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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 5

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THrE CAINADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO> PAGE FIVE Sv4.M:O f Oshazwa Presbyterial Elecîs 0f ficers l'le 33r] anitual ineti uig ot Oshawa Presbyterial .S met tn Trinity Uniîted Churcii, Bowmianville, wvith 265 ans- wering the roll cail. Presi- dent Mrs. F. Reed off Hamo- t4&.kept the nuinerous itemis môvîng smooîhly,. The guest speakers %verc Miss Christina Baxter off bbc United Chucch Missiontini India, who spoke in the ai- ternoon and showe,-d slidce. of her %vork in the evcning, andc Mvrs. B. il. Soper, pec.ýideîît off Bay off Quinte Conferetîce brarclî, who spoke on Ecu- menicitY and conducted thc (anterence of oresidents iin the miocting aîid evening. Miss Baxter. w.ho spokec s'ità the authurit v gaihii Oiii five ternis off \.ouekii Indîs. caliecl Caniada a cauntr.v of Super' quality aund quaî:îty wxhi!e Icîdia, wvith the ichest and possibly thie poorest. mant in the world, lias.o a sa' city off what we consîder nec- eýssities. *,PovcrItx and tScarc- ity", is the story lold bv tour- ists and îegreeted b '. Indians and %vorkcrs '.'ho iearn la ap- preciate the qualîties of the people.1 Ncw .'developiiont . ,iI- ing from the building,, of damis anîd production of ciEctricit., is bringing %%oiidez-i«Ll Chanl- ges but Nehru says that ex ci more %wonderful i s t hi a t brouglit by te ecucation of waomen. In 190)7, at the first anîîual meetinîg, onie worker met with 11 chur-ch mnembees. Fifty years later. iin Centra! India, 52 cangregations have 50.000 baptized inenbers andi are onie of -)6 chuirch counrîc-ls. The United Church oif Nor- thern India has 700,00(0 men- bers. Early in t19,5ÎIlle oikof the United Church of Canadlat there was assuined Uv thpe UJnited Chuirch off Indià andt the word mnissioni \as chaneedi t10 (î,îlistiait. Ti n flic Nation- alI Christiaun Council s;et aýjde certain districts ta provent overlapping and aur xvorkers are ioaned ta work shoulder ta shoulder 'vth Ind i a il scliool principah_,, doctors and supýrî nIe ndelIîs off ho',pitals as rcquired. TUie Christian Couincil lias been extended to îîîciude the heads of ail in- stitutions. and representatî'.es off a il xvork and a raîîînîtte off-If) niemibers niade respali- sible for ail ,'.,ni k il a trenli- endcis area with -40 Ian- guages. '\fi. Baxter displa.ed tuec tc'.eller.' giveci to her x'.en Shîe Jefi. Icdia and xvhicii sle wcar.x; az a miessage off grati- tud. toin ie %x'j.jti uoffCani- ada. A\ token off bhe Gaver ii montllis esteem '.'as hIe invit- ation ta our workers tIomci.u the Qcicen anid Prince Piîillip ini Dellii in .aiir.The P..- ccl "iii lîctures takrnin ii1958 anîd 1959 -;Io\,'.,ed ruan v as- pectl of modeclrn India includ- îng a scven store ' v hspital, Sonie ofthte 14 cottons null! off lnciore . onie village xvork and teacior's training class- es. 'l'lie ouLla\\cd caste sysbeni liasn'tnieîv Id<ied oui, but democeacy .i icreazitg. C NIe.. Soper spoke on theL stud.1. 0ol tue ecuiiienîical niove-s mnit and fiie place off mis- siusn iii nt. The departnient offj foreîin fussions begatu tl. niavemeiît at te Warld Couni-s cil meetinig ini Editibuegl of' 17 0 ciiurclies integiat i nl g ciiurclî, iatioi:aiit 'v and race. Tiius the Counoil was ready ta hcelp refug-eesý and stricken ciiui ies. as'.veii as ro-opot'- abe i weiuarc, education. lit- crac'. and niedical w.ork. Nies. Soper also disetisseclr tile niîchlaics offthie iew w \o-i ians' organiza lion ai.t ihîý various cliiurcit lexol:. stress~-s illg au Ilocationi. budg-ets. uniits. c PITTSBURGFI CLEARING M '0 FLAT WALL PAINT -$S.1au7sWM Over 150 samples to chocuse from Presents Lîfe J. H. Abernethy's iMembership For Those MEAl COTT' 1 tbsp ,Unf lav Gelatin ý4 cup CoId NW 2 cups Glen R Cottage IL 3,4 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Stugar 1 tbsp. Lemon !4 cup Glen Ra 14 cup 3ayonn; FRUIT ( Soften geltut ini Place aveu builiiij nîaining itîgeediei Add ebeese niuxti ring molds. Fui( COTTAGE CIlE W.,Bowmanviiie, Stores andi 11cQuit viie. and Ton-i 1 NEW' Tropicana THERi Limiled 0 Order 'yoîr sel Therino-inugs fine, nutritiou COTTAGE Ci Only Order from purchase ai Gý GLEN Phi -$KING ST. IV 1 ter zne Checse ~,MD#~hî ~QTTAG~~I ~~r4( iJtlicc îec Creait aise OR VEGETAI3LE SALAD 1 cod \ a uri- ntop of don hýI ie our. ýwatcr uit] sixcdCoînbinc n mits exccpt salad: blend thorou-1hl '. .îre Io gelatin. Pour mbt individlual centres %vith fruit or veg-etable salad. SE availale daily at Dairy. King st. and drivers. AIso froin: Dominioni nn's ied & White (.rocery. Bowinan- (3~Newucastle. Decorator Designed MO-MUGS Mfer - $1.25 Value tfi of decoratoî (0101 s today! ifilled witJI us Glen Rae EJEESE,f your Glen Rae 5rveco len Rae Dairy, King Si. W. RAB DAIRY mne PA 3-5444 BOWMAN VILLE Four Generations -- Ail Girls co-operation and representa. Mrs. R. B. Galbraith spoke *n*Great Ideas in the Bible," tle ptctivîtyý of the Living God, Creator, Judge and Re- deeîner, showirug the scope, \ arietyv and benefit available 'i Bible study. Tule "In Mý,emnoriar-n" service for 39 memnbers who died ir 1960 Nvas lead by Mrs. A. V. Dilling and Mrs. H. G. Shaw of St. Paul*s. Bowmanville. Worship service in the atter- noon was taken bv Mrs. F. S. Farmer and irs.fH. W. Hioskin of Harmony Affliated W.A. on the theme -Advance in Service." In the ex ening the devctional xvas in charge of St. Andrew's Jessie Panton Auxiliary with Mis. John Dancev reading the Scripture and Mvrs. Reginald Martyn gîv .nig the commrent. During the da 'y Mrs. Ermnie A. lialloweIl was at the piano and ini the evening Miss Helen Nelles wvas at the organ. A fine vocal trio -A heart Jike Tiiie' xvas sung by Mes- dames S. R. James, D. R. AIl- dredd and O.. Richmond of Triniîv Church, Bawmanville. Mrs. K. Werry gave a brief resume of thc minutes of last » ear*s meeting and rnirn- eograplied copies of the story of the vear, prepared by the corrŽs;pon, secretary, Mrs. R. B. Galbraith, were distri- Following tl'e delnious dlin- ncr sýerved bv Tri nity W. MS.-reiin,-s x ere givenl b.v 1ev. W. K. Houslander on behait or 'Irin îty Church and Oshawa Prcsbytery and by M\rs. L. F. Richardson pre- sident of Oshaw\a Presbyýter-<, \V.A. Mrs..MN. Buttars was busy at the literature table. Couî'îesyv reports wcre pie- sented by l\lrs. Ray Scott of Columibus and Miss Editît Or- mierod of Greenwood. MeIs. Chas. Dolle 'v reported an :ncrease of over S900.001. The -illocation of $23.766 and git fb oi- building advance of' s .500 had been ;ent to Branch Treasurer and there wvere 6o) neuw life miembers in the vr ous departments. :Mrs. D. Armistead spoke on "Stew,ýard- ship' and annouinced anl i- vrlea,,e of $866 in Ille ncv .al- local i0fl 10 ring nmîssbonar- irs salaries-,to the level of others in tUie ehurch. i\Irs. L. R. Kemp presented te report off the nominating committee and the election and installation vas <-onduct- ed bv ' Mrs. B. H. Soper. Chan- ces fronm 1960 are: Past Pres- dent. Mis. M. C. Fisher: Pre- sident. Mrs. F. Reed, Hlamp- ton; ]I iVice President. Alrs. H1. A. Mello\v, Oshaiva; d Vice President, Mrs. H. Fer- guso'i. Bowmianvil]e: 'rd Vice President, Mrs. H. T. FýallaisE. Whitby: Treasurer. Mrs. Wmi. H1eron Sr., Brooklin; Secret- ar \ for Affiliated CGlT groups. Mlrs. li. T. Hawkshaw-, sil fferiig îîîi svcni:nu: alicOimai1- t 'vrdoni. baci ipcsistecl iimt beir translation off ilie Bible. and also of bhe great effort Urin', nmacde todiav t o m ak e [The \Vol-c'"avai lable 10 11millions. who abar cic Iî10o aci. Nr.Da vid A vin i 1 rd vcx - pre-ed a pprecî a tint 1 NI . Dudle\. for the ntcres:tinug anîd iiioriîatxcslnd'.anid for 1 lic îispiring bIC Cr. iip gi xcililt onlx Io Ille W\.N.S., bill ii aIl anu off sey'.ice. . WA IS Li fe \1em:bvrýhip Ccrlt l:atc '.'as prsoî o MNrz. DuidIex% coiîtiîued good lioili. 3i . Dudievcv oprezseci ilirthaniks a nd Racidbiat noi>gift onld cie mare applcr.a3tcd. wiu,ominc cu <if tra, a nc A friend i v lia îot!r vas nimli OBITUARY IVALI11R (ONNUALIY Ori Tnesday. Feb. 28àb, lo X;tohP11 aftertîon auxiliary off SI. Aetn Yta.. Paul's W.M.S. met, ai tUe ihoume biî Gcn 3(cra off Abcrs S. MeAllste.nies. D.- ù~ursda' ?xi'arc- Arîîistead. tue presideiit. op - a lcngitlie: euedthie mueetig' witUupray-er us'a ii 'c for ouri. issionaries and oui* nienberS wio wore abseît be- Borni ai Noi cause of illiess. tlie dcasedi %v A sîncere xxelcotuîe i.aF (x- Iv. Nlaccied at teîucerl tri 'he 16 metiibesr5 i 14l;helias l. peiii ese cia l.'to Mis. ' R.orf Oslîci..a foi.i Hetheriiigton, Mers. R. Whitniee also resicîc,î al aîîd Mes. C. H. Dudley . aocd Norai:ca, P. Mes MiistMer reparied on 1-e iàsurvive( behaîf off the supplv seuretarv.fde foroîe lacs NIc 1 J Bowmaii, tlîaî sevon threccc liltdreni. R blaike:s had becui sein for La cx. Hlis Pa avvrseas relief aîîd thai. a baie his par'ents. il '.vas ta be packed tUe folloc-rsishterF. iuig da\-. A joint meeting xii Fuiieral ser'. tUe Voean Asocition Onfrom .the Mozr Tues dax , March l4th, wvas atu- Ciuap, Bom-n'ciar nouiiced. tîrciax Na ech 41 'FMic XorsNip atid StLicly, follom-cd ii Bov iv'ith thue theme "The Bible iliueterv. Rex. I the Wi-ld,' wvas takeu Uv oly, caiducted tic se Dudley. assisteci Uv Mis. Ross Pvbait Stevenis.Alonig mith Lenten Siielkî, 'Iîitrav A' thoughts tirs. Dudley gav e a Joliii,;oi). CI titon netaiied accourut off nen ;O. ieFprandci a ies 4Qj~ OSIIAIVA CHAPTER 0F S.P.E.B.S. Presents BARBERSHC MINSTREL! Sponsured hy Bowmanville Kiwanis Clu Saturday, Marc 8:30 P.31. BOWMANVILLE TOWN Hi AD31ISSION - - - - - - Tickets available (romi club memibers following stores: PETER KOWVAL REAL, ESTAT WV. H. BROWN - DENHERTI FIRTH BROS. - COLLISS ELE 4'. . 13 Drail a, diecriaituehC i Iospîtai. Oit i-'. 1961, afInp s-. JIle sas in World Wîdt 0f Rotciriar Detailed a Art rhe .ciairnian off the t iagd/zitileFa i dI ilnformuat iaui comitte. vas iii charge off bhe intore. ing prograrn ai the Busxîaiuviiie Rotarv Clubs- I utîîI'ottillectiiig ld at thie FIýiiig Dutcinan i'Ootor Hatel on Fridav, FeU. 24tU. The wvoertC x'idr influence of "TUe Rutatuai', the officiai oubli- rat ion f)f111t Ern a 1ion al1 Ro- lar' s r.s, m 1)iilia s i ed hy a seisof coloued siides. (lqii i: a ri Ribe ' vanid iIlle fuîî 'ix' in-ig ciliibers or Il i Bill Cogg-iîîs aîtdi Clare Gai- loi., gavec the infornmative comlinta r.' v. hIl sas asserted Iihat -'The Rotariat"i"s readi iii 1-13 coulittersand is a real 'id veiittiice ini frieîîdship' that oriiîgs undcrstanding and ini- spiratioiî ho Rotarians of nuany tlatioena litics. Thie COm m rellta ry sIi esseci a itta. Qtiebe(i tIlic tact, tUalThe Rotarian asý as tlie ýojj of svcli as beig a niagaziti i iIîa iani6tnel- a fOrui ancd channel of 1i 13o"îaivll uiliuation betwý,een huie îiîorej booti a ce. ietu thiu40-.000Rotai.' îuietnberls 111Ci or,,l' .'ei itcî Uti b ai ici Souîth Atiierica tBownianivlle Africii, -Eut'opc and Asia. Q.'Fi Rotarian hlad its i,- CI b,, his xxi fe. ce i ' ut 191(t) shot I aftcr vi2 Bo)tter .and 1i ti oaev 'Clubs wereformied iii'. (filocia ajtîcl ait associationit ut as -11~ ~ ~ ~~ ~hýc ii'i.ib'tani iidils start 11itituioi-j î:ouiicrs anci cogiapdlioclcoie'S off an essay xxrittîib.' Paîtual's u fouiidee off Rotar\.. Thuefoi-l ce v-a s helci lo \v'îîilg ycae a ilu.atioîîal Ro-1 ii F r iE a 1tar'. paper 'W a s published ixi îe. ni 111i-11111tYîi, and iiDecenîber,.- i b Iitrni'î t911. tUe inagazinîe vas fil-St wmnalit slle Ce pctbliusbcci. laînciLiitue: lueuoiiieri ta tors exptaun ~ivies. d iliat -The Botaruiai brid- "c Ilox'.arni 90S angtiage barriets, anid brLeiîitt, e cunit illga il I lle clubrmenu- Ieiiti.J)" bes, llerousubscribeis and sQîî:lt-oîî. extra, teaders off esery top.', iore litul 10,00t) people see andciaie impressed luy us stinouuîatitig contents e a rcIl nîoiith. This eai' the maga- /"diuius îlir t h gIle 5(th tio x sar'.'Off ils fîrsl Pub- *~Pi cki cires"PiTe Rotar-iati-' larnge anud iuodertuhy equippe'd planut in Es'aîstaîî, Ill., wece sho\vuî. anîd the eîîtire ufit itng. ccl îtiîîg andclpeint - t ig Ie l)ciuitciiu sas graph_ ir i"ccpirted. Pie Q.uitRickaby tUaiiked -Mr. Iibe vandclthe allier mem- becrs off lus corin-ittee for the iformîatixve presen t a t i o n -bout. the orgaiiizatiaiî's great ) P Magi tic. Gucats preseîut at, Ille Iiiclicotu ceting w er.- lnL tOerv. Fia.v Barranci aliri Eriu Baule.', ail off Osl- a" .Ted Siens anîd Vernonu !lx'.botil off Whitby, and ibGeorgeW.Edsa erbr EtUe ( Giirtiai Hospital, Carle-,r à 11 tonPlace. hi )rUd1aof Rotarian Tomi Pal. tle* VlOLLo a the Iuccvý ALL \"«ioici* off bUeHockey Dra%"" Gien lIl, <'s ira nîorfthe aid the CTRIC MA3-3303 tir SEICi WANTUA s. WsemnMaATouctOfc peaks At n First Plalyoff Game Local W . 1. The Mats becamne solid fav- Ray Petn isn o The Februarv meeting of Hockey Championship, fol- apener. the winners fourid the Boxvmanville WX.I. was lield lowing their easy 13-3 w in path ta goalie "Red"' Mantle*s at !he Lions Centre on Thurs., ONver the Office. Sunda'. after-- doo: -step. a comparativcly Feb. 23rd. Mrs. S. Buttery, noon. Before the sertes start- easy one. preFident and Mý\rs. D. Park, ed, the Office. whlo %wound uo The Mats led 1-0 al tUe end secretary -treasurer, were in in the cellar, but knocked ottof the first on a late goal, their respective chairs. ithe Hose in the seni-finals macle it 6-2 in the second and Plans were campleted for vere', given inich of a rapoed ini seven to a single t h e K o p e K a n i a l a t i o s h a n e . W i h -r e e c e a -e p l y b y t h e O f f ic e in t h e Centre this week. As this isV obrsad e ropsr aur one money making pro. hav"e taken thieni iiave gainied r ving refreslhmenis. jeet of the year the members considerable knowledge. 'final period. are asked to help in ans' way Education is something that 1T'ed Fairey was the big gun theycanta mke t a uccss.for' the xinners xith three the ca tomak ita scces.goes %vith us froim cradie to'Igoals and four assists. %vhile The list of articles ta be made the grave, and the real test 1 "Chuck" Kilpatrie k picked up for Blackstock Fair wvas read.:'lies in voue abiiitv to think - This year's tapie is a "Bed-:,foi- '\ourself. Unitid Nationsrsxpit na aro ale havea brd askta eesrveand four assists. "Mort" RicUi- roonmiEnsemble". hv'ahadas t rs rVe a Mrs L.Goomancoment pece ii his~vold f c aos gand Gary Cooper cadli Mrs.L. oodmn cmmet- pacein tis vord ofchas iregistered liat-tricks, singles ed favourabiy on the motta, but if ý-ou have faitli even as goîng to Jackc Bond and Briart "Success is getting what you smnall as a mustard seed, no - Huglies. John Lunin drew four %vant, happiness is wvanting'thing is too bard. assiste. wba yo ge".Shesai saie Mrs. Wisenman %vaq ihanked Jerry Marierrisoti scored people strive for success for t for lier very interestîng and, twicte and H-oward Quinney selfish reasons, this daes flot educational address. A socialladded the other for tUe Of- bring happinesi. True happi-1haîf hour foll-wved w îth Mrs. fiee. nese cornes from being con1- --__ teîîted Nwitl what we have and nur 'willingness ta serve1 and lie]p others. ?&s. Wm. Roberts wa cti- venor af programme. Ail sang one verse of "Blest be the i that Binds" with Mrs.G. Mc- Coy at piano. Roll ral things money can't buy brought miu,:i amusement.-I Ày Mrs. M. Wiseman Our Dis trict President of W est Dur-___ bain was the speaker. Hec Excit ng new selection subject w'as "Educatian thro- ý drssup cli your ugh the Women's Inistitute. pigofts 1 Maîîy years ago a small boy died train tUe effects of drink- ing impure milk Mes. Adel- - --------aide Hoodless thoughit some- thing must be done ta pre- Sce our iîndow display Vent this occuriiîg agaîn so an arganization w-as formned of new l]ebrated lier first birfthda for hi-her standards of home- Costume Jcwellery li fu -gneaio gotp.naihg. This is now over, for 1961 -lisfou-lÏýncrtiongrop. ixty years ago, and isithe: John Magce, ber gr'and- Iîargcst* women*s club In the rI Karen bCotîtel I all<of world. Priced $1.00Oand Up Be friendilv Io ia ne niiorbers corning for the first, have someone ai the door 10, e Iflenexted a friendly hand t 0Literature cati be abtaine Driftwood used in win- fronti F.W.I.O. telling o! nts dow dîsplay compliments riM a gazine ;yc and how il functions. of M\r. Orville Osborne. Its rowîî paper, ".Homîe and E lCouIîry". lias rmanyinterest- t Luncheo iîîg ar t icles. The new Haîîd I lBook, wili be out shioitl andI Io p r we aie asked ta -read. mark Boaid Ioff Dirt on orff im learn and inwardlv digest Hoit l ot idl ji 0ý,pittdl '.0cd Itle aP- Gooci reading is essential h E precîiton off hie board for and good books are withi n J ELLERY & GIFT SHOP Ille generou. donatiîuoff ani reach off everybody.The cour-,GS.E.B W ANIL uptodae oletie- donratod ses given in tîîe Insttu 29 IGS.E O M NI bY. the Bow'. ativille Rotary ibrougli Economie Serýîce.ýÀ& À Clu111, are open for aIl. anîd all who_________ Look how much you save wfth the FORD E CONOMYý TWINS Foirtone iuora Sedon The lowesf-poiced car in the tow"pice A.-Id Ford cari save you as mnuch as $7540 on operating costs alone! Some cr * * ,tnrnr "wt'ng' 'Ané? bfnenf1i thae. C 1as;s 1 r.Frrd Look ihere's Ford*s unsurpasseer qualit « - atud value, plus genuine eronom,%y anrI de pend abilit y from Ford *s famnous Mil eage Ma ker .Six! You get every one of' due (aref'ree Featuireq, ]isted below, andc a I)ealer's written warrant v foe J2nuorut lis or 12100 miles, whichever cornes fits-. Sve .w (l<'6 Ford Six a t our nearfsi. Ford. Mona<'h aico cealer. 1-ere's proof of the rea!, sairugs-. and thue xtra motoring pipasuure votj'Il get in an ascrage vasdriv'inzof 12,000u iieta 'with a Ca.rutree F'ord; -' 30,000 miles betweer, Chassis Lubr- cations-Saves you $ 18.00 (in, 12,000 miles) ;- 4,000 Miles bef'ween Oil Changes -Seves you $6.60 - Self-Adjustinq Brakes-Saves you $4.00 Alu minhzeci Muffler tests three times os long-Seves you $18.70 t, Diamond Lustre Finish neyer needs wcxing-Saves you $23.00 ---Au fomatic Transmission, throtle link.% cge odiustment enly-Soves you $5.10. Faicon Tudor Sedan The new micasure of Cornpoct Car Velue Fal on sales and econoiy leader in the compact fieldt ra4l 1 'hn S v 'dpll Ye~~one "ever hall abot CPCoptS! 1Here'g a Perfert bieiid of styling, Pco OM.',por and handling ease, plus m.any Inoriey-s aving lèatures. Falc:on, miiwiti_?rd 'dv, singie-11niL constracf.ion% Riveg -voit room flor 6 big, people . . . brin," :'70i1t a vacat ion-siee tunk- lmnst. 21 eru. fi.. big,! -And Falcon has the hic-hest. resale value at tradele im oe. Butllc-k tue icts Tiusr1--fr' rnnt nuo Otiter compact. car mnade mepasures up to t.he '61. F'alcon for value and economy: --Up le $710 less thonv some ether corn- pocts ' 4,000 miles between oil charnges ~'Up ta 35 miles per gollon on regular Sas SDiamond Lustre Finish tiever rieeds Wavxing J 12-montfi or 12,000-mile war. ronty, whichever cornes first '/< Boit-oni front fenders for Iaw-cost replacement * Choice of Standard Falcon Six or optional 170 Specbar. For even grecfer e.conomy botka run on regulor sas. Corne in and see the white EconomyTwins now! Get the full economy story ...fIind out the big savings you can make! NWCASTLE AND BOWMANVILLE DISTRICTS CARVETH MOTORS -p ilEWCASTLE, ONT. PHONE 3251 Vigo0 CAR* pi An~ Recettîx . xhcin the tîniest girl in this photo ce it seernecian ideal time In have a pictuire taken of th The., -aie Mes. C'eplîas Rttncle, lier dau glter iVis. clatghter Mis. Koith Connell anîd gi-eal- gratiddaughteý Bo'.vranville. i IMrs. -WisemanýMats Trounce Office

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