PAG1~~~ ETGHT ~THE!CANADIAIN gTATESINA21, WANILOTJI MA 3-7234 ', TOP BOWLING LAST %WEEK jrf 'lhle pins ne r rallv iailing la,;t %vrrk ai LbryBwt wlicn a nev.' high triple mark was sel and a 400 game. can'e wîthin fihree pins off the top single. Bovvling on Saturdax Fpbruarv 2.5th. Jack Gay caime up wvith ganîr's of *386. 269 aid, .31 for 'a 986 triple the iglirsi Pvrr rlled aI he an'.ý Carter. Kartf 'n;ammy" Piper ua neý or off the hrad pinî as hp fas hioiîed a 405 single in the' Good 'etaî' Lcagne. laî ý o at II iU!1 o w nç rF u e ls Thursdla 'oînght. Karl's gaine besled Edl. Leslie'. 401 ganie! for the men's highest score at Lihei..\ Bowl. Dor is Joil s.etilI__ the record last 'par xcbeuîshe ioppled the' ninýzfor a 408i , ireI M - la a T ,%A ju E E __ Q o I - effort. 'Sammv" volnoîed seven coisecutiestrikes. efrej .1 bp lu b E. IJ V 1 LJu 'Im L I C> V oU y a chop-off stopped ]lis chances for a perfect game. le go!t I le spart'. bounved back withîree mnore strikes anod piL-cd s Auft'~ o Body boLin- G;ord lt er and BilIl N 11(1- a head pi) on tht' last bail. Ccd back froni their onIY' bas savilcb 'vert' tht' pick off ibe Recod s-oips fr Buninvile ac hld b AI*'G oc f the' seasoii the' week be- losers with four points apicp Recrd cors oi'Bos nirîili ai hcd ~ A'Uos Ilf or'e o deleat Surpluis Sales Afin' holding a sîiril 9 -5 ~J uvs. Edge Osborne and the' late Ernueicky Roavib.s« 997 tr-iple 2-)18 nd Coronation Cafe lead it tht' end off half-ilinie. A 1ý; tht' higbhest rver hoxs led here. whî Mikyame îup toN an pas , 27-12 -,in over :Snouffy's piilled aviav in tht' A liston i n w t h a 4511 s-or'e I le oiv perfect gaine in Bowsniansi île Stephien Fuiels in the regulai' thiî'd cuarier to go i7i froni howling hislors in Nos ember. 1944. Men's Town League Basket- 16-8, and that svas thme garne.S bail double-beader. last Tues- Ken Kelly, hooped a dozio dla"viighl. points and Barrc Comling ad- S ries p n r BADMNTON WEEEllieht lidi-lfer sass Corona- ded seven Io pace the league- i oui lump nto a 15-4 lead at leaders. Don Xelsh and Jlli ohn 1 5 sIllj\, (is aile (M BIGBADMINON VEEENDhaîf lime as they had littîn Fowler ach accouinlmd for 5six 1 iii11w' secondc and lhimd Uic poi t xl be on hie Bowniarnvi île Badmuinton irotible downing the Fuels in:points in a losing cause, tht' perioda 11) edge Allistori fHor- a baille for the' rintier-up* sevenith against aile \vin aod nlets 4-3 inIlle opening gaine Club Ibis vveekend. wlmn thie local <'lojb viIl againi host thie spoi. Tht' winuîers extendedia lie by lasi plae surplus Off a best off se.'vn Untarulo Central Ontiario 'loiimnalilet. Eniesi,ý are expected 11ioni theiv slim Iead Io three pit.Slssein -final snrues, issi 'rîesclav Osliaa, Peterbor'ough. Belleville, Picton, Bouwmanv\ille and although 10ev trail the' mighty Team Standings nîglil ini Alliîsoî.i. f the fil-'si ele-nrsi h ititAtt Bod-v b 'v haîf a dozen. W L 1, rk lits îeetingg lailiv5 iliEicit li, the As u;ual, Dannv Seto was Ille Snuiff.y'% 8 1 0 1 ( fans SîmoLlIio be n for mnore The Bossinivlle Clubo loid wa 1k off xx lb01051ost orinader' foi' the Cafe crev with;.Coronation Cafe 5 4 10 10 OiE)) iokvaItract ions hefore IiOn maor lilies. but mnosi Eof the defeîîdîuîg champs are> elevmci points. Bob Diamnond!Steaben Fuels .1 5 1I lleht series us uver. Oshawa players wholiow llpla:: for this Club. found Iteirange foi elght.iSurplus Sales 1i 1031(l \V rigI t kept tlle' ______________________________________________________________Boimiaux île clubiii Ile gaine In action m-îll be George, Ken Snuith, ai- gl seveial greal saves nl Bill Burgess. Grianti Henr-Y. Keith Sîmmon. KaY Hopk I I. periocl. as Allston 1 Beamish, Marg Baker. Mauirice Charltoiî. Ralph Char on n da d Aid~ e oul vI- larIi. ILadies" aj r Bo w lingsidei'"). iitt the' e x ni'popular ve era il B obbY B aker. Pla.uý.W I ku t uired iii a b cf PIa>' stails Fridas' niglit al 7 oclock. conituioi)all One off the rvîtch games of Gaines 200o and over foil, tIle loser's cage, par- 1ay Satkuirda s ui il itle filnais Illiat inîght.A part s v il bt~hie second sehedule saw NMar- oaWigt.1,JO ýl,IY iilnVi Il lie sEoiiEiand helci aftmrwsa id and as tisua I evervone wil l he wect'onie. lyn edge Buday 2-1, last Mari- .oa rîht 31. O5cenbost of lh inîru-i. dynight (o increase thei' it'\l 30:3. Ollue Patfield 27-,5i Il svas a i îî'.zgvd volitesi. i. t margmýn oxer the losers fo twol 246, AudreY Biekeilî21)4, Dot buîîthIll hard-'leukiiîg fat]- points. Joli held second. a'Br-ooks 216, 240) , r'an 0(1 tO '.1(55'Ilt'eIEiiipo of Ille MIST-EBC~M Spoint o! the' pace on the' Marta n 238. 51 riel Hoîrox d gl(in )a I to fî\îî flu.\ýfs MIS'S THE 1316 GMNIES streîîgillîoff a 2-1 decîsion rflsaitfnsh 'lhis is tue th ne off Illie ean ss'lnn tht fan.- ml I uver Baker. while Haynevs :213, Es' Enîblex 231, Pea n 'lhe bilimselr 1)1iCdti staved iii third. lied With Kilpati-kk-206, Bernîce Bucdav 5miîgafior 3,) Seconds off suipport the Bowînlanville liockesr teamç, both al. tht' awaY and Bulday, latter defeating Brock 1212, ,05, ireBrî21, pIav, xvleîî Dax e Es'aîs SIiEl homne play-off games. Bitl bis îrepor'ter' has found il mi- 2-1. 21 hils Borl 2.N li ngle. aeuuîedtEl glaiie possible 10 attend ihese eneoînteî's recenti>, wheiî actuallv T'l'îleresuilîsoff the other h2an27,aroiS aglî of Wîgll'ap d evaî1 w'e also get tht' pla> -off fever and hate Io miss an' off thet' hre.2 garnes also ended iii 2-1 iS cîî22,ulrinSlg i'itc dar a d2,15 ff tht SUO'î es, as FIche>' downpd, 2'49, Wilnia Bales 208, H-ilda ai, 1 fIl Kin-. Brooks decisioned Pal.1- ok203, Pe.ggy Ila.voca 2-?19. iuiiîle eýnllt'ille e i.asi Wvdnesday we had tickets for Ihle Leafs-Caniadieto field ndDnnbstd 'eu-:40,Nic raiK11 ie'ice ~uihRullh'îg' rdi\e game an itvas Ill thugh tha th Shmi*(-kswoud pie.Hodgsoîî 219, Heleîî Doui ifri'(tht'e )lite n. itto Illiej ~ate, ndil va on th' hoîht(ba th' ham'oks vood rie .207, Joyce Mator 2,:6.,u iiiieig' îLl win, that persuaded us lut head foi' Tor'onto. Tht' spor'ts Lola Wright rolled ài iiOt' iBar21.VCol21.DI Te lvas truk bc edîtor was out cf lown on the wxeekend and n'issnd Frida\ss 312 game (o take high single lVinson 206. VD oriole'24 l Theivl ocs I Iîiîg lier fr. game iin Trentoni aîd the Alliston Jus-enlIes' appeaî'aîîe h onors fllie b . oyco Tennani 203. Shirley tî',aW-aIlle 4:.(1 m-ark. anîd Sairdy igt.Tomrrsvtîgh x'e'e lain i tt' em Lle 33.Virginia Bon- ike219, Rita Goulah 2I1, tiniîithie so055 sevolicds minton tournbad-t2an0 und'Onie ablehei'-ke theOrie Etleet'279. 264. Dot'j later. Doii a('k a- minln turiirneit ad x'on' beable10 ake ietrip loi Onilt'Etcher"s -721 triple Bond '241. Gî'eia Luitoîî 21),!tht' areims ssîerc-'lie utilE .Alliston (aithough wve found out the scor'e off tht' second ssas high in thai categom'y, Mel McNuIvy 206. the'ijurY Ibal kepl lîinî outî game on Sunday, wiht'i we siopped foi' gas --- i Alliston.) other gond tbiais going to _______________for- îioliulis, slarted Ile pis>. -Ollie PatfielId-- 680. Lola Wt'i- le gol tle dralss un thet' Boss %v- i'glil -660 and Pegge' Hayns -ui,îi neîd os'eî Io Tt'rr TaStnigGoodyea r 5~l. d blckIta asapass Io Alex ýW'îsemauî. L IBERTY Lorraine Maîtyn -1 h goal ele îad un cliamîce as Doi oi16 Bo'v/l9 'lui_ Ianl roaed iii alont' and BO W L LTD. Peggy Haynes - 15 pickpc! th lrir Bernice Buday ~Koi I 'Sanims Piper Iranie Blé; k look Rou Cx 'rv' BASE LINE Onle tcher 1 up w i Ilie besi game of lîîs pass Off thle boarîds. boîintd carceeî anid the hîghesI siuig!e tht'e'lanud x iirlo'd ii fruîuî' 0111in Ole Patfield 1 es'ei olled ai Liberî' Bowl. 10ian Ille puuck iuuîth le cor- aigDot Br'ooks- Il when lie smashn.d tht' pins for-lier. AUTOMATIC K eur Il :a emeîudous 40.1 game. lasi Bo'naîuiusgîuîî i PI-STER av Belin- 10 Thursýda.y night iin the Good-;tavk ýfialI>' paud off iii the PIN-SETERS Mrg Kin - . - .I .A rr- OPEN BOWLING EVERY DAY Phone MA 3-5663 Time Avuilable for More League Bowling Memorial Arena BOWMANVI LLE PUBLIC SKATING FRI., MAR. 10 8-10 P.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 111h INTER31EDIATE HOCKEY 8:30 P.11. TRENTON VS. BOWMANVILLE SHAMROCKS ADM1ISSION - A.duits, 50c. Children, 25c Children tinder 12 years of age Free if acconîpanied by aduit SUNDAY, IMARCII 12th FAMILY SKATING 3 Io 5 p.a. TUESDAYg MARCH 141h J UVENILE HOCKEY 8:00 P.11. ONT ARIO> JUVENILE SEMI.HINALS ALLISTON VIS. EGWMANVILLE JUVENILES ADMISSIO N Children - 35c HildaBro Helen Dunn Juie Baker' A 1'eragem Unit' Etcer Dotua rJoli Bei'îic'e Buday Dot Br'ooks HilEla Bî'ock 01lt' Patfieid Norina Nonî'is Peggs' Haynes NIuîiel Holroyd Jo vue LYle MfIarg Kinîg Grace Blackbur'n Shirley Bickell Virgir Br'owsn Ein rornell Mlabel Lemis, Wilnia Bains Audrey Biekeli Ena Etche>' Lorr'ainet'Marîvo Lola Wighit A'ucrcy' vOsmond Vi Coole Marg Perrîs Nornîa Gas Jue pBakem' Josv'e Tennant Kas' Beaupî'ie Baî'lîBathg-ate Be'Il>' Neslake Dcli Vinson Joyc e Major Dore 'i\tttoi Hclcn iDumii Shirley> Dav'is Stella Brow'n Nancs' Brs'aîîs Bernice Tersy Heleîî Piiont DoI Bond flelen Nicholson Babe Brown Mal'Maits Bari) Buttoiîshasx' Cannie Osmnd Karen Beauprie Ada Richar'ds Be'n)ice Pau'iuer 5hies Bick le Rita Goulah Jeanî Sellers, Helpii Corclen I'.ii 'lennli t Gri'a Luixton 'l'Iinîa Faî'rester E': Eimble.v Alic', Hodgson Dorii;HolroYd M'Ia'ýioli Siaghut Vis' Co'.sam Jovot' Al-nomîd Ruîbv Woodwsar'd Hilda Simîîick Sade Bîiekneil Pearl Kilpatrick Bel'v Bî'ough Joan Engies'% NvIil Sheehan Elzuut' Speneri Stau uerute Ciago Dais'- Haý lies 1-inei ParkN Mabel W':liams Bebli Chartran Duamume Palmer Dot Virtue Iv'. Co' culs' GlacI Raimnie Elsie Pl-out Mars' Connors i Shirley Greenhani Joann Pollard __ g yeai' Leaguît. Kart î'aîiled. off 91steei consecutivs rikes, bo- 6 for" a c'hop-off siElppd Ilui,,, ,i nn i.-ht. Ht' got tht' spame anîd iossed Up 1Ilree imnot 21 strikes. huit pieked nuit the' 20q1ihead pin on lt'elast bal]. 2 0 7 1 pers gînrai effort iook sf'fl pot-ligOl buit tht' Colin- " Ine e ao thIleir doit- *10 1 " \ rapin ti *,iechanmpionu- 19~sip in a powxe'foui ma mmi'r. The leaders, winnens off the' 10first schediute. hî'aîuned t0e 187 ruîmi er-up Tigers 7-0 ta push 84' fie loSerç ta <irdi. xs i le tli:-1 Ili' a commauîdimîg 16 poiit i 13lea cl. 'T'e Combiuîes have 12squa.-hed thie challenges off the: 182 iFan Bell.-. Belts and noxvflue 10 Tigers, who ail look tuî'ns ai 179,' clurl doxs'i seconîd place,i l"79.9 îurig the pasi thret' weeks,, 1 7.9 'lhb Belis bai t4-3 Io tht' 173: Fan Belts, but thet hcen points 177 isere enough to pomahitheelos- 176 ,ers back mb otht' iuiiuei'-up 176 lposi1in A 5-2 xxii enabled 174 't'e Olfuce Io dî'ass'es'euîwith 173 tht' Fan Belis in fourtO A 173 'pair off upsels sasv tlîe Brav'e, 173:tie (lhe cit Shop fou' 17î1 firth on a 7-t) iinox'eî' tht' 170 Comeis. wbile lte înaclîîîists, 170 sver2 dmoppiiîg a 4-:3 decusioiî 169 la tht' lasi place Lead P'cs.s. 169 jlack Bond negaineclI Ihý 169 axera.e lleadershiip ssili h a 168, lc 8 rpe olwdb 16Pipci,' -728. Ken Nichais- 166 721. .lr'vGi'amit---689, .Jack 165 Geddes ç-65')6 and Bill Joli 1 65 646. 15 Ken NichaIs' 337 game, 164,gOod eiiough ho cop tht' bigh 162 single mosi xeeks -\xas onIlv 162 seconid besi Thursday nighl.1 161 after Piprns 405. 010cr Ihighs! 16' iweii a rauo t 287921: John f6 Sta1nton - 27.5, Roîî Mayiai'd 10 -274, GeorgeDadson -7. 160 -Jack Boiid-264. '260. 260: Jini 1.59 Bedford -259 and Jlack Grcd- 1,98 des-256. 18 Tht' Dausîns rlosed bIle gap *58 10 Il point.; b> 5ii'le off a 5-2 157 in aven tht' Petuiîîas in lad - 15les' actioni. Donna Fairey look li lîy' single honouns withî a 14 big gine off 240. «lunîe Taylor 1.4 sx'asiexl ai 224, (olloxx'md Osb 1.54 Bî'encda Oke -211I and Maig i3Osborne--- 210. 151 Cai'ole Cou loise 5:m t otalt j 1 edged Peggy Franîk for- igh u 1 triple bY a single pin. 149 Team Standingmi 149 146 P~ 143 Combines.5:! 144 Belts 36f 14'2 1 Tigeî's 34 1 41 Faii Belits 33 1.1 Office 1.4 Bravee 31 M3'Aachine Slîop 3! Cornets 113 13 Braiders 19 1.11 Lead Presx 15 129 Ladies' League 126 Ptna 125 37 113 Daiies26~ Iling League Ili(iBrocN s 278. (,eî1o Bckvl siî.e ! ori; \s 'e tuu id 111 elui bv i (Oi -' o k 26;7. L G ii b on W\ehAi2-,,. llowuurd Boo îNl ell2541. 230. Gord Bi( ilcO25. uMricv Rcher -24.S lia rion 241 01 Snias V iiun 1 il G i - '13-'0. 10<. Onie E 1 101-o.\> d *2:6. 216, I lap P l ei 2 , "13. mnk10)1)20 J .10e Ns a 2.2.24 JOs C .1111 ('o'. 224 anîd Don Biaci- .\id f 'leatil Etl'tvuui Siet E. l'ii uik IlI. BioNk ns SLaiulîmm~ W i il î:î 15 14 la 13 I i il I Il 1< Mixed Bow ScE 11h cd Io Show w'heri thcv pulled off another 7-0 >h litoul Frîdav n iglt t \-affiit 010hird spot. 'l'i ii o\ (r Casi le along xvith lasI xv' ssi('lorv bIlas ha olnd 13ronie l froiclos.e (o tlhe ,ceilzir. vilt 111<n(o otenition. Elchri' edgod spicur 4-3 Io link i iirst. bol S ýep elosc Ihle gn.p Io four')poiints 01) a 5î-2 \vini ovni ElloiîBrocN. Ilii a Bi ock fa iled tb aca te thbe ccl lar dr'spîte a 1-3 dle- cîsioli over Mlhon, while Yeo w iged 4-13 os Paliner ta slip [rom thîrd (o fourth. Ilfilda Brock rolled up a 7101 inial Io lake Ihigh triple lonolîrs. botuit eest offIlhe lnagîe lhad troiuble vomingi. lip 'vith an\i big Scores.uor - ra v ans 618 vas Iligl for tbne mn. fol loxed b v Onie Etiher- 646. Norn O'Ratîrke -640). Jot'NxxIn 69Iap Palimur 630, ?îrlvEtcber- 627. Mat Harrison- 604 and Frank Molmun 600. "'DLike" Brunt had a coupile of poor' gaines, but lie caime til xvitb Ille big oin' a 283 (,!- finalu stanza ail Ille9:21 mark. XVoad lock va rried be inud tIll' net a nd fvd Doog .laiic a perf.,cl pass 10 put Ille lova ls ini Pont1 for, lle firsl lime. (vilvnetteci Ille eventuîa I Wnilur o01a driverom tble InLe illn. xviih Blavk cîx ing h is second assis) on Ille Pl a.. The I lornet.g pulîrd Itheir goal -keeper ini favoiîr off a six' ýi atiacker, sbi le Vern Rouc c xas off for i rippilii,,. Thie move r-e,,îîlted i ni a goalI 1),v Dnrwin Slorevs as *4f. puc. .iLoSt roI led over Ille I ic(. w ifi hia f a inute remaining to0lie p la s d. AIlisIon NwonIllthoss for Ihle seveil l gai-ne, if one s IL il Port Hope Golf & Country Club ANNOUNCING 1961 NON-RESIDENTS FEES F'ULI,(CLUB NIEMBERSHIPS.00 Inchiîding MNen., Woinen. Fanidly Out-o(-'Iown NIembersiiip ki. irnîted Invite early app1ication.ý .1%p p 1Y: SEC'RETARV. 98 BRAMLEY ST. sot'TI PORT HOPE, ONTARIO Il ti 6 233 32< '10. 2021 '-2ý11 200 Ililda Ilu i k r PAGE EIGHT Team Statndings, v'r ra g cx 011e Pstiucld(1 Dot Brook'ý IliC'It) Doomu Bel, >'Richardis ROBSON MOTORS LTD. A Il Usedi Cals arce"u kItccolnd îtîunled with (ioodwill (ihîd a ne 19.39 FOLZD 2-1)11. 11vater and Radio$15 1959 EDSEL '1-D)1. eqUlvncLipp0d $1,395 1957 CIIEV. 1-D)1. STATION %V.\6(>N V-,au ior-na ti le. halci anod rcl nIl-)95 1956 AUSTIN 4-DR1. Ileater and Radio 75 0 19.15 PONTIAC 4-DR. fleater and Radio. V-8 S 795 1954 BUICK 4-[)R. ficaîni' and Radio - $ .u5 Several 9i D el Iîonst 'ators (ireat1à, Redused in P1rice ROBSON MOTORS LTD. I3iik - P~ontiac-.t auxhall Cars - (;MC( 'ruckx 166 King St. E. M1A 3-3321 Oshawa Direct Uine RIA 5-2712 A. H. STURROCK & SONS LTD. BONN'3.XN VILLE «FoÏ0PATTERSON y"e3fAJOHANSSON The Hoovyweight Championship of the worId brought to you exclusively by Lobott's MONDAY, MARCH-13th, 10.20 PoM. ON CDC RADIO NETWORK SEU Iis NEWSPAPER FOR VOUE STATON (ALSO ON CLOE iCf SPORTOpîCs By Frank Mohuin TfS5 Adults - 75c 'JAfternoon Ladies' League I 0-i Frida., . ?.arch 3. shui- Pat Bradid 163 ouls xvere scored by I0-lOlrod AlYce îOI Oî .. -163 and Patfield over Bickeli aoid SadeBokili . 161 But-knel I. AI I other teains :Mr1ojî(1isoî161 splui' lieir points 0111ie Pal- - --- licld liad 1twhe Ii,_l double orf -139, wiîh 1 wo ln:ce gamps (if '148. 191. IllihsingIc' went 10 Frai. Allun, 271. Otlilr 21) games were rolled bv Dot Brooks *250. Ollie Patield '248, F E Bell, Richiardls 227. Audre v Bickell 214, Ena EIcher 2P), ilek-'n Duni 109. '20)7,..lvcc 1-« le ,20E, Pat Rracd-204 anid0 Hîilcia Suînnîck 2021. 7 0%0 mmd Fîltoi i BroLkn Frajuik Slnu ilap Paliuir Normu Ruk Ililda A'rt Spiccr ' Hus u iBromîmell la ie'Iliglu siliglo' Bînci..278. 11 ' bgiStingle L,' ipIlugli T'l'mph Bu îîv!. 7 Io. Shut 's Il ui,] iffil 'as Gra~nt <34l". ý, 1,