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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1961, p. 7

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TRURSDAY, MAR. §th, 1981 cards and gifts for which lhey oi. , ~, ~ f thanks to the Rotarv Annes job. Disaster is akin ta the fin- sons who are suringte'al rma fiiio h ' O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e rec hn. thanks and Vvîs hoIdei-lna bdge towardsthe ality of death itself; we never twnspoteftialhforasop naiDprmnoCm S o i l /)-'esofl l "BuiconsniIeiec the Rotarv tplay. He spoke*ofirike. This being so we owe continue. Two schppe sirtisUe c ~ O Ct ci t Brum" Johnso eXPeriefle-those who hadi taken part in iltat ourselves and ta our were interviewed by1. M r ea c h p caie i ed one of the happiest days of acting. and others wvha were neighbours ta keep the Red Iris in February, an vr s teprbesotuiia his life last Friday afternaon, .....k prompters, or had assisted Cross ready ta help. ssac a ie ote.idsra eeomn. r PhaerAch33 33,ned when hV etas re- withnake-up, costumes, and When a volunteer canvas. There were also vst rmMri'rpr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e n t e w i h a V s t t r m ~p r o p e r t i e s . s e r c a ll s a t y o u r d o o r i n p e o p l e i n t e r e s t e d i ii s a tnlt t d rieighbors and lriends. The in.......rtai s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P re sid e n t R i k a b s t a t e d M a rch , d e sig n a te d R ed C ro ss i d v d a e a l e t r r se . T e B w a v l e B i d n sptlst eke wTo rt, sn.Floigtebsnespeetto a athat the plav had been one if month, give ta the best of "Ftebruarv produe onyIsctsrprtfr at Kigsession. the remainder o! the Terrv Masters and Jim Nic- the best he had ee en eyu en t nueaRdoenwindlustrialpopcrot ttdta h oa kerson, the thoughtfu young ~~~~~~~~ 4 expreg-secd bis appreciation to Cross in readiness. obsbengenalhei.cotfcntrtoadtos St. Eastteenîrn ws AdSo ty.n o e b cnevdteIe ail who had assisted and the A strong Red Cross means, formation and assistnene-adatraini htpr Mhe.Chiddren' ADdnSDuieey. and made the collections. The lej>r ftecs o togrcmuiv ed for his preliriar su-d sS95.Forblin spent the weekend with their Relatives from this district aerial was donated and erect- M r. a n d M rs. D a n D u d l e y ~ ~~~ple n d i dil v d o n c . v e y o ! p o te n tia l s i t s F u t e p r i s w r e s s d a n t e daughter, Miss Jane ]Dudley,, attending the funeral o! O.P.P. ed bv Bill Leask and Tom RxWles~a h iîe word is now awaîe.aon eeie o hmsa Moetreal, Que. Staff Sergeant Robert Clark in Cowan will service the set M t. "In the hocoudrw.Gset Nicks'Peterborugh on Inndthencourse of as routinenfS2e.of thehreekp drmbingtper- and Lisa returned last week cluded. besides bis mother his home for some time now l olwu twa ere1htmtweei'e n 3' ater a pleasant month's vaca- Mrs.. Nina Clark, the following ev'er since bis legs weakened qý nasn reiioeived forr- theneleniU... cosnM.ruthers and Michael Regan(RO PAEOEpspndifotaaond MlorethBudngi- tion in Florida. snM. and Mrs. Geo. -and he will have much en- %, ere Oliver Strapp, Edmion- Jov-nt, OPP, wvas the investi- his plan ta establshaC-spcr.nde5buligi- Brown, Mrs. K. Sumersford, Joyment from bis new gift.~tnGog eaVht~gtn fie.I sbiir u abssennadsvn tec Mrs. John Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, He was a great sports fan and hibain fie. di sbiir aon Gelhwee uetsths r. and Mrs. Fred Stevens, entbusiast for many years and John Pulev Toronto. and Dr A ardie by Williamn adverse reactiontate 0inpcosinebar.D- a! bof er mother. Mrs. Vera fr. Fred Wood, Mr. Elmer bis support of local hockey L S. 'Miklos, Newcastle. Richard H-errington, age 55,1 called "baby budgè .A-igtemnhteewr ( week ~~~~~~~ ~A deline Ave.. Oshaw a, m-asl toug b w e believ e e h v n ures n r o r Adler Horey Mrs. Ivison'and basebaîl teams goles way, osdrbvdmgdo Mrs. W. Henry and daugh- Munl aagday on c.Nw n ogr be.Fni-!allaved his fears, b tl p ae1 netgtos h teTrnoadM.Buce to dy.attnb is fav, o oiterports day xhen it struck a cow on' pears ta suspect thatteCx-rnr bwd teJoontooA, noutaendine asMrek.ehveinpusce'e'lspndmay eattendunonRodabuihsfadaninuvoarcitae s herpotporteso Cu Jonono Aicor er n esahe1 pedmay>-R d r s a mile east of Taunton. The niot favorable ta US1 ficr .A okn o recntviitrswîhvr.ansiaredthtslvnwuine, apM- our.oloangthd PRM AGaOE>acidntocuredat7:1Aplvinn ebua"otnwere Fbrarrsatd ha sve Mrs. F. Denby. who recently received a settle- ond TmV. ike MsSra McdynCe-nient of bis claim for injuries O11TV1i the humanitarîan- sense, The Hereford beifer, wihceved one of aurproca eep tr Srand Mr. adndMrs. resulting from an automobile jt e'. theris actually no sucb thing was bit by the car, wvas own -______________________________ ___Sret ndM. n Ms as a minor disasten. ed by Allan Tbompson, Taunt-, accident, was bospitalized for ~Tbt~hc ~am~rds n osal e ao, o r nne oatn Harry Naylor, Peterborou! Cheesontbbbutsixen *.y .onp left Saturdav for a month's P ensiAoenbs eeasefom~ aster ta the individalwbe was the investigating, vaato i be received tberapy al isphsialévtioffc rvehicles were In'0 Miss Ruby Aldworth, Tor- treatmeît for ten monthe and / ~lvr ne noeo he y n cdnta :5 .a sesosand perbasO EH U onosen fwdaslast'it was 16 months affer the ac- ~lirtoes inonpeaguthe I o N.2 ibay 'AR Week at the home off heur bro- cident before he was able ta 'PFROM PAGE ONE) df lrd then, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred return ta work. goverfiment asking that re- ~ ~.fcmui~ n the nationmieatofecsteAcr Aldworth, Courtice, Ont. v y e1 na drivenbyEwrBageothwrkfth Suilday visitors with M' Trinity Evening Auxiliary presentation in proportion tai agBloh tm nt e 29, Newtonville, collided .M held ifs Februarv meeting it- 'population be nmade law wben1 Karen McMullen. daughter of Mr. and MS. Ry utaot01tm iith%,ihte ako ik-pW RD H MEBB E LA U an r. .J FieKiru St .ipce. ..h.truck. aoldfenoagick-up adst, EeJ Mre%, Far the form cof a su uper nieetin,ý the SMunicipal Art is revived. 1MeMu11llen, Boxwmanv.î1le, had recovered suffiientv Bt ïctmapl),ý c i 1ortHo, Fastone erf'Wn ORL D onre ftewrd ua eio and r. nd rs.Flod HleMurs. A. Davis was in charge. On motion of Deputy-Reevel from the flu ta have lier photo taken last week in! in Ilie coiinniniy the disaster:Pr oe %a the drvrurk.nvaios o an Ms Fov alof the Worship Service and'A. L. Blanchard, seconded by tetuk all o! Newmarket. Ont.ia site M. Councillor Counish, the 1etter îlonor of an award she won, the Golden Jland Badge. b s. f0 s-ath lecari ntcM.Buge' a a ErpNa at, Fan Eastar Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Spirer Mlu'ter, Mus. G. Elicitt.* Mus1 . Was received and filed. shown on her left shoulder. She wvas iii xvhen slie and î 'd~r;niyvvd siderably damaged in tbe acci-' and Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hen- B. 'Mutton and Mus. O.plu1n-ý Reeve Carnet Rickard pald anothen member of lst Brownie Pack of Bowmnanvilie- 'iv î~rvr oin1- dent. Tfhe pick-up truck offlv'A îpesiesoyo 1sustained mn i n a r damlage desn i c oot, eer0'.Ms .Sadier sang tribule ta the good enigineer- were ta have attended church service and have their for iiie Red Cros5ý is anl or-CntbeBueTl Sunday callers on Murs. L. B. "He's got the whole ionld 1i1i9gWork done on the culverts.1 photos taken together. ,anizationi of neighbours help. CosabeBrc1Tlo, OPP, aODSW R UflT' Wiliams ta extend belated Ilis haruds" acrorpaiied by; The bad weather and nain ne- __- ignilîrs it fod investigated. I F R 1 JJ I IUJJJ good wisbes on lier 9oth birtn- Mus. R. Sadler. Mus. W. Re.y-1 ceutly had been a test and the - y ury Hys liebâeddne and clothuig. day.nol s p es~ mît d th St dv ulv nts had ass d i ad ir-B iggs, Jacquie M artin, C arol' Thro mg lîut C anada ini 1959, P L A C E : BokadNisMr eelably. be asserted. He pointed lb cico Miss Jeanette Lobb ind Mis;s Boko nd is Mry exvllut that there are more cul- Riter, Shirley Patfield and sho' t atoCnad ignures if eoh AuryFece-eund.IS e r eadBetty Welsh. , ave Christour neiormem Churc Aure Fethe rtune lstvets ta be Cornce a'ToCnta colGaeCross expended neauly $209P Ihcgo fretBornnvll %veek tromn Montucal wheue Mr. A. W. Crawfortlî, for- ddc1thatthswok eaîytI J tbe atede te veldngcfnir ange of heCaîaia pysdividends in flood con- - pupils, Bradley Lucas and s tictapo 12d018enîergemcxas-C se Miss Sallv Ott and Lieut. Bank off Commierce. Stratliuoy,' trol1. (FROM PAGE ONE- Dennis MeFeeters. operated istnoto1,18iii1da ;r______________. 17 victiis of fires and other peu- 1 (RMPAEOE DATE: Ri i he L w son ur s o in th e d ied Fn id e b, 7.n 196, t-_ __ __ __ __ __i îe eadership. H e expres 1the spot liglits on b th even - o a tr- those re- itari, assistance (O A .Aw. and i visit theyse weue guetts oaftMisso-tue fan.ilyt deiikeîîcc sindStrotlh-isantere sed appreiation tathe Bow- ngs. SoU rinkwecsd help ta cross tihe Void O.A.S.) threc. Eight new p Ja e yDde, foumerly of Bow- roy,. He was boni in Wbtby nniî Recretionby ChulesEvan and TryqiîgT NG T A C ,16 nnanvill.tTow Shi and ad a ning naiiDeport-Nichols, twvo Boy Scouts and ýwhich lies. betweeiî despair 1plications wr ncied 1n UflCUI ment for sponsorng the Char- dand the liiht cf a new day.!five were accepted. Employ-, TIME 'LOKPM On Friday. 'March 3rd, Mrs. etrclbeSaddBnkf al Society, and thanked the 1 Walter Riekard, Peter W Ieury, , Te Igue tts a h act ment was procured for five. erut aya eittaieiOshawa. Several years later appueciative adecs for Paul Sweet and Gerald Klop-ithat the~ Red Cross. in caunt-' The Bwmn1l Indutilý h Stanr ama nern d ardheank lamatd fth Bank encouuaging support. usi Stpen aîdBonr: epere, udene High School students. îess coîîîîîunities througliout Commissionen, K. N. MonrhrpbiisodilyInie sio a be 8th irhidv.Inof Commerce.lie vas nmade (RROM PAGE ONE) The puesident extend e dBridges w,,ere In charge of, aaa vsray n nterprc ta iista e fthe afternoon a few friends nianager of the Bownîanville be willing ta testify at any thanks ta Jack TRoss, th e stage ti s pnoject.î ralled ta wish ber a Brandi and was tuansferued to! lime regarding the unsafe con- idînector, for bis excellent i r.Rbr hrdnad Day. She was also the uecip- I * Mus.nRobenthShRuieaarie: lent nf nianv gifts, cards and Strathroy in Deceniber, 1930. :dition of the building. Coun- worknd tho o a cin osemaakume1 Mu llrCMPTTIEPICSPUSPRS LSEVC Because of iii health Ihe re- ciller Hughes tld council hl heeBunsScoolcfDacig fr . ackDachloke fer-METTVEPIESPUSPRON SEVC lovel. flowers. tired from active service in lîad requested the police ta assistance. Mu. Rainey also ! Llodperfouiie nd aer', Mus. ohn illen aîd Roe- Jly. 943. hotouaphthe uildng ist nentioned the Choral Sa- >o'd acokad Wte Mrs. Jon Killen and Rse- Jucîet948sphgratitudethtauildin lasa Goode Nwcre in change of thel mnary enteutained Mus. P. Jov- %week. These phoograp b s gaiud-aai'hý4-p rer and Kelly, Mus. J. Farrow,;, Mu. and Mrs. Ah Fletcher. show a new elght foot crack bTdecnthouredl0Sgcerou-ycutain Douglas and Donald. et. a Town. arrompanied by Mu. and lias appeared 24 hauns aften ly o! their timle ta hclp ta- hent Choaridal ete owerc birtbday party last Wednes- Mus. Chierles Fletcher and Dr. lMu. Dempsey's inspection. rsthluresoohew n eiteua ned a the ronesit daills nfotunately, Mrs. W. and Mus. S. W. Haut, ail of, He called on Mel Moe ter concert. dnon f ' ay ndning ai loyes-d diland Janeth ohe 166Pito.have js eunMof h uldn npcoe, t The other officers of the'denceof . EgndSMrse. FLlyd, * D I U SO thpYerbay ere c1960nteu spcnding two weeks i5 nspcar aBawnne Choranackl.2 lgicietetFy ed a teirbore ithchhken Pito. rtuuseowf the uligraSacitethe owing the concert on Satur: ed a teirhom wth hicen-Clarwter Flria. ith Mr ýcouncil. In daing sa Mn. Moore are: Jack Allin, vice-presi- day ceveniuîg there was a ne- Kenet aud amix- W i!painted out that tbe picturesdetMis arrtPuon ception fourftie Choral Sacietyf ~j7r andMus.FredL. B n th tîanisd miern Wilauî were self explanatory. secnetary; Mus. Marjorie Fer- membeus and their fricnds Vft, aindMgsnMS. Gd . Bet-,many ther posits o!ami andterwsree' rmguson, treasunen: Miss Dora iheld in St. Aiiduew's Prcsby- SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK fr, instnMr S G ar-ian ohe pins finterest.A etrwsecidfon Pundon, libranien: and Mus. 3ett,Grmb Beach Mus. A.1 no a o rd Strike and Stnike, the tawn'sEenrsca hi terian Churchi Sunday Srhoal Gnimsbya leaving frFloia' EenrBuent,soilcar Room. On behialf of the mcm-' ]Blight, Espanola, Miss Rose-,Mu. anîd Mus. AI Fletcher xveue solicitors, fouwarding ta catun- man. bers cf the society presenta- mary Bauthett, Toronto, and get fhnr tasrrs cil a requested draft By-Law. The first balf of the enter-tinofifsaHubMti, _______________ Dr. R. E. Ives, Stayneu, visited bon voyage perty and ail the 1 eputy-Reeve Ivan Hobbs taining pnognam was opened the director, and ane ta Jeck laver the weekend with Miss; visitors weue entertained et aai h t if cl sould be w at aig th mie rssmgea- floss the stage director, weue Aj&u-I leaving Bowmanville in a few Fl9d o herhms. do anything. He refenned ta tiful "Great Day.'> This was o! "Camelot."cdLeatveM o ey m av n clays ta neside in Kingston. ýCanada. j tbe dangenous statle of the foilowed by "Glanions is the _________ Mr. nd rs.Glen Pliadibuilding, and added that Mr. Land'" by Du. Leslie Bell.j Mn n u.GenPîadlMu. and memorable'E Ani ha hmaster t d 1YGU CAN BUJV SPE C IALS Mu. John Pollard, Miss Audrey Ms ent .Ansbshdmnh ad Edwand Elgan's eoal Keny o SteesvileMis E Cox, Kinig St. East, enioyed an sornething about it. "s Torrents in Sommer i 1 FS M.nt Hofm esbaw, Ms.C. early tea witb their deughter, Counillar Hughes stated also pheased the audience. I Cs e n .D.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets - 300'& reg. 99a m w M.Hles sawM.J -Mu. and Mus. Thomias E. Rog- that the owner had been tld The effective choral sung- ýM m L ~ :eu E * * Trnblyn, Orono, Mu. and Mus. ýes'DnMls on Sunday. ta make the building safe by ing o! "He" by Richard Moi- jr'~aues m Bruce Whitney, Mu. and Mus.les DnMSî,ecUoUly ~'LI 9 mm JakHîeDnl n e-Leter, Mr. end Mus. John E.' February .15b. Two jerks hed ian and Jerk 'Richards, and! A E f O E dslTbel tyJan o! ewDoale vndsiteed Wyie. London, Mu. and Mus.' been put in At but the consuit- o! Haydn's "~The Heavens Are. <PROM PAGE ONE) D.Bad-10. 0> e.5e .0VRT~INY withMr.andMrs.WalaceJ. E. Alan Grevile, Oakvili, ing engineen as epated it Telling" neceived much ap- and has a supply o! winnow: ...BanIl0%30' e. 0,10 wiho Mes n a n M s.h e il 1 Mr. and M s. Gerald Cox, Dean is in a wose condition and plause.Eveyone w s alsa de- posters. i*mckersfor carvv w, - .1o mesnTondo.he w ekfand Gary, Oron, M . and even m re unsafe Ian lever. lighted by the particularly sers . stdibokemahs.frca uni- Eil . of M agnesia T uLablef 20 end.Mus. T. E. Rogers were enter- "This building sbould be lovely renditian o! l'Annie The guest speaker, Dr. H. B. wlt h 1hisRg sz 9 Bowmanville Lionettes held' tained et dinner et the home taken down in days nat Laurie." McKendry o! the Hospital for Regular 66o O cnm 12 their neguhar dînner meetingla! Mn. and Mus. Don Cox,I manths. Somebody migbt be A graceful ballet salao vas Sick Childuen, Toronto, wesi GIANT Nxe aSi ra the Lions Community Centue.I wedding anniversany o! their on]y teed remiss but be liable (Mrs. W. Reimen). The bail- Isi ta r.MKnut E, "'"eulr .0 President Betty Lander was in! parents, Mu. and Mus. Kenneth if action is not taken a!ten erna ware a becaming cas son of a Bapti st ministen, was, SIZE PI4LUIPS BE READY charge o! the meeting witb 271 E. Cox. Mr. and Mus. Cox ne- ahi tbe warning," Cauncillar turne o! white net and silver born in Ormond, a small place i ,~Lt membens nd two guests pe- ceived e nuiber o! loveiy Hughes painted out. sequins. A change o! pece ýnear Ottawa. Wben v c r y1 26 ounces MAGNESIA * Z.UUit Sam o On motion of Councilr selectian by the chouyoung be moved with bis par- I O Y~4 1eOfGat6esz 1'rinity Liniteci C liurcli cihior Wesley Fire, leave ta w:s sung in fine style.'- The et aWnhse hr i itroduce the By-Law was next sellection was "For Alrc iayedsc ' tieT ohP se * * -4 c~'- Know" byUnFred Coots. ondary eduratioîî. I p Tot .1i cannied. Il a given the three eKo b FrdCts Dr. McKendry studied mcdl- Minstr Rv. m.K.Hosinde, A BO. necessary readings and num- "Country Style" wes the final rn tteUicst !Tn Trial six@ Sparkles wlth 1.39 sze' Orgnistr- r, AnthurK.Coln Ms.A.. L .R.S M beucd 1797. sang on the finst bel! o! the con t theUer wstDr.fSic-,ALSO AVAILAULI TI E Orait-M.Atu olsn u.. .... -The By-Lav states as the program. o 's whresmtc Tha v .Se 4 1 ... osile Sraze - - n'"" Halgete building, owned lby 'Trial by Jury", a musical beemanieuîdas for 20 ye3 ars Dr4.ounces612 ounce I Five other By-Laws, whch much njoyed. These parts tuatm ent, andi ope ating pro- No e D o u'gNa l Sp a< rn . H lp y r f mi t R EHOBOTH CHRISTIAN ihdbe gvnfrt n e.w:nc:tken by. sopranos, Mrs cedures. Many operations are iId hdrnbefak:m n.r RE O M D C UR Hjthird reading, passcd, aî andus.alo rsBrEdn iti, hlear id utfeulyinmpossible, ________Dropt_95CNasalSpray 179High Street watecuin Pundon and Mus. Meta Read. lous ilie5ýses the doctors and Scug g S reet Bo manv lle174.39 mSb- i iso a in,. The quaint jurym en w cnc clergy w o ked as a tam , D ." Id alo id s- n n n3515 O N E - $ .5 Rev. John C, Verbrugge, B.A., B.D. U1main; 17î48 Flett Sub-dîvîsion well playeci by Ken Buagg, cKendr'v stated. He regret-,À u& Minister il sanitary scwer; 1782 Liberty Les Collarutt, Laruy Fletcher, ted that .raie oftheli clergry wiîhout sîomich uipet I .. Mutr1J Street senitany sewen. tenons; and Juni Bernill, Gor- ,has diminshied in thîls respect. Bb rCide' og yu _______dyn Brent andi Bob Lynch, 'Ahi ilîîîcss is accompanied by Tj>#L/777 who sang bass. euiiotionel upset oif some de- TSg*, ECNM SZE 7f At the chose et the concert ýgrec, he asseuted. and flic ONLY uueiia Iougli Syrup SVSYU. 10 A.3. - SERVICE IN ENGLISH Rli on Satunday cvcning Mrs. chergy are able ta be of!in- chc 4.cas o ou oub '0 Payne, the pianist, andi Ms. vahabe service, lie dded. estocckheauefyurog. 7:30 P.31. - SERVICE IN DUTCHI Ruttan, who was delightfui in Du. McKendry paid tribute Iep onrl4. og kgeivngmcs (FnOMPAGEONE 'lier singing o! one of thie to thie greet puogress miade in fli othschees ere ive. aAssista nature ln the heallnir proceu, bat sheeswcc îvn leading raies, xveue presenteci thie flehd ef pharniacy. Hie seid Sunday School ininiediately after T thorough xmn01 by those with exquisitc bouqutota that there are nxw 20 t' uce -_____________ Stinay 1oringserice prsent.cantos iris and daffodils. I as many effective drugs as 4one The outeorne et the meeting Mus. R e er (Rosemnarie there were foumeulv. Thec Fnee transportation for those wîllingý but unable was that a committce was set Bouns), the danrer, also ne-, speaker also, praised the spien- î u'p ta check further inta the! reiveci a floral corsage. M,1 did wark accomplisheci by to attend the services. Phone MIA 3-5037 I situation. Thev met on Tucs.- Martin made the presente- 'modern hospitals. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALT befone 9 p.m., Saturday night.s. dav. but arrived et no defin-, tiens. Dr. Rundie on beialt o! bis itc conclusions. They will meet! Deliriaus fudge, homemedeî fellow Rotariamis tlîanked Dr. j a"aiti in the near future for' by members of the Choral 1McKendu-y for bis fie addrcss. "Bak o ouq, fuer discussions. Society was sold an Fuiday'Club Pruesident R. P. Rickaby "BCKL T o uB, s a v , a . . eroa daB. L Bur k, Wth m. i esf hl w g mmers ! t e' o ce ndxnppeene I~MGrgrDmg bocl ~ road casIsot th co m m tîce an d S turday evenings by the a s x ressed apprecia tion t CKLBOshaa, a 3 p.. evry Sndybuger, WM. Marson, Cas.1 Bowmnanville Girl Guide Com- him ivith a souvenir of bis9 k.CKI' Trot, t an.IH. Warren. Gea. Vunish, Dr. panies: Lynn Hellyar, Kathy viFit ta omnvle CKY orno a mi -M. Rude!l. Jamies Croinbie Westover, Anne Westover, Walter DeGeer. a past Dis-. VVe Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug StorePIoe MA 35 9 - and W. David aIggon. ~iaroie lienry, Isabel lien- .tict Governor, moved a vote, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAXVITTr- nmrAnTn

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