;, pushing a wheelbarrow full partnership with me. Anothr inclusive, bei-e, on the old "Pine Ridge". apai-t. While lie fixed the after a further five miles a of letters dawn that highway. said I was better looking, than Admissions - -- - -_ 39 We welcome thern bath, as trouble, I made the acquain- cross-chain on the opposite Came ta think o! it, thaugh, she'd expected, and that she Births, 2 female _____ 2 fellow membei-s o! a splendid tance a! the fiirn's salesman, wheel broke. we didn't do sa badiy. Bei-ton just loved me. Discharges...............53 organizatian. We often think Keith Russell, wba, it turned Sa, for the final ten miles, wriesa ciun da, nd Sherahe spild t b ad-Major operations Il that, degree work is especial- out wvas a patient at tbe Work- conversation was pretty mea- ges3 tr.Iwrite a couia yal- i tathe spedthe paper Minai- operations -------- - -20 ly good for people o! sby, rnens Compensation Rebab. gi-e because o! the horrible uma a30eek, andI ieaCg -gtat 151 each eek rd Emergency treatrnents 13 introvert tendencies- teaches Centre, at Malton, during my din caused by the bi-okeil letters. Puttind truy I do 5,auhte.Stlinter statnd Visiting hours 3-4 p.m. and thern ta avercame shyness and sajourn there. We bal quite a crass-chains banging tbe be- gettfive Putiimas uchlyf'an1 ]tly: Anytimaner satd ta 8:30 p.m. be relaxed when facing an bull-session about our exper- jabers out of the fenders. But mail as Pierre Bei-ton. Say, Girl leaves you, I shal bc audience. îences at the aid alma mater. we arrived home sa!ely and this is saunding better ail the~ waiting here with a beer ta Oui- next "evening out" was He received bis injuries wben apolgize ta oui- Kedron friends time. Who daes that guy thinki cheer. Old Maid." JEST A SECOND* as guests o! St. Paul's Pi-es- a heavy transport mowed birn for oui- abrupt departure. be is, anyway?* * byterian Church Cub and _________________________ As I write, the letters are It's amazin-but no news Scout, Father and Son ban- stiil coming in at the rate o! ta weeîkîy e'ditors-how far quet, in their beautiful spac- three days in a row. some sous bail on Mui-ray Street, *' I h 3?i about 10 a day. We topped 250 pers travel. Mrs. Liil - Peterborough. This graup, I h i neyr bd sch ntees iansends hoa Leader, Sask., îast autumn, engaged in a mail in my life. Main reason drn ppe-abr h- Christmas ti-ce selling pro- i eas inSeattle, and fi-m ject, and by using pienty of n * * * ** a alfoni.initiative, and elbow gi-case,an Mgtyfatrn twsMany others reparted sîmîlar * made the venture a financial Mihtyflterngi wsskuilduggery. o fj success. They, graciousiy, in- D istant Past when the fi-st letters were 1 was deeply hurt that 1 re- vîted my wîfe and I ta ber frian newspaper people, wha ceived only one letter from my their guests at their annual Promn The Statesman Files read the column befare it gets aid home town o!fIiarton. It "buný-feed" on Mai-ch 3rd. !into their papers. One o! the ivas fi-rn Bei-t Sinclair, 'th eds tsaw hougl fi-st ta arrive was fi-rn Ait town clerk, and rend: "Dear Nels asy etoogl Reybdal a! Atikokan, a lino- Bih hnk orpttn enjoyed the deliciaus dinner,49YASAO2YE SAG type operator who writes bet-in oucau . e** scrvý:d by the miothers o! the,(ac 4 'ac 2 96 addrei3s bosna aou an bndrd Marh 4,1912)<aie12136 ter than most editors. Fmhave it heresatataeof-utndfityd nesWe also got Dr. B. J. Haziewood reports! 1I-vin "Ace" Baile.cvfor-mer paeFveyadoui-Jdidn't hv thr l h f n it ies eas o typed asniy a ndoper-,fc This is not exactly a fan a bang out of meeting such a his patient, Mi-. D. B. Simp trrgtwn of the -Maple cani be. l ln praolter ti justtaifoim-fl O1 lot oi nice people, beÀ;des en- son, K.C., doing nicely after'Leaf Hockey Club, Toronto, Oddl enugh tw o! th owing, 1960 taxes are still1 -1 wish you could see joying the snappy, irîteresting ertan latFia a us pakqet theLions- earhi est arivalswereofrar1on.î.m plsing.ta aneevesthe res ' getting it's cnt2rtainment provided b3' Toronto General Hospital. Jplirnentary bnutt in eadles rs oithast refrway ettplandigcaanasuer ey althae k o couse 1'hmathe Cuhs and Scouts. It was I Messrs. F. R. Foley, town, Juniors at the Lions Club reader of th most arawaJtt,, and 1can- ssure ou, aurblai-st corttendanceor atra aandnaGeorgea a. GNortbJ.otth Sa- S Mondada. paper on the list, the White-; that one is gaing ta the bottarn wide collar and tiny sleev- Father and Son affqir and we lina, are on Grand Jury Ses- lîorîrey BridgE i asedoUt horse (Yukon) Star. Fred of the pile. es." -werc delighted with the ex- . sienls, Cobourg. whien creek on rampage. Heck sent a pleasant note and I an' begin ta passaîn Mrs. John Gaud and Mrs. artei48ml. Rusty Erlarn kept it ta a brie! ail the messages I îreccived, o Mriey Wilkins and babe,Tartei48 il. 1 but wicha, boy".atthe Osbawa, visited her mother Mi-. Fred C. Vanstone re- Thien they hegan rolling ii u w iii eneonly a d tatdi- tbeycad idt. ot h ieo ;sPn h". etters t tle1S< Lor Ms . ichard W na pt. ksthefie ase n h pond the frorn al directions-the west eretigenrasFknd ad0n MssE.Mhiilnhaer-'tices h i7m c oa st, the Maritimes, the There wasn't a scur-ilous lturned home after spending yeai-s. In seime places the ice prieprovaneadOntaro wanc nt, ot hak 206 Bloor Street West To readers wha bang on ta the wintei- pleasantly witb berlis aver 6 feet thick. Quentle and dersn oith ail my 1Toronto, Mai-ch 1, l96l1the Statesman for nostaigic.5u5ter Mrs. B. Brittain, Chi- The engagement is announc- different places in the States.'Îicirt. It's pretty nice ta know Dear Editor: i-casons as ncwvs fi-rn a home cag1o. ;Pd of lvy, eldest daughiter o! It's pretty exciting ta know ihtwieter a a e It is always a pleasure wben wbich is no hangers theiî's, it!M ' ret .Rnl, a- rj eriaPak yoe that Ted and Ruby Midgiey'vg-atdmn frm i periodîcals remind me that I must be sbocking ta read thega',Aa, is visiting his and the late Mr. T. D. Park, are rcading your coiumn in Hollywaod, Londan or Newlhave been a subscribeî- for seriaus police court newsigrandmotheî-, Mrs. John Hos- Sur.clerland, Etig., ta Arthur their trailci- in Chula .it~ ok hvwi o ei another year, and that the edi- wbich appears very regularly. kin and other relatives bei-e. 1 Ernest, yourigest son of the Calîfornia, just about the samne Watford, go for me in Georg,- tai- is desi-ous of retaining me A canrnunity thiat emnployed a' Miss Evelyn Bounsall wentllate Mr-. and Mrs. Il. Cuverly, timne Molly Blackburn o! Mid- tawn, cat me up in Egansvilie, on bis mnailing list. Your police t-hie! wha merely had ta Toronto Monday ta accom-ILondoii, Eîîgiand. The lip-wd- dle Musquodoboit, Nova Si-- ang on my every word in chances with-others wouid be ta try doars of stores at nightipany bier sister, Miss Lillieding ta take place thIÉnonth. tia, is picking up ber local Hantspoi-t, and love me in better if your approach were ta be sure that they were borne from North Bay, the! Mir. C. li. Staples, Angus- wcekly ta have a look at Su- Leader, more positive. Instead o! in- Iocked. is now confronted latter being il]. ville, ia. s vi.hiting his gar and Spice. _________ dicating that my subscription witb thievery, bit and i-un ac-ý Miss Jennie McLean, Ed- dau,gter, Mi:s 1Marlon Stap- Mrs. Lilas Gillet, a Swiss- expires next montb, haw much cidents, gunen, and other1monton, Alta., who bans been:les, graduate nur se. bai-n lady who loves Canada, better it would be ta advise crimes. Surclv the town o! enjoYing a couple of montbs' Mr-. G. C. Foster spent part scans it in Warwick, Quebec,L.Do iou Iemem e me that il; is "renewabie naw"' Bawmanville bas uiot slippedbaolidays at ber' home bei-e o! hast werk in North Ba,, on before sending it ta ber son in 5 that na issues wauld be lest sa badly in the last few years. leaves today for the west. business. England, and Madeline Vander Just Onle ïear pAgo? in the meantime. Ai-e the courts heid in Baw- Mr-. and Mrs. A. Cairns, Miss Errarnerson and ber sis- Zanden, right across the con- 1 must canfess tbat you bave mnanville, or do they represent Manar, Sask., who bave been ter- Mrs. Eastmnan, wiio have tinent in Foi-est Grave, Ore- Town staff joins union - me puzzled with the piacing the whole caunty? You might visiting ber sister Mrs. F. H. bec-n spen-ding the wîvntcr un gon, flips tbrough the Red sigrns twa-yeax- agi-cernent, of your masthead. One week give us a heading ta indicate Bounsail have returned home Toronta, bave returrîed to Deex- Advocate ta get at the It was aninounced this week it is at the top o! tbe page the locale. accompanied by their fliece, their home bei-e. calurnn. that Fred A. Kranp a!fBramp- with letters o! easy recogni- 1 arn enciosing my four Miss Winnie Bounsail. Starkville: èOngratular4i4s It's thrilling ta know that ton bas purchased the stock tion stretcbing acrass the dollars. If you can draw at- King St., Bowmanville. was ta Mi-. arnd Mrs. Bert Trirn on yau pack enough punch ta and will operate the furnîture whole sheet. Next week its tention ta the cbaps wba keep briliiantly illuminated Satur- tbe ai-rival O! a son. make bai-assed hou se wiv es business, on King St. E., own- one third o! the way down. the town line on the Manvers day evening for the fi-st time Nestleton: A nurnber of kick the kids out o! the way, ed and operated by the Morris Then again it is placed in bal! Cartwr-ight passable, then I by the ninety new lamps friends gathered at the home sit down among tbe breakfast Company for the past 80 ycars. size ta the rigbt near centre. will renew my subscî-iption erected by the Seymour Power o! Mi-. and Mrs. John Mariow dishes, and pen a note o! en- He took over propi-ietorsbiP But as long as it appears for next year. In the meantirne Ca. In recognition o! the new on Sunday evening ta celc- cauragement to 1'keep it com- on Mai-ch lst. the next 106 years, no onc hold your breath. service the D. O. & P. Co. band brate their silver wedding. ing." A deer was seen on George sbauld complain. Sincerely, sercnaded the residents o An oystex- supper was enjoyed. Ït's deligbt!ui ta get mash Street early Friday eveningf. The columns o! long ago Dr'. on1sin in t Cadmus: A number frian nates fi-rn dear old ladies in Coi-parai K. Freetby and Con- bear a certain resemblance ta DrM.W reln igS.t sn n I3shr teddtesoe o their cighties. One o! them, stable Tracy Davis o! the local reporting o! to-day. I olrOt Dingman bave selccted a Mi-. and Ms-s. Harold Swain di!!iculty, cnded, " . . . and I ment taak charge of the ani- but the news is gathered in slenddsok !SrngmlJi Blackstock. isLraTe can tell you, it's na fun being mai and chased it into the the same mannei-. It is diffi-Mic ,16 About twenty relatives as- win had ber tansils removed 89," and made me deeply wooded flats bebind the Gaod- cuit ta find out about mny The "Statesmnan", sembled bv invitation at the on Saturday In Oshawa lias- ashamed o! the bee!ing I do year. !ýriends over tbe county unless Bowmanville, Ont. residence .o! Mi-. and Mrs. pital. about little aches and pains. W. Ross Strike, Q.C., o! 1 i-ead ail the gossip columns, Pîcase find enclosed chequeRichard Hamblyn on Thurs- Maple Graove: Mi-. Vernon * * * Bawrnanvile was presentediand frankly I do not bave ta renew my subscription for day, Feb. 20th, in honor of bis Trimble bas accepted a posi- 'day gai was br h saine with an illurninated sci-al tirne for that. It was ol eyu fine paper. îeap yeai- biithday. tion with Mr-. Donald Smith, dyIwas and likes the bith- Tuesday cvenxng in Toiontocause o! your beadline t hat 1 1 alwayslo owr O ecsl:Msr.JcsnbrePr oe day colurns. Betty Hall o! ta mark bis i5th anniversax'y 1discovered that my !riend Cliff J y seak forwd t t'an a es:aMe ss. Jaofon barer, P rHp. W.Wlh Tilsobug rane a anuse s n ntri Hdr Cmms-aeticaws enuUraseeryisue adaoud otnetaarJmisooa-eselig ff -IPthik as el upatgun along witbout it * their live-y outfit. Si-., bas returned ta bis borne with my kid sister, who taught sioner.1 point in Enniskiilen. And byJ omnil il lasbJSauna: Mr-. H. E. Tink bad for an indefinite time. Mi-. G. bher ta smoke. Margaret Far- Friends gatbered at Mrs. Ed. glancing aver the Pontypool J bome to me and I like ta keep , a wood bec Saturday. Welsb has added another nell o! Edmonton says ber Rundle's Sunday evening ta news, I leai-ned the Mervinup wîth ail the happeningsr Enniskillen: We welcome building ta l'ils preinises, husband was in Six Group, honor ber with a surprisc,;Bowins bas bought a store inîthere and learn bow the Mi-. and Mrs. Herbert Argue Hampton: Mrs. A. J. Rey. i Bomber Com~mand, and enjoys Party on the occasion o! berBetbany, and Jack Payne iS'friendly town is progressîng. ýtaMi-. Chas. Williams' farn. nolds bas returned to ber the air foi-ce rerniniscences. l2th Leap Year birtbday aut o! the hospital. But it di * Tyrane: Mr-. Isaac Haggins'borne in Toronto, MissTmui Rager Hartzeh ci Neepa4alwhich fell on MUonday, Febru- net say whether lie bad a girl Iieleft Tbursday ta spend thjeynolda ai'ort visit. I le 1-

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