THE CANADIAF STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLr, ONTARIO Durham Co-op Shows nie ehoemeon ointHydro Speaker Tells he" n F°da eenigMCom iteDtisS $13,121 Surplus for '60 Suh npegetbleGrowrs o pâ°tunFiePrtcto Pa On Sales of $280 111 281$13,000Hhadsgeedne ha urs Farmingl bimpora c="vied'"fo n eorClrk T wnhi tiof members2smee0its meep- this meeting and moving pic- The thirteenth an n u a lective farms which were toofwih$000asbe A gathering of two hundred!Jack Reid, Coldsprings, Bob . es wilh ehi deafte n- Ls ekteCak on i nuac ae.B IH mneeting of the Durham Farm- forty or fifty thousand acres,, people heard J. E. Moles, fromi Stephenson, Newcastle; from snwhle h ship Fire Committee, formed' It was pointed outa h eêrs' County Co-operative was in size and employed seven The retirmng directors were!the Ontario Hydro, speak at ,Dur. Farmers Co-op, Orono, inpper, A lete meeting i by the Township Council in meeting that the Comte beld Tuesday in the Orono or eight thousand people. Messrs. Don Metcalf, Howardthe Durham County Vegetable Marion Marvin, Port Hope; forprotgr ess. om inws16.fnlze-hi idns a poedda a si Oddiellows's Community Cen- These people lived in small Quantrill and Donald Stale. rr nna aquet. The from Lawrence Sales, Port vitations togiverypersoa n They approved a recommend- could and that thenetsp tre with an attendance of 180. villages and elected their own Those elected to office for ai event was held on Monday, Hope, Alf. Allin, Bowmanville; ;and adherenteverd tem er a ation to the Clarke Township was up to Council. Cucl The activities of the day were1 Bd. of Directors and leaders, three year termi were Hilton1 March 6th, in Port Hope Ma- Roy Austin, Port Hope; fromn hostesses at t'ha dn o a Council that they implement it was stated, shoul o commenced by a turkey ban- They also toured smaller state Tink, Howard Quantrill and1 sonic Hall. Mr. Moles told of Ken Ashby, Port Britain, Har- einr a fire protection service in come to somte agreemenswt quet. farms of four or five thousand Don Staples. the importance of the farmer ry Beckett, Port Hope; Ernesti Following the closing pray- the Township as set out by the Police Trustees ontkn President, Donald Staples acres which were owned by Afe!oedsuso nto the economy of Canada. iFrei, Cobourg; fromn Jex and ers, lunch was served by the the Ontario Fire Marshall's over the present Oronoeup atcted as chairman and' wel- the state which hired all the the coming year's activities, The chairman of the meet..Smith, Port Hope, Mrs. Cecil hostess,asitb Mrs. HlFnerb• office. ment and building. comed fellow co-operators and labour and trained leaders. the meeting adjourned--Times ing was President Truman Day, Port Hope; Mrs. Cliff.CopsMr.aneFiey This set-uP would establish The recommendatlionoh stated that they had had ano- The group also visited cities Austin of Port Hope. District Swallow, Bowmanville; from Mrs. Harvey Davidson. Mrs- a new pumper in the village commnittee will nowbes- ther successful year of opera- and were shown their lovely Director Ed Ruthven of Port'Can. Tire, Bowmanville, Earl Addison Scott expresed the of Orono to service a fivelmitted to council posilya tion He aid hat t ths met- frmalgardns ad paks.Hope reported that the price Spry, Leskard; Wm. Moore, hnsoftemmerioMs mile radius around the Vil- their next regularmetn ing members had the oppor- These places were packed ELACKSTOCK negotiations for peas, corn and Cobourg; Mrs. Eric Thompson, Neals for the use of her home, lage, and a new pumper in -Times. tunity to speak their views with people at nmghts due to tomatoes would likely go to Port -Hope; from Doug. Raby,antoheosssgup Newtonville to service the. And cast their vote in deter-1crowded living conditions• Mrs. Carl Wright was hos- arbitration. Port Hope, Cliff. Swallow, The Bethany Women's In- Newtonville area. The present .mining the policies and char-ý The tour ended in Moscow tess for the W.M.S. Wednes- Greigwrextended Bowmanville. stitute sponsored a delightful Orono pumper would be set- D" V tacter of their Co-op. 1 where the. group was shown day when 16 ladies enjoyed a from the Mayor of Port Hope prmg s rhoniShwallinSt.up endaol ad b a uiliryA e L Mrs. Montgomery of Osh- ýthe Kremlmn and other places pleasant and instructive al- Michael Wladyka, from Alexl Pial' Chrc Pais Hal n pumper wd. ber stationede ,awa provided the entertam.. of interest- ternoon. Mrs. Ernest Larmer- Carruthers, M.P.P. and fromi BETHANYFrdymh.nLekd.Oroclitzsdo oi .ment by singing several hu-, Winners of the lucky draws past president presided and Dr. R. P. Vivian, MI.P. Modelling the numerous A. McGill pointed out thelappear on TV very fevu mzorous songs. 1 were S. C. Allin, a mixer, Ken conducted a fine Lenten De- Th foo d. lovely costumes of suits, coats, cost Of this set-up which those watching Chlannl Guest speaker, Howard Mal- Henderson an electric kettle, votional period basing her re- prizes: from n g. wcoFetili or, BowmatganlleOP r ein-dessadhtswr isi qupetwudcs fooeebruhf:060 ..o colm of Yelverton, showed im. 1Elgin Werry, Co-op fertilizer, mrsfo h citr a-JmDc lofedirvsiaigaohrsre fJoan Elliott, Mrs. Wm. C. $35,000 to $38,500 deDending Friday saw nine of orHg edsia and tled by Mr. . Dogas land fertilizer. L er. Poredi uIo a ra' rtilH ' Loyd ellogg The Post Office, two gar- Geary, Mrs. Haig Bothwell establishing two new ý-fire ture and a few studenshv V( 3y WSm of the Wingham Radio Sta- Forty-three members were oe e.GaPr ages and a grocery store were (convenor) all of Peterbor- halls in Kendal and Newton-lattended this function eoe Ue nUoSIiml tion who took eight Canadian present for the busmness por- After the minutes and cor- Hope; Ross Brown, Newton- broken into some time during oughi and Mrs. Glenn Went. ville- was also set at around1 This timie they were wecmdirVl ýfarmers. After landing in Mos- tion of the meetmng. This por- respondence were read, the vrsleCrom Stokely-VanCamp, Monday night. worth of Bethany.Assig$000 h oa oto s sseilget n oro s orgtdcrbado tow theysan werkedn oth io fncf theve tin C o od eikCnfrence was lan- ville;Mas.OB ornea, Boman Postmaster Ernest Lamb, the models were Mrs. G. W tablishing the over-all fire them won pr.:.:es.Dinesrgcat. to BoisHniore hil fnnilrviwo h o non e Mrs. Rpomiln d -Hope; Mr. F rn OsawmPor tstore owner Reg. Edmunds Anker, Miss Olga HasillPet.- service for the Towvnship Lethanlgue and Ken Glak wayde north n aneleendaoperhi ativ ee tedpaster rs. Hail wr ponte e- ,Potope; Mr. Fer,_saa;Ms and garage proprietors Harold erborough and Mrs. Ross Dav- was estimated at $50,000. ML\arilyn Fisk and DoFais *Wpwtheayrpin guied ou. Tey istedcoi wichwasprsened y he resnttivs t w r onthe ysreo , Port Hope; Mr. EJ. Sanderson and George Smith idson, Bethany. It was proposed that this having ,this lhonor. Ohr0t-ppr auioHerb Watson. Total Provisional committereteGtoPtHp;Ms.El discovered the breakins when The Cometator r.Pr sum be repaid over a 20 year tending were CarOly als i eurl ihsrn od sal$280 2 h196chmocred ew rgranization. Following Spry LeskBroodal-insa they opened shop early Tues- cy Telford, Peterboroughin- period. It was estimated that Terry Fisk. Denn rer, Ry *Pittecopeepsa d tover219598by an amont ofase Perebteial Supphelyectr ret- Nrse ries, C aS 1e- on day morning. At Edmund's troduced each model and to repay the capital cost and Brown and nn • drs, nik nthroto suerplus9 of an$13,121 ofa resytr. R usselyountjoy N rrie,;CPauls tin, Ponrtstore a door was pried off its commented on their costumes meet the operation of tne e glad to repotta hacl Eurlvin Blewe,secrearyof Mrs. Rslight wereaauth r ope; frma'llAutoParthmges with a crow bar. The which were clothes wearable three departments would add we are going to havzei u orcopeertr d YOtiLL SAVE A LOT the Board of Directors, pre- ized to purchase lining for Mrs. A. Allin, Bowmanville; other places were all entered and suitable to Most figures tw mll oth ownsh1 Lauignherean h i lueWtrdesi h peethn sented the recommendations a quilt, the top of which has from Greenaway's, Hampton,truhwnos n fralocso,." tienmiorathe th r ly oeper oys hr nArl2s ocreftepre.Ptacp -YESSIREE- from the Board in connection already been donated by Mrs. Hugh Simpson, Brighton. The Bethany 4-H Club held possible now for every wo- . reeate play for a Dance. Man; aeoyuadesisdteacl BY INSTALLING- OUQ with the distribution of the W. Archer and the other Fromn W. H. Brown, B'ville, their meeting at the home of man to be well dressed at ai was expecte o t run to an' heard this fine Orchestaoe BATI-1 UNI TS net savings. The recommend- materials for bale. The offer- Harry Wade, Newcastle; fronm their leader, Mrs. Ralph Pres- moderate cost, and to buy anmunt of $3,000. Channel 3 on Thursdayee- %Frcretpsaehv h OF QUALITY! ations were approved by the ing was received by Alice Ann Sid Lancaster, Newcastle, Wm. ton. Ways of using fresh fruit clothes that really fit. Our thI tiasalsthatneotat in gs. parceleighedatthPostOffice 7 meeting. These recommenda. Carnaghan and dedicated in Hamilton, Port Hope;, from S-i hemnuweedicssd;Cnain manufatresandraterductin 1 n srance .A a eentmeetwinofte eeheylwpasofmt tiont incude thacaudperdunson.Therollcal---Watn. MotonandhonMrs.Ste. alolwatWthlok fo.wheodetgnesakow watneca the re ionwou xi .O.Ba. elegteswerecho- teephne drecorie fo cent dividend In the form of Easter Means to Me- brought la Elliott, Newcastle; i r om buying fruit and the value of wear and we can depend upon b the rsedplarshaÍs utlteien t tt l nPe cmlte postandnfomatio a patronage loan be issued for many well thought out ans. apples in the diet. Miss Dianne them. . heFr arhl' ofc essions t ehl 1960 member business. It was wers. Mrs. Lloyd Wright gave Smith and Patricia Davidson Mrs. Preston Neals and .Mrs. was established. This d ould borouigh on April 7 ad8h 8IgtWe O rp also recommended that the somne fine thoughts and con- baked and served a delicious Vincent Jacsnsn.InTenenaenpre e i n Mr. and Mrs. Normn Ed tSýd eiBy 1956 patronage certificates be ducted a brief discussion on strawberry shortcake. Garden of Tomorrow" and dential in Orora eand Kendal r.and Mrs. FrOshaa a paid mn cash. Temperance. A skit-. New Mrs. John Stubbmns and son "Melody of Love", with Mrs- and a ten to fifteen percent of Orono were Sundayvst -Mr. Donald Staples then re- Ways of Speaking-was pre- Billy of Knob Lake, Que., vis- Clarence Rowan, piano accom- reduction in Newtonville de- ors w7ith M,\r. and Ms .J ported for the Board of Dir- sented by Mrs. E. Larmer as ited with her grandmother, panist. Miss June Kerr played pending on the size of the Payne.D ectors on the years work and interviewer. Mrs. L. Wright Mrs . William Cavano on two accordian selections. Mrs. pumper established in that1 Mr. and M\rs. Ken oe accomplishments. During the as a radio writer and news- Thursday. Earl Argue gave two mono- centre. Farm buildings would have returned homeafe year a new 1-ton truck was caster from Africa; Mrs. L. Mr. Norman Lowes, Tor- logues "One Winter Night"Ireceive little or no reduictionl-- -- purchased, warehouse roof re- Byers, ,as a man from Burma, onto, was home for the week- and "The Family of Strange MLUM ING-EAT surfaced, a new truck shed whose parents were Buddists end with hispaets, Faces." constructed on the west side and who, was converted to Mrs. Donald owes., .a The "Bethany Kitchen Cu- OBITUARY O NTAFRI RI E S BURNýý ER DEALER ssî of the mill. He also reported Christiamity while at school; M.adMs ila at ties"' gave a hilarious satire tht9heInurance coverage Mrs. K. .Samells as a, young Mchnk and MsonWila arT- of a Hat Fashion Show with WILLIAM HENRY BOWEN ORONO 1782 had ben-reviewed. teacher in the Philippmnes. I'hnoadsn arTr "The New, New Look". Mrs Ernie Spry, manager of the Mrs. Romeril gave a synopsis oto, spent theweekend with T. R. Jennings, acting as Following a lengthy illness of the fifth chapter of "Ship • . rl e i •t Commentator was wearing a the death occurred at the under the Cross" and gave out Mrs.isRobert Gilmour, Tor- smart "Tea Cosy Hat" with Memiorial Hospital, Bowman- questions on which group dis- onto, isvsting this week mnatching tea carton handbag ville, Saturday, March 4, 1961,1 eussions were held. with her parents, Mr. and and tea strainer lapel pin. of William Henry Bowen of Following the singing of a Mrs. Ross Carr• Mrs. Walter Neal's hat wa' Newcastle. He was In his 49th hymn and the Benediction, Sunday guests with Mr. and designed fromn oven mitts, year. lunch was served by group 2. Mrs. Harry Ryley were Mr. Mrs. Vincent Jackson was Asno tne oe n TheO..O.Clb et t heand Mrs. Frank White, Tren- wearing a "Dustpan" model the late Mrs. Bowen, the de- S T A MP he of ShirCleturnte ton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold with whick trim. Mrs. Harold ceased was born mn Valentia, Thursday night with 21 memi- White and family; Mr. and White chose a hot water bot- Ont., and was married at bers present. Jessie Gunter Mrs. Haig Bothwell and fam- tle design and her huge hand- Ajax in 1946. A resident of expes e Mr. Bschensily, of Peterborough. bag was a woollen bottle cov- Newcastle for 23 years, he had s gratitude for the gifts sent The members of the Ladies er. Mrs. Preston Neals wore taiven rvoul.tLiteB them by O.N.O. girls after Guild of St. Paul's Anglican the new "«Lampshade" model. tM. oehaben r- ortheir fire. Plans were made Church journeyed to Peter- Mrs. Earl McQuaid had de- M.Bwnhdbe m fo ctein fr heHihborough on Tuesday night to signed her "Space Model" ployed by the United Counties School At Home, April 14 and hold their meeting at the from an aluminum colander ofnduramandrucNrthuer- final plans for the Warden's home of Mrs. Clarke Pomeroy, and her matching handbag lranderasea trckoriv9 eran Banquet, March 17. The girls 190 Lock St., who had been a was a squared vegetable gr ade eat orfr 9Nears voted to send $25 to Port Per- former Bethany resident. shredder. Mrs. Earl Weathier- castlwaUnitendeChurch anNewf ry hospital to be used toward Mrs. Morgan Bigelow pre- 11t wore a cleverly styled teNwateMsncLde ~~x-ray equipment. Kathleen sided and lead in prayers. The .Cotton Mop" with flowered the Niscsrvied byiswifge. Dorrell reported the piano in' minutes and correspondence trim and mnatching rubber the forerHelenE. Hoop ..With un HFC Loan. Bring in your unpaid bills, ar- Recreation Centre had been were read by the secretary, E . Ms dio ct e his fatrmer Stanley F. Boivei range your loan and let us mail checks to the people you repaired. Decided that Scouts Mrs. Glenn Wentworth. Con- signed her hat from a sink and one daughter Darlene. ow, t o xta hrg. ras u frcah ndpa te and Guides might attend the gratulations were received stramner trimmed with S.O.S. .'osriicaetoss billa yourself. Either way, you get a fresh start, and admission of 25c each. Del- the collection of sufficient mrwigaiffot m d atCorn (Acy) and M1rs. Carl Todd SVnSo $384,00 oO troPlChles have only one low monthly payment to HFC. Drop in icious lunch was served by product labels to purchase a modet ailNtr' (Margaret), of Newtonville h ~~~~~~~the hostess and her group. new serving trolley for theeisu.r.Jnngslvr Rev. Mr. Woodland, pastor If you're a CarefU rVr O 0 a ae ùr phone ... borrow up to $2500 with up to 36 monthe Congratulations to Lawren- Church kitchen, which is now comments on each design keptofNwateUidChr, to repay. ce McLaughlin who hais been i s.teadec ovle ihconducted the funeral ser- 0contact me t0dy f.w oslieisuaneavilblonlloasdeclared Grand Champion. Mrs. John Palmer gave the htrTegou omdn vice at the Morris Fun- Lo cstJd isuone valaleonai lmShowman at Guelph Agricul- fmnancial report, stating the sign ' eB Sd. eral Chapel, Bowmanville, tural College. Did you see him success of a recent card party Mrs. Addison Scott, WI Tuesday, IMarch 7. Interment on TV Sunday. in the Parish Hall. President enaired the program| 1was in Lang Vault, Orono Stuart Dorrell and John Plans were made to have andeexress 'dedstant the'Cmtey H U E O D F N N E Gunter flew to Kansas Sun- a table of home baking at a Ptroog aisadte The- members of the 'Mas- day. They are taking a week's May Tea sponsored by the local talent for a. very delight- onic Lodge held a service at veteinay curs attheGra Woan' Auiliry.Floersful evening; also to the men the funeral home, on the ev- 64 King Street East;;: ; ;;;; Telephone RA 5-6526 ham School, Kansas. will be purchased for the whra d arge the modes eing of March 6th OshwaShopig Cnte .. TeeponeRA5-139 Msds. P. Romeril, C. Gra. Church Easter Service. A pro-a ,thli nssstesa Temnybuifllol OSHAWA ~~ham, W. Toms, K. Van Camp, gressive euchre party was the pitri ecrton fbes from reaiesndegh OSAAH. McLaughlin, R. McLaugh.' planned to be held on April e rngiken'ad foeatos. of borseanrotea tie inclde lin and Miss Joyce Graham 7th.evrresadfoes thsfrmteUieCunMllS.NNwcte were mong -hose -ho a- M AKle SQFcllowingr the closing evou- Lucky number tickets werei ties, Ladies Bowling League, tOU O 8TRS nd ubr.cartridges--get which meeting, r.Margar- t Mr. an~M d Mrs. Wallace Mar- Es atig u - Close of Peterborough, Pre- out tolow reur. ned home from Flor. sident of Peterborough W.A.'s- tnd 3 weeks ahead of schedule! ida wednesday. foMem wgbes "agreed Pto take' W• He •O Mr. Gordon Paisley spent pr nteporr fte New,.active AERO* UREA helps you grow lush, Dunnvileen ths oei SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED rt beryelw a rareing. Y'"Rai B1ZE 1 àutritious grass pasture . . . get your animnals grazing rsRoTylrT eheld artak rs efil.ANNUAL PR - profitably up to 3 weeks ahead of the normal time- vis ted aMr. sndMrs.Anson -SEE US NOW! iTgh eaede minuJ;aend doUrea is a 45%7 nitrogen fertilizer, prilled for easy Taylor, Scarborough, Friday correspondence including let- HIC handling. Top dressed in spring, it releases immediately Mand Mtu Crday• thers fe ekrom Sophia aisou, $1500 itartbl witigproein ontthenpt. r f o u Orilh:a, visited Friday might ted through the Foster Parent ïtar wit hig prteincontnt.and' Miss Annabell Kelly,A.H Plan, telling something of her INP ZE asture is your cheapest feed. So let Aero Urea get your Brampton, spent the weekend• home life and education which' nimlsrain sone..thy ak prfiabe eiht with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tis provided for through this, ins ganbggsoer milke nk- rfial wih Strong and family. S U R C Plan. Members agreed to send heques ·.- whileyou AERO UREA anMchilden, Tronto, visite & SO S LT Mr.aWalter Nebirthave the Town Hall, B wan il lave on feeding costs. her parents Mr. and Mrs. . O S L D financial report. sk yor ferilizr deaer •Austin Beacock, Sunday. AA351 It was decided to redecorate tr Aeo Urea. r visite.d us sster Mrs. EshDar, Sugog Street the rche appsointen to ara* F R EE A D M S S O cy, Sunday- BOWMANVILLE rn.Geore Richardson ad- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm dresd thegop utini vere Sunday sppe e ss o hgo o t E n e rtai n m e n 1 - DoOrPie sem r.MM'&of r. nd Ms. rthr Rhmtion and drive for new mem- FULL EFFICIENCY Tyrone. AtwAYS br.Ti satm o h N'TROGEN No 1, .u an1 rlfs. o a a 1esrherself and M0 V i e sgFu-nG R a 1 e CYANMIDOF ANAD LIITE Saturday 'uestso r witness and the advaCritia All Roads Lead Io Your Local Case Dealer' S ow ae CYANMIDOF CNAD LIMTEDand Mrs. Arnold Taylor and God's Kingdom". Rev. Rich- girls. ardson announced that a Cou-1 THURSDAY, MIAR. 16th, là1 PAGE TEX 4. -t